In one translation, the Lady of Coins is presented as a dark-haired woman, in another - as a dark-skinned one. Actually, this description of the map is exhausted. Arthur Waite wrote another high-flown phrase about the fact that the Queen in her pentacle considers certain worlds in much the same way as a modern lady does it with a smartphone or tablet.

But Waite did not consider it necessary to mention a hare or a rabbit. Either the significance of the rabbit for the English of the beginning of the last century was completely obvious, or he did not see it, just like many others. Meanwhile, a hare or a rabbit is a symbol extremely loaded with meanings.

Here is what a short encyclopedia of symbols writes about a hare:

Hare. Lunar animal and attribute of all lunar deities. It personifies rebirth, the return of youth, as well as intuition and "light in the darkness." Very often, the hare is associated with sacrificial fire and "life that has passed through death." Everywhere the hare is a symbol of fertility and represents the female menstrual cycle; it is a pledge of love, timidity, perversion, worldly wisdom, speed, agility.

Additional nuances of the Queen of Pentacles in the video


  • Accumulation
  • Thrift
  • Order
  • Stocks
  • Reliability
  • industriousness

Key Ideas

  • Storage and accumulation
  • Equitable distribution (equalization)
  • maternal custody
  • Emotional Discomfort

Basic meaning

The main meaning of the Tarot card Queen of Pentacles according to Waite is associated with wealth, generosity and greatness. And if wealth does not raise any doubts even today, then generosity and greatness in modern ideas have ceased to be associated with the Queen of Pentacles. The emphasis of the meanings of this card has shifted to storage, accumulation, putting things in order. Another meaning of the Tarot card of the Queen of Pentacles is the keeper of wealth.

Since its task is not so much to spend and distribute as to accumulate, it is economical. But her frugality can reach the point of stinginess and greed. The desire to restore order and the inability to restore it once and for all contributes to serious internal tension in the Queen.

Meaning in relationships

The Queen of Pentacles is not the most pleasant card meaning in a love relationship. She is very insecure and uncomfortable on the cup field. Considerably exaggerating, for this card a plate of borscht is a much more obvious sign of good relations than an orchid.

But the meaning of the Queen of Pentacles Tarot card indicates strong family relationships, which can be based, among other things, on joint housekeeping.

Open - closed card

A very closed card.

Relationship Intensity

The Tarot value of the Queen of Coins indicates a great internal tension. If we are talking about external manifestations, then first of all these are formal relations.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Karta is an ardent supporter of the "good old days". Everything new scares her. The need to adapt to change drives her to hysterics. There is nothing more reliable than old-fashioned, and even better than great-grandfather methods that have been tested for thousands of years and have proven their reliability.

Faced with rapidly changing emotions, the Queen experiences great discomfort. Not knowing how to predict them, and even more so to manage, she would prefer to do without emotions at all.

The queen greatly underestimates the chalice component between people and overestimates the pentacle component. However, the pentacle part of the Lady's relationship is contradictory. On the one hand, an expensive gift is an obvious sign of respect. On the other hand, these are resources spent without any hope of dividends.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • C: A very favorable combination of cards. Everything is going as planned, according to plan. Without sharp jerks and unpleasant surprises.
  • S: Enjoy working. Classes bring both profit and emotional satisfaction.
  • C: Difficult mental state, internal discomfort, fears and insecurities.

Psychological condition

The state at the same time "we have everything" and "we do not have enough". And it very much depends on what outweighs at the moment. Joy that we have everything or paranoia that we don’t have enough for anything.

The Queen of Pentacles lives in anticipation of the coming rainy day. No amount of stock seems to be enough for her. She is afraid to enjoy what she has today, because she thinks that what she eats today may not be enough tomorrow. She is pleased with the opportunity to replenish her reserves and upsets the need to spend.

In combination with the suit of Staves

  • C: The combination of cards reinforces the need to focus solely on one's own affairs.
  • S: You've taken on too much. Your range of responsibilities is extremely wide. Their execution causes nothing but fatigue.
  • S: The King of Staves and the Queen of Pentacles are in a complex co-dependent relationship. Outwardly pleasant, but in fact unnecessary to both.

Significance in matters of health

The value of the Queen of Pentacles usually indicates good physical health, including the ability to bear children. A strong body, the ability to endure large and prolonged physical exertion. But also this card can talk about psychological and emotional stress, nervous stress, internal tightness. The Queen lives in constant expectation of a serious test. And because of this, he is worried and tense.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles in combination with the card: A good combination. Material stability is supported by material well-being.
  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles combined with the card: You are deceiving yourself. Your resources are not as great and not as high quality as you think.
  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles combined with the card: You have everything to go upstairs.
  • Tarot card Queen of Pentacles combined with: Difficulties in communication.

Business and finance, in professional activities

The meaning of the Queen of Pentacles in business is an excellent card in spreads. It indicates a constant stable profit, a strong, well-established economy, and production without failures. The Queen of Pentacles is not associated with the idea of ​​super profits, but she always has a reserve for a rainy day.

Stability, manageability, controllability

Generally good for finances. Mostly the situation is stable, ladies are not inclined to let go of control and management.

And although all the ladies have a good financial situation, only the Lady of Pentacles really owns the finances.

If the Queen of Pentacles buys a good, solid thing, connected not with the concept of fashion or prestige, but with her own understanding of quality, then the Lady of the Staves becomes a victim of glamorous magazines. The same target audience of the magazine, aimed at the middle class.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The Tarot meaning of the Lady of Denarii is wealth as reserves. The first way is hoarding. It is important to fill warehouses, basements. Increase quantitative indicators, maybe even at the expense of quality. The second way is saving beyond reason.

Search for discounts, freebies. However, both options are united by a key concept - meaningless possession. Buying markdowns, junk at a discount, second-hand and warehousing "for a rainy day." By the way, for others, she produces very high-quality things, for her own needs - not so much with high quality, but as cheaply as possible, believing that this is how she saves.

General state of finances and trends

The condition of all the ladies is quite stable. with a positive balance.

The element of the Queen of Cups is Water. She is responsible for intuition, feelings, emotions, imaginative thinking. The beneficial influence of the Arcana is able to neutralize the negative effects of neighboring cards, promotes self-knowledge, a subtle perception of reality. This is a card of soothsayers, fortune-tellers, witches.

In this article

Meaning of the Queen of Cups in a broad sense

Traditionally, we begin the study of the meaning of the card with an analysis of the classic image from the Rider-Waite deck.

The picture shows a mature, experienced lady. Her knowledge is based on practical experience and intuition, which allows you to make the right choice. She is guided not by reason, but by an inner voice that gives allegorical clues.

The throne of the queen is located near the water - this symbolizes the element of feelings.

The Lady of Cups personifies the following concepts:

  • increased emotionality;
  • intuition;
  • sensuality;
  • tenderness, kindness;
  • a sense of peace, comfort, tranquility;
  • caring for loved ones, responsibility.

Classic Queen of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

The astrological meaning of the Arcana is associated with the planets Moon, Venus, Neptune. These celestial bodies are responsible for the sphere of subtle sensations. The moon is traditionally considered the patroness of illusions and fantasies. Venus represents love. Neptune is the lord of the water element.

Meaning of the Queen of Cups upright

In the upright position, the card symbolizes the feminine. When divining for love, relationships, marriage, the Queen of Cups symbolizes the ideal partner that a man will meet in the near future.

If we are talking about a problematic situation, then the questioner is in dire need of help, support and understanding from loved ones.

The lasso symbolizes stability, tranquility, harmony; promises the implementation of plans and a measured course of events.

Meaning of the Queen of Cups reversed

In the reverse position, the card loses its positive qualities. Sensuality turns into lust, subtle nature balances on the verge of hysteria. This expresses the lunar component of the Queen of Cups. Painful fantasies, illusions that are not destined to come true, give rise to negative emotions, up to painful mental disorders.

Venus in an inverted position takes on the character of a jealous and suspicious person.

Under the inverted Queen of Cups, unhealthy hobbies pass: alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling.

Queen of Cups from the Tarot deck-93

The reverse card warns of the need to pay attention to the psychological state of the questioner: he is in danger. There is a high probability of falling under the influence of totalitarian sects, fascination with pseudoscientific knowledge, deep immersion in dubious personality development trainings.

The meaning of the Queen of Cups when divining business, work, financial situation

The card advises the questioner to be creative in the implementation of plans. You should use your intuition, and not rely on ready-made logical conclusions. In matters of job change, the Queen of Cups means that a person will have to work under the guidance of a female boss. Get ready for the fact that her management style will have to get used to, and this is very difficult.

In a direct position, the Queen of Cups speaks of a stable financial situation, timely payment of salaries, and bonuses.

Arkan promises a painless and quick resolution of conflict issues, you just need to have a heart-to-heart talk with a colleague, and the misunderstanding will be eliminated.

The reverse symbol speaks of the inability to manage a team, lack of organizational skills, laziness. The questioner is waiting for problems with money, incompetent bosses, quarrelsome, petty colleagues.

The video is dedicated to the use of the Minor Arcana in practical magic. How can Cups be used for various ceremonies.

The meaning of the Queen of Cups when divining for relationships, love, marriage

The direct meaning of the card indicates that a woman will appear in the life of the questioner, whom you can rely on. In some layouts, this is a mother, sister, or good friend.

With favorable neighboring Arcana, the Queen of Cups promises relationships based on mutual respect.

At the level of emotions, it means patience, sympathy, empathy. If you need advice, then look for such a lady, she will definitely help.

The Queen of Cups from the modern Witches Tarot deck

In an inverted position, the Queen loses her positive qualities. A prudent lady turns into a hysteric who cannot control her emotions.

Such people are thrown from one extreme to another, they are prone to theatrical effects, public confessions, demonstrative breaks in relations.

The essence of the map becomes clear when we remember that water takes on different forms. So the Queen of Cups in a direct and inverted position is different.

In the layouts for love relationships, the appearance of the reverse Lady of Cups indicates constant dissatisfaction with the partner, causeless conflicts, baseless jealousy.

People and places of the Queen of Cups

As a significator, the card speaks of spiritual and external beauty, of an emotionally rich life. The person to whom the symbol fell cannot be called insensitive. He is sincere and open to communication.

Such natures often choose creative professions, they like a business that brings aesthetic pleasure to others.

Places that pass under the map:

  • Beauty Salons;
  • fitness centers;
  • clothing and cosmetics stores.

Mental health and the Queen of Cups

The mistress is sensual, beautiful and harmonious. People who get a card do not have problems with self-esteem, they are rarely prone to depression and mood swings.

But such a definition is true for the direct position of the symbol.

PsychoTarot: the ideal of Cups

In an inverted position, we see that the questioner is not able to cope with his own emotions, hovering in the clouds, unable to distinguish truth from fiction. His fantasies are devoid of common sense, he does not know how to build social contacts.

Such people suffer from loneliness, but do not consider themselves to blame for this. The inner circle quickly gets tired of whims and mood swings, friends move away, loved ones leave without explanation.

Tarot and socionics. What hides the character of the Queen of Cups:

Classic combination with Major Arcana

Depending on the purpose of divination and the wording of the question, the senior cards have different effects on the Queen of Cups.

Queen of Cups with Major Arcana

How does the Queen of Cups fit with cards of a similar suit, what do such symbolic pairs promise?

Queen of Cups with cards of her own suit

  • Ace indicates an impressionable, emotional, sensitive person.
  • Deuce - an early engagement, a loved one will offer to start a family or live together.
  • Troika - an ambulance wedding, pleasant chores in preparation for the celebration.
  • Four of Cups - depression, sadness, apathy.
  • Five - an unsuccessful relationship, a romance without continuation.
  • The six warns of the appearance in the life of a person from the past (a woman or a girl). Depending on the situation, this is a former lover, girlfriend.
  • Seven - you are a prisoner of illusions. Remember, self-deception does not lead to good.
  • Eight - disappointments in love, loss, mental anguish.
  • Nine promises that the cherished dream will come true.
  • Ten - quiet family well-being, a comfortable home.
  • Page - understanding from loved ones, trust, empathy.
  • The knight advises to give love to others.
  • The king for a woman is an offer to marry. For a man - making a responsible decision about creating a family.

Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

Consider how the suit of wealth and money affects the emotions contained in Cups.

Queen of Cups with Pentacles

  • Ace of Coins - addition, multiplication. In some cases, a long-awaited offspring.
  • Two - variability, inconstancy. Frequent mood swings, emotional instability, tearfulness.
  • Three - the union promises to be profitable.
  • Four advises to exercise caution and tact.
  • Five - the questioner is tormented by vague anxiety. The reason for the fears will be told by neighboring cards.
  • Six - kindness, good nature, concern for the well-being of the family.
  • Seven - do not expect instant results, be patient.
  • Eight advises to discard small things and focus on the main thing.
  • Nine - getting emotional satisfaction.
  • Ten indicates a hospitable, hospitable hostess.
  • The page advises to show cold calculation.
  • The Knight of Pentacles promises benefits.
  • Two Queens side by side - an excellent financial situation. You don't have to worry about the future.
  • King of Pentacles and Queen of Cups - a business alliance will be strong.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Air and Water, what does the combination of suits give in total?

Queen of Cups with cards of the suit of Swords

  • The Ace of Swords advises to think sensibly and take a critical look at the situation.
  • Two - you are overcome by doubts about the correct choice of a partner.
  • Three - betrayal, deceit, betrayal, parting with a loved one.
  • Four - a speedy recovery from emotional shock.
  • The Five of Swords warns that the fortuneteller will lose.
  • Six promises a journey, new experiences, spiritual uplift.
  • Seven - you are envious.
  • Eight - a person in captivity of illusions, a hostage of his own fantasies.
  • Nine - deceit, sadness, depression.
  • Ten of Swords - lack of emotion.
  • Page - it's time to find out the relationship.
  • Knight - crisis.
  • Queen - a serious loss, a bitter loss.
  • The King warns you not to abuse your trust.

Classic combination with the suit of Staves

Let's take a look at some common combinations.

Queen of Cups with cards of the suit of Staves

  • Ace and Queen of Cups - love.
  • Two symbolizes a contradictory mood, doubt, inconstancy of feelings.
  • Three means the highest degree of spiritual uplift.
  • Four promises sensual pleasures and pleasures.
  • Five - a signal that you are not understood. Relations have reached an impasse.
  • Six predicts a fascinating love affair, adventure.
  • Seven - disagreements.
  • Eight - success, recognition.
  • Nine - be afraid of disappointment in a loved one.
  • Ten says that the patience of the questioner is not unlimited. One more drop, and scandal is inevitable.
  • Page - someone has tenderness for you.
  • The Knight of Staves advises to moderate emotions, to cool one's head.
  • The Queen advises to believe in the existence of love.
  • King - success, successful marriage.

The Importance of the Queen of Cups in Health Matters

If the Queen of Cups falls on a person’s state of health, attention should be paid to the lymphatic and circulatory systems. There is a high probability of edema, kidney disease - all these ailments are somehow connected with the circulation of water in the body.

Often the card indicates psychosomatic problems. Do not take on other people's diseases, advises the Queen of Cups.

The Lady of Cups is a symbol of compassion, empathy, love. Remember that we are responsible for loved ones, try not to upset them with bad deeds. Here is the main message of the court Arcana.

However, the card warns of the need to stand firmly on your feet. Do not create illusions from scratch, it is easy to forget about current affairs behind fantasies.

When you have taken the Queen of Cups out of the deck, think about whether love really occupies a worthy place in life. Do you forget about feelings in the cycle of everyday problems.

A little about the author:

Esoteric tarot reader for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and perspectives are hidden.

More than 20 years ago, I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then, I have been using them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersed in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

Kings and Queens are twofold. On the one hand, they can indicate a person of the same gender as the figure on the card. For example, the Queen can represent a strong woman who influences you. On the other hand, the card may indicate a certain side of your personality, even if the image on it does not correspond to your gender.

For example, the King can denote both a man and an active role played by a woman, corresponding to the value of the card (according to Jung, this is the female Animus, the masculine side of the woman's personality). The same will be true of the Queen, as men respectively have the same qualities that are inherent in strong women (according to Jung, this is the masculine anima, the feminine side of a man's personality).

Queens: Mothers

Key words and phrases: A queen can refer to both the real woman in your life and various aspects of your personality. Queens represent mothers and often symbolize mature women who are endowed with some power or personal power.

Queens can also represent men who have characteristic feminine traits, including love of nature, caring, love of children, etc.

Queens are much less likely to indicate situations compared to Pages and Kings. In a reading, Queens can also represent a new level of understanding or awareness.

Two or more Queens in the same spread predict an important meeting of several women.

Queen of Wands: Businesswoman

In the right position: Balanced interests of family and career.

Key words and phrases: Queen of heart and home. Love of life. Majesty. Authority. Ambition. The center of attention. Social status. Popularity. Love for sex. Self-assertion. Demonstrativeness. Competence. Leadership abilities. Good business sense. multilateral interests. Tirelessness. Passion. Warm. Liveliness. Courage. Enterprise. Confidence. Providence. Success in business. Love for home. Independence of thought. Generosity. Love for nature. The power of positive thinking.

Situation and advice: An attractive, sensible woman can give you good advice. The energy, independence of thought, kindness and generosity of the Queen of Wands promise the successful completion of any started grandfather. This is a woman who understands business and is determined to make a career, she can also be the soul of the company. This Queen is an extrovert and enjoys healthy and inspiring competition. She is able to create around herself an atmosphere of confidence that attracts others to her.

People: Business woman. A woman looking to move up the corporate ladder. Single woman with a good position in society. Woman boss or leader. A sane, mature woman, always ready to help. A woman who loves to be in charge. A defender who will zealously defend the personal interests and interests of her friends. Mobile, energetic, cheerful and cheerful woman. Attractive, endearing mature woman. Entrepreneur. A woman involved in many projects. Devoted wife and mother. A married woman, endowed with great energy and enthusiasm, successfully running a household, but whose interests also extend beyond it. Dear friend, always ready to help. A sincere, witty, but sometimes caustic and aggressive woman, ready to stand up for her like-minded people. A kind, loyal, generous, self-confident woman who loves competition and business; she likes to be in the center of attention, but with no less force she loves and appreciates her home and family. Provincial. Stage queen.

Reversed Queen of Wands

Reversed Queen of Wands: The dark side of a woman.

Key words and phrases: Egoism. Limitation of thinking. Unrestrained ambition. Jealousy. Demanding. Groundless rivalry. Tendency to deceive. Malice. Mood swings. propensity to manipulate. Seduction. Deceit. Directness. Dominance. Disorganization. Infidelity. Inability to trust a woman. Cruelty. Focus on yourself. Emotional blackmail. Intervention. Paranoia. Irritability. Hatred for the power of men. Nervousness. The ultimate manifestation of feminism. Penis envy. The end determines the means. Posturing.

Situation and advice: A nervous and inflexible woman can interfere in your plans, insisting that everything happens the way she wants. Such women, whose ambitions are unreasonably great, can use any means to get what they want. Emotional blackmail may be used against you or your loved ones to stop attempts to act independently. Beware of sticking your nose in other people's business. Don't try to force your values ​​on others.

People: A temperamental woman, prone to frequent nervous attacks, who does not yield to anyone and does everything in her own way. A woman endowed with business qualities. A woman who loves to lead is tough, strict and possibly unfaithful. A woman who interferes in other people's affairs. Gossips. Bad listeners. Those who believe that they are always right, even if they are wrong. Cute people who tend to read morals and impose their values ​​on others.

Queen of Pentacles: A Practical Guide

Upright: Reasonable approach.

Key words and phrases: Organization. Fruitfulness. Prosperity. Sensuality. Love for nature. Hospitality. Insight. Abundance. Own. Love for luxury. A responsibility. Ingenuity. Good business sense. Stable work. Good things in life. Safety. Creation. Prosperity. Common sense. Confidence. Upbringing. Emotional maturity. Fundamental education. Great ability to grow crops. Lovely home and environment. Caring for the physical and emotional needs of others. Ability to manage money well. Garden of earthly pleasures.

Situation and advice: This card portends success in business and financial affairs. A sensible, practical approach leads to steady progress. The Queen of Pentacles can mean fertility or pregnancy. This is a card of material abundance and sensual pleasures. Perhaps you will deal with a shrewd business woman or take practical conservative measures in relation to your own affairs.

People: Business woman. Good organizer. Sensual woman. An insightful, talented, creative, wealthy woman. The patroness of the arts. Those who like the good things in life. A practical woman with a business acumen. Those who know how to manage money well. A down to earth woman with a strong motherly instinct and a penchant for nurturing. A person who deals with the material condition of other people. A capable woman who is both a good mother and a successful business woman. A hardy, sensual woman who loves luxury and appreciates material things. Those who work hard to achieve material well-being. A friend who is ready to help. Team player. Benefactress. Philanthropist. Provider. A woman who likes to show off her wealth. A woman in a high position.

Reversed Queen of Pentacles

Reversed Queen of Pentacles: Greed.

Key words and phrases: Overprotectiveness. Irresponsibility. Lack of common sense. Stagnation. Indecision. Mistrust. Suspicion. Selfishness. Limitation of thinking. Transferring your responsibilities to others. suspicious ideas. Gluttony. Money problems. Pretentiousness. Exaggeration of self-importance. Let things go by themselves. Greed. Carelessness in financial matters. Laziness. Addiction. Fear of failure. Instability. Fears. Lack of self-esteem. Lack of motivation. Sexual failure. Waste of time. Poor money management. Boastfulness. Excessive self-indulgence.

Situation and advice: Problems can arise because of a pretentious and unhappy woman. You or someone close to you may pay excessive attention to the little things, instead of doing what is really of value. Greed and carelessness can lead to problems. Perhaps you don't have enough money to reach your goal. Your own fears and self-doubt can create a sense of insecurity and slow you down. To twist the words of J. Kennedy, we can say this: "You should ask yourself what you can do for your country, and not get hung up on what the country can do for you."

People: A snarky but rather pretty woman. A woman who does not feel a sense of stability and security. A man filled with fear. Glutton. Those who love to take but give little in return. A woman prone to depression and frequent mood swings. A lazy, suspicious, incredulous person who lacks motivation. Those who do not feel safe do not take any responsibility. People who waste most of their time in vain. Extravagant personalities. Those who lack common sense. Greedy people, ready to appropriate all the best for themselves. Those who believe they have the right to dispose of everything. People who love labels. People who want to occupy a high social position. Gold diggers. Women who like to flaunt their well-being and who will proudly display it, despite the suffering of others.

Queen of Swords: Smart and Lonely

Correct position: Single woman. The mind leads the heart.

Key words and phrases: Strong will. Sharp mind. Sarcasm. Autonomy. Ambition. High intelligence. Analytic skills. Alienation. Leading the mind, not the feelings. Susceptibility. Sharp insight. Fair judgments. Correct decisions. Communication. Education. Professional advice. Independence. Iron logic. Determination. Desire to make a career. Good advice. Diplomacy. Professional skills. Tangible help. Responsibility for your actions. Widowhood. Loneliness. I wasn't born yesterday.

Situation and advice: This card is well characterized by the expression "by itself." Autonomy, alienation and independence are the main key concepts for her. It is time for you to take responsibility for your own actions and find out your true desires and needs. During a period of loneliness, you learned to be independent. Your sharp mind and sense of justice helped you to achieve a good position. You are much more interested in career and ambition than simple human emotions. Your heightened sense of discrimination helps you separate the wheat from the chaff. You may have interacted with a woman who has experienced grief. If your question was about love relationships, then now is not the best time for them. This card warns that your focus on cold, rational thoughts dulls your emotions.

People: One of the parents who is currently at a distance and does not take part in your life. A woman who experienced grief and withdrew into herself. Calm, balanced and collected personality. One who has experienced loss or hardship. An educated, witty woman with an analytical mind. A business woman who can stand up for herself. A woman giving advice (doctor, lawyer, etc.). Woman teacher. A woman who, by the nature of her work, is connected with technology. A woman involved in education. Journalist. Referee. A divorced woman or a widow. A woman who has no children. A woman who went through suffering, but remained strong and courageous. A smart woman who is able to see the situation from the outside and manipulate it for her own purposes. A strong-willed, ambitious, but cold woman. An idealist woman holding progressive thoughts. A woman with a humanitarian mindset. A woman who highly values ​​prestige and success. A woman who builds her career and pays little attention to her personal life.

Reversed Queen of Swords

Reversed Queen of Swords: A real bitch.

Key words and phrases: Misusing one's intelligence and vocabulary. Disrespect for the law. Delusion. Sarcasm. Intimidation. Intolerance. Fanaticism. Complaints. Betrayal. Retribution. Manipulation. Resentment. Emotional blackmail. Unreliability. Severity. Lack of scrupulousness. Pettiness. Lack of prospects. Too much intelligence. Limitation of thinking. Gossip. Evil lie. Prejudice. Condemnation. Deception. Cunning. Rumors. The bad news. Vindictiveness. Cruelty. The loss. Cold. Insincerity. Woe. Misfortune. Complaints. Loneliness. Tears. Trouble has come - open the gate. “My light is a mirror, tell me, who is the sweetest in the world?”

"The wrath of heaven cannot be compared with the hatred that love turns into, all the fury of hell is nothing compared to the contempt of a woman."

Situation and advice: Perhaps a powerful and vengeful woman is secretly trying to discredit you, preventing you from taking the position you deserve. Difficult times should not make you embittered and deprive you of positive emotions. Perhaps someone who is disrespectful of your feelings is trying to force you to do what pleases him. Perhaps the wrath of a woman whom you once neglected or with whom you did dishonest fell upon you.

People: An angry woman who feels deceived or neglected. Evil gossip. Opposing you (often secretly) is a scheming, vengeful woman, prone to underhanded intrigues. A woman who has become hardened and embittered as a result of hardship or emotional loss. A woman who has some kind of prejudice, spreading gossip, undermining authority. People who let others down and cannot be trusted. People who twist the facts in their favor. Those who feel outside the law. A smart, eloquent secret enemy who never engages in open combat.

Queen of Cups: Caring Woman

Right Position: Deep feelings. Upbringing.

Key words and phrases: Queen of emotions. Sensitivity. Not of this world. Intuition. Susceptibility. A choice based on sincere feelings. Imagination. Memories. Visions. Dreams. Kindness. Paranormal abilities. Empathy. Sixth Sense. Sympathy. Attachment. Restraint. Introspection. Artistic and creative abilities. Softness. Emotions. Secret. Interest in the occult sciences. Prediction. Prophecy. Mysticism. Psychology. Advice. Mysterious atmosphere. Love for music and art. Generosity. Attachment to home and family. Loving friend. Excitement of the heart.

Situation and advice: The Queen of Cups implies the opportunity to look into your soul and think about how this event causes feelings. Your intuition and forebodings will be faithful helpers. Pay special attention to dreams and the signals that your subconscious sends. A loving friend can help you, or you yourself will have the opportunity to show your care. Perhaps your mother or the woman who replaces her will play a significant role in future events.

People: Someone's mother. A person endowed with deep feelings. Someone who only understands their own feelings. An artistic, emotional, caring woman, endowed with a good imagination and the ability to visualize. Devoted wife and mother. Nurse. Assistant. Good listener. Social worker. Understanding, caring woman, ready to help. Animal lover. A woman endowed with the gift of foresight. A woman deeply immersed in her own world, her head in the clouds. A very receptive woman with a well-developed intuition. A deeply emotional, passionate and loyal woman. Cups always denote people who are easily influenced by others.

Reversed Queen of Cups

Reversed Queen of Cups: A fickle woman.

Key words and phrases: Inconstancy. Vanity. Credulity. Bad judgment. Exaggeration. Embellishment. Hypersensitivity. Self-indulgence. Laziness. Stupidity. Self-deception. Embarrassment. Indecision. Dreaminess. Frequent mood swings. Negative thoughts. Painful distraction. Emotional anxiety. Vain hopes. Illogicality. Loose judgments. Uncontrolled emotions. Flirt. Insincerity. Disrespect for reality. Lack of sympathy. Gossip. Unreliability. Irresponsibility. Addiction. Viciousness. Hysteria. Frequent mood swings. Escape from the situation. Unreality. Dependence on alcohol or drugs. Interdependence. Unnecessary self-sacrifice. Mental illnesses. Life in an imaginary world. Fatal infatuation.

Situation and advice: There is a good chance that your emotions interfere with your judgment. You do not have some important information or someone is deceiving you. Choose carefully the people whose advice you listen to. If your question was about love relationships, then most likely, the insincerity of your lover will make you disappointed in him. The card indicates that you are in a relationship of interdependence. Perhaps you are in vain sacrificing your life to someone who will not appreciate it at all? Perhaps you are encouraging someone's addiction? In a completely negative reading, the Queen of Cups reversed can indicate a fatal addiction.

People: Women who are characterized by excesses in love games. Charming gossips. People who slowly drag you into addiction. Those who needlessly sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Windy friends. Unfaithful lover. A hysterical, highly emotional woman whose mood changes depending on which way the wind blows. Masochists. Unbalanced personalities. An unreliable woman who cannot be trusted with secrets. People who can't empathize. A lazy woman indulging her desires. A woman who is dominated by emotions rather than rational thoughts. A woman who abuses drugs or alcohol.

In the interpretation of the meanings of the Tarot cards, the suit of Pentacles symbolizes the material values ​​​​and pleasures of a person, as well as a practical approach to any business. Astrologically, Pentacles correlate with the earthly signs of the zodiac - these are Capricorn, Virgo and.

Of course, the main figure among the Minor Arcana of Pentacles is the King - he personifies power and strength, as well as material domination.

Value in layouts

Career and money

This card means material well-being, stable income. All investments will pay off, bets will play and winnings in lotteries and bets will not be long in coming. But this money needs to be carefully managed - counted, tried to invest, make a large purchase.

Professionally, the King of Pentacles predicts a promotion, good luck in business, receiving a bonus or other material reward. Any transaction or professional undertaking will be successful.

The King of Pentacles is a born businessman, businessman, merchant, smart and decent boss and leader. But innovations are alien to such a person - he follows proven paths, without experimenting and without taking risks.

Map may advise to be more practical in business, follow your own.

The King of Pentacles patronizes everyone who works in industry, agriculture, has his own business, as well as financiers, bankers, brokers, realtors, jewelers and merchants.

Love relationship

In the personal realm, the King of Pentacles represents a serious, mature relationship where everyone knows what they want. Often, partners converge already at an elderly age, or a man is much older than his chosen one. Such relationships are built on loyalty, trust and respect for each other.

Despite the reliability and stability of love relationships, they are still not devoid of passion - the King of Pentacles is not used to denying himself sensual pleasures, he is jealous and has an instinct of ownership. He demands a lot from his partner, but also gives her all of himself.

Such a man is not used to talking about love, he believes that everyone will say for him his actions and actions. With such a partner, a woman will not only be like behind a stone wall, but she herself will be able to develop as a person.

It is important for the King of the Pentacle family and the presence of children. It is for their protection and well-being that he will show all his business skills.

Indicates that you need to grow up, take relationships seriously and in an adult way, think about creating a new unit of society.


The card indicates good health, a successful outcome of treatment, and the absence of relapses. It can predict rest in a sanatorium, preventive health measures.

The King of Pentacles in a negative position indicates diseases of the genital organs, age-related diseases, a violation of the physical functions of the body, as well as a weakening of the immune system.

King of Pentacles - what kind of person?

The King of Pentacles is a serious, successful man who shows his talent in all areas of life. He has a certain intuition, a flair that allows him to succeed. The King of Pentacles will never know the need, the money itself flows into his hands.

Outwardly, this can be described as a dark-haired man of average height. The physique is strong, because he loves to play sports and outdoor activities. Always gloomy and silent, he gives the impression of a tough and indifferent person, but this is not so - a man hides all his emotions inside, but this does not mean at all that he does not experience them.

A wonderful family man, whose main value is children and home. He will love his children and indulge all their whims. Despite his passionate nature, he remains faithful to his wife. A wonderful lover.

He loves culture and art, tries to patronize creative people, sponsor schools and circles, patronize.

Only the chosen people are allowed into his inner circle, therefore, he has few friends, but all are tested by time and life's hardships.

Combinations with other tarot cards

With Major Arcana

  • With Jester- an obvious lie is presented as the truth, a stupid position, to get into a mess; Alzheimer's disease.
  • With Mage- an impressive capital for starting your own business or other undertaking, a high position.
  • With the High Priestess- sponsoring education and children's creativity.
  • With the Empress- profit from investing money in any business or enterprise.
  • With the Emperor- the position of a financier or financial director, a person currently managing money, creating a financial position, improving social status.
  • With the Hierophant- a large donation or science, fanaticism, intolerance to other points of view.
  • With Lovers- you have to make a difficult choice, trade.
  • With Chariot- confusion with money, government activities.
  • With Power- suppression of one's desires, overcoming weaknesses and temptations, suicide, dependence on pleasures.
  • With the Hermit- loss of profit, betrayal of partners, destruction of business.
  • With Fortune- luck, risky business, a fateful chance for success.
  • With Justice– conducting all cases legally, defending their interests in court.
  • with the hanged man- loss of capital, unsuccessful investments, decline in business, enemy.
  • With Death- a radical change in affairs, either for the worse or for the better: poverty or wealth.
  • With Moderation- small profit, income equal to expenses; the more effort is invested in the event, the more benefits it will bring; prostration.
  • With the Devil- money fraud, the pursuit of easy money, ending in failure, an enemy pretending to be a friend, danger on the road.
  • with tower- ruin, loss of social status, disappointment in one's business.
  • with a star- a chance to get wealth, career growth, inheritance.
  • with the moon- black bookkeeping, money laundering, dubious financial transactions, a business on the verge of failure, an ambiguous situation with money; blood loss.
  • with the sun- wealth, promotion, worthy reward or bonus, recognition of merit, sponsorship.
  • With Court- promotion of business to a new level, long-term business gives profit, innovation in the enterprise.
  • Peace be with you– international connections, campaign expansion, big profits, business trips abroad.

With Wands

  • With Ace of Wands- a long-term project, big profits, weight in society.
  • With Two of Wands– consideration of the problem from two points of view, objectivity, financial predictions.
  • With the Three of Wands- good prospects, a look into the future, a stable situation, capital preservation.
  • With Four of Wands- profit, financial well-being, gift, acquisition of property, large purchase.
  • With Five of Wands- the occurrence of difficulties, negligence, quarrels, gossip, malfunctions in production.
  • With the Six of Wands- a brilliant idea, a financial monster, a surge of interest in work, the appearance of a talent or gift.
  • With the Seven of Wands- competition, an attempt to limit the sphere of influence, pressure from outside.
  • With Eight of Wands- new perspectives, a surge of ideas, the opening of projects, far-reaching plans, young blood.
  • With Nine of Wands- verification, control, revision, supervision, tense situation.
  • With Ten of Wands- bankruptcy, life beyond one's means, squandering.
  • With the Page of Wands- perfectionism, inspiration, bringing things to mind, training, advanced training.
  • With the Knight of Wands- risky projects, adventures, the appearance of a charming but suspicious person in the environment.
  • With the Queen of Wands- thriftiness, decency, stability, wise conduct of business.
  • With the King of Wands- a successful outcome of the case, financial reliability.

Reversed meaning

The reversed card of the King of Pentacles denotes financial ruin, theft, fraud, cheating with money, lack, the collapse of a business plan. The instability of the position of the questioner leads to doubts and squabbles, a person cannot keep the situation in his hands, he does not know what to do, doubts himself and those around him.

Frauds, risky rash moves - all these are the consequences of fears and doubts. In addition, this means the emergence of a competitor - cunning and unscrupulous, who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

If we talk about the personal sphere, then the position of the card indicates adultery, substitution of values, unbridled lust and mutual reproaches. Divorce, family breakdown, loss of a child. Rape and harassment, anxious colleagues, a vicious office romance.

In personal characteristics, the inverted King of Pentacles is a greedy, greedy for power and money, a cunning and ruthless person, all of whose thoughts are saturated with lust and gain. Such a person rips off all his complexes and unsatisfied desires on others, poisoning their lives. Often presented as a selfish and despotic old man, sighing over his wealth or, if there is no wealth, envious of others.

The card advises to be careful with money, not to trust anyone with large sums of money and to communicate carefully with management and colleagues.

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The Queen of Pentacles in a reading usually means auspicious events that correspond to the desires of the questioner. She has a very "anniversary" mood. The Queen of Pentacles loves what is called "establishment" - she likes everything to be dignified, decent and "like people." This is a map of a secure and stable material reality, along which there are such manifestations as a reliable job, a stable income, a lasting marriage, a home and insurance to boot. It firmly connects us with the world around us, its worries and joys, rooting us in a simple life. Usually this card indicates that we have something to “bake” and take care of, it carries immersion in earthly concerns - shopping, housekeeping, manual labor, putting things in order, creating a cozy environment.

A situation of stability, orderliness and comfort, confidence, well-being and prosperity (and often the belief that all this will be acquired naturally, by itself, with minimal effort). Last but not least, this situation rests on common sense and the correct vision of things. This card carries the desire for material wealth and pleasure, as well as a general improvement in life's circumstances. In general, her presence in the layout is a good sign.

The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes self-realization in the material world. It brings openness to promising projects and a willingness to implement realistic tasks. The map may indicate that the initiated process has already passed the stage of origin and is now in a state of filling, drawing material from the environment for its formation. Good deeds are not done in a rush, so do not be embarrassed that the event is developing relatively slowly.

The Queen of Pentacles usually symbolizes a woman (but not always), prosperous and possessing solid property. She is not alien to the desire to help others, sometimes she literally showers with good deeds, because she generously brings into the world what fills her. And she does it from the heart and without fuss. It can be a mother, a spouse, a woman who maintains a house. In a broader sense - the homeland, some kind of area where you feel at home (a circle of people where you feel good).

The Queen of Pentacles is either indifferent or supportive of the questioner; it carries a negative load only when such Minor Arcana thickens.

Steadily centered and far-sighted, serene and protected. This is by no means a card of frivolity. According to the Queen of Pentacles, we keep our lives in order in all its material aspects. The bills are paid, seasonal clothes are purchased, the house is landscaped. This card represents spiritual harmony, creative and creative abilities, as well as love for nature and earthly joys. According to it, realism, endurance, practical judgment, the ability to purposeful and patient actions are growing in us.

The Queen of Pentacles is not one of those in need. This is a wealthy woman, accustomed to abundance and comfort, with money and prosperity. The Queen of Pentacles has a highly realistic outlook on life and always strives for material independence and the well-being of others. She overcomes obstacles with the help of prudence, she is difficult to fool. She is characterized by wisdom, experience and maturity, planning for the future, concern for material well-being, reliability, and the ability to support. She knows how to create comfort and beauty, willingly shares her experience and knowledge with others. All specifically female discussions on the topic of cooking, design and managing their own family take place under the auspices of the Queen of Pentacles.

The Queen of Pentacles can represent a business woman, a successful entrepreneur, and generally a good specialist who has realized herself in the chosen field, highly valued by clients and colleagues. She relies on herself and is quite confident in herself, knows exactly what she wants and how to achieve it. She knows perfectly well that she can achieve almost unlimited things, reach the highest heights in her chosen field of activity. But her inherent sense of inner harmony and the desire for the "golden mean" always make her understand that excessive immersion in one area or another begins to skew her plans for life. In this case, she simply "transfers" her organizational skills to another area. She is respected, among other things, because of money, but it is not money that rules her (at least in her natural state). This is a noble soul, sincerely striving for the well-being of those dear to her, an outstanding personality, frank, sincere, brave, prosperous and liberal. Traditionally, heiress or nouveau riche. Her image is perfectly conveyed by Margaret Brown ("Titanic").

Being an indicator of personality, she speaks of a wealthy woman, prosperous and respected. It can be an intelligent manager, and a rich heiress. She can be both firmly married and a free prosperous lady who does not deny herself anything. It can nourish and support (and sometimes contain) the questioner. The King of Pentacles is harsh in this regard, because he does not imagine what it is to need, and the Queen is merciful and prone to prudent philanthropy. Precisely prudent - she will not throw money around. Its main quality is the ability to intelligently allocate large resources. She is noble and generous, but not one to be fooled or circumvented. This is a person who is morally healthy, enjoying his position, but at the same time has not lost the ability to enjoy life's pleasures. The Queen of Pentacles is a great connoisseur of sensual pleasures, good cuisine, high quality clothing and other worldly goods. She is a fan of ecology and naturalness, she will definitely prefer silk, cashmere and suede to synthetics. The Queen of Pentacles is like fine wine and only gets more expensive with age. And if only she takes care of herself, then old age will give the impression of a tidbit. Otherwise, she, like no other Queen, is threatened with "bubbling", fatness and shuffling in slippers.

This card symbolizes a woman who has taken a strong position in life. She is a wonderful wife and mother. She is loved and respected by colleagues at work and, possibly, in social activities: she is cramped within her four walls, she seeks and finds an application for her abilities. True, she was able to achieve this only at the cost of hard work and overcoming many obstacles. But now she has gained experience and knows how to use it.

Archetypally, the Queen of Pentacles is mother earth and matriarchal earth as the basis of stability. Her spirit is naturalness, fertility and eternal hope for rebirth. Crowley writes: "She is the life-producing force, she is the energy of the libido which, in a symbolic sense, consumes the man so that he may be reborn, and the old King may again come as a young Knight." The Queen of Pentacles represents outer and inner wealth. The state of mind described by this card is a mature and calm possession of earthly treasures, a useful immersion in sensuality, comprehension of the great magic of everyday life. The greatness of the soul of this Queen is such that the deepest secrets of the world are revealed to her, and some interpreters (for example, Guggenheim) indicate that she looks at her pentacle as a clairvoyant instrument. All the Arcana of the Earth teach that in the very depths, below the level of matter, a divine spark arises, a cosmic root cause that gives life. Careful research shows that there are no real differences between matter and energy - they are two manifestations of the same force at different levels of vibration. The wisdom of the Queen of Pentacles is that her materialistic feelings (security, sense of ownership, carnal desires) do not contradict the goals of spiritual development. A truly spiritual person is aware of the Absolute in everything, including his own body and the many forms of life that inhabit the Earth. The Queen of Pentacles patronizes the transformation of the body into a true temple of the soul, all the processes by which the beauty of the body begins to reflect the inner perfection of its owner or owner.

The Queen of Pentacles, personifying the water side of the earth element, means not only the complete unity of spirit and matter and clarity of perception, but also fertility and fruitful work, sincerity and sensual joys. She has a natural instinct and love for the land, which is most clearly manifested in the image of a peasant woman. In addition, she has a "light hand" in relation to material values, which is reminiscent of the rudely good-natured image of the shopkeeper - mother Courage from the play of the same name by B. Brecht. This is also a caring, mother of many children, a talented actress or artist, or just a sensual person who truly enjoys the simplest joys of life. But this also needs a measure, otherwise the above-mentioned positive qualities will turn into disappointment or inertia, a thirst for pleasure alone. The archetype of this Queen is vividly embodied by Zara Leander and her deep, resinous voice, literally returning to the ground, burly beauty and the legendary ability to drink without getting drunk and achieve huge fees, conducting complex negotiations (and, it must be added, working them out conscientiously). She never forgot about the well-being of her children and most of all valued earthly pleasures and her estate with lands, forests and lakes.

The Queen of Pentacles is the stable center of her family. If the Queen of Wands corresponds to personal communication one on one, then the Queen of Pentacles corresponds to personal communication by a group of people, and in this case it is a family or a circle that is perceived as a family. On this map, both the mother of a large family and the head of the production unit, perceived as a "breadwinner and waterer", can pass, and where are we without him.

The throne of the Queen of Pentacles is surrounded by lush vegetation, symbolizing an overabundance of vital energy and the natural gift of creation. The goat's head adorning the armrest of the throne and the images of Pan are an allusion to the zodiac sign Capricorn that rules this card. The back of her throne is painted with cupids and ripe fruits. Around the throne are climbing roses and ripe grapes. At her feet is a rabbit, a sign of sensuality and fertility. The images of this card make it clear that if we sow the fertile soil of the soul with perception, understanding and ideas, we will see how our projects and decisions grow and develop, contributing to the search for completeness.

The Queen of Pentacles can be both a realtor and a janitor (but then with a capital letter). Sometimes the Queen of Pentacles is completely immersed in family and household chores. Also, this card can talk about a profession related to plants (gardening), animals, children. If the Queen of Cups gives the ability to heal the soul, then the Queen of Pentacles is in charge of the physical body. These are physical body care, restoration, physiotherapy, medicine, cosmetology. She can work in medicine, be a doctor, nurse or healer. The card can also symbolize everything related to the cultivation of the soil, gardening.

The Queen of Pentacles is not lazy. She has a very businesslike and practical attitude, and excellent dexterity in business development. As Margaret Thatcher used to say, there are no fundamental differences between running a household and running a state. Such a transaction fully conveys the spirit of the Queen of Pentacles. But she will definitely not work for the idea (which, in principle, the Queen of Wands and the Queen of Swords are capable of, as for the Queen of Cups, she is still a hard worker), and first of all she will specify the amount of remuneration, and she knows the price herself very well.

Professionally, the Queen of Pentacles is primarily associated with the ability to express herself in form, therefore she can be considered the patroness of artists and designers. At the same time, she is an excellent manager, attentive and possessing both acumen and intuition. She knows how to make sure that everything looks good and works well (the hotel business would simply degrade without her). Management of a large country estate is also impossible without the vibrations of this Arcana. He can be an accountant, an official, a bank employee, a financial consultant.

This is a man reaping the fruits of his labors: an artist who has achieved recognition, a scientist who has made an important discovery. Either way, the card puts a positive emphasis on financial returns. A business that pays dividends.

Advice: demonstrate female mature behavior (and not infantile childish or aggressive male, for example). Be aware of the benefits received and rendered. To behave calmly, creatively, practically, focusing on well-being and convenience. Resolve pressing issues. Return to the body.

Let: obsession with money, prosperity without happiness, a prosaic desire for possession of something.

Traditionally, the card indicates property and luxury. Profitable business enterprises, reliable investments, increase in wealth, profit pass through this card. Housewarming.

The Queen of Pentacles carries a very valuable quality - the ability to intelligently manage large (at the moment for the questioner) resources. This is by no means a frequently encountered gift - most people react to large funds for themselves completely inadequately, starting either to hopelessly squander money on nonsense, or to be greedy, arrogant and shake over their profits. The Queen of Pentacles is absolutely mentally healthy in this regard. She will dispose of what she has, in the highest degree sensible.

This card portends wealth and abundance, prosperity and well-being. This is a favorable sign for both financial and housing issues. It portends a situation of orderliness, well-being and often the highest degree of comfort, luxury (and what is luxury for the questioner at the moment is another question - perhaps it is hot three meals a day and a roof over his head, but if a person perceives this as "luxury" , the Queen of Pentacles with a smile will give it to him).

The Queen of Pentacles is generally a very good sign in a relationship. She knows how to create the necessary connections, up to a profitable marriage, and with certain instructions, she can even be a significator of a wedding. The Queen of Pentacles is first of all reliable, she heralds the safety of the hearth. This is the traditional significator of the wife. The ability to wisely allocate resources, create order and comfort, take care of the body and cultivate family values ​​favors stability in relationships. If the questioner shows a romantic interest in a married man, then the appearance of this card informs that the wife is the head of everything, and the chances that he will leave the family are zero. This is a card of fidelity, maturity, nepotism and patience. The person symbolized by the Queen of Pentacles diligently preserves domestic values ​​and strives to ensure that his loved ones do not need anything and be completely confident in themselves.

This card brings balance, solid ground underfoot, stability and constancy of feelings, the desire to start a family or increase it. In the union described by the Queen of Pentacles, earthly goods, stability and the ability to lean on each other in difficult times play an important role. She also likes marriages based on the principle of "money to money", and at a low level of development and completely based on them. Her preoccupation with vibrations is brilliantly conveyed in the film adaptation of Balzaminov's Marriage.

Such women usually become good housewives. The Queen of Pentacles is also a symbol of a mother (or simply a woman who tends to patronize someone less experienced and in need of guidance and advice). She always behaves with dignity, whether she is married or not, and whether her behavior is in accordance with generally accepted morality. She has the ability to calmly bend her line, so that when looking at her it seems - otherwise it is simply impossible, and why do we cling to her?

Being a significator of a partner, she emphasizes devotion, realism, practical care at the level of feed-drink-sleep. This is the difference from the also responsive and caring, but much more "psychological" Queen of Cups, she rather takes care of the soul, and this one - the body. Also, healthy sensuality is manifested here, natural carnal expressions of love. This person is generally characterized by naturalness and a peculiar unpretentiousness - he is so firmly rooted in earthly reality, so well adapted to it that he does not particularly suffer from its minor inconveniences and is not capricious “this is not so, and this is not so” (such claims always betray a deep the conflict of man with earthly existence, a kind of negative existentiality, and here existentiality is positive and of the highest brand). The Queen of Pentacles symbolizes the ability to accept your body as it is, take care of it and its needs, and enjoy owning it. According to this map, sensual nature blossoms, we take new steps in the ability to enjoy.

In a negative sense, the Queen of Pentacles can be arrogant and arrogant. She takes what she wants and whom she wants with insulting defiance. She is distinguished by an excess of vital energy, a colossal ability to love possessively and is already "almost pregnant." For her, everything is always very tangible. She wants to completely possess her chosen one, revel in him in the most earthly way, and is able to show exceptional patience and stubbornness in achieving this goal, in her own way not stopping at anything (and, if necessary, paying his bills and indulging him in every possible way). Traditionally, the shadow side of the Queen of Pentacles has been assigned such meanings as the mistress of a brothel or a courtesan, with an emphasis on monetary interest and no other. But she herself can be a "guardian and savior" for those whom she provides support in exchange for affection.

In general, indicates a good state of health, but puts on the appearance of a lifestyle - fresh air, proper nutrition, adequate sleep, body care. As a signifier of problems, it may indicate that the cause of the disease is a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle that contributes to stagnation in the body. In this case, not so much medicine is needed, but a change in habits and a connection with nature, the rejection of nicotine and alcohol, movement and the right selection of products. Also, the card may indicate physical exhaustion, diseases caused by some kind of deprivation, a lack of some trace elements.

This card promotes healing and recovery, and it is the environment and general lifestyle that play a big role. The Queen of Pentacles is the doctor who, instead of stuffing the cough with medicines, will rather send him to a mountain hospital in the vicinity of Lake Geneva for airing.

The inverted Queen of Pentacles is traditionally a rather formidable sign. She warns of a possible illness, a threat to well-being. Possible loss of money, financial independence, adultery, jealousy and hatred, fear and revenge, anger and bitterness, rudeness and cruelty.

Significator of unpleasant, upsetting events, disruption of good plans. The process that could have been initiated by the King of Pentacles never took off. The situation was not fully exploited. At the same time, the possibility of the birth of the process, the possibility of "conception", has not yet been exhausted, therefore, one should carefully study the situation represented by subsequent cards, and, if necessary, use it.

Intrigues, fears, indecision, uncertainty. Suspicion of others and the desire to control them. In this respect, she is like an overly restless mother of the family. Often this card describes anxiety about money, the end of a period of prosperity. It can describe both the fear of deprivation, and squandering and the inability to conduct business prudently. Fruitless situations, non-repayment of debts, inability to make ends meet. The inverted Queen of Pentacles embodies the traditional female problem - the closet is full, but there is nothing to wear.

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