Targeted education at Russian universities is not only an opportunity to get into a top university on a budget, without chasing 90-100 points (the average score here is always slightly lower), but also a chance to study for free at the commercial departments of many higher educational institutions in our country. In the second case, your education will be paid for by the state or a commercial enterprise. Now it becomes clear why targeted admission is called a “loophole to a university,” because you get several advantages at once:

1. Admission to the university a week earlier than the main flow of applicants

2. Preferential competition for Unified State Examination points, because the competition lists will be separate for you - only among “target students” like you

3. Opportunity to study for free even at the commercial department

4. Guaranteed employment after receiving a diploma, because according to the contract you are obliged in this case to work at an enterprise or institution for 3 years

Which institutions or enterprises in the Russian Federation can conclude a targeted training agreement with you?

By law, this list includes:

Federal government agencies;

Government departments;

Local government bodies;

State municipal institutions;

State corporations;

Unitary enterprises;

State companies and business entities in whose authorized capital there is a share of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities.

You can get a target direction only to one university and one specialty. Typically, 11th grade students must declare their intention to be admitted to a particular university by mid-April (the timing must be clarified with the university). That is why now we need to decide and act. Be sure to tell your school administration about your desire to attend targeted training; they can help you choose a university and collect all the necessary documents.

What steps does a graduate need to take to enroll in targeted studies at a university?

Step 1. Go to the website of the university you are interested in and read all the information about the target admission.

Step 2. If on the site you do not find information about specific enterprises, government agencies and state-owned companies, do not be discouraged, in this case you need to contact the university admissions office yourself and ask whether they have an agreement with the above-mentioned institutions.

Step 3. If the university provides a list of specific institutions or enterprises, then you need to contact the personnel department of these institutions with a request to give you information about the possibility of receiving a targeted referral to the university.

Step 4. If the university does not name specific institutions, then you need to independently search for those enterprises and organizations that could give you the target direction. Here a lot depends on your activity and perseverance.

Step 5. If you managed to get the target referral, then you need to bring it to the university admissions office. If you find yourself in the target position of this higher education institution and everything goes well, all you have to do is conclude a tripartite agreement on targeted training (a sample of this agreement is usually available on the university’s website).

To make your search easier, we have compiled a list of the 20 most popular universities in the country that have officially announced the possibility of targeted training in 2018.

1. Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova

Targeted admission to the Faculty of Physics

Targeted admission to the Faculty of Economics

2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

3. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

4. National Research University Higher School of Economics

5. Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman

6. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

7. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

8. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

9. National Research Tomsk State University

10. Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

11. Siberian Federal University

12. Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin

13. ITMO University

14. National Research University "MPEI"

15. Southern Federal University

16. Belgorod National Research University

17. Far Eastern Federal University

18. St. Petersburg Mining University (Mining University)

19. Altai State University

20. Bashkir State University

We wish you good luck in receiving referrals for targeted training at Russian universities. Go for it, and you will succeed!

— training class;

As a rule, the competition among applicants for the target field is much lower than for the same specialty, but in the main stream. Therefore, for successful admission, a lower number of Unified State Examination points is required. In addition, training in the target area should theoretically be free. If the student was sent by the administration, then he is allocated a budget place. If a certain company is interested in a future specialist, then it can cover the costs of training. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student under which the sending company pays for the studies, and the student undertakes to work for several years in this company after graduation. Well, the second important aspect is the further employment of the student, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to hire a specialist trained by him, then he issues an “absentee slip”, which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty.

When preparing to enter universities, it is common to consider different options and, as they say, prepare for the worst, hoping for the best. Therefore, it does not hurt future applicants to know that, in addition to budgetary and commercial, there is an option for admission to some specialties in the so-called “target direction”.

The peculiarity of targeted enrollment is that the applicant comes to the university not only with Unified State Examination grades, but also with a referral from a specific enterprise and department. Due to the fact that an enterprise or department undertakes to pay for his training or allocate funds from the budget for his training, the applicant does not participate in the general competition, and the entrance examinations are held according to a special competition (but not outside the competition, as many mistakenly believe). If he successfully passes the tests, he is enrolled in the chosen faculty, studies there, and after graduating from the university he goes to work at the enterprise that vouched for him. The obligations of the enterprise to the student, the student to the enterprise, and the enterprise to the university are formalized in a tripartite agreement. At the same time, we consider it necessary to note that targeted admission to Russian universities is divided into two types: target set according to the quota of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (for government departments) and targeted contract training(for those who come with a referral from enterprises). And although the term “target set” legally refers only to the first type, in everyday life it is expanded.

The targeted enrollment system is fraught with a lot of features that applicants who dream of enrolling in a targeted area must know.

Who's on the list?

The lists of those whom the enterprise will apply to at the university include applicants who are already in some way familiar with this enterprise. It turns out that you have to be acquaintances from school. That’s how it is – business leaders “look out” for future personnel precisely at the stage when they are studying at school. What ways to “look after” are there? For example, all kinds of competitions that the enterprise holds among students in the region. Or meetings with schoolchildren at the enterprise.

Target direction to university

Or thematic Olympiads, organized or sponsored by an enterprise. Managers are watching: whoever’s eyes sparkle, who expresses interest, who shows their best side - he has every chance of getting on the coveted list of referred applicants. For example, the Tatneft enterprise has been selecting potential personnel in this way for several decades and sending them to study at oil universities in Russia.

Also, the “targeted” candidates usually include applicants whose parents have worked at the enterprise for many years and have authority. Children often choose the profession of their parents, and in such cases, the management of the enterprise meets them halfway.

The chances are also high for those who have a specialized secondary education and are already working in an enterprise. Usually, the university management supports their desire to continue their studies and obtain higher education, and gives them the desired direction.

Admission and training

The fact that an applicant is on the target list does not mean that he will be accepted into the university without competition. According to the rules, the competition in this case should be at least 1.2 people per place. Of course, this is not as serious a test as the general competition, but still, according to Unified State Examination estimates, the strongest applicants are selected.

There is one caveat here - according to the contract, a student enrolled in targeted training must study satisfactorily. And for this, accordingly, abilities and knowledge of the school base are required. Therefore, competition in the target set is necessary.


There is only one employment option for those who studied in the target field, for whose studies the company paid or for whose studies funds were allocated from the regional budget - to return and work for the required period (which is specified in the contract) where they were sent from. On the one hand, this is a plus, on the other, a minus. Why?

The situation may turn out like this: a student studied at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduating from which one can find a decent job in the capital, and the direction was given by the administration of, say, the Irkutsk region. He is supposed to return to the Irkutsk region.

Another situation: a student studied under a target contract in one city, but during her studies at the university she got married. She is also supposed to return and work out the allotted time, even if the family does not plan to move.

It is clear that life situations develop differently, and it is impossible to predict what awaits a person in the next five years. Therefore, the tripartite contract that is signed with the applicant states that if he violates the terms of the contract, he undertakes to return to the company the amount spent on his training, and in some cases a fine is added to the amount. However, each situation is considered separately, and in some situations there are even legal loopholes (for example, the pregnancy of a graduate or the state of health of a graduate). As a rule, graduates who do not agree with their fate turn to lawyers specializing in such cases. Practice shows that some people manage to avoid employment, while others, for example, have to report to the prosecutor’s office.

Nuances of targeted reception

Speaking about targeted admission, it is difficult to generalize information, since each university, each enterprise makes its own adjustments to the contracts, but let’s talk about some of the features of targeted admission.
1. Targeted enrollment, as a rule, takes place in industry universities (energy, oil and gas, communications, light industry, etc.).
2. The order for the enrollment of “target students” appears before the order for the enrollment of other students. This is a plus for those applicants who did not qualify for the target selection - there is still time to submit documents on a general basis.
3. In 2011, the target enrollment under quotas from the Ministry of Education and Science was no more than 20% of the total number of budget places allocated at the university, while in 2010 the share was higher - 25%. In 2012, according to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, target enrollment will be reduced by another five percent and will amount to 15%.
4. As for the TTC (targeted contract training), the university has the right, in agreement with the founder, to establish a higher proportion of applicants.

There are two options for you: firstly, find an interested organization (employer) that would submit an application to the local administration to train the required specialist. Secondly, you can independently submit an application to the municipality, supported by a petition from the school director and various characteristics.
In particular, the application must indicate:
- last name, first name, patronymic of the graduate;
— home address and contact numbers of the graduate (his parents);
— number of the educational institution;
— training class;
— university, faculty and specialty for which you are asked to select a target area, as well as the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).
The application must be accompanied by a testimonial signed by the head of the educational institution where the future applicant is studying and certified by a seal. To receive an application, you must also attach a petition from an organization (future employer) interested in training a specialist.
A graduate can be allocated only one target direction from the city administration for admission to only one university, one faculty and one specialty.

The local administration collects all applications for the next academic year and sends them to universities collaborating with it on the targeted training program. The number of allocated targeted places is determined by the university itself, based on its capabilities and the expected total number of applicants. The university must provide confirmation of the provision of places for targeted training before the start of the admission campaign. If there are more people wishing to study in a target program than the number of allocated places, then a competition is held among the “target students,” usually based on the Unified State Examination results. Those who did not pass the competition for targeted training can try to enter the same specialty again, this time with the general stream.

As a rule, the competition among applicants for the target field is much lower than for the same specialty, but in the main stream. Therefore, for successful admission, a lower number of Unified State Examination points is required. In addition, training in the target area should theoretically be free. If the student was sent by the administration, then he is allocated a budget place. If a certain company is interested in a future specialist, then it can cover the costs of training.

In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student under which the sending company pays for the studies, and the student undertakes to work for several years in this company after graduation. Well, the second important aspect is the further employment of the student, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to hire a specialist trained by him, then he issues an “absentee slip”, which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty.

By the way, regarding the payment of tuition by the future employer: a very often practiced scheme is when the applicant deposits the amount of tuition fees in cash into the cash desk of the future employer, and the employer transfers the money to the university. If an applicant does not pass the exams and does not enroll, the university returns the money to the organization, and it returns the money to the applicant who did not enroll. Admission through a targeted program is convenient because the money is paid once and in a smaller amount than in paid education.

The disadvantage of a targeted direction is that your plans may change during your studies, but your obligations to work for a certain number of years remain.

It is also necessary to discuss in the contract the issue of a targeted internship, otherwise it, like postgraduate education, will be paid.

When submitting documents for the target area to the university, the applicant must provide the originals of the certificate, the Unified State Examination result and other required documents. Only in this case will his application be considered.

The university considers applications for targeted admission received from state authorities or local governments, and makes a decision to allocate targeted places in areas of training (specialties), indicating their number within the quotas established by the Ministry of Education of Russia. informs state authorities or local self-government bodies about the decision made and concludes contracts with them for targeted admission, taking into account the competitive basis for admission to higher educational institutions. The number of places for targeted admission for each specialty (direction) is determined no later than a month before the start of accepting documents. The number of target places cannot be increased during the acceptance of documents, entrance examinations and enrollment.
Regulations “On targeted contract training of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1995 No. 942.

There are two options for you: firstly, find an interested organization (employer) that would submit an application to the local administration to train the required specialist. Secondly, you can independently submit an application to the municipality, supported by a petition from the school director and various characteristics.
In particular, the application must indicate:
- last name, first name, patronymic of the graduate;
— home address and contact numbers of the graduate (his parents);
— number of the educational institution;
— training class;
— university, faculty and specialty for which you are asked to select a target area, as well as the form of study (full-time, part-time, part-time).
The application must be accompanied by a testimonial signed by the head of the educational institution where the future applicant is studying and certified by a seal. To receive an application, you must also attach a petition from an organization (future employer) interested in training a specialist.
A graduate can be allocated only one target direction from the city administration for admission to only one university, one faculty and one specialty.

The local administration collects all applications for the next academic year and sends them to universities collaborating with it on the targeted training program. The number of allocated targeted places is determined by the university itself, based on its capabilities and the expected total number of applicants. The university must provide confirmation of the provision of places for targeted training before the start of the admission campaign. If there are more people wishing to study in a target program than the number of allocated places, then a competition is held among the “target students,” usually based on the Unified State Examination results. Those who did not pass the competition for targeted training can try to enter the same specialty again, this time with the general stream.

As a rule, the competition among applicants for the target field is much lower than for the same specialty, but in the main stream. Therefore, for successful admission, a lower number of Unified State Examination points is required.

How to get a targeted referral to study at any university (instructions)

In addition, training in the target area should theoretically be free. If the student was sent by the administration, then he is allocated a budget place. If a certain company is interested in a future specialist, then it can cover the costs of training. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student under which the sending company pays for the studies, and the student undertakes to work for several years in this company after graduation. Well, the second important aspect is the further employment of the student, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to hire a specialist trained by him, then he issues an “absentee slip”, which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty.

By the way, regarding the payment of tuition by the future employer: a very often practiced scheme is when the applicant deposits the amount of tuition fees in cash into the cash desk of the future employer, and the employer transfers the money to the university. If an applicant does not pass the exams and does not enroll, the university returns the money to the organization, and it returns the money to the applicant who did not enroll. Admission through a targeted program is convenient because the money is paid once and in a smaller amount than in paid education.

The disadvantage of a targeted direction is that your plans may change during your studies, but your obligations to work for a certain number of years remain.

It is also necessary to discuss in the contract the issue of a targeted internship, otherwise it, like postgraduate education, will be paid.

When submitting documents for the target area to the university, the applicant must provide the originals of the certificate, the Unified State Examination result and other required documents. Only in this case will his application be considered.

The university considers applications for targeted admission received from state authorities or local governments, and makes a decision to allocate targeted places in areas of training (specialties), indicating their number within the quotas established by the Ministry of Education of Russia. informs state authorities or local self-government bodies about the decision made and concludes contracts with them for targeted admission, taking into account the competitive basis for admission to higher educational institutions.

The number of places for targeted admission for each specialty (direction) is determined no later than a month before the start of accepting documents. The number of target places cannot be increased during the acceptance of documents, entrance examinations and enrollment.
Regulations “On targeted contract training of specialists with higher and secondary vocational education”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1995 No. 942.

Read also: Irresponsible “target students” will be charged a fine equal to the cost of training As for the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, the number of places for admission remained at the level of last year: 40 in the general competition for “General Medicine” and 13 for “Dentistry”. This year the St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical Academy will admit 154 students in the general competition and 106 students in the targeted competition. Read also: Two St. Petersburg medical universities entered the TOP 100 universities in the country By tradition, part of the places in St. Petersburg medical universities is allocated under a quota for applicants who have a special right to admission - disabled children and orphans. First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after.

How to get a targeted referral to a medical university in 2018

The presented procedure has the following advantages:

  • Admission to the university is ensured taking into account 1.5-2 people per course place - this gives high chances.
  • All admission is based on the results of the Unified State Exam and their subsequent competitive selection.
  • If additional entrance tests are held, then in most cases these are targeted appointments with up to 2 applicants per place.
  • The target direction to universities is only free education. Depending on the head of the enterprise who provides the student with training opportunities, scholarships and housing may be provided if the applicant is from out of town.
  • Immediately after graduation, the graduate is provided with a job - he will not have to look for a job in his specialty for a long time, which is difficult without experience.

Targeted training of specialists

You can contact the person responsible for career guidance for graduates at the school, the class teacher or the director, or act independently. In any case, the algorithm of actions for admission to a university for targeted admission is as follows:

In the heat of the admissions campaign, applicants are almost ready to sell their souls to the devil for such a coveted place at the university. For some, a destination becomes their lifeline. I have studied the Regulations on targeted training and will tell you what targeted training is, who can get it and where, what the pros and cons are.

What is a target direction?

The target direction allows you to receive free vocational, secondary vocational, higher (bachelor's and master's) and postgraduate education (postgraduate, doctoral) education. An agreement on targeted training is a document that is signed by three parties: the applicant, the customer organization and the educational institution.

Organizations that need certain specialists can submit applications to local or republican government bodies, which are subordinate to educational institutions where such specialists are trained. Then the governing bodies, where applications for targeted training are received, form target enrollment figures taking into account the planned intake and report this information to the Ministry of Education, customer organizations and educational institutions.

Public and private organizations can apply for targeted training.

Who is the target area intended for?

Not everyone can have a goal. Targeted training is provided for regional organizations where there is a shortage of specialists. Thus, residents of regional centers and the capital are not yet entitled to training in the target area. Registration does not play a key role, i.e. you can take the target from an organization that is not located in the city where the applicant is registered. The main thing is in which organization the applicant wants to take the target direction, whether it has such an opportunity. However, the Ministry of Education plans to change the conditions for providing targeted direction.

We plan to provide the possibility of targeted training of specialists with higher education in certain specialties in demand by the economy for organizations, regardless of their location. Today, targeted direction can be provided by organizations located exclusively in certain localities. At the same time, we are observing a trend where even in regional cities there are not enough specialists in one or another profile.

Igor Karpenko, Minister of Education of Belarus

How to get the target direction?

There are two ways to go. Call the admissions office of a university, college or lyceum and find out from which organizations you can submit a target application for the specialty of interest. If you are more focused on the place of work, then contact the organization where you would like to work and ask about the opportunity to receive a targeted assignment.

You can acquire a targeted area of ​​study at the admissions office of an educational institution, provided that there are vacancies for targeted training.

How many places are allocated for target audiences?

The number of places for targeted students is limited and amounts to up to 60% of the enrollment plan for agricultural specialties, up to 50% for health care specialties and up to 40% for all others. Having received the long-awaited assignment in your hands, you should not relax, because at the university (lyceum, college) you will have to go through a competition among target students. For example, three places for targeted training are allocated for a certain specialty, but there are five applicants. Of these, the first three with the most points will be selected, the remaining two can participate in the general competition.

If the target places are not filled, they may be transferred to a general competition or left vacant at the discretion of the educational institution. In the second case, for free places, having concluded an agreement on targeted training, in the same specialty or a similar one, and also from a paid department.

You can take a target direction and not submit it to the selection committee, but participate in the general competition.

By the way, a target student is no different from other state employees, except for the period of service.

Many target places are highlighted

How long to work in the target area?

Those who have received higher education - at least five years, vocational secondary education - at least three years, vocational education - at least two. At the request of the graduate, the period of compulsory service may include, for example, the period of military service on conscription or in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations of Belarus, maternity leave (until the child reaches the age of three years). Studying in master's and postgraduate programs does not affect the reduction of working time.

Reasons not to work in the target direction

During training, the contract may be terminated for the following reasons:

— determination of disability for a citizen under 18 years of age;

— establishing a citizen’s disability of group I or II;

— determination of one of the parents or the husband (wife) of a citizen with a disability of group I or II or a disability for a citizen’s child;

— the occurrence of medical contraindications to work in the acquired specialty (specialty area, specialization) and assigned qualifications;

— liquidation of the customer organization;

— early termination of educational relations due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen or educational institution.

The reasons not to work in the target direction are stated in. This may happen due to disability, illnesses incompatible with work in the specialty, liquidation of the institution that issued the target referral, etc.

If absolutely, you can return the funds spent on training.

Is it worth taking the target direction?

The conclusion of such an agreement is suitable for those applicants who plan to return to their native land after studying or want to secure a job in advance. If your main goal is training on a budget, it is better to think seven times before deciding to conclude this agreement. No one knows how life will turn out in a few years, and a lifeline may turn out to be a heavy burden. Legal advice will not be superfluous when signing such a serious document.

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The target direction for training is a way to get an education through one of a whole list of enterprises: from a huge government structure to an individual private company. It does not matter whether a person has a higher education or not yet. After all, both a schoolchild and an already working citizen can become a target student. However, in exchange for paying for studies, a person will have to work for a certain time in a given company or department.

Targeted training is regulated by Article 56. It implies the opportunity to receive both specialized secondary and higher education in any city in Russia.

What is the target direction to a university?

The target referral to a higher educational institution is an opportunity to develop a highly qualified specialist for the employer and to receive a free higher professional education for the student.

There are 2 types of target direction depending on the sending organization:

  • state;
  • private.

It depends on this whether the student will enroll in a budgetary or commercial department. According to Article 71_1 of Law No. 273-FZ, the list of enterprises that give the right to budget training includes:

  • federal, regional or local authorities;
  • unitary enterprises;
  • government-owned companies or corporations and their affiliates;
  • departments involved in the defense industry;
  • business companies in whose monetary capital there is a share of budget funds, as well as their subsidiaries;
  • JSCs whose shares belong to the state.

Target direction – pros and cons

The target direction has its advantages and disadvantages.

The list of student privileges includes the following items:

  • simplified admission process due to a reduced passing score;
  • guarantee of employment after completion of studies;
  • an earlier admission process, which gives time for admission to another university on a general basis if the competition for target places is not passed;
  • the opportunity to receive additional bonuses in the form of an extraordinary place in a dormitory or an addition to a scholarship (of course, if they are specified in the contract).

Due to the fact that the number of budget places for targeted students is limited, if there are numerous applicants, a competition is held, the result of which depends on the Unified State Examination scores. Therefore, you should devote your time to preparing for exams and not hope that a place at the university has already been secured.

However, targeted training also imposes certain obligations, which can become disadvantages for the student:

  • the need to work for a certain period of time for a company, usually without career growth or salary increases;
  • the need to go to work where the leader sends (often students who have graduated under federal programs are distributed to rural areas);
  • responsibility to pass exams on time and get high grades.

Where can I get a referral for targeted training?

Getting a targeted referral to a university is easy. The future student needs:

  • choose a specialty;
  • find a suitable university;
  • find out what target areas the university accepts students for;
  • if there is a suitable specialty among the areas, find out with which companies the university has entered into an agreement on the target area;
  • contact the appropriate organization;
  • conclude a contract with the manager.

You can go another way: first find a company, find out which universities it has entered into agreements with, select the university and specialty you are interested in, and then conclude an agreement with the future employer. Of course, you will have to go through an interview, show your school performance and diplomas for participation in various olympiads and educational competitions (if a student is applying for the target study). The contract is concluded 6 months before taking the Unified State Exam. On behalf of the company, a request is sent to the local administration regarding the need to train a certain specialist. The application must indicate the personal data of the future student, the name of the educational institution from which he graduated, the desired university and specialty.

If a person wants to enroll in a medical university, he needs to contact either the Ministry of Health or private clinics. It must be taken into account that in order to receive a referral to a medical school from a private clinic, you must have a diploma of secondary medical education. In this case, the purpose of study will be to improve qualifications. A targeted student sent for training by the Department of Health must be prepared for the fact that after graduation he may be sent to work in rural areas. The same condition applies to those who entered study with a referral from a state educational institution.

If you want to become a civil aviation employee, you need to contact an airline, for example, Aeroflot. To do this, you need to bring a VLEK certificate along with the standard package of documents, get a recommendation from an aviation psychologist, and also confirm your high level of English proficiency from flight crew training specialists. In 2018, within the framework of the target quota, students were sent to one of three universities: St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, UI GA or MSTU GA.

To become an employee of Russian railways, you need to contact the railway personnel management service or the development and training department of a Russian Railways branch. Preference is given to applicants from remote line stations, children of railway workers, as well as those who have completed training on the children's railway. Full information can be found on the official website of Russian Railways.

Documents for the target direction

Collecting the documents that need to be taken when visiting a future employer will take some time, so it is better to take care of this issue in advance.

The list of required papers includes the following items:

  1. a transcript of academic performance for the first semester of the graduating class with the obligatory stamp of the director of the educational institution (for the student);
  2. certificate of education (completed school);
  3. diploma of secondary vocational education (for college and technical school graduates);
  4. original passport with a copy;
  5. characteristics from the place of education (if necessary);
  6. papers showing the achievements of the future student.

At the university, when submitting documents to the admissions committee, the applicant must say that admission is in the target area.

Scholarship for holders of the target direction

The scholarship of a targeted student depends on the organization that sent him to receive education. It can be either increased or only a thousand rubles per year. All these conditions are specified in the contract that the future student concludes with the head of the organization. An additional scholarship to a student from a state company is paid from the regional budget, from a private entrepreneur or company - from the budget of the organization itself.

Also, targeted students have the right to receive an academic scholarship provided to all university students. Each educational institution can independently determine the criteria for issuing a scholarship. In any case, its size depends on academic performance (grades and timely closure of the session). Also, an academic scholarship is provided to all first-year students enrolled on the budget. Thus, students sent to study by private companies can only count on monetary support from their future employer.

How much do you have to work for free study?

After receiving a diploma, the graduate is required to work off the funds spent on it. That is, for some time he cannot resign from the company that sent him for training. The term of service is specified in the contract that the future student concludes with the company. Therefore, before signing the contract, it is so important to carefully read all its clauses. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the employer pays only for a bachelor’s degree or also for a master’s degree, graduate school, residency, etc. After all, the time of study can influence the subsequent period of work, during which the student will not be able to change jobs.

According to Law No. 273-FZ, the period of service cannot be less than three years.

Of course, there are a number of reasons why a student may not work off his or her studies legally:

  • if the student has become disabled or acquired a disease due to which he cannot work in his previously desired specialty;
  • upon liquidation of the organization or university itself.

If subsequently the customer cannot provide the student with a job, he is obliged to pay him compensation in the amount of three salaries. If the terms of the contract are violated by the student, he is obliged to reimburse all amounts spent on it within three years.


The target direction will be a great support for those who want to be sure that after studying at the university they will be provided with work in their specialty. Often it provides an opportunity to get an education at a prestigious educational institution. The main thing is to find an enterprise that offers such a chance. However, targeted training cannot be called completely free. You will have to pay with your own work without the right of dismissal or demand for higher wages.

When preparing to enter universities, it is common to consider different options and, as they say, prepare for the worst, hoping for the best. Therefore, it does not hurt future applicants to know that, in addition to budgetary and commercial, there is an option for admission to some specialties in the so-called “target direction”.

The peculiarity of targeted enrollment is that the applicant comes to the university not only with Unified State Examination grades, but also with a referral from a specific enterprise and department. Due to the fact that an enterprise or department undertakes to pay for his training or allocate funds from the budget for his training, the applicant does not participate in the general competition, and the entrance examinations are held according to a special competition (but not outside the competition, as many mistakenly believe). If he successfully passes the tests, he is enrolled in the chosen faculty, studies there, and after graduating from the university he goes to work at the enterprise that vouched for him. The obligations of the enterprise to the student, the student to the enterprise, and the enterprise to the university are formalized in a tripartite agreement. At the same time, we consider it necessary to note that targeted admission to Russian universities is divided into two types: target set according to the quota of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (for government departments) and targeted contract training(for those who come with a referral from enterprises). And although the term “target set” legally refers only to the first type, in everyday life it is expanded.

The targeted enrollment system is fraught with a lot of features that applicants who dream of enrolling in a targeted area must know.

Who's on the list?

The lists of those whom the enterprise will apply to at the university include applicants who are already in some way familiar with this enterprise. It turns out that you have to be acquaintances from school. That’s how it is – business leaders “look out” for future personnel precisely at the stage when they are studying at school. What ways to “look after” are there? For example, all kinds of competitions that the enterprise holds among students in the region. Or meetings with schoolchildren at the enterprise. Or thematic Olympiads, organized or sponsored by an enterprise. Managers are watching: whoever’s eyes sparkle, who expresses interest, who shows their best side - he has every chance of getting on the coveted list of referred applicants. For example, the Tatneft enterprise has been selecting potential personnel in this way for several decades and sending them to study at oil universities in Russia.

Also, the “targeted” candidates usually include applicants whose parents have worked at the enterprise for many years and have authority. Children often choose the profession of their parents, and in such cases, the management of the enterprise meets them halfway.

The chances are also high for those who have a specialized secondary education and are already working in an enterprise. Usually, the university management supports their desire to continue their studies and obtain higher education, and gives them the desired direction.

Admission and training

The fact that an applicant is on the target list does not mean that he will be accepted into the university without competition. According to the rules, the competition in this case should be at least 1.2 people per place. Of course, this is not as serious a test as the general competition, but still, according to Unified State Examination estimates, the strongest applicants are selected.

There is one caveat here - according to the contract, a student enrolled in targeted training must study satisfactorily. And for this, accordingly, abilities and knowledge of the school base are required. Therefore, competition in the target set is necessary.


There is only one employment option for those who studied in the target field, for whose studies the company paid or for whose studies funds were allocated from the regional budget - to return and work for the required period (which is specified in the contract) where they were sent from. On the one hand, this is a plus, on the other, a minus. Why?

The situation may turn out like this: a student studied at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduating from which one can find a decent job in the capital, and the direction was given by the administration of, say, the Irkutsk region. He is supposed to return to the Irkutsk region.

Another situation: a student studied under a target contract in one city, but during her studies at the university she got married. She is also supposed to return and work out the allotted time, even if the family does not plan to move.

It is clear that life situations develop differently, and it is impossible to predict what awaits a person in the next five years. Therefore, the tripartite contract that is signed with the applicant states that if he violates the terms of the contract, he undertakes to return to the company the amount spent on his training, and in some cases a fine is added to the amount. However, each situation is considered separately, and in some situations there are even legal loopholes (for example, the pregnancy of a graduate or the state of health of a graduate). As a rule, graduates who do not agree with their fate turn to lawyers specializing in such cases. Practice shows that some people manage to avoid employment, while others, for example, have to report to the prosecutor’s office.

Nuances of targeted reception

Speaking about targeted admission, it is difficult to generalize information, since each university, each enterprise makes its own adjustments to the contracts, but let’s talk about some of the features of targeted admission.
1. Targeted enrollment, as a rule, takes place in industry universities (energy, oil and gas, communications, light industry, etc.).
2. The order for the enrollment of “target students” appears before the order for the enrollment of other students. This is a plus for those applicants who did not qualify for the target selection - there is still time to submit documents on a general basis.
3. In 2011, the target enrollment under quotas from the Ministry of Education and Science was no more than 20% of the total number of budget places allocated at the university, while in 2010 the share was higher - 25%. In 2012, according to the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrei Fursenko, target enrollment will be reduced by another five percent and will amount to 15%.
4. As for the TTC (targeted contract training), the university has the right, in agreement with the founder, to establish a higher proportion of applicants.