ClaraOswald 11762
November 21, 2015 19:56


Joining this heavily armed (and some might say zealous) faction can happen whenever you wish, but after you have (optionally) listened to the AF95 military frequency and visited Cambridge Police Station, or after you have seen a giant airship flying overhead, landing at Boston Airport. You can stop completing tasks from the Brotherhood of Steel at any time. Since you should remember that your relations with other main factions - the Institute, the Underground and the Minutemen - directly depend on how far you go in your career as a Knight of the Brotherhood, that is, they will become more and more negative.

Locations to explore:

  • Boston airport
  • Cambridge
  • Cambridge Police Station

Inspect the Brotherhood of Steel ship

The moment you leave Fort Hagen as part of the Reunion story quest, you see a Brotherhood of Steel airship.

You can:

  • Go to the Boston airport and talk to any of the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers. He will recommend that you try out as a recruit at the Cambridge Police Station with Paladin Dance.
  • Or head straight to Cambridge Police Station.

If you chose the first option, then watch the map carefully. Since following the task marker without consulting the map will lead you to the water, and the airport will be on the other side. Either swimming or walking around are not the best options, so keep an eye on the map and where it’s best to go.

Also be careful, as downtown Boston is infested with various hostile creatures that are literally around every corner. Make sure you have enough ammunition, medicine and chemicals. Better yet, use fast travel to the familiar location closest to the airport.

Get to the Cambridge Police Station

As you approach the Cambridge Police Station, beware of wild ghouls. Get ready for a fierce battle with a large number of enemies.

Then follow the Brotherhood of Steel quest "Fire Support" from this point.

-1) (_uWnd.alert("You have already rated this material!","Error",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));$("#rating_os").css("cursor", "help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("#rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");) else (_uWnd.alert("Thank you for your rating !","You've done your job",(w:270,h:60,t:8000));var rating = parseInt($("#rating_p").html());rating = rating + 1;$ ("#rating_p").html(rating);$("#rating_os").css("cursor","help").attr("title","You have already rated this material");$("# rating_os").attr("id","rating_dis");)));"> I like 13

Read about completing the mission to rescue a stuck ship with robots on board in Fallout 4. Find out how you can help the legendary Constitution take to the skies again.

Fallout 4: quest The Last Voyage of the Constitution

Many side missions in Fallout 4 seem to be created with one sole purpose - to upgrade the player's abilities to create a powerful character. Some of them can even be performed several times, bringing a permanent reward. The Fallout 4 Constitution quest is also optional, but its passage is interesting and exciting.

In Fallout 4, the Constitution is a ship located on one of the structures of the city of Charlestown of the Commonwealth. On the way to the ship, the main character meets a robot sentry who invites the player to board the ship. After this, the quest The Last Flight of the Constitution fallout 4 begins.

The ship and its crew

First you need to meet with the captain. We go into the building, go upstairs and look for the side of the ship with a hole. Through it we penetrate inside the ship and move onto the deck. The entire crew consists of robots; in dialogues with them we try to be friendly so as not to get ourselves into trouble. Captain Ironside looks like an iron monster of incomprehensible shapes, but he is happy about the appearance of the main character. After a short conversation, it turns out that the player is expected to help repair the ship. You can ask for money, the captain will not refuse and will send the hero to a meeting with the boatswain.

After the end of the dialogue, new tasks appear that continue the passage of the Constitution Fallout 4 quest. The first is to repel the attack of the scavengers. Everything is clear here - we find the target and destroy it. Despite the captain's assurances, the scavengers are not going to run away at the first shots and stubbornly attack. Having destroyed all the enemies, we go to look for the boatswain. We receive from him a task to repair power cables. We look for wires in metal cabinets and change them. Then we receive a task from the navigator. He directs the player to the scavenger camp for a control chip, since numerous logical errors occur in the computer system of the Fallout 4 Constitution ship due to the partial loss of the hardware configuration.

Meet the scavengers

In the scavenger camp, the passage of the Last Voyage of the Constitution in Fallout 4 can proceed in different ways. The safest option is to sneak in there unnoticed and steal the chip. But this requires proper leveling of the character, so, most likely, you will have to enter into negotiations with the leader of the scavengers, Mandy. This stern woman is determined to take over Costition and plunder it, and does not want to give up the chip. You'll have to steal the chip and kill all the remaining scavengers. If you join them and agree to betray the robots, you can receive a reward, but at the same time become a traitor. In this scenario, the scavengers blow up the ship, and you won’t be able to get to the Constitution for the second time in Fallout 4.

Last mission tasks

Since our character is a hero and is not capable of betrayal, we take the microcircuit and return to the upper deck, where we insert the chip into the control unit. The navigator gives the next task - to repair the radar. After completing it, he will give a reward of 200 caps and send the player to Ironside. After thanking him for completing the previous missions, the captain issues another one - to find bearings for the turbopump. We look for a location on the map and go to Fort Hagen. At the gas station you will have to fight with the synths who have settled there. We search the building and find bearings. Along the way, we collect useful items from killed enemies and in secluded places.

Upon returning to the ship, we insert the bearings into the pump and go to the captain. He reports on where the Constitution flies in Fallout 4 - into the skies, then to land in the ocean and rule the Atlantic. The conversation is interrupted by an attack on the ship by scavengers; the attack must be repelled; the ship's guns are allowed to be used. One gets the feeling that this is a bug in the Fallout 4 Last Flight Constitution quest, since, in theory, the scavengers may already be dead when completing the task of obtaining the chip. During the battle, you need to make sure that the enemies do not kill Ironside. After the end of the battle, the captain will give a reward and the last task - to turn on the generator, which is located in the scavenger building. We complete the task and watch the flight of the ship, which soon ends with landing on the roof of a nearby high-rise building, where the Fallout 4 Constitution remains.

The Age of Airships is a mod that brings back the events of the golden age of rigid airships of the 20-30s of the 20th century in Fallout 4. About a dozen airships, a cruiser and themed missions will take you to another time, while serving as in-game transport and the player's home.

Features of the mod:

  1. Explore eight rigid airships floating around the game world, half of which are reconstructions of historical airships. Use 3 of them as functional player homes. Explore the famous Hindenburg and see what the world's largest airship looks like. Travel instantly using your network of doorways hidden behind miniature display models.
  2. Take part in battles with monster airships.
  3. Enjoy three themed missions - inspired by the mafia of the 20s and 30s, the Russian Revolution, and steal a WWI cruiser as the player's 4th home.

List of ships:

  1. - Agamemnon: The main hub, the largest airship in the mod, the fictional flying Titanic. Use his selection of vehicles to travel throughout the Commonwealth. It is also the transport hub for all missions and all other airships of the mod.
  2. - Achilles and Hercules: Smaller, pocket-sized versions of Agamemnon that serve as transport hubs for Yader-Mira And Far Harbor.
  3. - Red Rose: The pinnacle of luxury, a fictional airship hotel that provides a small home for the player without a workshop.
  4. - Akron: Historical reconstruction of the world's first flying aircraft carrier. A simple player's house with a workshop and no luxury.
  5. - ZP-127 Graf Zeppelin: A fully functional player's home set in a historical airship that can be considered the greatest success of rigid airships. While not entirely a historical reconstruction as it is tailored to the player's home, the real thing was much more... mundane.
  6. - R100: A fully functional player's home, set in the historic first airship of the British Empire. Here I have tried to be more accurate in the reconstruction, but it still has a lot of things that you wouldn't find on board a real ship because it has to be adapted for this game.
  7. - Caldera: Historic war cruiser of the First World War. This ship is a reward for the mission "Theft of Caldera". You must first complete the mission to unlock it. The ship serves as the player's home with a workshop. The ship has a lot of empty space for whatever you want to put inside.
  8. - ZP-129 Hindenburg: This is a historical reconstruction of the museum, here I tried to be as accurate as I could in the reconstruction process, and the cost is obvious - in addition to the civilian appearance, it should also carry swastikas, which you don't need to see, they are disabled by default, but you have the choice to enable them using the switch.

Update: 1.1

  • Additions:
  • - German submarine U-69
  • - Island with settlement of Hanashima(in the world of pre-war Sanctuary Hills)
  • - Japanese battleship Yamato
  • - Japanese aircraft carrier Hosho
  • Corrections:
  • - Fixed opening service doors
  • - Fixed item displacement error
  • - Fixed Akron texture
  • - Fixed internal texture of R 100 / Akron
  • - Car wheels have been retextured
  • - Doors in Far Harbor removed
  • - Fixed errors in historical descriptions
  • - Fixed dirty NPC faces
  • - Fixed civilian weapons at Omerta airport
  • - Zeppelin graph is divided into 2 cells for better optimization

The mod is critical of vanilla textures and materials, re-texturing items within vanilla resources. Because of this, any mod that changes textures may affect the appearance of the mod. The Dark Institute pack will be the bane of the mod. I've also seen how some HD texture packs affect the way Akron's canvas looks.
This also applies to mods such as settlement expanders, which can cause problems with transport vertibirds.


  • Fallout 4
  • Far Harbor DLC
  • DLC Nuka-World

Manually or using a mod manager.

Walking through the Commonwealth, not far from Bunker Hill, the Survivor sees an amazing sight - the majestic sailing ship Constitution flaunts on the ruins of a former bank. We go inside the frigate through the hatch in the bow hole, rising to the top floor of the building. We are met by the captain of the ship Ironside. He and his crew are robots.

The captain takes us for a soldier of the congressional army and is glad to see us. How exactly the ship ended up on this shoal is not known, because Ironside found it when it was already here, in this “sea of ​​wreckage and misfortune.” Most of all, the captain is disappointed that he is not able to contribute to the victory over the enemy. The guns have no targets other than mole rats and bums. The frigate needs repairs - only then will it be able to complete its task. We decide to help the mechanical team repair the ship, but first we repel the attack of the scavengers, firing a couple of warning shots from our cannons. It is not clear why, but for some unknown reason the captain is merciful to the attackers and orders them to kill only in case of emergency.

In the captain's cabin there is a magazine called the US Covert Operations Manual.

At Ironside's request, we go to talk with the Bosun and the Navigator. All the robots on the ship are broken - with a broken program, and the Bosun has no arms at all - they were shot by the damned scavengers. According to the boatswain, during the last sea expedition the team managed to find many necessary things, including spare power cables. But, alas, due to a lack of limbs, the Bosun is not able to replace the cables on his own.

We have to repair the power cables, they are marked with a marker. With intelligence 3+, you can pull out spare cables. Energy flows through Constitution's veins again, its starved systems coming to life. Let's go report the completed task to the Bosun. The work done opened up new problems. The power relay behaves extremely unpredictably, and we need to buy a replacement for it or repair it, for this we need intelligence 5+. Now there are no problems with energy, and Bosun no longer needs our help. But the Navigator, on the contrary, will need it. The control system is on its last legs, numerous errors have been discovered, the first is that the control chip has been stolen.

We go to the scavenger outpost to get the chip (the use of weapons is again extremely undesirable). On the spot we meet Mandy, when talking with her we can admit that Ironside sent us for the stolen chip and wants to get it back. Having opened up to her, we have two options - to spit on the robots and work with the scavengers, or to deceive Mandy by pretending to agree to help and, without noise and dust, pick up the chip inside the outpost, in one of the filing cabinets. The chip can be stolen, but this will be problematic, because... he is under guard.

By returning the chip to Mr. Navigator in any way, you will receive 250 caps as a reward. Now we have to replace the system's radar transmitter, which can be obtained in the location of the Poseidon Turbine # 18-F plant or simply repaired, but for this the intelligence must be 9+. Ironside is glad that the Survivor managed to get the control chip without shedding blood. Despite everything, the scavengers are still citizens of the Commonwealth, whom they are sworn to protect from foreign invaders. We are now just one step away from beginning our sacred mission. The ship needs bearings for the turbopump. They can be found in the Corvega car assembly shop location - inside the building on the top floor. It's time to make a decision - take the bearings to Ironside or give them to Mandy Stiles, as agreed.

1. Help the scavengers

We give the details to Mandy and her friend. A little hydrochloric acid and that’s it, such fragile parts don’t need much.

We return to the ship and insert the damaged parts into the turbopump. Ironside tells us to start a spare generator on the top floor of the Royal Arms apartment building and gives us 500 caps as a reward. Having met Mandy, we go to turn on the spare generator. After the rockets explode, we deal with the ship's captain and his crew along with the scavengers.

Mandy is waiting for the Survivor at the entrance to the Constitution. We learn from her that by popular vote the scavengers decided to get rid of the Survivor so as not to share the loot. There is nothing left to do but deal with the traitors.

2. Help the Constitution crew

We insert the bearings for the turbocharger and go report to the captain. But before receiving the long-awaited reward, the Survivor has to defend the ship to calm down those damn scavengers.

For good work, Irond, in gratitude, gives us a unique weapon “Volley”, which shoots cannonballs.

Now all that remains is to start the spare generator, which is located on top of the Royal Arms house. We open the switch cover and start the generator, waiting for a miracle. The roar of rockets is heard, the Constitution takes off into the skies, leaving behind a long cloud trail that trails behind the flying frigate and continues its, although not long, but still unforgettable flight.

Instead of landing in the endless ocean, the ship crashes into a nearby skyscraper and gets stuck there...

We go on reconnaissance to find out what happened to the crew and its captain. We rise to the top of the skyscraper using the elevator. Despite the setback, Ironside arrives in excellent spirits. And he considers this a great success. At this rate, after one, maximum, two launches, they will reach the ocean and become defenders of the Atlantic.

In recognition of our services in this noble cause, the captain awards the Survivor the rank of Honorary Lieutenant and the right to use the captain's cabin. With three cheers, we are awarded the lieutenant's headdress.

The Brotherhood of Steel is one of the factions in Fallout 4 that has its own quest line. The Brotherhood is a paramilitary structure, with a clear hierarchy and strict discipline.

The striking difference between the brotherhood and ordinary gangs of the Commonwealth is the high level of technical equipment; most of the soldiers have T-60 power armor, they have their own fleet of rotorcraft, and of course, the two most impressive combat units - the Prydwen airship and the Liberty Prime robot.

The Brotherhood does not hide that their main enemy in the Commonwealth is the Institute and their synths. Their position is that the constant production and perfection of synths will lead to consequences similar to nuclear war, or even worse, when the creation of man turns against himself, and therefore the Institute must be stopped for the sake of all humanity.

How to join

In order to join the Brotherhood of Steel, you must complete the task Fire Support and Call to Arms (for detailed walkthrough of these tasks, see the links). At the end of the second task, Paladin Dance will ask the main character if he would like to join the Brotherhood. By agreeing, we become one of them.



Brotherhood of Steel quests




While exploring the Boston area, you come across the military frequency AF95. By tuning in to it, you will hear a call for help...

Paladin Dance thanks you for your help and asks you to help with one more matter - finding a shortwave transmitter.

Welcome to the Brotherhood of Steel. Now, you need to help the brotherhood scouts Reese and Heylin.

Reese gives the task to clear a certain area. This task can be repeated as many times as you like.

200 experience
100 caps

Heylin gives the task to find a certain item. This task can be repeated as many times as you like.

200 experience
100 caps

Everything is ready to go to the main base of the Brotherhood - the ship "Prydwen".

We need to walk around the ship and get to know the main members of the Brotherhood.

Here is the first combat mission from the elder to clear the Fort Strong base from super mutants.

It is necessary to collect all the information about the main enemy of the Brotherhood - the Institute.

We have a difficult task ahead of us: to lure one of the best scientists of the Institute to the side of the Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood is restoring the huge robot Liberty Prime, but some parts are missing to complete the work.

We are given an extremely unpleasant task - to kill Dance, since it became known that he is a synth.

Before starting a war with the Institute, the brotherhood needs to eliminate another threat - the Underground.

To launch Liberty Prime, you need to find a beryllium impeller.

It's time to see the Liberty Prime robot in action!

500 experience