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Course name: Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics.


  1. the formation of students' perceptions of the Motherland as a great multinational power;
  2. development of students' motivation to learn about the historical and cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia;
  3. education of civil-patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.


  1. to acquaint students with the concept of multinationality;
  2. to form students' concepts of the Motherland, Fatherland, patriotism, material and spiritual world;
  3. to form initial ideas about Russian national traditions;
  4. foster a respectful and careful attitude towards their homeland;
  5. develop speech, logical and associative thinking of students;
  6. contribute to the development of students' communication skills, the ability to defend their point of view reasonably.

1. Org. Moment

Slide 1 "Russia is our Motherland"

I want to start our tutorial by watching a video clip.

Slide 2 View video.

(The song "My Russia" is played. While watching the video fragment on this slide, the pictures of the nature of our Motherland change)

How did you feel when watching? (Expansion, space, pride, spirituality, etc.)

What country was sung about in the song you heard? (About Russia)

Russia is an amazing country. It's so big that when it's morning at one end of the country, it's deep at night at the other. Somewhere it is warm and the sun is shining, and somewhere snowstorms are sweeping and people are burning stoves so as not to freeze.

Autumn is one sweeter
Spring is dearer to others.
And the homeland is Russia.
We all have ... (one)!

2. Working on new material.

1. - Guys, how do we respectfully call our country? (Fatherland)

Why do we call it that? (Because our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers worked and defended their land in order to preserve Russia for future generations.)

What else can you call our country? (Homeland)

What is Homeland? (The land in which we were born and live).

Hear how your peers talk about it.

Slide 3 Viewing a fragment of the video film "My World - Russia"

During the discussion of a fragment of the video film and analyzing the statements of children about the Motherland, the teacher invites the children to complete the task.

Slide 4 "Make proverbs"

  • There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world.
  • A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.
  • A man has one mother, and he has one motherland.
  • The peoples of our country are strong in friendship.
  • The brotherhood of the people is dearer than any wealth.
  • If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

2. - In life we ​​are surrounded by many objects and phenomena of nature. This is ... (The world around)

Right. These things, objects, natural phenomena, among which a person lives, make up the material world. But there is also the spiritual world.

Slide 5 "Material and spiritual world"

What do you think is the spirit world? (What a person lives with, what he is interested in, etc.)

Now find and read the definition given by the authors of the textbook on page 4. (Children read the definition aloud.)

Did you and I correctly define what the spirit world is?

Guys, what do you think is the most valuable of the country? (From the variety of answers, the teacher chooses the people).

The most valuable thing for a country is its people. People are a polysemantic word. "There are so many people!" - they say when many people have gathered in one place. Also, the people are called the population of one country. We are all the Russian people, Russians. And the people are also people who speak the same language, have common customs and similar occupations. These people are united by history. They preserve the memory of their heroes, talented writers, artists and musicians.

3. Slides 6-11 "Famous People of Russia"

During the viewing, the teacher gives comments on what area these people have shown themselves in.

Music, fine arts, history, knowledge - this is the spiritual world. It is reflected in a person and forms his inner world. All religions of the world define it as the soul of a person.

What do you guys think, is the spiritual world the same for all people? (Different)

Why does it depend? (From occupations, hobbies of a person, from his communication with other people)

4. - A person has the right to decide for himself how to feed his soul.

Slide 12

"Man chooses" (good and evil, love and hate, beautiful and ugly, mercy and cruelty, truth and lies)

Which one will you choose? (Answers of children)

Physical education

There is sun in nature. It shines and loves and warms everyone. Imagine a little star in your heart. Let us send a ray of love towards her. We feel the asterisk grow larger. We direct the ray that carries the world. The asterisk has increased again. We direct the ray with goodness, the asterisk has become even larger. I send rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the star becomes as big as the sun. It brings warmth to everyone, everyone, everyone ( hands to the side).

How not to destroy your inner world? How to understand other people? We will get answers to these questions by studying the new subject "Foundations of Orthodox Culture."

5. - The spiritual world has its own roads. They are called traditions. Our ancestors walked along them.

Find and read the definition given by the authors of the textbook on page 5 ( Children read aloud)

Why is it important to preserve traditions? (Because cultural traditions are based on such eternal values ​​as goodness, honor, justice, mercy)

Slide 13 "Cultural traditions"

Following them, a person can distinguish good from bad, make his inner world clean, bright, joyful.

Slide 14 "Peoples of Russia"

Our country is amazing because more than 180 different peoples live in it. There are both numerous peoples and very small ones. Each nation has its own history, culture and traditions.

Slides 15-18 "Folk traditions"

During the viewing, the teacher gives comments on the peculiarities of the traditions of different peoples.

Russia Is a truly unique country that, along with a highly developed modern culture, carefully preserves the traditions of its nation.
The traditions of the Russian Orthodox people are especially observed during the celebration of Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter. With a sense of reverence, an Orthodox person treats the twelve feasts of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In winter, the traditions of the Russian people are especially observed in the celebration Nativity of Christ. Believers celebrate the holiday in the temple. Festive services are held on Christmas night in all churches. On Christmas days, it is customary to visit each other and exchange gifts. It is very useful and correct from a Christian point of view to visit the sick and suffering.

Many people await in awe Shrovetide, a tradition of celebration that is rooted in our history. This is a popular celebration dedicated to the welcome of spring. Before entering Great Lent, people say goodbye to winter, enjoy warm spring days, and, of course, bake delicious pancakes.

The days of Great Lent are special days of spiritual growth, days of humility, obedience and joy on the eve of the great holidays.
The traditions of the Russian people are observed during the celebration Easter... Before the onset of this holiday, everyone bakes cakes, makes cottage cheese Easter, dye eggs. The egg is a symbol of life, its rebirth. Eggs are dyed in different colors and presented to each other.

On this day, bells ring in all churches. This ringing is called the Easter Annunciation. The service in the church on Easter is special and it lasts all night long.
They live in Russia and Chuvash, whose traditions are little known, but also quite interesting. For example, the sowa festival called Akatui. The land and plow became the heroes of this holiday. According to custom, on this day, guests are supposed to treat guests with boiled eggs and porridge. Eggs were buried in the sown field for a good harvest. Children and adults alike had fun on this day, they organized running competitions and horse races. For the holiday, the Chuvash bake yusman pancakes.
Do you know what Sabantuy is? This is a folk holiday Tatars... It is dedicated to the end of the field work carried out in the spring and is closely related to labor. On this day, they fought on sashes, carried out fights with sacks, arranged races and had fun in every possible way.

Tatars love to drink tea with sweets, for example, with chak-chak. Small pieces of unleavened dough are fried, stacked in a slide and poured with honey and sugar syrup. It turns out very tasty! Chak-chak is always put on the festive table.

Chechens and Ingush- two very close people. They have a similar language, customs and faith. The traditions of these peoples are the preservation of family etiquette and honorable respect for guests, hospitality, the code of honor of the highlanders.

In the Far North of our country live Chukchi and Eskimos... They are engaged in deer breeding and sea fishing. One of the holidays of these peoples was associated with this - the holiday of canyons. Baidara is a light speed boat made of wood and walrus skins. On the day of the holiday, she was lowered into the water and chunks of meat were thrown into the sea - they “fed” the spirits of sea animals. The Chukchi and Eskimos believed that hunting luck depended on these spirits.

The peoples of Russia and their traditions are so diverse that to list all possible holidays, you need to read more than one encyclopedia. The Russian land has united completely different people and no matter how we are obliged to respect the traditions of other peoples.

(A prepared student reads a poem.)

Jew and Tuvan, Buryat and Udmurt,
Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Yakut.
Big family of different nations,
And we should be proud of this, friends.
Our common home is called Russia,
Let everyone be comfortable in it.
We will overcome any difficulties together
And only in unity is the strength of Russia.

III... Consolidation and generalization of the passed material

Students perform tasks of various types.

1. Frontal work

Slide 19 "Labor of the soul and physical labor" "

Soul labor

Physical work

Divide the phrases into 2 groups.

Carpentry, caring for the younger ones, love for the Fatherland, respect for the elders, love for the family, washing floors, cleaning the classroom, helping people, weeding flower beds.

Slides 20-22 "Continue the phrase"

Continue the phrase.

  • The work of the soul is necessary for a person in order to ... (To do something better than others, to become better, to remain the same).
  • The spiritual traditions of the country are established ... (By legal laws, by an individual, by the labor of the soul of the people, by a neighboring state).
  • To observe spiritual traditions, they must be ... (Ignore, teach to understand,).

Slides 23-26 “Test. Group work "

Work with the test.

1. Why should every Russian love his homeland?

A) It allows you to live comfortably.

B) The homeland of a person, like a mother, is one. She needs to be loved, as we love our relatives, as we love our only mother.

C) Thanks to the resources of the country, a person can enrich himself.

2. How can the “work of the soul” manifest in relation to the Motherland?

A) in enriching the country with material benefits

B) in the conquest of new territories

C) in the development of the spiritual wealth of their people

3. Where do you see the spiritual wealth of our multinational homeland?

A) in a large area and natural resources

B) in the spiritual traditions of the peoples who live on the territory of Russia

C) in rich and influential people

4. Why do people need traditions?

B) Traditions are, first of all, holidays, they are needed in order to make life more fun.

C) Traditions are not needed by the people at all.

IV... Bottom line. Reflection.

Slides 27-28 "Chamomile - a symbol of Russia"

When you think about our Motherland, associations come to mind: birch, matryoshka and chamomile. It is difficult to find a person today who does not know the chamomile flower. A touching white daisy has become a real symbol of Russia, Russian nature, a standard of purity and righteousness, tenderness and kindness. According to folk legends, a chamomile flower appears where the night star falls.

Chamomile is an emblem of love. On July 8, Moscow celebrates the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This is a young holiday with centuries-old traditions. On this day, the Orthodox remember the couple of Peter and Fevronia, who are considered the patrons of family happiness.

Let's summarize our lesson, recall the basic concepts that turned out to be the closest and most meaningful for you. I invite you all to put together your chamomile - a symbol of the natural and spiritual beauty of our vast Russia !!!

(On the board there is a yellow center of a chamomile. It contains the key sentence "Russia is our Motherland", which is the center of the idea, the topic of the lesson. From the variety of petals scattered chaotically throughout the board, children need to choose only those with words or sentences, expressing concepts, ideas, images suitable for a given topic.

Possible petals: Motherland and Fatherland; spiritual world; the inner world of a person, cultural traditions, folk traditions, folk brotherhood, multinational homeland, "work of the soul"; enrichment, material goods; evil and hatred; "Laziness of the soul"; enmity.

Then all the petals are collected into one common flower.)


  1. Kuraev A.V. Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture Grade 4. Textbook for educational organizations / A.V. Kuraev. - Moscow: "Education, 2016.
  2. Danilko E.S. Peoples of Russia / Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015.
  3. L. V. Klyushnik Our Motherland - Russia / L.V. Klyushnik - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015
  4. Electronic resources, video and audio materials:
  5. Song "My Russia". Music author and composer Georgy Struve. Poems, lyrics were written by Nina Solovyova.
  6. A multimedia teaching aid for classes with children aged 8-11. The cycle of films "My Orthodox world of Russia". Film 1 "My World - Russia" Studio "Six Wings", St. Petersburg


"Our multinational state"

Course "Fundamentals of religious cultures of the peoples of Russia and secular ethics."

Prepared by:

Sherstneva E.Yu.

teacher, beginner


g. Chapaevsk

The purpose of the lesson: formation of ideas about Russia as a multinational country.


    to acquaint children with various nationalities, traditions, language, culture of the peoples of Russia.

    to promote the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students, independent search activities

    instill respect for the culture and traditions of different peoples, as well as the values ​​of friendship

    promote the development of tolerance and correctness in communication with others, encourage students to become kinder and more attentive to each other;

    to promote the education in students of a sense of patriotism, respect for the history and traditions of our Motherland.

Event progress:

Clip about Russia (Spanish by Zykina)

There is no edge in the world more beautiful

There is no homeland in the world brighter!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

What could be dearer to your heart?

And if we were suddenly asked:

"Why is the country dear to you?"

Yes, because for all of us Russia,

Like a dear mother, one!

The children once asked the father:

Are all Russians in Russia?

How do I tell you kids?

Here are the neighbors - Chuvash,

Qom is half Jewish

Uncle is a glorious Armenian,

God-aunt Nina's great-grandfather

The theme of the customs and traditions of the Russian people, as well as of any people inhabiting the Earth, is unusually broad and multifaceted.

Every national holiday in Russia is accompanied by rituals and songs. Dance, which was also called dance, was an integral part of Russian national culture. Known are women's round dances, men's squatting dances. They danced during the holidays, often accompanied by balalaika or accordion.

There are several types of holidays: family, religious, calendar, state.

Family holidays are: birthdays, weddings, housewarming. On days like this, the whole family gets together.

Calendar or public holidays are New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day, World Spring and Labor Day, Victory Day, Children's Day, Independence Day of Russia and others.

Religious holidays - Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Shrovetide and others.

For many centuries, the Russian people have created a unique culture of folk arts and crafts. Russian folk crafts - Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo painting, Gorodets painting, Mezen painting on wood, making and decorating household utensils: dishes, samovars, boxes, toys (Russian toys).

Dishes such as porridge, cabbage soup, dumplings, pancakes, pies, kvass, okroshka, rye bread and others are traditionally associated with Russian cuisine.

SONG "Khokhloma" On-screen clip

Khokhloma, Volga reach,

The breadth of the fields, the crying of birches.

It is you, my Motherland,

This is you, Russia.

Domes, the sky is high.

Our life is for you.

This is you, my Motherland.

There is no more beautiful in the world.

Cranes, poplars

Bread and salt, the face of the Kremlin

It is you, my homeland

This is you, Russia

Children's laughter, dance.

The kindness of blue eyes.

This is you, my Motherland.

There is no more beautiful in the world.

Russia, Russia - you are my star

Russia, Russia - you are my destiny

Russia, Russia - I will repeat again

Russia, Russia - you are my love!

A Tatar melody sounds.


Tatars are a Turkic people living in the central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Afghanistan, and the Far East.

Appearance of children to the song "I am a Tatar" and the performance of the song.

Live and live without sorrows and worries
But this is not always the case
White suit to wear all year round
Everyone dreams about it

I, as a Tatar, can handle everything,

Me - what is from the mountain, what is downhill:

I'm spinning with the boys all the time

And there are no disputes between us! ..

I am a Tatar, I am a Tatar, a simple man
outwardly I'm a solid guy with a Russian soul
The rest is all unimportant, I'll tell you honestly
And I value my origin very much

A Mari melody sounds.

The Mari are a talented people. They respect the old and are drawn to the new. Many famous poets and composers, artists and musicians were born on the Mari land. Mari songs and dances decorate any holiday.


Russian land, how great you are!

From border to border

And the fast train straight ahead

A week will not come!

Nations are like one family

Although their language is different.

All are daughters and sons

Your beautiful country.

Friendship of peoples is an endless space,

Peace and harmony, girlish choir,

The sonorous song of the young shepherd,

Garden, grapes near the home.

Lead 2

Who are you talking about now ...?

Lead 1

About Tajiks


Tajiks are a very ancient nation. Consequently, the culture of this people is truly original and rooted in deep antiquity.

Until now, Tajiks (especially in villages) wear national clothes: men in embroidered robes and skullcaps, and women in colored embroidered dresses with pants, a scarf on their heads, and many girls still braid 40 braids.


Friendship of peoples is not just words,

Friendship of peoples is forever alive.

Friendship of peoples is happy children,

Friendship of peoples all over the world.

Russians, Tatars, Adyghes and Armenians,

We are black and fair-haired and dark-skinned and white.

In Russia - on the native land,

We all live in a big and friendly family.


Russians and Ukrainians, gypsies, Kabardians.!

We live very amicably, we dance and sing together,

We help each other, and we will not quarrel,

For friends we stand uphill, together the matter is arguing!


After all, when peoples are friends, this is happiness for the country,

So let's have fun, sing and dance songs,

And we will invite good friends to visit!

A gypsy melody sounds.


One gypsy legend says that God loved the gypsies so much for their fun and talent that he did not tie them to pieces of land, like other peoples, but gave the whole world for life. Therefore, gypsies can be found on all continents except Antarctica.

Many people associate the word "gypsies" with concepts such as freedom, liberty. In fact, rather strict customs reign in the Gypsy family.

Mainly Russian Gypsies and Ukrainian Gypsies live in Russia.

Most of the Roma are Orthodox Christians, but there are also Muslims and Catholics.

They decorate their homes with carpets, stucco moldings, and love expensive dishes.

Food is always prepared a lot - you never know who will look at the light. A gypsy woman will never let a person out of the house without giving him tea. By the way, tea is brewed tightly by adding lemon and apple slices to it.

Gypsy melody sounds - children perform a dance


Each nation has a rich culture, multiple customs and colorful folklore. National culture, as a memory, distinguishes each nation from others, allows you to feel a genuine connection between times and generations, makes it possible to receive vital support and spiritual support. Perhaps nothing characterizes the people so clearly as the holidays that they love and celebrate. In the holidays, as in a mirror, the character, culture and identity of each nation are reflected.

An Uzbek melody sounds.

Two students come out.

1 student:

The traditions and customs of the Uzbek people have evolved over the centuries. They are very original, bright and diverse, dating back to different eras and religions. Over the centuries, the traditions and customs of the Uzbek people remained almost unchanged, despite the desire of numerous invaders to impose an alien foreign culture.

2 student

The age-old customs and traditions of Uzbeks are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. Like many Asian peoples, most of the festive Uzbek customs are associated with the main family celebrations: the birth of a child and a wedding. Many ceremonies and rituals are associated with these events, parents, children, brothers, sisters, close and distant relatives and even neighbors and guests are involved - each has its own role. The basis of Uzbek traditions is hospitality, respect for elders, observance of the norms of the Koran

Performing a song about mom in Uzbek.

Sounds "Lezginka". Children are performing a dance.

Against the background of the Azerbaijani melody, the child talks about the people of Azerbaijan.

The national culture of Azerbaijan goes back centuries. She has absorbed the best traditions of the East and West.

National traditions accompany Azerbaijanis from the moment of birth and throughout their life: matchmaking, the birth of children, holidays, harvesting and much more. In addition, many traditions of Azerbaijan are embodied in their culture, folk beliefs, national dress, folk festivals and entertainment.

One of the interesting folk traditions of Azerbaijanis is the celebration of Novruz. Novruz is a holiday of spring, the coming of the new year. On this day, especially many ceremonies and rituals are performed.

The hospitality of Azerbaijanis is widely known. They know how to receive a guest with a truly Caucasian hospitality and scope. Refusing an invitation to visit can be regarded as a personal insult.

We treat guests with baklava to an Azerbaijani melody.


Let's hold hands, stand in a circle,

Every man, man is a friend,

We will live in peace, friendship,

And cherish our strong friendship!



If we are together

If it's okay in the house,

Our Motherland will be

A real treasure.

Treasure of love, consent,

Thoughts and ideas.

And it won't be more beautiful

My homeland!


Beloved homeland,

The one that is not better

Friendship is our strength

Here's our advice!


We, Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions, are one people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

We are all citizens of one country - Russia. Let's put together its parts on our layout, and let our friendship be as strong and indivisible.

Collecting the puzzle "Russia" on the wall of Whatman paper with the image of the Russian Federation. Children gather together 6 districts, "settle" the peoples of Russia


Before us is the Russian Federation - this is the unity and diversity of the peoples of the country.

We are one friendly family, regardless of nationality. We are friends regardless of confessional affiliation. Let's write on the symbols of friendship our wishes to other children, so that they, like us, are friends, love, be tolerant and respectful towards each other. And we will symbolically send them to the children of the whole planet.

Writing wishes (on pre-prepared emblems with the image of flowers, butterflies, doves) to the children of the Earth and placing them on the Friendship card.


See how our planet has blossomed, from your warm friendly wishes. How beautiful she has become! Take care of her! And the Almighty protects us!

The song "My Russia has long pigtails" On the screen is a clip.

My Russia has long pigtails
My Russia has light cilia
My Russia has blue eyes
You look very much like me, Russia.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Showers are pouring over Russia
There is a colored rainbow in the sky -
There is no land more beautiful.

For me, Russia is white birches,
For me, Russia is the morning dew.
For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing,
How much you look like my mother.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Showers are pouring over Russia
There is a colored rainbow in the sky -
There is no land more beautiful.
You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,
You, my Russia, can sing songs.
You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,
After all, our Russia is me and my friends.

The sun is shining, the winds are blowing
Showers are pouring over Russia
There is a colored rainbow in the sky -
There is no land more beautiful.

Summary of the lesson of ORKSE in grade 4 on the topic:

"Our multinational state "


Zemlenukhina Olga Viktorovna,

teacher ORKSE MBOU SOSH №1 g.

Essentuki, Stavropol Territory

Dec 2019

Lesson objectives




Formation of concepts: Russia, a multinational state, nationality, cultural traditions, traditions, customs, the spiritual world of a person based on the systematization of students' knowledge obtained earlier.

To contribute to the development of cognitive interest, mental activity, creative abilities of students.

Organization of joint activities through work in pairs, groups.

Formation of skills to work with information, conduct a dialogue, reason, draw conclusions.

Promote learners' awareness of the value of the material being studied.

To contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards the traditions and culture of their multinational country, pride in their Fatherland, respect for the state and its symbols.

Lesson type

Learning new material

Planned results

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different peoples and cultures.

Acquaintance with various nationalities, traditions, language, culture of the peoples of Russia.

Development of interest and respect for the culture of other peoples.

Development of speech and social communication skills and abilities.

Promote the development of tolerance and correctness in communication with others, encourage students to become kinder and more attentive to each other.

Basic concepts

Russia. Homeland. Fatherland. Multinationality. Material and spiritual values. The spiritual world of man. Cultural traditions of the country.

Interdisciplinary connections

The world around us, literary reading, Russian language


- the main

- additional

Textbook, workbook.

Multimedia projector, computer, presentation

Dictionary, geographical map, handouts.

Organization of space

Frontal, group, steam room.

(desks in the classroom are set in such a way that it is convenient to change seats)

During the classes:

1. Organization of the lesson.

Introductory speech of the teacher:

Oh, you, my Rus, are many-sided!

Bright sunny light above you!

And in your rivers the waters are clear,

And in your mountains the snow is white!

And free people live here,

People are honest, heroic,

Illuminated by faithful friendship

And warmed by holy love!

And your land is fertile

The cradle was given to us - by the mother!

We are the sonorous fathers of our songs

We sing widely - we sing!

So you stand, great Russia,

Many more years and centuries!

And different nations under your wing

They take care of you - they are famous for the world!

During the reading of the poem, a photo with a picture of our Motherland is shown.

2. Actualization of students' knowledge.


Guys, let's discuss the poem.

Questions to students:

Guys, what words sounded louder?

What is the main idea of ​​the poem?

What is our Russia famous for?

Students' answers.

Each of you has a route sheet of our lesson on your table. Look carefully, it contains the tasks that you must complete in the course of acquaintance with new material.


What does the word Motherland mean to you? Choose an answer.

(the country in which the person was born;

the country of which the person is a citizen;

the place where a person was born, where his relatives and friends live;

a place that is dear to a person.)

Discussion Questions: For those who believe this is a country, complete the following assignment:

Three of the seven pictures below show the state symbols of Russia. Write down the necessary numbers and indicate which symbol of Russia is depicted under this number.

For those who think this is the place:

Find the same root words for the word "homeland". You can use "cluster".

Checking completed tasks.


Russia is not only the largest country in the world, but also a great state. People of different nationalities, nationalities, ethnic groups live on its lands.

What do you think we are going to talk about today?

Students determine the topic of the lesson.


Right. Today we will learn what a multinational state is.

And how do people of different nationalities differ from each other?

Students: First, people of different nationalities differ from each other in their national or native language.

Secondly, by national dress, traditions, customs, national holidays, songs, cuisine, that is, by its culture.

Thirdly, by character, appearance.

Students appear, dressed in clothes with elements of national costumes.

1 student

Hello, friends!

2 student

We will call you all friends!

3 student

We have gathered today for a reason. We have a serious conversation ahead of us.

4 student -

Our multicultural city.

And our class is multinational.

5 student

There are both Kazakhs and Tatars in the class,

And of course there are Russians too.

6 student

We are all friendly. The secret of friendship

1 student -

We will not reveal our secret to you right away,

Just listen with an open mind.

2 student -

We believe, you will soon understand everything yourself,

And take our secret with you forever!

3. Discovery of new knowledge.


Our state includes: 21 republics, 7 territories, 9 autonomous regions, 1 autonomous region. According to the census, Russia's population is about 143 million. These are more than 180 nationalities, nationalities and ethnic groups.

Read the poem and find in the text (underline) what nationalities it says about the people.

Read the text. Try to find the main idea of ​​the text.

And how can you call all the people living in our country Russians or Russians? Why?

4. Physical education... Movement according to the song "I, you, he, she - together the whole country ..."

5. Updating basic knowledge.


There is confirmation of this in the proverbs and sayings of different peoples. Folk wisdom is an international phenomenon and among different peoples we find the same proverbs and sayings.

A kind person brings peace - say the Abkhazians.

You will do good, you will find good - say the Karachais.

Light is not without kind people - Russians say

Good and the dog does not forget - say the Ossetians.

The feeling of patriotism, love for the Motherland and the people are those unshakable values ​​that every citizen of his country should honor.

Let's now do the following task: put together a whole proverb from two parts.


Each nation has its own language. In Russia, people speak 100 national languages.

What helps people of different nationalities to understand each other?


Russian language helps people of different nationalities on the territory

RF communicate with each other.


The peoples of Russia can be divided in this way:

Peoples of the Far North,

The peoples speaking the Finno-Ugric languages,

The peoples of the Volga and Ural regions, speaking the Turkic languages,

The peoples of Siberia and the Far East,

Peoples of the North Caucasus.

We live with you (shows on the map) in the most numerous territory by nationality. Here live: Chechens, Kabardians, Circassians, Balkars, Ossetians, Ingush, Avars and other peoples.

6. Application and consolidation of new knowledge

Your homework assignment was to prepare for the Round Dance of Friendship.

Round dance of friendship

1 group. Traditional clothes of the peoples of the Caucasus.

Group 2. Folk art of peoples living in the North Caucasus. (parables, fairy tales, riddles, songs).

Group 3. Presentation of national dishes.

7. Summing up the lesson.

So what secret did you find out today?

Students' answers.

- Russia- a friendly multinational country of equal peoples.

Russians, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Buryats, Tatars, Kalmyks, Chuvashs, Karelians, Yakuts, Khanty, Mansi and many others live on its territory.

Each nation is original, has its own culture, contributes to the development of Russia.

It is very important to strengthen the friendship of the peoples of Russia.

Respect the national feelings of each of them.


Each person feels a sense of pride for his Motherland, for its history, for his people. Russia has united people of different nationalities. They all love her, are proud of their country, and wish its prosperity.

Foundations of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics. 4th grade. Saplina E.V., Saplin A.I. Moscow: Astrel, 2012

Danilko E.S. Peoples of Russia / Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015.

L. V. Klyushnik Our Motherland - Russia / L.V. Klyushnik - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2015

"Lessons on secular ethics" - The child develops an active life position, and self-expression occurs .. The principle of orientation towards universal moral values. Expected results: 5. Actualization of the moral potential of the individual. A distinctive aspect of the content of the course on secular ethics. Secular ethics. 1. Introducing the younger generation to humanistic values.

"Ethics Course" - Teaching about the moral norms of society. Presentation materials for the course "Ethics". Fundamentals of Humanistic Ethics. Structure. Tasks for self-examination. Item. Ethics of political activity. Educational material. A history of morality. Key concepts. Ethics. Knowledge requirements. Humanistic ethics. Political ethics.

"Ethical morality" - Ethical culture. Topic 2 Ethics of merchandising activities. Translated from Greek "ethics" means custom, disposition. The purpose of ethics. Highest moral values. Features of morality. Ethics challenge. Ethical culture of service. Moral norms. The concept of morality. Ethics concept.

"Ethics" - Organizations (mission). Socio-cultural factors. The difference between values ​​and reality in individual and organizational ethics. Practical implementation. How I should be. What I am like as a worker. Activity Behavior Act. Expectations from the profession. Ethics of the ultimate goal (teleological). What kind of worker am I?

"Secular Ethics" - How to make people's lives better? C) Rules of conduct at school. How to reward a person who has done good? Writing in a notebook of terms and concepts. Who was the founder of the science "Ethics"? How not to do evil? In ancient Greece, all sciences were called philosophy. There are positive and negative traits in every person.

"Fundamentals of Secular Ethics" - Multimedia installation. Task "Underline the nationalities of the Tomsk region." Preliminary preparation. Lesson outline. Presenter rules. Predicted Results. Pronounce the text clearly. Provide aesthetically pleasing visuals. To consolidate the connection between the concepts of "Motherland", "family", "parents".

There are 15 presentations in total

What do we call the Motherland? And birches along which

The house where you and I live, Next to my mother we go.

What do we call the Motherland? Our holidays and songs

A field with a thin spikelet, Warm evening outside the window.

What do we call the Motherland? And under the blue-blue sky

All that we cherish in our hearts, the Flag of Russia over the Kremlin.

Coat of arms of Russia

Russia has a stately

There is a double-headed eagle on the coat of arms,

To the west and east

He could have looked at once.

Strong, wise and proud.

He is a free spirit of Russia.

Russian flag

White color - birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe-

Sunny sunrise.

1. Russia is our sacred state, Russia is our beloved country. Mighty will, great glory - Your property for all time! Chorus: Hail, our free Fatherland, The age-old union of fraternal peoples, Ancestors gave the wisdom of the people! Hail, country! We proud of you!

2.From the southern seas to the polar edge Our forests and fields are spread out. You are the only one in the world! You are the only one - the native land protected by God! Chorus:

3. A wide scope for dreams and for life The coming years open to us. Our loyalty to the Fatherland gives us strength. So it was, so it is and it will always be so! Chorus:


Of Russia

Music - Georgy Alexandrov, new text - Sergei Mikhalkov.


Moscow is Red Square.

Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin.

Moscow is the heart of Russia

That loves you.

St. Petersburg

He is Tsar Peter's creation, Ships of overseas flags, City of Glory, City of Garden. There is a parade along the Neva.

gold ring


Suzdal Kremlin

Old cities, Like birds-swans

Bells ringing. Suzdal and Rostov.


Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin



On the wide Volga, turrets are carved,

Tver and Kostroma, Miracle House.


Old cities, Novgorod on Volkhov,

Fortress on the river. Murom on the Oka.


Here the squads are brave

The princes led the battle,

Equestrian and foot

The foe is striking.

Monument to Ilya Muromets

Old cities

Glorious masters.

Blacksmith streets

The streets are pottery.

Shopping areas,

Holiday fairs -

From Yelets - nesting dolls,

And from Tula, gingerbread.


Assumption Cathedral

Old cities

Face the sun -

For Russia steel

Gold ring.

If long-long-long

In the plane we fly.

If long-long-long

For us to look at Russia,

Then we will see

And forests and cities,

Ocean expanses

Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains ...

We will see a distance without an edge

Tundra where spring rings

And then you will understand what

Our homeland is big

An immense country.


Ladoga, Ladoga,

There is a din of seagulls in the sky

We're sailing on

Valaam Island.

Ladoga, Ladoga,

Blue breadth.

On a rocky lake

Miracle - a monastery.

Ladoga, Ladoga,

The beauty of the earth, -

Blueberry - berry

In the droplets of dawn.

In the Caucasus

In the Caucasus they love

Music and dancing.

Dzhigits on horseback

They gallop without fear.

In the Caucasus they love

Making jewelry.

Famous for their coinage

Local villages.

In the Caucasus they love

Drink kefir-ayran.

Puts on a burka

On a long journey the shepherd.

In the Caucasus they love

Sweet grapes.

Here is the host to the guest,

As a dear, glad.

On the Volga

  • Have you been to the Volga?
  • Were.
  • What did you do?
  • They caught it.
  • Who is hooked?
  • We got a goose.
  • How can I not believe you guys?
  • The Volga is rich in fish.

In the steppe village

On the side of the steppe they sing to us,

The heat dries the earth. They give milk.

Horses are raised here

How children are raised:

Ural mountains

Ural mountains

On stone slabs

Lead us

To the country of malachite.

To a country where there are countless

Precious stones,

To the country of the working people

And kind people.

Taiga page

Cedars, fir, pine forests.

Horned elk by the river.

The partridge beats with its wing

A ferry floats along the river.

Lake Baikal

There is in our Siberian taiga

More sea is a miracle bowl.

This is Lake Baikal

Surrounded by wild rocks.

In the Far East

Tigers - residents of Ussuri -

They wear striped skins.

This is a very rare species.

Both handsome and famous.

In Kamchatka

A volcano is smoking in the distance. Here is the border of the Motherland,

There is fog over the hills. This is the Pacific Ocean.

Russian family

They live in Russia are different For each nation

Peoples for a long time. Your language and your outfit.

One likes the taiga, One wears a Circassian coat,

Others - the steppe expanse. Another put on a robe.

One is a fisherman from birth,

The other is a reindeer herder.

One cooks kumis,

Another prepares honey.

One is sweeter than autumn

To others - spring is more pleasant.

Homeland Russia

We all have one.

Russian souvenirs


Tula samovar

The samovar inflated Tula

Tula - an ancient land -

She waved her white tablecloth

From the District to the Kremlin.

The samovar hums and tramples

Burning white smoke into the sky.

Where have you been during the day

at night-

Like at home next to him.

It hums in the forest hut,

In cities among the steppes ...

From him it is not uncommon for Pushkin

I treated my friends to tea.

General, Prince Suvorov

I drove him along.

Our samovar smelled gunpowder,

I saw the fortress Izmail.

It hums without getting tired

Two hundred years in a row.

Samovar is a living soul -

Friend of fun, brother of a fairy tale.