Life is full of challenges and surprises. Of course, every woman wants to be happy, dreams of true love and a lasting marriage. It often happens that at the very beginning of a relationship, a woman turns a blind eye to some minor little things that do not suit her. After all, she is completely absorbed in a wave of feelings. However, over time, these very little things can become a stumbling block in a relationship with your loved one. Irritation, disagreements and misunderstandings arise. To get out of this situation without harming the relationship, wisdom is required from every woman. So, what is a wise woman like?

By nature, women are incredibly emotional creatures. Sometimes this feature often interferes in personal relationships. It is also worth noting that not every smart woman is a wise woman. A wise woman is required to be far-sighted, to be able to cope with her emotions, to be a woman, after all, and not to compete in anything with her man. Below is a list of personal qualities that a wise woman possesses.

A wise woman is faithful, restrained, and does absolutely everything for the well-being of her family. It is her mood that creates the weather in the family.

. A wise woman is aware that family life involves cooperation. She understands that spouses do not owe anyone anything, because marriage, in her opinion, is based on deep understanding, respect and love.

. A wise woman is ready for dedication; she puts all of herself into building a strong and happy family.

. Women are creators by nature. A wise woman is aware of the responsibility entrusted to her. Her main tools are patience, understanding, love and sincerity. To be loved, to love, to develop relationships is inherent in her nature.

. A wise woman knows very well that women and men love differently. Knowing this feature, she will not demand and expect from her husband those actions that correspond to the ideas of women’s love.

. In family life, irritation often breaks into communication between spouses. It arises only for the reason that one of the spouses did not live up to the hopes of the other. And this happens because too much hope was placed on the first one. A wise woman realizes that irritation is nothing more than a sign of poor upbringing. She understands perfectly well that this emotion is completely inappropriate and tries to deal with it immediately.

. A wise woman knows that no people are perfect and she is no exception. Therefore, she knows how to forgive her loved one.

. Patience is one of the main qualities of a wise woman. It is this quality that allows her to keep her emotions under control. Although sometimes it is worth throwing away all wisdom and turning to the mind. What if the person next to you is not worthy of you? Thus, patience can be both a woman's greatest asset and her worst enemy.

. A wise woman is a woman who knows how to live in harmony with herself and with the world around her. She is able to smooth out the situation and avoid a stupid conflict.

. A wise woman knows how to be slow, smooth, sexy. She knows how to show weakness and create the impression of insecurity. She is alien to the desire to manage everything, to compete with her partner.

As you can see, female wisdom presupposes the presence of a huge number of personal qualities. The path to gaining feminine wisdom is not hard work on yourself, but love. If you truly fall in love, you will notice how your (even the most explosive) character changes dramatically next to the man you love.

In the east they say that Feminine energy is the Human Soul.
Wisdom comes to a person not with age, but with the maturity of the Soul.
What is soul maturity? This is when it is filled to the brim with Love.
Based on this we can conclude:

A wise woman is one who loves herself and the whole world around us Woman.

Wise woman treats people around him condescendingly.

Forbearance is more than just the ability to forgive, it is the ability to find positive intentions in any actions of other people, to interpret other people's shortcomings and mistakes in a favorable direction for them...

To be lenient means:

  • by the evening, forget your grievances received during the day,
  • gladly accept an apology
  • herself to go towards people who, out of timidity, do not dare to apologize.

Nothing strengthens mutual affection more than condescension. Young spouses are often not distinguished for leniency, since they are not sufficiently familiar with human weaknesses. But you need to know human weakness, and without showing it, cover it up in something else. And believing in a person that he is good, help him actually become kind.

They share the wisdom to be forgiving from the course “Family Management”.

Secrets of a wise woman

Wise woman knows that selfishness is a disease characteristic of a “young and immature” soul. It’s just that such a person has not yet gone through the stages in his life at which people are freed from selfishness. He still has to go through them. And the task of a loving Wise Woman is to surround such an immature soul with care on this path, to call her by her own example to adult relationships and in time to show what they - mature relationships - can be. This is a very difficult task, but it contains not only the meaning of creating a family, but also the meaning of the life path of each person. A family that has come to understand this meaning will never fall apart.

Wise woman she never washes dirty laundry in public - she shares problems that inevitably arise in any family only with a psychologist or her confessor. Anna Razdolskaya provides psychological consultations in Moscow and helps women cope with family problems.

Wise woman knows how to create a favorable atmosphere in the house, which protects against everything bad and helps the development of positive character traits of all family members. Such a self-developing space is formed both with the help of a Woman’s internal emotional mood - positive, accepting, loving, and through the creation of a harmonious and cozy interior of the home itself.

Wise woman has no doubt that a happy family life is the foundation of a successful and joyful life for every person. And the key to such a happy family is mutual respect and cooperation. That is why she consciously chooses for herself a suitable life partner who is ready to cooperate. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all how handsome, rich and romantic he is.

Wise woman understands that it is very important to have trust and respect for your husband. To do this, a man must have a goal in life that she is not ashamed to support.

If the man’s goal is only to enjoy his wife, and the wife’s goal is to enjoy her husband, nothing will work out for such a couple. It is impossible to satisfy each other all the time! Our desires tend to become satiated, and if the goal is only pleasure, discontent appears in the family and in the end the spouses disperse. Without a goal, family life turns into a runaway train..

What is the true purpose of family relationships? Ancient scriptures say that spouses should strive for unity on 3 levels at once: Mind, Soul and Body. When all levels are balanced, the spouses turn into integrity, a common Space is created - HARMONY. But if relationships are built only on one level, then the end is inevitable - complete disappointment: in your husband, in yourself, in life.

When there is complete harmony between spouses, they experience amazing sensations: a sense of security, satisfaction, stability, self-confidence and ever-increasing love not only for their half, but also for other people. They feel full of life and success - and this is passed on to others.

Wise woman has such a quality as tactfulness - this is that sense of proportion that tells a person what he should do under given circumstances, what he can say or do, in what form and what he should not say or do. Mutual tact in the family is the basis of healthy and kind relationships. And here the woman sets the tone.

Tact cannot be a purely external manifestation. It is prompted by good manners, culture, and sensitivity. After all, to be tactful means to be able to approach another in such a way as not to hurt his pride, not to cause irritation, resentment, and to try to help him.

Tactlessness in the family is manifested in the fact that people do not take each other into account in small things: when talking, they interrupt each other, upset each other, make inappropriate jokes, tease each other angrily about an accidental mistake, and sometimes even about physical disabilities. For some reason, it is generally accepted that you only need to be tactful at work, when visiting, and not necessarily at home. In his apartment, they say, a person has the right to relax, the right to give free rein to his emotions. Most often, this leads to a weakening of marital ties, and sometimes to a break.

Tactfulness can and should be learned as well as good manners. The mention of manners in some people evokes a skeptical smile, but meanwhile these good habits and generally accepted forms of communication between people reflect a person’s inner attitude towards others. Anyone who has learned this from childhood, in the family circle, from his mother, for whom good manners have become the norm of behavior, will always be endearing, arouse sympathy and trust.

Wise woman is a caring housewife, but at the same time she adheres to the rule “what is good in moderation.” After all, hypertrophied care first gets boring and annoying, and then destroys relationships and Love.

Wise woman never takes on all the tasks, but remembers that there will always be an assistant nearby. What can your husband, children, employees, people around you do if you do everything yourself? Allow others to be strong and caring, and yourself to be be the woman you want to take care of, and then your environment will become just like that.

Wise woman never controls anyone. If there is Trust, then control is not needed. If there is control, there is no Trust, which means there is no Love. Stop controlling and get busy with your life. Give other people the right to make their own decisions and do what they think is best for themselves. And then you will very soon notice how people will do everything for you themselves, without your control or prompting. The only thing you will need to do is ask them for help. And here also it is necessary to master the “art of asking correctly”. After all, a REQUEST is like a PRAYER. You can learn how to ask correctly at our women's online training.

Wise woman knows that men and women love differently. And knowing this, she does not expect or demand from her husband actions that should correspond specifically to women’s ideas about love.

She calmly accepts the fact that husband is a separate independent person who is responsible to God only for her life, which means she lives primarily for herself, and not for her. She lives with her husband on a first date basis. Indeed, during the period of their first meetings, her husband was an Unknown Man to her, and she respected his interests and did not annoy him with her advice. She respected his plans, secrets, thoughts and his right to make his own decisions. She did not criticize him when he told her something, but listened.

Wise woman I am convinced that the polite treatment that was given on the first date should be carried throughout life. She respects her husband as a person and does not consider him her property. Although, sometimes, you can’t do without criticism. There are situations when it is useful and necessary for a person, as a medicine for severe pain. This is why every woman needs learn the skills of constructive criticism of men.This can be done in our women's training program.

Wise woman owns skills to turn quarrels and irritations into a source of strengthening relationships, not destruction. After all, what are quarrels and irritation? This is a personal problem of the irritated person, related to the fact that his/her expectations do not correspond to reality. Why do you place the wrong expectations on your spouse and he has to endure it all? A man is not responsible for the fact that you have built “castles in the air” in your head.. Don’t look for those to blame, look inside yourself and you will definitely find the reason for your negative emotions.

The Wise Woman not only fully accepts the proverb

"Man-head, Woman-neck"

but he also knows how to “be the neck.”

Dear Women! It has long been proven by the experience of many generations of our ancestors and psychologists that success in family life depends 100 percent on the woman ! I will say more - this state of affairs corresponds to both the interests of the family and the interests of the woman herself. Think about it: if you take full, conscious and “professional” management of the relationship, then no one (including your husband) will be able to stop you from doing this! That is why every woman needs to become a real professional in this “native” sphere for herself - the sphere of relationships. In fact this is the most important women's task, the implementation of which must be worked day and night “tirelessly.” If you don't do this, no one will do it for you!

The sages of the East believe that without love and family a woman will never be satisfied, no matter how lucky she may be in other areas of life. This is also confirmed by European sociological studies, according to which the majority of women consider love with a man and a happy marriage to be the most important things in life.

But, unfortunately, most contemporaries do not receive the necessary “home” education, during which girls learn all the wisdom and skills of creating and building a happy family. Now you have such a unique opportunity - to master the skills of a “professional family manager.” Come to the training program for women and you gain skills of female influence on your man, as well as for children, relatives, and colleagues.

As a result of training you will become

into a truly Wise Woman - a secret dream

any man!

Do you want to create a new yourself - a harmonious, happy, successful, feminine Woman?

Sign up for the training program “The man is the head, and the woman is the neck. How to communicate with a man in the same language and influence him softly and femininely!”

Everyone knows that it is pleasant to communicate with smart and wise people. And if she is also an attractive woman, and wisdom attracts and captivates her. What is the attraction of such people? Is wisdom good or bad? What secrets do wise women know?

Secrets and rules of wise women:

1. A wise woman loves and accepts herself. Her desire for perfection is not a struggle, but a means of recognizing self-love.

2. A wise woman is a woman who lives in harmony with herself and with those around her, a woman who knows how to extract pleasure from even the smallest things, to give pleasure in the smallest things. A woman who knows how to reconcile and extinguish a growing explosion, a woman who does not get into “postures of resentment”, because dignity is in actions.

3.She is self-sufficient. She likes the work she is doing, because it was not for nothing that she chose it. She realizes herself and enjoys it. Next to her, most likely, is an equally self-sufficient person.

4. A wise woman does not skimp on gratitude, not taking all wonderful qualities for granted. Next to someone like this, a man blossoms, feeling needed. And sincere admiration inspires him to new actions.

5. A wise woman remembers that a worthy man does not need to be saved! He doesn’t need help finding himself, he doesn’t have unhealed heart wounds that you have to heal. She remembers that a man who quickly falls in love can just as quickly fall out of love. She knows how to distinguish a potential partner from a potential destroyer of her life.

6. A wise woman is patient. Patience is the main quality of women, a quality that men practically do not possess. Patience is the main bonus in life. Patience is waiting for the right moment, it is the ability to control your emotions, of which women have many. A wise woman would prefer to talk, discuss the problem, and find a solution together, rather than making scenes with insults and breaking dishes.

7. A wise woman listens and hears others. He tries to understand them, sees in each person not only the disadvantages, but also the advantages.

8. A wise woman avoids acquaintances that clearly lead to trouble. Stay away from philanderers, alcoholics, married men, and those men who try to influence you or hurt you.

9. A wise woman knows how to forgive her man, understanding that all people are not perfect and she is no exception. A wise woman does not humiliate a man or compare him with others. Knows how to forgive, because experience shows that ideals exist only in our heads, but not in reality. Concedes in small things to win in big things.

10. She should gently but confidently talk about her irritations and grievances to her man, trying not to “get hung up” on her emotions.

11. A wise or intelligent woman is reserved, faithful, and will do everything for the well-being of the family.

12. A wise woman is sure that the weather in the house largely depends on her. Therefore, in no case does he transfer his bad mood to his loved ones.

13. A wise woman is convinced that family relationships involve interaction, cooperation, and compromise. It builds relationships: after all, a happy family is not a given, but hard work. The tools with which she creates the weather in the house are love, respect, desire to understand, tact, and patience.

14. A wise woman understands that a person is shaped by his environment - society. He communicates with happy married couples, with women who manage to remain feminine and loved.

15. A wise woman is the one they say about - “neck”. Wherever he turns, the “head” - the husband - looks there. Such a woman knows how to push her husband to make decisions so that he does not notice any pressure from her.

16. A wise woman does not wash dirty linen in public. She understands that by turning her friends against her husband, she is striking herself, because the family is one whole.

17. A wise woman does not compete with a man, does not prove her superiority, does not strive to win.

18. A wise woman does not choose a man with the prospect of changing him. There is only one way to change a person - by changing yourself. A wise woman loves herself, knowing that there will be a man with the qualities she needs.

19. A wise woman understands that a man needs personal space to be alone. Usually women worry, feeling that the man is moving away from them. They try to meet halfway, being offended if a man does not want to discuss the reasons. How a wise, happy woman behaves: she knows how to wait, knowing that a man sometimes withdraws into himself, and is silent not because his wife is indifferent to him, but because he sincerely does not want to shift the burden of his problems onto her fragile shoulders. A wise woman appreciates this.

20. A wise woman understands that her husband is not her property. Supports him, trusts him, does not keep him on a short leash. He knows that a person needs his own psychological space, the opportunity to do what he loves (hunting, football, cars).

21. A wise woman will not always show her intelligence; she knows how to use her main weapon - weakness, and does not follow the lead of hormones. She knows when to wait and when to act. She almost never relies on a man’s feelings of guilt, knowing that love and respect have a great price.

22. A wise woman asks for advice, asks for support and help from a man, and gives him the opportunity to feel needed. This is the most important thing for a man! Although many are mistaken in believing that the main thing is sex and good cuisine.

23.As a wise person, she understands that both in relationships and in work, the main thing is not to show one’s superiority, but to be able to create an atmosphere of love and comfort around.

24. A wise woman does not dissolve in her man. She understands that, once dissolved, sugar makes the tea sweeter, but no one remembers it anymore. A wise woman always remains an interesting person: for her husband, and for those around her, and, first of all, for herself.

25. A wise woman does not devote herself entirely to children. She understands that she should be an example of a happy and fulfilled person for them. As a mother, she strives to be an interesting person for her children.

26. A wise woman knows that in marriage no one owes anyone, because marriage should be based on love and on a deep understanding and respect for the goals of life together, and the independent goals in each individual’s life.

27. A wise woman knows that irritation is a sign of a bad mood, she knows that irritation is inappropriate anywhere and never. And if suddenly it arises, then you need to deal with it by sincerely looking inside yourself, because no one else is to blame for this.

28. A wise woman, in a crisis situation, will very subtly show her husband the direction of the right life, and support him in his intention to get there.

29. A wise woman, seeing her husband’s mistake, will support, encourage, and sometimes pretend that she didn’t notice anything.

30. A wise woman knows that men and women love differently. And knowing this, she does not expect or demand from her husband actions that should correspond specifically to women’s ideas about love.

31. A wise woman does not demand from a man actions that are contrary to his nature.

32. A wise woman will not fight the influence of her mother-in-law, defend her independence from her parents, and will not quarrel with them because of their advice. She will learn to smile, listen silently, and agree. And do it your own way. With love.

33. A wise woman does not interfere in the lives of her adult children, does not give them unsolicited advice and recommendations, and does not tell them how to raise children correctly. She allows children to gain their own life experience and supports them in any situation.

34. A wise woman does not want to change the whole world, to remake all the people around her. She begins to change herself. And accepts others as they are.

35. A wise woman recommends ending a relationship if she and a man are more often bad than good. If he humiliates, her feelings and pride suffer. If he doesn’t strive to please her with something, and she finds it more pleasant to remember the past than to live in the present.

36. A wise woman knows that love and suffering are not the same thing. She knows that lovers who are free to leave whenever they want will always return. Lovers who are free in their feelings always remain interesting. She knows that if you constantly tell a man that you miss him, she will not be interesting to this man.

37. A wise woman does not repeat endlessly: “You don’t love me anymore” - this can be easily convinced.

38. A wise woman is not suspicious - this is annoying and repulsive.

She doesn't investigate where he was yesterday and what he did.

39. A wise woman does not make reproaches in a tearful tone, does not try to show that she is unhappy because of a man. The martyr is not attractive, you want to get rid of her.

40. A wise woman is not jealous. Jealousy occurs when a person lacks something. And even if a feeling of jealousy has settled deep in her soul, she will calm down, understand that her man can be trusted, and will never show her jealousy to her beloved.

Wisdom and happiness to you, dear women!!!

Svetlana Georgievna Gubanova

A wise woman, unfortunately, is a rarity in the modern world. Everyone strives to self-realize at any cost, without hesitation to go over their heads. But what about modesty, compliance, femininity, tenderness? Have all these qualities really faded into the background?! I categorically refuse to believe that a woman is, first of all, beauty and only then intelligence. Of course, we are all imperfect, but we always need to strive for perfection. Today I want to talk about wisdom that comes not only over the years, but is also gained through life experience. What does a wise woman mean? Let's find out!

1. A wise woman is, first of all, a confident woman. Which does not try to crush a man under itself, but makes the man feel like the center of the universe, but at the same time carries her in his arms. A wise woman does not strive to always be right, she does not argue over trifles and does not prove that she is right with foam at the mouth. Time will put everything in its place, she is sure. There is no point in proving anything to a stupid person, but sooner or later a smart person will understand why he was wrong.

2. A wise woman reincarnates beautifully, so to speak, every time she plays a new role. To some extent, she is an actress, but she directs all her talent exclusively to maintaining an ideal relationship with a man and ensuring well-being in the family. Today she is a gentle and patient homemaker, tomorrow she is a passionate and seductive lover, and the day after tomorrow she is an understanding friend who is ready to listen to any problem.

3. A wise woman knows how to forgive. At the same time, she forgives not just in words, but sincerely and with all her heart. At the first quarrel, she does not remember past grievances, but speaks out directly on this problem and tries to find a way out of the current situation. Naturally, this does not apply to serious offenses when a man behaves inappropriately. It is better to leave such a life partner in time than to try to change him to the detriment of your principles. A wise woman does not get offended over trifles, and resolves conflicts calmly, without hysterics and without raising her voice.

4. A wise woman is reliable support and support. She respects her chosen one and supports him, no matter what. Even when a man is clearly wrong, she will support him, speak out in his favor, and only then, at home and in private, will she gently and carefully voice her vision of the problem. She is a reliable back and a strong wall. Next to such a woman, a man will always be confident in himself, he will want to show exclusively his best qualities. A wise woman’s partner can only be a strong man; she simply will not allow anyone else to approach her.

5. A wise woman knows how not only to listen, but also to hear those around her. This is actually a very rare quality! All people are to some extent selfish, fixated only on themselves and their problems. Only a wise woman can forget about personal troubles and sincerely listen and understand her interlocutor. She sees in every person not only negative qualities, but also positive ones. She is able to show respect and understanding, which is incredibly appreciated by men.

6. A wise woman does not impose her opinion. She does not give advice when there is no urgent need for it or she is not asked for it. What is the point of convincing a person otherwise if he sees the current situation completely differently. A wise woman understands and accepts this. She will not savor the personal lives of those around her in every detail. He will not point out mistakes, but will delicately and tactfully help correct them. She is ready to forgive a man for his small weaknesses and minor mistakes. Anyone can stumble, but only a smart partner can remain silent.

7. A wise woman is not a rival to her man. She does not need to prove her superiority, she does not need confirmation of her worth. She already knows that she is a strong personality, a wise woman. She doesn't want to win by any means, she doesn't need to have the last word. She does not infringe on the dignity of her man, for whom it is extremely important to remain the head of the family. She recognizes the merits of her partner, while remaining calm, as she is smart and wise.

8. A wise woman will never humiliate her man. She will not keep him on a short leash, she will not drive him under her heel. It will create conditions under which both partners can realize themselves. A wise woman does not need to compare her current man with her former man. Because every time she allows herself a better and better partner. She is able to learn from her mistakes, analyzes her omissions and corrects mistakes if necessary.

9. A wise woman is not afraid to ask a man for advice. Thus, she not only increases her partner’s self-esteem, but his opinion is actually important to her. She does not require support and protection in any situation, as she is able to realize her mistakes. If she is wrong, it will not be difficult for a wise woman to admit it, calmly accept it, analyze it and move on. Next to such a woman, a man will always feel important and needed.

10. A wise woman is in no hurry to change the world around her and adjust it exclusively to her needs. She does not lecture her loved ones, does not discuss them and does not judge others. If necessary, she changes herself, because she understands perfectly well that it is possible to swim against the current, but this should only be done if absolutely necessary. She will not waste her time on trifles. She is the embodiment of true femininity. Each of us must strive for the image of a wise woman!

“How smart do you have to be to seem like a fool!” - exclaimed the famous Klara Novikova, and after her these words are repeated by millions of women and men throughout the country. What is the point of this statement that ensured him such popularity? After all, even being a shining example of the notorious female logic, it was created by a woman who was far from stupid. Even more than that: a wise woman, capable of noticing the subtleties of the discrepancy between generally accepted opinion and the true essence of things. Getting to the bottom of these ambiguous psychological incidents is the highest aerobatics of insight. As for wisdom, it cannot be separated from a certain amount of practicality and the ability to approach a situation from the optimally productive side.

By such reasoning, a wise woman turns out to be a cunning woman? And that too. A calculating woman? It's possible. With the only amendment that all these qualities and tricks are directed in a constructive direction. A wise woman does not just analyze and understand. She thinks and creates. Based on her own experience, other people's mistakes and knowledge of human weaknesses, she builds a strategy that leads to the desired result in the shortest way. But the most important thing is that this result for a truly wise woman is always worthy and useful not only for her. This is what distinguishes a wise woman from a resourceful woman and just a bitch.

A wise woman - what is she like?
So, the time has come to understand and formulate who a wise woman is. Can every smart woman be considered wise? And finally, what you need to do to acquire feminine wisdom yourself. Let's start with a simple thing: let's highlight and separate the concepts that are directly related in human perception to wisdom, and compare them with each other. Let's remember which woman can claim the title of wise, and take a closer look at each of these roles:

  1. Smart A woman has been admired and respected since childhood. She obeys her parents, doesn’t pick her nose, does well at school and gets into university the first time. She is in good standing with the teachers, passes all the sessions without any problems, knows how to dress stylishly and choose the appropriate wardrobe according to the situation and the characteristics of her figure. A smart woman has excellent culinary skills, marries a positive, promising and respected man, with whom she creates a strong family and raises equally smart children. What is not an example of wisdom? And what is often called “woe from mind.” Smart women often boast too much of their mental abilities and do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate them to others, especially to their own husband. This behavior does not at all contribute to marital harmony and peace in the family, which means that there is still a long way to go to wisdom here.
  2. Experienced woman I've seen a lot in my life. Moreover, often this is not only a positive, but also a negative experience, since in the process of acquiring it no one has yet been able to avoid bumps, albeit mental ones. The burden of this knowledge, obtained at the cost of their own mistakes, nerves and worries, falls on the shoulders of some ladies with such a heavy burden that is noticeable even with the naked eye. Experienced women who have failed to maintain optimism and a light attitude towards life despite all past vicissitudes are often too dejected and sad to be wise.
  3. Erudite woman– simply a storehouse of useful knowledge. She reads cookbooks and home economics reference books, studies medical encyclopedias and interior design magazines, and practices alternative medicine and oriental health practices. The only problem is that all this seemingly useful knowledge is accumulated in a chaotic collection of information that is almost impossible to apply to business. Erudition remains only a theoretical “acquisition” and has nothing to do with wisdom if it does not make anyone’s everyday life easier and more pleasant.
  4. Reasonable woman does not always know when to stop in her reasoning and silently listen to what other people, especially her husband, are saying. She tires those present with her endless, albeit reasonable, conversations. In the end, most of her life is spent on verbal reasoning, and there is almost no time left for practical action. This may not be idle chatter, but as we know, “sometimes it’s better to chew than to talk.”
And in general, a wise woman will never pretend to anything. At least, clearly and directly. She achieves her goals, but does not go overboard with them and always weighs the pros and cons. If the goal is not conquered the first time, she without despondency makes new, meaningful attempts. Well, if it’s not fate at all, then he philosophically accepts this fact and continues to live. Of course, she needs experience, intelligence, prudence, and general erudition. But all these qualities in her personality are balanced and in harmony with each other.

Commandments of a wise woman
The wise man Kozma Prutkov used to say that in order to be happy, a sincere desire is enough. The situation is similar with female wisdom: if you want to be a wise woman, be one. Start thinking, speaking and acting in accordance with this image, and over time it will become so familiar that it will become inextricably linked with habits, and then with character. Here the necessary ability to pretend and get used to the image will manifest itself. Although without real confidence and a deep understanding of one’s own actions, real wisdom cannot be achieved. And yet, you can start by following the basic postulates:

  1. Be kind and friendly towards others. Because that tactic always wins over all others in the end. Kindness puts you at ease, calms you internally and externally, and helps you build good relationships with others who will not refuse help in difficult times. Also, kind people look younger than their peers, are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular and digestive diseases, get more pleasure from life and are generally happier.
    A wise woman does not hold evil or resentment in her soul, and teaches her children the same. She readily helps those who need it, but never imposes her help, does not expect gratitude in return, and does not humiliate with pity. Her kindness is a consequence of a deep and versatile understanding of the interconnection of all things and the desire for harmony. However, a truly wise woman knows how to show strength of character and sometimes unexpected toughness if the situation requires it or if her kindness is too abused.
  2. Stay optimistic, that is, to believe in the best no matter what. Life is long and varied, it did not begin yesterday and will not end tomorrow. But tomorrow, in any case, will be better than yesterday - the wise woman is absolutely sure of this. And her confidence is translated into reality. She infects her loved ones with this optimism, passes it on to everyone she loves and with whom she communicates. After meeting her, you want to believe in the best, strive for more and move on.
    Optimism is both rose-colored glasses and a mantra that gradually influences reality. Faith in a bright future, coupled with calm self-confidence, is an integral part of wisdom in general and female wisdom in particular. Planning ahead, building possible scenarios for the development of events, a wise woman is always prepared for the worst, but hopes for the best. And in most cases, such hope does not fail her.
  3. Be faithful to her man, her family and her beliefs - an important sign of the wisdom and psychological maturity of a woman. Wise people do not rush between different poles, do not look for short-term, changeable benefits. They remain in their place, with their obligations and promises. They follow the principle “do what you must, come what may,” and this principle always justifies itself. Therefore, striving for wisdom, be a faithful and flexible wife. Patience and stability are the stronghold of true happiness, and changes for the better only emphasize the value of constancy.
  4. Take care of peace, that is, do not create emotional tension where it can be avoided. There is already too much excitement in life to multiply this entropy on our own. Therefore, the contribution of a wise woman to world harmony and the psychological balance of her microworld is to maintain an even, peaceful atmosphere in the soul, mind, mood and life of her loved ones. Stress does not play into anyone's hands, and a wise woman takes care of her health and well-being when it is in her power.
  5. Respect a man and support him even in those situations in which he turns out to be wrong. A wise woman never “pokes her nose”, does not remind her of past mistakes and in no case nags with reproaches. On the contrary, she creates in her man a feeling of reliable support in her face and at the same time allows him to feel strong and fearless. Next to a wise woman, a man willingly shows his best qualities, conquers the world and lays it at her feet. And she, in turn, forgives him for his human weaknesses and shortcomings, does not try to remake him and respects him as an autonomous person who has the right to freedom. And a smart man will never want to free himself from such a wise woman.
  6. Have principles that do not change under the influence of circumstances and external pressure. These are basic values ​​that everyone chooses for themselves, but they are certainly based on honesty, nobility and self-esteem. These principles constitute a certain “code of honor”, ​​based on which a wise woman in any situation maintains the optimism, calmness and fidelity listed above. And when this becomes impossible, she stops supporting people and circumstances with which she is not on the same page.
  7. Love and care about your family and everyone who needs it. This is a natural need of every woman, but a wise woman knows how to implement it in such a way as to bring tangible benefits without being intrusive. She understands the importance of home comfort and the value of family understanding, the delights of spending time together and the joy of food prepared with her own hands. A wise woman fills the space around her with an atmosphere of love and warmth, and everyone who falls into this circle feels protected and calm.
  8. Act diplomatically and politely, maintain tact and do not offend other people. She does not force or force anyone to do as she pleases. It allows others, especially men, to be themselves and make their own decisions and be responsible for them. She knows how to give in and not insist, and this is her strength, not her weakness. A wise woman does not seek to control, does not demand or complain, because all these manifestations are not worthy of a real lady. And a lady and a well-mannered woman are partial synonyms of female wisdom and its integral component.
  9. Learn to let go, that is, to understand your episodic role in this huge world and recognize that much in it is transitory. Women's wisdom does not try to hold on to what is leaving her life on its own, and welcomingly accepts what is new that comes into it. And, as a rule, the best comes to a wise woman in the end - more precisely, what she herself wants and expects from life. This is the reward for a wise understanding of the principles of the universe and non-violence towards it and towards oneself. A wise woman knows that she will not leave her, and what will leave her is hers. And he takes this fact calmly.
  10. Be yourself throughout her life, even when her circumstances, and the woman herself, change beyond recognition. This is the inner core, character and individuality, which only a truly wise and balanced person can preserve. Because all people are different, and only in harmony with yourself can you find the happiness that will allow you to breathe deeply and enjoy every moment of life, no matter what happens.
As you can see, becoming a wise woman is easy and difficult at the same time. But, if you are already thinking about it, then you are on the right track. Don't turn away from it, be true to yourself and your internal attitudes, don't play giveaway with your own conscience and don't consider yourself smarter than others. This is where real wisdom lies: to be no worse, no better, and not compare yourself to others at all. Understand and recognize the value of every person, including your own. Respect everything and everyone around you and subtly help others feel the same.