

Hot salting of volushki- one of the methods of harvesting mushrooms for the winter, which, at first glance, may seem very complicated and time-consuming. The duration of this process reaches one month, only after this time the pickled mushrooms will be ready for consumption. However, please pay attention to the fact that within a month the horns will be salted on their own; you will only need to prepare them for this process. You will learn from our recipe with photos and step-by-step instructions what is important not to miss when preparing volnushki for hot salting.

This long-term method of pickling mushrooms is very convenient when the mushrooms are purposefully stored for the winter. In this case, the mushroom preparations can be immediately distributed into glass jars and moved to the cellar for storage. With the arrival of winter, salted tremors can be safely taken out of winter reserves and put into use.

We recommend that you rinse mushrooms salted using this method thoroughly before use, or it would be better if you soak them in cold water for one hour. This way, all the excess salt with which they are soaked during the pickling process can be released from the mushrooms. After carrying out this procedure, you will be able to quickly prepare a delicious soup from salted trumpets., as well as many mushroom salads, and if you season the mushrooms with vegetable oil and add onions, you will get an excellent appetizer that you can include in any menu.

So, let's start cooking!



    First of all, you need to stock up on volnushki in the required quantity. Many mushroom pickers claim that such mushrooms can only be found in birch forests, but in mixed forests you can also find tremors. Typically, the season for such mushrooms occurs in August and ends in October, after the first frost. It is almost impossible to confuse ordinary pink mushrooms with any other mushrooms, since they do not have false doubles. However, if the mushrooms you find are in doubt, then it is better to seek help from experienced mushroom pickers.

    Soak the mushrooms delivered from the forest for a while in warm water. This must be done so that part of the forest debris can be separated from the mushrooms on their own, which will greatly simplify the further process of cleaning them.

    Clean the remaining leaves and branches from the moths by hand. Using a knife, carefully scrape the fringe underneath the mushroom caps. Try to process each mushroom in this way, because one unpeeled mushroom can spoil the entire future harvest..

    When all the mushrooms have been cleaned and washed, place them in a container of boiling salted water. Boil the volushki for twenty minutes, then drain them in a colander and rinse with running water. During cooking, do not forget to remove any foam that forms on the surface of the mushrooms..

    Next, take the deep container in which you plan to salt the volushki, and cover its bottom with horseradish and cherry leaves. If you don’t have these components, it’s okay; in our case, you can easily do without them. Next, place the mushrooms into the container with their stems down. Place each mushroom layer with garlic cloves and sprinkle with ground pepper and salt. If volushki are prepared for the winter, then they should be laid out in sterile jars in the same sequence.

    Press down the formed mushroom preparation with a weight as shown in the photo below. In this form, place the mushrooms in any cool room for thirty days. Note! During this entire time, the fish should be in salted brine, so try to check them regularly for its presence. If the amount of brine decreases, add boiled salted water.

    After the specified time, the volushki can be safely eaten. However, as mentioned earlier, it is recommended to rinse the mushrooms thoroughly or soak them in cold water for one hour before using them. Hot salting of volushkas at home is completed.

    Bon appetit!

Volnushki in the forests of the middle zone usually grow from June to October. That is, all summer and half of autumn you can safely collect them and store them for the winter, although the main harvest still occurs in the second half of August and early September. It is then that the mushroom comes into its own and has a high taste.

It is not difficult to distinguish tremors from other mushrooms. They have a characteristic cap that cannot be confused with any other mushroom. Along the edges it is shaggy and woolly. Fans of “silent hunting” for mushrooms know very well that the mushroom is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. That is why before use it must be thermally treated for a long time and very carefully.

Actually, our article today will be devoted to this issue. In most cases, volushki are salted in a variety of ways. We will tell you about the most delicious recipes, thanks to which volushki acquire a special taste and aroma. They go well with almost any side dish, just with bread or in salads with onions and sour cream. Lunch!

General principles for salting tremors

In fact, there are a great many ways to pickle mushrooms. According to some mushroom pickers, mushrooms must be soaked in cold water before salting. Others pour boiling water over them, others boil them altogether, and still others consider this all unnecessary. As for spices, opinions diverge even more, although all hosts and hostesses are right in their own way. In fact, you can salt not only trumpet mushrooms, but also any other mushrooms, with the exception of russula, morels and strings. When salted, russula never loses its bitterness, but morels become loose and lose their taste.

It is recommended to salt volushki in wooden barrels and tubs. Meanwhile, if you do not live in a rural area, this is unlikely to be possible. Where can I get a wooden tub in a city apartment? So if you live in the city and don’t have wooden utensils at hand, use glass or enamel utensils to pickle the fried eggs. The enamel should not be damaged. Salting mushrooms in galvanized tin dishes is unacceptable - as well as in clay pots. You can find such recommendations in many cookbooks, but they have no objective basis. The fact is that during the fermentation process salts and acids can form, which destroy the glaze covering the pottery. Since the glaze contains lead, it dissolves and can cause severe poisoning.

Before salting, glassware is washed well with washing powder or any other detergent. This is done until all foreign odors are removed. Then the dishes are rinsed several times with hot and cold water, scalded with boiling water, and dried in the oven.

How to salt volushki using the cold salting method (with soaking)?

First, we will learn how to salt volushki in cold and salted water. By the way, milk mushrooms, serushki, some types of russula, and other mushrooms are usually salted using the same method.

So, you will need to clean the mushrooms from debris, soil and sand, which are present on the mushrooms in fair quantities. Rinse them thoroughly and fill them with salted cold water at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. It is recommended to change the water about 2-3 times a day, and best of all every 4-5 hours, so that the mushrooms do not sour. Volnushki are usually soaked for 1-2 days. For comparison, mushrooms such as valui can be soaked for 5 or even 6 days.

After soaking, you will need to clean the mushrooms again with a brush or nylon cloth. They are placed in the required dishes with caps down in layers of about 5-7 cm each, sprinkled with coarse salt (necessarily not iodized). Do not skimp on salt - take about 30 grams for every kilogram of mushrooms. Why can't you use iodized salt? It causes rapid souring of the waves.

Now let's go over the spices. The following spices are placed on top of the mushrooms and on the bottom of the dish: 2 grams of bay leaf, gram of allspice per 10 kg of mushrooms. You can also use cloves, blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, cherries, etc. to your taste. If you salted the volushki in a wooden bowl, then cover it with a wooden lid or circle that fits freely into the bowl. Some kind of pressure is placed on top of it. For comparison, if you salt volushki in a 50-liter barrel, the weight of the oppression should be at least 8 kg. Be sure to wash the lid and bend before salting.

The brine usually forms within 2-3 days. Then the mushrooms begin to settle. You drain off the excess brine and add a new portion of mushrooms that have gone through all the processing described above. If after 3-4 days the brine does not appear, your pressure is too weak and you need to increase its mass. Also make sure that the top layer of the waves is constantly covered with brine.

How to salt volushki using the cold salting method (without soaking)?

You clean the mushrooms of debris in the same way, rinse them twice in cold water - preferably salted or acidified. Mushrooms are placed in layers in a container at the rate of 1 kilogram of mushrooms per 30-40 grams of table non-iodized salt. With this type of salting you do not need to use any spices. As for the timing of the readiness of the mushrooms (the so-called fermentation period), they are the same as in the first case. True, the preliminary soaking of the waves lasts 40 days. It is noteworthy that some mushrooms (for example, saffron milk caps, russula) are salted without soaking. Mushroom pickers limit themselves to just washing them in salt water. Salts are added to 5% of the total mass of fresh mushrooms. That is, about 50 grams of salt are taken per kilogram of mushrooms.

How to salt volushki using the hot salting method?

If you don’t want to wait weeks for delicious mushrooms, if you simply don’t have time, you can try hot pickling of mushrooms. Within a day or two after hot salting, you will be able to eat russula. As for the waves, you will have to wait 6-7 days. But it’s still much faster than cold salting.

Volnushki are scalded with boiling water, but not boiled, but simply kept in hot water for about half an hour. Then the boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander, allowed to drain, washed in cold water and salted in the same sequence as for cold salting. It is extremely important that all pickled mushrooms are stored exclusively in a cool place at a temperature not below zero and not above 10 degrees. Thus, storing mushrooms at elevated temperatures will invariably lead to souring of the mushrooms. If mold appears on the brine, do not be alarmed. Just remove it and rinse the oppression with the circle thoroughly in boiling water. If the temperature is below zero, the mushrooms will simply freeze and begin to crumble, which is also not good.

What can be prepared from salted trumpets?

You can make a delicious salad, an appetizing mushroom sauce or a filling for pies from the mushrooms, salted and chopped together with onions. You can also cook mushroom soup, prepare hodgepodge or mushroom pickle. If you wash the salted mushrooms in several waters, boil them in milk or water, then they will taste like fresh ones. After this treatment, the mushrooms are fried and then used to prepare both first and second courses.

How to store salted trumpets?

Mushrooms such as tremors are stored in a cool and well-ventilated area at a temperature of 5-6 degrees, but not below zero. Make sure that your mushrooms are constantly in the brine. If it evaporates and does not cover the mushrooms, it is advisable to add cooled boiled water to the dishes. If mold appears, wash the fabric and circle in hot, slightly salted water. Mold that has appeared on the walls of the dishes is wiped off with a clean cloth soaked in hot water.

Please note that mushrooms are not completely preserved in a salt solution, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is limited, but it does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms will be preserved. Meanwhile, in this case, the mushrooms become so over-salted that they completely lose their value.

Another important point. If you do not want mold to appear on the surface of the mushrooms, place them in hermetically sealed containers and be sure to store them in a dry and cool place. Under no circumstances is it recommended to cover jars with cellophane or parchment paper. In a damp, warm room, the water in the jars will begin to evaporate, causing the mushrooms to simply become moldy.

Edible or not? That is the question.

Volnushka grows in mixed and birch forests, belongs to the Russula family and comes in two types: white and pink. At first glance, it very much resembles two mushrooms: milk mushroom and saffron milk cap.

They can be distinguished from the above-mentioned mushrooms by their small stem, which gives the impression that it is simply lying on the ground. The stem is shaped like a cylinder, it is smooth, breaks easily and has an almost identical color to the cap.

They also have characteristic caps, they are either convex or funnel-shaped with strongly drooping edges that wrap inside the cap. The wavy concentric zones stand out strongly.

Collecting them is quite a troublesome task. It tastes quite bitter and for this reason is considered poisonous in most countries. However, with proper preparation, you can appreciate their unique, incomparable taste, which justifies all the effort expended.

First of all, I would like to note that most people are concerned with the question: “How long should you soak them before you start salting, pickling or freezing the products at home, and how to do it correctly” - there is no exact answer to this question, since every recipe carries its own data.

Volnushki, as a rule, are stored for the winter due to their late appearance. They begin to grow from the end of June and end closer to October. In addition to pickling, they can also be fried.

They fry very quickly, only a quarter of an hour, but before putting them in the frying pan, you need to soak them in water for two days, then cook for half an hour in salted water and only after that you can start frying.


They taste best when salted. However, not everyone knows how to properly and tasty pickle volushki. There are several ways to pickle them for the winter: you can do it hot or cold. These methods of pickling differ little from the methods of salting other mushrooms. They are considered conditionally edible, so recipes for their preparation must be carefully followed.

"Cold" method

Salting volushkas for the winter using a cold method is a very labor-intensive and lengthy process.

To prepare them in this way, you must first let them soak thoroughly in cold salt water for one and a half to two days. It is necessary to salt the water at the rate of 50 grams of salt per kilogram of volushki.

You can also replace the salt with citric acid, but instead of 50 grams add 2. The water for soaking must be changed at least three times a day. After the required soaking time, the mushrooms are washed and dried.

In a specially designated container for pickling, mushrooms, spices and spices are placed layer by layer as follows: A layer of salt, a layer of fritters (about 7 centimeters), caps down, a layer of salt with cumin, dill, garlic.

After the waves are over, the mushrooms are covered with a clean rag, a wooden circle doused with hot water is placed on it, and lastly, oppression is placed. After two months, the volushki will have reached the required salting and can be eaten.

"Hot" method

Hot pickling is a much faster way to prepare mushrooms for the winter.

This method does not require such a long procedure as soaking mushrooms. This is a much faster way. To begin with, the volushki are boiled and then salted in the same water.

To pickle volushki in a hot way, you will need the following ingredients: volushki, peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves, garlic, currants and, of course, salt.

First point of preparation: sorting the mushrooms. It is necessary to leave only good, undamaged mushrooms. They should be cleaned and then rinsed thoroughly under running water.

The volnushki should be immersed in boiling, barely salted water, then add four peppercorns, three cloves and four currant leaves. Keep on fire for fifteen minutes, then rinse in a colander under running water.

They are transferred to a container specially designated for salting, four bay leaves are added and filled with hot brine, followed by salt in the proportions of one and a half large spoons per liter of water. Garlic, pre-cut into thin slices, is added last.

Sterilization is carried out as follows: the jars must be thoroughly washed and wiped, the oven must be heated to a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius, the container must be inserted and held for 3-4 minutes. Mushrooms are rolled into hot jars.


Salting volushki for the winter at home for the winter is quite simple and does not require much effort. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and carefully monitor the time. Changing the water when salting in a cold way is very important for several reasons: as the tremors remain in the water, the excess and rather unpleasant bitterness disappears from them.

If you do not change the water in time, they will begin to sour in their own juice. It is very important that the water completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise mold may appear on them. Of course, it is quite easy to remove it by rinsing it with lightly salted water, but there is always the possibility that some of the mold remains in the water and then you will have to go through the entire procedure of preparing for salting again.

Recipes for preparing different mushrooms are very similar to each other, and it is quite easy to get confused in the small nuances of well-known recipes. Each type requires special treatment in terms of cleaning, washing, pre-harvesting before marinating.

Usually it is enough to rinse the Volzhanka thoroughly to remove dirt, leaves and bugs; it is most convenient to do this with some kind of toothbrush. As a rule, they do not have a film, so the cleaning process does not cause much trouble. However, you should remember that you need to handle these mushrooms with extreme care, because they break very easily.

When washing Volzhanka (Volnushka in common parlance), you should follow the standard procedure: you need to wash them in cool running water, since if you wash a whole bunch of mushrooms in some container, there will be almost nothing left of them and a trip to the forest will be wasted time and effort .

How to deliciously salt volushki for the winter - recipe with photo

For pickling, it is better to select mushrooms of the same size. Rinse them thoroughly, remove leaves and soil. To do this, you can use a colander, which you will hold under running cold water. After washing, cut off the lower part of the legs, or better yet, leave only the caps. Cut the large ones into several pieces, and salt the small ones whole.

Hot salting of volushki, Cold salting of volushki

For soaking, use an enamel bucket or wooden barrel. Place the volnushki in a container and fill it with a strong salt solution. It is not necessary to take boiled water, the main thing is that it is cold. Place some kind of press on top so that the mushrooms do not float to the surface, and put the container in a dark, cool place. The solution must be changed periodically, otherwise the mushrooms will turn sour. After two or three days of soaking, the volushki can be rolled into jars. To do this, you need to wash them from the brine, put dill, other spices and a little salt at the bottom of the jar. Place the mushrooms with their caps down and sprinkle with more salt. Fill the jar with these layers to the very top. Pour boiled water and screw on the lid. After 40 days, mushrooms can be eaten.

  1. Type of dish: preparation for the winter
  2. Subtype of dish: pickling of tremors.
  3. Number of servings out: 6-8 servings.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 500-600 g.
  5. Cooking time: .
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy or nutritional value of the dish:

How to salt volushki in a cold way

Ingredients for making salted tremors

  • Mushrooms
  • Garlic
  • Spices
  • Currant and cherry leaves

Recipe No. 2 (hot method)

Tip: If you want your mushrooms to become even tastier, add two tablespoons of vinegar to the marinade. And remember: don’t write off opening a jar of mushrooms ahead of schedule. The longer they sit, the tastier they become.

Salting the trumpets

How to salt tremors: video

This video describes in detail the process of salting tremors and explains how easy it is to do it at home.

A simple recipe for salting volushkas at home

During the mass harvest season, many mushroom pickers are wondering how to prepare mushrooms for the winter. There are many options for preparing this product. Mushrooms can be fried and boiled. But some types are only suitable for a certain harvesting method. These include waves. They contain milky juice, which gives them bitterness and can cause poisoning if processed incorrectly. Therefore, let's talk about how to salt tremors.

They are usually cold-salted or pickled. The cooking process takes a little longer than some other types of mushrooms. However, the result is worth the wait.

Volnushki should be carefully sorted, removing old and damaged specimens. They are then washed using running water. After this, the mushrooms are soaked in slightly salted water. This process lasts about 3-5 days. To soak them, you need to take an enamel bowl or place the mushrooms in a prepared container and put a weight on top to prevent them from floating. During the soaking period, you should change the water at least twice a day. Keep the container with mushrooms in a cool place.

After soaking in volnushki, the bitterness disappears, and the cap becomes soft and not brittle. Therefore, this process must be carried out before salting the tremors.

Cold salting is the most optimal method for preparing volushkas. The soaked mushrooms are placed in a prepared container (except for aluminum) with their caps down, forming layers. Every two layers should be sprinkled with salt and spices. They need to be prepared before salting the trumpets. Usually they take black peppercorns, dill (goes very well with mushrooms), bay leaves and leaves of some plants as desired (currants, cherries, etc.)

For one kilogram of mushrooms we take about 50 grams of salt.

When all the mushrooms are laid, they should be covered on top with clean gauze (in several layers) or a cloth. Then we lay a wooden circle and put a small weight on top. We leave the waves for several days. Usually after 5-6 days the brine appears. The mushrooms become dense. If this does not happen, then the weight of the load should be increased and the container should be covered with film. Mushrooms should be kept in a cool place.

During the salting process, mold may form on top. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the wooden circle and change the rag. You can remove the top layer of mushrooms on which mold has formed. As the mushrooms are salted, they will decrease in volume. You can add new layers, also sprinkling them with salt and adding spices.

After 1.5-2 months you can eat without much hassle.

You can also preserve salted mushrooms. To do this, take clean glass jars with a volume of 0.5 liters and put several peppercorns (allspice) and one bay leaf into each of them. Place the mushrooms in a colander and wash them. Place them in jars.

Next, you need to boil the brine in which the tremors were salted and strain. Pour two tablespoons of vinegar (5%) into jars with mushrooms. Then add brine to them. If there is not enough brine, then replace it with freshly prepared one. To do this, dilute 20 grams of salt in hot boiled water (1 liter).

After this, you should cover the jars with metal lids (but do not roll them up!) and sterilize them for about 40 minutes. Next, seal the lids hermetically and leave the jars until they cool completely. Here's how to cold-salt volushki and preserve them for a long time.

Can be served as a snack with any dishes and side dishes.