Zolotov appears in the tangled tangle of relationships between government officials, criminals, security forces and businessmen. We tell you how a simple security guard of the former mayor became the head of the National Guard

The National Guard, the creation of which Putin announced on April 5, could include up to 400 thousand people, Interfax reports, citing unnamed sources. The agency’s interlocutor clarifies that the 200 thousand guardsmen will become soldiers of the Internal Troops, which are now headed by Viktor Zolotov, who is also the new commander of the National Guard. The rest of the staff will be recruited from special police units and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana.

FSUE Okhrana, which on a commercial basis offers services for protecting the property of citizens and organizations, was headed by Roman Viktorovich Zolotov, the son of the chief guardsman of Russia, from at least one year to 2014. In 2012, Okhrana became involved in a high-profile corruption scandal associated with the name of the no less scandalous General Mikhail Sukhodolsky, who was removed by the president from the post of head of the St. Petersburg police. True, then the general director of the enterprise was not called Zolotov’s son, but a certain Andrei Komissarov.

Zolotov's surname constantly appears in the tangled tangles of relationships between the authorities, criminals, security forces and business.

The commander of the new National Guard is a rare representative of the federal law enforcement agency who is on friendly terms with Ramzan Kadyrov.

Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Army General Viktor Zolotov: “The Russian Guard works for the people”


Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov was born on January 27, 1954 in the Ryazan region. He served in the border troops. Since the 1970s he worked in the KGB of the USSR (9th Directorate). From 1990 to 1996 - in senior positions in the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation. From 2000 to September 2013 - Head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation - Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia. From September 2013 to May 2014 - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. From May 2014 to April 2016 - First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Since April 5, 2016, the Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation is the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. He graduated from the Law Institute and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Army General (since November 2015). He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degree, Alexander Nevsky, Courage, Order of Military Merit, Friendship, and many medals.

On April 5, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decree No. 157 on the formation of a new power structure - the National Guard. How much has this executive body managed to do over the past year? What challenges does he face in the near future? How will it be financed? The director of the Russian Guard, Army General Viktor Zolotov, answers these and other questions.

- Viktor Vasilyevich, congratulations on your first anniversary. April marks exactly one year of the decree of the President of Russia on the creation of the Russian Guard. What did you manage to accomplish during this time?

Thanks for the compliments. But first of all, it should be addressed to the entire personnel of the Russian Guard, who have done a great job of forming a new structure. Over the course of the year, 84 territorial bodies were created and deployed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and now there are units of the Russian Guard in every region of the country.

There are 340 thousand personnel serving in the ranks of the Russian Guard. Of these, almost 160 thousand employees were recruited to the Russian Guard from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. And not just mechanical translation. Together with the people, the tasks of the units in which they served were transferred to us. I would like to especially emphasize that all this was done without reducing the combat readiness of the troops, while they carried out their service and combat missions every day.

Employees of the Russian Guard take an active part in the fight against terrorism in the North Caucasus. In 2016, under the general leadership of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, they destroyed 125 bandits and liquidated more than 300 of their camps, caches and shelters. In addition, it was possible to significantly reduce the level of street crime in most regions of the country.

- What tasks are facing the Russian Guard in 2017?

The main task of this year is to complete the construction of the territorial system of National Guard troops. This is from an organizational point of view. And in the functional area, we will solve all the tasks that were assigned to us during the creation of the Russian Guard. Fight terrorism and extremism, protect important government facilities, nuclear energy enterprises and the nuclear weapons complex. We will continue to ensure public safety together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We will control the circulation of weapons.

- You said that more than 160 thousand employees transferred to the Russian Guard from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the Ministry of Internal Affairs had its own system of ranks and service. Which employees of the Russian Guard will become military personnel, and which ones will become civilian employees?

We are trying to resolve this very painful issue for many as delicately as possible. It has been determined that with the assignment of the appropriate military ranks in 2018, employees serving in special rapid response units and mobile special forces units will be transferred to military service. The main thing for the Russian Guard is to retain all the professionals who can perform the assigned tasks at a high level.

We will not rush to part with those whose service life is about to expire. It is wrong to dismiss a person at the age of 45 who wants to serve, but has positive characteristics and serious combat experience.

- In the decree on the formation of the Russian Guard, many experts were confused by the extremely high powers of the created structure. You were given a whole block of services and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other structures - licensing and permitting, private security. Was it possible to create a working mechanism that unites them?

When carrying out the reform, there was one priority - to preserve the units that protect people “on the ground.” At all stages of the formation of the Russian Guard, we made every effort not to create inconvenience for citizens or infringe on their interests and rights. And this was done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Today we can say with confidence that the Russian Guard is a well-coordinated law enforcement structure capable of efficiently and effectively performing tasks to ensure public safety and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. I would also like to note that the transformations did not affect the number of street squads deployed daily - detention groups. Despite the transformations carried out, the main tasks of private security remained the same: protection of objects, property of citizens and organizations, participation in the protection of public order and ensuring public safety. As before, the area of ​​responsibility of private security is to ensure the security of especially important and sensitive facilities.

Concrete results also indicate the correctness of the decisions made. In 2016, private security officers solved more than 41 thousand crimes. Our squads detained more than 47.6 thousand intruders, criminal cases against whom were sent to court.

- Viktor Vasilyevich, the President of Russia has repeatedly emphasized that one of the most important tasks facing the Russian Guard is state control over the circulation of weapons. How will this order of the President be implemented in practice?

Today there is complete clarity on how to strengthen state control over the circulation of weapons. There are also specific solutions. Their goal is the same - to prevent the shadow circulation of weapons and neutralize armed criminals. Experience shows that the arsenals possessed by security structures - both departmental security forces and private security companies - are especially attractive to criminals. Therefore, first of all, today employees of the Russian Guard are taking urgent measures to ensure the inviolability of storage facilities for military and service weapons. This requires the widest range of solutions: from revising the protection regime for these objects to the use of modern high-tech information support tools.

Suppressing criminal incidents with the use of civilian weapons, including banal hooliganism, is our second task. And if it happens near objects we control, even more so. And this is what we constantly aim our personnel at. At the same time, we do not establish any emergency prohibitions, but act exclusively within the boundaries of the law. Our goal is not to create problems for sports shooters or hunters, nor to limit the availability of civilian weapons, but to prevent their criminal trafficking. The whole question is the quality of execution. And we intend to raise this quality to a fundamentally new level. Therefore, we are now paying special attention to improving the efficiency of ensuring the activities of territorial divisions of licensing and permitting work. First of all, we are talking about the accessibility of government services for the population. Currently, 25 government services are provided through licensing and permitting work, 24 of which are in electronic form. Of the three million applications for the provision of public services in the field of arms trafficking and private security activities received in 2016, more than 1.5 million were received from the Unified Portal of State Services. According to the monitoring system, more than 97 percent of citizens are satisfied with our work in this area. This is a high result, it speaks of the public’s trust in the Russian Guard.

- Much has been said about the fact that the Russian Guard will be armed with the most modern equipment and weapons. What new equipment will the Russian Guard purchase in the near future?

In 2017, as part of the state defense order, the purchase of modern weapons, military and special equipment is planned. This technique is maximally “tailored” to our tasks. The special forces of the Russian Guard will receive new armored vehicles "Tiger", Ural "VV", Ural "Federal", "Highlander" on the KamAZ chassis. The development of the latest models of equipment, which has no analogues in other law enforcement agencies, is underway. This is a mobile combined complex of engineering and technical security equipment for equipping weapons and ammunition storage areas at temporary deployment points, new elements of mobile control posts and a special combat reconnaissance vehicle. Testing of the Patrol armored vehicle is ending for special forces units.

- Viktor Vasilyevich, in conclusion I would like to ask a question about how you can enroll in the Russian Guard? Many young people would like to be in its ranks and link their destiny with the Russian Guard. Which educational institutions are training personnel for the Russian Guard today?

Service in the ranks of the Russian Guard is honorable and requires high professional skills. Today, officers for our troops are trained in the Novosibirsk, Perm, St. Petersburg and Saratov military institutes of the National Guard troops. In addition, in 17 universities of the Russian Ministry of Defense and 20 institutes and schools of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, our military personnel and employees can improve their professional qualifications under various programs.

To be admitted, they must submit a report to their immediate superior. Those who want to try themselves as an ordinary contract soldier or employee can contact the personnel departments of military units or territorial bodies of the Russian Guard. We will be glad to accept into our ranks worthy and motivated young people to serve the Fatherland.

Interviewed by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander KUDRYAVTSEV

Where did the head of the National Guard, ex-guard of Vladimir Putin Viktor Zolotov come from, the site looked into it.

Got it right in the top nine

The main part of the biography of the head of the newly created National Guard, Viktor Zolotov, is still classified. Officially, he began his career as a mechanic at a factory. But already at the age of 20, he ended up in one of the elite divisions of the KGB - the 9th Directorate, which was responsible for protecting the top officials of the state.

Most often, those who came to us were those who distinguished themselves in their service in the border troops, GRU special forces, and airborne forces. Preference was given to people who had proven themselves in critical situations or in combat situations,” KGB Major General, former chief of staff of the 9th KGB Directorate Valery Velichko told the site.

Viktor Zolotov just completed his service in the border troops.

I don’t remember him from the 70-80s,” admitted Velichko. - Obviously, at that time he had not yet managed to distinguish himself in anything.

Zolotov distinguished himself in 1991. A photo of Yeltsin on a tank near the White House, whose back was covered by an unknown security guard in dark glasses with a concentrated expression on his face, spread throughout the world's media. This was Zolotov. Later, he was caught on camera in exactly the same way when he covered Vladimir Putin’s back.

The story of the acquaintance of Putin and Zolotov took place in the 90s, when Zolotov headed the security of the then mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. Sobchak was then very friendly with his deputy, Vladimir Putin. They say that Putin and Zolotov became friends over their common passion for judo. Zolotov became Putin’s sparring partner on the tatami for many years to come. By the way, Zolotov, like Putin, continues to train and until recently even headed the Oyama Kyokushin Karate-do Federation. By the way, another famous karateka of the same direction is the Presidential Envoy to the Far East Yuri Trutnev.

Silence - Zolotov

The former head of Boris Yeltsin’s security service, Alexander Korzhakov, knows a lot about Zolotov’s first years of service. But for many years he has refused to talk about the topic of his former subordinate.

I won't talk about this man!. “I can only say that I made him into the Zolotov we now know.”

In the 90s, everyone knew Korzhakov, no one knew Zolotov. Today the situation is different.

The security of top officials has changed a lot in modern times. We served the state, and the current guards serve individuals..

St. Petersburg colleagues of Putin and Zolotov claim that their relationship was cemented during the period of persecution of Sobchak. Both then neglected their personal careers for the sake of their patron who had fallen into disgrace. Sobchak left for Paris. Putin resigned from the mayor's office. Zolotov left the FSO (Federal Security Service).

Putin clearly trusts him; he generally values ​​reliability and personal loyalty. Apparently, he had the opportunity to verify this more than once, says Velichko.

Both in service and in friendship

After leaving the FSO, Zolotov went into commerce, becoming a personal security guard for the influential St. Petersburg businessman Roman Tsepov. Tsepov was credited with unlimited opportunities and connections with both government officials and high-ranking law enforcement officials. Tsepov was considered the uncrowned king of the Northern capital until he was poisoned by unknown assailants in 2004. This crime has still not been solved and is one of the most mysterious murders of our time. After the murder of Tsepov, Zolotov returned to government service.

Putin did not forget his colleague and called his personal security - this is the highest degree of trust.

The everyday life of the presidential guard is a secret. But it is known that Zolotov has many awards for his years of service. Colleagues even jokingly call him Generalissimo. Among the awards there are not only honorary and anniversary ones, but also those that are not simply issued - the Order of Courage and the Order of Military Merit. Since Zolotov’s service is top secret, only the award winner himself can talk about his exploits. But he never gave a single interview in his life. Which, obviously, Putin also appreciates.

It is possible that Zolotov received his orders for preventing one of the assassination attempts - it is believed that during his time in power, attempts were made on the president’s life a dozen times.

Putin's security is given increased attention. The places where he visits are carefully and repeatedly checked and examined. Food for him also undergoes multi-stage testing. Before serving it to the president, it is tasted by special staff tasters,” said one of the interlocutors, who asked that his name not be used.

In 2014, 60-year-old Zolotov finally left the presidential guard and was appointed head of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even then they said that this chair was an intermediate stage and Zolotov would soon head one of the leading intelligence services - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSO or the FSB. But the reality turned out to be even more interesting: a new special service was created for him with the broadest powers in the area in which Zolotov has worked all his life - security.


Valentina's wife is a housewife.

Son Roman worked as deputy general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now he is a businessman, producer and actor (starred in several film projects).

Daughter Zhanna is an apartment owner.

/Expert comment

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Boris Vishnevsky: Security guards are coming to power

Zolotov's appointment did not come as a surprise. He is a non-public person, shadowy, devoted, his own. All these qualities are in demand and valued today. Even when he was appointed deputy minister of the interior, there were expectations that he would eventually occupy a ministerial chair. But now it is obvious that a separate power structure has been created for him in addition to the existing ones.

There has already been a tradition that the leaders of our state tend to trust most of all those who manage their personal security. Remember Korzhakov from Yeltsin’s guard. The same Dyumin, whom Putin appointed to lead the Tula region. But when people who are responsible for security begin to influence politics, this is not very good. It is significant that all Putin can now trust are his security guards. This is due to Putin’s past, his career in the KGB. That's how he was taught. But in fact, it turns out that the state is becoming more and more like a special service. The constantly strengthening army must protect against external enemies, and the National Guard, created in the image of the gendarmerie corps, it turns out, will fight “enemies” within the country.


What is the National Guard?

The National Guard includes SOBR and OMON units, special forces centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for weapons control, FSUE Okhrana...

What was it created for?

Protecting public order, participating in the fight against terrorism and extremism, participating in territorial defense, protecting important government facilities, eliminating the consequences of emergency situations...

What is he entitled to?

Stop crimes, check documents, detain suspects, search vehicles and citizens, use special equipment and weapons without warning during protests...

RBC's source in the presidential administration noted that the National Guard will allow us to centralize the work of a number of disparate law enforcement units that were until now part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Such a service will be easier to manage, added RBC’s interlocutor.

The project to create the National Guard is already about four years old, notes political scientist Evgeniy Minchenko. Initially, it was assumed that, first of all, the National Guard would have security functions (which is why its leaders envisioned its chief security guard for the president): fighting riots, preventing and eliminating mass unrest. But as a result, the functions of the National Guard expanded, which means a big hardware victory for Zolotov, the expert states.

Who will join the guard?

Internal troops are being transformed into troops of the National Guard. They will include all special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as noted in the presidential decree.

The total number of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2015 was slightly more than a million people. Of these, about 170 thousand were internal troops, which were deployed almost throughout the country.

It follows from the document that the new Federal Service of the National Guard troops includes SOBR and OMON units, the Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation, private security, in particular the Special Purpose Center for Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that monitor compliance with legislation in the field arms trafficking and in the field of private security activities, as well as the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Security", which provides services for paramilitary and physical security and for the installation and operation of technical security equipment.

The creation of the National Guard will not require an increase in staffing levels, will not require an increase in the apparatus or anything else, Peskov noted, answering a question from RBC.

Since all training bases and training grounds will be transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the National Guard, budget costs will be minimal, RBC’s source in law enforcement agencies believes. Chairman of the Association of Police Trade Unions of Russia Alexey Lobarev agrees with this opinion. According to him, the training bases will simply be transferred to the National Guard; there will be no need to build new facilities.

Previously, the Ministry of Internal Affairs repeatedly complained about the lack of funding. When discussing the budget for 2016 in the State Duma, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Makhonov said that the department lacks 41 billion rubles. The lack of funds is caused, in particular, by reductions in the department and payments to employees who leave the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to Khinshtein, it is no secret that within the Ministry of Internal Affairs the internal troops did not receive the required amount of funds for rearmament, provision of technical means, etc. Now this situation will change. The independence of the National Guard may also make life easier for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the ministry has a high current budget deficit - more than 120 billion rubles, says Khinshtein.

Who is Viktor Zolotov?

In May 2014, Putin appointed Zolotov First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after he worked for six months as First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops. Before his appointment to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zolotov worked for 13 years in the Federal Security Service (FSO) and was the head of the Presidential Security Service. Zolotov was appointed to manage the presidential security by Putin after he came to the Kremlin in 2000.

Putin had known Zolotov since the 1990s, when Zolotov was guarding the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, for whom Putin was his deputy. As Novaya Gazeta reported, Zolotov began his career in the 9th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, which was later transformed into the FSO. Zolotov Law Institute and General Staff Academy.

“The president and commander-in-chief do not appoint people to lead the security forces without having personal trust in them,” Peskov said, answering the question whether the Kremlin has special trust in Zolotov.​

We are talking about a serious strengthening of Zolotov’s apparatus; he is becoming one of the most influential security officials, Minchenko notes. The expert recalls that the increased influence of people from the FSO has been noticeable in recent years, and especially in recent months: several former colleagues of Zolotov took important positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after his conflict with the FSB, and Alexey Dyumin became the governor of the Tula region. Veniamin Kondratyev, who recently headed the Krasnodar Territory, is close to this group.

The position of the chief security agency is not vacant - both the FSB and the FSO are vying for this role, but the new structure headed by Zolotov, precisely because of its novelty, may have a greater mandate of trust, political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov emphasized in a conversation with RBC.

How will the National Guard interact with the FSB?

It is still difficult to say whether the powers of other services and departments will change in connection with the emergence of the National Guard, Peskov answered the question of whether powers overlap National Guard with the FSB and other departments. “We can say with confidence that the legal and regulatory framework will definitely need to be improved, some changes to the laws will need to be adopted, and we will not be talking about one or two laws,” the presidential press secretary emphasized.

The functions of the National Guard will partially coincide with the functions of the FSB, notes the head of the Moscow trade union of police officers, Mikhail Pashkin. In a conversation with RBC, he noted that the fight against terrorism is now legally enshrined as the prerogative of the FSB. In order to involve the National Guard in counterterrorism activities, the law will need to be changed.

However, it is not clear why the new structure should duplicate the powers of the FSB, Pashkin emphasized. “Does this mean that the FSB is bad at fighting terrorism? And in addition to law enforcement functions, will the National Guard also have operational intelligence functions, without which it is impossible to fight terrorism? So far there are more questions than answers,” Pashkin believes. “If the National Guard will only carry out the power tasks assigned to it by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, customs and others, then problems should not arise,” Pashkin added.

Retired FSB Major General Vasily Eremenko believes that the National Guard, taking over the functions of internal troops, will conduct major operations within the country. “If the FSB is fighting individual, hidden terrorists preparing attacks in the subway or at a train station, then the new army unit will confront large terrorist groups, such as, for example, the ISIS group banned in Russia,” Eremenko argues in a conversation with RBC.

Who else has a guard?

The example closest to Russia is the creation of the National Guard in Kazakhstan. In April 2014, President Nursultan Nazarbayev decided to transform the internal troops into the National Guard. Apart from the renaming, little has changed: the new service remained subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, headed by the last head of the internal troops, General Ruslan Zhaksylykov.

In 2015, in an interview with the Russian publication Krasnaya Zvezda, Zhaksylykov admitted that the soldiers of the National Guard are assigned basically the same tasks as the military personnel of Kazakhstan. These responsibilities include: maintaining public order, escorting cargo, assisting border guards, participating in special operations of other law enforcement agencies, escorting convicts and other tasks. Similar functions are performed by the National Guard in some other CIS countries, for example, in Kyrgyzstan.

The second type of military formations in the territory of the former USSR, called the National Guard, is a service for protecting senior officials and the head of state personally, a kind of presidential regiment. The National Guard operates according to this principle in Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. In Georgia, in addition, the National Guard is involved in military mobilization issues: accounting for reservists and assisting with conscription.

The National Guard of Ukraine is also formed on the basis of internal troops, but has much greater powers. It performs all the functions mentioned above: both protecting public order and officials, as well as organizing mobilization, carrying out counter-terrorism measures, and even participating in military operations.

The term “national guard” itself appeared at the initial stage of the French Revolution to designate the units ensuring order on the streets of Paris. The Americans were among the first to adopt this name at the beginning of the 19th century: the US National Guard is staffed by military reservists who are periodically mobilized to suppress riots. One of the last such cases was the riots in Ferguson in 2014, although the authorities there resorted to the support of only the local Missouri State Guard.

Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

Viktor Zolotov was born on January 27, 1954 in the city of Sasovo, Ryazan region. Grew up in a working-class family. In childhood and adolescence, he was actively involved in sports. He paid special attention to martial arts and martial arts. In his youth he worked as a mechanic at the AZLK plant. Zolotov served in the border troops. Since 1970, he worked in the 9th Directorate of the USSR State Security Committee.

Viktor Vasilyevich moved to the Main Directorate of Security of the Russian Federation in 1990. Since 1990, he has been the bodyguard of the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. At this job, I met Vladimir Putin, who at that time was in the position of deputy mayor. Subsequently, he became close to Putin and began to take part in sparrings in boxing and judo.

On August 19, 1991, Viktor Zolotov had the opportunity to guard the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin during his speech from the armor of a tank.

In 1996, Zolotov was fired from the Federal Security Service of Russia; for some time he worked at the Baltic Escort company as a personal bodyguard for the influential businessman Tsepov Roman, a close friend of Putin.

From 2000 to 2013, Viktor Vasilievich Zolotov held the position of Head of the Security Service of the President of the Russian Federation - Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In 2006 he was awarded the rank of Colonel General.

At that time, he also graduated from the Law Institute and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. He was the chairman of the presidium of the all-Russian public organization “Russian National Federation of Oyama Kyokushinkai Karate-do”.

In September 2013, he was reassigned to the post of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 12, 2014, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The military rank of Army General was awarded on November 10, 2015, by decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on April 5, 2016, Viktor Vasilyevich Zolotov was appointed Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. The position has the same status as a federal minister. Viktor Zolotov was included in the Security Council of the Russian Federation as a permanent member.

On April 6, 2018, Viktor Zolotov was included in the Kremlin sanctions list among Russian officials and businessmen close to Putin by the American State Department.

Family of Viktor Zolotov

Daughter Zhanna, married to producer Yuri Chechikhin.

Son Roman, together with Chechikhin, produced films and played one of the main roles in the film “I Have the Honor!” In 2007-2015, he worked as Deputy General Director of FSUE Okhrana. Since 2017, he has been Deputy Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Moscow.

Awards of Viktor Vasilievich Zolotov

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III and IV degrees

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Order of Courage

Order of Military Merit

Order of Friendship

Honored Employee of the State Security Bodies of the Russian Federation

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov, 2016.

Patriarchal sign “700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh” (July 28, 2014) - in recognition of works for the benefit of the Holy Church.

The maroon beret was awarded on May 7, 2015 by decision of the Council of Military Personnel of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who have the right to wear the maroon beret.

Honorary citizen of the city of Sasovo.