This type of plastic surgery is a surgical procedure during which the perineum, the entrance to the vagina, and the area around it are corrected.

Such an intervention is often carried out when the external genitalia are deformed due to complicated delivery, trauma, certain pathologies, as well as age-related changes.

Indications for perineoplasty – for what problems is perineal correction surgery performed?

The main purpose of this procedure is the excision of old scars, restoration of the anatomy of the vagina, and suturing of the pelvic muscles. In some medical sources, perineoplasty is also called intimate plastic surgery.

It is indicated for the following phenomena:

  • Disorders in which the external genitalia lose their elasticity and the vagina increases in volume. The cause of this pathological condition may be hormonal imbalance, aging of the body, or congenital characteristics. Such defects are often accompanied by frequent inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system and discomfort during movements.
  • Violation of the integrity of the perineum, which is associated with difficult childbirth and the formation of a rough scar in the area of ​​the intimate parts of the body.
  • Risk of uterine prolapse.
  • The patient's desire to improve the appearance of the genitals. Their lack of aesthetics can provoke the development of a number of complexes in many women, which in the future can cause serious family problems.

Video: Narrowing of the vagina with thread - minimally invasive perineoplasty

Deformation of the external intimate organs is fraught with the development of the following phenomena:

  1. Violation of the vaginal microflora, which causes a lot of unpleasant sensations: itching, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, burning sensation.
  2. Formation of a rough scar due to dissection of the perineum during complicated childbirth. Over time, such a scar causes severe narrowing of the vagina, as well as disruption of the functioning of the pelvic muscles. In addition, the woman will subsequently complain of pain during physical activity and intimacy.
  3. Frequent accumulation of air in the vagina. This causes not only physical, but also psychological discomfort.

Contraindications to performing perineal plastic surgery – who should not undergo perineoplasty?

The manipulation in question, like any other type of surgical intervention, has certain contraindications.

These include:

  • Infection of the body.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Inflammatory phenomena in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation.
  • Poor blood clotting, as well as taking anticoagulants.
  • Predisposition to.
  • Serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.
  • Vascular pathologies.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Allergic reactions to certain medications. Among other things, you should wait 2 weeks after vaccination before proceeding with perineal plastic surgery.

Video: Perineoplasty with threads

Types of perineal correction surgeries

Before the manipulation in question, a woman should undergo a certain examination:

  1. Take an ECG.
  2. Get fluorography.
  3. Examine the pelvic organs using an ultrasound machine.
  4. Visit a gynecologist to take a smear.
  5. Donate blood and urine.

During lactation, perineal plastic surgery cannot be performed. If a young mother refuses to breastfeed, she can undergo surgery no earlier than 3-5 months after giving birth.

The most optimal period for perineoplasty is a couple of days after the end of menstruation.

With this type of plastic surgery, the following manipulations are performed:

  • Stitching of flabby pelvic floor muscles.
  • Excision of rough scars.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia or using epidural anesthesia, and requires special preparation.

The patient should stop taking hormonal medications and alcoholic beverages for 2 weeks. On the day of surgery you should not eat or drink. You should also avoid smoking.

If, in addition to the perineum, correction of the vaginal walls is required, in this case they talk about vaginoplasty.

Today, there are many methods for carrying out this type of correction:

  1. Minimally invasive: using special threads, fillers, and also through laser lifting. With its help, you can increase the elasticity of the vaginal walls.
  2. Invasive, using mesh implants. For such purposes, the surgeon uses a special mesh, which subsequently grows with connective tissue and resolves. This method is relevant when there is omission or threat.
  3. Stitching the edges of the mucosa without affecting the muscle layers. Used when necessary to narrow the entrance to the vagina.

Laser correction of the vaginal walls and labia is one of the most modern techniques. This type of treatment does not require hospitalization or general anesthesia. After correction, the patient is sent home. The procedure in question is a gentle intervention, and its operating principle is based on heating soft tissues and stimulating the production of collagen fibers. This helps to increase the elasticity of the vaginal mucosa.

Laser lifting is used for minor damage. In difficult situations, they turn to traditional surgical intervention.

Video: Vaginoplasty, colporrhaphy, perineoplasty

After perineal plastic surgery, the patient remains in the hospital for a couple of days, under the supervision of doctors. During the manipulation, self-absorbing threads are often used, so there is no need to remove sutures. This has a positive effect on the condition of the scar in the future - it is more elastic and does not cause deformation of the soft tissues of the perineum.

Bed rest is required for the first 2-3 days after surgery. The surgical site is treated with antiseptic solutions. For severe pain, painkillers are prescribed.

The results of plastic surgery can be discussed after 2 months.

During this period, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Stop playing sports.
  • Do not visit public reservoirs, swimming pools, or saunas.
  • Eat the right foods to avoid constipation problems.
  • Do not use sanitary tampons.
  • Refrain from sexual activity.

In addition, sitting is prohibited for the first month after perineoplasty.

In order to prevent the formation of a rough scar in the surgical area, you can use Contractubex, which is applied in small quantities to a panty liner.

Additionally, physiotherapy may be prescribed.

The need for certain postoperative procedures will be decided by the doctor, who should be visited regularly for 1 month after perineal plastic surgery.

Cost of perineal correction surgeries in Russian clinics

The cost of the manipulation in question is determined by a number of factors, the most significant of which is the reputation of the plastic surgeon. In any case, the amount announced over the phone and the amount after a detailed examination by the specified specialist may differ, you need to be prepared for this.

The average price for perineoplasty in specialized clinics in Russia is 25 thousand rubles.

If, in addition to perineal plastic surgery, there is a need to correct the shape of the vagina, the specified amount increases up to 100-150 thousand rubles(depending on the complexity of the operation and the technique of its implementation).

Perineoplasty is a plastic correction of the vaginal opening, its adjacent area and the perineum. The main indication for performing such an operation is congenital and acquired deformation of the external genitalia. Most often, such defects arise as a result of labor (birth injuries) or unaesthetically fused perineal incisions. Plastic surgery of the intimate area allows you to restore the anatomical structures (muscles, fascia) of the perineum and vagina, get rid of old scars and sew together the pelvic floor muscles. Another similar operation is called posterior colporrhaphy.

Plastic surgery of the intimate area is indicated in the following situations:

  • The presence of perineal deformities caused by scarring of the intimate areas and numerous birth injuries;
  • Elimination or prevention of uterine prolapse;
  • Decreased elasticity and firmness of the genitals when the vagina expands (usually occurs in women after 55 years). Such conditions of the genital organs are associated with age-related changes, congenital characteristics of the intimate areas and hormonal imbalance. Most often they are accompanied by unsatisfactory sexual relations, the appearance of diseases of the urinary system and vagina, as well as unpleasant sensations and discomfort when walking;
  • The presence of complexes that are associated with negative changes in the genitals and uncertainty about sexual attractiveness, which subsequently leads to problems in intimate relationships.

In addition, plastic surgery of the intimate zone can be performed in the presence of the following pathological conditions and abnormalities, the development of which is caused by perineal deformities:

  • Imbalance of vaginal microflora caused by defects of the genital organs;
  • Scar changes in genital tissue due to the use of episiotomy during labor (dissection of the perineum);
  • Overstretching of genital tissues;
  • Accumulation of air in the vaginal cavity, which leads to a feeling of discomfort in the perineum;
  • The appearance of pain during physical activity, prolonged sitting and intimacy.

Contraindications to plastic surgery of the intimate area

Perineal plastic surgery is not performed when diagnosing the following pathological processes and disorders:

  • Severe cardiovascular pathology;
  • Decompensated chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Venereal pathologies;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage;
  • Excessive scarring of tissue (the appearance of keloid scars).

The advisability of perineoplasty is determined by the attending physician after a thorough examination, laboratory tests and clinical studies. This will allow you to diagnose contraindications and assess the patient’s health status.


To select the most optimal method of plastic correction of the intimate area, the patient undergoes a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist. The operation is performed using epidural anesthesia or general anesthesia. The method of anesthesia is determined by the anesthesiologist individually in each individual case.

The duration of surgery is from 60 to 90 minutes. Self-absorbable materials (vicryl) are used for suturing. They allow you to achieve maximum elasticity of the scar without deformation of the perineal tissue.

The rehabilitation period after perineal plastic surgery

After perineoplasty, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor in the inpatient department for 3-4 days. For the first three days, you should observe strict bed rest. Healing of postoperative sutures occurs within 2-3 weeks. The recovery period after surgery will depend on the extent and nature of the surgery.

During healing and recovery, you should follow all doctor's instructions for genital hygiene. After the patient is discharged, control and examination by a doctor is carried out on an outpatient basis.

During the recovery period, the patient should adhere to several recommendations:

  • Follow a balanced diet that consists of low-fat foods. This will help prevent constipation;
  • Refrain from physical activity and intimacy for two months;
  • Do not swim in bathtubs, ponds, or pools;
  • Do not sit for the first month after surgery.

Perineoplasty is a responsible surgical operation that requires you to take your choice of clinic and specialist seriously. This will avoid dissatisfaction with the result and postoperative complications.

The birth of a baby is a joyful event in the life of parents. But often the birth of a child can leave not the most pleasant marks on the mother’s body. Tears and scars that form on the perineum can cause a woman not only physical, but also moral discomfort. Perineoplasty can correct these problems by returning the external genitalia to its normal appearance.

Read in this article

Who needs perineal plastic surgery after childbirth?

There are very few women who recover easily and quickly after the birth of a child. Often, those who give birth undergo serious changes in the structure and properties of the vagina and perineum. The fact is that every woman has differently developed muscles; the success of recovery largely depends on their elasticity.

In addition, as a result of tissue ruptures, which most often occur during the first birth or during the passage of a large fetus, scars are formed. They are tightened with connective tissue that is unable to contract.

Therefore, for many women who are unable to quickly return to normal after childbirth, problems with the appearance of the perineum cause great discomfort, including psychological discomfort. But modern medicine and plastic surgery can help get rid of almost any defect. Perineoplasty was developed specifically to solve this problem. Most often it is prescribed to women who have the following problems:

  • Prolapse of the uterus. An operation aimed at raising it is mandatory, since this arrangement of the internal genital organs not only interferes with normal sexual life, but also facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Along with the return of the uterus to its normal state, the volume of the vagina decreases.
  • Scars on the external genitalia resulting from ruptures of the perineum or tissue dissection during childbirth.
  • Gaping vagina. This problem is not only aesthetic, but also has a negative impact on a woman’s health. Pathogenic bacteria easily penetrate the body, and the bladder and intestines, located in close proximity to the genital organs, cease to perform their functions normally. Therefore, the problem of an overly stretched vagina must be solved with the help of plastic surgery.
  • Tears left after childbirth. In this case, they are sutured, followed by removal of the remaining scars.
  • Loss of elasticity in the tissues of the external genitalia.
  • Problems with sex life. Often, an enlarged vagina becomes a serious obstacle to normal intimate relationships between a man and a woman. Due to the increase in volume, sensitivity disappears.
  • Excessively stretched perineal tissue.
  • Severe pain during prolonged physical activity or sitting.


Most women who undergo perineal plastic surgery do not experience any problems after the procedure. But this operation is not suitable for everyone, since there are serious contraindications to it. Among them:

  • blood diseases, including bleeding disorders;
  • acute and chronic heart failure;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation;
  • oncology;
  • existing infections or inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs, such as vaginitis, candidiasis, cystitis and others;
  • infections that are in the acute stage;
  • chronic pathologies of internal organs.

Other women can afford perineal plastic surgery without any problems. But first you need to see a doctor who can objectively assess the condition of both the external and internal genital organs. Only a specialist can determine what restoration procedures should be carried out.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Surgery to correct the external genitalia and perineum can only be performed when the lactation period has ended. If the mother refuses to breastfeed, the procedure can be performed earlier, but at least three to five months after birth.

How to prepare for the procedure

The success of perineal plastic surgery after childbirth depends on many factors. One of the most important points is how thoroughly the woman prepared for the operation. Before performing perineoplasty you must:

  • Two weeks before the intervention, stop taking medications containing hormones, as well as tablets that contain aspirin. You should also stop smoking.
  • A week before perineal surgery, doctors recommend excluding spicy and fatty foods and alcohol from the menu.
  • It is better not to eat in the evening before the day of surgery. This is necessary so that the anesthesia does not cause unexpected reactions.
  • In the morning, before going to the clinic, you should prepare all the necessary things for a comfortable stay in the ward: clothes, hygiene products, linen, documents, results of previous tests.
  • On the day of the operation, it is recommended to be in a normal emotional state, do not worry.

How to do the procedure

As a result of perineoplasty, the normal appearance of the perineum is restored, muscle tissue is strengthened, the volume of the vagina is reduced, and scars that arise after childbirth are corrected. But before proceeding with the operation itself, it is necessary to conduct additional research:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • ECG to exclude heart pathologies;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • a smear on the flora, which allows you to exclude inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

If the results of the studies show that everything is in order with the body, you can safely go for perineoplasty. As a rule, perineal correction surgery is performed under general anesthesia, but an epidural can also be used.

Usually the procedure itself lasts from an hour to an hour and a half, which is quite short. But the duration may increase depending on how many types of plastic changes are carried out simultaneously.

Anterior colporrhaphy

The operation itself is performed on a gynecological chair. After a thorough examination and identification of structural features of the external genitalia, the doctor begins perineoplasty. Usually, during the procedure, scar tissue is excised; manipulations to narrow the vagina and correct the labia can also be performed. After the operation is completed, doctors apply sutures, which dissolve on their own after about two to three weeks.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

In addition to surgery, there are other, less invasive options for perineal plastic surgery. These include injections of hyaluronic acid and the use of laser methods.

Recovery after

At first, the patient must stay in a hospital, where she is monitored by a doctor. Women are usually discharged after about three days if no serious complications have arisen. In this case, in the first days it is necessary to adhere to bed rest.

In general, complete recovery takes up to three weeks. Of course, everything is individual and depends on how extensive the surgical interventions were. In order for the perineum to heal as quickly as possible after surgery, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, usually consisting of the following:

  • maintain hygiene of the external genitalia and treat the intervention site with an antiseptic;
  • eat only healthy and wholesome foods and exclude foods that can cause constipation, because they can cause stitches to come apart;
  • complete abstinence from physical activity and sexual activity for one to two months, depending on the complexity of the operation;
  • during the first two weeks, do not carry out water treatments: no pools, baths, saunas or ponds;
  • Avoid sitting for 14 days.


There are quite contradictory data on the Internet about prices for perineoplasty. Some sources say that it is not that expensive - from 8,000 to 14,000 rubles. This price is affordable for any woman.

But there are completely different data, according to which the cost of perineal plastic surgery exceeds 55,000 rubles. And if other types of interventions are performed simultaneously with this operation, then the price increases noticeably. For example, plastic surgery of the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina together with correction of the perineum cost from 130,000 rubles. Not everyone can afford such a luxury.

Perineoplasty will help a woman who has suffered serious damage to the external genitalia during childbirth to return to her normal state. Perineal correction is carried out for various reasons, but the result is always accompanied by an improvement in the physical and emotional state of the fair sex.

It is important to approach the upcoming operation responsibly and prepare thoroughly. And following the doctor’s recommendations after the intervention will help you recover quickly.

Useful video

About perineal plastic surgery, watch this video:

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Women's desire for perfection is almost limitless. At any age and under any circumstances, a woman would like to look perfect. In addition to external changes, internal ones also appear - changes in the vagina and uterus, stretched pelvic floor muscles. Until recently, we had to put up with this situation, but now plastic surgeons can solve many women’s problems.

Why is everything different after childbirth?

As the baby passes through the birth canal, the vagina stretches significantly and takes time to restore its size. But often during childbirth, micro-tears and injuries to the vaginal tissue and pelvic floor muscles occur, and sufficient tissue contraction can no longer occur. If the injuries are more serious, scars form on the muscles, and damaged muscle fibers are replaced by connective tissue. Unlike muscles, connective tissue will not contract and the vagina and pelvic floor muscles may not return to normal. Nerve fibers and blood vessels are also affected. This situation complicates the natural process of recovery after childbirth, and the woman is forced, at a minimum, to endure inconvenience.

The potential for sufficient stretching and natural restoration of the birth canal varies among women. This depends on the genetic characteristics of the connective tissue and muscles, but also on the woman’s fitness level. With good stretching, you can survive childbirth without serious injury.

Who can benefit from intimate plastic surgery?

  • If, two months after giving birth, your uterus is still low, the cervix is ​​at the entrance to the vagina or is coming out of it, in addition to reducing the volume of the vagina, you may also need to fix the uterus. The scope of the operation is determined by the gynecologist.
  • The birth was accompanied by ruptures of the vagina and cervix. Reduction of vaginal volume by surgical means plus cosmetic removal of scars after sutures.
  • . Vaginal contraction that has not been damaged by tearing is possible with minimally invasive laser procedures.
  • Lack of satisfaction from sex in a woman or both partners.
  • Constant urge to urinate, urinary incontinence. These are also symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse after childbirth. Vaginal plastic surgery may be a way out of the situation.
  • Damage to the labia and perineum during childbirth. Aesthetic or physiological problems.
  • Unsuccessful suturing when suturing ruptures during childbirth. A plastic surgeon can correct the situation.

Possible vaginal reduction procedures

In addition to full-fledged surgery, today plastic surgery clinics offer minimally invasive methods of intimate plastic surgery. Depending on the expected scope of the operation, the doctor may choose one or another method. According to indications, the anterior or posterior wall of the vagina can be reduced; if necessary, the intervention can be extended to the uterus, bladder, and pelvic floor muscles. After surgery, suture care and careful hygiene are required. It is important not to do any physical hard work, not to lift heavy objects, and not to sit for two weeks.

Laser plastic surgery of the vagina and labia is the most modern method. But its use is limited by the possible amount of intervention required. For severe injuries, the possibilities of laser plastic surgery are limited. The principle of operation is based on the properties of soft tissues to contract under the influence of a laser beam. This method does not require anesthesia or hospitalization; the woman can be at home the very next day. But there should still be a recovery mode.

Natalya Trokhimets

For many women who have already completed family planning, the question of intimate plastic surgery arises. Intimate plastic surgery after childbirth can correct many problems for women. During pregnancy and childbirth, a woman's body can change significantly. Most often, mothers decide to correct the breasts, navel, vagina and external genitalia. When is plastic surgery necessary, and what are the contraindications for such operations?

The most common complaints after childbirth

After the birth of the child, the mother is completely occupied with the baby. In the first months, a woman does not pay attention to changes in her body, but usually after a year, a young mother may think about plastic surgery. The most common reasons for contacting a plastic surgeon are:

  • Increase in vaginal size
  • Loss of sensation
  • Scars on the external genitalia
  • Navel deformity
  • Breast deformity

All these and other aesthetic problems today can be easily corrected with the help of modern surgery.

Reasons for the development of pathologies

We often hear that pregnancy and childbirth are a natural process and a woman’s body should get in order on its own within 1–2 years after the baby is born. However, as practice shows, 80% of women experience moral dissatisfaction with their appearance and the condition of their genitals 3 years after giving birth. What does this mean? This suggests that, unfortunately, not all women's bodies acquire a prenatal state.

For many women, changes last a lifetime and can only be corrected through surgery.

Why do some mothers look great and have no difficulties in their intimate lives just a few months after giving birth, while others cannot boast of their former forms even after 3 years?

Increase in vaginal size. The vagina is an organ made up of muscles. During labor, the vagina is subjected to enormous stress. The muscles are greatly stretched and lose their former tone. Also, muscle tone can be affected by scars that remain after ruptures of vaginal tissue. All these changes can lead not only to dissatisfaction in sexual life, they can cause the development of diseases such as uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence. In this case, intimate plastic surgery is urgently required after childbirth.

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Loss of sensitivity occurs due to an increase in the size of the vaginal ring. This is the so-called entrance to the vagina. The ring may become larger due to tears and cuts during childbirth. As a result, a woman cannot grasp a man’s penis with these muscles, resulting in a loss of sensitivity in both spouses during intimacy.

Another common problem for young mothers is navel deformation after childbirth. Often, due to strong pressure on the umbilical ring, it is stretched and deformed. This causes great aesthetic inconvenience for a young mother, because with a deformed navel it becomes impossible to visit the beach or pool, and often the young woman begins to feel embarrassed even about her own husband. In this case, the woman requires tummy tuck after childbirth.

During the operation, you can not only correct the navel, but also tighten sagging abdominal skin, get rid of a keloid scar after a cesarean section, and remove stretch marks.

Breasts are the special pride of many women. However, after childbirth and breastfeeding, the shape of the breast may change significantly. Elasticity is lost, unsightly stretch marks appear, and the breasts sag. For many representatives of the fair sex, this becomes a real disaster. If no measures help to restore your breasts to their previous appearance, you can think about plastic surgery.

Features of surgical treatment

Of course, each plastic surgery has its own characteristics. The operating technique is selected individually after a thorough examination of the patient. Contraindications to plastic surgery may include diseases such as poor blood clotting, syphilis, diabetes mellitus, etc. Before the operation, the patient must undergo a general blood and urine test, undergo a thorough examination and consultation with a surgeon.

Typically, plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. An exception may be navel surgery, if, apart from suturing the navel itself, you do not need to perform any other manipulations.

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Vaginoplasty surgery takes place under general anesthesia and lasts no more than 2 hours. During the intervention, surgeons excise the deformed area of ​​the vaginal wall and suture the wound. As a result, the vagina becomes smaller. If a woman has already completed family planning, a special surgical mesh is inserted into her, which will support the pelvic muscles in the correct position.

The postoperative period after this procedure lasts approximately 2 months.

There is no need to remove sutures after surgery; they dissolve on their own.

Today, plastic surgery on the vagina and navel is performed in many large reconstructive surgery centers.
The next most common procedure is postpartum breast surgery. Typically, this procedure involves tightening the breast skin, but this can also be combined with the installation of implants. Such an operation can be performed no earlier than six months after the complete cessation of breastfeeding.

How to avoid plastic surgery after the birth of a child

Many health problems can bypass you if you pay attention to them in time. So, for example, intimate plastic surgery can be easily avoided if you practice Kegel exercises during pregnancy and after childbirth. Every girl who has reached puberty should do these simple exercises. This will allow you to avoid ruptures of the vaginal walls during childbirth and quickly recover after the birth of the baby.

Problems with sagging breasts can also be avoided with the help of special exercises and following the rules of breastfeeding. Lactation should not be stopped abruptly. Many mothers who were faced with breast wrapping used the village method of weaning the baby. They bandaged the chest and sent the child to his grandmother for a few days. During these days, lactation stopped.

This method is not only painful, it is extremely dangerous for both mother and child.

A young mother can develop mastitis, ruptured milk ducts and other dangerous diseases. At this time, the baby receives colossal psychological trauma from being deprived of his mother and his usual diet. Thus, if you stop lactation naturally, combining the process with physical exercise, the shape of your breasts will be completely restored.

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Navel surgery can also be avoided if you lead an active lifestyle and keep your abdominal muscles toned before giving birth.

As you can see, many problems after childbirth arise precisely because of muscle weakness. If a woman takes care of her health, exercises regularly and leads a healthy lifestyle, she is unlikely to face the need for navel or vaginal surgery after childbirth. However, if you do need reconstructive surgery, there is no need to delay it. Follow all the doctors’ recommendations after surgical treatment and in a couple of months you will be completely healthy and beautiful again.