In World of Tanks, the E-25 combat vehicle is one of the most stealthy armored vehicles. According to its technical characteristics, the E-25 can be classified rather as a light armored tank, which, coupled with its significantly superior dynamics and controllability, gives it an advantage in long- and close-range combat.

A combat vehicle of this class has a number of shortcomings that can easily be corrected by installing equipment during the vehicle upgrade process. For example, the disadvantages include the head gun with a low coefficient of destruction of enemy armor and frequent fires of E25 with even minor hits.

What equipment should I put on the E25 to improve performance?

Players with extensive experience in upgrading tanks of this class in WOT recommend starting to improve characteristics with:

First aid kit installations,
- repair kit,
- automatic fire extinguisher,
- ventilation,
- aiming drives.

This is something that falls into the category of mandatory equipment that should be purchased first. When purchasing equipment modules that will be installed additionally, opinions differ. Some experts recommend installing a camouflage, a pipe and coated optics ("coated optics"), paying attention to the camouflage. Others say that until the player gets used to the dynamics of the E25, its sensitive handling and other “chips” inherent in this model, it is better not to upgrade the rate of fire (in particular, there is no point in upgrading the rammer, since it gives a very small advantage ). At the same time, both camps recommend upgrading your visibility and camouflage first. This is recommended in order not to be noticed after firing from the E-25 and to quickly change your location.

What not to put

It is not recommended to get too carried away with pumping the power supply. Ideally, BP should be about 30%, or even more - 40, 50% of BC, since the 150 mm penetration that comes with standard ammunition will not be effective against level 8 vehicles. It is not recommended to save or hold onto gold shells against them.

There is also no point in upgrading the armor, since tanking with the E-25 in WOT will not work. 50 millimeters of frontal protection hints that in direct combat this vehicle has little chance against tanks of level 8 and higher. The question is what equipment to install on the E25 should be decided only after you have studied this vehicle in battle with its initial characteristics.

Review of video guide tank E-25 World of Tanks

The E-25 tank, which is a representative in the game, is at level 7 of the development branch and has the qualification. For the E-25, the guide that will be presented in this article is purely theoretical and informative rather than practical. As for real prototypes, this model was not manufactured and remained only in the drawings. This vehicle does not need pumping, since it has a premium basis, therefore it is a top-end machine and has no continuation.

For the E-25, World of Tanks was an excellent opportunity to sell such a rare and secretive vehicle. Considering the premium basis, this machine has an increased coefficient of obtaining loans. Without a premium account, the profitability can reach 22,000 credits, and with a premium account, the profitability can reach .

General information

For WoT, the E-25 is a rather specific vehicle, especially regarding its design, which is too compact. This technique has excellent speed and dynamics, plus it has a fairly accurate weapon. But the weapon has a low damage rate, and its compactness causes frequent critical damage. The main firepower is provided by a 75 mm gun with a penetration of 150 mm and damage of 135 HP. The rate of fire reaches 20 shots per minute.

The engine power is 700 hp, which copes well with the tank’s weight, which is 29 tons. The maximum possible speed is 65 km/h. And the review reaches a threshold of 360 meters.

The armor of the tank is:

Body: forehead - 50 mm, sides - 30 mm, pocket - 30 mm.

A correctly selected range of additional equipment allows you to gain a tangible advantage during combat:

  1. Rammer – allows you to increase the rate of fire;
  2. Stereo tube – increases basic visibility when in a passive state;
  3. Camouflage Network – increases the camouflage rate when in a passive state.
  • repair kit;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • first aid kit


A specially selected range of crew skills increases the chances of a positive outcome of the battle.

  • Commander: disguise, brotherhood, light bulb, eagle eye;
  • Driver: disguise, brotherhood, smooth ride, king of off-road.
  • Gunner: camouflage, BB, sniper, smooth turret rotation;
  • Loader: camouflage, BB, non-contact ammo rack, desperate.

Weak spots

Considering the weak armor rating, it will not be difficult to penetrate this vehicle. The only problem may be that the E-25 has a very low profile, which can cause ricochets and misses. Therefore, it is best to aim better and penetration will be guaranteed.

Comparison of equipment

But when it comes to comparing equipment, the E-25 ranks first in the ranking of premium Tier 7 tank destroyers. The second position belongs to the British, and the third position belongs to the Soviet.

Battle tactics

If we take into account tactical use, then this one is excellent for supporting allies. This small nimble tank destroyer, thanks to its speed, can perfectly support any flank on the map. The E-25 can also be used as a sniper fire vehicle, given the excellent accuracy of the gun, it can inflict critical damage even at very long distances.

Hello, hello, dear friends. Amway921 is with you and today’s World of Tanks video guide about the German premium Tier 7 tank destroyer E-25. This is a premium German tank, it is sold in the store only for gold, it costs 6700 gold. And somehow it turned out that I didn’t try it at all, didn’t understand this tank on the test server, where there were all the possibilities for this. And only thanks to a gift from a channel subscriber I finally realized that this is a magnificent tank. I used to think that his problem was a weapon that didn’t penetrate anyone and didn’t really hurt anyone. Well, maybe that’s true, but the level of battles, that is, the balancer, loves this PT very much and throws it only at the seventh or eighth levels. Since this is a premium tank, we will be in level seven battles more often. And there is quite enough, no matter how funny it may seem to me, armor penetration of 150 mm and damage of 135, too, in principle. The tower at 29, of course, cannot be penetrated. But for this there are sub-caliber shells or some other possibilities - maneuver, for example (we'll talk about it a little later).

In short, these combat parameters, although not the most fun, can be overcome by filling our ammunition with sub-caliber shells. By the way, it is not very large (only 60 shells) and it often happens that they run out during protracted battles. I want to draw your attention not to this, but to the accuracy of this PT - 0.3. Why I didn't notice this earlier, I don't understand. This is the highest accuracy, which is characteristic only of some German level ten medium tanks. 0.3 is simply amazing. You can hit the commander's turrets at a distance of three hundred meters. What a gift! It’s at this moment that you realize that, in principle, armor penetration is not needed when you can target the enemy at a distance, I don’t know what shot. Rate of fire – 20 rounds per minute. This is a 3 second reload time. If you install a fan, a rammer, then you can reduce it a little more. Just a rapid-fire machine gun. As soon as you put someone on the harp, he will be in trouble. He won't have time to either repair or crawl away. You can take someone apart just once. We will see this in battles. And, of course, mobility. What to say? This is a real light tank in terms of mobility. Our maximum speed is 65 kilometers forward, 20 kilometers back. Dynamics – 26.6 per ton. Simply amazing. In terms of the game, this tank reminds me of a Chaffee in some way, but the Chaffee should shine, and here no one will force the PT tank to shine in random, no one will look askance. That's why I enjoy the game so much. And I understand that the fights that we are going to watch now are an epic achievement for me. How's that for epic? That's it, more or less. But within the framework of the server, I understand that this PT is so flexible, it’s just amazing. And therefore, the more difficult it is to get high achievements for a battle, the cooler the tank is. Well, let's not forget that the tank is premium.

Crew, selection of modules and equipment for the E-25

I kept the crew on another tank until the last minute. That is, you can transfer the crew from any other German anti-tank gun to the tank. True, we only have four places here, and when I go through four, then, in my opinion, the radio operator appears at the panther, that is, there will be no place for him here anymore. Therefore, the crew will need to be trained separately from the radio operator. Well, I mean, the radio operator is separate, but all of them are in place. In short, things like this. The modules that need to be placed here, there isn’t even much of a choice. We don't need mixing for nothing. It's just great. Therefore, optics, rammer and ventilation. Our small overview, 360 meters, is compensated by the ventilator, berks for the overview, which I pumped in here. Moreover, it is interesting that the duties of a radio operator here are performed by the commander, and it is he who has both radio interception and an eagle eye in his berks. But, as we remember, radio interception has a 3% bonus, eagle eye - 2, so it is better to put it forward. And, of course, there is no life without a light bulb. This needs to be understood. Well, let's go into battle and see how this tank behaves.

Tank destroyer in action

Watching this PT at work is worth a lot. After all, it immediately becomes clear what’s what. I mean, when you think that “well, what kind of damage is there, oh my God, the damage is 135 kopecks, it’s not significant at all,” but when every 2.5 seconds at a distance of 400 meters you hit, penetrate and inflict that seemingly small damage (135), in total it turns out to be very, very significant. Here comes a tank (500 meters before it). Hit with every jester? No problem. As long as it glows, it's very easy to do. And you see this every time. The main task is to move away from the enemies to the distance of fictitious fire, so that they do not see you and do not shoot at you. That's the whole task.

Well, when the battle enters a phase when it is necessary to actively do something, the E-25 behaves simply surprisingly, because its maximum speed of mobility and small size, which give a very big plus to camouflage, are simply priceless. Now it’s the end of the battle where we started (we’re watching it in fragments), but at the end of the battle I have the opportunity to carefully drive around the edge and take some good place, using disguises. True, it’s surprising: when sometimes you notice that you seem to have exposed the enemy, you seem to be standing in a more or less open place (well, maybe behind some bush, for example), you start firing at this enemy, and he doesn’t sees. This is amazing. I've never seen such tanks before. And every time you shoot at any other tank, as soon as you see the enemy, especially with these new camouflage things, which are completely unclear how they work now, that is, you can’t shoot behind double bushes anymore. In short, when you play this tank, you get the strange feeling that this is simply one of the best tanks of the seventh level. It seems to be: a small one-time damage and this is not the best armor penetration. But everything else about it is just great. In general, this fight, by and large, is, if my memory serves me right, the second, or even the third, from the moment I started testing this PT-shka, and from these fights I developed a very great love for it. And despite the fact that it seems to be a tank, it seems that it’s my direct task (some people think so) that I should use a tank to describe exclusively positive emotions. But here it's worth it.

How Amway921 received E-25

This is truly one of the very, very good tanks (especially the premium ones) in this game. But we shouldn’t forget this and give it its due too. In general, I would not like to give up the person who gave me this tank, because, as a rule, such people immediately start pestering, begging, begging, begging, but the amazing thing is nearby. This man and I met in battle. Moreover, on different sides. He also plays on the E-25 and, as he says, this is his first fight on the E-25. And that’s why I just couldn’t get past this fight, although it in itself doesn’t represent anything special. Although, it would seem, in general the score in this fight was quite deplorable. And, thanks to my efforts, the score somehow evened out and became more or less positive. And so we met him. I have a full tank's HP bar, he has one shot. For some reason I realized that I need to somehow thank a person, but how can you thank him when he is on the enemy’s team. Substitute yourself? Somehow, you know, this is not the case either. All that came to my mind was that it would be very beautiful and impressive to show it all to you. Well, this fight, of course, is already winning. There were no problems here. Thank you very much to the person who gave me this tank. Well, we are now moving on to the next battle, which we will see from start to finish. It will be much more interesting.

The sixth sense lamp is the first thing the crew should study

Well, now the “Sacred Valley” map. Quite a new card, and I still can't say I like it. In my opinion, the card is very mediocre. And this is mainly due to the fact that there are so many bushes and trees here that not only can you not see anything in them, but it is also not clear whether you were exposed to light or not. All this is complicated by the fact that the battle we are watching was not exactly one of the first, well, something like that, and I did not have any crew at that moment. For German tank tanks, I previously had no motivation or desire to pump out a single German tank tank when there are so many other tanks in the game. And that's why there is no light bulb. In short, the sixth sense is not pumped into the commander. And at the moment of this battle, at the time of recording this video (this action has already ended), but at the moment of the battle it was, this action for the 15th anniversary of wargaming. At that moment, they gave triple experience after each battle to all crew members, all tankers. And this was just the best time when it was possible to swing the crew into a light bulb. And that’s why in this battle I don’t have it yet (98% pumped in) and this is precisely the biggest difficulty. Because with all these new camouflages, it doesn’t work as well as before, shooting through double bushes at fifteen meters, etc., etc. All this complicates the game, because now I can’t be one hundred percent sure that I’m shooting and not getting caught. They happen for reasons unknown to me. How this even works, I have no idea. And that’s why it’s very, very difficult to play this tank without a light bulb. The fact is that (I think you understand what the problem is) when there is absolutely no armor, then any projectile flying into our silhouette is a big disaster. Most likely, he will cause us damage. And this tank destroyer still has a small problem. It is as follows: it seems that small sizes are a virtue. Well, of course, yes, on the one hand, it’s true. But on the other hand, all its components are mixed in such a dense lump in the E-25 (four tankers are located there somewhere, an engine, tanks, and 16 shells are stuffed there somewhere, and a walkie-talkie sticks out, and everything in the world. In short, , all these internal modules are very, very assembled in this tank, like in a watch. You know, there is no extra space. And here it’s the same. Therefore, every projectile flying at us is quite capable of spinning something. And therefore we need to think very seriously about avoiding some kind of damage, which means getting caught in light. Moreover, in every battle this needs to be done, in every battle you need to think about it.

It is precisely this simple reason, it seems to me, that tells us that driving this tank will probably be a nightmare and a real punishment for those players who are still inexperienced in this game, who are just starting to play. And, probably, thanks to such players, the statistics for the north of victories of this PT team are not the greatest.

At the time of recording this video, I played something like 20 battles on this PT-shke (maybe 15, in general, not much), and the win percentage (I played exclusively solo) is about 88 or something like that. I don’t remember exactly, but this is really much more than on any other tank, say, a premium tier seven. That is, this anti-tank gun really does fall into capable hands, well, for example, I see the IS-2. Well, why should I shoot him anywhere other than at the skating rink? He's not going anywhere. 2.5 second reload time. He has no chance. And so I shoot (the light has disappeared, but it is there), and now he will leave this mortal world. And all thanks to the fact that I caught him here at the so-called constriction.

Correct assessment of the situation in battle

If you are a skilled player, then you know all these tricks very well. I mean, you're not looking at the mini-map, assessing the distance to the enemy, assessing the possibility of whether you've been spotted or not, whether you'll be spotted after being shot. Even despite, let’s say, the incredible camouflage and invisibility of this anti-tank gun, you still need to think about it. Personally, I was properly taught this style of play by tanks such as Leopard Prototype A. It seems to be an incredibly difficult tank. Maybe Lorraine should also be included here, who is a ninth-level French student.

All these tanks seem to dictate to us a style of play such that we never need to allow ourselves to be seen or to be shot at. Everything needs to be done to ensure that the distance between us, between the enemies and us, is very large, just within the range of a shot. And this tank, like the Leopard Prototype A, allows you to shoot quite accurately at a distance. Well, we have already become a little convinced of this. In general, it’s already clear here - the accuracy is 0.3. There are 460 meters to the tank, and it’s very easy to punch it into the side with BB guns. In the forehead, there will probably be no options with BB guns, but in this case there are sub-calibers. By the way, let’s digress a little from the topic of, say, playing skills on this tank, and let’s move on to the ammunition, because it seemed to me initially that armor penetration would be very, very lacking. 150 points is not 200, and there may be serious problems with these. And it seems logical to think so, but practice shows that, for example, I decided for myself since I don’t have any problems with silver, thanks to Bagration’s silver (a wonderful promotion) and loaded half of the sub-caliber ammunition here (30 pieces), but it shows practice, that is, in general, a lot. In principle, it’s enough if you don’t have a problem with silver at all and you’re not aiming at some kind of farming - just some fun rides. But if this is your breadwinner, then ten shells will probably be enough. They should only be used in some emergency cases, when you haven’t exactly hit someone once or twice, or you are sure that you won’t hit the enemy. Why waste time? It’s better to start shooting with sub-caliber guns right away. Maybe 20 will be the golden mean, but definitely 30 is too much. Very often situations arose when enemies and loose ones remained, but I had gold with me, a whole pocket. And therefore you have to spend it unjustifiably and ineffectively, that is, overpay after the results of the battle. In short, you get the idea. And therefore, you also need to devote special attention to this and, depending on your skill and playing style, choose whether you need 10 sub-caliber shells or 20.

Well, now the situation is such that I accidentally discover on the mini-map that a panther was glowing at our base. It is completely unclear what she is doing there. Well, basically, she’s probably looking for our artillery, our Bishop, but he’s even more original than this panther. He actually moved closer to our group of tanks. I know that we are destroying every house at our base, and all I need is for someone (our IS or SU100M1) to simply illuminate our base, because the capture has begun. If I go to shine, they will drain me there (don’t go to a fortune teller here). And since I was not as lucky with my team in this battle as I would have liked, I understand that under no circumstances should I lose HP. And I see that they are going to shine, so I feel more or less calm, although there are 20 seconds left until the end of the capture, and this time is melting with each second, expiring. The IC lights up and I start roughly where it should be, punching through the walls. Somehow it happened that I ended up in the tower there. I’m trying, and on board the IS. This is not the best option, especially when it is at a distance. It's better to hit him in the tower. There is less armor, and there are few harps and inclined elements on board. Therefore, the efficiency is much greater. And this is how we drive away the first batch of invaders. They all leave in fear and, in general, they do the right thing. But now there will be a second wave, because the French PT is passing through, and now everything will be difficult here too. Now the panther, as it turns out, has lit up (it kills artillery). So I ran out of bb-shki and started using sub-calibers. In principle, I probably wouldn’t hit the panther in the forehead with BB guns, but it would be absolutely no problem on the side. I see that our VC has illuminated the ARL44, and there is a possibility that he will now die here from this French long-barreled weapon with an excellent armor-piercing gun. And I’m going to meet him, while he’s on his way to me, I definitely need to do something with him. Since it is clear that our ally died somewhere there, it is not clear from the silhouette where the ARL is. He maneuvers a little, exposes his turret, and I have no problem hitting it twice.

Conclusion on E-25

What else do I want to say about this PT in general? That's how nice it is to hit most shots at a distance of 400, or even 500 meters, on enemies, on commander's turrets or other very vulnerable places, which is simply amazing. Moreover, this AT has an aiming speed of 1.7 seconds and a reload speed of 2.5. That is, you even have time to make a reserve after each shot. Each subsequent shot, after 2.5 seconds, is aimed with complete accuracy, and this is very comfortable for the game. The second wave of invaders has arrived. I immediately catch IS on the gusle. He is apparently hiding behind the house. There are already few shells left. I understand that smashing all these houses with shells is not an option, because there are still 4 enemies, and I already have 10 shells. Well, now there are 3. And the E-25 comes at me. This is the one at the top, remember, the enemy somehow got in to me. And fortunately, I have full HP, and he has incomplete HP, so, in the best traditions of Jean-Claude Van Damme, we begin to kick each other in the ribs: who will survive. It's clear that HP is on my side. Although he pierced me with every shot, he only damaged the gun for everyone, which is surprising, that is, not a single crew member (let’s not forget that he shot brilliantly - at the mask). On the auto-sight, apparently, comrade. Apparently, this is also the case when the player was caught by a not entirely experienced E-25 driver. Although he, in principle, has 3 frags. Maybe I'm wrong. In short, now there are 5 projectiles and 2 enemies. One of them is below, now if I fall on it, it will take me in two plops, and I probably won’t have time to break it, because it has 276 hellspoons. Or maybe I will have time. Well, in short, it's because it's not over yet. There is also a grill. Now I’m carefully trying to highlight it through these crowns, but of course I can’t see it. But there’s no need to rush either. There are still 3.5 minutes until the end of the battle, almost 4. And, in general, there is time, there is no need to rush. I'm waiting for our IS (he will have more HP) to take advantage of the situation and highlight KV1. Well, I think this is my way out now. Well, my exit wasn’t even required. And now in pursuit of the sixth. While I'm driving, I want to say one thing: I really, really liked this tank (I will repeat, probably more than once). In any case, I will leave it in the hangar, in any case, I will often ride it and maybe not so much from the point of view of farming, but to play a good fight. Something tells me that this tank will have an interesting story, just like the Leopard Prototype A. The maximum damage on the Leopard Prototype A is a measly 1200 units, while I was able to handle 2600. And the efficiency rating on the leopard was simply off the charts - about 6000, you can look at the statistics. Amazing numbers. I think it will be the same here. That is, this tank is quite suitable for raising statistics. These are the opinions I have.

Well, the last thing left for the game - since I’ve already arrived, I need to take the phagen. I shoot the last golds at the wall. That is, the E-25 tank destroyer definitely passes. I think it will appeal to everyone who understands this game and understands all its intricacies. This is the end of the fairy tale. Thank you for watching the video guide on World of Tanks. I hope this was informative. More than one awaits us in the future, as can probably be seen from this tank. Let's see what kind of fights there are, let's see the masters. Well, for now, of course, not a master. It seems like he did a lot of things, but only the first degree. In short, the results of the battle are in front of you. Good luck to all! Bye bye.

Let's say right away that a tank the size of a Christmas tree is not unique - this can be seen at first glance at its performance characteristics. The opinions of the players were very divided, some liked the tank, you just have to “feel” the style of play on it. Someone hated him so much that Sergei Borisovich began to hiccup.

Let's start with so that everyone understands what we are talking about. We have already published them, but for simplicity we will duplicate them again:

  • German tank destroyer, level 7, on test 0.8.7 cost - 7000 gold;
  • basic:
    • strength - 830;
    • maximum weight - 29t;
    • engine power - 700 hp;
    • maximum speed - 65 km/h;
    • turning speed - 44;
    • booking - 50/30/30;
    • overview - 360m;
    • communication range - 710m;
  • gun 7.5cm StuK 42 L/70:
    • caliber - 75mm;
    • rate of fire - 20 rounds per minute;
    • armor penetration - 150/194/38;
    • average damage - 135/135/175;
    • spread - 0.3;
    • mixing time - 1.5 sec.

These parameters were taken from the test server, which means only one thing - they can be changed at any time.

Players' opinions on the E-25 tank

...due to low visibility, low armor penetration (for its level), and lack of armor, the vehicle will be very dependent on the team and will not be able to use its strengths on all maps... damage is low, farsightedness is lame, penetration is not enough - but the tree style is quite possible - it spins in place like a centrifuge with a loon, and the acceleration is impressive...

She's not worth her 7k gold, IMHO. It would have cost 3750, I could have gotten it for some kind of promotion, but I didn’t give up...

Didn't hit, ricochet didn't hit, ricochet, hit!

... there is no armor, there is not even ricocheting as such, but the armor is compensated by its very small size, anti-tank camouflage and a gun without a muzzle brake, which allows us to wank to our hearts' content!

By the way, I just tanked two rebounds from Fedor... for which he paid with his own skin... 950 unanswered units of 1:1 damage at a harsh level 8 is something!!! + armor-piercing gun for 8 holes...

...a bird that can quickly occupy any bush on the map and, thanks to its very small caliber, shoot without being exposed...

The E25 is ideal for those who competently know how to use maneuverability and stealth in combat, and are not afraid to play actively. For all those who like to wait for all the stars to come together in battle to bend at once (in the top, they gave the right light, the enemy hit in exactly one place, etc.) it is better to take something else...

As you can see, opinions are divided. To make the picture more complete, we bring to your attention several video reviews, thanks to which your opinion about this tank will be more objective.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for site updates - after the official release, when the final characteristics of the E-25 tank are known, we will release a full guide.