It seems that today there is not a single couple in the world to whom so much attention would be riveted as to Emmanuel and Bridget Macron. They fascinate not only with their beauty. The history of the relationship between the new President of France and his wife does not allow opponents to calm down and delights supporters. Real feelings never leave room for indifference.

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel was born in the north of France. The parents of the future president devoted their entire lives to medicine. As Emmanuel himself later admits, his grandmother, who was the director of the college, was involved in his upbringing. Thanks to her, Macron absorbed a love of knowledge and a desire to constantly learn something new. Parents supported and encouraged his son's hobbies, he studied at the most prestigious school in Amier - La Providence College.

He was the best student in the class, was never afraid to express his opinion, was the first in both acting and music. He always strived for development, which may be why he spent more time with teachers than with classmates. Later, this will play a fateful role in his life.

Bridget Tronier (Osier married)

Bridget was born in 1953, the son of a well-known chocolatier in the city and the owner of a confectionery chain. In addition to the youngest Bridget, the family had five more children.

After receiving a teacher's education, she taught in Paris and Strasbourg, in 1974 she married André Louis Ozier. She had three children in this marriage. Bridgette taught French and Latin at La Providence, and at the same time ran a theater studio, which helped her bring a certain variety to a measured family life.

"All life is a theater ..."

It was in the theater studio that Emmanuel Macron met his first love, which became the meaning of life for him. Working together with Bridget in staging a school play was the starting point from which it all began. Choosing another play for work, the head of the studio lamented that there were too few roles for their large team. Emmanuel offered to write the script himself, painstaking work began to boil.

Bridget and Emmanuel, who recently turned 15, began to spend a lot of time together. They communicated and gushed with ideas, argued about ways to implement them, getting closer and closer to each other. At that time, no one even thought of love. They were just interested in being together. How few teenagers fall in love with their teachers? And not everyone then has a relationship. However, Emmanuel was very serious.

Love and separation

Bridget was somewhat at a loss. She realized that she was experiencing something more than a simple attachment to the student and was afraid of these feelings. She drove away from herself any thoughts about him, What can we talk about if her own daughter is studying in the same class with Emmanuel?

The young man, realizing that he was immensely attracted by this amazing woman, on the day of his 17th birthday, very calmly and confidently announced to Bridget that he would marry her. The boy's parents, having learned about his feelings, insisted that he leave. Their reasoning was simple and straightforward. If there is no object of his love in front of his eyes, then teenage emotions will very quickly fade away and be forgotten. Emmanuel went to Paris to continue his education. But he knew absolutely for sure: just like that, he would not give up his love.

Paris and love

He completed his studies at the best Parisian Lyceum of Henry IV. But even a large study load did not leave a chance that he would forget about feelings. On the contrary, they intensified every day. The young man was more and more convinced that no one could replace Bridget. The charismatic handsome man was popular with girls, but he called his Bridget every evening. They talked for hours, shared their impressions of the day, news and emotions. The bond between the two lovers grew stronger and stronger.

Two years away from his beloved only strengthened the young man in his determination. Arriving in his native Amiens, he told his parents that they would have to accept his choice, because feelings are stronger than him and stronger than any prohibitions.

In the year of Emmanuel's 18th birthday, Bridget divorced her husband, and the lovers were finally reunited. They had to endure rumors and sidelong glances from the inhabitants of a small town. But how could these minor annoyances compare to the endless sensation of mutual happiness?

The birth of a family

They were passionate about each other and building relationships with their families. As a result, Emmanuel's parents and Bridget's children were able to understand and fully accept this extraordinary couple. Only one thing upset the man: his beloved categorically refused to officially marry him. However, Macron was gradually able to convince Bridget how important this was. Their love has a right to exist only because it is. On October 20, 2007, Emmanuelle and Bridget became husband and wife.

The conquering power of love

Whether it was a coincidence or not, it was from the moment of registration of the marriage that Macron's rapid career began. And his beloved Bibi was always there.

When Emmanuel became French finance minister, the Macron family had to pass the test again. They made the right decision: to tell about their family themselves, rather than to force journalists to collect rumors. They began to give interviews, in which they honestly and quite frankly told their romantic story.

Happy people had nothing to hide. The man spoke proudly about his wife, she - with love about him. They have no children together, but the man considers his wife's two daughters and son to be his own, and is happy to work with his grandchildren. During the election campaign of her husband for the presidency, Bridget selected his image and directed his public appearances. Therefore, victory in the elections is their common one.

They walked hand in hand from Emmanuel's student days to his election as President of France. She helped him in everything, supported and inspired him, his incomparable beloved Bibi.

Emmanuelle and Bridget Macron on stage at the Louvre celebrate their victory in the presidential election.

The youngest president of France was persistent in achieving his goal. And the classic of the French novella never managed to conquer his beloved.

Their romance haunts millions of people around the world: in search of a clue, journalists and detectives collect the memories of their acquaintances, invent gossip and write their biographies. Everything - in order to find the answer to just one question: how the teenage hobby of the President of France was able to pass the test of time and grew into true love.

Emmanuelle and Brigitte Macron take a walk in Le Touquet, the place where their love blossomed, April 22, 2017

On a warm May evening in 1993, the auditorium of the private Jesuit school La Providence was crowded: high school students who attended Madame Ozier's theater group were playing the Comedy of the Language by Jean Tardieu. As always, the success was deafening: at the end of the performance, the satisfied actors with their favorite teacher went up to the final bow. As soon as the heat of applause reached its limit, one of the leading actors, the school's hope and excellent student Emmanuel Macron, could not resist and clung to Madame Ozier's cheek. She did not repulse him: the fun of a 15-year-old student who kissed his 40-year-old teacher in gratitude could then cause nothing but emotion.

And yet Amiens is a small town, and rumors spread quickly here. And now the naive prank of an exemplary student from an intelligent family is already becoming a local scandal, because more and more people begin to notice that Madame Brigitte and her student spend too much time together. Unnaturally many.

24 years after the first meeting, Emmanuelle and Brigitte "together" (quote from Macron) win the presidential elections

Madame Bovary

However, at first, the overly high employment of Brigitte Ozier with her students did not arouse any suspicion. The teacher of Latin and French, Madame Ozier, the wife of the respected but not too talkative banker André Louis Ozier and the mother of three children, never sat idle, although, as they say, her husband always wanted to see a housewife next to him. But freedom-loving and cheerful Brigitte, who tied the knot at only 21 years old, three decrees were enough to understand: a senseless stay within four walls is not for her. It never happened.

Throughout her life, Brigitte grew up in Amiens, a city where several generations of her family owned pastry shops. The girl was the youngest of the six offspring of the Tronier couple, and the only one who was born after the war. Probably, there really was something karmic about her date of birth: unlike her brothers and sisters, Brigitte was the most cheerful and mischievous child. She grew up in the 60s - at that wonderful time when the hardships of war gradually receded, and the incomes of bourgeois families began to work again for the good of French capitalism. Her love of life helped her naturally and logically experience the death of her closest relatives (her sister died in a car accident, and her niece died of acute appendicitis) and, in general, infect everyone around her with a hedonistic thirst to desire, create, fall in love, laugh. “As the youngest daughter in a large family, she had unlimited freedom,” recalls one of her childhood friends. Brigitte dressed in the best shops in the city, and for good grades at school, her parents could well give her an expensive jewelry set.

The first generation of the Tronier family to own a pastry shop in the center of Amiens. The establishment is currently owned by Brigitte's nephew, Jean-Alexander.

By the age of 20, she was already one of the most fashionable and famous townspeople of Amiens (as they would say today, it-girl) - which, however, very soon was engaged by the local bourgeois prince Andre Louis Ozier. True, he, having arranged for her a magnificent wedding in the city hall, eight years later, almost ultimately took her with two children and a pregnant third to a suburb of Strasbourg, forcing her to leave her beloved city and no less beloved work as a press attaché. Barely recovering from two decrees, Brigitte eventually had a third child and the status of the wife of the director of the Bank for Foreign Trade. The situation may be enviable - but not at all in the spirit of the future first lady.

Having moved to the east, the young Madame Osier would have gone completely crazy with boredom, if one day she had not put off her beloved and read to the holes novel "Madame Bovary," local level. In 1989, she will even run for local law, promising to open skate parks across the city and make it easier for young families to rent. But, despite her assertiveness, she will lose the elections - and, as her neighbors remember, only because she was a new person in the ossified town of Truchtersheim.

At the same time, Brigitte plunges headlong into her other passion - teaching, to which, due to her early marriage, she was never able to devote a minute of her time, although she studied literature at the university. But fortunately, she still had a diploma and the necessary certificate, and with them the right to teach languages ​​and literature (though only to schoolchildren). Since then, she has given lessons everywhere: in Trushtersheim, in the center of Strasbourg and even in Paris. But in 1991, her family was irresistibly drawn back home - to their native Amiens, where Andre Louis continued to deal with finances, and Brigitte got a job as a teacher and teacher of a drama club at the Jesuit college La Providence. The local prodigy, Emmanuel Macron, has been studying here for two years already, and the eldest daughter Brigitte Laurence entered the same class.

Brigitte Macron - teacher at La Providence, early 1990s

Language lessons

Emmanuelle quickly became friends with Laurence - but without romance. Moderately sociable and friendly, the boy, however, was not at all interested in girls of his age, devoting all of himself to studying at school, lessons at the local conservatory and his main passion - literature. Colleagues of Brigitte recall that she never taught him literature, and yet, once enrolled in her theater class, Emmanuelle preferred to hone his literary skills only with her. The teacher herself was thrilled by the talent of the student (however, like the entire teaching staff): at times it seemed to her that she was dealing with modern Mozart.

“Without a doubt, he was not like everyone else. He was always drawn to adults. He just wasn't a teenager - that's all, ”Brigitte said many years later.

Brigitte Ozier, 1990s

Emmanuel Macron, school photo

The lack of unfulfilled feelings forced the student, who was barely fifteen, to seek meetings with Brigitte more and more often. They were often left alone - and although no one will ever know if there was anything more between them than a rehearsal of plays, one thing is certain: the relationship with Brigitte inspired the enchanted Emmanuel to the most daring literary exercises. One of them was an erotic novel in which a young man in love prudently changed his names and gave them to his neighbor to print. She - also quite prudently - did not save the manuscript, but nevertheless she was not afraid to admit many years later that the work was "daring and rather frank."

Meanwhile, Brigitte, more and more often recalling her former beloved heroine Madame Bovary and her destructive hobby for the student Leon, tried to understand her role in this novel. It is quite obvious that in her wife there was not even a hundredth part of the romantic potential that this enthusiastic and talented young man, who seemed more serious than all bankers in the world, concealed in himself. “Writing was just a pretext,” Brigitte’s friends recall her words, “in fact, I felt that we always knew each other.” Formally, Brigitte did not even break the law - the age of consent in France is already at 15. And yet her reputation would come to an end.

Brigitte Ozier during the production of the play, 1990s

And he came. A year later, from a family friend, Emmanuel's parents learned about the scandalous affair, who all this time were in full confidence that their son was dating his daughter Brigitte Laurence. The boy's father, Jean-Michel, nearly fell off his chair when he heard the news. The mother was much more restrained - and yet also adamant. “Don't you see? You already had your own life, and he? You won't even be able to give birth to children for him. "

Burning with shame, discouraged parents demanded from the lovers that they at least wait until Emmanuel's 18th birthday. “I can’t promise you anything,” Brigitte admitted honestly. It's funny that his beloved grandmother Manette, who also once taught in high school, suddenly sided with the couple. But her indulgence was not enough. Emmanuel's parents firmly decided to send their loving son away from Amiens and the unlucky teacher. Where? Yes, even to the same Paris - to the prestigious Lyceum of Henry IV: it does not matter for Emmanuel to enter the university next year. Jean-Michel and Françoise themselves never admitted that they sent Emmanuel to Paris because of his crush, claiming that they thought exclusively of his education. And yet the young man and his beloved could no longer get rid of this thought.

Before leaving, he told her: “You cannot get rid of me. Whatever you do, I will marry you. "

Love in exchange for reputation

Emmanuel Macron in high school

A year later, she began to regularly visit him in Paris - under a variety of pretexts. Emmanuel graduated from high school and entered the one-year training courses at the university. Then he turned 18: an affair with Brigitte ceased to be a ban for him. In the capital, no one was a decree for them - study gradually gave way to love (probably that is why Emmanuel constantly failed his entrance studies for the next two years), but the young man was truly happy.

Brigitte also swallowed up a new feeling: in her native Amiens, every second person already knew about her romance, and, as the locals said, during this period many old friends turned their backs on Madame Ozier, considering her the molester of an innocent boy. It was not easier for Emmanuel's parents: respected doctors, at one point they became ridiculous, who were henceforth treated as if they were infected with the plague. In Amiens, the beloved of the future president will constantly feel like an outcast. This time was given to her very hard - but there was nowhere to retreat.

Finally, the last one to know about Brigitte's betrayal will be her husband Andre Louis, for whom this news will be a real blow. “Upon learning the truth, her husband would be furious. - writes Maelle Brun, author of the latest biography of Brigitte Macron, - To be displaced by his daughter's classmate, an ordinary teenager whom he personally received in his home? This is a wound that is not easy to heal. " Andre Louis will not forgive betrayal: he will immediately leave home, leaving Brigitte alone to explain everything to her children. She will receive a divorce only in 2006.

For ten years, Brigitte and Emmanuelle loved each other in spite of the whole world. In 1998, the young man was able to enter the prestigious Sciences Po, then continued his education at the University of Paris X - Nanterre, and in the 2000s he moved to Strasbourg to obtain a degree in business administration. From now on, Brigitte was always with him: unlike André Louis, she was only happy to indulge Emmanuel's ambitions, because he was in love with her, like a boy, and a year later, and after five years. And ten years later - when 29-year-old Emmanuel finally decided to make an offer to his former teacher. Brigitte at that time was 54 years old. Her children also grew up and embarked on an independent voyage, finally forgiving their mother for her happiness.

They got married in the city hall - in the same place where, back in 1974, Brigitte got married for the first time. Emmanuel then publicly thanked everyone for the fact that they were able to accept "not quite a normal couple." The newly-minted Macron couple settled in the Brigitte family villa in Le Touquet, which now periodically opens to tourists.

Brigitte Macron on the porch of her family villa in Le Touquet, summer 2017

Macron couple at the Bastille Day parade, July 14, 2017

The material was written using the data described in the biographies "Brigitte Macron: L" Affranchie "(by Maelle Brun)," Les Macrons "(by Caroline Derriere and Candice Nedelek), as well as on the basis of statements by Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron in the press.

Photo: Getty Images, archive,

Brigitte Tronier was born in 1953 in France. In the family of a successful pastry chef, she became the sixth child. She grew up in abundance and attention, studied well. The matured girl can be called the standard of French beauty. Short stature, slender figure, flawless features and a cheerful smile.

Even in her youth, Bridget decided to become a teacher and subsequently realized her goal, having successfully graduated from the Pedagogical Institute. By the age of 21, she married a businessman and bore him 3 children: a son and two daughters. Despite the wealth in the family, she did not want to become a housewife and continued to work as a teacher.

Macron's romance with a teacher

The first acquaintance of Emmanuel with his future lover took place at the age of 15. This happened at the school of Amiens, where Bridget worked as a French teacher. At that time, she was already a sufficient adult for him a lady - she was 39 years old.

Platonic love between student and teacher arose during extracurricular activities in the school theater group. Madame Tronier rehearsed with the children a play in which young Macron took part. After rehearsals, he sometimes accompanied his mentor home. Over time, it came to him that Bridget was the love of his life. The teenager for himself firmly decided: someday she will become his wife.

When Emmanuel's parents found out about their son's feelings, they were indignant. He was urgently sent to study at a prestigious gymnasium in Paris. The family hoped that this ridiculous passion would fade away from a distance. Indeed, it did for a while. They occasionally corresponded, but each continued to live his own life.

Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Tronier's wedding

After school, Macron graduated from the Institute of Political Studies and plunged into the work of a politician. He liked his work, and he was in no hurry to start a family.

During this time, Bridget Tronier managed to divorce her husband and raise her children. The sudden meeting of Bridget and Emmanuel turned everything in their minds upside down: old feelings woke up, passion flared up even more. Romantic dates and a long period of courtship began.

By 2007, the loving couple decided to get married and legalize their relationship. At that time, the bride was 54 years old, and the groom was only 29 years old. After the festive ceremony, the couple bought a villa in France, where to this day they like to spend their free time together.

To the surprise of those around, the marriage union turned out to be strong. Despite the fact that the young couple decided not to have joint children, for many years they were united by feelings. The wife became a good friend for the famous politician, the best advisor and mentor.

Before the start of their presidential career, they lived together for exactly 10 years. During this time, Macron worked in the banking sector, and through a series of successful sales, he earned his first few million. However, the craving for politics eventually led him to participate in the presidential race. And the young wife, meanwhile, has already become a grandmother - she had six grandchildren.

President Macron and his wife

In May 2017, the presidential elections in France for the Macron couple were successful. And so, the young politician, who began to rule the country at the age of 39, showed his chosen one to the whole world. She was 63 at the time.

It is worth noting that such an alliance caused a lot of hype in the press, and it was not without ridicule. However, the president even more often began to advertise his touching relationship with his wife. At all meetings and ceremonies, he tightly holds his wife's hand and does not hide his loving eyes.

For many of his achievements, the President of France is grateful to his wife. In all interviews, he emphasizes that he achieved everything thanks to her support, advice and just existence.

Bridget Macron: style icon

Her slender figure has not changed at all: she is fit and energetic. At all social events and political meetings, the first lady looks flawless. She prefers to wear classic suits or dresses just above the knee, stilettos, discreet accessories. Of the peculiarities in clothing, perhaps, one can note a passion for scarves.

Despite the rather respectable age, many note the attractiveness of Bridget. It is easy to see that she did not do face plastic surgery for herself, this is evidenced by a lot of wrinkles. Nevertheless, a wide, cheerful smile cannot leave you indifferent. She is not ashamed of her age and says to the whole world: "Look, he loves me like that." Perhaps the secret of Bridget Macron's charm lies in the fact that even at 66 she is young at heart.

Macron's wife, Bridget Macron, is of particular interest to the public not only because of her husband, Emmanuel Macron, who was elected President of France in 2017, but also because of the age difference between the spouses. The thing is that the wife of Emmanuel Macron is 24 years older than him.

In the photo, Emmanuel Macron with his wife

Biography of Macron's wife

The full name of Macron's wife is Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron (fr.Brigitte Macron), a teacher of French and Latin by profession. Bridget's maiden name is Tronier. She was born on April 13, 1953 in the year Amiens in the north of France, like her husband. The family of the future teacher had their own small business and were engaged in the production of confectionery. Bridget was the youngest child in the family. At 21, Brigitte married the banker Andre Luis Azière. In their official marriage, which lasted until 2006, three children were born. After maternity leave, she worked in a religious school and taught French and Latin. It was in this educational institution that Brigitte met Emmanuel, her future husband. At the time of their acquaintance, he was 15 years old, and the teacher was 39, the age difference is 24 years. In addition to schoolwork, Macron and his teacher saw each other quite often during school plays, and often spent evenings together. At first there was no question of any serious relationship, but young Emmanuel idolized his chosen one and was serious in his intentions. Of course, teenage love is the brightest and remains in the memory for a lifetime, but often it is short-lived. However, young Emmanuel was monogamous and promised that as soon as he builds his career, he will immediately propose to his teacher.

Bridget Macron (Macron's wife)in young age

In the photo, Emmanuel Macron and Bridget Macron in their youth

Bridget's offer came in 2007. At that time, she was already divorced from her first husband. After a little thought, the woman agreed. After some time, Bridget moved to Paris with her husband and children. There she got a job as a teacher in a new school, without changing her professional orientation. Emmanuel Macron very quickly found contact with the children of his charming wife and their grandchildren. Unfortunately, the couple do not have their own children, but Emmanuel is an excellent father for Bridget's children from a previous marriage.

Emannuel Macron, making a career

Emmanuel's full name is Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Macron (fr. Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron), was born on December 21, 1977 in the family of a professor and a doctor. In 1991, Emmanuel was an assistant to a French philosopher. Previously, he served as Minister of Economy and Minister of Industry and Digital Affairs. Elected as the 25th President of France in the 2017 presidential election, becoming the youngest French president ever in office.

Personal and political life of the spouses

Emmanuel Macron and his wife have agreed that the wife will not interfere in the political life of her husband. Nevertheless, she supports him in everything. Therefore, according to Emmanuel, if not for his beloved teacher, he could not achieve such results. The wife also acts as a best friend and muse. What could be even better in family life?

As for feelings, the family does not hide them at all. They always smile and hold each other's hands tightly. The wife of the President of France is pretty and looks very good for her age. Check out the photos in which Macron's Wife comes out in completely different and interesting images.

Gossip and rumors about the Macron family

Every happy couple will have their own envious people. So, this family was not spared by this nuisance. A young, 29 - year - old politician acquaintance reported that Macron was cheating on his wife. For his part, he denied everything. In order to achieve the truth and not upset his beloved wife, Emmanuel filed a lawsuit for harassment by that young woman. Also, the 25th President of France was suspected of having an unconventional relationship with the young journalist Matthew Gale. But even to this verdict, the politician was able to answer. It turns out that he has a double who, in fact, meets with men, but not like Emmanuel Macron himself. In any case, the personal life of Macrons will remain a secret, but some interesting facts still managed to be told. Apart from the rumors described above, there is a possibility that the Macron marriage is just a cover. Since Emmanuel, as it was written above, has an unconventional orientation. Such gossip quickly spreads and several more join one version. It is worth saying only one thing that not every woman in 10 years of marriage will be able to support her husband like this and observe his successful career with him.

Image of Macron's wife

Many criticize Bridget Macron's age, saying that she is too bright and dresses completely inappropriate. In fact, the husband put a lot of effort into his wife's appearance and character, so this is how she should look. At 60 years old, a woman is successful, beautiful, smart and skater.

Another very interesting fact is that Bridget is very developed in a spiritual sense, loves theaters and exhibitions. Therefore, she taught her husband to go out and engage not only in political growth, but also cultural.

Most likely, a happy personal life is due to one condition that Macron negotiated with his wife before the wedding: always go together. This is how many problems are solved and conflicts subside. But still, the personality of Bridget is criticized by Internet users. The situation is simply disgusting, the same opinion and the daughter of Bridget from the first boat. In her opinion, this is common envy, because almost every girl would like to be in Bridget's place. But, unfortunately or fortunately, Macron has chosen his life partner since school age and still does not change his choice.

It is unlikely that the persona of the new French President Emmanuel Macron would have been so popular if he did not have a wife who is almost a quarter of a century older than him. And this woman is not just the wife of a world-class politician - she is also a former teacher of Macron. It would seem that a fantastic story with a happy ending, which is worthy of film adaptation (and, for sure, will be filmed in the coming years) cannot happen in reality. But the truth is truth, and this pretty 65-year-old lady is indeed the legal wife of an almost 41-year-old president for 10 years now. Many are perplexed and wonder why Macron needs an old wife when there are so many young beauties around whom you can only beckon with your finger. And he is more and more tightly holding the hand of his dearest half Brigitte, kisses and hugs her more and more at the first opportunity, introducing the audience into more and more bewilderment.

What was Brigitte - Macron's wife - in her youth (photo)

Brigitte was the youngest of six children in the family of wealthy Tronier pastry chefs. She graduated, worked in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, taught in humanitarian institutions. But in the end, she nevertheless returned to her hometown of Amiens, where she entered the service at the fateful school. At that time, Brigitte was a "deeply" married lady with three children. Her husband was a well-known and successful banker, but the opportunity to stay at home and do the housework did not inspire the future first lady, and she was not going to leave teaching.

In the photo - Brigitte Macron in her youth in a swimsuit

Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron in their youth

Macron in his student years

The 39-year-old teacher met the then very young 15-year-old Macron at the Amiens school. The young man immediately fell in love with his teacher. She also seemed very sweet to her. But she did not take seriously such a manifestation of feelings, considering it a youthful whim. However, Emmanuelle was firm and persistent to the point that Brigitte almost gave up. But the mind still took over the feelings. Macron's relatives urgently sent the young man to Paris to study, which led to a temporary lull. Emmanuel reappeared in the life of Madame Tronier a few years later and now decided not to leave his beloved anywhere else. Brigitte at that time was already divorced and was finally able to reciprocate her faithful young man. The couple got married in 2007.

What Brigitte Macron looks like now: the best photos of the president's wife

Emmanuelle calls his wife a muse, advisor, mentor, the main person in his life. Indeed, it is not known whether he would have reached such heights if Brigitte did not stand behind him. After all, it was she who wrote him speeches for his speech, picked up clothes, thought through all the nuances of political campaigns. In this case, the age difference only plays into the hands, because it is easier for a more sophisticated person to predict the reaction of voters to a particular statement or action.

Brigitte Macron made the perfect first lady - stylish, elegant, pretty, confident. French fashion magazines have nicknamed Ms. Macron "style icon". And it’s not unreasonable. What is her slender figure worth? Few people at a younger age can boast of such legs, let alone 65-year-old women familiar to our eyes. They usually wear something long, baggy, dull, as if declaring that life is going to decline. But if you look at how Brigitte dresses, it seems that she still has everything ahead.

Just what is the recent photo behind the first ladies of France and the United States, which literally blew up the network, dividing users into two camps. Some admired the sexy shapes of Melania Trump's buttocks, the way a white pencil skirt sits on her, at the same time not forgetting to criticize Brigitte Marcon for a non-sexy back view.

In the photo - the figure of Brigitte Macron in a swimsuit now

Others saw in the wife of the French president the ideal of the first lady, who does not need to emphasize her curves and shapes in order to be popular. She is good and happy with herself just the way she is. And her husband loves her dearly, no matter what. And what can Melania say on this score? A well-pumped ass is not a guarantee of family happiness.

Brigitte Macron before and after plastic surgery - photo

Internet users ask themselves the question: "Did Brigitte Macron have plastic surgery?" The first lady looks quite harmonious and fresh for her age. According to experts in plastic surgery, Madame Macron did not abuse plastic, only slightly changed the shape of the nose. The rest of her face was exposed only to filler injections. But no one would have condemned the first lady if she decided to go under the surgeons' knife for a more thorough rejuvenation. Of course, if we are talking about moderate intervention, without turning into Donatella Versace. But, apparently, she does not need such radical measures - she is quite pleased with herself.

If you compare the photo of Macron's wife in a swimsuit now and before, then it is difficult to find many differences - the woman is in great shape. Her happy husband is posing next to her, tenderly hugging his beloved by the waist, which serves as an iron proof that you can be loved at any age.

The legendary outfits of Macron's wife: the best photos

Surely, subsequently, all the outfits of the first lady of France will be awarded a place in some fashion museum, because Brigitte has excellent taste. She knows exactly how to look right at this or that reception, how to dress moderately and appropriately. She has long been a fan of the Louis Vuitton brand, preferring it to all other high-profile brands. And this consistency plays into her hands - from image to image, Madame Macron looks better and better in Louis Vuitton suits and dresses.

Macron's wife has her own account in Isntagram, where she periodically uploads photos from receptions, from vacations and other events. It is naive to hope that all the public images of the first lady of France will appeal to all Internet users without exception. But most people still praise the stylish Brigitte, admire her taste, her resistance to human gossip, her ability to always look dignified and at her best.

It is these women who instill in ordinary people faith in love, to which all ages are submissive. Otherwise, how can one explain the shining eyes of Emmanuel when he looks at his Brigitte?