One desire is not enough to own a firearm. Without obtaining the appropriate license, this becomes simply impossible. How to get a firearms license? There is nothing difficult in this.

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What types of firearms can be licensed

Firearms are a big responsibility for the owner

Law of the Russian Federation on weapons, article 3 - this is the text that serves as the main source of information on this issue.

It says that a citizen can obtain a firearms license in Russia for the following types:

  • Long-barreled gunshot
  • Gunshot barrelless
  • Hunting firearms smoothbore
  • A firearm equipped with a special rifled barrel

Features of obtaining a license

First you need to deal with situations when obtaining a license becomes impossible:

  • For those who can't see well
  • Has a chronic disease with a set of frequently manifested symptoms
  • For those who have committed a repeated administrative violation, when not even a year has passed since the last
  • There was a deliberately committed crime that resulted in a criminal record
  • Is registered with the staff of the narcological dispensary
  • For those who are registered with the employees of the dispensary for psychoneurological diseases
  • If the place of residence is not permanent
  • Minor age

It all starts with an appeal to representatives of the department, whose work is related to licensing and permitting work. To find them, we visit the police department located at the address of the visitor's residence.

It is better to clarify in advance whether this institution really accepts applications according to the established model.

Then we go to the clinic, at the same address of residence, for a medical examination. We need a special certificate, which is indicated by code No. 046-1. It must have already been encountered by those who passed medical examinations in order to issue a driver's license, military service.

In one eye, visual acuity should be at least 0.5. And the other is not lower than 0.2. In addition, certificates from dispensaries for neurological and narcological diseases are required.

After preparing a medical certificate, it is necessary to collect a complete package of documents, consisting of:

  • Your own medical certificate
  • Two 3 x 4 photos
  • Passports in the original version
  • Photocopy taken from the passport
  • The application for a license itself (the form is filled in directly at the Internal Affairs Directorate, issued by the responsible inspector)

When the preparation of papers is completed, all that remains is to go to the licensing and permitting department. They issue the following confirmations if everything is in order with the documents:

  • Do not pay the state duty without a receipt
  • Issuing referrals to precinct police officers
  • There are also directions for training centers, tests are being held there

In the direction, the state authorities will indicate where the training center is located. It is from there that further licensing should be started. That is where the test is given. To pass it, you must answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly.

Tests are passed in writing, or through special electronic forms. Without them, it is impossible to obtain a firearms license for self-defense:

  • The test checks how well a person is familiar with the law relating to self-defense on the circulation of weapons for military and ordinary citizens, the storage of cartridges for them.
  • Law on how to safely handle combat units
  • Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation: you need to read articles 20.13, 20.12, 20.11, 20.9 and 20.8
  • Acquaintance with articles in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 224, 223, 222, 39, 38, 37.
  • Articles 24, 22 and 17 of the Criminal Code of Russia

If the test fails at the beginning, the visitor gets another attempt. But if you need to pass the test again, you will have to pay a certain amount.

The next attempt becomes available after completing the course of paid lectures. A certificate is issued at the center after passing all the tests.

We continue to resolve the issue

A safe for weapons is required when applying for a license

It is better to find out in advance not only the work and personal number of the district police officer, but also the mode of his work.

Since such workers can often be busy.

The district police officer comes home to those who passed the test and fixes the presence of a weapon box, the presence of which also becomes a mandatory requirement.

It remains only to actually pay the receipt for the state duty. This is done in any bank.

After that, we take all the documents that we managed to collect to the police department. If everything is in order, from this moment the process of manufacturing the license itself begins.

The document is issued, theoretically, a maximum of a month. But the process usually takes up to several months.

The document is universal in nature; units of both conventional firearms and gas equipment are purchased according to it.

An additional fee is required for the following services:

  • State duty and its payment
  • Test organizations
  • Issuance of certificates from doctors
  • Dispensary for mental illness
  • Passage of the dispensary for narcological diseases
  • Photo creation

About smoothbore, rifled or pneumatic weapons

The procedure for obtaining permission for these types and weapons for self-defense is almost the same. A number of differences are noticeable only in the final stages.

The text of the license in such situations concerns only one weapon. It continues to operate for 6 months. The license is rented back, or re-renewed if the person does not buy anything.

The document itself is made in the form of three roots. Vendors take two stubs for themselves when weapons are purchased. One remains with the buyer. With one spine, you must return to the Department of Internal Affairs no later than two weeks after the purchase.

The owners of the spine can change the last one to carry permission, for only one combat unit. You just have to wait, usually 1-2 weeks.

What to do with a hunting license

Here it is worth paying attention to the storage process. Owners of weapons can actually store them only within their place of residence.

The trunk of a car is an unacceptable place; a weapon found in it during inspection by traffic police will lead to serious problems.

To get a combined version of the document, for carrying and storing, you will also need a hunting license. There is nothing difficult in obtaining it either. We don't need a gun or a separate license for it.

It is necessary to apply with two passport photocopies and photographs to the representatives of the nearest hunting club. For self-defense, it does not matter where the visitor goes.

The main factor for selection is contributions from members. They are collected at the first registration, as well as on an annual basis. Hunting type tickets are now of two varieties:

  • State or member. Membership card holders pay a $30 entry fee.
  • Each year the renewal will cost the same. In the second case, the amount will be less. And the annual renewal will be free at first. The legal status of the documents remains the same.

Rifled weapons are suitable for long distances

The firing range of smooth barrels remains small, even at maximum performance.

This is their only drawback.

It is equal to 100 meters, this is the most optimistic forecast.

Shooting at long distances is easier with rifled models.

The weapon got its name because of the rifling that is inside. When the bullet moves along them, it spins in the longitudinal direction.

The flight of a bullet is stabilized in the presence of rotational motion. Due to this, the distance increases to 200-500 meters.

In this case, there is no need to talk about self-defense, this weapon will more allow you to hunt at a professional level. But you need to meet several conditions in order to obtain a license. It will most likely not happen right away.

Mandatory requirement - five years of experience in possession of a hunting license. This will allow you to use the model not for self-defense, but for hunting.

A minimum of 5 years of smoothbore ownership is also required.
Otherwise, there are no differences in the process of obtaining a license.

We buy traumatic weapons

There is nothing complicated here. It is enough to go to the store with the obtained license. There they sell customers a sample that they liked.

The main thing is to visit the police department during the first two weeks after the purchase. There, the inspector will put a seal confirming the legality of all previous actions.

Weapons are allowed to be bought with hands. It is best, together with the seller, to visit the police department at the place of residence of the seller. They fill out paperwork for re-registration.

Smooth trunks and their features

There is only one license for the purchase of smoothbore weapons. After the purchase of the sample of interest, it is changed by the issuance of a permit for a specific sample, its wearing. Accordingly, you will need several licenses at once if you want to purchase several types of weapons. This will require a large number of photographs.

Six months is the maximum period for which licenses are re-obtained without problems, exactly the same amount of time that is issued for the first time. You need to take not only the purchased weapon with you, but also your passport.

The license to purchase weapons allows you to purchase a maximum of five units for self-defense. Information about each of them is applied on the reverse side of the document. The same rules apply to smoothbore weapons. More details - on the video:

About the license term

License for a maximum of 6 months. For 5 years, permits for any type of self-defense remain valid. The same rule applies to carrying smoothbore weapons.

The license must be renewed for another six months, when the validity period ends. Or the document is handed over to the police department.
Finally, there is another important requirement - the purchased units must be stored only in special cabinets.

The main thing is to pay attention to the dimensions. they must fully comply not only with the premises, but also with the weapons themselves, which will need to be stored in the future. It is best to buy products with a certain margin of performance.

There is administrative responsibility associated with violations of the terms of storage of weapons, as well as for shooting in places not designated for this. It is better to call the government officials in advance to make sure that everything is ready for them.

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How much does a gun permit cost - the cost of getting a gun license

At the moment, in absolutely every country there are many people who prefer such an active holiday as hunting. There are also people who are worried about their own safety. At first glance, they have nothing in common. But, each of these types of people needs one thing, a permit for a certain type of weapon. It does not matter at all whether this weapon will be pneumatic and traumatic, or a simple gun, which is intended for direct hunting. In this article, we will cover such a question as, how much does a gun permit cost and how to obtain a storage license.

Obtaining a license to receive and store weapons

Without any doubt, weapons of absolutely any type are quite dangerous for all people, especially if these weapons are in the hands of unbalanced people. It is for this that the state has come up with various permits for all direct types of weapons, which is extremely difficult to obtain. Before you are given permission to directly purchase a particular weapon, you must go through a fairly large number of doctors who will determine the level of your immediate health. First of all, you need an extract from your local doctor. It is also very important for you to go through a narcological dispensary, and take a certificate from a direct narcologist. Your next doctor will be a psychiatrist, who also needs a certificate and an extract stating that you are a healthy person.

Many are interested in such a question as a gun license cost. This is very important, because this question directly depends on the number of weapons that you want to purchase and its direct name.

First of all, the largest waste is payments as a state fee. This contribution in this case will be the largest in terms of money. The gun permit license itself will cost significantly less. The license for a weapon price, which is quite small, is a rather important document. Without it, no one will sell you either a traumatic or an ordinary gun for hunting.

In addition to the above references, you need a copy of your passport. In this case, it must be remembered that weapons, as well as permits for them, are not issued to persons who are under 18 years of age. Based on this, you will be able to obtain permission only after you become of age.

Also, in order to quickly obtain a license, you must equip a special place at home where you can store a certain type of weapon with high quality. In the best case, this method of storage for you will be a safe. It is in it that you can perfectly store this or that weapon from prying eyes and hands. The fact that you have storage space should be seen by the immediate district police officer. He must draw up a specific report, which will spell out a quality storage space.

Approximate cost of a gun license:

  • Weapon handling training courses (from 4000 rubles).
  • Passing a medical examination (1200 rubles).
  • Payment of the State Duty (from 500 rubles to 2000 rubles).
  • Acquisition of a license form (50 rubles).
  • Obtaining a hunting ticket (the cost depends on the region, from about 500 rubles).
The total cost of obtaining a weapon permit starts from 7,000 rubles. and higher

Based on this article, you learned how much a gun license costs and a lot of other useful information.


Conditions for issuing a permit for the purchase of smoothbore weapons

Russians can buy smoothbore weapons for self-defense, shooting sports, hunting and collecting. Applicants need to pay a state duty of 2,000 rubles (and if it comes to extending a permit, then 500 rubles). To renew a license that allows you to buy, carry, store any weapon, you must pay 250 rubles.

Smooth-bore weapons are sold only to adult Russians who do not use drugs, alcohol and have received a certificate of the absence of contraindications for health. The police will not approve the issuance of permits to convicted Russians who have committed a serious crime and used firearms for this. It is impossible to obtain a license in case of committing administrative offenses twice a year regarding the use, sale, cultivation of drugs. Permission is not issued to citizens who do not have a place of permanent residence.

How to get a shotgun license

Russians have the right to buy smoothbore weapons for hunting, sport or self-defense. If it is purchased for hunting, then you first need to get a ticket, for which a package of documents is prepared:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Photo;
  • Statement.

An application can be submitted on the website and come for a ticket after 5 days, excluding weekends and holidays. The issued ticket will be valid indefinitely.

In order to obtain a permit for training and competition in shooting sports, it is required to prove the fact of belonging to the sports section by providing a package that includes:

  • Sports passport - it can be replaced by an order approved by the head of the sports society or educational institution at which the sports section is open;
  • Petition from the OSF, which received accreditation under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Russians who want to buy smoothbore weapons for self-defense do not need to present additional evidence. However, unlike athletes and hunters, they are only entitled to keep long-barreled, short-barreled models. They are strictly forbidden to carry rifles, carbines, pistols. They are allowed to keep smooth-bore weapons at home, and use them exclusively to protect their home.

Attention! Russians who have received a permit for weapons for self-defense will not be able to buy rifled barrels later.

The procedure for obtaining permission

You must first obtain a certificate 002-O / y, which will confirm that the applicant has no medical contraindications regarding visual acuity and mental disorders. Additionally, they receive a conclusion 003-O / y, confirming the fact that the applicant does not use psychoactive substances.

Then they are trained to master the course on the safe equipment of cartridges, the handling of smooth-bore weapons. The exception is cases where the applicant is related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Justice. The list of organizations that have the right to conduct training is approved by government decree No. 731 of 2001:

  • Educational institutions that teach programs FC and C, in which there are disciplines directly related to the rules for the use of weapons;
  • Sports and physical culture organizations, which include sports clubs, federations, educational institutions that teach according to the relevant programs.

After receiving the certificates, they are referred to the LRRR and the decision of the licensing department is awaited. Lawyers of the MIP group will help in obtaining a license and resolving conflicts and disputes that arise during registration.


Before contacting the internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to collect a package of documents required for obtaining a weapon. Firstly, you will have to contact and pay about 1,500 rubles for a certificate of form 046-1, in which doctors will note the absence of contraindications. She will confirm good eyesight, mental health, non-susceptibility to bad habits. After passing the specialized doctors, you should get the conclusion of the therapist. Help for citizens of the Russian Federation who have a passport and a military one. The latter can replace the ascribed.

A person applying for a permit for a weapon must perfectly know the rules for its storage, as well as be able to use it. Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" establishes the obligation for citizens to undergo a test for the presence of such skills. To master them, you need to complete specialized courses. If there are no obstacles from the side of medicine and inspection bodies, you can start buying a safe or a metal box that is locked with a key, which you will need to store equipment. If the plans include carrying long guns, then a hunting license must be obtained. It is issued free of charge and does not require additional documentation.

For future resolution, you need to take two matte photos in 3 * 4 format. If more than one barrel is to be licensed, then one more photo is provided for each next barrel. The passport, which you will need to take with you, is photocopied in advance. When writing an application, you should know exactly the type of weapon you are purchasing and it is very desirable - the model and name. This information is consulted in advance in the store. All of the above documents will be needed to go to the department responsible for issuing licenses.

In a couple of weeks, a local district police officer should come to the house, who will inspect the place of future storage of weapons, and also note the presence of other protective elements: alarms, bars on windows, iron doors. He will indicate all this in a report, which he must also submit to the police department within two weeks. The latter will make a decision - it should be dealt with independently by phone or in person. If the result is positive, then you should take a receipt, pay the state fee, and then go for a ready-made license, after which you can visit the store and buy a weapon of the type corresponding to the permit.

To obtain a permit for a weapon, you must come to the department of licensing and permitting work at the Internal Affairs Directorate, located at the place of residence. So, residents of the Central Administrative District should contact the address: st. Usacheva, 62, Northern Autonomous Okrug - Admiral Makarov st., 23, building 1. The location of the rest can be found on information sites. The main department of the LRR in Moscow is located on Shchepkina street, 20, building 1.

You have decided to become a hunter and acquire hunting weapons. In order to purchase a hunting weapon, you need to obtain a hunting weapon permit. Without it, weapons in the store will not be sold to you, and you will not be able to buy hunting weapons from your hands without this permission.

The possibility of acquiring weapons gives a license, and a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required for storage and transportation. Without this permission, not a single cartridge will be sold to you.

To obtain a license, you need to collect and provide:

  • an application of the established form (you get the form from the licensing and permitting service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in any way convenient for you, personally on the spot, from the website, etc.);
  • passport, of course your own, and its photocopy;
  • two photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate form 002-O / U, along with it a certificate from the drug dispensary, form 003-O / U (about the absence of drugs in you) and the conclusion of the MND;
  • a certificate of passing the exam for the safe handling of weapons issued by a licensed training center;
  • hunting ticket.

To obtain a permit to keep and carry (ROH), you must submit:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • your passport;
  • again two photos 3x4;
  • hunting ticket;
  • a copy of the permissive license with a store mark of sale or confirmation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of receipt from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the gun.

Where and how is the permit issued?

Licenses for the purchase and storage of weapons are issued by special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - departments of licensing and permitting work (LRR). To submit the necessary documents, a citizen can visit the LRR department in person or use the capabilities of the State Services website. However, for now, in the LRR, you can only get a permit for a weapon in person by providing the original documents to the officer of the department (if applications and scans were transmitted through the site).

  • the employee of the HRRR accepts the application and the package of attached documents;
  • the authenticity of the information provided by the applicant is checked;
  • an interdepartmental request is formed and sent (validity of the passport is checked, payment of the fee, etc.);
  • a decision is made to issue a permit;
  • the applicant is issued either a license or a written notification with the rationale for refusal - officials are given 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

After obtaining a license, a citizen must purchase a weapon within six months.

Package of documents

To acquire a license to store and carry hunting weapons, you must provide the following list of documents to the LRRR:

In the case of renewal or obtaining a license, the list of documents is almost the same. In addition to the above documents, in this situation, you must present:

  1. medical certificates from a psychologist and a neurologist;
  2. statement;
  3. two photographs (black and white). Their size is 3x4 cm;
  4. previously issued firearms license;
  5. your weapons;
  6. a report issued by a police officer at the place of residence. It contains information about the availability of proper storage conditions for purchased weapons.

All these documents should be brought both in the original and their photocopies.

Obtaining a permit for hunting weapons: what needs to be done before submitting documents?

Weapon choice

If the individual is in full compliance with the requirements for obtaining permits, the following conditions must be met before submitting documents to go through all stages of the permit process:

  1. Choose guns in a specialized store.
  2. Complete training courses followed by passing an exam on the knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the skills to handle them, as well as providing first aid for injuries, burns, fractures. Passing the exam and issuing a federal certificate of successful passing is carried out at the licensing and permitting center at the Department of Internal Affairs. Training lasts from one to several days, the cost varies depending on the region.
  3. Prepare a place to store the gun, i.e. buy a safe with the fulfillment of the requirements regarding its qualities.

Rifled hunting weapon

The above list of documents is provided for the acquisition of hunting firearms, smooth-bore long-barreled or hunting pneumatic weapons. Rifled hunting weapons can be acquired legally only:

  • citizens who are professionally engaged in hunting (having a separate license for this, hunting farms owned or leased, etc.);
  • citizens who own a hunting smooth-bore gun for at least five years.

If you need to obtain permission to purchase a rifled hunting rifle, then you must additionally provide documents confirming compliance with the specified categories of citizens. The fee for obtaining a license to purchase such weapons will be 200 rubles.

Permit renewal

Approximately 3 months before the expiration of the weapons permit, it is necessary to apply for its extension, this procedure is mandatory for any type of permit document.

In order not to miss the expiration date of the permit for the storage, carrying and use of hunting and other types of weapons, its owner must contact the same licensing department where it was previously registered in time. You can also apply for a license there.

You can apply for an extension through the State Services Portal if you have a verified account. The application procedure is simple and straightforward: upload the scanned documents to the portal, select a convenient department from the list and make an appointment. On the appointed day, come to the office, submit the original documents and issue an extension. Here on the site you can pay the state fee in any convenient way and print the finished receipt.

How to get a firearm permit

It should immediately be noted that the right to purchase hunting rifled weapons is not granted to everyone.

The hunter has the opportunity to claim it in two cases:

  • if he is professionally engaged in hunting (for example, a fisherman);
  • if there is experience in owning smoothbore weapons for five years or more.

In situations where a person does not fall into one of these categories, it becomes impossible for him to obtain a rifle license.

If the necessary requirements are met, then you can safely proceed to the collection of documents and submit an application to the licensing and permit department of the police.

Submission of documents to LRO

To obtain a license, you must submit an application to the internal affairs authorities at the place of residence.

The application is drawn up in the prescribed form, a package of documents is attached to it, consisting of:

  • passport and its copy;
  • two photo cards 3×4;
  • certificates of passing a medical examination;
  • certificates from psychiatric and narcological dispensaries confirming that the person is not registered;
  • hunting license and its copy;
  • permits for smoothbore weapons and their copies;
  • a document confirming the completion of special courses on the proper handling of weapons.

To speed up the process of collecting documents and ensure their correct execution, you can contact the services of a law firm. This option will save time and increase the chances of success, but will result in additional costs.

Passing a medical examination

A license to purchase weapons requires passing a medical examination and issuing a certificate in the form 046-1.

This commission includes an examination by the following specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • therapist.

An ophthalmologist checks visual acuity, which should be at least 50%! in one eye and 20%! in the other. Situations are also allowed when one eye is completely blind. In this case, the visual acuity of a healthy eye should be at least 70%!

An examination by a psychiatrist is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of mental disorders.

A narcologist gives a conclusion that the patient does not have alcohol or drug addiction. Tests are also carried out to prove the absence of traces of prohibited substances in the body.

Among other things, an obstacle to obtaining the necessary certificate is the lack of a thumb or index finger, as well as other disorders of the motor function of the hands.

The certificate received will be valid for six months. During this time, you should have time to submit an application to the LRO, otherwise it will lose its validity and the medical examination will have to be repeated.

The necessary examinations can be done in a public medical institution or in a private clinic licensed to provide such services. In this case, all expenses will have to be paid from their own funds.

Checking the precinct

The owner of the weapon is obliged to store it in conditions that exclude access by unauthorized persons. To ensure security, a safe is used, which should be purchased and installed in advance.

After submitting the application, you must invite the local district police officer to your place so that he can make sure that the safe is available. Based on the results of the check, the police officer draws up a report attached to other documents.

In addition to a safe, there are other requirements that may apply to the residence of a person who wants to obtain a rifle license. They are not listed in the "Weapons Act", and their legitimacy is questionable. You can obey them, or try to appeal, but it will take a lot of time.

Examples of such requirements:

  • connection of the apartment to the alarm system;
  • installation of bars on windows;
  • fixing the safe by screwing it to the floor or wall.

Also, the district police officer may point out the insufficient, in his opinion, reliability of the safe and demand to replace it, although the law does not specify anywhere what the degree of protection should be.

If the LRO approves the issuance of a license, then such visits by the district police officer will be repeated once a year, throughout the entire period of possession of weapons.

Passing an exam on knowledge of the conditions of storage, use and carrying of weapons

Citizens wishing to purchase weapons for the first time must complete a special training course. At the end of the course, an exam on knowledge of weapons legislation is taken.

Those who have previously issued a permit for the purchase of hunting weapons with a smooth barrel (and this also requires passing a similar course), re-training is not required. Enough to retake the exam. In the future, you will have to repeat this procedure every five years.

The current employees of law enforcement agencies are exempted from the need to comply with this requirement. Exemptions are also granted to former employees who have retired with the right to a pension. This category of citizens, in addition to other papers, must attach to the application documents confirming that they were or are in the relevant service.

What information is needed for a gun permit?

One of the man's favorite hobbies is hunting. Therefore, many people keep hunting weapons at home. Every year the number of hunters in the country is growing. This is especially noticeable during the hunting season.

To become a real hunter, it’s not enough just to want to, you still have to go quite a long way to acquire a license. This article will tell you about the procedure and what documents you will need. Content

  • 1 How to get permission
  • 2 Package of documents
  • 3 How to renew a license
  • 4 Permit for rifled weapons
  • 5 Video "Obtaining a permit for hunting weapons"

The procedure for obtaining a permit Not everyone can become the owner of a hunting weapon, since there are certain requirements for its owner. Nowadays it is not so easy to obtain a permit (license) for the purchase and storage of weapons.


First of all, it should be said that without an appropriate license, it is impossible to obtain permission to carry and store weapons, but in addition to this, the future hunter must meet the approved criteria. How to become a hunter, what is required for this, namely:

  • no criminal record;
  • no medical contraindications;
  • age from 21 years (for smooth-bore) and 25 years (for rifled) weapons.

What you need to buy a hunting rifle

Gather a package of documents:

  • certificates from psycho-neurological and narcological dispensaries,
  • medical certificate in form 046-1,
  • state-issued hunting ticket,
  • certificate of completion of training in handling weapons,
  • state duty receipt paid in Sberbank,
  • 2 photos 3*4 (four photos if you are going to issue 2 licenses for hunting and traumatic weapons),
  • a copy of the passport, hunting license, certificate of training

Refusal to issue a license for a hunting rifle

If you are denied a license to purchase a hunting rifle, be sure to ask for a written notice of the refusal to issue a license to purchase a hunting rifle. This denial must state the reason for the denial, with reference to the specific statutes under which you were denied a hunting license.

If you have submitted a complete set of documents, then the main reasons why you may be denied a weapon license are as follows:

  • Have an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime
  • There is a valid court decision on the deprivation of the right to own a weapon
  • Two offenses per year of an administrative nature, or one, but related to narcotic or psychotropic substances

If you are denied a permit for a hunting weapon, then you can appeal such a refusal in court or file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, be sure to attach to your application a written notice of the refusal to issue a permit for a hunting rifle.

Basic requirements for potential owners

So you've made the decision to become a hunter and buy a gun. What is needed for this?

You must meet a number of requirements and parameters:

  • live to the full age of 18;
  • be a capable citizen and have a passport;
  • have a permanent registration in the passport;
  • to be a hunter officially - to have a hunting license;
  • prove their knowledge of the use and storage of weapons - pass the exam and get the conclusion of the commission;
  • provide the conclusion of the medical board on your health and moral stability (certificate from drug and neuropsychiatric dispensaries and a military ID);
  • do not have a current conviction for intentional crimes or a prohibiting court decision;
  • not have more than one admin violation per year and none due to drugs and psychotropics;
  • provide conditions for the storage of weapons (place of residence and safe).

If you fit into the Procrustean bed of these requirements, you can start collecting documents.

Special condition for issuing a license for rifled weapons

The rules for issuing a license for rifled and smoothbore weapons are different. These types differ in the accuracy and power of hitting the target. The rifling inside the barrel allows you to shoot prey or hit the target from a longer distance.

Before obtaining a permit for a rifled weapon, you must have conscientiously owned a smoothbore gun for at least 5 years. Given the increased danger of rifled devices, beginners are not allowed to purchase them.

To obtain a license for rifled weapons, the LRRR employees will ask the applicant to present a passport with the characteristics of a smooth-bore device.

The license fee for obtaining an official permit for smooth-bore weapons is 100 rubles, for rifled weapons - 200 rubles.

To obtain the right to purchase and possess weapons, you need to convince law enforcement agencies that their possession will be safe for society. Despite the difficult procedure for obtaining a license, criminal reports are full of reports of the use of hunting or other weapons against a person. It is possible that the procedure for issuing permits will become more complicated, and citizens will need additional certificates for the weapons they wish to own.

Rifle permit

To store and purchase rifled weapons, you must obtain the appropriate permit and license. You need to know that a person who wants to have a rifled weapon must first have been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for five years. Therefore, in order to purchase a rifled weapon, you must first renew the license for a smooth-bore type of weapon. Then you can already deal with the issuance of a permit for the purchase of rifled weapons.

A license for rifled weapons is issued at the local LRRR. To obtain it, you must provide the following documentation to the LRRR:

  • citizen's passport or any other identity document;
  • an application filled out in a specific form. It is necessary to indicate in it your passport data, as well as information about the weapons you already have;
  • medical certificate issued in the form 046-1;
  • a certificate confirming that a person has been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for a sufficient time. This period is five years. This certificate can be obtained from the LRRR at your place of residence;
  • hunting license (copy);
  • passport for possession of smoothbore weapons (copy);
  • two photos. Their size is 3x4 cm;
  • medical certificate.

You should be aware that a license is issued only to Russian citizens who are registered at their place of residence. In cases of temporary registration, lack of a permanent place of residence, a person will be denied a permit for rifled and other weapons.

Documents for obtaining a weapon permit

Before buying a gun, you need to get a hunting license, which is issued once in a lifetime with an unlimited validity period. In order to receive it, you must provide the following documents:

  • Statement
  • A photocopy of the passport and its original
  • Black and white photographs 2.5x3.5 in size (2 pcs.)

Today it is possible to issue an electronic application for a hunting license through the Unified Portal of Public Services.

Five days later from the date of submission of documents, the regulatory authorities make a decision to issue or refuse to issue a hunting license. Refusal may be in the event that the identity of the applicant does not meet the requirements listed earlier.

To obtain a license for the purchase of smooth-bore hunting weapons, the following documents must be submitted to the regulatory authorities:

  • Statement of the established form with the obligatory indication of the place of storage of weapons.
  • Medical certificate in form 046-1 with marks of a therapist, narcologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist. At the same time, a certificate with the results of tests for the presence of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the body must be attached.
  • A photocopy of the passport and its original
  • Receipt for payment of state duty
  • Black and white photos 3x4 (2 pcs.)
  • Military ID
  • Certificate of completion of courses and passing the examination for knowledge of skills in handling firearms.
  • Hunting license and its photocopy.

After the documents are submitted, their verification will take 30 days. After successfully passing the test and fully meeting the requirements of the applicant, a license is issued to purchase a gun, which is valid for 6 months. Within 10 days after receiving it, you need to buy a gun and bring a license to the same center in exchange for a permit. When buying a gun, one license spine remains in the hands of the seller, the other with the buyer. This stub must be handed over to the LRO officer when obtaining permission. It remains to agree with the district police officer on a visit to inspect the place and conditions for storing weapons at home with further entry into the protocol.

To obtain a permit, no additional documents will be required, except for a passport and two 3x4 cm photographs.

Training in safe handling of weapons

Training for the permit of hunting weapons should be carried out only in special institutions that have the right to issue an official document upon completion of training. You can find out in which educational institutions you can get skills in handling a hunting rifle at the police department at your place of residence or on the Internet. You can additionally prepare for passing the test by studying the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Weapons".

Tuition does not exceed 10000 rubles course duration is limited to a few days. From the documents prepared earlier, you will need:

  • passport, its photocopy;
  • medical documents;
  • 2 photos.

At the end of the theoretical and practical courses, you will have to pass an exam and receive documentary evidence of completion of training.

Self-defense weapons that do not require a permit

Adult citizens of Russia are allowed to buy some types of self-defense equipment without obtaining licenses and other documents:

  • a mechanical canister filled with tear gas;
  • electroshock device of permissible power;
  • pneumatic equipment with muzzle energy up to 7.5 joules of caliber less than 4.5 mm;
  • a flare pistol with a caliber not exceeding 6 mm and cartridges other than those of gas and firearms;
  • gas weapons with low muzzle energy and small caliber.

Permit renewal

If a citizen has not changed his place of residence, then the extension of the license for hunting weapons is carried out in the same department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where the initial issuance of the license was made. The application must be submitted three months before the expiration date of the permit, otherwise the renewal may be denied. Its duration, as mentioned above, is five years.

In this case, you should provide the same documents that were submitted to the LRO when you first received a license. In this case, you will have to re-pass the medical examination, as well as re-pass the exam on the ability to properly handle weapons.

In addition to the documents, you will need to provide the gun itself. The expert will check its serviceability, and also make sure that no unacceptable changes have been made to the design of the weapon.

Possible reasons for refusal to renew the permit

Five years is a long time, and a lot can happen in that time. For example, the owner's physical or mental health may deteriorate. In such a situation, when there are medical contraindications for possession of weapons, the permit for it will not be extended.

Also, very often they refuse to renew due to administrative violations committed during the period of possession of weapons. They are especially critical of violations of weapons and hunting legislation.

Another common reason for refusal is late submission of documents for rifled weapons (we remind you that they should be submitted at least three months before the expiration of the permit). The package of documents should be submitted on time and in accordance with all existing requirements.

Also, in case of a change of residence, it is necessary to register with the local LRO within two weeks. Violation of this rule may subsequently result in a refusal.

Be careful and carefully follow all the rules of storage, possession and use, so as not to lose your hard-won permit for rifled weapons.

Permission to obtain hunting weapons - license and documents


The license to purchase weapons consists of three roots, two of which the store takes for itself upon purchase, and one remains with the buyer. With him, you should go to the police department within 14 days, where you can get permission to store weapons.

To obtain a permit to carry and store firearms, hunting smoothbore weapons, you must also have a hunting license. To get it, you need to join a hunting club, where you should provide two photographs and a photocopy of your passport.

To purchase a rifled weapon, you must have at least 5 years of experience in owning smoothbore weapons and have a hunting license with a five-year experience.

Possible reasons for refusal

I want to become a hunter. Such a desire is quite justified, because many men prefer this type of recreation, which gives a lot of pleasure. But quite often it is not possible to afford hunting due to a number of circumstances. One of them may be a refusal to issue the relevant document. The grounds for refusal to issue a permit and license for hunting weapons may be the following reasons:

  • minor age;
  • medical contraindications;
  • lack of any documents;
  • providing false information;
  • public order disturbance;
  • a criminal record;
  • improper storage of acquired weapons;
  • failure to appear to obtain a permit after fourteen days of receipt of notice by mail.

How is the registration of a hunting rifle

  1. The gun itself.
  2. Papers from the precinct. It tells you how to store the device.
  3. Declaration of desire to renew the license.
  4. Receipts to confirm the fact of payment of state duty.
  5. Previously issued permit.
  6. A couple of photos 2 by 4. Black and white options with a matte finish are needed.
  7. One medical certificate from an ophthalmologist, and two from dispensaries for narcology and psychiatry.
  8. Photocopies of the hunting license, which is currently valid. The main thing is the display of sheets that prove that the document is valid.
  9. Photocopies of passport pages, with registration, as well as the first two pages.