Slava Panterov is a professional party-goer from St. Petersburg, who became famous on the Internet thanks to his brutal appearance and tattoos, as well as with the help of Alena Vodonaeva, with whom he periodically appears at parties. There are a lot of rumors about the young man, so people familiar with the world of show business claim that Panterov loves to live at the expense of rich women, staying with them exactly as long as they are ready to pay for their lover's entertainment. On Panterov's Instagram, Slava posts a huge number of her photos from various events, where she prefers to relax in the company of stars.

A tattooed stylish young man appeared on Vodonaeva's Instagram recently, but immediately attracted the attention of the female half of Alena's subscribers. The girls began to wonder who this man was, how he was related to the famous TV presenter, began to check his photos on Instagram and see who he was spending time with, what he was doing. Interestingly, Slava Panterov has no education, but he tried to build a modeling career and even tried himself in design. Since the only thing Slava knows how to do well is parties, he recently spoke about plans to open his own club together with singer Irakli Pirtskhalava.

Now Alena Vodonaeva and Slava Panterov are no longer together, but young people often meet in Moscow to have fun, take a couple of funny shots that immediately appear on the Instagram of stars. The man himself maintains his popularity thanks to a rather provocative image. He is not afraid to fill his entire body with tattoos, chooses emphatically aggressive clothes, an unusual hairstyle. Such faces are quite rare to find in clubs today, where most of the vacationers want to impress successful men and women. Panterov's friends say that he is one of the most interesting and easy-to-communicate people, so having fun with him is a pleasure.

Panterov Slava's Instagram has collected more than 30 thousand subscribers, and he himself has already taken more than two thousand photos. The young man loves to participate in photo shoots, where he is often naked to the waist. Constant sports allow him to maintain excellent shape, so for Panterov to undress in front of the camera is a common and pleasant thing. The tattoo lover also shares short videos with his subscribers, which record the process of getting another tattoo. On Instagram, Slava Panterov is discussed quite actively, but most of his subscribers are interested in Slava as a friend of popular girls, so after breaking up with Vodonaeva, the number of his fans decreased slightly.

Popular TV presenter, model Alena Vodonaeva has ceased to hide her new lover. It turned out to be a certain St. Petersburg party-goer Slava Panterov. Journalists immediately "dug up" information about him and found out that Vodonaeva's lover was a gigolo.


No sooner had Alena Vodonaeva divorced her husband Alexei Maklakeev than she found herself a new lover. The TV presenter's microblog is literally overflowing with photographs in which Alena poses with a certain mysterious stranger - a blond, studded with tattoos and invariably wearing black glasses. However, it soon became known that Vodonaeva's lover's name is Slava Panterov and he is a St. Petersburg party-goer.

However, this meager information was not enough for secular chroniclers. Journalists "sniffed out" that in fact Alena's beloved name is Slava Kaeshev, he really comes from St. Petersburg. However, it later turned out that Panterov's past is rather doubtful. " His dad was from the underworld, he was killed, and the guy got involved with not very good companies. From Monday to Wednesday he hung out in bars, and from Wednesday to Sunday - in clubs. Kaeshev did not receive a higher education. First I took money for parties from my mother, then from friends and my girls, "StarHit quotes fellow countrywoman Panterov Irina Krylova.

Panterov has no higher education. For parties, he took money first from his mother, then from friends and his own girls. " Slava always dated rich girls. They paid for it. In St. Petersburg, he was in a relationship with the daughter of wealthy parents for two years. I settled with her, went to her BMW ... "- said Slava's friend Denis Pletnev. For some time Panterov worked as a model at St. . But not very successful."

Friends lured Panterov to Moscow. He has been living here for a little over a year. “Very quickly, he moved into the apartment of a rich passion. They hung out together, she introduced him to friends from show business and, of course, paid for him. Soon Slava began to earn money by marrying Russian girls to wealthy men To France. Money appeared, he saved up for a vacation with a girlfriend. True, when they returned, they fled, "Krylova said. However, Pantherov did not part with the dream of being a designer and has already developed a collection of silver jewelry.

Slava was introduced to Alena Vodonaeva by Ilya Dybov, who once worked in the modeling business in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow became the director of a TV presenter. For several months, intersecting at parties, they looked closely at each other. But when in April it became known about the divorce of Vodonaeva, Slava took the first step.

If you don't already know, then we hasten to inform you: PEOPLETALK fulfills dreams and introduces you only to the best bachelors Moscow! Our today's hero is a model, designer and avid party-goer. (28). For some, it will be ideal, but for some it will be unrealistic. And it is true! One has only to look at it, and you will immediately have a desire to live brightly, become more risky and act without delay. Our film crew was charged with his energy for the whole year and got a lot of pleasure from working with such a hero. We are sure that you will feel a surge of strength after meeting him! T-shirt, H&M

ABOUT MYSELF I was born in St. Petersburg. As a child, he was naughty and often got into some kind of trouble. Since my family was not rich, I had to work from the age of 12. I tried many professions: I was a sales assistant in a store, and face control, and even danced in the street. Then I managed to work in one large company, I will not name it, where I gained invaluable experience. Also in St. Petersburg, I was organizing events, shooting and even recorded one track with rappers. One day my friends and I spontaneously decided to go to Moscow to the concert 30 Seconds to Mars, which in the end, of course, did not fall. But after a month and a half I moved to Moscow which I don't regret a bit.

T-shirt, Levi's, pants, Zara, slip-ons, Zara

ABOUT WORK I have never been able to do any one thing, so I always do many things at the same time. I am soon opening a jewelry brand that will feature silver items for both women and men. I also work as a model on the set, but I do not plan to connect my life with the modeling business, because I think this is not a serious matter for men. I also do music: we recently recorded several techno tracks with the guys, we will be releasing clips soon. Also, I'm a DJ. We have our own music label System 108 .

T-shirt, pants, Zara, sweatshirt, Philipp Plein

GLORY DAY I am a morning person, so I wake up at five or six in the morning. I always try to fall asleep before midnight, but it doesn't work out very well. After waking up, I go in for sports either at home or in the gym, then I work on advertising projects until two hours. We recently finished filming a video on Altai and the teaser will be out soon. The whole day I have meetings, shooting, but sometimes I still manage to escape somewhere with friends. HOBBIES My work is my hobby, and I simply don’t have time for other things. Weekends I usually spend at events or filming. But in general, I like to come up with new designs for tattoos with my friends and then stuff them. If we talk about sports, I have been doing taekwondo for 10 years. I also really want to return to acrobatics, which I did before, because I have already lost my flexibility. Recently I started to go to the piano, which I am very happy about. TATTOO I am often asked how many tattoos I have on my body, to which I answer: "One big." I made the first tattoo on my left leg at the age of 11, and then off we go. But I'm almost done. It remains only to score the back and right leg.

CLOTHES I have a very good relationship with fashion. I like many brands of clothes. V In my wardrobe you can find a variety of things in style, but lately I only wear dark colors. NUTRITION I eat mostly salads and chicken meat. Don't think that I'm on a diet, I'm just picky in my choice of food, but I love sweets. (Laughs.) I myself cook very well. ADVANTAGES It is difficult to judge oneself, because each person has his own concept of dignity and disadvantage. I can say that I am a good friend. Also I never start doing something if I know I can't do it well.

DISADVANTAGES I have a big drawback: I often use obscene language (laughs), but at the same time I do not swear where it is unacceptable. WHAT CAN BE TOUCHED Yes, anything, for example, children, animals. ON WHAT WE NEVER SPENT MONEY AND TIME Nothing is a pity. I just don't do what I don't like.

WHO INSPIRES My friends inspire me. And by the way, I believe in friendship between a girl and a guy. I have several friends with whom we have been talking for a very long time. VALUES IN PEOPLE Kindness means a lot to me. And it is also important that a person be responsible and at the same time spontaneous.

PERSONAL LIFE Nothing is happening on my personal front at the moment. The last relationship was a year and a half ago. In general, I am for people to part if they are uncomfortable living together. So far, I do not consider myself an enviable bachelor, if only in seven years. DREAM GIRL I love dark girls. I never get anything with blondes, and I don't know why. I can’t imagine a girl with any specific parameters, because I like different ones. But I still prefer kind and sociable people. It is very important for me that you can talk with a girl about something interesting. I can be conquered by a girl who takes the first step. I have always appreciated people who do what they want.

Text: Maria Lisitsyna

Photo: Instagram; Twitter; StarHit/Artur Tagirov; ITAR-TASS

The novel of 30-year-old Alena Vodonaeva and St. Petersburg party-goer Slava Panterov is rapidly developing. However, in spite of everything, Alena is preparing to part with her boyfriend soon, and he, as it turned out, has a very muddy past...

At the past ceremonies of the RU TV channel and Playmate of the year, Alena Vodonaeva and Slava Panterov did not part for a minute and did not hesitate to show their feelings in public. New love completely captured Alena’s thoughts and life, even her style of dress has changed: if Vodonaeva used to prefer bright, sexy outfits, now she has changed into black leather to match her companion, who practically does not take off her dark glasses and jeans with T-shirts (we hope that it is a collection of the same things, not two black and white sets). And at the events themselves, the sweet couple doesn’t really stay too long: “decent” 20-30 minutes in front of the cameras and in the hall, and that’s all - suddenly appearing, they just as suddenly disappear.

On Twitter, the TV presenter admits that for the first time she feels such strong feelings towards a man (apparently, even her ex-husband was less fortunate at one time) and even writes about the addiction she got into:

“I thought that I would never be dependent on a person. With my sense of inner freedom ... "

Surprisingly, Alena and Slava have known each other for a little more than two weeks, and she has already managed to introduce him to fans, the public, and even her son Bogdan. But the star's priorities are still her family, and not a new love, so Vodonaeva is already mentally preparing for a long separation from her lover:

“It’s as if all this is some kind of happy pioneer camp and soon we will fly home, promising not to forget each other and sometimes miss.” The beauty has long made her plans for the summer and rented an apartment on the Cote d'Azur for two months. And apparently, Panterov does not fit into an idyllic vacation: “Because we have known each other for 2 weeks. And I have a family for the summer, ”a former participant in the Dom-2 show explained to readers on Twitter.

Alena can be understood: passion is good, but a rational view of things is never superfluous. Moreover, the new chosen one of the star, apparently, is fundamentally different from a reliable and respectable ex-spouse, and not only outwardly.

Muddy past and vague present of Slava Panterov

The journalists of the Starhit edition managed to communicate with Panterov's St. Petersburg acquaintances and find out not the most attractive facts from his biography. The education of Vyacheslav Kaeshaev (this is actually the name of the young man. - Approx. Site) ended immediately after graduation at St. Petersburg school No. 459 - all the rest of the time he was actively "educated" in the bars and clubs of the Northern capital.

Panterov-Kaeshaev did not have a permanent job - from time to time he worked as a model at shows of local designers, and he was also fond of design: “I bought clothes of inexpensive brands, recut them and sold them,” recalls a friend of the party-goer Irina Krylova, “but not very successfully.” Much more successfully, according to the general opinion of his acquaintances, Slava managed to live at the expense of his beloved: he chose only girls from wealthy families who were not embarrassed by the prospect of constantly paying both for themselves and for a man.

Yes, and the notorious housing issue of such young ladies, as a rule, has been resolved. A little over a year ago, friends dragged Panterov from St. Petersburg to Moscow, where he continued his carefree existence according to the old rules and even, one might say, found a job, wooing Russian beauties to businessmen in France. And this spring he released a collection of silver jewelry, the further fate of which, however, is unknown. He promised to help, but it is least of all similar to young St. I wonder what awaits this bright couple: perhaps Slava will change for the sake of her beloved (although so far he manages to change more than change) or will Alena find a more representative and serious gentleman?

Less than a month later, and she was already in the arms of another. Last Thursday, at a Playboy magazine party, 30-year-old Alena appeared in the company of 25-year-old St. Petersburg party-goer Slava Panterov. “They hugged and kissed all evening,” party guest Anton tells StarHit. - Slava stroked Alena on the knee, she smiled all the time ... "The guests were in shock - six months ago, singer Anastasia Kochetkova posted a photo with this man on Twitter. “Slava and I are friends, not lovers! - Nastya hastened to disown. - And with Alena they have more than friendship. They are together".

Slava Kaeshev, who grew up and came up with the name Panterov, was born in St. Petersburg, studied at school No. 489.

“His dad was from the criminal world, he was killed, and the guy got in touch with not very good companies,” fellow countrywoman Slava Irina Krylova tells StarHit. – From Monday to Wednesday I hung out in bars, and from Wednesday to Sunday - in clubs. Kaeshev did not receive a higher education. First he took money for parties from his mother, then from friends and his girlfriends.

Slava always dated rich girls. They paid for it, - recalls Slava's friend Denis Pletnev. - In St. Petersburg, he was in a relationship with the daughter of wealthy parents for two years. He settled with her, drove her BMW... He worked as a model at the shows of St. Petersburg designers, then he decided to become a fashion designer himself. As Irina Krylova recalls: “I bought clothes of inexpensive brands, reshaped and sold them. But not very successful."

Friends dragged Panterov to Moscow a little over a year ago.

“Very quickly, he moved into the apartment of a rich passion,” Krylova recalls. - They hung out together, she introduced him to friends from show business and, of course, paid for him. Soon Slava began to earn money by marrying Russian girls to wealthy men in France. Money appeared, he saved up for a vacation with a girlfriend. True, when they returned, they fled.

The guy did not leave the dream of being a designer and just a month ago he developed and released a collection of silver jewelry, however, he has not even come up with a brand name yet.

Slava was introduced to Vodonaeva by Ilya Dybov, who was once engaged in the modeling business in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow became the director of Alena. For several months, intersecting at parties, they looked closely at each other. But when Alena's divorce became known in April, Slava took the first step. And after a couple of weeks Vodonaeva introduced a friend to her son. The photo immediately appeared on Panterov's social network. And, judging by the picture, Bogdan liked his mother's friend.

// Photo: Instagram by Alena Vodonaeva

This union is doomed

Friends wonder what attracted Alena to Glory so much. Her ex-husband was completely different - reliable, obligatory, and now he continues to help his ex-wife and son, he remained her friend. To find the answer to this question, StarHit asked psychologist Anetta Orlova to analyze the photo of the couple.

“They definitely have a real passion, and Slava is sincerely in love with Alena,” the psychologist is sure. - But he is an invader by nature and, falling in love, always wants to own the object of adoration in its entirety: he settles in her apartment, gets acquainted with the environment ... Look, he hugs her not romantically by the waist, but by the neck! Clear takeover! As if demonstrating - "this is mine." It seems to me that Slava, despite his external brutality, is somewhat infantile. This could not help but please the young mother Alena. For the same reason, her son Bogdan liked him.

They are also connected by a love for outdoor activities, entertainment, a riotous lifestyle, and fashion. This union will last for some time. And then Panterov will want to switch from controlling romantic relationships to total control. He will try to delve into all her work affairs, he can become her producer in order to control earnings and expenses. This union, I think, is doomed. But now it is difficult to say who will leave whom. Glory loses interest in a woman as soon as she completely surrendered to him. And Alena may get tired of infantilism, and she will go to an established, serious gentleman.