In childhood, most of us perceived the hoop as a toy, not a sports equipment. Now we have no time for toys, and we want to understand whether it is useful to twist the hoop. Unfortunately, over the years, there is no trace of children's flexibility, and life's problems leave their mark not only on the face in the form of early wrinkles, but also on the figure - "fireproof" fat deposits. And so I want to be slim! So, can we turn to the hoop again?

Which hoop to choose?

Today, the choice of hoops (aka -) is quite wide. In this list, sports, or gymnastics - made of aluminum or plastic, familiar and beloved. In specialized sports stores, you can find weighted hoops designed for athletes for enhanced training with increased physical exertion.

For those who monitor their health, weight or need physiotherapy exercises, massage hoops with a built-in calorie counter are of interest.

Isn't it bad to twist the hoop?

This question is not idle. Having acquired a bunch of diseases over the years, we must now understand how useful it is to twist the hoop, and whether these exercises will bring additional harm to health. Definitely not, if you do not try to get rid of the kilograms gained over many years in 10-12 days by purchasing a weighted hoop, which, in your opinion, should make the figure perfect during this time. We want to pay attention: the question of whether it is useful to twist the hoop at the waist is not worth it - it is useful; it is more important to understand how to do it correctly and how much time.

It is better to start with a regular gymnastic hoop, with which you can restore the skill of its rotation at the waist, after all, you see, many have forgotten how this is done, and the first time they will not be able to make even a few rotations (flexibility, and the waist is not the same). To begin with, classes lasting from 5 to 7 minutes are enough, then increasing it every week and bringing it up to 20-25 minutes. When the skill is restored, and classes begin to bring joy, you can switch to a weighted hoop.

If you want to know how useful it is to twist an iron one, then pay attention to its weight. With the help of such a projectile, you can start an intensive struggle with your own excess weight, and your body will be grateful to you not only for taking care of beauty, but also for the reasonable construction of such a program.

Almost every woman or girl who dreams of a wasp waist considers it her duty to acquire a hula hoop. But is there any benefit from the hula hoop and will it help to get rid of extra pounds without harming the body - let's try to figure it out.

Advantages and benefits of the hula hoop

One cannot but agree that the hula hoop has many advantages. The hoop is one of the simplest exercise equipment. It can only be easier.

You can train with it at home at any time, allocating a little space. While spinning it, you can do your favorite things, such as chatting on the phone or watching TV. Some even manage to read.

To start classes, with a hula hoop, special skills and physical training are not required. You can learn how to twist it in a few workouts.

The measured rotation of the hula hoop does not cause muscle strain and fatigue. If you accelerate the pace, it will serve as a good cardio machine.

The undoubted benefit of the hula hoop lies in its massage effect, due to which the skin tone improves, blood circulation increases and fat deposits decrease. When exercising with a hoop, the muscles of the hips, buttocks, back and abs are involved, which helps to strengthen them. Hulahup cleans the stomach, trains the vestibular apparatus, the respiratory system and the heart muscle.

The benefits of the hoop will be subject to the correct calculation of the loads and the number of exercises. Using the right hula hoop is important. Weighted models are designed for overweight women with fat folds. Lighter ones are used to strengthen muscles, maintain tone and fitness. A good hula hoop should fit you in diameter. Beginners are advised to use light models and gradually increase the load. To achieve noticeable results, you need to practice with a hula hoop for at least 15 minutes 5-6 times a week.

Disadvantages and harms of the hula hoop

Although hula hoop classes seem simple and affordable, even such a simple simulator has contraindications. Before you start training with a hoop, you should familiarize yourself with the consequences.

You should prepare for the formation of hematomas after hula hoop classes. The damage from bruises is small, but they are similar to those that remain after a rough, inept massage, and can provoke scarring of the subcutaneous tissue, which will manifest itself in the form of abdominal tuberosity, especially for weighted massage models. To avoid such consequences, do exercises in a tight top or high shorts. It is necessary to choose the hoop correctly, adequately assessing the physical condition and predisposition to the formation of hematomas.

Some experts believe that hula hoop training can lead to uterine prolapse and other problems with the abdominal cavity, but the facts are not scientifically confirmed. It is not recommended to practice with a hoop for women who have gynecological diseases, for example, the bend of the uterus or fibroids.

Do not use a sports equipment for people with skin diseases, such as rashes, psoriasis or.

With problems with the spine, you can not do hula hoop exercises. The harm of classes lies in the fact that inept or prolonged torsion of the projectile can lead to loosening of the vertebrae. Back problems can be contraindications, so if there are any, it is better to consult a doctor.

A hula hoop or just a hoop is an effective and easy-to-use sports equipment. Its use contributes to the formation of a beautiful figure. In addition, the rotation of the hoop has a positive effect on the body as a whole: it strengthens the back muscles and activates blood circulation, strengthens the respiratory system. Despite this, the hula hoop has a number of contraindications.

Is it bad to spin the hula hoop?

  1. The hoop can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus, and if a caesarean section has taken place, then this may be unsafe for the mother's body. Many are interested in whether it is possible to twist the hula hoop during menstruation. During this period, it is also unacceptable to make a load on the pelvic area.
  2. Diseases of the abdominal organs. If your intestines, kidneys or another organ are inflamed, then the extra load may not be very useful.
  3. Wrong choice and use of the hula hoop. Like any simulator, the hoop has its purpose. If you're light weight and don't have any body fat, you might not want to be too hard on the hoop. This is fraught with bruising and pain in the waist area.
  4. Diseases of the spine. Scoliosis and poor posture are not uncommon these days, but there are more serious conditions such as herniated discs and spinal misalignment, in which the rotation of the hoop can exacerbate the problem. Before using the hula hoop in these cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
  5. Dermatological diseases. If you have damage in the waist area, stitches or skin irritation, it is better to wait with classes until complete healing.

How to practice with a hula hoop?

It is best to twist the hula hoop on an empty stomach.

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart or together, knees slightly bent. When the legs are together, the rotation of the hoop becomes more difficult. But don't spread your legs too far.
  2. Pull the hoop to your back above your waist. If you turn the hoop clockwise, turn your body to the right, then turn back sharply and release the hoop.
  3. Do smooth swings. If your legs are apart, shift your weight from one leg to the other. When rotating, only the legs, waist and neck are involved.
  4. If you feel that the hoop starts to fall, then you need to speed up the movements, and it will rise higher. It is better to start training with a plastic hula hoop. A metal hoop, falling, can hit your legs hard, so try not to drop it.
  5. In time, you can start spinning the hula hoop from five minutes, gradually increasing the rotation time to 15 minutes. The key to success is regular training with the same duration.
  6. To get a greater effect of the rotation of the hoop, it should be combined with exercises for the press, legs and back.
  7. When you are learning, twist the hoop in the direction that is comfortable for you. Over time, try to twist alternately in different directions.
  8. Exercises can be performed not only for the waist, but also for beautiful arms and legs. To train your arms, you should stretch one arm parallel to the floor, put a hoop on it and make circular movements.
  9. For legs, it is recommended to lie on the floor, rest one foot on the floor, lift the other leg, put it on and use your hands to set it in motion. Rotate the hoop with your foot for several minutes.

Bruising after hula hoop rotation can be prevented. To do this, you can buy a special belt, wrap a scarf around your waist or wear a sweater. However, even this does not guarantee the complete absence of bruises. But do not worry - those who exercise regularly say with confidence that bruises usually disappear within the first month and then no longer appear.

The hoop is a popular sports equipment that promotes weight loss in the abdomen and waist. Regular hula hoop exercises will help you get rid of extra pounds and, while strengthening your abdominal muscles. But in order to achieve the best result, it is worth learning more about the principle of operation of this projectile, as well as the features of classes using it.

How does a hoop work?

The essence of the work of sports equipment is as follows: on the problem areas of the abdomen, it is necessary to twist the hula-hoop for several minutes.

During intensive training, the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles are involved, which will contribute to the burning of fat deposits in the waist area.

If you do not have free time to visit gyms and fitness clubs, daily five-minute workouts using a massage therapeutic hoop with spikes will allow you to get rid of hated kilograms in just a few months.

Types of projectiles

How many varieties are hula hoops. Some of them are made of plastic, others are made of special rubber. In addition, the shells differ in their design characteristics.

Currently, you can buy hula hoops of the following types:

  • Weighted. Such products are made of plastic and are hollow inside, which
    allows the use of special fillers for weighting sports equipment. A heavy hoop allows you to increase the intensity of the load, which speeds up the process of losing weight;
  • Elastic. Made of plastic materials, this allows you to use sports equipment not only for its intended purpose, but also as an expander for training various muscle groups;
  • Prefabricated. Such a projectile, if necessary, can be disassembled into several parts, which greatly simplifies its transportation and storage;
  • Roller. On the inside of such a device, instead of spikes, there are special rollers that massage problem areas, thereby improving blood circulation and increasing muscle tone.

Benefits of spinning the hula hoop

The massage hoop significantly improves muscle tone, which over time will have a positive effect on the shape of the waist.

In addition, regular exercise with sports equipment will allow you to:

  • Develop the vestibular apparatus;
  • Significantly improve posture when walking;
  • Tighten and strengthen the muscles of the thighs, abs, as well as the back;
  • Get rid of cellulite and sagging skin;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system.

However, it should be borne in mind that the benefits of twisting a hoop with spikes are possible only with the correct technique for performing various exercises.

That is why before you start training, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using this projectile.

Exercise technique

If you just twist the hula hoop for 2-3 minutes for a long time, you will not get much effect.

Therefore, experienced fitness trainers insist on the correct method for performing exercises, which includes the following rules:

  • At first, you should not immediately give yourself a big load, so the first week you need
    twist the hoop for 1 minute in 3-4 sets with a break of 30-40 seconds;
  • In the second week of classes, try to increase the duration of the exercise: add 20-30 seconds daily to the main hula hoop torsion time;
  • If you need a greater load, try to practice several times a day, “chasing away” the entire complex;
  • During training, hematomas should not appear on the abdomen and back. If this happens, postpone classes for a few days;
  • The technique of performing the exercise must be strictly observed. In this case, the legs should be placed shoulder-width apart, and the back should be straightened;
  • To improve the effect of losing weight and strengthening the muscle corset, twist the projectile in different directions: the first approach is clockwise, the second is counterclockwise;
  • When exercising, watch your posture: do not raise your shoulders and try not to lower your head to look at the hula hoop.

How much to spin the hoop?

Many women who want to get rid of excess weight with the help of a hula hoop are wondering: how much do you need to twist the spiked hoop to get rid of your stomach? There is no single answer to this question, because much depends on the physical fitness of a person and his state of health.

Hula hoop is not always good. So, too intense exercise can negatively affect the well-being of losing weight. At best, small hematomas will appear on the stomach and back, and at worst, dizziness and nausea will occur, which can lead to fainting.

Are there side effects?

Before buying a hoop with spikes, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for use for you.

For this you need:

  • consult with a professional fitness trainer;
  • consult a doctor.

In addition, it is not advisable to use this sports equipment in such cases:

  • with problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • for people whose vessels are located close to the surface of the skin, exercises with studded shells are not recommended, since hematomas may appear on the surface of the abdomen and back;
  • this method of losing weight is not suitable for women who have recently given birth and pregnant women;
  • those suffering from kidney and heart disease should also refrain from hula hoop training.

The initial popularity of hoops began to receive in the 1950s. At first, spinning a hoop was considered a game for children, but then hoops or hula hoops entered the world of fitness and are used as projectiles to strengthen abdominal muscles and burn calories.

Hula hoop training can be an enjoyable exercise with many benefits. If you're bored with the same routine at the gym, you can change up your regular workout routine by incorporating hoop exercises.

If you regularly turn the hoop, the benefits will be tangible: from training the cardiovascular system, to weight loss and muscle building.

For muscle growth, the maximum effect of the hoop can be obtained if it is weighted and weighs approximately 1.3 kg to 2.2 kg. These hoops are available in various diameters. So, let's consider how a hoop is useful.

It is worth noting that the benefit of the hoop will be only if you choose the right hula hoop for you.

Heavy hoops effectively clean the stomach, while lighter ones strengthen muscles and keep fit. Beginners are advised to use light models and gradually increase the load. In order for the benefits to be tangible, it is necessary to twist the hula hoop 5-6 times a week for at least 15 minutes.

Spin the hoop - effect

What does the hoop provide in terms of calories? It burns approximately seven calories per minute, one hour of intense hoop training is the equivalent of an hour of treadmill training. So, the benefits for weight loss are obvious.

The larger the hoop in diameter and heavier in weight, the slower it will rotate at a slower speed. Then the projectile is easier to twist, it will stick around your waist for a longer period of time.

The repeated sharp circular oscillations of the hip (during rotation) of the hoop help to strengthen the muscles:

  • Hips, buttocks, back and abs.
  • About 30 core muscles are involved, which lie next to the spine and provide its fixation.
  • There is an assumption that if you regularly twist the hula hoop, it will help strengthen the stabilizing muscles and back pain will disappear.
  • Exercises with a hoop will work not only the muscles of the spine, but also the legs and arms.

Hoop Twisting Against Squats

Squats strengthen the anterior abdominal wall, or rectus abdominis, hip flexors, and psoas muscles. As you lift your lower back off the ground, the hip flexors and stabilizing muscles of the lumbar spine are activated. Squats are usually included in the main mode of strengthening muscles and increasing endurance in various sports. Also, the benefit of squats is that they help relieve back pain.

When doing exercises with a hoop, you can use a projectile with a diameter of 95 cm to 115 cm. The circular movements of the hoop will depend on the direction of your hips forward and backward. Standard hula hoop exercises target the lower back, abdominals, obliques, quads, hamstrings, and hip flexors. You can also twist the hoop around your arm, this helps to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest and arms.

If you're just circling the hoop around your waist while rocking back and forth on your feet, you won't get the same workout as squats. To train your core muscles with a hoop, place your feet shoulder-width apart. When the hoop touches the navel, it is necessary to tighten the stomach to push the hoop to the next circle. In addition, unlike squats, the hoop also improves hand-eye coordination, develops rhythm, motor skills, balance and flexibility.

One study found that hooping burned an average of seven calories per minute, or 210 calories for 30 minutes. Unlike the hoop, squats don't burn many calories. Performing squats for a person weighing 55-60 kg can burn 126 calories in 30 minutes.

Check with your doctor before you start exercising with a weighted hoop. If you feel pain in your back or hips, stop spinning the hoop and seek medical attention.