
    Alexander Khodakovsky

    The truth about “stability” in the region from deputy A Kruglikov

    Powerful speech by deputy Alexander Kruglikov during the adoption of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region. And the problems he voiced concern not only the Ulyanovsk region. Already more than 20 regions are in a pre-default state, when debts exceed the annual budget of the region. The volume of public debt in many regions has reached a critical amount. The fact is that the Russian government, unexpectedly for many, is ending preferential...

    6.12.2017 0:59 36


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Political madness. Medvedev's conflicting statements

    Results of the week with S. Sulakshin. Analysis of the statements of Prime Minister D. Medvedev made during a meeting with journalists from 5 channels. Those who follow the flow of news and memorize information experience cognitive dissonance from the contradictory statements of the same department. For example, Medvedev announces an increase in the incomes of Russians, and a day earlier the head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golika complains about a drop in incomes...

    5.12.2017 7:10 42


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    The risk of celebrating the New Year without money - News from the regions

    News collection from the regions. On the eve of the New Year holidays, dissatisfaction with delayed or non-payment of wages is growing in the regions. And the first story is from Krasnoyarsk, where shift workers have not seen their salaries for six months. People refused to perform their official duties and left their watch. They have a big risk of being left without money for the New Year. A similar story from Lipetsk, where...

    5.12.2017 6:54 71


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    News from the regions per day - Address to the President from parents

    Digest of news from the regions over the past 24 hours. The first story is an appeal from parents from the city of Kirov to President V. Putin regarding the lack of places in kindergartens. If you stand in line, you can get a place only after three years. The second story is about starving shareholders of the Barrikadnaya residential complex from the Rostov region. Report from Channel 31 from the Chelyabinsk region. about 300 residents of the village of Severny...

    1.12.2017 4:44 0


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    From stability to hatred one step! UVZ workers gathered to see Putin

    Workers of Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) gathered to Putin to complain. Along the way, stability in the Urals remained only with the former head of the workshop, I. Kholmanskikh, who promised to come to Moscow and deal with those dissatisfied with V. Putin’s policies. The workers are outraged by the new policy of the management, which, having received good orders from the state and money for modernization, decided to start saving on workers. Piece workers, whose tariffs were cut, decided to apply...

    30.11.2017 12:44 76


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    The head of the Central Bank was offended by the Russians - They don’t want to believe in stability

    Worth Thinking About. The head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, spoke in the State Duma on Wednesday, November 22. She was offended by the Russians for not wanting to believe in low inflation. However, she could express these complaints to the Kremlin’s propaganda apparatus, which is no longer able to maintain the illusion of stability. The moment has come when the refrigerator defeats the TV. The head of the Central Bank is unhappy...

    30.11.2017 9:25 95


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Paradox? There is no money, pensions are frozen, but they are for Putin

    Listening to the answers of pensioners, you are amazed at the zombification of the population. Their housing and communal services tariffs are increased, their pensions are frozen, new taxes and fees are introduced, and they are for Putin. The Kremlin propaganda is processing the brains of our citizens quite seriously. Last week, the United Russia party once again “wrapped up” the proposal of the communists and the SR to index the pensions of working pensioners. This program report is worth thinking about. Channel "Axiom"

    30.11.2017 9:17 0


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Sobyanin, counted 15 million “extra” Russians - Vasily Melnichenko

    A shortened version. Discussion in the studio of the statement of the mayor of the capital Sobyanin about “superfluous” people. As an expert, Vasily Melnichenko and HSE professor Mark Urnov. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that in Russian villages and towns there live “a conditionally extra 15 million people” who are not needed for agricultural production, taking into account the use of new technologies. This is not the only topic of the program. IN…

    29.11.2017 7:15 49


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Putin's military rails. Is Kerimov's arrest the opening of the hunting season?

    Results of the week with Sulakshin. This week, Putin made a statement about the transition of business to a war footing. War hysteria in the country is gaining momentum. This is an old effective way to intimidate a poor population in the expectation that the people will rally around the leader and ask for protection. It’s not entirely clear who the president is going to fight with; after all, there are only his partners around? Next loud...

    28.11.2017 7:04 56


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Results of the week with Sulakshin. Foreign policy. Zimbabwe's 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe resigned this week under military and public pressure. In some ways, this 35-year-old African regime is similar to Putinism. During Mugabe's reign, Zimbabwe turned into the poorest country in the world, and his entourage and relatives became the richest people. He controlled the country absolutely...

    28.11.2017 6:49 0


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    A trick for presidential candidates. Putin's ratings

    Results of the week with Sulakshin. Lots of numbers. How vilely the Kremlin is preparing for the elections in order to cut off the real opposition candidates from Putin. This week, the Levada Center published several ratings regarding the population's attitude towards the authorities. Should we take these studies seriously? For comparison, the video shows the data from the Sulakshin Center. You need to be extremely careful with Levada’s data. They often feed...

    26.11.2017 6:45 181


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Appeal from Andrei Bazhutin to Russian citizens. - About the start of the strike

    Andrey Bazhutin, Chairman of the Association of Carriers of Russia, made an appeal. OPR announces a pre-New Year short-term strike of truckers from December 15 to December 25, 2017. Channel "Axiom"

    26.11.2017 6:42 107


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Regional news. The family returned from the dacha, and the house and property were demolished

    A selection of news from the regions over the past 24 hours. The first story from Ufa is about the Filipov family of 6 people, who returned from their dacha, and the house was demolished along with its property. Officials, as always, deny their complicity in this lawlessness. The following news is from Kopeisk, where the bank left a large family without a livelihood. Due to a late loan payment, the bank...

    24.11.2017 6:40 38


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Illusory stability. Protest activity increased by 60%

    The number of protests increased sharply in 2017. Thus, in the 3rd quarter, protest activity increased by 60% compared to the beginning of the year. According to official data alone, which of course should not be trusted, more than 400 rallies and pickets were recorded in the country. According to deputy Rashkin, the number of protests has increased threefold over the year. The reasons are different: non-payment or delay...

    23.11.2017 6:49 35


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Russians are fleeing “stability” and poverty in prisons

    Results of the week with Sulakshin. In Russia, the number of prisoners escaping poverty in prison is growing. The age limit for convicts serving sentences in prisons is also changing. The number of people over 60 years of age increased by 1.5 times. Why? Yes, because it is impossible for older people to live in this country. They found a way for themselves to survive with such television “stability”. Leading…

    21.11.2017 6:08 52

    Humor and satire

    Alexander Khodakovsky

    The fight against the “criminal subculture” or against yourself?

    A humorous compilation of the news of the day. Senator Anton Belyakov sent to the State Duma a bill banning “propaganda of the criminal subculture” in the media and social networks. By “propaganda of the criminal subculture” Belyakov proposes to understand the dissemination of “information about the values ​​of the criminal world,” which creates “the attractiveness of a criminal behavior pattern.” The bill gives Roskomnadzor the right to block Internet pages with such content out of court. Assembling biting…

    21.11.2017 6:08 189


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Nothing to eat and no work? “Cook the stew.” "The successes of Putinism"

    In this part of “Results of the week with Sulakshin,” there are a lot of numbers and economic data about “Putin’s successes.” This week, the governor of Khakassia gave survival advice to residents of poor areas: they need to “Forget about the protests, cook stew and collect pasture” before a tax is introduced on mushrooms and berries. This is an indicator of how the government treats the population. Survival in…

    20.11.2017 6:01 44


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    "Boobies of the King of Heaven"

    Results of the week with Stepan Sulakshin. This week, the LDPR leader Zhirinovsky and speaker Volodin played out a scene of dispute in the State Duma. The leader of the LDPR said that Nicholas II was overthrown not for economic reasons, but out of fatigue due to his rule. The State Duma speaker replied that it all depends on what kind of king he is and what he brings with him - fatigue and stagnation...

    20.11.2017 5:48 289


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    There is no money for retirement - Kudrin is right, but Golodets is disingenuous. Results of the week

    Results with Stepan Sulakshin. This week, the president’s best friend, former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, said that the government does not have the money to pay pensions. Then Golodets tried to refute his words and the Kremlin propaganda machine was turned on at full blast to reassure the Russians. But you should remain calm when his statement is actually not unfounded. Ourselves...

    20.11.2017 5:48 45


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    Why did Singapore succeed and not us? Made a country out of a garbage dump

    Project "Yoshkin the Mole". Why did Singapore succeed, but Putin did not? It took Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew 25 years to transform Singapore from “a dump, squalor and degradation” into an economic miracle. This country has no oil, no gas, nothing, even drinking water is imported. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew created transparent laws, simplified the conditions for doing business,…

    18.11.2017 5:51 0

    Alexander Khodakovsky

    A law has been adopted exempting oligarchs from taxes and full control

    The State Duma, with the votes of those present in the hall, unanimously adopted a law exempting the oligarchs from taxes and any control. Draft Law No. 287822-7 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”. Let me remind you that the president was the initiator of the law that exempts wealthy Russians living abroad for more than 180 days from taxes. Now they have also been exempted from control. Channel "Axiom"

    18.11.2017 5:50 298


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    “Obrok” for Russians, like Plato. Pay for the quality mark to Usmanov

    In Russia, they will create a labeling system for all goods, the creation of which will most likely be entrusted to the Center for the Development of Advanced Technologies (CRPT) - it is controlled by Alisher Usmanov’s USM Holdings, the Rostec state corporation and Alexander Galitsky’s Almaz Capital Partners. Two federal officials anonymously told Vedomosti about this and it was confirmed by people close to the CRPT. As Kommersant found out, at a meeting in the government they decided to develop...

    18.11.2017 5:45 0


    Alexander Khodakovsky

    We still fall short of Honduras - Raising the minimum wage

    Last week, the State Duma adopted a bill increasing the minimum wage by 1,689 rubles in 2018. But make no mistake, the authorities give with one hand and rake in with two. Through taxes, much more will be taken out of your pockets next year, this is what the next video is about. Now the minimum wage is 7,800 rubles, which is the living wage for the working population. The Ministry of Labor has already developed a bill...

Who and why in the regions of Russia lobbied for a ban on breeding pigs on private farms. How farmers end up with fines and fees from banks. What scheme allows agricultural holdings to make money on low-quality meat? This was discussed in an interview with Vasily Melnichenko, head of the public organization of farmers “Federal Village Council”, a man who asked awkward questions to Putin and Medvedev.

Vasily Melnichenko, head of the public organization “Federal Village Council”
Photo: Sofya Sandurskaya/PASMI

— What do Russian farmers suffer from today?

— Farmers do not suffer, they suffer. This business is an all-Russian punishment from heaven. In Russia there is a prosecutor's office, a court, a police force, an investigative committee, but one gets the feeling that they all work only to eliminate any type of production activity in the Russian Federation.

I have a peasant farm and I will tell you with my own example how things are going for farmers. Our farm grows vegetables, grains and meat. I headed this farm in 2009. Then I harvested barley and wheat and sold it for an average of seven rubles per kilogram, vegetables (potatoes) for seven to eight rubles per kilogram, rabbit meat for 270 rubles per kilogram. The cost of production was as follows: potatoes - 3.50–4 rubles. That is, I made a profit. The 6% tax suited me. I bought electricity for 2.20 rubles per kilowatt, diesel fuel cost 12 rubles per liter. I bought various spare parts, for example, spare belts for combines for 200 rubles, shares for a plow for 90 rubles. I also bought fertilizers for seven thousand rubles per ton.

It's 2016. I grow the same things, I haven’t had any technological changes, I only bought tractors. In 2016, I sold potatoes for seven to eight rubles per kilogram, grain for seven rubles. Prices remained the same as in 2009. I sell rabbit meat for 350-370 rubles, which seems to be higher. What do I have in my cost? Surprisingly, grain and potatoes cost seven rubles each, meat - almost 300 rubles. Why? Because electricity is already 6.20 rubles per kilowatt, diesel fuel is 30 rubles - this is the minimum wage, plowshares for a plow are 600 rubles, a belt for a combine is 1200 rubles. Fertilizers are now 24-25 thousand rubles per ton. That is, prices have increased four, six, eight times.

How should I increase labor productivity so that at the same sales prices, with increased costs for “consumables”, I make a profit?! This is unrealistic. This led to the fact that in 2016 157 thousand small and medium enterprises ceased to exist.

Our profitability lies in energy prices. Our cost of electricity is 8-12 kopecks, at thermal power plants - 22-24 kopecks, at nuclear power plants - 40 kopecks. Why are you selling me 6.20 rubles, my dear state?!

— Alexander Tkachev, Minister of Agriculture reported that farmers will receive a loan at 5%. Is it so? Did farmers get cheap loans?

— Only a few received loans at 2-3%. And the loans that were given were received by 20 families of agricultural holdings, huge unprofitable farms. These are latifundists, land grabbers, destroyers of all small industries and the peasantry in Russia.

When “farms” are built by the son of the governor of the Voronezh region, Tkachev, “Miratorg”, then one cow place costs approximately 1.2 million rubles. With that kind of money, not a single cow will pay for itself.

— How much money do you need for one cow?

— For a farmer, one cow place costs 100-150 thousand rubles.

— How did you calculate the price for a cow’s place in the agricultural holding?

— The press often boasts that they built, for example, a dairy complex for 1,200 heads worth 9.8 billion rubles. Hence the price for one cow place. Plus, agricultural holdings have a subsidy, a subsidy, and therein lies the whole secret. Under certain programs, agricultural holdings are paid a subsidy of up to 90% from the federal budget.

Recently I was in the Moscow region, where a farmer built a farm where a cow’s place stands together with a cow. 180 thousand rubles, and the cow is standing 90 thousand rubles. I ask, how much money does it take to build a farm for 100 cows? His answer was: maximum 30 million rubles and this with pastures and all other things. At the same time, the subsidy for one cow place is 22 thousand rubles.

Agricultural holdings have a different pricing policy: the higher the figure in the overall estimate, the more the holding will receive. Having received even 50% of the cost for one cow place, which is 600 thousand rubles, and having spent 200 thousand rubles before starting work, the comrades receive at least 400 thousand rubles in profit on each cow. Do they need these cows now?! Not needed. Now you can get cows from New Zealand, take them to a meat processing plant in a year, get insurance and start your “business” in a new way. And this scheme is flourishing in Russia. That is why 12-15 million tons of milk are attributed to us. And it seems to be in stores, but then Rospotrebnadzor checks and identifies counterfeit 50-60% .

— What problems worry Russian farmers depending on the region?

— Farmers in the South of Russia complain that their land is simply taken away from them, because the land is productive and profitable. If we take the Non-Black Earth Region, then this is risky agriculture and the problem of insurance is acute here. Under Soviet rule, they made proper insurance. I live in the Sverdlovsk region and in this region it can snow in the middle of summer.

We harvest part of the harvest in winter, because technically weak people went bankrupt long ago. It used to be like this. We harvest potatoes: we dig rows at night, and harvest in the morning. And suddenly at half past five - morning frost. And tractor drivers start digging at four in the morning. This often happens today. But in Soviet times there was nothing terrible about this, because in the neighboring town of Talitsa there was a large distillery. And when I was the deputy director of the state farm, frozen potatoes were taken to the distillery. No problems, we were accepted and we received money. In a way, I had nothing to lose.

If I was harvesting grain, and our autumn is damp, there are frequent rains and you don’t always have time to dry the grain, then in the same way, if something happened, I would take it to the distillery. This scheme worked again and the state farm received money. I didn't lose any harvest.

- Like now?

- Year before last. I collect 600 tons of grain, again rains, everything is raw, frosts. Nothing can be changed here, it’s like this for everyone. The dryer is small, semi-homemade. There is no money, no loans so that I can get myself a powerful dryer that would dry 100 tons a day. And this is my daily collection volume – 100-150 tons. Three days later I throw 250 tons into the ditch. The grain caught fire and steamed.

— Was the distillery closed?

— Distilleries were liquidated throughout Russia. They were left only in the North Caucasus.

In general, the distillery in Talitsa was a lifesaver, because there were 150-200 farms around and harsh weather conditions. Three such factories were liquidated in our region.

In Soviet times, the construction of distilleries was done for the purpose of crop insurance, so that peasants could process their raw materials. This is a prototype of cooperation.

Agricultural holdings hid behind the threat of African swine fever. It is prohibited to keep them in the Krasnodar Territory. It is prohibited in the Belgorod region. Now the geography of this initiative will be expanded

— What are your complaints about agricultural holdings?

— Agricultural holdings build complexes and small farms are their competitors, because farmers produce, for example, meat using natural technology, which is of better quality and slightly cheaper than the complexes sell.

Now let’s return to those regions where the complexes were set up, for example, to the Belgorod region. They quickly came up with ASF (Editor's note: African swine fever), an epidemic, and banned the keeping of pigs on small farms and in personal backyards. At all. With this ban, powerful agricultural complexes eliminated their competitors. It is also prohibited to keep pigs in the Krasnodar Territory. Now the geography of this initiative will be expanded to the Moscow, Saratov regions and beyond.

After the embargo was introduced, Russian residents did not receive cheap and high-quality products. And I set such a task Vladimir Putin. Agricultural complexes did not start feeding pigs with normal feed so that we would eat normal meat. They still “supply” pigs with anabolic steroids and their pigs grow for 90 days. Actually, a pig must grow for at least 180-200 days and you can’t fool nature.

They need to mow more grass, otherwise there will be fires, because villages all over Russia burn every year because of unmown grass. If there were cows, there wouldn't be such problems

— The holdings say they will feed Russia.

— Let me remind you of Nabiullina’s plan: 20 megacities and nothing else is needed, the rest of the land is empty. This is how things go: there is a metropolis, there is an agricultural complex around it, and wherever you go, you will get used to eating such meat.

— Officials report on growth in agriculture, for example, in Russia there is a record grain harvest (more than 110 million tons).

— Do officials know that the United States produces 450 million tons of grain, China — 600 million tons, and India produces more than us?

Yes, Russia sold almost 60 million tons of wheat and we seem to be in first place in the world. But at the same time, Russia was left without high-quality grain and was offered to eat bread made from fourth-grade grain. A Russian peasant will have bread with French baking powder; without it, the bread would be completely bad.

And what do the peasants care about these “first places”? What do they get out of it if the cost is equal to the selling price?! Only southern farmers and middlemen made money on grain due to high yields.

— Do you have any suggestions on how to change the deplorable situation for farmers?

— I am for equal competition and protection of domestic production. We stand as a united front with agricultural machine builder Konstantin Babkin, with the director of the Lenin state farm Pavel Grudinin, with the director of the St. Petersburg Tractor Plant Sergei Serebryakov. Russia today urgently needs 40 thousand combines, 150 thousand tractors, and at least 300 thousand rural houses. 15 thousand plants and factories for processing agricultural products are also needed. Then new industrialization and development of territories will begin. Next, you need to plan what is best to grow and in which region. Somewhere oilseeds, somewhere wheat. And let the pig grow for 180 days, there is no need to deceive nature. And we don’t need 10 thousand liters of milk per year per cow, let us have 5 thousand liters per cow, but there will be more cows. They need to mow more grass, otherwise there will be fires, because villages all over Russia burn every year because of unmown grass. If there were cows, there would be no such problems.

In Russia, in 17 thousand settlements of the Russian Federation, there is no production at all. There are people, roads, electricity and houses, but no production.

— What forecast can you make for farmers, for peasants for 2017?

“Today a large number of farms will go bankrupt. I was lucky because I didn't sow much. In the spring they forced me - let's take out a loan, sow more. Realizing that he had not paid off his loan for the previous year, he sowed less. There were losses for three years in a row. In 2014, it was completely flooded: it rained for 40 days (in August and September).

— How much do peasants take out loans for?

— Mostly for 500 thousand rubles, for 2-3 million rubles. Even for large farms, taking out a loan of 5 million rubles is unrealistic.

— And at Rosselkhozbank?

— This is not a bank for agriculture at all. You never know what to call it.

— At what percentage are loans given to farmers?

— Approximately 16-17% or 23-24% depending on the situation of the farm. It is impossible to repay such a loan.

Our peasant life is sad and short. But because it’s sad, it’s good that it’s short!

Agriculture is a special type of activity, so neither banks nor the state need farmers. Someone convinced our leadership that a large number of self-sufficient owners is bad. But let me remind you that even Europeans have developed the sphere of self-sufficient farms. Thus, Italy, where there is an average of 4.6 hectares of land per farm, produces 2.5 times more products than the whole of Russia. Bavaria, a region of Germany, sells products worth the same amount as the whole of Russia. Russia can do everything, but it doesn’t want to.

— Is there a corruption component here?

— Subsidies that go through the Ministry of Agriculture are associated with corruption schemes. “Warm relationships” play a role. To receive subsidies as you deserve, to be honest, is an exceptional case. Perhaps there are such people.

In general, I think that the system of subsidies and subsidies is a flawed development system. Introduce access to resources and farmers will not need any subsidies or subsidies. Why charge me excise taxes on diesel fuel and other taxes, just give it to me at the price it should cost. In practice, it turns out like this: you buy it today, then we’ll give you a little bit, and then we’ll steal a little bit, and then the peasant reported incorrectly, or bought the wrong brand of fuel and again owes money, but with a fine!

Our state leaders have an excellent business - oil, gas and some metals. The state cherishes this business, protects it, worries about it and even invests a lot of money in advance. Agriculture, medicine and education are not needed. Why are educated people needed? They will still go to the West. And the state is doing the right thing by closing rural schools. There’s no need to study, you’ll be “stupid” and maybe you won’t leave! Our peasant life is sad and short. But because it’s sad, it’s good that it’s short!

For his projects to create an attractive life in the countryside, many call Vasily Melnichenko a madman to his face. And he himself claims that the peasants have forgotten how to work on the land. Photo from the site

The result of the privatization of agricultural enterprises and their further activities is devastatingly sad. In the villages of the eastern zone of the Sverdlovsk region, for example, with the exception of a few enterprises, all farms fell into decay within a few years. Chaotic attempts by the regional government to contain this decline did not yield results.

Today, in the beautiful reports of the government of the Sverdlovsk region on successes in agriculture, you can see terrible numbers:

40% of the region's farms are unprofitable;

- entire rural areas of Turin, Tugulym, Irbit, Talitsky, Kamyshlovsky and other districts are unemployed. There are villages and towns where there is not a single workplace. According to government data, there are 6,500 unemployed people in rural areas. In fact, there are 10 times more of them;

– water supply, sewerage and heating systems are breaking down everywhere in villages. This has become the norm, and rural residents no longer even complain about this state of their social and economic life. Villagers must admit that they are facing collapse (self-liquidation) of the housing and communal services system. There is no money for pipes and all sorts of boilers to replace water pipelines and heating mains and, apparently, there won’t be any. Wells and stoves are what the village is heading towards.

Next to the reports of government members about the unprecedented rise in the development of culture in the countryside, I would immediately put a list of closed pre-school and school institutions, cultural centers and clubs. The list of them would outweigh the government's victorious pages.

The average salary announced by the regional government is 18 thousand rubles. in the countryside it also seems unreal. In all neighboring farms, workers of peasant farms, joint-stock companies and LLCs, even in the summer months, do not receive more than 12 thousand rubles, in other months - 8-10 thousand rubles. You can, of course, work without a salary, but how can you live without it?

During the same period, networks of bankruptcy of agricultural enterprises were rapidly forming and weaving in the region. First of all, the most tasty morsels were bankrupted - “Agricultural Chemistry”, “Agricultural Equipment”, dairy plants... To “recover” enterprises driven into bankruptcy proceedings, they created stable groups of arbitration managers “from among their own”, who successfully finished off all the enterprises subject to “rehabilitation” "

For example, 18 large enterprises went bankrupt in the Kamyshlovsky district. Most of them are deliberately bankrupt. The damage from such “recoveries” of the rural economy for citizens and the state amounted to many hundreds of millions of rubles. Criminal groups, taking advantage of the legal illiteracy of residents and the support of the district leadership (it - the leadership - does not interfere), appropriate property that was acquired by the labor of peasants and the labor of their parents. After such bankruptcies, the land is left without plowmen, the village is left without jobs, and people are left without wages. Technology for the production of homeless people. But there is no authority for these crimes; not a single criminal case has been opened in the area for criminal bankruptcy. For reference: in the Russian Federation in 2015–2016, 24 thousand enterprises ceased operations.

All attempts and efforts made by the regional government in training and retraining personnel also did not bring real benefit to the village. Either the students were incapable, or there were no teachers who could teach us, the villagers, how to get money for the development of the territory. The territory is gripped by a systemic crisis, it has degraded. The people living there no longer make attempts to escape from the crisis situation, and the leadership of small and large areas of our districts adheres to the same view and is trying to at least somehow arrange their lives. They have no time for people, much less farms. This is the situation in our villages and hamlets as of February 2017.

25 years have passed since the peasants became owners of land shares, owners of land, livestock, tractors and combines, then 10 years of useless work and expectations. And after 10 years, suddenly the peasants began to gladly get rid of this land - they began to sell it. The peasant does not need land, even if it is given for free. The peasant refuses to be the master.

From the above, we can conclude that we, the villagers, have not acquired anything useful over the past 10 years; we have eaten up the fixed assets accumulated in previous years. Land is a commodity that is no longer produced, but everything that does not increase will eventually run out. And it doesn’t matter that the peasants did not feel like masters of this life, because this is not the main thing, and not everyone is given the opportunity to be a master. The main thing on earth is to recognize yourself as a participant in this life, a part of it. The main thing is that we, rural residents, develop a sense of belonging to the territory in which we live. And then the level of chaos, the level of anger, and therefore poverty, will decrease many times over. And then the land will become native and very necessary for us. And we will look after her, cherish her - our nurse.

And this turn must be made. But this means that first of all we need to overcome the crisis of soul and spirit - in order to complain little and learn to do a lot. To learn to take your destiny into your own hands and take care of the destinies of other people who still rely on the state and cannot realize themselves in this difficult world. I have to travel a lot around Russia, meet people who live there, try to understand their mood, desire for life, and I never cease to be amazed at some kind of unbridled and selfless belief in anything but their own strengths.

What is surprising is the negligible percentage of rural residents who want to work independently, solve their own affairs and at the same time rely only on themselves, who are ready to be responsible for their lives. The brokenness of the male part of the rural population is especially felt. They criticize the bosses for all they're worth - from local foremen and directors to the Chubais and Rotenbergs themselves. They are ready to discuss and solve the problems of Syria and Ukraine, but they do not even want to hear about the problems of their own street, yard or garden.

The decline of most farms in our rural areas lies, of course, in the poor staffing levels of farms. They throw up their hands and ask: “What should we do, where can we get the money?” In this state of affairs, there’s really no way to get money anywhere, and there’s no reason to. Farms that have lost their property in 10 years are unlikely to be able to manage new loans and properly create the local economy.

The territory has lost its professionals, and therefore there is no one to head dozens of services and farms. The positions of heads of rural enterprises remain vacant; there are no tractor drivers, combine operators, livestock specialists or agronomists, and there are no talented economists at all. And the person to whom fate sends the vision and ability to fill this gap will be able to do everything for the development of the territory, because the future of the village depends not so much on politicians, but on professionals in any field: medicine, business, education, agriculture, on people who will constantly improve their skills.

It seems that this cannot be done without external help. Previously, they relied on the state. Now who can we rely on? For a private owner? But the rural way of life will not particularly accept him. In extreme cases, private shops and some workshops will be tolerated, and then over time the problem of coexistence between the poor and the rich will make itself felt by social conflicts and even mass unrest.

It would be necessary for the village to develop rural cooperation - marketing, supply, processing of agricultural products and other types, even financial, to develop credit cooperatives. But all this presupposes the desire of the peasants themselves - commodity producers. In addition to desire, serious knowledge is required, money is required - both starting and working capital. Only then can we hope for success. There are no such conditions in the countryside yet. The state most likely will not be particularly zealous in helping the village, although the other day the rural minister Tkachev assured that the village would not be left to its own devices, that even bankruptcy would be suspended. But such measures are not enough. There is a need in the countryside for people who can work in the current conditions. And only the city can give them to us the fastest. There, in the city, there are many of our rural residents, not only by roots, but also by spirit. I'll have to invite you. We will have to invite strangers who want to move to our villages. Moreover, first of all, we don’t even need milkmaids and tractor drivers, but managers and economists. And if we still don’t find anyone willing to move to live and raise their villages in nearby cities and regions, then we need to pay attention to compatriots living in the former republics of the USSR and who still want to move to live in Russia.

It turns out that our rural peasant will have to rack his brains about how to organize his new rural civilization. We will either not be able to live on individual farms (that is, become farmers), as America lives, or they will be absolute units made artificially by the state or rich firms.

It’s not at all a matter of the mentality of the Russian peasant, although he always loved to live in a community and settled in such a way as to have a common church, school, club, etc. The fact is that we have absolutely no conditions for farming the countryside, and the treasury will never find such money. To set up a normal farm, the state or private owner needs 10 million rubles or more, depending on the specialization of the farm. An example of this is the Bukharovskoe farm in the Kamyshlovsky district. It has already cost the state at least 30 million rubles.

There is no need for our rural producers to complain about the lack of government funding. It’s just that not everyone correctly understands government assistance, complaining that it is greater abroad. But assistance is expressed in the construction of roads, power lines, gas pipelines, telephone lines, etc. In Russia, this is not usually considered help. Our peasant wants to get everything with money, tractors and combines, and even better - grain and meat, so that he can sell it immediately without growing it.

We must admit to ourselves that this is really so, that all the stories about the unparalleled work of rural workers are nothing more than the fiction of “generals” from agriculture. In fact, many of us live in the countryside, but we produce very few products. Our potential should be many times greater. And all this is due to poor organization and lack of modern technologies. Hence the lack of money, the high cost of our products compared to competitors, and then we cannot sell them because they are expensive and often of poor quality or low quality. And this leads to unemployment. And from unemployment - drunkenness, and drunkenness turns into idleness, laziness, further bestiality of rural reality - thefts, quarrels, murders, suicides, homelessness, orphanhood of old and small... 37 million people live in the villages and cities of Russia, and another 29 million people live in small towns (sub-cities). The situation has so developed that these territories have largely remained outside the attention of dozens of global projects.

We must admit that we have stopped in our development and need some kind of push to solve the problem, but the situation is really difficult - great specialists from Kamyshlov, Irbit and Talitsa have left or are working on a rotational basis in the “north”. Young rural boys who served in the army work mainly as security guards in Yekaterinburg and Tyumen, because there is nowhere to get a job in the villages. Those rural youth who are lucky enough to become students of universities or colleges (technical schools) have no chance in the future of finding a place to apply their abilities. As soon as development begins, as soon as enterprises begin to be built and new technologies are mastered, then young and healthy families will stop leaving our land. As soon as there is hope for an attractive life, those who left will return to the villages, and then the land will become necessary for the peasants, and then it will not be sold.

“In 2019, Vladimir Vladimirovich will retire”

Farmer Vasily Melnichenko - about the program for Putin and the new President of Russia

A member of the Committee of Civil Initiatives, Ural farmer Vasily Melnichenko wrote a program for the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) of Alexei Kudrin on the development of rural areas and small towns. It will become part of a large pre-election program for the development of Russia for Vladimir Putin. According to Melnichenko, it is necessary to invest about 4 trillion rubles in the development of production in villages in order to equalize the rich and poor areas in Russia, but economic reforms can only be implemented if Putin resigns in 2019. We are publishing a monologue by Vasily Melnichenko about the political and economic future of Russia.

“We are participating in the preparation of a program for the Center for Social Development, there is a block called “Development of Rural Territories and Small Towns,” for which we wrote the program “Rooting the People on the Earth.” The basis of our program is the development of local self-government, in particular, the institution of elders through the Territorial Development Agency, and cooperation as the basis of the economy.

The basis for the development of rural areas is the institution of elders. I made a report at the government meeting, and the acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, published it. We have local governments, but they have no connection with the population, no one is responsible for local initiatives. A people's meeting of a village or hamlet can gather and choose the most respected person who will monitor the locality: whether the local police officer came to the reception, whether the collapsed bridge was repaired. They will also be responsible for supporting local initiatives.

We have already implemented a pilot project for elders in the Ulyanovsk region, where elders have direct access to the governor and send him text messages. After the implementation of the institute, this region received 114 million for local initiatives. We plan that there will be 900-1000 elders in the Sverdlovsk region. The assembly can remove the headman at any moment - if you do not suit the local population or commit a fine, you will be removed.

The next stage is the creation of production and jobs in every locality. If you drive through the hinterlands, you will find several dozen villages and hamlets where there is not a single workplace. These are doomed settlements. The Territorial Development Agency should study the proposals, including the elders, select promising ideas and projects and try to conduct a normal analysis of them for the possibility of implementation. The Center for Social Development accepted our proposal that there should be no settlements where there is no production. We are launching the industrialization of the country from below - this will require approximately 4 trillion rubles. It's pennies! For example, 16 trillion rubles did not reach the budget from customs - we conducted an analysis and reported to the State Duma, the ONF, and are preparing a report to the president on this.

We have the most severe stratification of society. The division of the poor with the rich always ends in revolution. We are no exception, we went through this too. Unless we find another balance in our country, we are getting closer to this.

We understand why there is hostility towards Moscow: every meter of tiles replaced is one ruined district.

Our program completely changes the situation with small towns and villages, gives them the opportunity to develop, gives them orders for tractors, combines, 400 thousand houses, the chemical industry - all this is beginning to develop. We have 37 million people living in villages, but only 2 million people work.

We don’t need stock quotes, stock exchanges, what Trump writes there, what size pike are caught - this doesn’t interest us. We only have one life, only one. We need to feed and teach children. For this purpose, every locality must have production, at least family farms. Soon even the villages will not know what a cow looks like.

We see the situation as it is: in March, Vladimir Putin will win the presidential election, since there are no those who could compete with him. After this, in May, a new prime minister will be appointed by law. It will definitely be the person who authored the chosen program: logic dictates that whoever wrote it is the one who implements it. Not only the Center for Social Development writes a program for the president, but also [business ombudsman Boris] Titov and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We know for sure that the president will choose only one program, because mixing them is pointless.

But we have a serious problem: even if the program is well written, it must be implemented, and we are closely tied to the global economy. The imposed sanctions, especially the new ones, raise many questions for the President of the Russian Federation in 2018. Putin will have to solve a difficult question: how to lift the sanctions.

I am sure that by the end of 2018 or in 2019, Vladimir Vladimirovich will make a decision together with his team that he will retire from affairs, including foreign policy, and will simply take on this role as the father of the nation. And the acting president will be the prime minister, the author of the program.

Then the program will receive the green light. This is not a matter of one day - lifting sanctions, unblocking borders, the issue with Crimea, Ukraine, Syria and the like. But this way we will get a chance for the economic development of the country and a more or less difficult way out of the situation.