It is believed that cats, unlike dogs, are difficult to train. But this is not true at all. Almost any healthy young cat can be taught to give a paw, fetch a toy, or stand on its hind legs. After several trainings, the animals easily perform the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Voice”, “Hoop”, “Fetch”, “Nearby”. Experienced breeders have developed a whole system of training representatives of the feline order. These methods can be successfully used at home.

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    Preparing for training

    You need to prepare for training your beloved cat. Before you begin training with an animal, you need to meet a number of important conditions:

    1. 1. The cat must be healthy. If the animal is sick or has only recently recovered from an illness, is tired or exhausted, then starting training is pointless and even cruel. It is necessary to take care of the health and well-being of your pet and only then teach various tricks.
    2. 2. The pet should not want to go to the toilet. Even litter-trained animals cannot tolerate it for too long, so it is better to fulfill such a request from your pet on demand.
    3. 3. The cat should not be too full. Training usually involves rewarding a furry student with small pieces of food, and a well-fed animal is unlikely to be interested in them. To begin training, it is best to use the period immediately before meals (a few minutes before the planned meal). A hungry cat will eagerly reach for food and will try to earn as many tasty rewards as possible.
    4. 4. Training should not be carried out for too long. Cats are very independent animals, and training can quickly become boring for them. As a rule, one lesson should not last longer than 3–5 minutes. If you try to continue training with a cat who has ceased to show interest in the actions being performed, you may even get the opposite result. In this case, the animal will begin to feel an aversion to exercise and will try to avoid it in the future.
    5. 5. The owner must teach the cat commands. Cats very clearly build a hierarchical ladder for themselves, where the owners are on the top rung and enjoy the respect of the animal. If training is attempted by a stranger or family member whom the cat does not respect very much, then the training will most likely not be successful.
    6. 6. A friendly and positive attitude of the trainer is important. Cats subtly sense the slightest changes in a person’s mood and try to avoid those who show aggression towards them. Even if some success has been achieved in several previous sessions with your pet, it can be undone by one careless shout. Cats can be very touchy and, if they are yelled at or hit, they may refuse to obey any commands of their offender for a long time (or forever).
    7. 7. It is necessary to adequately assess the age of the animal. You should not try to teach commands to kittens that are too young - in the first months of life, they already learn many new actions for them: walking, jumping, drinking from a saucer, washing themselves with their paws. You need to wait until they grow up a little and master all the necessary skills. You should not try to train an animal that is too old and has already lost its previous activity. For older cats, even familiar actions sometimes become difficult to perform, so you shouldn’t make their life even more difficult by requiring them to perform new tasks.
    8. 8. When choosing tricks, you need to take into account the character and abilities of the cat. It is necessary to observe the animal for some time to find out which commands your beloved pet has a tendency to follow. If the cat is active and jumping, it can be taught the commands “Fetch”, “Hoop”, “Ask”, “Near” and the like. If the ward is lazy and prone to gluttony, he can more easily learn the commands “Lie down”, “Die”, “Voice”.

    How to teach your furry pet to follow commands

    There are many tricks that can be successfully taught to almost any house cat. Depending on the character and temperament of the animal, you need to choose the appropriate commands specifically for your pet:


    This trick will be difficult to teach to a cat if he is in a playful mood. When trying to put down an angry pet, you can get a couple of bites and scratches. Try to choose the moment when the cat is about to lie down and say the command: “Lie down! " When the animal lies down, give it a piece of treat. If you manage to do these steps several times over the course of 2-3 days, the cat will understand the meaning of the order given by the owner and will begin to lie down on command.

    When teaching the “Lie down” command, it is important to try to give a treat to a cat that is already lying down. If he has to stand up to get a tasty morsel, the animal may not understand why exactly he is being rewarded.


    By analogy with the “Lie down” command, you can try to catch the cat at those moments when he is about to sit down, pronounce the order, and then give him a tasty bite. Some methods advise not to wait for the right moment, but to simply periodically force the cat to sit down, pressing on its back, and at the same time say: “Sit! " This method may give faster results, although it depends on the nature of the animal. If a cat is stubborn and willful, he will, on principle, refuse to do what he is forced to do.


    Many cat owners would prefer that their pets be able to shut up on command, because loud and demanding “meows” are heard too often. But if you still want to teach your cat to meow on command, then the most appropriate time would be when the pet is very hungry and loudly demands its portion. At this moment you need to say: “Voice! ", and after another meow give him a small piece of food. If you repeat this exercise for several days, the cat will learn to vocalize on command.

    It is better to teach the “Voice” command each time in a different room, and give the rewarding piece of food to the cat itself, and not put it in its bowl. If training is carried out, for example, only in the kitchen, then after several days of training the cat will, at the command “Voice,” rush headlong into the kitchen for food, and this is not the result that the trainer strives for. If these requirements are met, the cat will associate the “Voice” command with the utterance of sounds, and not with a specific place where food is received.


    To perform this command, you can purchase a special hoop of suitable size at a pet store or use a regular embroidery hoop. When playing with a cat, you need to place the hoop vertically so that it passes through it, while saying the word “hoop”, and then give it a treat. If the cat is trying to get around an obstacle rather than go through it, it can be directed along the desired path. After a few days, when the cat begins to willingly walk through the hoop on command, it can be raised a few centimeters above the floor. If the training goes well, then after a while the cat will learn to jump through a hoop on command like a real circus tiger.

    "Give me your paw"

    This is one of the simplest tricks, because even the laziest cat can be taught such a command. When the animal is sitting in a calm state, you need to say: “Give me your paw!” ” and take his paw yourself, and then treat him with a piece of food. After repeated repetitions of this exercise, the cat will begin to stretch out its paw for food on its own. To teach this exercise, you can use the natural abilities of your tailed wards. Cats often stretch their paw for a tasty piece, so you can put a piece of food in your palm, and when the cat reaches out to the food with its paw, say: “Give me your paw!” "


    Not every cat can be taught this command. If the owner notices a tendency in his pet to carry various objects in his teeth, then the likelihood of teaching him this command is quite high. You need to take the cat’s favorite toy, which he usually carries in his teeth, throw it a short distance and say: “Fetch! " If a cat rushes for a toy and takes it in its teeth, you need to praise it and try to pick up the toy, and then give it a piece of treat. After several repetitions, the cat will learn how to earn a piece of tasty food and will begin to fetch the toy on command.


    To teach this command, it is enough to catch the moment several times when the cat attacks a hand or a toy during the game, and say at the same time: “Face! "and give a piece of your favorite food. After several repetitions, the cat, hearing a familiar signal, will attack on command. But before you teach your cat the “Face” command, you need to think carefully. If you encourage excessive aggression in a kitten, you can end up with an angry and uncontrollable cat in the future.

    When teaching a cat to attack, you need to remember that during the training process you cannot beat or offend the animal in order to provoke aggression - the cat will not learn the new command, but will harbor a grudge against the owner or begin to be afraid of him.

    "Serve" or "Ask"

    This trick, like “Give me a paw,” is one of the easiest to perform. When the cat gets hungry, you need to take a piece of food and bring it to the animal’s nose. When the animal reaches for a treat, you need to raise the food higher and higher with the words “ask” until the pet stands on its hind legs. Then you can feed the treat. Almost all cats learn this trick very quickly, and some even understand in some incomprehensible way that if you stand on their hind legs and rake in the air with their front legs, you can get something tasty. It is important to teach the cat to do this on command. If desired, you can develop this skill so much that the animal even learns to walk on its hind legs


Start raising your pet from infancy. It is extremely difficult to train an adult, while kids are still able to adapt and accept your attempts to teach them this or that. Speech training is no exception. In addition, males are more amenable to training, they are more capricious and independent, and their oral apparatus is not so flexible and is more difficult to change.

Listen to your pet's natural. Notice how he meows. Each expresses their feelings, emotions and desires in their own way. By putting all the richness of a cat's language into one "Meow", you are making a mistake, since in fact it is much richer and different for each individual. Find “words” in your pet’s meows that resemble something from our speech.

Start working with the vocabulary items you find. Suppose a particular sound made by a kitten reminds you of the word "meat." As soon as you hear it, repeat the word “meat” and praise your baby. Reinforcement is an important stage of work. Play the reverse game: say the word “meat”. If the kitten responds with the desired sound, praise it. It is extremely important to be observant at this step because the sounds that cats make are usually associated with a specific situation. The word “meat” is pronounced immediately at the moment when the appearance of the corresponding sound seems most likely. This way you will increase the likelihood of quickly consolidating the lesson.

Don't expand your word count until you've mastered one. Be consistent and patient. Only after making sure that the first lesson is thoroughly consolidated, begin to expand your vocabulary. At the same time, do not forget about constant repetitions.

Don't be too demanding. You can't teach a cat to say the word "meat" the way we are used to hearing it. Remember how difficult it is to understand a person speaking with an accent. Your pet will also pronounce “words” a little differently. And here everything depends only on your mood. If you believe that your cat can say the word "meat", then you will be able to hear it.

Be careful when displaying your pet's talents in front of guests. Make sure that they are understanding people and do not expect miracles from the cat. All animals are extremely vulnerable and cannot stand being laughed at. If there are skeptics in the company who may simply burst out laughing at the demonstration of your joint efforts with her, then it is better to refrain from public speaking and “talk” with the cat in private.

Helpful advice

Exercise only when your cat is in the mood for it. Cats are one of the most willful animals, and if they don't want something, you will never force them to do it.

Independence is a character trait of many cats, but not all. Some representatives of the cat family enjoy contact with humans, but things are not always so smooth. It is possible to accustom a cat to being handled, but not in all cases; it all depends solely on the animal. When accustoming your fluffy to your hands, do not go against his will, otherwise you will not succeed, no matter how hard you try.


Cats love tasty food, so work through his stomach. Feed your kitty delicious foods: and canned cat food, although they are not recognized as healthy, they really like them. After eating, the cat's mood clearly improves, he begins to feel sleepy and agrees to sit in his arms.

Lead your fluffy on “affectionate topics.” Animals love to listen to people, this makes them smarter and more supportive, and most importantly they understand that contact with people brings a lot of pleasure. Speak softly and not too loudly, and watch the cat squint and perhaps come to your arms.

Never hit an animal, kitties are vindictive and they are unlikely to forget that they were harmed. After this, it will be impossible to establish friendly and trusting relationships. And every time you try to pick up the cat, you will feel the action of the sharp claws that the fluffy one will probably put into your skin. The maximum punishment for a pet is a light slap with a newspaper, but not on the body, but a few centimeters near the nose.

When the cat understands that you are a friend, he will not only begin to come to you for food, but will also show true love, which many animals are capable of, not just dogs. If this does not happen, leave the fluffy alone; if he wants, he will come on his own, but if not, then nothing can be done about it. Cats are different, just like people.

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Many pet owners are constantly trying to teach their pets something new, for example, a dog - to bring slippers for the owner, a hamster - to participate in running competitions, and a cat - to talk. Many may say that teaching a cat to talk is stupid and useless. Although, if you take this seriously and put maximum effort and patience into training, the animal can really speak.


You can teach a cat to talk only at the age of several weeks to a year, i.e. only in her “childhood”. It is useless to train a pet older than one year.

To teach a cat to talk, it should be isolated from all others in the house. They can confuse the student and interfere with his knowledge of human speech. In this regard, owners who have only one cat are more fortunate.

First, it is recommended to teach your cat to pronounce at least one word. Moreover, it must be related to food, for example, the word “meat”. It is always necessary to pronounce it in front of a kitten, i.e. immediately at the time of the meal and before it.

The selected word must be repeated to the kitten for an hour each time before feeding it. You can pick up the cat and repeat in its ear: “Meat, meat, meat.” The animal should be taught the chosen word over the course of a year, pronouncing it a huge number of times every day.

You should not impose your will on your pet. If a kitten does not want to be trained and is categorically against any contact with a person, you should not torture the animal with forced training. Let the cat prove itself in whatever it wants.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

When choosing a word that you plan to teach your cat, you should listen carefully to the sounds that your pet most often pronounces. Over time, real human words can be formed from these sounds. For example, if your cat often says “meow, meow,” it’s easy to teach her to say the word “meat.” If she purrs more often, saying “ur, mur,” you can try to teach her the word “eat.”

Each cat is individual and has its own character. Whether it's a stray kitten or a fluffy and purebred homebody. Cats can show their affection in completely different ways. How to teach your pet to be handled?


So, first you need to learn one rule, very sensitive creatures. You should begin to get used to it gradually and not intrusively. If your pet jumped out of your hands for the first time, it’s okay. Don't forcefully hold a cat in your arms and wait for it to scratch you.

You need to accustom your cat to being handled. To begin with, just start petting her or scratching her behind the ear. Then try to lure it with something (for example, a piece of sausage) closer to your palms. As soon as the pet approaches, you should not immediately nervously grab it in your arms and hold it near you. You need to make sure that you are distracted or forgotten for a while while she is near your palms.

It should be noted that it is easier to accustom a small kitten to being handled than an adult cat. For an adult cat, you will need to be a little patient.

If your pet shows signs of attention to you, then this is already good. For example, a cat may lie in the same bed with you or sit on the same couch with you. Affection and love from your pet should be encouraged.

You also need to understand that not every cat likes to be touched. Then you should resort to more serious measures. For example, you can purchase a special cat spray with a high content of pheromones at any pet store. By spraying your palms with this spray, you will notice how the cat itself will reach out to you. But you should not resort to this method very often, as the cat may become addicted and develop a reflex to this medicine. Subsequently, it will be difficult for you to wean your cat off this medicine. You can also use special catnip.

Cats are very touchy creatures. If you have ever offended your pet, it is unlikely that he will just jump into your arms. You need to treat your cat more carefully and sensitively. If you give your cat love, joy and affection, then over time the cat will return the same to you. Therefore, do not despair if your pet does not get used to your hands in the first month.

Helpful advice

You should not be too persistent in following the cat and putting it in your arms, because later it will be afraid of you.

It is noteworthy that the cat was the very last wild animal that man made his friend. In order for her to get used to your hands, you need to be patient and not focus too much of your attention on it.


Cats are very perceptive and sensitive creatures. You should accustom her to holding hands slowly, without imposing your company. If she jumps out of your hands, do not hold her. Give her time to understand that you can be trusted.

Accustom your animal to handling in several stages. First, scratch behind the ear, lightly stroking with light movements. Then you can lure her with food she likes. As soon as the cat approaches, do not immediately grab it in your arms. Don't make sudden movements; keep your palms close while she eats.

Be patient. The younger the cat, the more likely it is to be more affectionate. They get used to it most quickly in up to 8 months. They should see and feel you as a possible friend. However, you will need patience and a lot of knowledge about the habits of these interesting animals for you to become friends.

Reward your cat for the attention it gives you. If you notice that she begins to sit down or lie down next to you more often, then do something nice for her. Play by tying a bow on a rope or treat them to something tasty.

Don't offend her. Cats have the ability to remember the offense inflicted by the owner. If you have unfairly offended your ward, do everything to earn her forgiveness. Otherwise, she will diligently avoid your hands and stop jumping onto your lap, preferring privacy.

Don't despair if your ward has difficulty getting used to being held. Representatives of some breeds generally do not like the touch of human hands. Give this cat time. The more caring and trusting your attitude, the faster she will understand that you are pleased when she is closer to you. For example, cats of the Siberian breed are very capricious. But they are so smart and understand their owner that after a few years of living together, you will forget that you tried to accustom her to your hands.


You can use mint or pheromone sprays to attract the animal, but do not overuse it.

Helpful advice

Many cats love to be scratched with a special brush.


  • How to accustom a Scottish wayward kitten to your hands???

Transforming an outdoor cat into an indoor cat requires a lot of patience. The main difficulties that can be encountered in such cases are the cat’s poor health, its fearfulness or, conversely, excessive impudence, improper socialization, inappropriate behavior, etc.


First of all, take her to a veterinary clinic and ask her to be examined. If the animal has any diseases, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to re-educate. For example, a sick animal may not let you approach it, be afraid of touching, constantly hide or behave aggressively, etc.

Arrange your home so that it has everything you need. At first, it is worth keeping the animal in one room, gradually giving it access to other parts of the house so that it quickly gets used to its new home. Provide trays, a bowl for water and food. Be sure to purchase a scratching post and teach your cat to use it. It is also advisable to buy a comfortable house so that the animal can hide in it if necessary. When your cat understands that she has her own corner in your home, it will be easier for her to get used to her new home and to you.

Don't be intrusive. If your cat doesn't want to play with you or avoids petting you, leave her alone. Pamper the animal little by little: give it tasty food, interesting toys, etc. But don’t overdo it, otherwise the cat will understand that it can manipulate you, and its behavior will worsen. Never hit an animal, even if it behaves inappropriately. Instead, show your love. Talk to the animal quietly and gently.

Punish your cat correctly. No need to scream, it's better to hiss like a cat. Trust me, it will really work. If the cat does something wrong, such as stealing food from the table, cats cannot stand the smell of it.


  • street cats

Choosing a kitten is a responsible step. When entering the house, a new family member must follow a number of rules. A competent approach in this matter will help maintain peace in the family and protect the pet from stress in case of failure to comply.

You will need

  • - dry terry towel,
  • - disinfectants,
  • - bowls for food,
  • - scratching post.


Decide on the type of food: either ready-made food or regular food. Among the ready-made feeds there are liquid and dry. Carefully study the composition, for what age it is intended, dosage and feeding frequency. Some veterinarians recommend feeding your kitten baby food. Cats' digestion is extremely sensitive. Remember that if you plan to sterilize the animal in the future, you will still have to switch to special ready-made food.

Keep food bowls clean. Food should be fresh, at room temperature. Provide drinking water separately. Teach your kitten to eat by the hour, at least 4-5 times a day. Subsequently, the animal itself will learn to control the amount of food consumed and determine its own degree of saturation.

Find a place for the litter box where the kitten will go to the toilet. In the first 1.5-2 weeks, monitor the animal. Provide a place for the kitten to go to the toilet. If he went the wrong way, wet a cotton pad, put it in the tray, put the kitten in the tray. And so on every time until a habit is established. Thoroughly disinfect the place where your pet went to the toilet, but do not use too strong odors, otherwise the animal will continue exactly where it should not be done.

Buy a special scratching post. Place it in the place where the animal most often tries to sharpen its claws. You can use special products in the form of sprays that will stop you from sharpening your claws in the wrong places. Trim your animal's nails regularly, either on your own or at a clinic.

Remove outdoor shoes, as some animals, due to their specific smell, can mark them as their territory, or simply ruin their appearance.

Video on the topic


Monitor how the animal digests food in the first days of its stay in the house. This makes it easier to adjust the cat’s diet and choose the right type. It is not recommended to suddenly switch from regular food to ready-made food, since the digestive system is extremely sensitive, the animal may get sick or die. The sooner you decide on food, the better for your pet.

Helpful advice

When toilet training, be as patient as possible. Purebred animals are easy to train. The mother cat carries the baby into the litter box herself. You will have to tinker with a yard pet, but the results will appear a little later, from 2 to 4 weeks.

According to statistics, there are more than half a million stray cats around the world. Some compassionate people take care of the needs of these animals, regularly feeding them, while others decide to take drastic steps, trying to tame street cats.

Should you tame an outdoor cat?

It is not so easy to train an outdoor cat to live indoors! This carries with it some danger. Here you need to clearly understand what kind of cat a person is taming: a domestic cat, recently abandoned by its owner, or a street cat, which has lived in freedom all its youth.

The fact is that the first one will easily take root in a new place and fall in love with its new owner, but as for an exclusively street cat, taming it is not an easy task! In any case, the decision remains with those who decided to take such a drastic step.

What to do to tame a street cat?

It all depends on how old the street animal is. For example, if you pick it up before 10 weeks of age, you can tame it in just one week. The situation is worse with an adult: it can take several months for such a cat to get used to a person. Sometimes such cats are not tamed at all! In any case, in order to tame a wild animal, you will need to stock up on enormous patience.

Hearty lunch. The very first step in taming a wild cat will, of course, be feeding it. There is no need to overfeed an animal that is accustomed to malnutrition in the wild. It is best to divide your meals into three hourly meals.

Treatment. It is necessary to take the street cat to a veterinary hospital to administer antihelminthic drugs. The doctor will examine the animal, determine its condition, identify diseases that it picked up in the wild, and recommend appropriate treatment. When taming an outdoor cat, you need to be prepared to spend a lot of money on its treatment.

Moral preparation. You need to understand that a once stray animal will have to live in completely limited conditions for it and get used to new rules. Unfortunately, in most cases this does not give any positive results.

In any case, you need to be mentally prepared for the fact that the cat will begin to hide in the corners of the house, and when it sees a person approaching it, it will begin to behave aggressively. This is understandable: street animals almost always retain their wild habits and habits. Their hunting instinct is highly developed. Moreover, they have an increased desire to reproduce. This also needs to be taken into account.

Do not place a cat in a cage or other confined space! She may take this for a trap, then it will definitely be impossible to tame her. There is no need to react negatively to an animal’s aggression; it cannot begin to trust a person so quickly. A wild cat should be taught to use the toilet, careful feeding and good manners gradually. In the first days of a street cat’s life in a new place, you should not try to pet it; it is better to demonstrate your affection with a gentle voice.

What to do if the cat is not tamed?

If all else fails, the cat should be released into the wild. There is no need to be too upset, because this is still a cat from the street! On the contrary, we should be glad that there is now one more cured and well-groomed pet in the wild.

Often we first get furry pets, and then suddenly discover that we find ourselves in the role of pets, and the cat feels like the rightful owner of the apartment. To prevent problems of this kind from arising, the kitten must be raised correctly.

First of all, your pet needs a name. This is not a tribute to fashion or tradition, but a completely useful action necessary for raising an animal. The kitten should be called by name when you pet or feed it. When you punish an animal, you cannot name its name, because in this case the kitten will consider its name to be a dirty word associated with punishment.

When your pet relieves itself in the wrong place or sharpens its claws on furniture, it must be punished immediately. The key word here is immediate, because cats have short memories. As time passes, the kitten will no longer be able to associate its punishment with the offense. You should not punish the animal by physical violence or throwing a slipper: compare your size and the size of the kitten.

Now imagine that a giant slipper is flying at you. It is best to splash water on the troublemaker or perform some loud action, such as dropping the keys on the floor, clapping your hands loudly, etc. A flick on the nose is an acceptable punishment, although this may be somewhat painful for the kitten.

There is no need to indulge the kitten in all his whims just because he is cute and fluffy. Decide what you will not allow the animal to do, and stand your ground to the end.

If the kitten begs while the family is sitting at the table, then feeding time should be moved half an hour earlier than the family dinner. Of course, you should not feed the animal from your table. If the cat does not eat his food, then there is no need to rush to offer him other various foods. It's entirely possible that he's just being capricious. Wait a day or two. If the kitten still does not touch the food, then replace the food.

Sometimes our pets start acting up. Without punishing him, how can you accustom him to the word “impossible”, so that he understands?

Don’t rush to use sneakers or other “sticks”; everything can be solved with “carrots”. Cats, like dogs and many other animals, are very smart. For starters, don't clean up the mess your pet makes. He must clearly understand why he is being punished. Take your cat, preferably by the withers, and place it near the crime scene. There is no need to hit, just poke your nose into the soil from under a flower or torn wallpaper. Nerve endings are located on their nose and with these actions you are already causing discomfort to the cat. When showing her her sins, repeat the word “impossible” loudly. A couple of minutes will be enough. Then you can release the “prisoner”.

After about five minutes, if the cat did not come to this place, give her a treat. This will cheer her up a little. After a while, you can take the cat again and do the same actions with the word “impossible.” You can repeat these manipulations several times. The cat will remember that the word “no” is associated with discomfort and pain. Next time, if you see your cat close to taking turns, just say “no”. I'm sure she'll get it right!

Don't think that everything will work out the first time. Even people need to repeat it several times, let alone for cats.

Important! If you hit a cat, especially on the tailbone, it will start shitting anywhere. You can damage her kidneys even if you don't punish her as much.

Your attention to your pet plays an important role. Play with him and communicate with him more often, so she will not have a reason to play with extraneous things. If she scratches wallpaper or a sofa, I advise you to buy a scratching post. I understand that this is expensive, but a cat is like a small child that requires care.

Probably every owner of a mustachioed tabby at least once imagined himself in the role of Kuklachev and tried to train his pet. This is not an easy matter, because cats are independent animals and will not do anything they don’t like.

And yet, it is possible to train a Siamese or any other breed, you just need to know when to start and how to do it.

What is this for?

Before you figure out how to train a cat, you need to understand why it is needed. These animals are quite independent, so they definitely don’t need it. Such training will allow owners to devote more time to the animal.

In addition, training is a unique element of education. You teach your pet to obey you and follow simple commands. With good behavior, the pussy gets something tasty, and everyone loves treats. This will also once again show who is the boss and leader of the pack.

For the animal, such training should become a kind of game. Commands not only teach you to obey, but also train your pet’s memory and logic. Plus additional communication with your beloved owner.

And, of course, personal ambitions. It’s great to show off to your guests your pet’s ability to follow commands, as long as the animal does not suffer in the process. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. If your pussy stubbornly refuses to follow orders, even for a favorite treat, then you need to leave it alone.

When to start?

There is no point in trying to teach little kittens anything. The main thing at this age is to understand that when needed they only go to a designated place. Otherwise, the kitten's head is occupied with more important things: taking a walk, eating, learning to lick its fur. So, up to 6 months, you should not keep your animal busy with various “nonsense”.

The best period is 7-8 months. The pet has already grown up and will be able to adequately perceive your commands. Is it possible to train a cat after a year? You can try to teach a cat different tricks up to 5 years of age; after this age, they already become very independent, so they can simply ignore the owner’s commands.

If you notice that your baby begins to understand you at an earlier age, then you can try to teach him simple things - fetch a toy or jump. The approach to each animal must be individual. Cats are usually smarter than cats, but they are more likely to show character.

Where to start?

How to train a British cat? Just like Persian, Angora and Scottish. No difference. You shouldn't do this in a hurry. First you need to take a closer look at the habits of the pussy and find out what she likes. Based on this, they choose the command that will be easiest to teach the cat.

If a pet likes to bring its own toys, then it will easily yield to tricks with the offering of an abandoned toy, like the command “Take” or “Carry” in dogs. Jumping pets can be taught to jump onto a chair, shoulder or special surface using the “Up” command.

If the kitten does not miss a single obstacle and always jumps over them, then he will enjoy overcoming more difficult obstacles, jumping over a hoop or your knee. In general, you need to take a closer look at what your pussy definitely won’t refuse.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of treats for the animal. Naturally, it should be special, because why should an animal bother with ordinary food, which will be given at a certain time anyway.

As a treat you can offer:

  • Flavored cat vitamins;
  • Meat balls;
  • A piece of fish;
  • Favorite treat.

Do your training not when it’s convenient for you, but by adjusting to the rhythm of your striped friend. Best after sleep or during games. Try to do this before or after feeding.

How to train?

Usually they start with the commands “Sit”, “Give me a paw”, “Lie down” and “Come to me”. Almost anyone who responds to their nickname can easily learn to carry out the last order. This trick is easiest to learn during feeding. Call your pet by name and add “To me”.

When he runs up, place a bowl of food in front of him. After a few days, repeat the command, but instead of food, offer a treat or affection. Repeat several times to consolidate.

How to train a Siamese cat to obey the “Sit” command. This will require a lot of patience. Call the pussy towards you and wait until it sits down, after this or at the same time as this action, say the command.

Repeat the whole process and so on until your pet connects your words with his movements. You can help him figure it out a little by lightly pressing on his body, forcing him to sit down.

After mastering this command, proceed to the “Give me a paw” trick. Having seated the pussy at your feet, grab it by one of the front legs and clearly say the command. After this, give the pussy a treat and release the paw. Repeat the command several times every day until the pet carries it out on its own.

The command “Lie down” is learned after regular fulfillment of the requirement “Sit”. The animal's neck is pressed with a hand, forcing it to lie on its paws, clearly pronouncing the order. After this, a treat is immediately given. The manipulations are repeated until the mustachioed pet does it “automatically” and without treats.

Next, you can proceed to the commands “Ask”, “Stand” and “Voice” or “Sing”. This is what someone likes. The order “Ask” is issued after the cat obediently sits down in front of you. Having clearly pronounced the words, raise your hand with the treat above the animal’s head, forcing him to stand on his hind legs and reach for your hand with his front legs.

The main thing is not to overdo it

Be patient and don't expect quick results. The animal will take your orders until it gets tired of it. Therefore, classes should be regular, but lasting no more than 10-15 minutes. 2 lessons per day are enough, you should not tire your pet.

It is usually not difficult to teach a dog some commands; these pets readily lend themselves to training. Cats are another matter and cats, which themselves are very willful animals and do not like to follow any commands. And yet you can teach them something.

A cat can be trained at home, and, most importantly, do not force the animal to do something against its will. Training should not be a burden, rather it should be a leisure activity.

How to train a cat: general rules

Before starting to train your furry pet, the owner needs to carefully think through some aspects so that the time and effort spent on training is not in vain.

Firstly, it should be taken into account pet's age. It is best to start training when the kitten is 6-7 months old. At this age, the animal is already old enough to understand what they want from it.

Secondly, before you start training, you need to observe your pet’s behavior for a long time in order to understand how active it is, how it expresses itself, what its character and habits are. Also, it will be important to understand what treats the cat prefers most. Thanks to all this, the owner will be able to choose the most suitable program for training.

In fact, cats are very capable and fairly trainable creatures. Such simple commands as “Give me your paw”, “Sit” or “Come to me” are given to them quite quickly. Moreover, many domestic fluffies are distinguished by their innate artistic abilities.

When training any team, it is necessary to reward the animal for its success, then the effectiveness of training will be high. But you need to remember that if a cat doesn’t like what he’s doing and refuses to fulfill his owner’s requests, then he won’t do it even for the most delicious treats. In this case, the pet should be left alone, and training should begin later, taking into account exactly what command the tailed one rejects.

Training a cat is an individual process. In fact, she herself chooses what to learn and what not, and this will need to be accepted, then no problems with learning should arise.

Cat training: what commands can be taught

All commands should be given to the pet in a calm voice, without raising intonation, without unnecessary emotions, especially not to scold the cat for disobedience. What you can teach your pet:

The entire training should be a kind of game, where the cat completes a quest and receives a reward for a successful result. If your pet does not want to play this way, it is better to leave him alone for a while.

How to train a kitten

So, how to train a cat is generally clear, but what to do with a baby? How to teach a kitten to understand commands? Many people believe that training a kitten is ineffective and generally useless, since the pet is still small and too playful to learn anything. But in fact, you can still teach a little fluffy some tricks. To do this, you should again stock up on treats and good patience. What you can teach a kitten:

In fact, training babies is no more difficult than training adult cats. The main thing is to do everything with patience and love, do not forget to encourage your pet and in no case insist on something that he does not want to do.

In no case, you can't punish a cat or a kitten if he does something wrong or does not want to obey at all. As soon as you raise your voice at him, he will instantly get scared and in the future he will completely stop making contact with his owner in training.

Most experts believe that cats can understand up to fifty human words. Cats do not know the meaning of words, but they associate the sounds of a given word with certain objects or actions.

With enough patience and persistence, you can teach your cat to respond to his name, as well as some commands, such as “Come!”, “Sit!”, “Stop!”

Command "Come to me!" (Come here!)

Suppose you have chosen a name for your kitten or cat and want it to come when its name is called. As an example, I chose the name Chiper because it consists of two syllables and sounds, short and sweet.
You can expect a cat to come when called if it has a presentiment of something pleasant. Do not start training your cat by calling him in for medical procedures or bathing. This can be done later. Don't call your cat in a loud, angry voice. Not a single cat will approach an owner who belligerently shouts: “Cheeper, come here! Who broke our aunt’s vase?”

Use your cat's name every time you feed him, even if he is waiting at your feet. Call your cat to come to dinner when he is in another room. Say cheerfully, with pleasure: “Chipper, come to me!” Be consistent and use the same words and tone of voice every time you call your cat. If the cat does not come when called, pick it up, place it near the food bowl, and say: “Chipper, come to me!” and put the food in the bowl. After Chipper has associated his arrival on command with feeding, start calling him under other circumstances. Reward the cat with a tasty piece; Treats can be replaced with affection, praise, or other rewards.

The command "Sit!"

Your cat can be trained to sit on command. Preferably before feeding, place the cat on the floor and kneel next to him. If he gets bored and sits down, give the command “Sit!”, which coincides with the action. Use one word "Sit!" for command and reward the cat with a treat when he responds correctly. If the cat remains standing, gently press on the back quarter of his body to give the command. Reward sitting. Work with your cat only for short periods - 5 minutes at most - so that you and he don't get bored during the training process.

Command "Stop!"

I knew people who taught cats to stop on command. This valuable command comes in very handy when the cat is approaching danger or is about to commit mischief. Learn "Stop!" you must use your hands: bend your hand at a right angle, making a barrier for the cat to advance. Choose the right moment when the cat is moving towards you, and make a barrier with your hand, while commanding “Stop!” When the cat obeys by stopping on command, reward him. Later, when the cat learns the command, you don't have to make any gestures.

How to teach a kitten to fetch small objects?

Cats can be trained to fetch small objects, such as a plastic bottle cap. Cats can imitate, so you can start training by demonstrating a trick. Get down on all fours to get closer to the cat's level. Place the cork in your open hand and let your cat look and smell it. Throw the cork a short distance and say "Bring it!" before crawling. to bring it back to where your cat is standing and watching intently; you can even bring a cork in your teeth. It may be better to do the first training session when you and your cat are alone at home - otherwise, your family may think that you are not right in the head. Do two or three such trainings - throwing a cork while you speak; "Bring it, Chipper!" If the cat ignores you and the traffic jam after a few throws, stop training for a while. If he picks up the game and comes back to you with a cork, reward him with a treat or the words “good kitten.” If the cat runs after the cork but brings it to the corner instead of returning it to you, ignore your careless student. Reinforce only the right actions and reactions.

Team "Up!"

Jumping through a hoop is a trick that will give your cat the specialty of a mini lion in the home circus. Hoops of suitable size can be used as embroidery hoops, decorated accordingly to achieve a circus effect. Place the hoop on the floor and stand on the side of it opposite the cat. Lure the cat through the hoop. If he's leash trained, walk him through the hoop with him. When he gets close to the hoop, say, "Up, Cheeper!" and reward him with affection, praise and treats as he passes through. When the cat learns to go through the hoop, lift it a few centimeters from the floor. Reward your cat every time he jumps through a raised hoop. If the cat tries to go around or under the hoop, place the hoop in the cat's path so the cat has to go through it. If the cat manages to go around the hoop, refrain from rewarding it. After several training sessions, your cat should jump through a hoop that is raised half a meter at the command “Up”.


Does your cat scratch at the door to go outside? Teach him to ring the bell to call you to open the door. Place the bell as close to the door as possible where the cat is scratching. Do not open the door in the presence of the cat until the bell has rung. When the cat scratches at the door, take his paw and ring the bell. Open the door immediately after the bell sounds and let the cat outside. Ignore your cat when he scratches at the door and doesn't call. Once your cat has learned to ring when he wants to go out, gradually move the bell to a more appropriate location.

The command "Give me your paw!"

Teach your cat to follow the command "Sit!" When the cat is sitting, gently lift one of his front paws and say, “Give me your paw, Chipper!” Reward him immediately. After practicing this procedure several times, give the command and extend your hand. If the cat offers his paw, reward him. If the cat does not obey, take his paw yourself, shake it, saying the command, and give encouragement.

Bang-bang game!

The trick is to get the cat to lie down and remain motionless when you point your finger at him and say, “Bang bang!” Give the command “Sit!”, point your finger at the cat and say “Bang-bang!”, after which you immediately throw the cat on its side and reward it. Repeat the procedure until. until the cat obeys the command. Then lengthen the amount of time your cat must lie still to receive the treat.

Command "Go!"

The staircase is easy to make at home, and then bad weather will not be an excuse to put off this exercise. Your cat gets more stress than you do when climbing stairs due to his height and build. It's a good idea to start with a traditional staircase, supporting your cat every step of the way, as many cats get scared at first when they see the floor below between the steps.

Place a comfortable collar and leash on your pet. Pick up the cat and place him on the first step, give the command “Go!” When the cat reacts correctly, praise him and give him a treat. Continue to help him take the second and third steps, rewarding each achievement. Follow the old training principle of stopping when everything is going well. Do not insist on continuing training if the cat is tired or bored.

If your cat is able to walk up an entire flight of stairs without fear, take him for a walk up and down once or twice a day. Perhaps after a while you will be able to accompany your cat down the steps without a leash. If you get tired before your cat, entice him to run up the stairs for his favorite toy or ball.