How to keep a dog on a chain

Should you keep your dog on a chain?

Some people get a dog for the soul, and others for protection. We have already written about guard dogs. Today we would like to pay attention to the issue of keeping such dogs on a chain. Should you put your dog on a chain? Do such “chain” conditions of detention harm her health? And how to accustom an animal to limited freedom? We invite you to find out about all this right now...

Can a dog be kept on a chain?

Our ancestors didn’t really think about the answer to this question. But after the phenomenon of humanization of animals, the emergence of pet hotels for animals, beauty salons, and expensive accessories, the concept of “a dog on a chain” is no longer perceived so unambiguously. Some even think that this is a type of animal abuse. Restriction of his freedom. Is it really? We propose to consider the arguments in favor of the pros and cons of keeping dogs on a chain.

Why you can't keep your dog on a chain

Some experts believe that once you put a dog on a chain, you can no longer count on friendly relations with it. A chained lifestyle also negatively affects the dog’s behavior. She becomes angry, aggressive and can rush for no reason. Limited mobility leads to atrophy of muscle tissue, and this negatively affects the overall health of the pet. As a result, you get a wild, embittered, sick dog who only dreams of breaking free from the chain and running away from here.

Why is it okay to keep your dog on a chain?

If you take a dog to guard the territory of your property or house, the dog will do its job better if it sits on a chain. By the way, in this way you will protect your flower beds and beds - they often become victims during the dog’s active games. A chain lifestyle disciplines the pet, it becomes more obedient. After all, this is a service guard dog, and its job is to guard. The main thing is not to forget about the dog on a chain, feed it regularly, walk it, and exercise it. In this case, chain keeping of an animal will not become synonymous with poor keeping. On the contrary, your pet will be happy to serve you, because he will know that you care about him and love him.

Animal psychologists also confirm the benefits of this option for keeping dogs. It is very important for a dog’s consciousness that it has some kind of business, goal, mission. Among representatives of guard breeds this instinct is very strong. And when a dog does not have the opportunity to realize it, it feels unhappy and useless. It’s a completely different matter when she, like a guard, doesn’t sleep and protects your peace.

I would like to point out that

When to chain train your dog

Get your dog used to the chain from an early age

Placing an adult animal on a chain that has never been familiar with it before and leads a free lifestyle is a difficult task. This may even cause psychological trauma to your pet. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide when you get a puppy whether you will keep him on a chain or not. If yes, then from the first days of his appearance in your house, put him on a chain. On the contrary, at a young age he will get used to the chain faster than when he grows up and the chain becomes an unpleasant discovery for him.

Be prepared for the fact that even a puppy will have a hard time sitting on a chain in the first days; he may whine and ask to be freed. Here it is very important not to follow the dog’s lead, not to flinch and not to let him off the chain. Stick with these few days - you will be guaranteed discipline in the future. And so that the puppy is not so lonely on the chain, approach him more often, feed him treats, put toys nearby, special safe bones that he can gnaw on...

How to train a dog to be chained

Some experts advise gradually accustoming a puppy or adult dog to a chain, while others are more categorical. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages, but when choosing them you should focus on the individual characteristics of your pet. In no case should you break the dog, she just needs to understand that the chain is her job, and since she loves you, she is pleased to work for you. So practice and be guided by the situation. You can immediately put the animal on a chain, from the first day of its appearance in your home, or you can train it gradually, arranging several “chain” hours a day, gradually increasing the time that the dog sits on the chain. The latter option is more suitable for training adult dogs and puppies that are not too keen on the prospect of being chained.

Features of keeping a dog on a chain

Despite the fact that the dog sits on a chain - it would seem that everything is clear with this, there are some features of this form of keeping. And now we will tell you about them.

Even a chained dog should be able to walk, of course, accompanied by you. At least once a day you should let her off the chain, put on a leash and collar and go for a walk with her. If the dog is well trained, obedient and knows commands, and you walk in places where you can let him down, give him the opportunity to run freely. Believe me, sitting on a chain around the clock is really not easy. Therefore, the pet needs to stretch its paws well and let off steam, so that later it can calmly behave on the chain.

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Letting your animal go for unauthorized walks without your supervision is strictly prohibited.

Booth or aviary

An animal that sits on a chain must have a booth or enclosure with a roof where it can hide from rain, wind, bad weather or hot sun rays. The dimensions of the enclosure and kennel are calculated based on the size of the dog. And if the enclosure must be spacious so that the animal can move freely around it, then the kennel should not be too large - otherwise the dog will be cold in it. Make sure that its height is equal to the height of the dog from ground level to the top of the head, and the width also corresponds to these parameters.

Be sure to insulate the booth and make sure that it is not damp during the rainy season. Otherwise, the animal may catch a cold and get sick.

The dangers of keeping a dog chained

If you are planning to keep your dog on a chain, remember that there are dangers. The dog can catch the chain on something, hang on it, become entangled, and if the chain is too short, it may not reach the bowl of water on a hot day... Before putting the animal on the chain, make sure that the chain is secure and that it is long enough to reach a bowl of food and water, and that there is nothing nearby that the chain could snag or get tangled on. You are unlikely to be able to completely protect your pet from accidents, but you need to try.

It would be a good idea to check the animal periodically. To do this, it is convenient to place the booth opposite the windows of the house so that you can always see if everything is okay with the dog.

Video about keeping a dog on a chain

Today we talked about whether it is necessary and possible to keep a dog on a chain, how to accustom it to a chained lifestyle, and how to protect the life and health of the pet. In any case, do not forget that even on a chain, your dog is, first of all, an animal for which you have taken responsibility. Therefore, even in such official living conditions, try to provide him with the greatest possible comfort and care, without depriving him of your attention. Then your dog, even on a chain, will be happy to serve you.

How do you, our readers, feel about keeping dogs in chains? We will be interested to know your opinion. We look forward to your comments, stories and reviews.

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2 comments on “How to keep a dog on a chain”

That's it, and I explained this to my husband's parents. What's the point of a dog on a chain, it tears up the ground, and the thief goes - pure mockery. And an alabai on a chain is absolutely unearthly in my opinion

I keep him on a chain, because he has a very intimidating appearance, and if he runs freely around the yard during the day, even passers-by will walk around my yard 200 meters away.

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when to chain a dog

How to put a dog on a chain

How to train a dog to a chain?

Under no circumstances should you put your dog on a chain right away. Firstly, the animal will receive severe stress due to the unexpected restriction of freedom, and secondly, the dog will try to break loose, constantly bark, whine and howl.

It is better to accustom an animal to a chain at the age of 4 to 8 months, when the pet has grown up, but has not yet fully felt freedom. An adult dog can also be put on a chain, but at any opportunity it will definitely run away and it will be very difficult to catch it.

Before restricting your puppy's freedom, put a collar on him and wait until the animal gets used to it. Then start using the leash before putting him on the chain. If possible, it is better to set up a checkpoint. To create this design you will need a metal cable and a chain 1.5-2 meters long. The cable is stretched along the perimeter of the protected area, and a chain is attached to it so that it can slide.

A checkpoint gives the dog the opportunity to guard a large area, move quickly and feel better psychologically, and a short leash will not get underfoot and interfere with the animal’s actions. If an uninvited guest enters the territory, he will not be able to determine the dog’s movement radius.

Features of raising a dog sitting on a chain

Some owners who have accustomed their pet to a chain think that this is where the process of training and raising the animal ends. But in order for a puppy to grow into a reliable guard, he needs to pay attention: engage in physical development, especially take care of the bones and muscles of the hind limbs.

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At what month can a Caucasian Shepherd puppy be chained?

months in 4th, but the enclosure is better, dogs become angrier on a chain

on the first day after birth. Let him get used to it, otherwise he will eat him alive.

KO is a steppe animal.. An aviary and free walking in a fenced area are required.

A chained Caucasian is something.

The Caucasian Shepherd is not put on a chain; it is a very gentle dog for its owners and it loves to run. This is a dog, if you have a big yard then it’s fine, but in communal killings it’s a pity to keep this dog

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No breed can be put on a chain, not even a mongrel. A dog on a chain becomes dull, embittered, ineffective as a guard, and in the case of a puppy, it also leads to underdeveloped joints and muscles. Puppies grow and develop until they are 1-1.5 years old. The best option - aviary.

It is very cruel to keep a dog on a chain. When a dog rattles a chain and gets tangled in it, it reminds me of convicts. They also do not have the opportunity to feel like full-fledged people. It's a pity for such dogs.

At least read the history of breeding.

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Is it possible not to put the dog on a chain?

Hello! We live in our own house. A shepherd dog runs around the yard. When someone walks by, it runs up and barks. One mother said that she would complain to the local police officer if we don’t put the dog on a chain. Could we have problems?

Hello Tatiana. Thank you for contacting the Rights Protection Center.

According to the Rules for Keeping Pets (approved by the administration), the owner of pets is obliged to ensure the safety of citizens from the influence of pets, as well as to ensure peace and quiet for others.

Dog owners may only keep free-roaming dogs in a well-fenced area or in an isolated area. A warning sign must be posted regarding the presence of dogs.

It is prohibited to walk dogs without an accompanying person, without a leash, or leave them unattended.

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At what age should a dog be chained?

In no way. It is better to build a spacious enclosure.

from the earliest

Probably better than 4 months!

if you really want it, then earlier so that you get used to it because then she won’t get used to it

Well, you would have complained about putting a dog on a chain for even a month! I don’t understand why a dog should be put on a chain? Let him guard the yard in free flight, and in the enclosure at night. What is the use of a dog on a chain? They will rob you, kill you - it will only bark and rattle the chain. And what kind of life is it on a chain, can you just imagine for a second that you would sit locked up all your life - would you even want to live?

from 8 months if necessary

If you start raising a dog, then the chain will not be needed at all. A dog on a chain is a pathetic sight. Want to feel superior?

A dog on a chain is an atrocity!

Not at all. And especially not in puppyhood.

The skeleton is forming and the puppy needs to move a lot. I'm not even talking about the psyche. A puppy on a chain is a complete guard.

Make an aviary, it's not that difficult. From the point of view of protecting the territory, a dog on a chain is almost completely useless. As an option, the dog is kept in an enclosure during the day and released into the area for protection at night.

From 6 months in an aviary.

All this is bullshit, you can start from 3 months, just be sure to periodically let him go or take him for a walk

XXI Century! What are we talking and dreaming about? When to put a dog on a chain... Creepy. Time passes, but people do not change. As you were, so you remain...

better than an enclosure, a chain - traumatizes the psyche of any dog

Usually right away, but not in winter.

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Is it possible to put a Laika dog on a chain? Or in an enclosure? And you can describe this breed.

Thanks everyone for the advice)))

well, in general, these are purebred dogs, before the roots of huskies were like transport, in Siberia they harnessed sleighs, well, in general they are not afraid of the cold, well, I would be sorry to put them on a chain ((

It turns out that huskies are prone to running away; almost anyone can leave the yard to do their own business for a few hours at a time. This is very dangerous - they can be stolen, poisoned, shot, or hit by a train, for example. There is a time when dogs are not allowed into the forest, then chicks and cubs grow up in the forest. So any husky sometimes sits in an enclosure or on a chain.

This need most often arises among dog owners who live in the private sector. For this purpose, they acquire representatives of guard or service breeds. Training in protecting the territory for such dogs begins with training them to use a kennel and a chain. And it needs to be done at an early age. How to chain a dog correctly? What do you need to know about training? What process mistakes should you avoid? Let's answer these questions.

Why train a dog to a chain?

From the very beginning, the owner must understand why he should accustom his pet to a chain. If the dog’s main task is to bark at strangers and scare them away, then it will probably be more humane to equip the yard with a video surveillance system with an alarm. And a dog, which will be severely limited in its movements around the territory, will not be able to protect it properly. If your dog just sits on a short chain, he will not become a hindrance to intruders who set themselves the goal of breaking into the house. When leaving your house unattended, do not expect a dog on a chain to protect it. Attackers often poison chained dogs to carry out their dirty deeds. And for such dogs, packs of stray dogs roaming freely pose a danger. Therefore, in attempts to drive away strangers, animals on chains sometimes strangle themselves with their own chains.

If your goal is to raise a real guard dog, then you will have to put a lot of effort into this. The dog must distinguish its own from strangers and obey commands unquestioningly. And in this case, there is no need to train the dog to sit on a chain all the time. You will need to tie him up only when guests come to you, other people who will be unpleasant to see the dog barking and running after them. And in order for your student to be calm about temporary deprivation of liberty, he must be raised correctly.

Rules for training a dog to a chain

It is worth mentioning that the ancestors of dogs were wild animals that lived freely. Therefore, the instinct, the craving for free movement is transmitted to these domestic animals. It is for this reason that depriving a dog of its freedom is in some way violence. And you need to act diplomatically in the process of accustoming to the chain. The first rule is gradualism. First, the dog must sniff the territory and get used to walking on it. Accustom the puppy you bought to such walks soon after purchase. Bring the dog to the booth, give him the opportunity to sniff everything, you can even try it with his teeth. That is, first the dog remembers the territory of the yard and gets acquainted with the smells. They should become family to him. He should also get used to the booth. During this habituation, you should always be with your dog. The puppy will feel more confident this way. Then you should place a bowl with the puppy’s food next to the kennel and lay a rug inside. Let the dog lie there in your presence and eat on the street. And only after getting used to the kennel can the dog be put on a chain. Please note that this device should not be too short. The chain should allow the dog to move freely. When tying an animal for the first time, you should talk to the dog, stroke it, and call it by name. Let him first sit on the chain for 10-15 minutes. You are nearby, in his field of vision. Be sure to give your dog his favorite treat.

The next day, increase the time your pet is on a leash. But leave him alone, and hide or leave. If he starts barking a lot, then raise your voice and thus calm the dog down. After 3-4 days, leave the dog on the chain for several hours. But at the same time, there should be a bowl of food and water near her. And only after a week of chain training can you leave the dog there overnight.

Please note that a tethered dog will be more aggressive. Therefore, try to keep him in captivity less and give him the opportunity to move freely.

Perhaps in the first days the dog will whine, howl, and scratch. But do not give in to requests for mercy and teach that the dog must obey its owner. After free movement, the dog should come to you on the command “come to me” and calmly allow itself to be tied with a collar to the chain again.

There should be nothing on the ground near the dog that it could get entangled in. Spend time with your student more often during the first adaptation period. Walk with him and communicate, play and train him. Let him know that you love him just the same and that he is not alone. As a rule, psi of service and guard breeds quickly get used to a leash. Even court terriers, if properly trained, behave calmly on a chain after two weeks and get used to it.

The main and first condition for keeping a dog on the street is the mandatory installation of a fence.

Quite often, dogs are put on a chain so that they can protect the house and area from uninvited guests without interfering with free movement around the rest of the area. This method is not only the least convenient method of protection, but also does not meet the needs of the dog. When kept in this manner, the animal’s mobility is quite limited; the dog literally lives “on the aisle.” People scurry past it, including strangers, since very rarely the leash is made in such a way as to completely block the entrance. In this case, the dog performs more of a signaling function than a guard, barking to notify about the appearance of strangers.

Being in constant tension, when there is very little time for rest or it is limited to the dark (and it is at this time that the dog is most anxious and prone to activity), contributes to the development of undesirable consequences. The dog becomes embittered, uncommunicative, easily excitable, and barks more out of habit than for a reason. Not in order to attract the attention of the owners to the danger, but simply out of boredom and in order to give vent to irritation. Animals that are initially easily excitable, especially those caught in a chain at a young age, become such “empty-faced” animals. The animal is in a state of constant chronic emotional stress, experiencing a strong hunger for information, since the volume of new (namely new) information received through various senses is limited.

Limited mobility also negatively affects the dog: it is deprived of the opportunity to run, there is only room for short runs or even for walking. The dog is lying idle, it does not develop normal muscles, and a disorder of the musculoskeletal system develops. Poor placement of the harness directly contributes to this. Animal owners mistakenly attach the chain at ground level - this is how it happened. With this fastening, and with sudden lunges of the dog, the chain hits the animal’s legs. Chain dogs can be recognized by the characteristic curvature of the hind limbs and by their tied gait.

If there is no other way of keeping it except on a chain, then a more favorable solution can be found. First of all, we will ensure the safety of others - the harness can only be metal. No matter how convenient and attractive modern and popular cables made of polymer materials are today, they have one significant drawback - sooner or later they are all chewed by dogs. In addition, the metal cable often gets twisted, interfering with the dog’s relaxed movements. Very often such cables become frayed and injure dogs. Therefore, the most convenient harness was and remains a chain, of course, provided that it is welded or riveted with high quality.

You also need to remember about the length of the chain and its safe fastening for the animal. If the chain's attachment point is at the height of your pet's withers, it will not cripple the animal's legs. Some fasten the chain with a metal bracket to the wall of the house; at first glance, this seems to be a solid structure, but nevertheless, due to a sharp jerk, the animal can tear out even a very carefully driven bracket. And dogs have enough strength. I happened to see such pictures several times. A dog weighing about two tons is tied to a machine whose body weight is about 50 kilograms. She rushes at strangers approaching the car and pulls this colossus to the side a good meter. So why shouldn’t she rip some kind of bracket out of the wall?!

More reliable solutions for fastening the chain are: riveting the chain to the continuous frame of the booth or passing a special metal stand through the hole. In the first case, the booth must be solid and firmly attached to the base, in the second, the stand must be driven into the ground a third of its height so that the dog cannot tear it out.

How to chain a dog?

    Dogs from early childhood. You cannot chain an adult dog that has never seen a chain before.

    They put a dog on a chain as a puppy, and for him this will no longer be news in a month or two.

    You should not immediately put him on a chain for a long time. It is better to gradually increase the dose.

    And don’t forget to change the chain – the dog is growing!

    It is necessary to chain a dog when it is a puppy, in early childhood. This way the dog will get used to it and everything will be fine. But it is difficult to put an adult dog on a chain; the fact is that it can become excessively aggressive because of this, so it is important to understand that there is a time for everything.

    Why put her on a chain?

    Actually, the bad thing is simple. Buy a collar, a chain of the required size, attach the chain to something strong. Next, take the dog, put on the collar and lead it to the chain by the collar. Connect the chain to the collar. Naturally, you prepare and check all sorts of carbines in advance. All. It is advisable to provide the dog with water, food, and a booth in the form of a house.

    But keep in mind that a dog that has not been chained before and has grown up without this happiness will howl and try to free itself. You might hurt yourself in the process. Chaining a purebred dog is generally a rare stupidity, since in this way you spend all your money that you paid for it... On a chain, all the value of the breed is immediately lost. On the chain, everyone is equal - whether a mongrel, a shepherd, or an Alabai. There you have to grin fiercely and bark loudly. My landlady did an excellent job with this, a small shaggy dog ​​shorter than my knee. They were afraid to come into our yard.

    You need to accustom your dog to a chain from the age of adolescence, from about five months. Later, it will be very difficult to teach her to live on a leash; she will break off the chain and howl at night. It should be taken into account that in any case, the animal cannot be kept on a short leash; it must have living space and it must move. Therefore, if you plan to keep your dog on a leash, it is better if this chain is put on a thick wire and stretched around the perimeter. This way, the dog will be able to move normally. And if possible, it is better to build an enclosure for the dog.

    Usually dogs are chained when they are still puppies. Then it will be easier for her to get used to captivity. It is better to accustom him to a chain gradually, putting him on a chain for several hours. But putting an adult dog, accustomed to freedom, on a chain can be quite problematic. She can become very aggressive.

    To the previous answers, I would like to add that when keeping a dog on a chain, it is important to ensure that the feeding bowl and water container are positioned in such a way that the dog cannot knock them over. Also, the housing area should not be located entirely in the sun, since on a hot afternoon the animal will have nowhere to hide. A dog on a chain needs attention, it is advisable to talk to it more often, play with it, and regularly let it off the leash for a walk. The chain should not be too heavy.

    this needs to be done at a young age; when the dog grows up, it will be very difficult to do this

Before getting a dog, think about its home and where to place the kennel. Rest in good conditions serves as an excellent mood and a healthy lifestyle for the dog.

It is advisable to choose a dog to guard your dacha or home in the summer or spring, so that the puppy has time to get comfortable and get stronger before the cold weather arrives. From an early age you need to accustom him to street life.

Train an adult dog to the booth It’s much more complicated and we’ll talk about how to do this in another article. Before ordering a kennel, consider where to put a dog house, because there is no need to change the position. The kennel should be strong and cozy. Choose a kennel based on the size of the puppy, depending on the breed. So that the puppy quickly gets used to his home. Clean the kennel regularly and change the bedding to prevent moisture from accumulating inside the kennel. This will not only improve the dog's life, but will also prevent the kennel from rotting. For the winter, cover the loophole with thick fabric; tarpaulin, cloth or burlap are perfect for this, or purchase a special one. nylon curtain to enter the booth

Never force your dog into the kennel. You need to put your dog’s favorite treat in the kennel and she will go for it herself, thereby ending up in the kennel, especially if she has a good appetite. Worsening weather will subconsciously force the dog to seek shelter; in this case, a comfortable kennel will not be left without attention. The dog will choose a kennel that is manufactured and installed correctly. It should be warm and dry. To ensure that your friend gets used to his new home as quickly as possible, arrange it carefully. A puppy, like a small child, will be distracted if you put your favorite toys in the kennel. Place a bowl of food next to the booth, the dog will begin to understand that this is its place. Read about how to choose the right bowl for your dog.

How to train a dog to a chain and kennel

After the puppy is comfortable and spends the night in the kennel, try tying him up for a while, then gradually increase the time period. Pay close attention to how the dog lives in the kennel and how it settles in; often they cannot get used to it for a very long time. Don't rush your puppy to make a choice, let him get used to it and don't force him into a new home. The dog first carefully and inquisitively examines the new place, and only then shows activity.

Leave your pet alone with the new place so that he can get used to it. Don't forget to keep an eye on the collar, puppies grow very quickly so you will have to gradually loosen the collar. Take your dog for a walk and show him around. In order for the dog to be active, we advise you to make the chain longer, thereby the dog will make more movements, which will significantly improve his mood and have a better effect on his health. About how to properly chain a dog so that she doesn’t get confused, read Here . Pay attention to your pet; dogs, like people, appreciate care and affection. Talk and play with the dog, pet it. Under no circumstances should you lash out at the dog; scolding and punishing the dog at a time when he has not yet settled into the house can affect his character. Education should not be based on cruelty.