Mongolian dogs - bankhars - have always played an important role in the life of the nomadic Mongols, but their main role was to protect their owners and their property. Husky dogs are used for sledding dogs. However, although sled dog racing is not a native sport to Mongolia and the husky is not a Mongolian breed, the combination of the two provides an incredible adventure in the depths of the Mongolian winter.

Dog sledding in Mongolia is available in Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, a ride where you can experience the dominant forces of nature - from the wolf tracks you encounter in the snow to the sound of ice moving along the frozen Tuul and Terelj rivers.

Yes, the word “adventure” is fashionable and even overused in the tourism industry, but it really is a real adventure - living with dogs, meeting shepherds and their families, will give a real sense of freedom. You will be deeply touched by the privacy and space. There is no doubt about it.

Indeed, this is a challenge. All huskies love to run. This is what they are made for. They really love to run on the trail. At the start of the day, dogs will be excited and racing forward, so hold on tight for a fast and exciting ride!

5-6 dogs pull the team with great strength. And at the end of each day you get the opportunity to help with the care of the dogs (feeding time!). This opens up new perspectives, you will learn interesting information about caring for wonderful, hardy and friendly dogs.

As for surprises along the route and changeable weather conditions, you should know that most of the trip takes place on a smooth, frozen river, but you will encounter hard pack ice, snow-covered ice, puddles of water, cracks, hummocks, objects frozen in the ice and overhanging plants along the banks of the river.

It's very easy to find yourself outside of your comfort zone - be it air temperature, route conditions or speed.

If you want to try a new way of traveling, then consider dog sledding in Mongolia.

Take thermal underwear and warm clothes with you, come to Mongolia this winter and do something unusual for yourself. Come and let the winter landscapes dominate, then you will have a wonderful experience that will truly make you feel alive.

In addition, Mongolia is known as the “Land of Eternal Blue Sky”. Most days of the year, almost 260 in fact, there are blue skies overhead, especially in winter, so you can fully enjoy the cold fresh air and crystal blue skies.

Basic moments

Hundreds of kilometers of land separate Mongolia from the nearest seas. This is the second largest country on the planet after Kazakhstan that does not have access to the World Ocean. Mongolia is also known for the fact that among all the sovereign states in the world it is the most sparsely populated, and its main city, Ulaanbaatar, is one of the coldest capitals along with Reykjavik, Helsinki, and Ottawa. But, despite such alarming records, the mysterious and original Mongolia never ceases to attract travelers. The homeland of Genghis Khan is famous for its rich cultural and historical heritage, fantastic landscapes, and diverse landscapes. Mongolia is called the “Land of Eternal Blue Sky” because the sun shines here more than 250 days a year.

There are 22 national parks in the country, most of them have a well-developed tourism infrastructure. There are roads and hiking routes throughout the protected areas, campsites, souvenir shops, cafes, and bird and animal watching areas are available for tourists. Each park offers travelers its own unique destinations and excursion programs. In Ulaanbaatar and Kharkhorin, standing on the site of the ancient Mongolian capital, you can see monuments of Buddhist and Chinese architecture of world significance, in mountain caves along the rivers - rock paintings by primitive artists, in the Mongolian steppes you can see stone steles with weathered images of ancient gods everywhere.

Tourists who like adventure and exoticism willingly travel to Mongolia. They go to the desert or climb mountains, travel on horses and camels. The range of active sports entertainment is very wide - from rafting on mountain rivers to paragliding. The ecologically clean reservoirs of Mongolia, where salmon, whitefish, and sturgeon are found, are a dream for lovers of great fishing. There are also separate programs in Mongolia for those who want to go on a yoga tour or hunt with a golden eagle.

All cities of Mongolia

History of Mongolia

Tribes of primitive people began to inhabit the territory of modern Mongolia at least 800,000 ago, and scientists date traces of Homo sapiens presence on these lands to the 40th millennium BC. e. Archaeological excavations indicate that the nomadic way of life, which determined the history, culture, and traditions of the Mongols, established itself in these lands in 3500-2500 BC. e., when people reduced the cultivation of scarce land to a minimum, giving preference to nomadic cattle breeding.

At different times, right up to the early Middle Ages, the tribes of the Huns, Xianbei, Rourans, ancient Turks, Uyghurs, and Khitans replaced, pushed aside, and partially assimilated with each other on Mongolian lands. Each of these peoples contributed to the formation of the Mongolian ethnic group, as well as the language - the Mongol-speaking of the ancient Khitans has been reliably confirmed. The ethnonym “Mongol” in the form “Mengu” or “Mengu-li” first appeared in the Chinese historical annals of the Tang Dynasty (VII-X centuries AD). The Chinese gave this name to the “barbarians” who roamed near their northern borders, and it probably corresponded to the self-name of the tribes themselves.

By the end of the 12th century, numerous tribal tribes united in alliances roamed the vast lands stretching from the Great Wall of China to Southern Siberia and from the headwaters of the Irtysh to the Amur. At the beginning of the 13th century, Khan Temujin, who belonged to the ancient Mongolian family of Borjigin, managed to unite most of these tribes under his rule. In 1206, at the kurultai - a congress of the Mongolian nobility - other khans recognized Temujin's supremacy over themselves, proclaiming him great kagan. The supreme ruler took the name Genghis. He became famous as the founder of the most extensive continental empire in human history, extending its power over most of Eurasia.

Genghis Khan quickly carried out a series of reforms to centralize power, created a powerful army and introduced strict discipline into it. Already in 1207, the Mongols conquered the peoples of Siberia, and in 1213 they invaded the territory of the Chinese state of Jin. In the first quarter of the 13th century, Northern China, Central Asia, and the territories of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Armenia came under the rule of the Mongol Empire. In 1223, the Mongols appeared in the Black Sea steppes, and on the Kalka River they crushed the combined Russian-Polovtsian troops. The Mongols pursued the surviving warriors to the Dnieper, invading the territory of Rus'. Having studied the future theater of military operations, they returned to Central Asia.

After the death of Genghis Khan in 1227, the unity of the Mongol Empire began to acquire only a nominal character. Its territory was divided into four uluses - the hereditary possessions of the sons of the great conqueror. Each of the uluses gravitated towards independence, only formally maintaining subordination to the central region with its capital in Karakorum. Later, Mongolia was ruled by the direct descendants of Genghis Khan - the Genghisids, who bore the titles of great khans. The names of many of them are captured on the pages of history textbooks telling about the times of the Mongol-Tatar occupation of Rus'.

In 1260, Genghis Khan's grandson Kublai Khan became Great Khan. Having conquered the Celestial Empire, he proclaimed himself the Chinese emperor, the founder of the Yuan dynasty. In the lands conquered by the Mongols, Khubilai established a strict administrative order and introduced a strict tax system, but the ever-increasing taxes caused increasing resistance among the conquered peoples. After a powerful anti-Mongol uprising in China (1378), the Yuan dynasty was defeated. Chinese troops invaded Mongolia and burned its capital, Karakorum. At the same time, the Mongols began to lose their positions in the West. In the middle of the 14th century, the star of a new great conqueror rose - Timur Tamerlane, who defeated the Golden Horde in Central Asia. In 1380, on the Kulikovo field, Russian squads, led by Dmitry Donskoy, completely defeated the Golden Horde, marking the beginning of the liberation of Rus' from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

At the end of the 14th century, federalization processes intensified in feudal Mongolia. The collapse of the empire lasted for 300 years, and as a result, three large ethnic formations were outlined on its territory, which in turn were divided into several khanates. In the 30s of the 17th century, the Manchu Qing dynasty, ruling in Northeast China, began to lay claim to Mongolian lands. The southern Mongol khanates (now Inner Mongolia, an autonomous region of China) were the first to be conquered; the last to fall under the rule of the Qing dynasty was the Dzungar Khanate, which resisted until 1758.

After the Xinhai Revolution (1911), which destroyed the Qing Empire, a national liberation movement unfolded throughout the former Mongol Empire, which led to the creation of a feudal theocratic state - Bogd Khan Mongolia. It consistently had the status of an independent power, a protectorate of the Russian Empire, an autonomy within China, the ruler of which was the Buddhist leader Bogdo-gegen XVIII. In 1919, the Chinese revoked their autonomy, but two years later they were driven out of Urga (today Ulaanbaatar) by the division of the Russian general Ungern-Sternberg. The White Guards, in turn, were defeated by the Red Army. A People's Government was created in Urga, the power of Bogdo Gegen was limited, and after his death in 1924, Mongolia was proclaimed a People's Republic. Its sovereignty was recognized only by the USSR until the end of World War II.

Most of Mongolia is a vast plateau with mountain ranges, steppes, and hilly valleys located at an altitude of 1000 m. The western lands are divided by a continuous chain of valleys and basins into mountainous regions - the Mongolian Altai with the highest point of the country, Munkh-Khairkhan-Ula (4362 m), the Gobi Altai and Khangai, bounded in the south by the semi-desert Valley of Lakes, and in the West by the Basin of the Great Lakes. In the northeast of Mongolia, near the border with Russia, the Khentei Highlands are located. Its northern spurs stretch into Transbaikalia, and the southwestern ones, descending to the central part of the country, surround its capital - Ulaanbaatar. The southern regions of Mongolia are occupied by the rocky Gobi Desert. Administratively, the country is divided into 21 aimaks, the capital has the status of an independent unit.

A quarter of Mongolia's territory is covered by mountain steppes and forests. This belt, covering mainly the Khangai-Khentei and Altai mountain regions, as well as the small territory of the Khangan region, is the most favorable for life and, accordingly, the best developed region. In the steppe regions, people engage in farming and grazing livestock. In the floodplains of rivers, there are often flooded meadows with tall herbs used as hayfields. The northern moist slopes of the mountains are covered with forests, mostly deciduous. The banks of the rivers are bordered by narrow strips of mixed forests, where poplar, willow, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, and birch predominate.

The forests are home to marals, elk, roe deer, deer, brown bears, as well as fur-bearing animals - lynxes, wolverines, manulas, and squirrels. In the mountain-steppe regions there are many wolves, foxes, hares, wild boars; the steppe is inhabited by ungulates, in particular gazelle antelopes, marmots, birds of prey, and partridges.

Full-flowing rivers arise in the mountains. The largest of them is the Selenga (1024 km), crossing Mongolia, then flowing within Russian Buryatia and flowing into Lake Baikal. Another large river - Kerulen (1254 km) - carries its waters to Lake Dalainor (Gulun-Nur), located in China. There are more than a thousand lakes in Mongolia, their number increases during the rainy season, but shallow seasonal reservoirs soon dry up. 400 km west of Ulaanbaatar, in a tectonic depression in the Khangai Mountains region, there is a large lake Khubsugul, collecting water from 96 tributaries. This mountain lake lies at an altitude of 1646 m, its depth reaches 262 m. In terms of the composition of the water and the presence of a unique relict fauna, Lake Khubsugul is similar to Lake Baikal, from which it is separated by only 200 km. The water temperature in the lake fluctuates between +10...+14 °C.


Mongolia, located inland, is characterized by a sharply continental climate with long and extremely cold winters, short hot summers, capricious springs, dry air and incredible temperature changes. Precipitation is rare here, most of it occurs in the summer. Winters in Mongolia have little or no snow, and rare snowfalls are considered a natural disaster, as they do not allow livestock to reach food in the steppe. The lack of snow cover cools the exposed ground and leads to the formation of areas of permafrost in the northern regions of the country. It is worth saying that permafrost is not found anywhere else on the planet at similar latitudes. The rivers and lakes of Mongolia are frozen in winter; many reservoirs freeze literally to the bottom. They are ice-free for less than six months, from May to September.

In winter, the entire country falls under the influence of the Siberian anticyclone. High atmospheric pressure sets in here. Weak winds rarely blow and do not bring clouds. At this time, the sun reigns in the sky from morning to evening, illuminating and somewhat warming snowless cities, towns and pastures. The average temperature in January, the coldest month, ranges from -15 °C in the south to -35 °C in the northwest. In mountain basins, frosty air stagnates, and thermometers sometimes record temperatures of -50 °C.

In the warm season, Atlantic air masses approach Mongolia. True, when traveling a long way over land, they waste their moisture. Its remains go mainly to the mountains, especially their northern and western slopes. The Gobi desert region receives the least amount of rain. Summer in the country is warm, with an average daily temperature from north to south from +15 °C to +26 °C. In the Gobi Desert, air temperatures can exceed +50 °C; in this corner of the planet, characterized by an extreme climate, the range of summer and winter temperatures is 113 °C.

Spring weather in Mongolia is extremely unstable. The air at this time becomes extremely dry, the winds carrying sand and dust sometimes reach the force of a hurricane. Temperature changes over a short period can amount to tens of degrees. Autumn here, on the contrary, is everywhere quiet, warm, sunny, but it lasts until the first days of November, the arrival of which marks the beginning of winter.

Culture and traditions

Mongolia is a mono-ethnic country. About 95% of its population are Mongols, a little less than 5% are peoples of Turkic origin speaking dialects of the Mongolian language, a small part are Chinese and Russians. The Mongol culture was initially formed under the influence of a nomadic lifestyle, and later it was strongly influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.

Throughout Mongolia's history, shamanism, an ethnic religion widespread among the nomads of Central Asia, was widely practiced here. Gradually, shamanism gave way to Tibetan Buddhism; this religion became official at the end of the 16th century. The first Buddhist temple was built here in 1586, and by the early 30s of the last century there were more than 800 monasteries and about 3,000 temples in the country. During the years of militant atheism, places of worship were closed or destroyed, and thousands of monks were executed. In the 90s, after the fall of communism, traditional religions began to be revived. Tibetan Buddhism has returned to its dominant position, but shamanism continues to be practiced. The peoples of Turkic origin living here traditionally profess Islam.

Before the accession of Genghis Khan, there was no written language in Mongolia. The oldest work of Mongolian literature was “The Secret History of the Mongols” (or “Secret Legend”), dedicated to the formation of the clan of the great conqueror. It was written after his death, in the first half of the 13th century. The Old Mongolian script, created on the basis of the alphabet borrowed from the Uyghurs, existed with some changes until the mid-twentieth century. Today, Mongolia uses the Cyrillic alphabet, which differs from the Russian alphabet by two letters: Ө and Y.

Mongolian music was formed under the influence of nature, nomadic lifestyle, shamanism, and Buddhism. The symbol of the Mongolian nation is the traditional stringed musical instrument morinkhur, its headstock is made in the shape of a horse's head. Long-winded, melodic Mongolian music usually accompanies solo singing. Epic national songs praise the native land or favorite horse; lyrical motifs are usually heard at weddings or family celebrations. Throat and overtone singing is also famous, which, using a special breathing technique, creates the impression that the performer has two voices. Tourists are introduced to this unique form of art during ethnographic excursions.

The nomadic lifestyle of the Mongols was also expressed in local architecture. In the 16th-17th centuries, Buddhist temples were designed as rooms with six and twelve corners under a pyramidal roof, reminiscent of the shape of a yurt - the traditional dwelling of the Mongols. Later, temples began to be built in Tibetan and Chinese architectural traditions. The yurts themselves - mobile collapsible tent houses with a frame covered with felt felt - are still home to 40% of the country's population. Their doors still face the south - towards warmth, and in the north, the most honorable side of the yurt, they are always ready to welcome a guest.

The hospitality of the Mongols is legendary. According to one of them, Genghis Khan bequeathed to his people to always welcome travelers. And today, in the Mongolian steppes, nomads never refuse accommodation or food to strangers. Mongols are also very patriotic and united. It seems that they are all one big happy family. They treat each other with warmth, calling strangers “sister”, “brother”, demonstrating that the respectful relationships instilled in the family extend beyond its borders.


All sights of Mongolia

Central Mongolia

In the middle of the Tuva (Central) aimag, the main city of the country, Ulaanbaatar, and the administratively subordinate territories are located as an enclave. Almost half of Mongolia's population lives here. This vibrant, original city, surrounded by a dense ring of yurts, impresses with its contrasts. High-rise buildings coexist here with ancient Buddhist monasteries, modern skyscrapers coexist with faceless buildings from the times of socialism. The capital has the best hotels, shopping centers, restaurants, nightclubs, and a National Amusement Park.

The city has many monuments dedicated to national heroes and masterpieces of religious architecture. The architectural symbol of Ulaanbaatar is the Gandan Monastery, where 600 monks permanently reside and religious ceremonies are held daily. The main attraction of the temple is a 26-meter statue of the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, one of the most revered representatives of the Buddhist pantheon, covered with gold leaf. The Chinese architectural tradition is represented by the palace complex of Bogdo-gegen. The last ruler of Mongolia lived here until 1924.

In the bowels of the modern city, behind a palisade of skyscrapers, lies the beautiful temple complex Choijin-lamyn-sum (Temple of Choijin Lama). It includes several buildings, one of which houses the Museum of Tibetan-Mongolian Religious Art. There are about a dozen wonderful museums with rich collections in Ulaanbaatar. The most famous of them are the National Museum of the History of Mongolia, the Museum of Natural History, and the Museum of Fine Arts.

The near and far surroundings of Ulaanbaatar are incredibly picturesque, where national parks are located surrounded by mountains. Among them, the most famous is Bogd-Khan-Uul, surrounding the mountain of the same name. In its gorge, according to legend, the young Genghis Khan hid from his enemies. A walking route runs through the park, leading to the top of the mountain, from where a spectacular panorama of Ulaanbaatar opens.

Buses depart daily from the capital of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, to Ulaanbaatar. Departure is at 07:00, arrival at the station at the Ulaanbaatar railway station is at 20:00. The bus travels through the Mongolian cities of Sukhbaatar and Darkhan.

The weather in Mongolia will not be to everyone’s liking, since the continental climate dominates throughout the country. Which is characterized by: sudden changes in weather during the season, as well as strong temperature fluctuations within a day. The Mongolian climate is characterized by harsh, dry winters and humid, warm summers.

Strong wind is an integral feature of Mongolia; it blows all year round. However, in the spring its gusts intensify, raising sand and dust to the skies, turning into a “karaburan” (the so-called black storm).

January in Mongolia is rightfully considered the harshest month of the year. After all, on a January day the air temperature is usually 15-20 degrees below zero, and at night it even drops to 30-40 degrees below zero. In the Gobi Desert the weather is generally brutal at night and it is extremely cold.

The thermometer at this time of day drops to minus 50 degrees. However, it is worth noting that the cold in Mongolia (because the air is dry) is much easier to bear. For example, twenty degrees below zero in Ulaanbaatar feels like -10°C here.

July- the hottest month of the year. The July sun of Mongolia generously warms the air to +20...+26 degrees Celsius, and during a short summer night it only manages to cool down to +12...+15 degrees. But the Gobi Desert is hot. The forty-degree July heat literally incinerates this part of the country.

It’s not for nothing that Mongolia is called the “land of blue skies”. After all, 250 days a year here are clear and sunny. And the reason for the sunny weather is the high mountains that surround this power and do not allow moist air blowing from the oceans (Pacific and Atlantic) to enter its territory.

On average, the weather is dry and only 220 mm of precipitation falls annually in Mongolia. (a little) Every year in the mountains there is approximately 500 mm of rain and snow. And in Ulaanbaatar - the capital of the country - approximately 250 mm, on the Mongolian plains - up to 100 mm.

It is noteworthy that in the Gobi Desert there is only 50 mm. The bulk of precipitation, heavy rains, occurs in the so-called “wet season,” which begins in May and ends in September.

Weather in Mongolia in spring

Spring usually arrives in Mongolia in mid-March and lasts an average of 60 days. But, depending on weather conditions, these periods can vary from 45 to 70 days. At this time, nature wakes up: everything around blooms and delights with a variety of colors, filling the air with its aroma.

Spring is a good time to visit Mongolia. However, in the south, in the center of the country, dust storms occur in the spring. They come completely suddenly, pass quickly, but can cause a lot of trouble.

Wind speed 15–25 m/s. has colossal destructive power: it tears off the roofs of houses, knocks out glass in windows, overturns yurts, tears and carries things away for several kilometers, or even more.

Weather in Mongolia in summer - travel season

Summer is the warmest and perhaps the best season to travel around Mongolia. It is interesting that in June the steppe is emerald green (because the grass has not yet burned out), livestock is grazing peacefully and gaining weight.

Due to the abundance of rain, the rivers are then the most full-flowing and beautiful. The Mongolian folk festival Nadam, which is held in July, is traditionally marked by a variety of sports competitions. This is truly a colorful sight that deserves the attention of tourists.

The summer period lasts approximately 110 days - namely from the second half of May to the beginning of September.

Weather in autumn

Mongolian autumn is a transitional season from a warm and rainy summer to a very dry winter. As for autumn, this is the time to harvest vegetables, grain crops, and also the time to prepare firewood for the winter. Autumn is short and lasts only 60 days from the first of September until the beginning of November.

It is worth noting that the best season for traveling in Mongolia is the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Although the first snow in the country may fall as early as September, after 1-2 days not a trace of it will remain.

Weather in Mongolia in winter

Winter is cold and lasts a long time. The air temperature drops so much that almost all bodies of water: rivers, ponds, lakes, streams freeze almost to the bottom. Snow falls all over the country. The duration of winter is 110 days (and this is November, March).

There are snowfalls in November and December. But, compared with Russia, there is quite a bit of snow falling during the winter. In Ulaanbaatar itself, winter can be called dusty rather than snowy. Although in recent years winters have become snowier. Heavy snowfalls (dzuds) are considered a real disaster for the country's livestock farms.

So if you are going or on a tourist package, be sure to pay attention to the weather conditions during this period of time.


Mongolia is located in eastern Asia. It borders Russia to the north, and the remaining sides of Mongolia are connected to China. The area of ​​the state is 1.6 million km2. The capital is called Ulaanbaatar. The city is located in the center of the country, at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. The Tuul River flows here. Also in the Mongolian mountains are the rivers Selenga, Kerulen and Khalkhin Gol.

The relief of Mongolia is represented by a plateau, which is elevated by 1000-1500 m. In the west of the country stretches the Mongolian Altai mountain system, which turns into low mountain ranges and thus embraces the entire plateau. The Khangai massif is located in the center of the country. Plains are found in the east and south. In Mongolia, tourists will see the desert that lies in the southern part. There is little surface water in the country, but underground water is located in the upper layers of the earth.

The climate in Mongolia is harsh, continental type. Winters here are frosty and summers are hot. The amount of precipitation increases to the north, with 300-510 mm falling per year. Tourists recommend coming here in August. However, choose the date of your trip yourself, paying attention to the weather conditions in Mongolia by month.

Weather in Mongolia in January

In January, the air temperature in Mongolia is variable. During the day, the thermometer fluctuates from -23°C to +1°C. At night, the air temperature ranges from -24°C to -2°C. 80% of days in January are cloudy. This month has the fewest hours of sunshine per day, 1.7. One rainy day and two snowy days are recorded, with up to 38 mm of precipitation falling. Wind speed reaches 3.8 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in February

It gets a little warmer in February. Daytime air temperatures range from -15°C...+2°C, and night temperatures range from -20°C to 0°C. Most days this month, like January, are cloudy, but the sun remains in the sky for more hours of the day. The amount of precipitation decreases to 28.5 mm. There is no snow in February. The speed of air masses is 3.7 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in March

With the onset of spring, the thermometer drops below zero only at night. Daytime temperatures are in the range of +2°С…+8°С. There are more clear days and the number of sunny hours increases. It snows in March. Two rainy days are also recorded. The month receives 37.6 mm of precipitation. The average wind speed reaches 4.0 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in April

The temperature regime in April does not differ significantly from March. The air temperature during the day ranges from +3°C to +10°C, and at night the thermometer drops to -3°C. The amount of precipitation is increasing noticeably, now 56.4 mm falls in 4 days. However, the rest of the days in the month are sunny. The wind subsides to 3.8 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in May

The average air temperature during daylight hours in May is +12.5°C, and at night the thermometer is set at +6°C. 15 days out of 31 are clear, 10 are cloudy, and the remaining 5 are rainy in Mongolia. The amount of precipitation, like last month, is 52 mm. Wind speed continues to decrease, gusts reaching 3.4 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in June

With the onset of summer, Mongolia becomes even rainier. In some places up to 60 mm of precipitation falls. 5 rainy days are recorded. The wind speed remains the same, 3.4 m/s. Note that in June the average daily number of sunny hours reaches its maximum, the sun stays in the sky for 11.4 hours out of 24. Daytime air temperatures range from +11°C to +26°C, by the end of the month the thermometer reaches +29, 3°C. The night temperature range is within +6°С…+19°С.

Weather in Mongolia in July

The average daytime air temperature in July is +22.7°C, and at night the temperature drops to +14.9°C. Please note that at the beginning of the month there are jumps up to +30°C, so do not forget about your hat. July and November are considered the rainiest months in Mongolia. Up to 65 mm of precipitation is recorded here. At the same time, the wind speed in July is at a minimum, 3 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in August

After a rainy July, precipitation drops sharply. In August, 3 rainy days and 34 mm of precipitation are recorded. The force of air masses increases to 3.3 m/s. This month is still sunny, the average daily number of hours reaches 10. The air temperature during daylight hours ranges from +16°C to +28°C, and at night the thermometer is set at +14°C.

Weather in Mongolia in September With the onset of autumn, the number of sunny hours per day decreases sharply, now only 6.7. In September, the daytime air temperature is in the range of +13°С…+24°С. At night, temperatures are set within +6°С…+9°С. Precipitation is heavier this month. 53 mm falls in 3 days. Wind speed increases to 3.4 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in October

The average air temperature in October is set at +6.9°C, fluctuations are only a couple of degrees. At night, the thermometer readings are within +2.9°C, but frosts are recorded in places. Clear days are losing ground and now the sky is overcast for 20 days a month. The amount of precipitation is 37 mm, which falls over 3 days. Wind speed increases to 3.6 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in November

In November, the thermometer drops below zero even during daylight hours. Average temperatures during the day are within 0°C...+1°C, and at night - -2.5°C. As already mentioned, November is the rainiest in Mongolia. 65 mm of precipitation falls. However, compared to July, it is not only raining, but also snowing. Wind speed this month reaches 4 m/s.

Weather in Mongolia in December

In December there are sharp temperature fluctuations. Today during the day it could be -5°C, and tomorrow +9°C. The average air temperature during daylight hours is -1°C, and at night - -3°C. The amount of precipitation decreases sharply. One snowy day and one rainy day are recorded. Drops out 36 mm. The average wind speed reaches 4.5 m/s, making December the windiest month in Mongolia.

It is characterized by a predominance of sunny days, especially in winter, significant dry air, a small amount precipitation, sharp temperature fluctuations, not only annual, but also daily. Temperatures during the day can sometimes fluctuate between 20-30 degrees Celsius.

The coldest month of the year is January. In some areas of the country the temperature drops to -45...50°C.

The hottest month is July

Average annual precipitation 200-250 mm. 80-90% of the total annual precipitation falls within five months, from May to September. The maximum amount of precipitation (up to 600 mm) falls in the aimags of Khentii, Altai and near Lake Khuvsgul. The minimum precipitation (about 100 mm per year) occurs in the Gobi.

The winds reach their strongest in spring. IN Gobi areas winds often lead to the formation of storms and reach enormous destructive power - 15-25 m/s. A wind of such strength can tear down yurts and carry them several kilometers away, tearing tents to shreds.

For Mongolia characterized by a number of exceptional physical and geographical phenomena, within its boundaries are:

Center of world maximum winter atmospheric pressure

The world's southernmost zone of permafrost distribution on flat terrain (47° N).

In Western Mongolia Great Lakes Basin is the northernmost desert zone on the globe (50.5° N)

The Gobi Desert is the most ruggedly continental place on the planet. In summer, the air temperature can rise to +58 °C, in winter it can drop to -45 °C.


Comes after a very cold winter. The days became longer and the nights became shorter. Spring is the time for snow to melt and animals to emerge from hibernation. Spring begins in mid-March, usually lasting about 60 days, although it can be as long as 70 days or as long as 45 days in some areas of the country.

For people and livestock, this is also the driest and windiest season. In spring, dust storms are common, not only in the south, but also in the central regions of the country. When leaving home, residents try to close the windows, as dust storms arrive suddenly (and pass just as quickly).

- the warmest season in Mongolia. The best season to travel around Mongolia. There is more precipitation than in spring and autumn. Rivers and lakes are the deepest. However, if the summer is very dry, then closer to autumn the rivers become very shallow.

The beginning of summer is the most beautiful time of the year. The steppe is green (the grass has not yet burned out from the sun), livestock is gaining weight and fat. In Mongolia, summer lasts approximately 110 days from late May to September.

The hottest month is July. The average air temperature during this period in most of the territory is +20°C, in the south up to +25°C. Maximum temperatures in the Gobi Desert during this period can reach +45...58°C.


- the season of transition from hot summer to cold and dry winter. There is less rain in autumn. Gradually it becomes cooler and vegetables and grains are harvested at this time. The grassland and forests turn yellow. Flies are dying and livestock are fat and unclear in preparation for the winter.

Autumn- important season in Mongolia to prepare for winter; collecting grains, vegetables and fodder; preparation to the extent of their cattle sheds and sheds; preparing firewood and heating it at home and so on. Autumn lasts approximately 60 days from early September to early November.

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a very favorable season for travel. However, we must take into account that snow may fall at the beginning of September, but within 1-2 months it will completely melt.

IN Mongolia, winter is the coldest and longest season. In winter, the temperature drops so much that all rivers, lakes, streams and reservoirs freeze. Many rivers freeze almost to the bottom. It's snowing all over the country, but not heavy.

Winter begins in early November and lasts approximately 110 days until March. It snows occasionally in September and November, but heavy snow usually occurs in early November (December). In general, compared to Russia, there is very little snow.

Winter in Ulaanbaatar is more dusty than snowy. Although, with climate change on the planet, it is noted that more snow began to fall in winter in Mongolia. And heavy snowfalls are a real natural disaster for cattle breeders (dzud).

The coldest month of the year is January. In some areas of the country the temperature drops to -45...50 (C.). It should be noted that the cold in Mongolia is much easier to bear due to the dry air. For example: a temperature of -20°C in Ulaanbaatar is tolerated the same as -10°C in the central part of Russia.