If you fall in love with a man, you should not marry him - he can make you unhappy.

George Bernard Shaw

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Many girls marry men who remind them of their father. Is this why their mothers cry at the wedding ceremony?

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Only a few girls deliberately marry idiots, the rest are convinced of this only after marriage.

L. Trotsky

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The most difficult task for a woman is to prove to a man the seriousness of his intentions.

Helen Rowland

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A good woman, when she gets married, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.

V. Klyuchevsky

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A girl will always exchange a bachelor for an unmarried man.

Jimmy Cannoy

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If your husband expects you to laugh, laugh; if he expects you to cry, don’t cry; if you don’t know what he expects from you, why get married?

Mignon McLaughlin

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Girls, when they get married, very soon come to the conclusion that all men are the same.

Gennady Malkin

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A woman becomes whole by becoming half.

Jacques Audiberti

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"She's getting married." - “Against koto?”


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Marrying out of pity is madness, and if you think that you are able to influence men of this kind (“oh, he never had a chance, poor thing!”), then you are deeply mistaken. Only a strong character can be influenced, not a weak one, and it is the height of conceit to believe that you can make a real person out of anyone.

M. Asquith

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To be married means to be neither alone nor in anyone's company.

N. Barney

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The worst, fatal mistake for a young girl is to marry a man involved in art. If you wish, my dears, take them as your lovers. They will teach you a lot, from them you will learn a lot about life, about human nature and about the relationship between men and women, because they are directly interested in all this, while everyone else is stuffed with prejudices, high ideals and literary reminiscences. Every poor artist, and in general a person of intellectual labor, looking for a woman who would take him in for support Remember, people of art do not need peace of mind and legitimate offspring, but a variety of sensations and a secure income.

R. Aldington

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I think, therefore, I am not married.

Elizabeth Winston

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Getting married is like buying something you admired in a store window. No matter how good it is, it will never be in harmony with the rest of your home.

A. Kerr

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Some women get married for financial reasons, others get divorced for the same reasons.

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In every woman's life there are two main men: the one she married, and the one she, alas, did not marry.

Robert Lembke

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A woman must choose: with a man whom other women love, she will never be calm, with a man whom other women do not love, she will never be happy.

Anatole France

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No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.

Henry Louis Mencken

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At age 30, the probability of marriage is 20 percent. at 35 years old - 5 percent, and at 40 years old there is a greater chance of being killed by a terrorist.

Unknown American

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Girls often lose friends when they marry them.

Marrying someone you don't love is outrageous.
D. Pisarev.

All a woman seeks in marriage is a roof over her head and a man under her thumb.

A woman becomes whole by becoming half.
Jacques Audiberti

A girl will always exchange a bachelor for an unmarried man.
Jimmy Cannoy

In every woman's life there are two main men: the one she married, and the one she, alas, did not marry.
Robert Lembke

Wives and anglers always feel like the biggest fish is off the hook.
"20. Quips & Quotes LLC

The most difficult task for a woman is to prove to a man the seriousness of his intentions.
Helen Rowland

"She's getting married." - “Against koto?”
Lancourt (Florent Carton)

Marriage is an attempt to turn a night owl into a domestic pigeon.
American saying

If your husband expects you to laugh, laugh; if he expects you to cry, don’t cry; If you don't know what he expects from you, why did you get married?
Mignon McLaughlin

To be married means to be neither alone nor in anyone's company.
Natalie Clifford Barney

Girls often lose friends when they marry them.
Francoise Sagan

If you fall in love with a man, you should not marry him - he can make you unhappy.
George Bernard Shaw

A woman must choose: with a man whom other women love, she will never be calm; with a man whom other women do not like, she will never be happy.
Anatole France

The trouble with many women is that they admire literally nothing - and then marry him.

A man marries in the hope that the woman will never change. A woman gets married in the hope that the man will change. Both are invariably disappointed.
Attributed to Albert Einstein

Married women are still women, and eventually they start to figure it out.
Logan Pearsall Smith

No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried.
Henry Louis Mencken

There are no rules when it comes to hunting your husband. All means are permitted, as long as the trophy is captured alive.
Georges Armand Masson

Girls, when they get married, very soon come to the conclusion that all men are the same.
Gennady Malkin

You never know who is not suitable for you as a husband until you get married.

I think, therefore, I am not married.
Elizabeth Winston

Women who do not marry before age thirty-eight usually remain at that age until marriage.

Getting married is like buying something you admired in a store window. No matter how good it is, it will never be in harmony with the rest of your home.
A. Kerr

To marry out of pity is madness; and if you think that you can influence men of this sort (“oh, he never had a chance, poor thing!”), then you are deeply mistaken. Only a strong character can be influenced, not a weak one, and it is the height of conceit to believe that you can make a real person out of anyone.
M. Asquith

The worst, fatal mistake for a young girl is to marry a man involved in art. If you wish, my dears, take them as your lovers. They will teach you a lot, from them you will learn a lot about life, about human nature and about the relationship between men and women, because they are directly interested in all this, while everyone else is stuffed with prejudices, high ideals and literary reminiscences... Every poor artist, and people in general mental labor, looking for a woman who would take him on as a support... Remember, people of art do not need peace of mind and legitimate offspring, but a variety of sensations and a secure income.
R. Aldington

A good woman, when she gets married, promises happiness, a bad woman waits for it.
V. Klyuchevsky

She made many men happy by refusing to marry them.
V. Prudovsky

When a girl gets married, she exchanges the attention of many men for the inattention of one.
X. Rowland

Only a few girls deliberately marry idiots, the rest are convinced of this only after marriage.
L. Trotsky

Many girls marry men who remind them of their father. Is this why their mothers cry at the wedding ceremony?
author unknown

Some women marry for financial reasons; others get divorced for the same reasons.
author unknown

Some pugs are so strong because they married an elephant.
Folk humor

To be married means to be neither alone nor in anyone's company.
N. Barney

Marriage is not marital status…..it is a medal. It’s called “For Courage!”

Marry that girl... who will take care of you like a mother... and obey you like a sister!

Love is a form of temporary madness, curable only by marriage.

Marriage is the peaceful coexistence of two nervous systems... Sometimes very nervous!

The path to a happy marriage runs through a man's stomach, and to divorce through his liver...

Bunnies, cats and suns get married, and goats, bitches and deer are bred.

Mom, why is the bride always in a white dress at a wedding? - Because, son, for her this is the most joyful and bright day. - Aaaa, well, now it’s clear why the groom is always in black...

The wedding should not be with someone you can live with! And with someone you can’t live without!

Conversation between two girls. -I have a wedding tomorrow, will you go? -I don’t know, what about you?

At a wedding, the bride was kidnapped... The groom began to have hope...

A wedding is good, a wedding is satisfying!)))

Student wedding: - Wait, why doesn’t the bride drink? - So she didn’t chip in!

I'm getting married... for the tenth time. Lord, how many men I have made happy! :D

I can't do it before the wedding! - When is your wedding?

If you gave your hand and heart to a woman, then what is the point of being so nervous about some wallet?

If you want to marry a smart, beautiful and rich woman, marry three times.

No, he didn’t stutter before the wedding...

SMS before the wedding: “I love you, I’m waiting for you, I miss you.” … SMS after the wedding: “Bread, toilet paper, milk.”

There are 3 moments in a guy’s life: dating, wedding, alimony...

If you dream of starting a family with someone, you should remember: cockroaches do not run away after the wedding! So think about it: will yours get along with strangers?

Before the wedding they throw dust in each other's eyes, and after they wash it away with tears.

I told him this: “Either you marry me, or I marry you! And you choose what date the wedding will be!”

Matchmaker with a guarantee! If I don’t find a suitable bride for you within a week, I will marry you myself!

If a girl decides to make someone happy, then nothing can save this poor guy.

Before the wedding, the groom often calls the bride a mouse, a bird, etc. With every year of marriage, animals become larger.

A real woman should be married three times: the first - for SHOCK, the second - for CHIC, the third - for CHECK

A Georgian wedding is celebrated on a grand scale, while a Russian wedding is celebrated on a grand scale.

The most common phrase on the first wedding night: “Only 500 rubles? And they are also called friends!”

A woman is like a grenade - safe as long as she has a ring. A man is like a tank - where the gun points, the turret goes.

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall to your knees and don’t shout “You are our Savior!!!”... just quietly nod your head...

The old ladies at weddings always told me, “You’re next.” They stopped doing this after I started telling them the same thing at the funeral)

You only need to get married once... well, six at the most;)

Marriage is a mirage in the desert with palaces, palm trees and a camel. First the palace disappears, then the palm trees, and you are finally left alone with the camel.

My husband is such a bigot... from whom you can’t hide under a big blanket! =)))

After the wedding, I started having vision problems! I don't see money!...

Cool status about a wedding: The servant of God Sergei is getting married, and the fear of God Natalya...

I like men who know what they want. Saw. Fell in love. Got married.

And not “let’s enjoy each other,” “let’s take a closer look,” “let’s try to live together.” And this stretches on for years.

After the candy-bouquet period in a relationship, the pot-and-cutlet period begins!

Well, you should have thought of saying this after losing your virginity - “It’s okay, it’ll heal before the wedding!”... :D

The point of any wedding photo shoot is to take as many photos as possible in different bushes of the city.

Ha! Do you think you and I will stop communicating?! No matter how it is!!! I will still dance at your wedding!... In the bride's dress...

What is a marriage certificate? For women, this is a constant source of profit, and for men, it is a coupon for three meals a day!

If there is agreement, there will be happiness! From now on, only “We” – not “I”, and there will be a strong family!

Giving me a MARRIAGE... My relatives said: We have PRODUCT... AND YOU... ARE FUCKED! =)))

The daughter of the canteen director knew from early childhood where her wedding would take place.

A second marriage is a victory of hope over common sense.

Getting married is when you used to eat golim “Doshirak” for lunch, and now your young wife carefully adds two spoons of stew and a spoonful of mayonnaise to it.

Have you also noticed that in fairy tales after the wedding they write: “This is the end of the fairy tale.”?

I'm still too young... to wonder if there is life after death? I'm much more interested... is there sex... after marriage???

Get married, or what? Where is this unfortunate guy hiding?

Instead of saying “I love you” 1000 times, just put the ring on once.

Girls, learn to cook! It doesn’t matter who you marry, it will still want to eat!

A wedding ring on a man's finger is proof that someone trusted him with their destiny.

Do you swear to cut off your penis if you cheat on me? - No. - AND I SWEAR!))

One day you will call me and ask: “What are you doing?” And I will answer: “I’m getting married!!!”

I will never forget where, when and under what circumstances I got married. But why... I can’t remember!

All men are assholes! - Yes darling. Everything. - And you too? - I'm the biggest goat in the world! - Then why did I marry you and live with you for so many years? - But now we have smoothly moved on to the topic that all women are fools.

We bought wedding rings the other day. We are already sitting at home, looking at the tag, and there, in the manufacturer column, it says “My Prelest LLC” =)

A good wife is her husband's adornment. She is the most precious treasure in his house. Whoever finds a good wife finds a happy life.

The guy sends the girl an SMS: - This subscriber asks you to marry him. Answer: - Dear subscriber, there are not enough funds in your account for this operation.