The State Institute for the Design of New Metal Plants in Leningrad developed and published a project for the Ural Machine-Building Plant “for judging the preliminary design.” Volume of the brochure: 285 pages, the appendix contained 12 sheets of workshop drawings and area maps. Particular attention was paid to the economic justification of the project. When drawing up the project, the successes of Western European and American technology in the field of heavy engineering were taken into account. In order to ensure the supply of the plant with highly qualified workers and technical personnel, the project provided for the creation of a training center and housing construction in the required quantity. Most of the equipment was supplied by foreign companies (two steam-hydraulic presses in the forging and pressing shop were from the German companies Hydraulik, Schloemann and Wagner; the iron foundry operated on equipment from the German company Krigar, and the loading of the charge was carried out by cranes from the English company Sheppard; the electric furnaces of the steel foundry were from AEG, and sandblasting chambers and saws - Mars-Werke; 300 of the 337 machines of machine shop No. 1 were purchased abroad). From 1928 to 1941, 311 foreign specialists worked at Uralmash, of which 141 were Germans.

The Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (UZTM) began work on July 15, 1933. The plant specialized in the production of excavators, crushers, blast furnace and steel-smelting equipment, blooming machines, rolling mills, hydraulic presses, etc.

The Great Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, the enterprise was repurposed and produced defense products, in particular, during the Great Patriotic War, Uralmash produced over 19,000 armored hulls, 30 thousand field and tank guns, about 6,000 tanks and self-propelled guns.

Uralmash in the post-war years

The plant was the first in the world to organize the serial production of mining excavators with buckets with a capacity of 3-5 m³, in 1948 a group of plant engineers were awarded State Prizes, UZTM produces the first walking excavator, and the first pipe rolling mill for seamless hot-rolled pipes.

In 1971, by order of the Ministry of Heavy Engineering, Uralmashzavod entered the production association as the head enterprise of the Uralmash Production Association. The production association included the Tyazhmash Research Institute, the Verkhnepyshminsky metal structures plant for the production of drilling structures, a casting and forging plant (LIP) in Nevyansk, and a mechanical assembly plant in the village of Bulanash. A little later, the Sverdlovsk Drilling and Metallurgical Equipment Plant and the Sverdlovsk Mining Rescue Equipment Plant were added.

"Ural Heavy Engineering Plant" is located in Yekaterinburg, right in the heart of Russia. The construction of the plant was complex. We built an enterprise, residential areas for employees and the infrastructure of the town for the full life of people and an industrial complex. This was one of the grandiose plans that was successfully translated into reality. The archives of the factory museum and exhibition halls tell about the history of the creation of the enterprise, development, modern life and prospects, plans for the future of Uralmash. The entire region is inextricably linked with these plans, because the plant is a driving force in development, one of the flagships of the country’s economy.

Deep in the Ural Mountains

The idea of ​​​​creating a powerful plant in the Urals became obvious soon after the revolution of 17, when the Soviet government realized the need to industrialize the country. To repel global threats, you need a powerful, rich country. The Ural and Siberian regions, rich in their resources, could give impetus to industrial evolution. After all, where Yekaterinburg now stands, there were dense forests. Now it is a large industrial center, the fourth most important city in Russia. From scratch, with colossal efforts, factory workshops, thermal power plants, industrial and urban infrastructure were built - everything that makes up the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (Uralmash). "Uralmashzavod" is one example of an integrated approach to solving the construction and maintenance of life of a large manufacturing enterprise. An interesting fact is that the government timed the laying of the first metal structures workshop to coincide with the ninth anniversary of the restoration of Bolshevik power in the Urals. It was on this day, July 15, 1919, that Yekaterinburg was recaptured from Kolchak, and nine years later the first stone of the future industrial giant of the USSR was laid.

Father of factories

The Ural Heavy Engineering Plant was put into operation in 1933, and the development of the first drawings of the giant was made in 1928. The design was carried out by specialists from the Leningrad Institute of Metal Plant Design. The proposed solution took into account the experience of Western countries in heavy engineering. To improve the skills of workers and technical personnel, the project provided for a training base, and for compact and comfortable living, a residential complex centered around the factory area.

With the light hand of Maxim Gorky, the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant began to be called the “father of factories.” Indeed, with the launch of the enterprise, other sectors of the national economy were able to develop, and heavy engineering constituted a significant revenue share in the country’s economy.


The equipment was supplied by the world's leading giants; at that time it was the best that the world could provide. Leading German and American companies in their industry took part in the deliveries. In connection with this, the company urgently needed highly qualified workers, engineers, and qualified technical workers. This circumstance contributed to the establishment of the enterprise’s training base and an increase in the level of education throughout the region.

In 1933, the company began producing equipment for the steel and rolling industries, mining equipment, produced heavy hydraulic presses and more. Almost all drilling rigs in the Russian Federation, pipe rolling and steel mills operate on equipment produced by the Ural industrial giant; numerous contracts have been concluded for the supply of high-quality equipment to Western countries. Gradually, the enterprise acquired capacities that allowed it to become a pioneer in the industry and reach the present day with the name OJSC "Ural Heavy Engineering Plant". Yekaterinburg became one of the centers of industry in the Middle Urals.

Historical excursion

From the moment of its launch, the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant produced and supplied equipment for the industrial complex of the USSR, and this continued until 1941. During the war years of World War II, Uralmash quickly, in just three months, was repurposed to produce tank weapons.

The restoration of industry after the war required new machines and equipment; in 1947, Uralmash produced the first mining excavator with a bucket volume of three to five cubic meters. In the late forties, production was established; in the early fifties, the company produced the country's first pipe rolling mill designed for hot rolling.

Critical 90s

In the early seventies of the 20th century, Uralmash, a heavy engineering plant, united production and intellectual capacities under its own name. The association included five specialized enterprises and the Tyazhmash Research Institute. The tandem existed until 1992; during the period of perestroika, the enterprises were transformed into independent economic units. This is a difficult period in the life of the enterprise: the workshops were empty, there were no orders. The state, having lost its priorities, almost ruined the industry enterprise. But in 1996, Uralmash entered the United Machine-Building Plants company, this step saved production. Since 2015, the company has been managed by Gazprombank CJSC.

Main activities

OJSC "Ural Heavy Engineering Plant" produces products in several areas and provides a number of non-core services.

Production directions:

  • Mining equipment. Includes production lines for excavator equipment, crushing and grinding equipment and equipment for the cement industry.
  • Metallurgical equipment. This is one of the largest areas of activity of the enterprise. Uralmash produces modern roasting, blast furnace, sintering and press-forging equipment; machines for continuous casting, rolls for hot and cold rolling mills, as well as equipment and tools.
  • Lifting and transport equipment. In this direction, powerful cranes for metallurgical production, overhead cranes for nuclear power plants, general purpose cranes and specialized models are produced.

The Uralmash plant in Yekaterinburg gives all interested parties the opportunity to purchase tools and additional equipment for production sites at any convenient time from the finished product warehouse. If it is necessary to manufacture equipment to an individual order, then highly qualified engineers of the company will do it masterfully, relying on the plant’s treasury of knowledge and many years of experience.

Valuable asset of Uralmash

The basis of any enterprise is the people who work in it. Robotic and mechanized lines cannot completely eliminate human participation in production processes. Comfortable conditions have been created for all levels of personnel to ensure successful work. This tradition was established from the moment the plant was built, when, simultaneously with the walls of the workshops, blocks of residential buildings, kindergartens, schools, specialized educational institutions began to grow, and the infrastructure of the residential area was organized.

In general, employees speak positively about the company. The salary level is decent; in some workshops, highly qualified workers receive a salary higher than the engineering staff. A bonus system is provided, and overtime hours are taken into account and paid. Working conditions and safety at a large enterprise are observed within the framework of the Labor Code requirements. Among the negative things, the arbitrariness of middle management is often mentioned, but these are more special cases, of which there are many in any large enterprise.


In terms of area, the social town of the Uralmash district occupies 105 square kilometers. The city has two metro stations, which indicates the importance of the place and the comfort of its residents. The construction of the residential area began in 1927, but then the first housing was dugouts. In their place, wooden barracks were quickly erected, and subsequently full-fledged residential buildings. The architecture of the city is interesting because it clearly represents the direction of constructivism. One of the attractions belongs to this era - white. At the time of construction (in the early 30s of the 20th century) it was the largest in the world. Entirely made of reinforced concrete. Now it is not in use and looks more like a monument to its era. The town has parks, a sports complex with a stadium, places of leisure and entertainment, and educational institutions.


Uralmash (heavy engineering plant), like most enterprises in Russia, experienced both ups and downs, but its importance for the state never diminished. Even in the difficult 90s, the plant managed to survive, and now receives new development prospects. Since the transfer of the enterprise to the management of Gazprombank CJSC, investments have been made in production. So in 2015, an extensive modernization of production workshops began. Contracts for work have been concluded with India, China, Kazakhstan, Italy and other countries.

Representative offices and plans

In order to optimize the work, the management of the enterprise decided to open a representative office of the plant in India, from where a large number of promising orders are coming. Production volume for 2015 was doubled. The company entered 2016 with plans drawn up and contracts ready for the manufacture and supply of equipment.

If you ask the question which enterprise is the most famous in the Russian Federation, with a high degree of probability it will be Uralmash. It is not for nothing that the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant is called the “father of domestic industry.” In his workshops, largely unique large-sized equipment was created (and is being created) for many industries in the Soviet Union, and now in Russia, the CIS and a number of foreign countries. This is not just a plant, but a huge complex where structurally complex and high-tech products are manufactured.


The Ural Heavy Engineering Plant in Yekaterinburg was created with the aim of providing metallurgical and mining companies with specialized equipment and metal structures manufactured according to individual projects for each enterprise. The first director of Uralmash was A.P. Bannikov. Today this important position is occupied by A.L. Kuznetsov, who began his career at UZTM as a simple foreman.

The important achievements of the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant are evidenced by the fact that the work of the team was awarded eleven state awards (including foreign ones). Of these, the enterprise was awarded the Order of Lenin three times - the highest insignia of the USSR. And today, after a series of reorganizations, mergers and separations of production facilities, UZMT remains one of the strongholds of Russian industry.

Birth of a legend

From 1920-1930 In the 20th century, industrialization gained momentum in the Soviet Union. The country was in dire need of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, hydrocarbons, gold, and other minerals. This period includes the construction of large enterprises in the metallurgical, mining, machine-building, and oil-extracting sectors. Their work required non-standard equipment, the purchase of which abroad would require huge costs.

As a result, it was decided to organize the work of a special enterprise that would produce equipment for steel and cast iron melting, rolling mills, drilling rigs, ore mining and processing industries. The first project was presented in 1928, and on July 15, 1933, the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant began its work, becoming the founder of a new industry. The basis of pre-war products were blast furnace, steel-smelting equipment, sintering installations, rolling mills, presses, cranes, excavators and other products. At the same time, military equipment was produced, in particular, 122 mm M-30 guns of the F.F. system. Petrova.

War hard times

With the beginning of the war, the staff of the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant switched over to manufacturing armored vehicles and their components in a matter of months. Uralmash has become a leading supplier of tank hulls for tank assembly enterprises. This became possible through the introduction of innovative methods of casting, stamping, automated high-speed welding and metalworking.

In 1942, UZTM independently assembled ready-made tanks of various modifications of the T-34 series. The factory design bureau, based on the maneuverable T-34, designed an extremely successful model of the SU-100 self-propelled gun. This self-propelled gun is recognized by experts as the best in its class. At the same time, they continued to produce armored hulls for almost all Soviet tanks and many self-propelled guns. According to statistics, the factory workers delivered about 19,000 hulls and 6,000 finished tanks. Don’t forget about the guns (M-30, D-2), of which tens of thousands were manufactured.


After the Great Patriotic War, the state reconstructed and expanded the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant. This modernization contributed to an increase in productivity and the development of new machines and equipment: scrapers, drilling rigs, crushers and mills.

In the 50s, a program was launched to equip the aviation and rocket industries with heavy hydraulic presses. In response to this new requirement, Uralmash created a whole range of unique equipment.

In 1949, UZTM manufactured the first dragline excavator. In the 60s, the design bureau designed draglines with booms of incredible length - 90-100 m. And to this day, about 200 giants work in the fields of Russia. By the way, a third of the total amount of coal produced in open pits is mined with their help.

Drilling rigs produced by Uralmash were of paramount importance for the development of oil and gas regions of the USSR, including Western Siberia with its harsh climate. Ultra-deep drilling rigs, designed and manufactured at the plant, made it possible to reach a depth of 13 km. By the way, for the first time in the Kola superdeep well it was possible to extract rock samples that are about 3 billion years old. In addition to onshore installations, UZMT develops offshore drilling equipment.

Today's day

In 1992, the organization was transformed into OJSC Ural Heavy Engineering Plant. In 1996, Uralmash became part of OMZ, one of the largest domestic engineering corporations headed by businessman Kakha Bendukidze. In 2005, Gazprom acquired a controlling stake in OMZ and Uralmash.

Today UZTM produces a wide range of products. Let's list just a few:

  • cone crushers, jaw crushers, crushing plants;
  • mills;
  • excavators, crawler draglines;
  • gears, gears, couplings;
  • kilns;
  • drive gearboxes;
  • bearings;
  • compaction machines, granulators, conveyor-type agglomerators;
  • waste incinerators;
  • drum mixers;
  • scrapers;
  • forged steel rollers for cold rolling;
  • composite support rolls;
  • tools and accessories.

In addition, Uralmash offers loading cranes, electromagnets for loading scrap, manipulators, special, magnetic, cross cranes, trestles, cryogenic installations and full-size overhead cranes.

In February 2007, OMZ and Metalloinvest agreed to create a single production complex. Consolidation led to the creation of a large engineering conglomerate, which occupies a leading position in the CIS metallurgical equipment market. The joint market share in this segment in Russia exceeds 40%.