When life gives you hundreds of reasons to cry, show it that you have thousands of reasons to smile!

He who is cheerful is truly rich.
Of course, everyone can blame life,
And a joke is a precious treasure
She will gather all her strength and increase it.

Laughter dares to laugh very loudly
Chasing sadness, melancholy and bad luck,
And joy begins to warm
Warm, like a ray of spring sunshine.

When you laugh at your misfortune,
She, taken aback, immediately retreats.
How important it is to laugh at yourself
How difficult it is for those who don’t know this...

Laughter is life, despite adversity,
In spite of cruelty and anger.
I respect you - funny guys
And if you are not cheerful, then give it up.

Sometimes it hurts, my heart is in pieces,
But I know I shouldn’t give in to her.
And so as not to waste away stupidly from melancholy
Let's laugh sincerely!


Lyudmila) You have such a wonderful name - dear to people. God himself told you to smile. You can laugh at any problem - when you laugh at it, you see it from the outside, sometimes unexpectedly you can discover very interesting things. Which you don’t notice when you’re deep, i.e. in your problem. Laughing is not an idiot, but a necessity. With wishes of smile and laughter, Elena.

Elena thank you for your feedback and support! Yes, I know the meaning of the name, but the fate that brought me together with my mother-in-law oppresses me so much that until I found support in my poems, I did not want to live. It’s very late, but I found my weapon against her not with a fist, as she once tried, but with a verse in rhyme. When I went to rehearsals at our city choir, my mother-in-law came from the choir and began to cling to me in order to cause a scandal, I decided that I would remain silent, so she followed me on my heels and, pushing me on the elbow, asked: why are you going to remain silent? And I decided to sing her a song on the go to the tune of I WAS YOUNG ONCE. So I started singing about her. This is how I fight back now.

Lyudmila, That’s right, keep looking for non-standard solutions. And try, although I understand that it is difficult to send her a ray of goodness and light. Mentally shower her with rose petals. Mentally give a funny gift that comes to mind. People who are angry and clingy are very unhappy inside... They lack love. Don’t be offended by her, she is who she is... Change yourself and the world around you will change... With warmth and support, Elena.

Elena, thank you again, but I feel that all my patience, which she tormented for 26 years, is over. Before, I don’t want to or won’t go through everything, I did everything for her, but now I just don’t understand how I have enough of this unfortunate patience to endure next to her. Because I can no longer eat from the same bowl, even if it’s washed. Lyudmila.

Lyudmila, change your thinking. No other way! You don't have to put up with it and do whatever she wants. Ask yourself, what exactly do you want? You may be surprised that you cannot answer it for yourself... Learn to LOVE YOURSELF! Become yourself - it's very difficult and painful, but it's worth it... Good luck to you. Read, think, practice... I am with you in thought. With warmth and support Elena.

Hello, Elena! Thank you for your support and for wanting to help me. Lately, I’ve sort of established for myself how to defend myself. She already knows this and if she sees my mood, she doesn’t try to get started further. Thanks again. Good luck to you in your creativity. Congratulations Lyudmila.

Forgiveness is asked not by the one who is to blame, but by the one who cares about you!

If you live.. then it’s beautiful.. if you look.. then it’s clear.. If

hope.. then only on God.. If you love.. then with all your heart and only one

Have you ever felt like you don’t love a person, but you are drawn to him?

She: “Why doesn’t he write? He sees that I’m online...”

He: “Why doesn’t she write? She sees that I’m online...”
Two fools in contact... And now almost every second person sits and stupidly looks at him (her) online.

Everything we do, everything we think, everything we want is to find our Person.

To be the most affectionate, to be loved by you,

It’s not just “needed” - Necessary!

I want to give you warmth
So that, looking at me, he would be proud of me.
I want to be your beloved.
Not just “to be yours,” but to be with you.

I want to always be with you,
So that you never say goodbye for a long time,
So that even if you have to leave,
Don't just leave, but come back.

I want to be the best - for you.
To be the most affectionate, to be loved by you.
To feel that you need me.
It’s not just “needed” - it’s NECESSARY!

A child is asked: how many hands do you have? -two. Why two? - to hold on to mom with one hand and dad with the other.

...I don’t care what kind of past you had, I just want it to be me in the future...

One writes: “My beauty.”

The second one writes: “I love you.”
And I love the third one, who doesn’t even write

- Will you have a tangerine?

- No
- What if I clean it?
- Yes

Even if you are very offended by a person, answer his message or call. Who knows what will happen to us tomorrow. Excessive pride is useless

I just miss. by look. by smile. by voice. for you

you know, there are moments when you miss a person terribly. by his habits, his look, voice, manner of speaking. and it just breaks you from the inside. you want to scream. screaming about how much you miss him, how much you want to see him, hug him. but instead you remain silent, realizing that he doesn’t need it at all.

And our women have noodles on their ears, children in their arms, Husbands on their necks.

Never stop pursuing the person you can’t live a day without thinking about. The world is changing and it turns out that you had every chance, but gave up without taking the last step. Do what makes you feel happy. Be with those who make you smile. Laugh while you breathe. Love while you live.

You were right when you said I would regret it. So, I regret that I didn’t send you earlier.

Children... these little angels, restless and curious... watching them grow, stand on their feet, learn to speak, communicate, you understand that nothing can be more important in life!

And I dream about a son. To send him to football, to teach him how to behave with girls and for him to be as handsome as his dad...

If a man's toenails are painted with varnish, this does not mean that he is a transvestite... Most likely, he simply has a little daughter growing up.

Never make plans for the past...

Sometimes seeing the person you miss madly is enough to make you happy.

How often the past knocks on my door. Screams and whispers - asks to enter. It promises good things, but I don’t believe it. I know I'm no longer on my way with the past.

Laughed to tears)))) Read to everyone)))

We've been married for 2 weeks. The husband, although very much in love, can’t wait to sneak away and hang out with old friends.
- Honey, I'll be right back...
-Where are you going, my dear?
- Yes, to the bar, little face. Drink some beer.
- Do you want a beer, darling?
She opened the refrigerator and showed him 25 different specialty beers from 12 different countries: Germany, Holland, Japan, India, Australia, etc.
He didn’t know what to say and the only thing that came to his mind was:

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