Causes of death are always determined by doctors. It can occur as a result of external or internal factors. In forensic medicine, you can find a classification of the reasons why a person died.

Accepted terminology

Death is understood as a complete cessation of life activity, at which physiological and biological processes cease. In medicine, there is a special direction that deals with the study of the body in the final stage of the dying process. This science is called thanatology.

Death for most people at all times was fraught with an imprint of mysticism and mystery. It is inevitable, often unpredictable and unexpected. But the concepts of death in jurisprudence, medicine, philosophy, religion differ markedly.

Doctors separately distinguish several thermal states that precede direct dying. This is preagony, agony and clinical death. At this time, resuscitation measures may still be successful. If they were not carried out or were unsuccessful, then doctors diagnose biological death. In this state, an irreversible cessation of all physiological processes occurs in tissues and cells.

Further, the process of decomposition begins. This is the name of the destruction of the body, during which all nerve connections are damaged. Recovery after that becomes absolutely impossible. Experts call this stage informational death.

Until it comes, there is a theoretical possibility of keeping the body in a state of suspended animation (using, for example, cryonics), which can prevent further destruction of the body. In this case, the theoretical possibility of its restoration in the future remains.

Cause classification

Death can be violent or non-violent. In the first case, it occurs as a result of the influence of various factors from the outside. Various diseases lead to non-violent death. It can also occur due to the appearance of deep age-related changes. Although at present it is impossible to say that a person died of old age, a specific reason is needed that led to this. Sometimes it happens that external and internal factors act simultaneously. In this case, it can be difficult to determine the cause of death. After all, forensic experts must identify which factor played a decisive role.

Non-violent death can be:

Physiological: from senile decrepitude or prematurity of a newborn child;


The last kind of death is caused not only by progressive diseases. It can also be sudden, it is also called sudden.

Violent death occurs as a result of:

  • suicide;
  • murders;
  • accident.

Forensic medicine deals with the study and definition of this.

Factors leading to natural non-violent death

Quite often people die from problems with various organs and systems. Sudden or pathological death can occur as a result of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory organs;
  • endocrine system;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious lesions;
  • central nervous system;
  • genitourinary system;
  • other organs and systems of the body.

Malignant neoplasms also lead to non-violent death. Sometimes it occurs as a result of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. The exact causes can be found out only after a pathoanatomical autopsy. According to its results, a certificate of death is issued. It displays the reasons that led to the fact that a person died.

Sudden death is a non-violent death that occurs in a healthy, according to others, person. It occurs as a result of an acute form of the disease or a latent chronic disease.

Prevalence of causes of non-violent dying

By analyzing the factors that led to the death of people, forensic experts can understand which causes of death are the most popular.

More than 75% of people die from diseases of the circulatory system. At the same time, most of them are diagnosed with chronic ischemic heart disease. They may have acute or recurrent myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy. A little less often there are cerebral infarctions, subarachnoid hemorrhages, arterial diseases.

Less common causes of non-violent death are respiratory diseases. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease leads to death. In chronic bronchitis, the airways become swollen and narrow. Emphysema appears when the lungs are damaged. With these diseases, breathing problems begin.

Slightly less often, stage 4 cancer also leads to death. Men often suffer from the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the prostate, and women - in the breast. But most of the deaths are caused by lung cancer. It is difficult to detect in the early stages. They don't show up at all. Problems begin only when metastases appear.

It is worth noting that smokers are 12 times more likely to develop lung problems than non-smokers. Also, the rejection of this addiction reduces the likelihood of developing kidney cancer.

Also, almost a quarter of people die from infectious lesions, eating disorders, neonatal diseases. In low-income and low-income countries, birth trauma, asphyxia, and problems caused by prematurity are the leading causes of death in newborns.

Causes of violent death

People often die due to the impact of not internal, but external factors. The main types of violent death are:

  • mechanical damage;
  • asphyxia;
  • the effect of extreme temperatures;
  • poisonous substances, this also includes gas poisoning;
  • exposure to electric current;
  • beam energy.

Mechanical damage includes falls from a height, traffic accidents, injuries caused by sharp and blunt objects. Any gunshot wound that caused the termination of life can be attributed to the same category.

Poisoning occurs as a result of exposure to the body of toxic substances. They can be caused by poor-quality or contaminated food, water, alcohol, and medicines. You can get poisoned by carbon monoxide in unventilated rooms, in factories or in houses heated by stoves.

Death from suffocation can occur due to the development of oxygen starvation, which was caused by mechanical causes. This may be strangulation, hanging, closing the airways with loose or liquid objects, closing the openings of the mouth and nose. Also, squeezing the abdomen and chest can lead to asphyxia.

It must be understood that the type of violent death and the reasons that led to it are different concepts. They are determined by forensic experts. Even with the same exposure, a person can die from different causes.

The type of death is determined depending on what kind of impact on the person. But the causes are determined by what changes have occurred in the body as a result of certain influences on it. For example, it was found that blunt trauma to the skull led to death. This means that a person could die from a bruise of the brain or its compression by a hematoma.

Gassing can also be voluntary, accidental or intentional. But the type of death is already established by law enforcement agencies.

The need for a forensic medical examination

It is possible to determine what exactly caused the person to die during a special medical event. It's called a forensic examination. It is mandatory to carry it out if it is obvious that the death was violent. It must also be done when:

  • there was a sudden death, but there is a suspicion that it could be violent;
  • the cause of death is unknown, the person died outside the walls of a medical institution;
  • the death occurred in the hospital, but the patient was not diagnosed;
  • the man died in the hospital, but the authorities of the investigation accepted a complaint from relatives.

Also, regardless of the place and alleged cause of death, a forensic medical examination is carried out for all unidentified persons.

Examination of the corpse allows you to determine why the person died. Depending on this, the tactics of further actions are determined. If the forensic examination establishes that death was caused by poisoning with a poison, for example, methyl alcohol, then law enforcement agencies will have to establish why this happened. It could be suicide: a person could pour himself methyl alcohol and drink it, wanting to end his life. He could also use it by mistake. In this case, the death will be classified as an accident. But if it was rigged, and another person poured methyl alcohol into the glass, then we are talking about murder.


In order to determine whether natural death or violent death has occurred, it is necessary to examine the corpse. An autopsy can be conventional pathological or forensic. The first type is carried out in cases where the death was non-violent. Such an opening can be carried out in several ways:

  • Abrikosov method;
  • incision according to Leshka;
  • Shor method;
  • Fisher's method.

But according to the instructions of the bodies of inquiry, a forensic autopsy is carried out. In the course of its implementation, the following is established:

  • time of death;
  • the presence and nature of injuries, establish whether they were inflicted during life or after death;
  • mechanisms and methods of causing damage, their sequence;
  • causes that led to death.

Also, a forensic medical examination can solve other issues of a biomedical nature. She can tell which injuries that are not compatible with life were received in the first place, and how exactly the person died.

Conducting a forensic examination

To determine the causes of violent death, a special examination is carried out by doctors who have been trained in the direction of "Forensic Medicine".

The study begins with an examination of clothing, items that arrived with the corpse. The expert must identify possible damage, traces, overlays on them. After that, the body of the deceased is examined directly. The corpse is carefully examined, all post-mortem changes are described. If damage was found, then their nature, features, and localization sites are established. Be sure to examine soft tissues and internal organs.

If poisoning is suspected, the corpses are sent for a special forensic chemical examination. But this is not the only possible additional examination. If necessary, a bacteriological, physico-technical, histological examination is carried out. The list of additional examinations is determined by the expert, depending on what tasks were set for the forensic examination, and on what the alleged cause of death is.

Based on the results of the study, not a certificate of death is given, as in a conventional pathoanatomical autopsy, but a conclusion or an act of a forensic medical examination. It describes all the procedures performed with a corpse, the results of examinations, establishes a diagnosis and gives a conclusion, which contains answers to the questions posed to the forensic medical examination.

Dying stages

Regardless of whether death occurred from old age, violent or other non-violent causes, experts distinguish two types. Dying can be slow or fast. In the first case, there is a prolonged terminal state, agony. And with a quick death, which is also called acute, these stages are blurred.

The process of dying begins with a pre-agonal state. In some cases, it is completely absent. This is a defensive reaction of the body. It can be observed in people who have stage 4 cancer. After all, they usually have severe and painful injuries to the body. In the last hours, the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system develop. This is accompanied by an appropriate psychological state. There is indifference to what is happening around, sensitivity disappears. Some completely or partially lose consciousness.

In the preagonal state, a person can fall into a coma or a stopper, his pressure decreases, and blood circulation is centralized. Breathing can become frequent, but superficial. The lungs are not adequately ventilated.

If the patient does not undergo therapeutic measures, or they are ineffective, then this state is replaced by a thermal pause. After that, the agony begins. This is the name given to the body's attempt to use all the remaining possibilities to save life. In this state, the pressure rises, the work of the heart is restored, breathing becomes strong. But the lungs are not ventilated due to improper muscle work. It usually lasts about 5 minutes, in some cases it can reach up to half an hour. Following the agony is clinical death.

Necessary diagnostics

Before establishing what exactly caused the termination of a person’s life, doctors must make sure that the patient is really dead. Even if a gunshot wound is visible, a check is made. Perhaps it did not affect the vital organs, and the person is alive.

They look at a set of signs, the so-called vital tripod: the preservation of the functions of the central nervous system, respiration and heart activity. But there are situations when doctors can make mistakes.

For example, the safety of breathing can be checked using a mirror, fluff, auscultation, or Winslow's test. But they can all be wrong. Any gust of wind, high humidity in the room, passing vehicles can cause incorrect results.

More informative is the check of cardiovascular activity. Auscultation of heart contractions, palpation of the pulse, cardiac impulse is performed. But very weak manifestations of vital activity can go unnoticed.

The most important indicator is the preservation of the functions of the central nervous system. One of the valuable signs is the absence or presence of a corneal reflex. The doctor checks how the pupils react to light. One of the first signs of death is the phenomenon of Beloglazov, or "cat's pupil". The tone of the muscles that narrow the pupil disappears. When squeezing the eyeball, it acquires an oval shape.

Adults are a phenomenon that is being introduced into the daily life of a modern person. It occurs more and more frequently. But no one can say for sure that the deceased was seriously ill. That is, in fact, death occurs suddenly. There are a number of causes and risk groups that can influence this phenomenon. What does the public need to know about sudden death? Why does it arise? Is there any way to avoid it? All features will be presented below. Only if you know about the phenomenon all the information known at the moment, you can try to somehow avoid a collision with a similar situation. In fact, everything is much more complicated than it seems.


Sudden Adult Death Syndrome is a phenomenon that began to spread in 1917. It was at this moment that such a term was first heard.

The phenomenon is characterized by death, and causeless, of a person with good health. Such a citizen, as already mentioned, did not have any serious diseases. In any case, the person himself did not complain about certain symptoms, and also did not receive treatment from a doctor.

There is no exact definition of this phenomenon. Exactly like the real mortality statistics. Many doctors argue about the reasons why this phenomenon appears. Sudden adult death syndrome is a mystery that is still unsolved. There are many theories according to which they die. About them - further.

Risk group

The first step is to figure out who is most often exposed to the phenomenon being studied. The thing is that the syndrome of sudden death of the adult generation quite often occurs in Asians. Therefore, these people are at risk.

It is also not uncommon for SIDS (sudden unexplained death syndrome) to occur in people who work long hours. That is, workaholics. In any case, this assumption is made by some physicians.

The risk group includes, in principle, all people who:

  • unhealthy family environment;
  • hard work;
  • constant stress;
  • there are serious illnesses (but then usually death is not sudden).

Accordingly, the majority of the world's population is exposed to the studied phenomenon. No one is safe from him. According to doctors, during the autopsy, it is impossible to establish the cause of the death of a person. That is why death is called sudden.

Nevertheless, as already mentioned, there are several assumptions according to which the mentioned phenomenon arises. Sudden death syndrome in an adult can be explained in several ways. What are the assumptions about this topic?

man against chemistry

The first theory is the effect of chemistry on the human body. Modern humans are surrounded by a variety of chemicals. They are everywhere: in furniture, medicines, water, food. Literally at every step. Especially in food.

There is very little natural food. Every day the body receives huge doses of chemicals. All this cannot go unnoticed. And so there is a syndrome of sudden death in adults. The body simply cannot withstand the next charge of chemistry that surrounds a modern person. As a result, life activity stops. And death comes.

The theory is supported by many. Indeed, as practice has shown, over the past century, unexplained deaths have begun to occur quite often. It was during this period that the progress of human development is observed. Therefore, we can consider the impact of environmental chemistry on the body as the first and most likely cause.


The following theory can also be scientifically explained. We are talking about electromagnetic waves. It's no secret that a person is under the influence of magnetism all his life. Pressure surges are very well felt by some people - they begin to feel bad. This proves the negative impact of electromagnetic waves on humans.

At the moment, scientists have proven that the Earth is the second planet in the solar system in terms of the power of radio emissions produced. The body, being constantly in such an environment, gives a kind of failure. Especially when combined with exposure to chemicals. This is where Sudden Adult Death Syndrome comes in. In fact, electromagnetic waves cause the body to stop performing functions to ensure human life.

It's all about the breath

But the following theory may seem somewhat non-standard and even absurd. But it is still actively promoted around the world. Quite often, sudden death syndrome occurs in a dream in an adult. Regarding this phenomenon, some put forward incredible assumptions.

The thing is that during sleep the human body functions, but in an "economical" mode. And a person in such periods of rest sees dreams. Horror can make the body refuse to function. More specifically, breathing is disturbed. It stops because of what it sees. In other words, out of fear.

That is, a person does not realize in a dream that everything that happens is not reality. As a result, he dies in life. As already mentioned, a somewhat improbable theory. But it has its place. By the way, the syndrome of sudden death in infants in a dream is explained in a similar way. Scientists say that if during the rest the child dreams that he is in the womb, then breathing will stop. And the baby "forgets" to breathe, since oxygen must be supplied to him through the umbilical cord. But all this is just speculation.


What else can be heard? What are the causes of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? The following assumption is generally like a fairy tale. But it is sometimes expressed.

As already mentioned, an incredible, fabulous theory. You do not need to believe in this assumption. Rather, such a story is an ordinary "scarecrow", which was invented with the aim of at least somehow explaining the syndrome of sudden death in adults.


Now some information that is more like the truth. The thing is that, as already mentioned, Asians are at risk of people prone to sudden death syndrome. Why?

Scientists have come up with a hypothesis. Asians are people who work constantly. They work very hard. And so the body at one fine moment begins to deplete. It "burns out" and "turns off". As a result, death occurs.

That is, in fact, the sudden death of an adult occurs due to the fact that the body is overworked. Work is often the culprit. As statistics show, if you pay attention to Asians, then many die right at the workplace. Therefore, you should not work for wear all the time. This pace of life negatively affects health. A person, except for fatigue, does not observe any other signs.


Also among the most common theories regarding death without cause, stress is distinguished. Another assumption that you can believe. As already mentioned, people who are constantly in a nervous environment, not only have a high risk of diseases and cancer, they are also classified as a risk group of the population that may experience sudden death syndrome.

The theory is explained in almost the same way as in the case of constant work and stress - the body "wears out" from stress, then "turns off" or "burns out". As a result, death occurs for no apparent reason. The effect of stress cannot be detected at autopsy. In the same way as the negative impact of intense systematic and incessant work.


What conclusions follow from all of the above? Sudden nocturnal death syndrome, as well as daytime death in adults and children, is an inexplicable phenomenon. There are a huge number of various theories that allow one or another group of people to be classified as at risk. Doctors and scientists to this day cannot find an exact explanation for this phenomenon. Just like putting forward a clear definition of sudden death syndrome.

Only one thing is clear - so that there is no high risk of dying for no apparent reason, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, be less nervous and have more rest. In today's conditions to bring the idea to life is very problematic. In any case, doctors recommend at least minimizing tension and the amount of stress. Workaholics need to understand that they need to rest too. Otherwise, such people may suddenly die.

If you lead the most healthy lifestyle, then the likelihood of sudden death is minimized. Every person should remember this. No one is immune from this phenomenon. Scientists are trying to study it as best as possible and find the exact cause of this phenomenon. So far, as already emphasized, this has not been done. It remains only to believe in numerous theories.

The death of comic ships is always a tragedy on a national scale. Despite the fact that most of these accidents occurred in the United States, unfortunately, they also happened here. The loudest was the death of the Soyuz-11 crew.

Docking failed

In April 1971, the Soviet Union launched the world's first space station Salyut-1 into orbit. Soon, on April 24, 1971, Soyuz-10 docked at the station with three cosmonauts on board. But, the equipment did not behave as planned and the crew of the spacecraft could not go on board the station. I had to return to Earth. After correcting technical errors, the next start of the crew was scheduled, consisting of Alexei Leonov, Valery Kubasov and Pyotr Kolodin. However, their flight did not take place due to unexpectedly revealed health problems with Valery Kubasov. According to the rules, a backup crew was supposed to fly: Georgy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsaev. During the flight, the cosmonauts had to make an attempt to re-dock with Salyut-1 and repair the nodes that did not work during the previous attempt. At the same time, the crew removed from the flight was extremely upset, because Alexei Leonov already saw himself as the commander of the world's first orbital station. Nevertheless, the crew of Georgy Dobrovolsky went into orbit, and Alexei Leonov went home to Moscow.


The second time the docking was successful, but during the entire stay of the astronauts at the station they were forced to constantly struggle with unpleasant incidents. Once there was even a fire. Volkov offered to immediately go to the descent module, which he warned Moscow about, but Dobrovolsky and Patsaev showed determination and successfully eliminated the malfunction. The astronauts spent 23 days at the station, setting another record for the duration of the flight. Technical problems continued during preparations for the return to Earth. Before the undocking of Soyuz-11 and Salyut-1, a sensor suddenly lit up, indicating that the hatch was leaking. For several tedious minutes, the astronauts, trying to eliminate the malfunction, re-closed the hatch. Finally, the sensor, indicating a malfunction, went out, and the module rushed towards the Earth. However, during the descent, the crew did not communicate with the flight control center. The module landed in automatic mode. Anticipating something bad, the rescuers rushed to take the astronauts out of the landing module. Unfortunately they were all dead.

Causes of the tragedy

The first inspection of the lander showed that all systems worked normally, except for the vent valve through which air was supplied. It opened earlier than the estimated time, when the module was still in the vacuum of space. The pressure in the capsule with the astronauts dropped, the air escaped, and after about two minutes the hearts of the crew members stopped. Moreover, the astronauts immediately realized what had happened and tried to close the ill-fated valve, but did not have time. They had only 20 seconds to fix the problem, which, of course, was not enough. The government commission wrote off the reason for the abnormal opening of the valve as an accident and unforeseen circumstances.

The life and death of the remarkable Russian actor Yuri Demich belong to the old Soviet and post-Soviet times. He was born three years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, and the main peak of his work fell on the 70-80s, when the interest and respect of the public for acting were quite deserved and natural. The cause of Yuri Demich's death is blood loss incompatible with life.

Filmgoers Yuri Demich is known for many roles in the cinema, but only lovers of the theater of the northern capital, who had the opportunity to visit the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater, could appreciate his delightful theatrical work. He was an actor from God - talented, fantastically able-bodied, versatile and unique.

Demich chose his profession following the example of his father, who became a victim of Stalinist repressions and spent 20 years in exile in Magadan, where Demich Jr. was born. Following the example of his father, who freely did somersaults at the age of 60, the young actor became interested in sports and kept himself in excellent physical shape for a long time.

From childhood, he began to appear on stage with his father's troupe of the Kuibyshev Drama Theater. M. Gorky, graduated from the studio with him, and then entered GITIS. In 1973, the role of Hamlet, masterfully played in Kuibyshev, became for Demich a ticket to the stage of the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater. He conquered the audience, his colleagues, and the director A. G. Tovstonogov, who led the team, with his performances in the performances “Last Summer in Chulimsk” based on the play by Vampilov and “Three Bags of Weed Wheat” by the master himself.

Becoming one of the leading actors of this theatre, Demich brilliantly played about 40 roles in 7 theatrical seasons and each time, going on stage, he was ready to play as if for the first time. In the cinema, he was also often offered big roles, and in total there were almost 50 of them in 20 years. Such a powerful waste of energy, despite the excess of health, temperament and strength, could be disastrous. The actor began to drink a little and once fell under the hot hand of Tovstonogov, an implacable opponent of drunkenness on stage.

Whether Demich was really to blame, as the director was informed, is known to few, but he had to leave his native theater. This tragedy was not easy for the actor: having moved to the capital and settled in the troupe of the Moscow Yermolovsky Theater, he began to lose control over his weakness. His theatrical repertoire was reduced, although he was still invited to the cinema. But he was already drinking.

When Yuri Alexandrovich, pulling himself together, began to establish a sober life, economic problems began in the country and it turned out to be difficult for him to find a job. Demich earned extra money by traveling around Russia with performances.

Nomadic life finally undermined his health. In December 1990, the actor began to bleed heavily, which doctors could not stop. The cause of death of Yuri Demich at the age of 42 was the rupture of the veins of the esophagus, which led to huge blood loss.

He is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Everyone knows about terrible poisons and try to be as far away from them as possible. It would never occur to anyone to put a jar of arsenic in the refrigerator or a nightstand in the kitchen. But all sorts of solvents, cleaners, fresheners and other means can be found a lot. But they are dangerous no less than potassium cyanide.

1. Antifreeze is dangerous because it does not have an unpleasant odor and tastes quite edible, but if you drink this remedy, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Drinking this fluid can lead to kidney failure and death.
2. If the windows are constantly freezing, then you will have to purchase anti-icing fluid, but you need to remember that it contains methanol, a very toxic substance, alcohol, which can cause blindness and death.

3. Insecticides help control pests, but you can get poisoned by these products by spraying them in unventilated areas. The use of these remedies will lead to convulsions and coma.
4. Some solvents for removing artificial nails can cause serious consequences. With their use, you can get methemoglobinemia and oxygen starvation.

5. Be careful with pipe cleaners, as the fumes of these products can kill if inhaled, burn internal organs.
6. Pain-relieving creams affect the area, but if you do not follow the instructions, you can damage your eyes.

7. Anionic detergent, known as carpet cleaner, is very caustic and can cause damage to organs, you can be blinded if it gets into your eyes.
8. If you exceed the dose of iron tablets, you can get iron poisoning. If you do not get help within 24 hours, then the brain and liver will suffer. You can even die.

9. Toilet cleaners remove dirt and odors. When used, this remedy can damage internal organs and fall into a coma.
10. Pain pills, including paracetamol, aspirin, and ibuprofen, can cause death if overdosed. Internal organs simply refuse.

11. Furniture polish can cause a coma if you drink this product or inhale it well. If the polish gets into your eyes, you can go blind, and if it gets on delicate skin, it can cause burns and irritation.
12. Perfume and cologne contain alcohol, ethanol and isopropanol. Both of these substances can cause nausea, anxiety, and seizures.

13. Don't drink mouthwash. It can cause diarrhea, dizziness and coma.
14. Gasoline is dangerous because of its fumes, inhaling which you can get dizziness, lowering blood pressure, pain in the eyes, ears, nose and throat.

15. After drinking kerosene, a liquid that is used for ignition, in kerosene lamps and kerosene gases, you can get bloody stools, convulsions and burning sensations in the internal organs.
16. Moths are annoying, but you can’t eat anti-mole pills. You can get oxygen starvation and to whom.

17. Oil paints can damage the skin, if they enter the stomach and lungs, they can cause serious problems with the nervous system and cause death.
18. Codeine is sold by prescription, but when overdosed, it causes fatigue, drowsiness, intestinal cramps, and death.

19. Taking a large dose of alcoholic beverages, we do not just get drunk, but we get serious poisoning and even death if medical assistance is not provided on time.
20. If it turned out that someone swallowed paint thinner, then there is a risk of necrosis of the tissues of internal organs, and if inhaled, memory loss and fever.

21. Poison for rodents can cause blood in the urine and feces, a metallic taste in the mouth, and as brain hemorrhage occurs, pallor of the skin and death.
22. Some skin-lightening creams contain mercury in such quantities that mercury poisoning can occur. The gums may bleed, there will be bloody stools, vomiting and death.

23. Most deodorants or antiperspirants contain aluminum salts and ethanol. If you taste them or inhale a large enough amount, you can get diarrhea, vomiting, coma and death.
24. Turpentine is a substance that is obtained from pine. If you taste it or inhale deeply, you can get bloody stools and die.

25. Everyone knows that thermometers contain mercury. You should not taste it, as it is a highly toxic metal.
26. Repellents contain insect poison, which protects us from insect bites. If you use the repellent inside, you can earn vomiting, coughing and convulsions.

27. Baby creams for redness can be very dangerous in the hands of children. Never leave them within the reach of an infant. You risk even if you step aside for a minute.
28. You may have acne, which means you use special creams. Never taste these products and do not spread them intensively on the skin - you will minimally get contact dermatitis.

29. Calamine lotion is used for skin conditions, but it contains zinc oxide, which can cause chills, nausea, and fever.
30. Teflon coats pans and pots to keep food from sticking, but when heated, it can lead to cancer and other health problems. Do not leave cooked food on the Teflon surface for a long time.

31. The plastic used to make plastic bottles contains BPA, which can cause cancer and hormonal problems in teenagers, speeding up the transition to puberty.
32. If herbicides are detrimental to one organic matter, then they can harm another. When taken internally, you can fall into a coma.

33. All refractory materials contain polybrominated diphenyl ethers, which can cause many health problems. In Europe, the use of these substances is prohibited.
34. Sleeping pills can kill.

35. If you have items in your home covered with Scotchguard, which was produced before the year 2000, then you can suffer from malformations and other health problems.
36. The powder that is in the printer is also an unsafe material. If you print a lot on a laser printer, do it in a well-ventilated area.

37. Coal tar is a carcinogen, which means it causes cancer.
38. Formaldehyde is used in the woodworking industry, if you inhale the fumes of this substance, you can feel irritation in the nose and eyes, and pets can get nose cancer.

39. Lead paint is rarely used today, but that doesn't mean lead poisoning is uncommon, since you have old newspapers and books in your attic, or even the paint itself.
40. Motor oil can damage organs, especially the lungs. In addition, motor oil poisoning can cause brain damage and respiratory problems.