Winter sports entertainment for older groups. Scenario

Tasks: Strengthen the skill of throwing at a target.
Improve agility, coordination abilities, and speed.
Develop interest in winter sports through relay races; ingenuity, camaraderie and teamwork.
Participants: 2 senior groups.
Ice and Snowflake: team educators. Presenter: head of physical education.
Equipment: music library, 12 modules, 2 Christmas trees, snowballs, 2 balls, 2 clubs, 2 baskets, prizes for children.
Progress entertainment: In the middle of the hall, in a hoop, there are balls of two colors according to the number of children.
Construction of two senior groups. Team presentation.
Warm-up to the song “New Year's disco” 2 verses. While the warm-up is going on, the group teachers change into “snowflake” and “ice”.
Division into 2 teams. After the warm-up, I propose to take the ball and form new teams for the relay races.
Children! Winter has come into its own and offers everyone new games and entertainment. What sports are played only in winter? Whose team names more types of winter sports will receive an additional point (figure skating, hockey, biathlon, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, luge, curling, etc.). Well done!
Task for attention: - Whose team will build the circle faster!
Physical manager: - Children, look, guests are coming to us!
Ice: - Hello guys, I'm Ice!

Snowflake: - Hello guys, I'm a snowflake! Come on, guys, show how dexterous and brave, fast and skillful you are!
Contest. "Build a fortress."
Physical manager: - I ask for everyone’s attention, here is a construction plan, Icy and Snowflake will help you!

Eight children per team complete the construction.
Relay race. “Pass on, don’t touch me.” The most accurate will be the one who gets into the basket.
Each child on the team must pass through the fort without getting hurt. The speed and accuracy of children in each team is assessed. At the starting line, the baton is passed to the next one.
Relay race. "Snowflakes". Who can run faster with a snake of tinsel, around the Christmas tree and back.
Ice and Snowflake:- Do you know how to solve winter riddles? Then listen:
1. Washers are a faithful friend,
guess who I am? (hockey stick)
2. I like to ride downhill,
I'm flying down faster than a bird.
Well, drag yourself up.
Guess who I am? (sled)
3. If you make a bun out of snow -
it will be easy. (snowball)
4. A piece of ice fell on my palm,
the white one sank and disappeared. (snowflake)
5. Two metal brothers,
How they grew together with the shoes,
Wanted to go for a ride
Top! - onto the ice and off we went.
Ay, yes brothers, ay, easy!
What are the brothers' names? … (skates)
6. Two wooden arrows
I put it on my feet.
I wanted to go down the mountain
Yes, he flew head over heels.
There was a lot of laughter from that dump:
They are on me and on top of the stick! (skis)
Relay "Hockey". Use your stick to pass the ball between the pins and hit the goal posts, pick up the ball, and pass the baton to the next team member.

Relay race "Running in sacks". Jumping in bags around Christmas trees.

Relay "Sharp Shooter". Children have one “snowball” each, they must try to hit the target (the basket).
Relay race "Carry the balls"

Team members are divided into pairs. Each pair, holding the ball between their heads, must run around the chips like a snake and return to the starting point in a straight line. The team whose members covered the distance without dropping the ball wins.
Physio manager: -So our relay race has come to the final.
The award is a surprise. Photo for memory. Until next time.
Ceremonial march.

Physical education “Winter fun” (outdoors)

(Senior group)


Kozlova T.S.

Saratov 2015

Target: the appeal of the winter months of the year to children; develop interest in winter sports through games and relay races.

Tasks: consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired in physical education classes; develop speed of motor reaction; develop in children attention, the ability to act coordinatedly in a team, courage, and a sense of self-confidence; achieving a positive emotional state.

Equipment and inventory: sleds - 2 pcs., 2 clubs, 2 pucks, 6 cones, 2 hoops, 2 brooms, snowballs according to the number of children.

Progress of the event:

Children go to the playground. Line up in 2 lines.

Instructor: Hello kids! Girls and boys! Today, teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and intelligent guys have gathered. Why are we gathered here? (children's answers).

Now our favorite time of year is winter!

Spun above the ground

Winter has its round dance again!

May health, joy, strength

Winter sports will bring us.

We will all say: “no!” cold,

We don't care about frost.

We will be friends with skates,

With stick, puck and ball.

I ask the teams to take their places. (introduction of teams) –

1st team – “Shustriki”

Team 2 - “Bistriki”.

Instructor: I wish success to both teams in the upcoming competitions. But before you start the competition, you need to do a mental warm-up.

Game "Yes", "No".

Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?

He arrives at 7 sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus came to you, right?

He brought gifts, right?

The trunk is good in the forest near the Christmas tree, right?

Was cut down with a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the Christmas tree? Bumps, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

Well, the tree is very beautiful, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Well, the questions have been answered,

You all know about Santa Claus!

Instructor: So you have proven that you are smart and smart guys. But now we’ll see if you’re nimble and fast. And 1 relay race is called “Oh, you sleigh, my sleigh!”

Relay race “Oh you sleigh, my sleigh”

1 player carries a sled, 2 players run around a cone. The children change places and go back. The sled is passed on to the next pair.

Relay "Turtles"

Two children sit on a sled, their backs to each other and push off with their feet from the snow. They go around the cone and go back, passing the sled to another pair.

Relay "Hockey Players"

1 player uses his stick to “snake” the puck between the cones and back. Passes the stick to the next player.

Instructor: Our teams are a little tired, I suggest you solve the riddles.

Instructor: Well done, you guessed everything! So, let's continue our competition. And the next relay race is called: “reindeer sled”

Reindeer Sled Relay Race

1 player puts on the hoop, 2 player holds on to the hoop - “sleds”, run around the cone, change places and run back, passing the hoop to the next pair.

Broom Race Relay

1 player sits astride a broom and runs around the cone. Without hitting him. He runs back and passes the broom to the next player.

Relay race "Hit the target"

1 player takes a snowball and throws it into the basket opposite. After 1 throw he goes to the end of the column. The next player throws (the number of snowballs in the basket is counted.

Instructor: So, guys, we saw that you are not only smart, but also strong, dexterous, brave, friendly guys. (summarizes). Awarding teams with medals.

And now I propose to stand in a general circle and play the game “Carousel”

Carousel game

Instructor: We ran, jumped,

Have you worked up an appetite?

Now let's get some food

It won't hurt you at all.

There will be treats for you in the groups. Children go into groups.

Tasks: familiarize children with natural phenomena; improve walking and running skills; develop children's motor abilities; cultivate will; give children a feeling of joy.

Equipment: gymnastic benches (2 pcs.); chairs - according to the number of children, one less; paper mittens with drawn geometric shapes - according to the number of children; audio recording of the song “Three from Prostokvashino” (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Yu. Entin).

Leisure activities

Children enter the hall to the music.

Instructor. Winter got angry and decided to exterminate all living things from the world. First of all, she began to reach the birds. She was tired of them with their squeaking and screaming. Winter blew cold, tore leaves from birches and oaks, and scattered them along the roads. There is nowhere for the birds to go. They gathered, shouted and flew to warmer lands.

Outdoor game “Migration of birds”.

Gymnastic benches are “warm edges”. Children are “birds”. They fly, looking for food. To the words of the instructor “Winter”, the birds fly to “warm lands” - to the benches.

Instructor. Winter sees that she cannot catch up with the birds. She attacked the animals. She covered the fields with snow, filled the forests with snowdrifts and sent frost after frost. The animals were not afraid: some have warm fur coats, others hid in deep holes, a squirrel is gnawing nuts in a hollow, a bear is sucking a paw in a den, a bunny is jumping and warming itself, and horses, cows, and sheep have long been chewing the hay prepared by the owner in warm barns.

Outdoor game "White Bunny".

Children sing, imitating the appropriate movements:

The white bunny washes himself,

Apparently he's going to visit.

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear and dried it.

Put on a bow -

He became a dandy!

Instructor. Winter is getting angrier! I decided to get to the fish. Sends frost after frost, one more severe than the other. Rivers and lakes froze, but only from above. And the fish went all the way down: it was even warmer under the ice roof.

Outdoor game “Fisherman and Fish”.

There are chairs in a circle - these are “pebbles” behind which the fish hide. “Pebbles” are one less than “fish”. “Fish” swim in the lake and move around the hall. To the words: “The fisherman is coming,” the “fish” hide behind the “pebbles.” The “fish”, which lacked a “pebble”, was caught by a fisherman. He releases the “fish” into the lake, and the game repeats.

Instructor. “Well, wait,” thinks Winter, “then I’ll get to the people.” And he sends frost after frost, each one angrier than the other. And people sit in warm houses, bake hot pancakes, and laugh at Winter. People stamp their feet, pat their hands, and praise Frost.

Game "Find your mitten."

Children are given one paper mitten with geometric shapes on it. The remaining mittens are laid out on the benches. Children must find a pair for their mitten.

Instructor. What was most offensive to Winter was that even small children were not afraid of her. They go sledding, skating, skiing, play in the snow, make snowmen, build slides, pour water on them, and even call Frost: “Come, freeze.”

Game "Mirror".

The instructor imitates movements: playing snowballs, ice skating, etc., and the children must repeat these movements.

Instructor. Winter saw that she had nothing to take with her and began to cry with anger. Winter tears dripped from the roof, and she felt offended.

Children dance to the soundtrack of the song “If only there were no winter.”

Instructor. And you and I are not afraid of winter, right? Now let's go outside and play in the snow.

Children leave the hall to the music.

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution kindergarten of general developmental type with. Naumovka municipal district Sterlitamak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Winter sports fun

"Winter Fun"

older age

Musical director:

Sadykova I. S.



1. Consolidate knowledge about winter sports.2. Improve physical skills and abilities, emotional and volitional qualities in a competitive environment.3. Cultivate a sense of compassion and empathy.Benefits:3 spoons, snowballs according to the number of children, landmarks, 3 clubs, 3 baskets, 4 balls, 1 pair of skis, snowflakes for the jury, 3 jars for snowflakes, 3 boxes for snowballs.


It is held in the hall.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Come on guys

Guess the riddle:

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking,

When does this happen?

Children. In winter!


We are starting the winter holiday,

We invite you to visit Winter!

To the Russian folk melody “Hello, Guest Winter,” Winter appears, a teacher dressed as Winter.


Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I, Winter - white,

I, Winter is snowy,

I, Russian beauty...

Leading:Do the guys like winter?

Children. Yes!


Yes, I know

How happy the children are about Winter!

Have fun, honest people,

Look, don't yawn!

Don't freeze in the cold!

"Merry exercise" music. etc. V. Karaseva


Let's continue the celebration

Let's jump, run, play!

Game “Sports figure freeze in place”

Cheerful music is playing and children are dancing. The music stops, the children freeze in the figure of an athlete. Winter is trying to guess the sport.


If you want to become skillful,

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Never be discouraged

Hit the target with snowballs,

Rush quickly down the hill in a sled

And start skiing!

That's the secret of health -

Be healthy! Physical education

All. Hello!


In three teams, decide

Stand next to each other!

Children line up in three teams.


This is the team - “Snowmen”! (Group “Smile”)

This is the team - “Snowflake”! (Group "Romashka")

And this is the team - “Morozko”! (Group "Rainbow")


The captains of each team need to come out and announce the name of their team. And the team should loudly say a greeting for other teams.

The teams say greetings.


Attention! Attention!

I take off my snow robe

And the winter competitions begin!

Winter takes off his suit, and underneath his physical training uniform, Winter turns into a sports presenter.

Then the jury or panel of judges is introduced. A member of the jury announces that each team receives a snowflake for winning competitions. Whose team scores more wins.

The presenter conducts relay races:

Relay race "Who can carry the snowballs to the other side faster" Two teams are selected, the children carry the snowball in a large spoon.

2. And now, who is braver,

Come out and play hockey!

Relay race “Snowball hockey” (use a stick to “snowball”)


Teddy Bear,

Walked through the forest

Teddy Bear,

Collected snowballs.

Relay race “Get a snowball into the basket” (whose team will collect the most snowballs.)


Now, guys, guess my riddle:Oh, and he dances deftly.Not just a nose, but a carrot!Coals instead of eyes,Instead of a hat - a copper basin. Who is this?

The Snowman enters the hall to the music.
Snowman:Hello guys! I came to see what you are doing here? For some reason everyone thinks I'm clumsy. Well, now I’ll see how fast and dexterous you are.Leading:Let's guys show our dexterity and courage.Snowman:But first try to solve my riddles. You can't beat me here!Who, friends, with great difficultyHid the river under the ice?In the morning in the dawn darknessWho draws on glass?Children.Freezing!Snowman:There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut.It’s white, but not sugar, there are no legs, but it’s walking.Children.Snow!Host: Yes, Snowman, our children are not only fast and dexterous, but also smart and quick-witted. Now come play with us.Children stand in a circle, with a Snowman in the middle.
Leading:Frost is not a problem for us, the cold is not scary for us.We wear fur coats and earflaps and go sledding.Snowman: How?Leading:And like this(children imitate sledding) . Snowman: And then?Leading:And then we’ll start skiing and ride down the mountain.Snowman:But as?Leading:And like this(imitate skiing) . Snowman: And also?Leading:We also take our skates and run to the skating rinks.Snowman:But as?Leading:And like this(imitate ice skating). Snowman:And then?Leading:And then we play snowballs, we hit them very accurately.Snowman:But as?Leading:And like this(they imitate a snowball fight, the Snowman dodges) . Snowman: Yes, now we know that you won’t be bored in winter.

I, merry Snowman,

I'm used to frost and snow.

Come on, my friends,

Show how you can ski.

Ski relay.


There are different types of snowballs: small, large, white, even. And we have multi-colored snowballs.

The relay race takes place:“Who can jump faster with a snowball between their legs?” (You can use a balloon instead of a snowball).


Well, thank you, well done!

It's time for me to go back. It’s getting hot in your room, I’m afraid I’ll melt!

The snowman leaves, the children and the presenter say goodbye to him.

Leading:We present the floor to our sports judges.

The results are summed up.

Well done guys, preschool athletes!

At the end of the entertainment, the round dance song “Friendship” is performed. And music. A. Fillipenko.

Summary of sports entertainment in the senior group "Winter fun".

Target : To promote the introduction of children and parents to a healthy lifestyle. Improve children's motor skills.

Tasks :

1. Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.

2. Arouse positive emotions for physical education.

3. Develop coordination and dexterity of movements, muscle strength, endurance, strong-willed qualities in achieving goals, ability to navigate space, attention.

Preliminary work: performing physical exercises during physical education classes and morning exercises,

Equipment : hoops, health track, cubes, rope, snowflakes, “tunnel”, plumes, “snowball” - ball.


Hey preschool kids!

Hurry up to our holiday

To greet the snowy winter,

Have fun and play!

Show your skills

And skill and patience,

We invite everyone to the holiday,

Come, we are looking forward to it!

Let's hold a sports festival

Let the prankster Frost be angry!

We are not afraid of Frost,

Let's fight the cold in sports!

-Look, guys, there is a winter path here.
Curious to know where they lead?
Children walk along the path, overcoming various obstacles:
1. walk like a snake between objects,
2. crawl through the snow tunnel,
3. Jump through snowdrifts (hoops).
4. Walking the path of health
The winter path ends near the snow house.

Educator: I wonder who lives here? (Knocks). Sleepy Emelya comes out.

Emelya: Why are you making so much noise here, disturbing your sleep?

Educator: Emelya, come out and play with the guys!

Emelya: I'm afraid of the frost and I don't know how to play!

Educator: And the guys and I will teach you! Get ready for your winter workout, guys!

Aerobics with plumes.

Children and Emelya perform dance movements to the music behind the teacher.

our guys are really not afraid of frost. We love to play outdoor games, jump, run, dance.
Winter offers children fun tasks to complete.
Children are divided into two teams.
"Who is faster?"
(Children of each group run around the playground, at the signal 1,2,3 - freeze! Each group forms a circle. Whoever completes the task first, that group receives a snowflake) - 2-3 times.

Winter relays:

“Be careful” At the signal, roll the snowball to the landmark and back.
"Move the snowballs." Who will carry the most snowballs into their basket?
"Train". One carriage assembles a whole train.

“Hold the snowflake” Hold the snowflake on your palm without dropping it.
“Running in felt boots.” Wearing one felt boot, run to the landmark and pass it to the next player.

Tug of war.

Breathing exercise “We are snowflakes”

We are snowflakes, we are snowflakes,

We are funny snowflakes

We were sitting on a cloud,

The wind blew and we flew...

(make sure to keep your mouth closed when inhaling and exhale as long as possible)

Sedentary game "Carousel". Educator: And now we’ll take a ride on the winter carousel. Take your seats and let's go.

"Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels started spinning.

And then run and run

Everything is round, round, round.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel

One-two, one-two

So the game is over."

Riddles about winter fun.

  1. My new friends are both brilliant and light,

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of the frost. (Skates)

  1. Two new two-meter maple soles:

Put two feet on them - and run through the big snow. (Skis)

3. Oh, it's snowing! I'm bringing out my friend horse.

I lead the horse through the yard by a rope-bridle,

I fly down the hill on it, and drag it back. (Sled)

  1. They didn’t raise me, they made me out of snow.

Instead of a nose, they cleverly inserted a carrot.

The eyes are coals, the hands are knots.

Cold big. Who am i? (Snowman)

Educator: Well done, guys, you played and competed so well, it’s time to go home to kindergarten.

Emelya: Thank you guys for teaching me how to play sports! Goodbye!