Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Balyaga What are the benefits of honey? Completed by: 3rd grade students Egor Ovchinnikov, Daria Timofeeva Arina Kazakova Supervisor: T.I. Dolzhenkova 2011-2012 academic year

Relevance of the study: When consuming honey, a very large number of people do not even think about how unique honey is and what important role it plays in human life.

Goal: To study and prove the benefits of honey.

Objectives: 1. Familiarize yourself with the history of the appearance of honey. 2. Study the composition of honey. 3. Identify beneficial properties. 4. Find out where and how honey is used.

Object of study: Human. Subject of research: Honey.

Hypothesis: If honey has medicinal properties, then perhaps there is a negative property of honey.

Research methods: analysis of scientific literature; survey of parents and students; observation; analysis of the results obtained

Adults and children know: Honey tastes better than anything in the world. He will cure all diseases. Honey is the healthiest of all medicines!

When consuming honey, people don’t even think about how unique it is.

Honey is a sweet, syrupy substance produced by bees from the nectar of honey plants. Honey is a valuable dietary human food product.

From the history of honey: Scientists believe that honey was known back in 700. BC. Honey production was practiced in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Excavations testify to this. From time immemorial, the Slavs were also involved in honey extraction. In 1891, the first beekeeping society was founded in Russia.

How is honey made? Bees process honey from flower juice and nectar. Nectar is called the “soul of flowers.” Bees, having found nectar, dance on the flower, pollen falls on their proboscis, hairs, and other parts of the body. Then the bee flies into the hive, sweeps away pollen: the first pair of legs - from the head, the second - from the chest, the third - from the abdomen. At one time, a bee brings 11-20 mg of nectar. Then they put the nectar into honeycombs, transfer it several times, moistening it with saliva. But this work cannot be seen with the naked eye.

What kind of honey is there? Honey can be linden, sunflower, buckwheat, or acacia. It depends on where the bees collect nectar.

Honey contains: a number of enzymes; salt; m microelements; organic acids

An approximate picture of the composition of honey: Fructose: 38.0% Glucose: 31.0% Sucrose: 1.0% Water: 13.0-20.0% Ash: 0.17% Other: 3.38%

Our research: Poll: Do you like honey? What kind of honey do you prefer (liquid, solid, in combs)? Is honey beneficial? Which one? Can honey harm humans?

Survey results

Honey is a healthy dietary product.

From the scientific literature we learned: The great thinkers of antiquity Pythagoras, Ovid, Democritus, Hippocrates, Aristotle and others believed that consuming honey helps maintain good health and prolong human life. Democritus lived 107 years, Hippocrates died at the age of 109.

What else do bees produce? Honey, propolis, royal jelly, cellular honey.

Using honey It is indispensable for colds, coughs, and sore throats, because honey is used both internally and for compresses and tinctures. Honey is widely used in cooking when baking cookies, and it is added to sweets. Honey is used in cosmetology, for the production of creams, shampoos, and hair dyes.

Honey is a unique gift of nature. A magnificent piece of the untold wealth that wise nature bestows on humanity. And everyone can find what they need to restore or strengthen their health, as well as beauty and energy. And honey will help us with this! What is unique about honey? Of course, the fact is that this is the only product of all that is medicinal and completely created by nature. The composition of honey is unique and includes many useful and necessary substances for humans.

Allergies Honey can cause allergies! Which component of honey can cause allergies? Allergies can be caused by the type of nectar from which bees make honey.

Conclusions Honey contains almost all chemical compounds necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Due to its rich chemical composition, honey has a beneficial effect on the human body and is widely used. Honey has more benefits than harm. Honey as a natural medicine can be used very widely.

Literature “What is what. School encyclopedia." 1996-2000 “Bees” Internet sites:

Thank you for your attention!

Where does honey come from?

GBOU VLG No. 1389

How to find out which hollow the bees live in?

This is a BOARD - a tree stump.

How does a bee produce honey?

First, worker bees fly out to collect nectar, a sweet liquid produced by a flowering plant. To obtain 100 g of honey, they must fly around about 1 million flowers. Bees use a special proboscis to select nectar, fill their stomach with it, and return to the hive with this load.

Upon returning to the hive, the forager bee is greeted by young bees who take nectar from her.

In the hive, nectar is passed from one bee to another, chewed and spat out several times. This creates a thick syrup. The worker bee pours the syrup into the cell of the honeycomb and then blows it with her wings. This makes the syrup even thicker.

This is how honey is made. After the honey is ready, the bee closes the cell with a thin layer of wax.

Now it's up to the beekeeper. He must take the finished honey from the hive. To do this, you need to pump out honey from the honeycombs.

Honey- not only a tasty and nutritious product, it also has healing properties.

Pumping out honey

Honey varieties

Lime honey is very aromatic, transparent, white.

The taste is very sweet.

Linden honey

Honey varieties

Buckwheat honey is dark brown in color.

The taste is sharp, pungent. It makes my throat tickle.

Buckwheat honey






  • If the bees fly strongly towards their hives, it means it will rain soon;
  • They become angrier, they sting more often - there will be a drought;
  • Sitting on the walls of the hive means intense heat.

The Russian people say about bees:

  • For a bee, every lesson is easy.
  • And the bee flies to the red flower.
  • Not a bee without a sting, not a rose without its thorns.
  • Flowers for bees - bees for flowers.


  • The bee is a symbol of hard work and collectivism; the benefits of bees in agriculture are enormous, since they are one of the most active pollinators of flowering plants.
  • People use all the waste products of bees with great benefit.
  • Bees are the most useful insects for humans of all the insects on the globe.

Determination of the quality of honey educational research work of an 8th grade student of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Sanatorium Boarding School No. 28” Galsanova Evgenia Galsanova Evgenia Erdyneeva E.R. Head: Erdyneeva E.R. teacher of chemistry, biology.

Contents  Introduction.  I. Theoretical part.  1.1. Composition of honey  1.2. Properties of honey  1.3. Methods for storing honey.  1.4. Types of honey.  1.5. Methods for determining the quality of natural honey.  1.6. Use of honey. Conclusion.  II. Practical part.  2.1. Questioning.  2.3. Research of honey quality:  A) consistency;  B) experiment with a piece of bread;  B) experiment with iodine;  D) determination of honey maturity;  D) experiment with acetic acid.  III. Project results. Conclusion. Product: Memo “Tips for determining the quality of honey at home.”  V. Literature used

Research hypothesis Research hypothesis  We assumed that natural honey can be determined experimentally

PurposeThe purpose of the research study:: to identify methods for determining natural honey Objectives: Objectives: Study the composition, properties and quality of honey Conduct observation and experiment Draw conclusions Object of research:: Object of research Honey Subject of research:: Subject of research Properties and quality of honey

Composition of honey Composition of honey fructose fructose sucrose sucrose glucose glucose aa The composition of honey is 65 80% fructose and sucrose The composition of honey is 65 80% fructose and sucrose Honey contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, enzymes, trace elements, antibacterial substances. ucrosesucrose

Properties of honey Properties of honey Honey has healing properties: Honey has healing properties:  Honey disinfects, kills microbes  Honey gives us energy  Has an anti-inflammatory, absorbable and tonic effect  Honey normalizes the activity of internal organs  Honey is a preventative against caries, stomatitis and gingivitis  Normalizes sleep  Stimulates the body's defenses, etc.

Types of honey Types of honey Honey gets its name depending on the plants from which bees collect nectar. They are distinguished by color:  Flower honey is light yellow in color  Linden honey is amber in color  Ash honey is transparent, like water  Buckwheat honey has different shades of brown  Acacia honey in liquid form is transparent, when candied it becomes white and resembles snow

Quality honey - Mature honey should be thick, but not too thick. - At room temperature, it wraps around a spoon, like a ribbon that breaks at a certain moment. If the honey is unripe, it means it is liquid, contains a lot of water, flows off the spoon and quickly turns sour. If the honey is too white, then it is sugar honey and the bees were not collecting pollen, but “grazing” on sugar syrup. If the color is too dark and the honey has a faint caramel smell, then it is melted honey.

By aroma By viscosity By consistency:  Liquid honey  Crystallized

Methods for determining natural Methods for determining natural honey Analysis of the information received on this issue showed that natural honey can be determined experimentally We used three types of flower honey as samples

Honey samples

Organoleptic indicators of honey Samples of honey Samples of honey Indicators Indicators Appearance Appearance Consistency Consistency Crystallization Crystallization art artificial linden linden buckwheat forb herb mechanical impurities no mechanical impurities no liquid liquid no no viscous viscous lard-like lard-like very viscous th very viscous fine grain fine grain melted very viscous very viscous fine-grained fine-grained ayaya ColorColor amber amber light light Aroma Aroma pleasant pleasant weak weak specific specific light light brown brown specific specific pungent yellow yellow pleasant pleasant strong strong TasteTaste sweet sweet sweet bitter bitter bitter sweet sweet

Real honey does not roll off the spoon too quickly spoons too quickly  The honey rolled onto the spoon, almost without dripping into the jar  The honey, when dripping, formed a ribbon and sat in a mound

Impurities Impurity Impurity Reagent React Reaction Reaction Chalk Chalk vinegar vinegar boiling boiling Sugar Sugar syrup syrup Starch, Starch, flour lapis lapis iodide cloudiness, cloudiness, white precipitate white precipitate blue blue coloring coloring Honeydew Honeydew honey ethyl ethyl alcohol alcohol strong strong cloudiness, cloudiness, milky milky white white coloring coloring

Test for mechanical impurities 50 g of honey was dissolved in 50 ml of distilled water, heated to 50 C, then the solution was poured into a 100 ml light glass cylinder; mechanical impurities, if present, will float in the solution or be on the bottom or surface. Conclusion: no mechanical impurities were found in the samples.

Methods for determining sugar syrup additives. There is water in real honey. There is practically no water in real honey. practically absent A drop of honey was dropped onto a sheet of filter paper. If it spreads across the paper, forming wet spots, or seeps through it, it is fake honey. paper samples No. 5-6 left wet spots, therefore these samples contain sugar syrup. Conclusion: on the filter

Research under a microscope

Determination of starch syrup

Definition Determination of starch in honey starch in honey  To do this, put a little honey in a glass, pour boiling water over it, stir and cool. After this, a few drops of iodine were added there. If the composition turns blue, it means that starch has been added to the honey. This is fake honey

Definition Definition of chalk in honey chalk in honey  To do this, put a little honey in a glass, pour boiling water over it, stir and cool. After this, a few drops of vinegar essence were added there. If the composition hisses, it means there is chalk in the honey. This is fake honey

Determination of other impurities in honey other impurities in honey Definition  A hot wire (made of stainless steel) must be dipped into honey. If there is a sticky foreign mass hanging on it, it is fake honey; if the wire remains clean, the honey is natural.

Signs of fermentation: 100 ml of a 10% aqueous solution of honey was poured into a beaker, 5 drops of a 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein, 5 ml of a 0.1% sodium hydroxide solution were added. The solution remains colorless, which means the honey has high acidity. Conclusion: the solutions of all samples turned crimson; all honey samples have normal acidity.

Determination of diastase number 7.5 ml of a 10% honey solution was poured into a test tube, 2.5 ml of distilled water, 0.5 ml of a 0.58% solution of table salt, 5 ml of a 1% starch solution were added and capped, mixed thoroughly, placed on water bath for 1 hour, at a temperature of 40 C. Then took it out, quickly cooled under running cold water to room temperature, added one drop of iodine solution. If, after thorough mixing, the solution becomes slightly yellow or colorless, then the diastase number is more than 7 units (which corresponds to the standard). Conclusions: after the reaction, the solutions of samples No. 1-5 became light yellow, and the solution of sample No. 6 turned a faint blue color. Therefore, in samples No. 1-5 the diastase number corresponds to the norm, and in sample No. 6 it exceeds the norm.

Methods for determining molasses additives 96% ethyl alcohol was added to a 1:2 aqueous solution of honey and shaken. The solution becomes milky white and a transparent semi-liquid mass (dextrins) forms in the sludge. In the absence of starch syrup impurities, the solution remains transparent and only when the layers of honey and alcohol come into contact does a barely noticeable cloudiness appear, which disappears with shaking. Conclusion: the solutions of the studied samples acquired a milky white color; after settling, the honey was dissolved in water 1:1 and one drop of iodine solution was added; a change in the color of the solution indicates the presence of starch or its hydrolysis products. Conclusion: samples No. 1-5 acquired a light brown color. Sample No. 6 is blue in color, therefore this sample contains starch syrup.

Methods for determining gelatin and glue Reaction to ammonia - heated a 1:2 solution of honey with an aqueous solution of caustic alkali. The reaction of the vapors when the solution was boiled was tested using moistened litmus paper. If there is gelatin or glue in honey, ammonia is formed, which causes the red litmus paper to turn blue. Litmus paper has not changed color, therefore they do not contain gelatin or glue. Conclusion: in the studied samples

Methods for determining chalk content Chalk impurities can be detected by adding a few drops of vinegar to a honey sample diluted with distilled water. In the presence of chalk, the mixture boils due to the release of carbon dioxide. Conclusion: no chalk was found in these samples.

Obtained results Home methods Home methods Laboratory methods Laboratory methods Honey Honey Artificial vein Linden Linden Buckwheat Various Herbal herbal Organo Organoleptic indicators indicators ++ ++ ++ Impurities Impurities Mass Mass fraction water water Diastasis Diastasis number number Micro Microscope scope Lumino Lumino scope ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++

Storing honey Storing honey  Honey is stored in glass, clay, porcelain, ceramic and wooden containers.  Honey should not be stored in metal containers, since the acids contained in its composition can cause oxidation. Such honey can cause discomfort in the stomach and even lead to poisoning.  Honey should be stored at a temperature of 5-10C in a dry, well-ventilated area, where there are no strong-smelling products, since honey easily perceives foreign odors.  If stored properly, honey may not spoil for a very long time (several centuries or even millennia), because has disinfecting properties.

Conclusions: Based on the results of laboratory studies, we can conclude that of the purchased honey samples, the highest quality will be herbal honey, buckwheat honey is of low quality, linden honey is adulterated with sugar syrup or mixed with cheaper varieties of honey. The results obtained at home do not match the results obtained in the laboratory and disprove my hypothesis. A complete study of honey can only be carried out in the laboratory. I would like to recommend that when buying honey, pay attention to its appearance; you should not buy clear, bright honey. It is better to make purchases from trusted beekeepers. Only a personal apiary can fully insure against counterfeiting. Honey is a wonderful product. It will be interesting to study it further. I would like to consider how the enzyme content in it changes, and, therefore, its usefulness during storage. The practical result was the development of a leaflet on the prevention and treatment of influenza. Pamamanka

Honey is a valuable complex of nutrients that are so necessary for the human body. It is known that honey was already recognized as an excellent food product in ancient times. Our ancient ancestors used this wonderful gift of nature, in the creation of which a bee and a flower participate, as a valuable medicine for many diseases.

How do bees make honey? Bees make honey because it serves as food for them. Therefore, the process of making this product is a way of preparing food for a colony of bees. The first thing a bee does is look for flowers and collect nectar from them. Then she carries it in a special honey bag. The honey in the combs, produced by honey bees, contains so much water from natural nectar that it can last forever! It is placed in honeycombs to mature to serve as food for bees in the future. HOW DO BEES MAKE HONEY?

Varieties of honey Natural honey in origin can be Flower honey - a product of processing plant nectar by bees Mixed, or combined, honey bees collect from various plants Honeydew honey - bees make from the sweet secretions of leaves and plant stems they collect

Beneficial properties of honey Antibacterial effect. Bee honey is often successfully used to treat even purulent wounds. Anti-inflammatory effect. Bee honey has the ability to relieve both internal and external inflammatory processes in the human body. General strengthening and tonic effect. It is explained by the unique chemical composition of bee honey: it contains a large number of various vitamins and microelements, enzymes and minerals necessary for humans.

The benefits of honey are indicated by the fact that it helps maintain blood sugar levels at the same level, without sudden jumps. Honey is a source of slow carbohydrates. Sugars from honey are absorbed slowly, without a strong feeling of hunger, the body retains the necessary vital energy, and proper fat burning occurs.

And more about the benefits of honey! Honey has a wonderful effect on our nervous system, calms it, relieves stress, and stimulates the heart muscle. You should always remember the benefits of honey for strengthening your immune system! And then in the autumn-winter period you will not encounter colds and flu. We can talk for a long time about the amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals in honey: there are B vitamins, folic acid, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, selenium! Dieters are well aware of the ability of honey to maintain strength while restricting calories. Already in Ancient China and Ancient Egypt, honey was given to newborn children and infants in small doses. It was noticed that such children were healthier, more talented, and developed faster both mentally and physically.

Interesting facts about honey One of the legends says: the most outstanding doctor of antiquity, Hippocrates, lived 110 years, and consumed honey all this time. But in those days the average life expectancy did not exceed 40 years. This once again proves that Hippocrates knew a lot about medicine. In addition, in Ancient Greece, honey was also considered the food of the gods.

In the folk calendar there is a special day associated with the culture of beekeeping - October 2. This is the day of Zosima and Savvaty, beekeepers. In the period from October 2 to October 10, a bee harvest takes place. According to popular beliefs, at this time you need to eat a teaspoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach, washed down with warm water. So honey becomes a cure for all diseases.

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FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION "KRASNOYARSK MEDICAL-PHARMACEUTICAL COLLEGE" MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Research work "Qualitative composition of honey" Krasnoyarsk, 2010 Executed nil student 105 gr. “Laboratory diagnostics” Potekhin Dmitry Head teacher of chemistry Bondareva Lyubov Viktorovna

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Purpose of the work: To explore the diverse and complex chemical composition of honey and its medicinal properties. Objectives: To study the composition of honey, its medicinal properties. To study the methodology for conducting qualitative reactions to detect substances in honey.

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Hypothesis: The value of honey as a food product depends on its complex chemical composition. Object of study: various varieties of honey. Subject of research: complex and diverse composition of honey.

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“In honey, nature presented us with one of its Most Precious gifts, the significance of which for the human body at the present time is too insufficiently known or is very poorly known.” E. Zander

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According to the definition of I.A. Kablukov: “Honey is a sweet aromatic substance collected by bees from nectaries or other parts of plants, after appropriate processing in the honey ventricle, deposited in the honeycomb.” Honey is primarily a biological product, which contains 500 components necessary for our body.

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Carbohydrates - Fructose 38% - glucose 31% - sucrose 1% - other sugars (maltose, melezitose) – 9% Enzymes - diastase Amino acids - proline Vitamins 6.5% - thiamine Water 17%

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The effect of carbohydrates on the body Composition The effect of honey on the body Application Simple carbohydrates Fructose Easily absorbed - they appear in the blood 20 minutes after consumption. It is absorbed more easily than glucose without wasting insulin, so it does not cause diabetes. Promotes Fe absorption. Quickly restores performance Use as a sweetener

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Diastase is an enzyme that promotes the decomposition of starch. The method for determining the diastase activity of honey is the standardized Gothe method, based on the ability of the enzyme to break down starch. Diastase activity is expressed by the diastase number. The diastase number is the number of milliliters of 1% soluble starch that is decomposed in one hour by the amylolytic enzymes contained in one gram of anhydrous honey. One milliliter of starch solution corresponds to one unit of activity. According to existing standards, the diastase number in natural honey must be at least 5 units. Gothe. Enzymes (from Latin fermentum - leaven) are specific protein catalysts present in all living cells.

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Determination of diastase number According to existing standards, the diastase number in natural honey must be at least 5 units. Gothe. Name of honey Observations 1) Emelyanovsky district solution became discolored 2) Nazarovsky solution became discolored 3) Regional hospital solution became discolored 4) Altai solution was colored blue 5) Sukhobuzimo solution became discolored Diastase number Above 5 above 5 above 5 Less than 5 above 5

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Determination of fructose by reaction: 3 ml of honey solution + 1 ml of conc. hydrochloric acid 3 crystals of resorcinol The mixture was heated and a red color was observed. Name of honey Observation 1) Emelyanovsky district Red coloring 2) Nazarovsky Red coloring 3) Regional hospital Red coloring 4) Altaisky Red coloring 5) Sukhobuzimo Red coloring Fructose content Present Present Present Present Present

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Trommer's reaction to glucose: 3 ml of honey solution + 3 drops of 10% NaOH solution 4 drops of 7% CuSO4 solution The mixture was carefully heated and the appearance of a yellow precipitate (CuOH), turning into a brick-red color (Cu 2 O), was observed. Name of honey Observation 1) Emelyanovsky district brick color 2) Nazarovsky brown-green 3) Regional hospital red color 4) Altaisky red color 5) Sukhobuzimo red color Glucose content present absent present present present

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Determination of amino acids using the ninhydrin reaction Red-brown color indicates the presence of the amino acid proline. Proline is one of the main essential amino acids that the body uses to produce collagen. This amino acid promotes the formation of healthy joints, tendons, ligaments and heart muscles and the formation of hemoglobin. Name of honey Observation 1) Emelyanovsky district Red-brown coloring 2) Nazarovsky Solution discolored 3) Jar with a red lid Red-brown coloring 4) Altaisky Solution discolored 5) Sukhobuzimo Solution discolored Proline content present absent present absent absent

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Detection of thiamine in honey: Yellow color indicates the presence of water-soluble vitamin B1 thiamine n. Participates in the metabolism of amino acids, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, and endocrine systems. Name of honey Observation 1) Emelyanovsky district Brown color 2) Nazarovsky Yellow color 3) Regional hospital Brown color 4) Altai Yellow color 5) Sukhobuzimo Brown color Thiamine content Absent Present Absent Absent Present Absent

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Conclusion: In conclusion, I would like to say that after a lot of work, literary material was studied, which helped to study: The chemical composition of honey. Honey consists of: 16-21% water, 32-35% glucose, 38-40% fructose, 7% sucrose, 3% dextrins, 0.43% organic acids, 0.04% proteins and 0.2% minerals. Honey also contains various mineral salts and about thirty microelements (salts of copper, manganese, iodine, zinc, aluminum, cobalt, nickel). Minerals are sometimes lacking in the foods we eat every day. Consuming honey replenishes their deficiency in the body and helps restore health. Qualitative reactions to honey were carried out, with the help of which the following were found in various types of honey: - fructose by the Selivanov reaction - carbonates - amino acids using the ninhydrin reaction - glucose by the Trommer reaction - thiamine - the diastase number was determined. The honey we studied meets all food product standards!!!

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Bibliography: Nifantiev E.E., Verzilina M.K., Kotlyarova V.S. “Extracurricular work in chemistry using chromatography” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1983 Novoshinsky I.I., Novoshinskaya N.S. “Organic chemistry, 11th grade. Edition 2" Moscow, ONICS, World and Education, 2006 Rabinovich V.A., Khavin Z.L. "A short chemical reference book. Edition 2. Corrected and expanded. Publishing house "Chemistry", Leningrad branch" 1978 Fedosova L.F. “Non-traditional forms and methods of conducting chemistry lessons” Krasnodar, 2001 Shulpin G.B. “This is fascinating chemistry. Reviewer: Doctor of Chemical Sciences Goldfeld M.G., Moscow: Chemistry" 1984 - "All about honey" (website on the Internet) - "Honey plant" ( website on the Internet) - “Lavka Zhizni” (website on the Internet)