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Larch is a mysterious tree The work was completed by: 1st grade student Sakhno Kira, work supervisor: primary school teacher Irina Sergeevna Chestikova Municipal public educational institution secondary school No. 2, Murashi

Introduction In the first grade, during one of the lessons about the world around us, we studied coniferous and deciduous trees. In the workbook, we identified coniferous and deciduous trees by name. I was interested in a tree like larch: I thought it was a deciduous tree, but it turned out to be a coniferous one. I asked myself a question: why is larch called larch?

Goal: Find out the characteristics of the larch tree. Objectives: Find out from literary sources about the characteristics of larch, its use, and growing conditions. Compare larch with deciduous and coniferous trees. Conduct a study of larch needles. Analyze the results and formulate conclusions.

Hypothesis Let's assume that larch is a deciduous tree.

Conditions for growing larch Larch is one of the most common species of coniferous trees. Larches can grow up to 50 m in height. They live for 300–450 years, although there are also 800-year-old trees. They are common in cold regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In Siberia and the Russian Far East, larch forests occupy vast areas. Larch can withstand temperatures down to –65 ºС. It was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “the most frost-resistant tree”!

Application Due to its strength and durability, larch wood is widely used - from construction work to the chemical industry. A valuable medicinal plant, it has well-defined medicinal properties: antimicrobial, antiviral, sedative.

Respondent Purpose Mom “For cough” - a decoction of young shoots of larch. Grandmother “For purulent wounds” - an infusion of young pine needles. Dad “For toothache, sore throat” - resin. Aunt “For varicose veins” - a compress of fresh pine needles. Grandfather “For diarrhea” - infusion from tree bark. Medicinal properties

Comparison of larch with coniferous and deciduous trees Plan Birch Pine Larch Leaf name LEAF CONINENE NEEDLES Shedding leaves In autumn Does not shed all year round In autumn Sheds Presence of resin Absent Presence of resin Presence of resin Reproduction Fruit with seeds Cone with seeds Cone with seeds Use in construction Not suitable for construction In construction In construction

Conclusion Based on the comparative characteristics, we see that larch has more similarities with coniferous trees. With a deciduous tree, one coincidence is that it sheds its leaves in the fall. This means that larch is a coniferous tree that sheds its needles in the fall.

experimental part

Comparison of needle lengths

Number of needles in a bunch

Comparison of softness of needles

PINE FIR LARCH Needle length 6-7cm 1-2cm 3-4cm Softness very hard hard soft Number of needles in a bunch 2 1 20 Study of needles

Conclusion We learned about the growing conditions of larch from literary sources. We studied the medicinal properties of larch. We determined the similarities and differences between larch and coniferous and deciduous trees. We observed the needles of different coniferous tree species.

“So, larch, if this tree is a conifer, then why “larch”? What do the leaves have to do with it?” Unlike other conifers, larch sheds its needles in the winter, just as deciduous trees lose their leaves. Hence the name. Our hypothesis was not confirmed. Larch is a coniferous tree.

And yet: Why does larch shed its needles? Answer: To avoid freezing in winter, because it grows in harsh conditions. When it sheds its needles, it gets rid of excess moisture, which “cools” in winter

In my work I used the books: “A Book about Trees” (I. S. Ivchenko) “Deciduous Forest” (M. Skrebtsova) “Tell the Children about Trees” (Viktor Moroz) “Trees” (Irina Tokmakova) “The Big Book about Forests and Trees” "(Rene Mettle)

Larch (Larix) is a coniferous tree of the Pine family, under good conditions it grows to 50 m in height or more. The lifespan of larches is from 300 to 400 years, but there are specimens that are about 800 years old (although this is rare). Larch is a monoecious plant that has both male and female reproductive organs. Some gardeners grow larches ornamentally both outdoors and indoors in the form of bonsai. And most of these coniferous trees grow wild in woodlands and mixed coniferous forests. Larch wood is valued in some regions for its strength and color, and is used industrially to make furniture and other wood products.

All larches have needle-like leaves of varying lengths - needles, which turn yellow and fall off every autumn. This feature of larch is very unusual, since all coniferous trees are considered evergreen. Like all deciduous trees, every spring the needles of larches reappear, first bright green, and over time they acquire an ominous dark green color. The size and number of cones of all larches is different, it depends on the conditions in which the tree grows. For example, larches in the southern regions produce more cones.

Some species of larches are adapted to temperate northern climates. They tend to produce short needles and cones. Others grow in the mountains in the south of the country and are capable of being dominant among trees in mountainous conditions. Larches are long-lived, hardy trees that can adapt to any weather conditions. They develop quickly, which allows them to reproduce large
areas. Gardeners use larch plantings to protect areas from the wind, and when planting these conifers in a temperate or cool region, you can be sure that they will like and thrive there.

Larch wood is a unique natural material that is used in construction and crafts. This pale creamy-white “golden” wood is used for flooring, cladding, furniture production and many other activities.

Larches have also been used in some regions as a historical source of herbal medicines. Larch is considered beneficial for people with psychological problems such as lack of confidence, uncertainty and depression. Although the effectiveness of treatment products made from larch has not been widely researched or scientifically proven facts. As is the case with other conifers, before using larch for treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor to be sure that this coniferous tree is not contraindicated for you.

  • Larch (Larix) is a genus of woody plants of the Pine family (Pinaceae), one of the most common species of coniferous trees.
  • Lives up to 300-400 years; larches up to 800 years old have been recorded.
  • The most common tree species on the planet and in Russia.

  • In favorable conditions it grows quickly. Until the age of 20, it is capable of gaining from 50 to 100 cm per year.
  • In favorable conditions it grows up to 50 meters or more in height with a trunk diameter of up to 1 m or more.
  • Larch is resistant to spring frosts and very resistant to low winter temperatures. In the north it can withstand temperatures below −70 °C
  • Larch is an extremely light-loving tree; it does not renew itself or grow in shade.
  • Due to its strength and durability, larch wood is widely used - from construction work to the chemical industry.
  • As the wood dries, its density increases so much that it is impossible to hammer a nail into it, and it is no longer possible to remove hammered nails from old larch boards, since the metal of the nail is torn.
  • Despite the widespread prevalence of larch and the high quality of wood, larch accounts for a relatively small part of the total volume of logging in Russia. The reasons for this are that, due to its high density, freshly cut larch wood sinks (immediately or after a short time in water) and cannot be floated along rivers, which in some cases means it is impossible to transport from harvesting sites to processing sites.
  • Everything made from larch is made to last. A clear example of this is Venice, built on stilts made of Siberian larch.

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“Steppe zone 4th grade” - Semyanskaya Anna Vladimirovna (primary school teacher). A botanist's story. The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring. Consolidation of the studied material. Check of knowledge. A story from an ecological point of view. Food chains that have developed in the steppe. A zoologist's story. Working on a new topic. Hamsters, plants, steppe viper.

“Ice deserts” - Arctic and Antarctic. Saxifrage. Arctic. Most of Antarctica is occupied by the continent of Antarctica. There are sandy, rocky, clayey, and saline deserts. Completed by: Elena Baranova Student of Lyceum No. 62, 3 “G” class. In winter, the temperature drops to?55,?60 °C. In summer, the average temperature is 0 °C.

“Properties of minerals” - The most famous minerals: Use: roads, glass. Main properties: in the form of grains, free-flowing. 2. Coal. Use: brick, dishes. 4. Basic properties: very fine suspension of brown, yellow, white color. Use: kerosene, gasoline, petroleum jelly, medicines, soap, industrial alcohol.

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