Ministry of Education of the Penza Region

State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Penza Region

"Penza Multidisciplinary College"


OP.15 Quality management

for students studying in the specialty

43.02.02 Hairdressing art

(in-depth training)

Penza 201___

The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the profession of secondary vocational education

43 02 02 Hairdressing arts


S.N. Potapova, teacher of special disciplines






  1. conditions for the implementation of the WORK program of the academic discipline


  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline



OP 15 Quality management

1.1. Scope of application

The academic discipline program is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty 43.02.02 Hairdressing.

1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: : is a general professional discipline of the professional cycle.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline:

The purpose, objectives and subject of the discipline “Quality Management” are determined in accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education of the second generation in the listed specialties.

As a result of studying the discipline, students should know :

Methodology and terminology for managing the quality and reliability of complex man-made systems;

Features of existing management and quality assurance systems, evolution and main stages of development of quality management and general management;

Modern methods of forecasting and ensuring a given level of product quality for complex man-made products, used at various stages of their life cycle: from the stages of their design, development and creation of prototypes to serial production and operation;

Procedures for certification of products and quality management systems.

As a result of studying the discipline, students should be able to:

Use probabilistic and statistical methods for assessing the quality level of complex man-made systems and changes in quality during their operation at various stages of the life cycle;

Make the right choice probabilistically

statistical laws of distribution for correct estimation of the level of quality and reliability of operation of various man-made systems;

Use methods to ensure the specified quality and reliability of complex man-made systems at various stages

From design to serial production of products;

Apply methods to ensure the specified quality and reliability of complex man-made systems at various stages: from design to mass production of products;

Conduct structural and functional analysis of the quality of complex man-made systems with various construction schemes using probabilistic methods;

Apply existing forecasting methods when assessing the quality and operational life of complex man-made systems;

Design product quality management systems, plan the organization of activities and work to ensure a given level of product quality at the enterprise and to eliminate emerging defects.

General and professional competencies that are updated when studying the discipline:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

PC 1.3. Determine and agree on the choice of hairdressing services

PC 1.5. Advise consumers on home preventive care

PC 2.3. Perform hairstyles for various purposes (everyday, evening, for special occasions) and degrees of complexity, taking into account current fashion trends.

PC 3.1. Introduce new technologies and fashion trends

The maximum teaching load for a student is 84 hours, including:

The student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 56 hours;

Independent work of the student 28 hours;


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Final certification in the form of a test

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline OP 15 Quality management

Topic 1.1.

Concept of quality. Basic terms and definitions.

    Terms and Definitions; quality philosophy; quality management aspects; concepts of entrepreneurship and quality;

    Systemic and process approaches to quality management; foreign and domestic experience of non-systemic and systemic solutions to the problem of quality management; main stages of quality management development.


Practical lesson:

    Determination of the range of product quality indicators. (using the example of hairdressing services).

    Determination of the range of product quality indicators from foreign experience

Independent work:

    Preparing a glossary.

    Answers on questions.

Topic 1.2.

Quality as an object of management.

    Quality management, quality assurance, overall quality management,

    Quality management functions.

Practical lesson:

1. Quality management, quality assurance, general quality management (using the example of a hairdresser)

Independent work:

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions

Topic 1.3.

Quality indicators and their assessment.

    Concepts: sign, property and indicator of product quality, the relationship of these concepts; classification and nomenclature of quality indicators; safety indicators,

    Indicators of safety of purpose, reliability, transportability, ergonomics and aesthetics, manufacturability and resource consumption, etc.

Practical lesson:

    Assessment of the quality level of services. (using the example of a hairdresser)

    Assessment of product quality level.

Independent work:

1. Preparation of a supporting outline

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions

Section 2: Quality management in the organization

Topic 2.1. Accounting and analysis of quality costs.

1. Determination of the optimal level of price and quality of products; chain of cost formation and product value creation;

2. Classification of costs to ensure product quality.

Practical lesson:

1.Development of quality systems at the enterprise.

2. Determination of characteristics of the organization’s activities.

3. Quality cost assessment.

Independent work:

1.Drawing up a supporting outline

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions

Topic 2.2. Quality management methodology.

    Ensuring safety and quality at the main stages of the life cycle: forecasting the technical level and quality, quality management during development, quality of technical and technological documentation, production launch, 10 technological preparation of production, quality of raw materials, equipment and measuring instruments, technical equipment of production,

    Control of the main factors of preparation and quality assurance, technological quality assurance, quality control and testing; quality during transportation, storage, operation (consumption) and repair; quality management system, quality loop, its main stages.

Practical lesson:

1. Determination of the economic effect of improving quality.

Independent work:

1.Drawing up a supporting outline

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions

Topic 2.3. Statistical methods for quality assessment and control

    Quality control, classification of types of quality control, main functions of statistical methods of quality control, seven quality tools: graphs, checklists and histograms, scatter diagram, stratification.

Practical lesson:

1. Study of statistical methods of quality control.

Independent work:

1.Drawing up a supporting outline

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions

Topic 2.4. Comprehensive quality management systems

    Creation of comprehensive quality management systems, the main stages of implementing a quality management system at the enterprise.

    Features of the implementation and functioning of quality management systems at enterprises in various industries.

Practical lesson:

1. Study of the regulatory framework for quality assurance.

Independent work:

1.Drawing up a supporting outline

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions

Topic 2.5.

International standardization and certification

    International Organization for Standardization ISO, legal and regulatory support for integrated quality management systems; composition of ISO 9000 series standards..

Practical lesson:

1. Study of innovative technologies in quality management.

Independent work:

1.Drawing up a supporting outline

2.Preparing a glossary.

3.Answers to questions


3. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a cabinet of medical and biological disciplines.

Classroom equipment:

Seating according to the number of students;

Teacher's workplace;

Set of educational visual aids


Technical training aids:

Computers with licensed software for general and professional purposes;

Multimedia projector;

Interactive board;

Printer, scanner, modem, plotter.

3.2. Information support for training

1. Quality management - I. I. Mazur, V. D. Shapiro, textbook, 400 pp., Publisher: Omega-L, 2012

2. Quality management - V. A. Deeva, N. A. Kobiashvili, B. A. Kobulov, textbook, 104 pp., Publisher: Jurisprudence, 2013.

3. Quality management - E. N. Mikheeva, M. V. Seroshtan, textbook, 708 pp., Publisher: Dashkov i Co., 2013 4. Quality management - V. P. Melnikov, V. G. Smolentsev, A G. Skhirtladtse, textbook, 352 pp., Publisher: Academy, 2012.

5. Quality management - Yu. T. Shestopal, V. D. Dorofeev, N. Yu. Shestopal, E. A. Andreeva, textbook, 336 pp., Publisher: Infra-M, 2013.

Internet resources:

www . newsalon . ru

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE

Control and evaluation the results of mastering the academic discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge)

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Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

Use probabilistic and statistical methods for assessing the quality level of complex man-made systems and changes in quality during their operation at various stages of the life cycle;

From design to serial production of products;

Apply methods to ensure the specified quality and reliability of complex man-made systems at various stages: from design to mass production of products;

Apply existing forecasting methods when assessing the quality and operational life of complex man-made systems;

Design product quality management systems, plan the organization of activities and work to ensure a given level of product quality at the enterprise and to eliminate emerging defects

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

practical classes, individual assignments, extracurricular independent work, tests

Methodology and terminology for managing the quality and reliability of complex man-made systems;

Features of existing management and quality assurance systems, evolution and main stages of development of quality management and general management;

Modern methods of forecasting and ensuring a given level of product quality for complex man-made products, used at various stages of their life cycle: from the stages of their design, development and creation of prototypes to serial production and operation;

Procedures for certification of products and quality management systems

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

essay, test, extracurricular independent work, testing, project






Working programm

Academic discipline:Quality control

code, specialty030912 “Law and organization of social security”

Moscow 2014


  1. conditions for the implementation of the WORK program of the academic discipline
  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline



1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the working basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for specialty 030912 “Law and organization of social security” (in-depth training), which is part of the enlarged group of specialties 030000 – “Humanities”.

The educational discipline “Quality Management” is a general professional discipline that reveals quality problems, methodological foundations for its management, regulatory framework, standards, standardization and certification of quality assurance systems, theoretical foundations in the field of quality assurance, the basis of competition and competitiveness of products and services.

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The discipline is included in the general education cycle (OP.21) and implements the following general competencies:

OK 1.Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.

OK 6.Work in a team and team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

The academic discipline “Quality Management” is designed to focus on ways to improve the organization’s activities based on the use of modern quality management systems;formation of a holistic systemic understanding of quality management as a modern management concept, as well as skills and abilities in the field of quality management of products, services, works, and activities of domestic enterprises and organizations. When implementing the program, interdisciplinary connections with other disciplines are taken into account: Management, Organizational Economics, Quality Management Systems, Certification and Standardization.

At the same time, as a result of mastering the discipline, the student must master general educational competencies in 4 blocks:


Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, make decisions in standard and non-standard situations.


Search and use information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks, engage in self-education.

3.Information block

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

4.Communication block

Work in a team and team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

The professional orientation of the study of the discipline is carried out by selecting didactic units in accordance with the OPOP Federal State Educational Standard “Law and Organization of Social Security”.

The academic discipline “Quality Management” is focused on achieving the following goals:

mastering knowledge about theoretical and methodological quality management systems, the basics of quality control and product testing;

mastering the ability to apply acquired knowledgeto improve the organization’s activities based on the application of modern quality management systems; implementation and improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system in order to increase customer satisfaction by fulfilling their requirements;

development concepts of TQM and certification of products and quality management systems in organizations; competition and competitiveness;

Upbringing modern views and approaches of quality management science to improve the quality of products and service provision;

application of natural science knowledge in professional activities and everyday lifeto ensure quality at various stages of the product life cycle and the formation of a holistic systemic understanding of quality management as a modern management concept, as well as skills and abilities in the field of quality management of products, services, works, and activities of domestic enterprises and organizations.

1.4. The profile component (orientation) of the general education discipline.

Profile study of the discipline is carried out:

1. Redistribution of hours from one topic to another without changes, taking into account the profile of the professional education being received.

2. Implementation of interdisciplinary connections of the discipline with professional disciplines of the OPOP Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Organization of extracurricular independent work aimed at expanding and deepening the knowledge that will be necessary when carrying out professional activities (professionally significant content).

maximum student workload 81 hours, including:

Mandatory classroom teaching load for the student 54 hours;

Independent work of the student 27 hours


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work

Hours volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load


practical lessons

Independent work of the student (total)


to do homework to prepare for classes

to perform extracurricular independent work aimed at deepening and expanding knowledge in the discipline required in future professional activities

of them:

Preparation of a presentation and report on the topic “The emergence of quality management elements in Russia.”

Preparation of a presentation, report on the topic “Approach to quality from the point of view of the consumer and manufacturer”

Working with the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights”

Preparation of a presentation, report on the topic “Analyze the quality of shoes from different manufacturers and draw conclusions.”

Preparation of a presentation and report on the topic “Key success factors in the field of quality management in different industries.”

Drawing up a diagram of a variety of quality management methods.

Drawing up a project. Development of a quality management program.

Outline the basic concepts of certification. Mandatory and voluntary certification.

Preparation of a report, presentation on the topic “Analyze the application of 9000 series standards in enterprises. Structure of the ISO 9000 family of standards."

Outline the basic concepts of standardization. Types of documents in the field of standardization and certification.

Sequencing the standard development procedure. Rules for the development and approval of national standards.

Preparation of a report, presentation on the topic “Main directions of national policy in the field of quality problems.”

Preparation of a report, presentation on the topic “Quality management at various stages of the product life cycle.”

Drawing up a diagram of the marketing service and defining its role in the enterprise. Functions and tasks of marketing.

Final certification in the form


2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic disciplineQuality control


Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1.

Concept of quality and quality management

Topic 1.1.

Introduction. Subject, content and objectives of the discipline

History of quality management. Stages of development of quality philosophy. Stages of evolution in the field of quality.

Basic terms and definitions. Quality as an object of management.A comprehensive concept of quality.

Formation and development of quality management.

1.Preparation of a report, presentation. The emergence of quality management elements in Russia.

Topic 1.2.

The essence of quality and its management

Aspects of quality.Systematic approach to quality management.

Classification of quality indicators.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

2.Preparation of a report, presentation. An approach to quality from the point of view of the consumer and manufacturer.

Topic 1.3.

Quality Management Principles

Quality and management.

Principles and functions of quality management.

Quality management mechanism.

Topic 1.4.

Quality and competitiveness of products and services

Quality of producers and consumers.

The concept of competitiveness.

Indicators and main factors determining the competitiveness of products and services.

Practical lessons:

1. Unfair competition and quality of enterprise functioning.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

3.Work with the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights”

Topic 1.5.

The concept of competition, the conditions of its existence

The concept of competition. Types and forms of competition.

An integrated approach to ensuring the quality of finished products.

Competitive strategy.

Practical lessons:

2.Assessing the quality of products from different manufacturers.

3. Determination of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

4.Preparation of a report, presentation. Analyze the quality of shoes from different manufacturers and draw conclusions.

5.Preparation of a report, presentation. Key success factors in quality management in different industries.

Topic 1.6.

Basic methods of quality management

Basic quality methods and their characteristics.

Administrative management.

Practical lessons:

4. Quality management system at the enterprise.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

6.Working with the textbook. Drawing up a diagram of a variety of quality management methods.

7.Drawing up a project. Development of a quality management program.

Section 2.

Certification of products and quality systems

Topic 2.1.

Essence and content of certification

Brief history of certification. Definition of basic concepts of certification.

Purpose of certification.Product and production certification system.

General order and sequence of procedures for certification of quality systems. Economic assessments of work on certification of products, services and quality systems.

Practical lessons:

5.Economic relationships in the certification process.

6.Work with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ. Responsibility for violation of the rules for performing certification work.

7.Improving the certification procedure.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

8.Work with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184 - Federal Law. Outline the basic concepts of certification. Mandatory and voluntary certification.

Topic 2.2.

ISO 9000 family of standards

The role of standardization in the development of international trade and cooperation. Major international standardization organizations.

The role of standardization in ensuring the quality of goods and services. International standards for quality systems ISO 9000 series and their structure.

Implementation of standards.

Practical lessons:

8. Documentation of the quality management system in accordance with ISO 9000 series standards.

9.Basic principles for the construction of ISO 9000 series standards.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

9.Preparation of a report, presentation. Analyze the application of 9000 series standards in enterprises. Structure of the ISO 9000 family of standards.

Topic 2.3.

Legal basis for certification and standardization in the Russian Federation

Fundamental documents on legislation, standardization and certification, concepts, regulations, rules, directives, instructions.

Regulatory and legal framework for organizing quality management systems on paper or electronic media.

Regulatory support of quality systems at enterprises

Practical lessons:

10.Legislative basis for confirming compliance.

11. Information support for standardization.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

10.Work with the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184 - Federal Law. Outline the basic concepts of standardization. Types of documents in the field of standardization and certification.

Topic 2.4.

State and international standards and quality systems

Types of regulatory documents: standard, preliminary standard, technical specifications document, set of rules, regulations. Types of standards.

A brief history of the development of standardization. Basic concepts and definitions in the field of standardization, goals, organization of standardization work, regulatory documents on standardization and requirements for them.

The role of standardization in ensuring the quality of goods and services, information support.State standardization system.

Practical lessons:

12. System of standardization bodies and services in the Russian Federation.

13. Application of standards in the Russian Federation.

14.International cooperation in the field of quality assurance.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

11. Sequencing the procedure for developing standards. Rules for the development and approval of national standards.

Section 3.

Modern problems of quality management

Topic 3.1.

Quality problems and the role of marketing activities in the quality management system

Level of general quality problems in Russia.

Stages of formation and types of costs for product quality.

The role of marketing activities in the quality management system.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

12.Preparation of a report, presentation. Main directions of national policy in the field of quality problems.

13.Preparation of a report, presentation. Quality management at various stages of the product life cycle.

Topic 3.2.

Management accounting and budgeting

Basic management methods that help improve the quality of products (services).

Goals of implementing a management accounting system.

The main objectives of the budgeting system.

Independent (extracurricular) work of students:

14. Drawing up a diagram of the marketing service and defining its role in the enterprise. Functions and tasks of marketing.



To prepare homework for classes


To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:

1. – familiarization (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. – reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)

3. – productive (planning and independent execution of activities, solving problematic problems)

3. conditions for implementing the discipline program

3.1. Requirements for minimum logistics

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a classroom.

Classroom equipment:

Seating according to the number of students;

Teacher's workplace;

Educational and methodological complex for the discipline.

Technical training aids:



Audio, video - educational materials.

3.2. Educational and methodological complex of the academic discipline, systematized by components

  1. Extract from the Federal component of the state standard of general education.
  2. Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education specialty 030912 “Law and organization of social security”.
  3. Work program of the academic discipline “Quality Management”.
  4. Calendar-thematic plan.
  5. Guidelines for performing laboratory and practical exercises.
  6. Guidelines for performing extracurricular (independent) work.
  7. Materials of intermediate control (questions for tests).

3.3. Information support for training

Main sources:

  1. Kuznetsova N.V. / Quality management / Textbook - M.: Flinta: MPSI, 2009
  2. Koshevaya I.P., Kanke A.A./ Metrology, standardization and certification: textbook. - M.: Publishing House "FORUM": INFRA-M, 2008

Additional sources:

1. Bakanov M.I., Sheremet A.D./ Theory of economic analysis: Textbook for students of economics. specialist. – 4th edition, revised. and additional – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2005

2. Baumgarten L.V./ Quality management in tourism. Workshop: textbook.- M.: KNORUS, 2008

3. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management / Textbook - M.: Gardariki,

4. Deeva V.A., Kobiashvili N.A., Kobulov B.A./ Quality management: Textbook. - M.: Publishing House "Jurisprudence", 2009

5. Mazur I.I., Shapiro V.D. Quality management/Textbook-2nd ed.-
M.: Omega-L, 2005

6. Mishin V.M. Quality management / Textbook for university students, 2-
ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005

7. Nikiforov A.D. Quality management/Textbook for universities.-
M.: Bustard, 2004

8. Prosvetov G.I./ Quality management: Problems and solutions: Educational and practical manual. - M.: Alfa-Press Publishing House, 2009

9. Rzhevskaya S.V./ Quality management: workshop: textbook. - M.: University Book, Logos, 2009

10.Savitskaya G.V./Analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise/Textbook for university students, training. in economics specialist. and directions - 2nd edition, revised. and additional – M.: Minsk: IP “Ecoperspective”, 2009

11. Sergeev I.V. Economics of organization / Textbook - 2nd ed. - M.:
Finance and Statistics, 2007

12.Chernyakhovskaya T.N./Marketing activities of an enterprise: theory and practice. - M.: Higher Education, 2008


(mastered general competencies)

Main indicators for assessing results

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluation

OK 1.

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.


Basic terms and definitions in the field of quality and quality management;

Quality management methods;

Factors influencing product quality.

Be able to:

Use the acquired knowledge in everyday and professional activities.

Survey on

individual tasks.

Drawing up diagrams and tables.

OK 2.

Organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality


Development of Soviet quality management systems;

Scientific organization of work to increase the service life of engines;

Comprehensive product quality management system.

Be able to:

Use the necessary information when resolving quality issues;

Timely completion of independent work, checking the results of work with presentations or reports

Assessing the performance of practical tasks, tests, solving situational problems.

Survey on

individual tasks.

OK 5.

Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities


State and international standards and quality systems;

Quality control methods;

Be able to:

Use the necessary information when resolving quality issues;

Master the methods of group work when solving specific production problems.

Assessing the performance of practical tasks, tests, solving situational problems.

Survey on

individual tasks.

Assessment of independent work on the topic.

Assessing the level of mastery of the material during the defense of intermediate control.

OK 6.

Work in a team and team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers


The main stages of formation of quality costs;

Quality control methods;

Modern quality problems.

Be able to:

Use the necessary information when resolving quality issues;

Master the methods of group work when solving specific production problems.

Expert observation of students' actions.

Expert assessment of the implementation of practical work, individual assignments, reports.

Expert observation and assessment of the implementation of reports, reports, answers to control questions.

Analysis of statements and arguments of students during discussions.


higher education


At a meeting of the methodological council


Deputy director for business management,

Chairman of the MS

E.V. Ilyicheva



Name of specialty

02/27/07 Quality management of products, processes and services

(by industry)

Graduate qualifications


Stary Oskol

The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education) in the specialty

Developer organization: OPK STI NUST "MISiS"


Vasilevskaya G.N. -teacher of defense and industrial complex STI NUST MISIS

Protocol No._ 1 _ from " " 201

Chairman of the P(C)K …………………………… Slobodenyuk N.V.


examination of the training program for mid-level specialists in specialty 02/09/07 was carried out by OEMK JSC in 2016



    1. Scope of application of the work program

      The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program

      Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline

      List of competencies being formed

      Number of hours to master the work program of the academic discipline


    1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

      Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline

3. conditions for the implementation of the academic discipline

    1. Minimum logistics requirements

      Information support for training

      General requirements for the organization of the educational process

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline


Set of control and evaluation tools



1.1 Scope of the example program

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty of secondary vocational education:02.27.07 “Quality management of products, processes and services (by industry).”

The work program of the academic discipline can be used in additional vocational education as part of the implementation of personnel retraining programs in secondary vocational education institutions.

1.2 Place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The discipline is included in the professional cycle of PPSSZ.

1.3 Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

Purpose of the discipline : formation in students of knowledge and professional skills necessary for professional activities.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should be able to:

Use planning methods in practice andorganizing the work of the unit;

Analyze organizational structures management;

Conduct work on labor motivationpersonnel activities;

Use in professional activitiestechniques of business and management communication;

Make effective decisions usingvarious management methods;

Conduct market research.

As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should know:

The essence and characteristic features of modernmanagement and itsfeatures in the areaprofessional activity;

Methods of planning and organizing work divisions;

Basics of formation of motivational policy organizations;

The process of adoption and implementation of management decisions;

Management functions in a market economy:activities of an economic entity;

Strategic, product, pricing and sales policies of the organization;

1.4 List of developed competencies

General competencies (GC)

OK 01. Choose ways to solve problems of professional activity in relation to different contexts.

OK 02. Search, analyze and interpret information necessary to perform the tasks of professional activity.

OK 03. Plan and implement your own professional and personal development.

OK 04. Work in a team and team, interact effectively with colleagues, management, and clients.

OK 05. Carry out oral and written communication in the state language, taking into account the characteristics of the social and cultural context.

1.5 Number of hours for mastering the work program of the academic discipline:

The student’s maximum academic load is 96 hours, including:

mandatory classroom teaching load for a student is 64 hours;

independent work of the student 32 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

preparation for classroom lessons (studying literature on given topics, writing abstracts, reports, and other written works)


1 2

Final certification in the formexam

2.2 Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline:


Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1. Fundamentals of Management

Lectures (lessons)


The essence and characteristic features of modern management. The concept of management, its content and place in the system of socio-economic categories. Features of management of organizations of various organizational and legal forms. Goals and objectives of organizational management. WITH power and characteristic features of modern management

Topics of extracurricular independent work

"Management as a science and art"


Topic 1.2 Management cycle

Lectures (lessons)


Management cycle(planning, organization, motivation and control) is the basis of management activities. The main components of the management cycle. Characteristics of cycle functions. Interrelation and interdependence of managerial management functions. The role of planning in the organization, forms of planning. Types of plans. Main stages of planning. Strategic (long-term) planning. Strategic planning process: mission and goals, analysis of the external environment, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, analysis of alternatives and choice of strategy, management of strategy implementation, strategy evaluation.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work

Preparation of an abstract on the topic: “Practical prerequisites for the emergence of management, its role in the development of modern production.”


Lectures (lessons)


External and internal environment of the organization. Organization as an object of management. Controls.

Basic principles of building organizational structures.

Principles of constructing organizational management structures

organization. Types of control structures: linear,

functional, linear-functional, linear-scale, etc.

Internal environment of the organization. external environment of the organization:

direct external environmental factors: suppliers,

consumers, competitors, trade unions, government agencies;

factors of the organization's external environment of indirect impact:

state of the economy, political and socio-cultural

factors, international events, scientific and technological progress.

Practical lessons

Practical lesson No. 1. Analysis of organizational management structure

Practical lesson No. 2. Mission of the organization

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work

"Factors of internal and external influence"

Homework: 1 – Chapter 1.3 addition to the lecture notes

Subject2.1. Decision making process. Control and its types

Lectures (lessons)


Decision making process. Control and its types. Types of solutions and requirements for them. Methods

decision making. Decision Matrix. Levels of decision making. Stages of decision making: identifying the problem, identifying factors and conditions, developing solutions, evaluating and making decisions. Control, concept and essence; stages of control: development of standards and criteria, comparison with real results, correction. Control rules and types: preliminary, current, final. Final control documentation

Independent work of students

“Identifying the causes of difficulties in organizing the work of subordinates,” “Strategic approach to operations management.”

Homework: 1 – chapter 9 addition to the lecture notes

Lectures (lessons)


Effective communication. Functions and purpose of management communication. The role and importance of information technology in the field of production management. Rules for conducting conversations and meetings. Planning these events. Abstract types of interlocutors.

Factors for increasing the effectiveness of business communication. Telephone conversation technique. Phases of business communication: starting a conversation, transmitting information, arguing, refuting the interlocutors’ arguments, making a decision.

Practical lessons

Practical lesson No. 3.Conducting meetings. Business meeting.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work:

“Phases of business communication.”

Homework: 1 – chapter 8 addition to the lecture notes

Lectures (lessons)


Self-management. Planning and organizing the work of a manager. Improving working conditions and modes of operation. Analysis of team participation in management. The essence of delegation, rules and principles of delegation. Social and psychological climate in the team.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work: Preparation of an abstract on the topic: “Organization of work


Homework: 1 – chapter 6 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 2.4 Labor motivation system.

Conflict Management

Lectures (lessons)


Motivation and criteria for work motivation. Individual and group motivation. Rules for working with the group. Primary and secondary needs. Needs and motivational behavior. Motivation and hierarchy of needs. process theories of motivation. Essence and classification of conflicts. Causes of conflicts. Conflict management methods. Rules of conduct in conflict

Organization of work and methods of planning the work of departments. Management decisions

Techniques and methods of business and management communication

Conflict resolution. Methods and techniques of conflict resolution.

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work:

"The Essence of Delegation"

Homework: 1 – Chapter 3.3 addition to the lecture notes

Lectures (lessons)


Manager's image. Technological stability of a manager as the basis for a normal situation in an organization. Power and influence. Types of power: power based on coercion; reward-based power; legitimate power (influence through tradition); power of example (influence through charisma); expert power. Methods of influence, their content. Leadership and power. Leadership styles in management. Two-dimensional interpretation of styles. Management grid

Management styles

Independent work of students

Topics of extracurricular independent work:

Preparation of a report on the topic: “Power and influence.”

Homework: 1 – chapter 10 addition to the lecture notes

Section 3.Marketing

Topic 3.1Market Economics Concepts

Topic 3.2

Objects of marketing activities


Introduction. History of origin and main stages of marketing development. The need for the emergence and improvement of marketing in modern conditions. Basic concepts of market relations, their distinctive features.

Marketing as one of the concepts, its essence. Social and ethical marketing: concept, difference from marketing.

will introduce.

Independent work students: writing essays: “the origins of marketing”

Homework: 1 – chapter 1,2 addition to the lecture notes



Objects: need, requirement, request, exchange, transaction. Definition of concepts, their commonality and differences. Classification of needs: physiological, social, mental, intellectual and spiritual; priority of needs.

Exchange conditions. Types of transaction. Demand. Marketing activities for various types of demand.

Establishment of basic types of needs and goods as means of satisfying them.

Independent work: working with textbooks, writing abstracts, reports, working with periodicals; preparation of crosswords, glossaries, production of posters, layouts; preparation for participation in scientific and practical conferences; speeches at seminars; working with reference books. Writing essays “The concept of social and ethical marketing.”

Homework: 1-2 – chapter 3 addition to the lecture notes.

Topic 3.3



Subjects: legal entities and individuals carrying out marketing activities. Marketing services and departments in organizations, specialized marketing firms. Requirements for a marketing specialist. Regulatory documents regulating these requirements.

Organizational structure of marketing management. Relationship between the marketing department and management and other structures and divisions of the organization. Marketing control system. Consumers: concept, classification.

Analysis of consumer behavior when making purchases

Independent work students: working with a textbook and Internet resources, writing essays “Job description of a marketer.”

Homework: 1-2 – chapter 4 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 3.4

Market segmentation



Basic concepts: segmentation, segment, market niche. Purpose of segmentation. Signs of consumer market segmentation: geographical, demographic, socio-economic, psychographic, behavioral.

Product positioning: concept, purpose, conditions for correct product positioning on the market, alternative positioning methods. Preparation of an analytical report on the state of the market.

Market segmentation by geographic, demographic, socio-economic and psychographic characteristics

Independent work students: working with a textbook and Internet resources, writing essays “Classification of marketing means.”

Homework : 1-2 – chapter 5 additionlecture notes

Theme 3.5

Environment Marketing



Marketing environment: concept, types, factors shaping the environment. Marketing microenvironment: concept. Subjects and controllable factors that shape the microenvironment of an organization.

Macro environment of marketing: concept. Subjects and uncontrollable factors that shape the macroenvironment of an organization. Types of macroenvironment: demographic, social, economic, natural, competitive, legal, technological, cultural. Strategic and market priorities of marketing.

Analysis of the trading organization environment

Independent work

Homework: 1 – chapter 4 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 3.6

Competitive environment




Basic concepts: competition, competitive environment, competitiveness of organizations and products, competitive advantages. Competition: justification of the need for market conditions, types, their characteristic features, conditions of occurrence, methods of creation and maintenance. State support for small businesses, competitiveness of organizations and goods, evaluation criteria, their competitive advantages.

Assessing the organization's competitiveness and establishing its competitive advantages

Independent work: working with textbooks, writing abstracts, reports, working with periodicals; preparation of crosswords, glossaries, production of posters, layouts; preparation for participation in scientific and practical conferences; speeches at seminars; working with reference books.

Homework: 1 – chapter 6 addition to the lecture notes

Topic 3.7

Sales policy



Types of sales. Marketing means: distribution channels, distribution, their types, functions, levels, their capabilities. Criteria for selecting distribution channels. Sales systems. Resellers: types and types. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of sales policy. Classification of methods and means of stimulating product sales

Assessing the effectiveness of the organization's sales policy.

Independent work students: Work with educational and normative literature. Preparation of practical work using computer technology; educational and research work; use of computer technology, the Internet; compiling tables to systematize educational material; study of regulatory materials; solving situational productive (professional) problems; preparation for business games; performing special creative tasks.


Topic 3.8

Marketing means



Classification of marketing means: means of satisfaction

needs, means of sales promotion. Marketing concept of a product. Product and its commercial characteristics. Life cycle of a product, its main stages. Specifics of the life cycle cycle of goods + product range of different groups. Development of new products: justification of necessity, stages. Product levels and reinforcement. Brand and brand policy.

Independent work students: Work with educational and normative literature. Preparation of practical work using computer technology; educational and research work; use of computer technology, the Internet; compiling tables to systematize educational material; study of regulatory materials; solving situational productive (professional) problems; preparation for business games; performing special creative tasks.

Homework: 1 – chapter 7 addition to the lecture notes



3.1. Minimum logistics requirements

The implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a “Management” classroom.

Technical training aids:

    a computer with licensed software and a multimedia projector.

Educational visual aids:

    a set of educational visual aids for the discipline " Management";

    statistical reference books;

    illustrative material on individual topics of the discipline;

    lectures-presentations on topics;

    individual task cards,

    electronic educational material,

    presentations on the topics studied,

    guidelines for practical work,

    interactive posters,

    stands in the officesocio-economic disciplines(themed).

Specialized furniture:

    seating according to the number of students;

    teacher's workplace.

3.2. Information support for training

Main sources:

1. Adizes I.K. Management styles - effective and ineffective =

Mismanagement Styles: How to Identify a Style and What To Do About It

M.: AlpinaPublisher , 2016.- 198 With.

    Basovsky, L.E. Marketing: course of lectures / L.E. Basovsky. – M.: INFRA, 2015. – 219 p.

    Baskhovsky, L.E. Management: textbook allowance / L.E. Baskhovsky. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015 - 504 p.

Vikhansky, O. S. Management: people, strategy, organization,

process: textbook / O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov. - M.: MSU, 2015 -

4.[Electronic resource]:

5.[Electronic resource]:

6.[Electronic resource]:http:// biblioclub . ru / index . php ? page = register


    Economics and life. Business economic newspaper. Published weekly.

3.3 General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Classes in the academic discipline are conducted both in the traditional form and using active interactive forms and methods of conducting classes (group discussions, case assignments), information technologies. The set of assessment tools and guidelines contains tasks for active and interactive learning. Advisory assistance is provided to students on a weekly basis.

Mastering this discipline was preceded by the study of the following disciplines: psychology of communication (OP 01),economics of the organization (OP.01).

4. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as students completing individual assignments.

Assessment of the quality of mastering the curriculum includes ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline.

Current control is carried out in the form of performing practical tasks, testing, and students completing individual tasks.

Interim certification is carried out in the form of an exam.

Learning outcomes

(mastered skills, acquired knowledge, general and professional competencies)

Main indicators for assessing results

Forms and methods of monitoring and assessing learning outcomes

Be able to:

U1 use planning methods in practice andorganization of the department's work

OK 1

analysis and evaluation of the methodology for using the department’s work in practice, planning and organization methods

Group assignments;

Individual consultations;

U 2 analyze organizational structuresmanagement

OK 1-3

Analysis of various types of organizational management structures,

U3. carry out work on labor motivationpersonnel activities

OK 1-3

Organizing the determination of measures to motivate the work activity of personnel;

U4. apply in professional activitiestechniques of business and management communication

OK 1-4

Finding and using business and managerial communication techniques in professional activities;

Independent selection and assessment of various types of communication;

U5. Make effective decisions using various management methods

OK 1-9

analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of decision-making when using management methods in practice

U6. conduct market research

OK 1-5

finding and using effective market research techniques in professional marketing activities;


Z1. the essence and characteristic features of modern management and its features in the field of professional activity;

    knowledge of terminology, concepts, their correct use in answers.

    possession of knowledge, essence and characteristic features of modern and professional management

Presentation of the product at different levels;

Group assignments;

Expert assessment of practical work performance

Individual consultations;

Expert judgment, additions to answers.

Expert assessment of independent work performance

Z2. methods of planning and organizing work divisions

Possession of knowledge of the composition of material, labor and financial resources,

Resource efficiency analysis

Z3.basics of formation of motivational policyorganizations

Knowledge of pricing mechanism methods for products (services),

Knowledge of forms of remuneration in modern conditions

Z4 process of adoption and implementation of managementdecisions;

Analysis of various levels of solutions used in the organization,

Proficient in various methods of making management decisions

Z5 management functions in a market economy:organization, planning, motivation and controlactivity of an economic entity

Possession of knowledge about the management cycle and the relationship of management functions,

Analysis of the effectiveness of planning, organization, motivation and control

36 strategic, product, pricing and sales policies of the organization

Possession of knowledge in the field of marketing strategy, market research



Monitoring and evaluation of mastering the academic discipline


Forms and methods of control

Current control

Interim certification

form of control

Verified OK, U, Z

form of control

Verified OK, U, Z

form of control

Verified OK, U, Z

Section 1. Fundamentals of management

Practical work


U1, U2, U3

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5

OK1 - OK2


U1, U2, U3

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5

OK1 - OK2

Topic 1.1. The essence and characteristic features of modern management

Oral survey

Self-sufficient. Job

U1, U2;


OK1 - OK2

Topic 1.2 Management cycle

Oral survey

Independent work

U1, U2, U3;

Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5

OK1 - OK9

Topic 1.3. External and internal environment of the organization

Oral survey, practical work No. 1, Practical work No. 2, Testing

Independent work

U1, U2, U3


OK1 - OK3

Section 2. Modern technologies of personnel management


U1, U2, U3, U4, U5

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4

OK1 - OK3


U1, U2, U3, U4, U5

Z 1, Z2, Z3, Z4

OK1 - OK3

Topic 2.1. Decision making process. Control and its types

Oral questioning, Practical work No. 3, Testing

Independent work

U3, U4, U5



OK1 - OK3

Topic 2.2. Management and business communication

Oral survey


Independent work

U3, U4, U5

Z1, Z3, Z4, Z5,

OK1 - OK4

Topic 2.3. Basics of organizing the work of a team of performers

Oral survey


Independent work

U1, U2, U3, U4,


Z1, 2, Z4;

OK1 - OK4

Topic 2.4 Basics of organizing the work of a team of performers

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job

U3, U4, U5, Z1, Z2, Z3

OK1 - OK4

Topic 2.5. Features of management in the field of professional activity

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job

U3, U4, U5


OK1 - OK4

Section 3. Marketing


U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5


U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.1

Market Economics Concepts

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job


OK3, OK4

Topic 3.2

Objects of marketing activities.

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job


OK3, OK4, OK5

Topic 3.3

Subjects of marketing activities.

Oral survey

Testing, Self. Job


OK3, OK4, OK5

Topic 3.4

Market segmentation.

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job


OK3, OK4, OK5

Theme 3.5

Environment Marketing

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK

Topic 3.6

Competitive environment


Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.7

Sales policy

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4

Topic 3.8

Marketing means

Oral survey


Self-sufficient. Job

U1, U2, U5, U6, Z2, Z4, Z6

OK3, OK4, OK5

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Stary Oskol Technological Institute named after. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


Questions for incoming control:

    How do you understand the term “economy”?

    How is the subject of economics related to geography, physics, chemistry, history, social studies?

    Are “Economy” and “Economy” the same thing?

    Why is it necessary to study this subject if the future field of activity is not related to economics?

    When did the first money appear?

    What is a bank?

    Name the main bank of our state

    What is a stock exchange?

    What is currency?

    What types of securities do you know?

    What is inflation?

    Who is the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation?

    What is a market?

    How do public goods differ from private goods?

    What is a budget? What types of budgets do you know?

“excellent” rating - 85% - 100%;

rating “good” - 70% - 85%;

rating “satisfactory” - 70% - 50%;

rating “unsatisfactory” - less than 50%.


Considered at a meeting of the specialty PCC on 02/27/07

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Stary Oskol Technological Institute named after. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


PCC specialty 02/27/07

Topics for writing essays

by discipline MANAGEMENT

    The concept of social and ethical marketing.

    Classification of goods.

    Job description of a marketer.

    The history of marketing.

    Classification of needs.

    Classification of marketing means.

    Methodology for conducting surveys.

    Methodology for conducting observations.

    The state of the Russian consumer market.

    Product life cycle.

    Methods for studying demand.

    marketing planning.

    Business planning and its marketing aspects.

    Origins of modern management science;

    Approaches to management of various scientific schools;

    The origins of Russian management problems;

    The role of entrepreneurship in society;

    Social responsibility of an entrepreneur;

    Ethics and modern management;

    Increasing indicators of ethical behavior;

    Management Science;

    Methods of forecasting and modeling;

    Strategic management;

    Strategic approach to operations management;

    Motivation and compensation;

    Adaptive Leadership;

    Situational approaches to effective leadership;

    Leadership Theories;

    Formation of labor resources;

    Improving the quality of working life;

    Conflict and ways to resolve it;

    Forms of power and influence;

    Ability to manage stress;

    Management – ​​science or art?

    External environment of OJSC OEMK;

    Internal environment of OJSC OEMK;

    Effective motivation;

    Conflict. What should I do?

    Power and its management;

    The need for control in the organization;

    Negotiations and their rules;

    Etiquette at receptions;

    Ability to dress;

    Manager's image.

Criteria for evaluation:

    "excellent" rating assigned to the student if the creative task was created using computer technology (Power Point presentation, Flash presentation, video presentation, etc.) Additional sources of information are used. The content of the given topic is disclosed in full. The structure of the report is reflected (introduction, main part, conclusion, conclusions and examples). Registration of work. Originality of execution (the work was done independently, presented for the first time);

    rating "good" assigned to the student if the creative task was created using computer technology (Power Point presentation, Flash presentation, video presentation, etc.) The content of the report includes information from the main sources (methodological manual), additional sources of information were not used. The content of the given topic is not fully disclosed. The structure of the report has been preserved (introduction, main part, conclusion, conclusions and examples);

    A “satisfactory” grade is given to the student if the creative task is completed without the use of computer technology. The content of the report is limited to information only from the methodological manual. The content of the given topic is not fully disclosed. There are no conclusions or examples. The originality of execution is low;

    rating "unsatisfactory" is given to the student if the task is completed orally, without the use of computer technology and other visual materials. The content is limited to information only from the manual. The given topic of the report is not disclosed, the main idea of ​​the message is not conveyed.

Teacher G.N.Vasilevskaya



Protocol No. ____ dated “____” ____________ 201_

Chairman of the PCC ______________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Stary Oskol Technological Institute named after. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


PCC specialty 02/27/07


in the discipline "Management"

1. The concept of management, the main roles of the manager, implemented in the management process.

2. Management functions.

3. Concept and characteristics of the organization’s external environment.

4. Concept and characteristics of the internal environment of the organization.

5. Factors characterizing the external environment of the organization.

6. The concept of management decisions.

7. Requirements for management decisions.

8. Types of management decisions.

9. Classification of management decisions.

10. Levels of management decision making.

11. Stages of making management decisions.

12.Strategic planning.

13. Initial theories of motivation.

15. Process theories of motivation.

16. Risk management.

17. Types of risks.

18. Types of conflicts.

19. Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts.

20. Psychology of management.

21. Features of management in the field of professional activity.

22. The concept of motivation, incentive, communication.

23. Theory of A. Maslow.

24. Alderfer's theory.

25. McClelland's theory.

26. Herzberg's theory.

27. Vroom's theory.

28. Adams' theory.

29. Porter-Lawler theory.

30. Planning function.

31. Two components of the organization’s external environment.

32. Control function.

33. Negotiation process.

34. Power and leadership.

35. Function of the organization.

36. History of marketing development.

37. Marketing concepts.

38. Differences between social and ethical marketing.

39. Modern marketing.

40. The concept of need, requirement, request, exchange, transaction.

41. Classification of needs.

42. Terms of exchange.

43. Types of transactions.

44. The concept of demand.

45. Marketing services and departments in organizations.

46. ​​Specialized marketing firms.

47. Requirements for a marketing specialist. Regulatory documents regulating these requirements.

48. Organizational structure of marketing management.

49. Relationship between the marketing department and management and other structures and divisions of the organization.

50. Marketing control system.

51. Consumers: concept, classification.

52. Purpose of segmentation.

53. Signs of segmentation of the consumer market: geographical, demographic, socio-economic, psychographic, behavioral.

54. Product positioning : concept, purpose, conditions for correct positioning of a product on the market, alternative methods of positioning.

55. Preparation of an analytical report on the state of the market.

56. Marketing Environment : concept, types, factors shaping the environment.

57. Marketing microenvironment: concept.

58. Subjects and controlled factors that form the microenvironment of the organization.

59. Macro environment of marketing: concept.

60. Subjects and uncontrollable factors that form the macroenvironment of the organization.

61. Types of macroenvironment: demographic, social, economic, natural, competitive, legal, technological, cultural.

62. Strategic and market priorities of marketing.

63. Basic concepts : competition, competitive environment, competitiveness of organizations and products, competitive advantages.

64. Competition: justification of the need in market conditions, types, their characteristic features, conditions of occurrence, methods of creation and maintenance.

65. State support for small businesses.

66. Competitiveness of organizations and products, evaluation criteria, their competitive advantages.

67. Types of sales.

68. Marketing means : distribution channels, distribution, their types, functions, levels, their capabilities.

69. Criteria for selecting distribution channels.

70. Sales systems.

71. Resellers: types and types.

72. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of sales policy.

73. Classification of methods and means of stimulating product sales.

74. Classification of marketing means : means of satisfying needs, means of sales promotion.

75. Marketing concept of a product.

76. Product and its commercial characteristics.

77. Life cycle of a product, its main stages.

78. Specifics of the life cycle of goods + product range of different groups.

79. Development of new products: justification of the need, stages.

80. Product levels and reinforcement.

81. Brand and brand policy.

82. Retail trade.

83. Types of retail trade enterprises: product range offered, prices, form of trade, type of concentration of stores.

84. Marketing decisions in retail trade.

85. Wholesale trade.

86. Types of wholesale trade enterprises: wholesalers-merchants, brokers and agents; wholesale branches and manufacturers' offices.

87. Marketing decisions in wholesale trade. Dealers and distributors.

89. History of the emergence and improvement of advertising.

94. Features of marketing research. Types of research.

95. Scheme of marketing research: identifying the problem and formulating research goals, collecting and analyzing information, evaluating the results, applying the results obtained for decision-making.

96. Correction and optimization of results.

97. Marketing information: purpose, sources, principles of their selection.

98. Use of financial statements and managers' reports when collecting marketing information.

99. Marketing planning: strategic planning. Concept.

101. The main stages of the strategic planning process: determining the goals and objectives of the company, creating strategic business units, establishing marketing goals, situational analysis, developing a marketing strategy, implementing tactics, monitoring implementation.

102. Marketing part of the business plan.

103. Results of strategic planning.

104. Development of a marketing budget.

105. Strategic analysis.

Criteria for evaluation:

- grade "pass" is given to the student if a complete, clear description of the scientific definition is given; the ability to give examples in accordance with the lecture course attended; the ability to independently analyze concepts and phenomena proposed for consideration during the test;

- grade "fail" awarded to a student if the student demonstrates extremely fragmented knowledge within the curriculum; does not realize the connection of a given concept, theory, phenomenon with other objects of the discipline; does not know the minimum required terminology; makes gross logical errors when answering the teacher’s questions, which he cannot correct on his own.

Teacher G.N.Vasilevskaya


Considered at a meeting of the specialty PCC 27.02.07

Protocol No. ____ dated “____” ____________ 201_

Chairman of the PCC ______________

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Stary Oskol Technological Institute named after. A.A. UGAROVA

(branch) federal state autonomous educational institution

higher education

"National Research Technological University "MISiS"


Test task fund

in the discipline "Management"

Tests and situations

    1. Government of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
"National Research University
"High School of Economics"

Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering

Discipline program"Quality management in information systems"

for training direction 221400.62 “Quality Management”

Approved at a department meeting

"___"____________ 201

Head Department ______________ V.N. Azarov

Approved by US MIEM NRU HSE “___”_____________201

Scientific Secretary __________ V.P. Simonov

Moscow, 2014

This program cannot be used by other departments of the university and other universities without the permission of the department that developed the program.

  1. Scope and normative references

This academic discipline program establishes the minimum requirements for the student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and types of training sessions and reporting.

The program is intended for teachers teaching this discipline, teaching assistants and students studying in the direction 221400.62 “Quality Management”, studying the discipline “Quality Management in Information Systems”.

The program is designed in accordance with:

    Educational program direction 221400.62 “Quality Management”.

    The working curriculum of the university in the direction 221400.62 “Quality Management”.

  1. Goals of mastering the discipline

The goals of mastering the discipline “Quality Management in Information Systems” are:

    Study of basic concepts and principles of quality management of information systems.

    Modern forms of quality management of information systems.

    Mastering methods for managing the quality of information systems in solving problems of informatization of systems.

  1. Student competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

    Know theoretical and methodological foundations and principles of quality management of information systems;

    Have an idea about the life cycle of the information system and the main stages in its construction, organizing the process of implementing the information system.

    Be able to use regulatory and instrumental means of quality management in information technology.

    Have skills (gain experience) on modern, promising approaches, theoretical and methodological foundations of quality management in information systems, basic concepts in this area.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student masters the following competencies:


Code according to Federal State Educational Standards/National Research University

Descriptors – main signs of mastery (indicators of achievement of results)

Forms and methods of training that contribute to the formation and development of competence

Gain knowledge and ability to monitor and evaluate quality improvement progress.

Receives knowledge, masters methods and techniques.

Lectures, practical classes.

Gains the ability to use tools to implement information systems.

Receives ability to use IS implementation tools.

Practical lessons.

Acquires the ability to apply knowledge of the principles and methods of development and rules for the application of regulatory and technical documentation to ensure the quality of information systems.

Acquires ability to apply knowledge.

Practical classes, independent work

Acquires the ability to participate in corrective and preventive measures aimed at improving quality.

Acquires ability to participate in corrective and preventive measures

Practical lessons

  1. Place of discipline in the structure of the educational program

This discipline belongs to the cycle of general professional disciplines and the block of special disciplines in the educational program of the direction 221400.62 “Quality Management”.

The study of this discipline is based on the following disciplines:

    Quality management tools and methods.

    Statistical quality management.

    Informatics and computer technology.


To master the academic discipline, students must have the following knowledge and competencies:

    Know the theoretical and methodological foundations of product and service quality management.

    Know the basic methods for ensuring the quality of information systems.

    Be able to use quality management tools in the context of ensuring the quality of information systems.

    Have an understanding of the basic principles of ITSM, the structure of the ISO 9000, ISO 2000 series standards, and the basic statistical methods in quality management.

    Be able to use tools for quality management and quality assurance of information systems.

    Possess professional argumentation skills when analyzing situations in the field of international certification of quality systems and quality audit.

The basic principles of the discipline should be used in the future when studying the following disciplines:

    Technology and organization of production of products and services.

    Quality management in information systems.

    Testing and testing equipment.

    Process management.

  1. Thematic plan of the academic discipline

Section title

Total hours

Classroom hours

Independent work

Practical lessons

The role and place of information systems in quality management

Traditional IT standards

Life cycle of information systems

Management information systems

Production support information systems

Organization of the process of implementation of information systems




Faculty of Management

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
________________ Egorsheva O.I.
"____"_________________ 20___

Work program of the discipline
Quality control
Direction of training

080200 Management

Training profile

"Organisation management"

Graduate qualification (degree)

Form of study



The work program is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training 080200 “Management”, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2010. No. 544.

The work program is intended for teaching a discipline of choice of a professional cycle (B3.V.VD.8) to full-time and part-time students in the field of study 080200.62 “Management” in the 6th semester.

Compiled by work program_______________Ph.D., Associate Professor N.V. Bessarabova
The program was approved at the meeting Department of Management

(indicate the name of the department)

dated “_____”_____________ 201, protocol No. _________________.



Head Department of Management, Ph.D. _________________________________ (Popovich A.N.)
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor_______________(Kiseleva N.A.)

(faculty where the program was developed)
Dean of the Faculty of Management, Ph.D., Associate Professor_________________ (Kiseleva N.A.)

(faculty where the program is implemented)

1. Goals of mastering the discipline

The purpose of studying this course is to develop in students a holistic systemic understanding of quality management as a modern management concept, as well as skills and abilities in the field of quality management of products, services, works, and activities of domestic enterprises and organizations.

The relevance of studying the discipline is dictated by the needs of a market economy, in which the successful activities of enterprises are based on the competitiveness of their products. The basis of product competitiveness is its quality, the stability of which is achieved through the introduction of quality systems at enterprises and is confirmed by certification of products and quality systems.
2. The place of the discipline in the structure of undergraduate education

The discipline “Quality Management” belongs to the professional cycle and is included in the elective disciplines (B3.V.VD.8 (1)).

Quality management is one of the aspects of managing the activities of an enterprise as a whole and therefore is adjacent to the study of management (strategic management, personnel management, projects, production, financial management, environmental management, innovation management), since the activities of a modern manager are quite multifaceted and involve a wide range of solutions tasks studied within the listed disciplines.

Quality management is one of the key functions of both corporate and project management, the main means of achieving and maintaining the competitiveness of any company.

Quality management, like any management, cannot be carried out without relevant information about the quality of products, as well as the achievements of science, technology and market needs, therefore this discipline is associated with the study of the disciplines “Fundamentals of Management”, “Production Management”, “Innovation Management”, “Marketing”, etc. Quality management is also associated with standardization and necessarily requires knowledge of current legislation and regulatory documents in the field of quality in order for manufacturers and consumers to understand their rights, duties and responsibilities related to ensuring product quality. The study of specific methods of quality control, collection and processing of information includes the study of statistical methods.

3. Student competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline

As a result of mastering the discipline “Quality Management”, the student develops the following general cultural and professional competencies:

  • the ability to find organizational and managerial solutions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them (OK-8);

  • the ability to use regulatory legal documents in their activities (OK-9);

  • understanding the role and importance of information and information technology in the development of modern society and economic knowledge (OK-16);

  • master the basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, skills in working with a computer as a means of information management (OK-17);

  • the ability to develop local verification schemes and perform testing and debugging of systems and means of automation of technological processes, control, diagnostics, testing, process management, product life cycle and its quality, as well as their repair (PC-23);

  • the ability to assess the level of product defects, analyze the reasons for its occurrence, develop proposals for its prevention and elimination, and product improvement (PC-24);

  • ability to carry out certification of products, technological processes and automation equipment, control, diagnostics, process management, product life cycle and its quality, environmental systems of the enterprise (PC-25);

  • ability to master automation and control software tools, their certification (PC-26);

  • the ability to perform work on the examination of technical documentation, supervision and control of the state of technological processes, systems and automation and control equipment, equipment, identify their reserves, determine the causes of deficiencies and malfunctions that arise during operation, implement measures to eliminate them and improve the efficiency of use (PC- 27);

  • ability to organize the work of small teams of performers (PK-30);

  • is able to develop measures for designing processes for the development, manufacturing, control and implementation of products, automation tools and systems, control, diagnostics, production management, product life cycle and its quality, their effective operation (PC-31);

  • the ability to select technologies, tools and computer technology when organizing the processes of design, manufacturing, control and testing of products, automation tools and systems, control, diagnostics, testing, production management, product life cycle and its quality (PC-32);

  • ability to perform work on organizing information flow management at all stages of the product life cycle, its integrated logistics support (PC-33);

  • the ability to carry out measures to improve the quality of products, production and technological processes, technical and information support for their development, testing and operation, planning work on standardization and certification, systematization and updating of applicable regulatory documentation (PC-34);

  • ability to participate in the development and practical development of tools, automation systems and production management of products, their life cycle and quality, preparation of plans for the development of new equipment, drawing up applications for certification (PC-35).
As a result of mastering the discipline “Quality Management”, the student must:


  • – basic concepts of quality management, various types of quality assurance systems;

  • methods for monitoring and analyzing quality in production and service systems;

  • methods of organizing work to improve quality;

  • main types of quality costs;

  • methodology and terminology for managing the quality and reliability of complex man-made systems;

  • recommendations of Russian and international standards of the ISO 9000 series for ensuring product quality;

  • modern methods of forecasting and ensuring a given level of product quality for complex man-made products, used at various stages of their life cycle: from the stages of their design, development and creation, prototypes to mass production and operation;

  • procedures for certification of products and quality management systems.
Be able to:

  • – use probabilistic and statistical methods for assessing the quality level of complex systems and changes in quality during their operation at various stages of the life cycle;

  • correctly select probabilistic and statistical laws of distribution for correct estimation of the level of quality and reliability of operation of various systems;

  • use methods to ensure the specified quality and reliability of complex systems at various stages - from design to mass production of products;

  • apply methods to ensure the specified quality and reliability of complex systems at various stages: from design to mass production of products;

  • carry out structural and functional analysis of the quality of complex systems with various construction schemes;

  • apply existing forecasting methods when assessing the quality and operational life of complex systems;

  • design product quality management systems, plan the organization of activities and work to ensure a given level of product quality at the enterprise and to eliminate emerging defects;

  • solve practical problems of quality management in a manufacturing and service company;

  • apply statistical quality management methods to analyze quality problems and solve them.

  • categorical apparatus of quality management at the level of understanding and free reproduction;

  • methodology for calculating the most important economic indicators, the most important methods of analysis;

  • skills in working with economic literature, information sources, educational and reference literature on quality management issues;

  • techniques for conducting discussions and public speaking;

  • the need for constant continuing education.

4. Structure and content of the discipline “Quality Management”
The total labor intensity of the discipline is 144 hours.




Week of the semester

Types of educational work, including independent work of students and labor intensity (in hours)

Forms of ongoing progress monitoring and intermediate certification







The essence of quality and its management







Reports, abstracts


Basic methods of quality management







Reports, abstracts


Quality management system at the enterprise







Reports, abstracts


Organization of technical control at the enterprise







Reports, abstracts


Metrological assurance of product quality







Reports, abstracts


Product standardization in Russia







Reports, abstracts


Product certification







Reports, abstracts


Protection of the rights of consumers of goods and services







Reports, abstracts


Quality planning







Reports, abstracts


Total Quality Management







Reports, abstracts


Activities of government organizations in the field of quality







Reports, abstracts








Concept of quality. Evolution of quality. Quality indicators: unification and standardization, economic indicators, ergonomic indicators, aesthetic indicators, indicators of reliability, maintainability, durability, etc.
Topic 2 Basic methods of quality management.

Classification and areas of application of quality management methods. Organizational and administrative methods. Engineering and technological methods. Economic methods. Social-psychological methods
Topic 3 Quality management system at the enterprise

International standards and their application at Russian enterprises. Quality loop. Main components of quality for consumers
Topic 4 Organization of technical control at the enterprise

The essence and objects of technical control Types of technical control Methods for quantitative assessment of the quality level. Quality Control Department as an independent structural division of the enterprise.
Topic 5 Metrological assurance of product quality

Metrological support and its goals. Qualimetry as a science, its role, methods and areas of practical application
Topic 6 Product standardization in Russia

Concept and types of standard State standardization system (GSS) of the Russian Federation. Economic problems of standardization. State management of standardization in the Russian Federation. State control and supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements of state standards.
Topic 7 Product certification

Concept and classification of product certification features. Mandatory certification. Voluntary certification. Third party certification. Certification system. The concept of a certificate of conformity. Compliance mark.
Topic 8 Protection of the rights of consumers of goods and services

Conceptual apparatus in the field of consumer rights protection. Foreign experience in regulating consumer rights protection. Legal support for the protection of consumer rights in the Russian Federation. State regulation of consumer rights protection in the Russian Federation. Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights. Judicial protection of consumers. Types of legal liability for violations of consumer protection laws.
Topic 9 Quality planning

Planning as a quality management process. Systematic approach to quality plans. Planning tools.
Topic 10 Total Quality Management

The main stages of the formation of the principles of total quality management (TQM). Contents of the concept of total quality management. Integrated and total quality management.
Topic 11 Activities of government organizations in the field of quality
The role of the state in ensuring the quality of products, works, and services. Activities and functions of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). Activities and functions of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.
5. Educational technologies

In order to implement the competency-based approach, classroom lessons are planned within the framework of such educational technology as a student-oriented approach. This makes it possible to take into account both the initial level of knowledge of students and the technical training capabilities existing at the faculty. Practical classes are conducted in an active and interactive form.

The discipline module is formed as lectures, work in seminar classes, work in small groups, discussion of applied economic problems, performing special tasks in the form of tests, solving economic problems, analyzing problem situations, and distance learning. The use of contact hours will allow you to individualize the conduct of classes and mastery of educational material. Successful mastery of the course material requires a lot of independent work by bachelors and guidance of this work by teachers.

Forms of control: performing tests and tests, solving economic problems, analytical study, analysis of real economic situations, analysis of typical and special economic situations, creating a list of possible economic risk situations and recommendations for resolving these risks, abstracting periodical articles and their analysis, discussion topical problems in creative groups, economic essays on the problems of the topics studied. Final control – test and exam.
6. Educational and methodological support for students’ independent work. Assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline

Independent work of students in the discipline “Quality Management” includes their preparation for practical classes and writing reports and essays (students are given a choice) on each topic studied.

Topics of reports and abstracts

1. Intellectual property in the quality and competitiveness management system.

2. Intangible factors in ensuring quality and competitiveness: product labeling, bar coding.

3. Russian Quality Award.

4. Foreign experience of competitions and awards in the field of quality.

5. Features of quality management in Japan.

6. K. Ishikawa's contribution to quality assurance activities.

7. Experience of leading foreign companies in the field of support and management


8. Environmental quality management.

9. Application of international standards ISO 9000 series at domestic enterprises.

10. Information support for the product certification system.

11. Civil aspects of quality in the manufacture of products.

12.American approaches to the problem of quality.

13. Experience in the development and implementation of quality systems at domestic enterprises.

14. Information support for consumers on quality issues.

15. History of standardization in Russia.

16. Environmental certification.

1. All types of human needs must be satisfied sequentially, from the lower hierarchical level to increasingly higher ones - these are:

  1. progress

  2. scarcity principle

  3. principle of progression

  4. principle of hierarchy

2. Factors causing greater dissatisfaction are mainly related to external factors in relation to the employee, which he really cannot influence - these are:

  1. safety

  2. wage

  3. motivators

  4. hygiene factors
3. Creating products of a quality level that satisfies certain requirements, needs, and consumer demands is:

  1. quality control

  2. Quality Management System

  3. quality management goal

  4. product life cycle
4. A set of interrelated and interacting activities that transform inputs into outputs is:

  1. process

  2. unit

  3. production

  4. planning
5. The assessment model for an organization applying for the Russian Government Award in the field of quality consists of the following main blocks - these are:

  1. Opportunities - Results

  2. Leadership – Processes – Business Results

  3. Production volume - Revenue

  4. None of the above
6. A quality object can be:

  1. activity or process

  2. products

  3. organization, system or individual

  4. any of the above concepts
7. The set of quality parameters expected by the consumer for the product he needs and their values ​​that satisfy the consumer’s needs will be:

  1. product value

  2. product cost

  3. product price

  4. consumer properties of the product
8. Non-compliance of any product quality parameter with consumer requirements is:

  1. malfunction

  2. defect

  3. breaking
9. Is the customer satisfaction index a tool for targeted quality management:

  1. no it is not, because does not show the consumer value of the product

  2. yes it is, because helps to focus on improving products and services

  3. could if it allowed us to assess the real structure of competition

  4. no, this is not a digital indicator
10. The most general principles on the basis of which the organization’s management structure is built and management processes are carried out are called:

  1. innovation management

  2. control technology

  3. control system

  4. management philosophy
11. The project management cycle includes the following sequence of stages:

  1. development of the project concept - project implementation

  2. identifying an innovation problem - finding a solution

  3. goal setting - project implementation

  4. planning project activities - monitoring the progress of the project
12. A network of interconnected elements within the object in question that work together to achieve the goal facing the object is:

  1. design

  2. system

  3. manufacturing process

  4. none of the above
13. The structure of income and costs of a product manufacturer for quality is described by three main models. Which of the following models is not the main one:

  1. "loss for society"

  2. "plan, check, act"

  3. "process cost"

  4. "prevention, assessment, refusal"
14. Compliance costs, which are the costs of performing a process with 100% efficiency, i.e. The minimum costs for performing the process in accordance with the technical specifications are:

  1. production costs

  2. non-conforming costs

  3. conformal costs

  4. non-production costs
15. According to the principle of “fall for the sake of rise,” in each evolution, between two successive stages there is a “blurred period” that has three key components. So: The critical period, when things are getting worse and the fundamental error is not yet known, is:

  1. lifting stage

  2. breaking point

  3. decline stage

  4. none of the above
16. The set of characteristics of an object related to its ability to satisfy established and expected consumer requirements is:

  1. quality

  2. standard

  3. consumer properties

  4. product
17. GOST R ISO 9000-2008 is:

  1. Quality Management System. Recommendations for improving activities.

  2. Quality Management System. Requirements.

  3. Quality Management System. Fundamentals and vocabulary.

  4. Guide to managing the economics of quality.
18. Confirmation by providing objective evidence that specified requirements have been met is:

  1. validation

  2. trial

  3. analysis

  4. verification
19. Quality management systems (QMS) are:

  1. all listed

  2. management system for directing and controlling an organization with regard to quality

  3. a set of clearly interrelated administrative procedures (organization rules), developed in accordance with state standards in the field of quality, covering all areas of the organization’s activities, ensuring its defect-free functioning.

  4. management activities covering the product life cycle, systematically ensuring strategic and operational processes for improving product quality and the functioning of the quality management system itself.
20 The basis of the modern philosophy of quality can be considered the quality management program put forward by E. Deming - in:

  1. 1950

  2. 1942

  3. 1992

  4. 1928
Key to tests


Correct answer


Correct answer









































Control questions