"... Obi-Wan, are you sure there's nothing of value on board to sell?"
"Several food containers and the Queen's wardrobe."
Qui-Gon Jin and Obi-Wan Kenobi

While rewatching George Lucas' Star Wars movie saga (finally, in order) I was fascinated by the costumes of Padma Amidala (played by the beautiful Natalie Portman).
As part of this post, I want to talk a little about the history of the creation of these costumes and, of course, give an opportunity to just admire them :)

Padme appears in the first three (and the last) episodes of Star Wars (Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace (1999), Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones (2002) and Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith "(2005) and is a key character: it was she who influenced the main character Anakin, and later gave birth to two twins, who became the main characters of the original trilogy.

Padmé first appears in the episode "The Phantom Menace" at the age of 14 as the queen of the planet Naboo. Upon becoming queen, Padmé took the throne name Amidala, which, like the name Padme itself, comes from Sanskrit, where it is associated with the lotus.
According to palace rules, she is required to wear incredibly elaborate outfits, hairstyles and ritual make-up. Clothes and makeup allow you to hide the true face of the queen, so during dangerous events or trips, one of the maids, most often Sabe, takes the place of the queen (as a senator, Corday is Padme's double). (played by Keira Knightley) Costume design by Trisha Biggar. The work was unprecedented. The artists started working three years before the first filming. Biggar flew from England every three months to Lucas' Skywalker Ranch for a couple of weeks and discussed all the ins and outs of working with Lucas. In between, she worked in her studio, concept designer Iain McCaig sent her concept drawings, she made her changes and sent back. For each prequel episode, Trisha traveled the world looking for rare, beautiful fabrics that she loved. No dyed prints and polyesters - the best silks, velvets, linen blends, vintage laces.
Nine months before filming began, the period of physical costume creation began. Trisha created workshops at Leavesden Studio, where up to 100 people worked at the same time, creating costumes. The first series of the prequel was filmed in England, so all the costumes were made at Leavesden Studios. By the second episode, the costumes were partly made in England, partly on location in Australia. By the third episode, all production had moved to Australia. All of Trish's chief assistants came with her from England, as did many cutters, seamstresses, dyers and fabric printers, embroiderers, pattern makers, leather and beading specialists, and hatters. During the production of costumes for the saga, there were from 80 to 120 people in the workshops.
The work proceeded in a completely unorthodox way. The usual flow of events is that the designers get the script, break it down into chunks and scenes, figure out the number of main and supporting characters, figure out how many changes of clothes they'll need, and then work on the sketches. In the case of the prequel, there was no script, there was an oral story by Lucas, about what would be in the series - and the designers began to draw a huge number of sketches and sketches of worlds, places, creatures, costumes. The attic at Lucas' ranch was thickly hung with these sketches. Heroes, places, plot moves gradually crystallized out of this.
And the costumes were created like this:
After Trish and concept designer Ian agreed on the design, color, and fabrics for the costume, work began. If the costumes were for the main characters, a professional dresser took and recorded all body measurements, outlined the contour of the hand and foot, if necessary, made an additional cast of the body or head. After that, a costume model was made from materials very similar in characteristics to those chosen (but simpler). The hero in this model was filmed on photo and video, and he was looked at and twisted in every possible way - the proportions, shape, drape of the fabric, how it moves were carefully studied. It was taken into account what he would do - whether it was possible to jump, fight, bend down in these clothes. Lucas himself oversaw all the changes and filming - so that the costume looked exactly the way he needed on the set.
Only after that the main fabric was cut and costumes for filming were sewn. On the shooting itself, there were almost no surprises - that the costume did not behave as it should.

Iain Mccaig drawings

The style in which Padme's costumes were created can be called "futuristic vintage" - a combination of fantastic elements with historical finds. The costumes clearly show elements of the traditional costumes of Japan, Burma, Indonesia, Nepal, China, Russia, Tibet and other countries.
Since the script for the first part included a "fake" queen, the design artists decided that many of the costumes should at least partially hide the queen's facial features, making it difficult to distinguish Amidala's doppelgänger from the real queen.

In Star Wars. Episode II: Attack of the Clones, which takes place 10 years later, Padmé Amidala, now aged 23 or 24, becomes a senator in the Galactic Senate after her second term as Queen of Naboo ends.

Padmé's clothing becomes less restrictive compared to "Episode I", but her wardrobe is more numerous. She wears less formal and softer clothes as she transforms from a menator to a woman in love and then to a woman of action fighting for her life.
Her character got older, and Natalie Portman was able to wear more sexy outfits. "George wanted Natalie to be softer, more feminine and less businesslike," says Biggar. Despite this, the work on the costumes was very time-consuming. "In making all the costumes for Episode II, most of the work was done by hand," says Briggar. "A lot of embroidery, beading - that is, all kinds of decorative art."

In the third part of the movie saga "Star Wars. Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith", three years have passed since the previous events.
Between parts 2 and 3, Padmé married Anakin Skywalker.
This is her wedding dress:

For the wedding dress, Trish Biggar looked after the ancient bed cover she had miraculously inherited from yellowed lace. The bedspread was not enough for what they had in mind. But all three of them - with Lucas and Ian, they wrapped and pinned the fabric on the mannequin and decided with a sigh that there was no way without it. A whole group of craftswomen dismantled the coverlet into elements, then carefully sewed them onto pieces of tulle cut out for the dress. For additions and transitions, the craftswomen wove 300 meters of silk cord in the same range - and the dress came out as Trish intended it! Padme's head was veiled with Maltese lace and adorned with real pearl-coloured Edwardian wax flowers and rosettes of their pearls.

In this part, Padme, along with senators Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and some others who became after the leaders of the Alliance, becomes the head of the opposition. Padme is pregnant. Her husband becomes Darth Vader, he tries to kill Padme, but he fails. Padme is taken to the medical center, where she gives birth to two children (Leia and Luke), and then dies.

This episode's costume designer, Tricia Biggar, says: "We knew Padmé was pregnant all over the world, even though no one in the outside world was aware of it. And I wanted to reflect her condition in soft tissues... On the other hand, in Episode III, there has been a war for several years, Anakin
far away, and Padme's position is more critical than in Attack of the Clones... As a designer, I was able to show the more serious side of her life with slightly darker, but not denser fabrics. I got a great opportunity to convey the feelings and characters of the heroes of this monumental epic with the help of costumes.”
Perhaps Amidala wears her most beautiful dress at the end of the film.
“I wanted to draw a parallel to that scene on the island from Episode II, when we see it for the first time, when she and Anakin were together and
fell in love with each other. Around them was water, and its colors were
surprising that I wanted to use them again. We hand-painted the velvet to add water color to it. There was also very, very thin chiffon in shades of blue and green, which was boiled using a special technology to make it even thinner - like a cobweb. “On screen, it all came out even more beautifully than I expected. I was absolutely delighted,” adds Biggar.

Human, female, born Padmé Naberri, known as Her Royal Highness, Queen of Naboo from 32 BBY to 25 BBY, Her Excellency Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo from 25 BBY Senator for the Chommell Sector. Daughter of Ruvi and Jobal Naberri, sister of Sola Naberri. She was the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker. They had two children: Luke and Leia, two of the most significant figures in galactic history.

Persistent and stubborn in achieving her goals, possessing a proud and passionate nature, with a deep and wise mind beyond her years, Padmé Amidala devoted her whole life to serving the people of Naboo. Fulfilling the sacred duty of the queen, she confidently led her planet through all the many trials and difficulties. In times when the planet was on the brink of war, also holding the post of Senator of the Republic, she always tried to be guided by common sense and a sober look at the situation. Padme and some senators became the founders of the Rebel Alliance.

Padmé Amidala - Queen of Naboo

Shortly after her election, Padmé became embroiled in conflict with the Trade Federation and Palpatine's intrigues against Chancellor Fenis Velorum. In the first part of the film epic "Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace, she attempts to lift the blockade of her planet by seeking the help of Palpatine, Senator of the Galactic Senate from Naboo. She does not dare to declare war on the Federation, as she rightly fears the possibility of violence against her subjects. However, soon the Trade Federation droids begin an invasion of Naboo, and Amidala, unable to protect her home planet on her own, flees with the help of two Jedi - Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his student Obi-Wan Kenobi, who arrived in the Naboo system to negotiate with the Trade Federation about lifting the blockade.

While fleeing Naboo, Padme's ship is attacked by the Trade Federation and badly damaged, causing it to make an emergency landing on Tatooine, the nearest planet to Naboo that is not controlled by the Neimoidians of the Trade Federation. Here they meet Shmi Skywalker's 9-year-old son, Anakin Skywalker, who Qui-Gon believes is the Chosen One, destined to restore the balance of the Force and destroy the Sith. Therefore, the Jedi teacher seeks Anakin's release from slavery and intends to teach him the use of the Force. Padmé makes a strong impression on the boy, who mistakes her for an angel. Later, these feelings will grow into love.

Speaking in the Senate, Padme demands that the delegates recognize the aggression against her homeland and help Naboo. In her speech, she sharply criticizes the indecisiveness of Chancellor Velorum (who succumbed to the proposal to create and send a special commission to Naboo, which could cost the planet a loss of time and, ultimately, independence), which leads to his resignation and the election of a delegate from Naboo - Palpatine. Despite this event, Padmé is left without any major assistance from the Republic and secretly returns to Naboo.

With the help of Jar Jar Binks, whom she befriended during her journey, she seeks an alliance with the Gungans, who have agreed to put their army against the droids (due to the lack of combat-ready armed forces among the land inhabitants of Naboo). It was during negotiations with the Gungan king Boss'a Nass'aom that Padmé's companions first learned that she was using a doppelgänger. Ultimately, Padme, with the help of the army of Gungans, who heroically held back the army of droids in the battle for Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who defeated Darth Maul, and Anakin Skywalker, who destroyed the droid command station, defends his home planet from the invaders. She personally takes part in the liberation of the royal castle of Naboo and the arrest of the viceroy of the Trade Federation, Nute Gunray, while showing extraordinary courage.

Padmé Amidala - Senator

10 years later, Padmé Amidala, now aged 23 or 24, becomes Senator of the Galactic Senate after her second term as Queen of Naboo ends. She is the leader of the opposition against the creation of a Republic army to fight the Separatists from the Confederacy of Independent Systems and their droid army. After an unsuccessful attempt on her life, Anakin Skywalker, who became a student of Obi-Wan Kenobi, was assigned to protect her. During a joint stay on Naboo, Anakin, whose feelings for Padme have only intensified over the ten years of separation, confesses his love to her, but at first Padme, driven by her duty, rejects him.

Having barely learned that Obi-Wan Kenobi has been captured by the Separatists on Geonosis, Padmé forces Anakin, despite his stubbornness, to go to a desert planet to help his master. However, an attempt to free Kenobi from the captivity of the Separatist leader, the former Jedi Count Dooku, leads to the capture of Amidala and Skywalker. Expecting certain death, Padmé confesses her love for the young Padawan. However, all three captives are saved thanks to the help of the Jedi Guard, led by Master Mace Windu, as well as the clone army that arrived soon under the command of Master Yoda. After returning to Coruscant, he and Padme are secretly married in the presence of only two witnesses - R2-D2 and C-3PO.

The Battle of Geonosis, launched to save a senator, a Jedi, and a Padawan, will turn into the first battle of the Clone Wars, and the Republic will plunge into the abyss of a civil war that turned Padmé, backed by senators Bail Organa and Jar Jar Binks, into the leader of the opposition to Chancellor Palpatine in the Senate .

In the events of the 3rd episode, Padme, along with senators Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and some others who became after the leaders of the Alliance, becomes the head of the opposition. Padmé is one of the signatories of the Petition of the Two Thousand, the main demand of which was the resignation of emergency powers from Palpatine immediately after the end of the war; an early transition to diplomacy in settling the conflict with the separatists.

At the beginning of the third episode, Padme and Anakin have not seen each other for many months. The siege of Coruscant leads Togo from the Far Front to the capital. At the first meeting, Padmé tells Anakin that she is pregnant. She is worried about the consequences of this: she will surely lose her place in the Senate, Anakin may be expelled from the Order. But Skywalker takes the news as a huge boon.

Although she herself previously admits that the democracy they fought for is no more, Padmé does not fully believe Anakin when he talks about the Order's betrayal of the Supreme Chancellor. With anxiety, she escorts her husband to Mustafar. She herself is present at the last meeting of the Senate in her life. Upon hearing of the proclamation of the Empire, she perceives the news with alarm and advises her comrade Bail Organa to remain patient, in no case go into open conflict with the Emperor and wait until the opportunity to start a fight presents itself.

Obi-Wan, wanting to know where Anakin flew to, tells Padma about his betrayal, going to the Dark Side, direct involvement in the murder of younglings in the Temple, and finally about the former Supreme Chancellor who planned the last war, its consequences and everything that led them to "Here and now". Padmé, realizing that the horrors being perpetrated in the now former Republic by Palpatine are true and a confirmation of her fears, still contradicts herself out of feelings for Anakin. Obi-Wan guesses that Anakin is the father of Padmé's unborn child and leaves her, actually hiding on her skiff. Padme, refusing the company of Captain Typho, flies to Mustafar with only C-3PO. She tries to convince Darth Vader to renounce the Dark Side, fly away with her, leaving war and politics behind. She is horrified by her husband's position regarding the rule of the Galaxy. When Obi-Wan arrives, Anakin decides that she has betrayed him and attempts to kill her with the Dark Force, but leaves her alive as he was thwarted by Obi-Wan.

After the duel with Skywalker is over, Obi-Wan takes Padme to the medical center, where she gives birth to two children, naming them Leia and Luke. After telling Obi-Wan that there is still good in Anakin, she dies. According to the medical droids, Padmé simply lost her will to live.

Padme is buried with full honors in Theed, on Naboo. Her children are hidden: Luke is taken to his father's homeland, Tatooine, and Leia is taken to Alderan. They hide them for two reasons: the Emperor can find them and kill them, because they are a threat to his power, as they can overthrow him. The second reason is that Darth Vader can find them and bring them up in evil. The droid C-3PO has his memory erased so he won't tell anyone.

The brown-eyed beauty, to whose lot the control of the whole planet fell, is fraught with great will. Behind the image of a tender lotus (as the name of the heroine is translated) Padme Amidala hides a prudent mind and cold ingenuity. The queen of the planet Naboo, beloved, the mother of opposition twins - the heroine lived a bright and emotional life worthy of a real ruler.

History of creation

Since the release of the first part of the saga, the author of Star Wars has tried to introduce solid female images into the plot. Feminists and the director himself did not like the fact that almost all the main roles in the film belong to men. Pilots, servants and other secondary characters - female images did not arouse interest among viewers.

The situation changed in 1999, when the young queen Padme Amidala Naberri appeared in the plot. A fragile but determined girl is a suitable type for the saga, not losing in brightness even to Princess Leia. The role of the Queen of Naboo went to a young actress:

“I was a little older than Padme, and our views on life did not coincide. And then I almost fell short: she was twenty-two, and I was nineteen. A rare chance to see and experience the development of your heroine, and grow up with her.”

George Lucas stretched the biography of young Padmé Amidala into three films: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999), Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005).

In the story, the Queen of Naboo is periodically replaced by a maid. The role of Padme's double was played by an actress. Sophisticated makeup, inspired by the make-up of kabuki actors, made the similar-looking actresses almost twins.

Image and character

Padmé was born in a mountain village, located far from the central city of the planet Naboo. The girl's family was not distinguished by wealth or a special position in society. Padmé spent most of her time with her sister Sola.

At the age of 12, the girl left her native village for the first time to visit her grandmother, who lives in Theed, the capital of the planet. City life captured the child, so Padmé decided to move to the city. Already at such a young age, the girl differed from her peers in perseverance and determination.

Padmé's political career began quickly and dizzily. Before reaching the age of 13, the girl takes the post of the ruler of Theed, and at the age of 14 the heroine receives the title of Queen of Naboo and adds the word "Amidala" to her own name as a throne name.

The duties of the crowned lady fell on the shoulders of a young girl with a heavy burden. Padme not only makes important decisions for the planet, but also spends time at receptions for which she dresses in heavy and uncomfortable costumes. To hide her own appearance, Amidala wears elaborate makeup. Such a measure is not at all a tribute to fashion, but a way to protect the queen. So no one will know what Padmé really looks like. In addition, the girl is accompanied everywhere by a double - a maid named Sabe.

The calm reign of Amidala does not last long. A conflict soon arises, in which the Queen of Naboo is confronted by the Trade Federation. The tense situation escalates into a war, and, with the help of the Jedi, Padmé leaves his home planet.

While escaping, the queen's ship is attacked. Padmé, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jin land on the planet Tatooine. A boy named Anakin Skywalker helps the wanderers with the repair of the ship. Padme makes an indelible impression on the young mechanic.

The queen still manages to get to the Senate, where the girl gives a speech, quotes from which do not like local politicians. Amidala leaves the council without getting help for Naboo. But the character of the queen does not allow to give up. Padme concludes a lucrative agreement with the Gungan race and liberates his home planet by storm.

After 10 years, Padme Amidala continues to move up the career ladder. The Queen of Naboo receives a new appointment - now a purposeful girl takes the place of a senator in the Council, which decides the fate of the Galaxy.

The high position and bold statements make Padme dangerous for the senator. The hunt for the heroine begins again. The brave girl turns to the Jedi for help, and old acquaintances - Obi-Wan Kenobi and the grown-up Anakin - are appointed as bodyguards to the heroine.

Young people spend a lot of time alone. A small age difference and similar outlooks on life bring Padmé and Skywalker closer. Dangerous situations contribute to the development of the novel: assassination attempts are made on Amidala, Anakin's teachers are held captive.

During the battle for Obi-Wan's freedom, young people are captured. Expecting death, the girl decides to take another risky step: Padme confesses her love to the young Jedi. The beginning of the clone war fades into the background for the young senator, everything is overshadowed by feelings.

Shot from the movie "Star Wars"

Fortunately, the battle ends with Skywalker and Amidala victorious. Soon, young people, secretly from their acquaintances, tie the knot of marriage. The girl is happy. Now next to the heroine is a beloved man who will protect her from enemies. Even the appearance of the senator is changing: strict formal dresses are replaced by light romantic outfits, and a complex hairstyle gives way to delicate curls.

Lovers continue to hide the marriage from others, so they spend a lot of time apart. Padme serves as Senator to the Council, and Anakin learns the science of the Jedi and travels with a teacher around the galaxy. The news of the pregnancy was both happy and disturbing for Amidala. The girl is glad to replenish the family, but she is afraid that she will lose her political career.

Hiding his own position, Padme continues to conduct opposition activities against Senator Palpatine. The girl feels guilty, because Amidala knows that her husband is disposed towards the tyrant. Realizing that the Republic cannot be saved, that an era of tyranny is approaching, the heroine returns to her native planet in order to become a mother in a calm environment.

The news of her husband's conversion to the Dark Side took Padmé by surprise. The girl noticed changes in her husband, but did not think that Anakin was capable of doing evil. Not believing the words of Obi-Wan, the heroine goes to Skywalker to see for herself what she heard. But the long-awaited meeting turns out to be a shocking event for Padme. The beloved no longer looks like himself, now Darth Vader is standing in front of the girl.

Having barely escaped death, Amidala goes to the hospital. Late pregnancy and the stress that the heroine experienced from the sad news brought the birth closer. In the hospital, Padme gives birth to twins, but the girl is not interested in the good news. The Queen of Naboo, Senator of the Council and wife of a Jedi no longer sees the meaning of life. At 27, the young and determined heroine no longer wants to fight for the future. Padmé Amidala prefers a peaceful death to further existence without a loved one.

  • Padmé is 4 years older than Anakin. The girl was born in the year 46 before the Battle of Yavin, and the Jedi in the year 42 (time counting in the Galaxy goes in reverse order). At the time of the acquaintance, the queen was 14 years old, the future - 10.
  • Padme's intricate hairstyles are an interpretation of traditional hairstyles worn by married women in Mongolia and Tibet. In ancient times, such hair structures symbolized cow horns.

  • The queen's costumes are equipped with a special symbol - a kind of seal, indicating the status of the person. Attentive viewers will notice the symbol on all the dresses Padme wears in the three parts of the movie saga.


"This is how freedom dies - to thunderous applause."
"I'm not afraid of death. I was dying every day before I met you."
“Mentors always point out our shortcomings. It is necessary for our growth."
"This war is characterized by unwillingness to hear."
"I wasn't chosen to watch my people suffer and die while you talk about the invasion committee in endless meetings!"

They have been with us since childhood, for many years. We decided to see how the key actors of the saga about " star wars».

Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill forever remained Luke Skywalker for the audience, although he continued to act in films, worked in the theater and voiced a lot of cartoons. Despite being busy in the cinema and in the theater, Mark is an exemplary family man. When his children were in school, he even went to parent-teacher conferences. Recently, Mark has been drawing a lot, watching movies and cartoons, and swimming. He has a good collection of toys and comics. Princess Leia
Carrie Fisher has a rich filmography, but the best role is still the role of Princess Leia. In addition to acting, Carrie proved herself as a writer and screenwriter. Now she is going to write memoirs about filming in Star Wars. Han Solo
Harrison Ford had the most successful career. In addition to Han Solo, he also has the cool role of Indiana Jones in his arsenal, and the main roles in the films Blade Runner, Witness, The Fugitive and many other interesting films. Chewbacca
Peter Mayhew stayed true to his role and even played Chewbacca on The Muppets. Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ewan McGregor is now one of the most sought after actors in the UK. Even before participating in Star Wars, he managed to star in several successful films Trainspotting, Big Fish, Moulin Rouge. And now he has many invitations and interesting projects, although he has not been very lucky with awards yet. Anakin Skywalker
Hayden Christensen's acting career is very uneven, for his role in "Star Wars" he received a lot of criticism. However, now he has interesting proposals, for example, he is preparing for the role of Marco Polo. Emperor Palpatine
Ian McDermid, after the sinister role of Emperor Palpatine, starred mainly in the TV series - "Elizabeth I", "Utopia" and "37 Days". His best films are "Star Wars", "Dirty Scoundrels" and "Sleepy Hollow". Darth Vader
James Earl Jones, best known for voicing Darth Vader, is currently working on The Lion Guard, the sequel to The Lion King. He voices Mufasa, just like in the first 1994 cartoon. Padme Amidala
The role in Star Wars for Natalie Portman was not the most successful, although memorable. She played much more successfully in the film "Black Swan", for which she received an Oscar. In November 2015, a new film with her participation is released on the screens - the western Jane Takes a Gun. Lando Calrissian
Billy Dee Williams acted a lot after Star Wars, but without resounding success. Master Yoda
Frank Oz is not so much an actor as a talented puppeteer. In addition to Yoda, he has a dozen roles in the Muppets. С-3PO
After Star Wars, Anthony Daniels didn't do much other than Star Wars. He mainly voiced C-3PO in various projects. R2-D2
Kenny Baker paired with Anthony Daniels are the only actors who starred in all the films of the movie saga. Now Kenny Baker is 81 years old and the role of a cute robot has remained with him in the new film.

Princess Padme Amidala is a bright, assertive and strong-willed character in the famous saga called Star Wars. She had a difficult fate: from childhood, many trials fell upon Amidala and she had to devote herself to serving the people of the planet Naboo. With full dedication, she brilliantly coped with her mission, which earned her the trust of her faithful entourage.

Who played Princess Amidala in Star Wars?

The character of Padme Amidala is found in several episodes of the star movie saga:

  • "Episode 1. The Phantom Menace";
  • "Episode 2. Attack of the Clones";
  • "Episode 3. Revenge of the Sith".

The role of Queen Amidala in all three episodes went to the famous actress Natalie Portman. The director himself invited her to play the ruler and Natalie immediately agreed, despite the fact that she was not familiar with any of the episodes. She had to show the importance of the mission that Princess Amidala performed in the Star Wars movie saga. The actress, who played a warlike woman, coped with this task and immediately became a favorite of fans of science fiction.

Natalie Portman organically managed to enter the role of such a character as Princess Amidala. The actress said that this work was for her an excellent base of acting experience.


Padme Neberry was born in a small village in an ordinary family. She and her older sister Sola were brought up, instilling high moral qualities, preparing for great deeds. She studied at the best schools in Naboo and from an early age showed talent in working for the good of society.

According to the laws of Naboo, all the inhabitants of the planet from 12 to 20 years old had to pay their debt by working on a voluntary basis. At the age of 7, Padmé volunteered for an organization called the Refugee Improvement Movement, where her father, Ruvi Neberry, was a member. As part of the Movement, she takes part in an operation to relocate people from the planet Shadda-Bi-Boran, which could be affected by the explosion of the nearest star in her system.

A little later, she enters the Legislature as a student, where she eventually receives the position of a young legislator. At that time, Padma was 11 years old. During this period, she first meets her wise mentor, mentor - Silya Shesson.

Ascension to the throne

Padmé took over as Queen of Naboo when she was 14 years old. By this point, she already had experience ruling the capital city of Theed. In Naboo tradition, all queens came into their own at a young age. After ascending the throne, Padme took the formal name - Amidala. The princess immediately set about fulfilling her duty.

After becoming queen, Amidala took a course in self-defense and handling weapons at the insistence of Captain Panaki, the head of security. Panaka himself was involved in the selection and training of the queen's ladies-in-waiting. The girls went through a rigorous selection process. An important criterion was the outward resemblance to the queen, allowing her to replace her in a dangerous time, playing the role of a double. The ladies-in-waiting were perfect in martial arts and could protect the queen.

According to the laws of the royal court, the ruler must wear elaborate outfits, hairstyles and heavy makeup, which Amidala did not escape. The princess could easily put in her place one of the ladies-in-waiting of her entourage. Amidala herself at that time served as one of the servants and returned to her own name - Padme, which was known to few.

Political intrigues

After 5 months from the beginning of her reign, Amidala faced difficulties, which we learn about from the movie "Episode 1. The Phantom Menace". The Galactic Senate has decided to establish a tax on ships that have trade relations with distant stars. This was unprofitable for the Trade Federation, as it threatened with a significant loss of profits. Then the ships of this powerful organization, in protest, blocked the planet Naboo, which lives mainly due to imports (due to the scarcity of its own resources).

Supreme Chancellor Velorum secretly dispatched envoys to Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray to mediate the conflict. The Viceroy, under the leadership of Darth Sidious, decides to destroy the ambassadors, however, they turn out to be Jedi and fight back. Nute Gunray decides to invade Naboo and capture the Queen, forcing her to sign a trade pact with his Federation that would make the invasion legal. At this time, the queen is replaced by a double servant Sabe, who was approved by Amidala. The princess becomes a maid of honor, using the name Padme.

Jedi ambassadors - Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi free Queen Amidala and her retinue, and break through the blockade on a spaceship, heading for Coruscant. There, Queen Amidala planned to address the Senate through Naboo's representative, Palpatine. The ship did not reach its destination. Having suffered damage during the breaking of the blockade, and having no technical ability to continue the flight, the crew decides to make a landing. For this, a small poor planet Tatooine, free from the Trade Federation, was chosen.

Meeting Anakin Skywalker

Arriving on Tatooine, the people of Naboo encountered an obstacle. Their ship needed repairs in order to resume course. The needed part proved to be costly, and the merchants refused to accept payment in the form of Naboo credits. It is here that Padme Amidala, in the guise of a servant of the queen, meets young Anakin Skywalker: a slave boy working in a parts dealer's shop.

Luckily, their stay on Tatooine coincided with the annual intergalactic race of high-speed cars, where the winner was entitled to a large reward. And young Skywalker offered his gratuitous help to strangers by becoming the pilot of a high-speed car of his own assembly. Anakin won the race despite the dangers that awaited him. The course to Corusan was resumed, where Amidala so aspired to. The princess was able to continue her mission. Now her crew was replenished with a young Skywalker - a gifted boy with a high sensitivity to the Force.

Liberation of Naboo

Arriving on Coruscant and speaking before the Senate, Queen Amidala realizes that she has become embroiled in Palpatine's political intrigues. Taking advantage of the situation, Palpatine takes over as Supreme Chancellor in place of the Velorum. The Queen decides to return to Naboo.

While on his home planet, Amidala enters into negotiations with the Gungans, a deep-sea race that lives in the underwater cities of Naboo. It is here that her companions learn of the use of the doppelgänger. It became clear who was the queen and who was playing. Princess Amidala is listened to attentively. Negotiations are successful, the Gungans agree to side with the Naboo army against the Trade Federation forces.

The Federation, for its part, provides an army of droids and attacks Naboo. The Gungans bravely provide a standoff by destroying the droids. But little Skywalker takes the decisive step in the battle by blowing up the droid control station. In this battle, Qui-Gon Jinn dies, and Obi-Wan avenges his teacher.

Nute Gunray is defeated, stripped of his powers, and arrested. Queen Amidala wins another victory, having managed to protect the people of her planet, while showing extraordinary courage and exceptional tactical skills.

senatorial post

The reign of Queen Amidala was coming to an end. According to the constitution of Naboo, she ceded her post to the next ruler - Jamilia. However, she asked her to take the post of Senator of Naboo, previously owned by Palpatine. The film "Episode 2. Attack of the Clones" tells about these events.

At this time, there was a threat of a split in the Republic. Several galactic systems were about to leave, threatening the order the Jedi had established for so long. Now Senator Amidala had to revisit Coruscant to cast his vote against the creation of an anti-separatist army. Here, 10 years later, she will meet her old friends - the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and the matured Anakin Skywalker.

In turbulent times, assassination attempts on the senator became more frequent. In one of them, her double, the maid of honor Korday, dies. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin take on Amidala's security. Soon a series of events leads to the unleashing of the conflict. Thus began the next Star Wars.

Princess Amidala once again showed courage and dedication in the battles for peace and justice.

Personal life

Occupying high positions and working for the good of the planet Naboo, Padmé did not find time to start a family. Although throughout her fast-paced career, she tried to build relationships more than once. First with a boy named Palo.

But their paths diverged when Padmé became interested in politics. Then with Jan Lago - the son of the adviser to King Veruna. The relationship ended at the initiative of Padme herself. At that time, she was busy preparing for the elections.

Amidala had the most tender relationship with the young Jedi apprentice Anakin Skywalker. Their sudden meeting after a 10-year separation resurrected once childish feelings. They learned about their love while in the Lake District, where a Jedi apprentice was on his mission to protect the Senator of Naboo. Over time, their feelings became stronger, but both understood that public duty would not allow them to be together.

But despite all the dangers and obstacles, Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker secretly got married in the Lake District. Their union was registered by Maxiron Agolerga, a representative of the Brotherhood of Knowledge. Only two droids witnessed the alliance.

What happened to Princess Amidala?

Unfortunately, the fate of a bright and strong-willed character turned out to be tragic. Padme was in for a huge shock after the news that her secret husband had chosen the dark side and went over to the Sith. She did not believe these rumors for a long time until she went to Mustafar to see for herself.

She managed to meet her husband and talk to him. But at some point, Anakin Skywalker, an adherent of the dark side, loses control and strikes his wife, after which she rapidly loses strength.

Obi-Wan arrived in time to defeat his former student. Under Kenobi's guidance, Padme was taken to the medical center. The girl could not be saved, her vitality left her, this process was irreversible. Before her death, she gave birth to twins: Luke and Leia - the hope for a brighter future for the Republic.