The Major Arcana in the Gaia Dream Tarot are divided into 4 groups:

1. - Selection card.

2. - Cards 2-8 - Life stages.

3. - Cards 9-16 - Reasons for existence, being.

4. - Cards 17-24 - Influences.

The choice card is the single most important card in the deck because the very premise, the idea of ​​the Dreams of Gaia Tarot deck, is that everything comes back to choice. Everything we are and everything we become is governed by the choices we and those around us make, and how they, in turn, create and influence our reality.


Keywords: choice, options, opportunity, free will, self-determination, awareness, manifestation, cause and effect, reward, consequences, procrastination.

Key phrases:

Choice creates reality

Faith is a choice

Inaction is a choice

This is your choice

Determine your direction

The past has influence

Choice offers rewards or consequences

Weigh your options

Choose wisely

Stop procrastinating

Be responsible for your choices

Awareness gives strength.

Meaning: everything you are, everything you have learned and everything you have is born out of choices - choices you have made, choices others have made for you, or choices they have made for themselves that have affected your life. You may believe that you have no choice, but that in itself is a choice. You can also exercise your right and allow others to decide for you - this is also a choice.

You may feel that you have too many options and this allows your ability to choose to be confused and clouded - and that is yet another choice. You can choose freely or let others choose for you. You can choose blindly or carefully. You can act or delay. You can make your choices wisely, with knowledge and awareness, or you can make them in ignorance. Whether you want to believe it or not, you are blessed with free will - the power to act and choose for yourself and determine your future.

You are essentially a product of your choices and the choices of other people. Everything that surrounds you in your environment is the result of your choices and the choices of others. It all comes back to choice.

Past: when you were a child, dependent on your parents and family for food, shelter, love and protection, your choices were limited and often made for you. As you grow older, your power to choose and play an active role in your experiences has increased. These choices, made for you and by you, have helped shape you and have played a fundamental role in creating the person you are today.

Everything you experienced because of these choices shaped your beliefs, how you perceive the world around you, and what experiences you have.

We cannot refuse the choice. We cannot cancel time and relive the same moment. This is the past, and the past cannot be changed. However, we can make different choices in the present because we have chosen to learn from those past choices and their consequences.

Be aware of your past - how you were raised and the environment you were born into - as this will play a fundamental role in influencing your ability to see and make new choices. Ask yourself, am I a slave to my upbringing? Have I been conditioned to believe and behave in a certain way?

Is this conditioning empowering or limiting? Are you holding on to pain and bad memories from the past? Is it stopping you from moving forward and making choices that will lead to more positive and life-affirming experiences?

When the Choice card appears in the past position, your attention is drawn to how your past can influence your ability to choose to empower you in the present.

The present: The opportunity exists right now to create or transform your future. You are standing at a crossroads. The past is behind you, and the future is ahead. It's time to take control of your life and determine the direction you want to go. Be mindful and responsible for the choices you make in the present. Pay attention to how your attitudes, beliefs, and emotional state affect you.

Do you see opportunities and options available to you in abundance, or do you have few options and your options limited? Is your glass half empty or half full?

Use this moment to take stock. Ask yourself if the decision you made earlier was unduly influenced by your relationships with other people. Are you choosing to make someone else happy or to make yourself happy? Is your choice too risky? Have you thought about the potential consequences or benefits of this course of action?

Remember that the choice is yours, whether that choice involves taking risks, allowing someone else to choose for you, or whether it gives someone else more happiness and well-being than yourself. It is still your choice to do nothing at all.

When the Choice card appears in the present position, you are invited to make your decisions consciously, with the understanding that your choices define you and have real power. Your choices create your present and future reality, and, for good or not, affect not only you, but also those around you.

Future: For every action there is an equal reaction. For every choice you make, and then subsequent action - whether you act or not - there will be a direct or indirect reward or consequence. The “Choice” card in the future position invites you to practice mindfulness even when making spontaneous decisions.

What will your choice bring into your life? Have you considered the potential consequences or only the potential benefits? Have you taken the time to weigh your options and consider the potential consequences of your decision and the reality that we cannot undo the choice? Your choices have the power to open and close doors, build bridges and burn them.

Could your decisions have potential consequences that you haven't considered? Could your choice have contributed to the end of a friendship or marriage, caused the loss of a job, or worse yet, when another choice could have brought abundance and delight? Regardless of the choices before you, take the time to consider the future consequences of your decisions and actions, and thus choose the path that will lead to changes of your own design and actions.

The direction you are going now will lead you to your future. Take a look and weigh your options. Determine your direction. Look at the possible consequences and rewards, and think about the impact your choices can have. Decide whether these options are worth the cost and whether they will produce a future that aligns with your intentions and desires.

Potential block: Maybe you spend all your time searching for options and opportunities because you don't like the options that have already been presented to you?

Sometimes our search doesn't produce a choice that brings us happiness or the outcome we desire, so we keep looking, hoping it will come. something better. Thus, we can only postpone the inevitable.

The reversed choice card symbolizes the need to accept that sometimes the only option available is the one we don't want to do. Sometimes we have to choose the next best option or the path with the least reward. Sometimes the path of that smallest reward will lead us to an unexpected treasure.

Sometimes we are limited to a choice that will bring us happiness, however fleeting, and that will not bring us... a choice between immediate reward and self-sacrifice. Make your choice with the understanding that immediate gratification may not be the best option.

Don't let the fear of being unhappy or unloved, or working hard or not working, stop you from making choices that will bring greater benefits and rewards in the future.

Understand that your procrastination or inaction may result in someone else making choices for you and creating a future you enjoy even less.

Tarot of Dreams is an amazingly beautiful and at the same time very informative deck created by Ciro Marchetti together with Lee Bersten. In the original it is called Tarot of Dreams, so sometimes its name is also translated as tarot of dreams and dreams. The drawings created by Marchetti transport you to the world of dreams, awakening in your mind images of pagan gods and goddesses, great heroes, wise kings, beautiful ladies and fairy-tale creatures. It is not by chance that the authors turn to the topic of dreams. After all, it is during sleep that the influence of the mind and events of the outside world on our consciousness weakens, so often during rest a person finds answers to the questions that torment him. Ciro Marchetti's Tarot of Dreams works well with the unconscious, encourages you to think and delve into yourself, it will become a good tool for self-knowledge.

History of creation

The deck has been reprinted several times. Moreover, sometimes the author added new elements to the deck. The 2005 edition included the classic 78 cards. In 2009, Marchetti added a card with the Kabbalistic Tree of the Sephiroth and four palace cards for each suit. Thus, the latest edition includes 83 cards. Also included with the dream tarot is an instruction book by Lee Bersten, in which the author gives a detailed interpretation of the meaning of each card.

Deck Features

The deck is made in the Waite tarot tradition, but some arcana are named differently: Hierophant - Faith, and Wheel of Fortune - Wheel. An important feature of the deck is the presence of additional information on the cards. The Major Arcana indicates its corresponding letter of the Hebrew alphabet, astrological correspondence and path on the Tree of Sephiroth. The Minor Arcana bears astrological symbols. These signs seem to connect the world of fantasy with our world, they are a bridge between dreams and reality. Together with the light coming from each card, the magic of other worlds penetrates into reality.

Each of the Major Arcana carries the subconscious into the Fool's journey along the paths of the Tree of Life. Very useful for understanding the direction of the Tarot of Dreams is the lasso of the Fool, or Fool. It depicts a figure in jester's clothing, with a cap on his head. Also present are the numbers 1 and 2, which correspond to the path on the Tree of Life from the Consciousness Sephira to the Energy Sephira, the astrological symbol of the planet Uranus and the letter Aleph of the Hebrew alphabet.

The Jester's figure is disproportionate: broad shoulders and hips do not clearly indicate whether he is a man or a woman. Moreover, the Jester has no face; his (or her) existence can only be judged by the eyes hidden behind the mask and hands. It seems to exist, but so implicitly, as if it does not exist at all. This beautiful image well conveys the essence of a dream: after all, a dream is unreal, but sometimes it cannot be distinguished from reality, and sometimes reality is so beautiful that it can resemble a dream.

The colors of the Jester's clothing - blue, red, purple, green and gold - are in harmony with the colors that the artist used to create the Minor Arcana. Pinned to his chest is an order with the icons of a star, moon and sun - this sequence repeats the Arcana XVII, XVII and XIX and hints at future changes. The same luminaries decorate the sphere on which the Fool balances. There are many symbols on the card that can be found on other arcana. In the hands of the Fool is a golden hoop, which is present in the plots of the arcana Temperance, Justice, Judgment. The Crystal Sphere is in the images of the Magician and the Hermit, the Phantom City is in the Emperor.

The figure of the Fool himself is found in The Devil and the World. On the XV lasso you can recognize him only by his cap, since he is naked and, therefore, vulnerable. At XX, at the end of the journey, the Fool is in the same position, but his position is stable: the Earth, framed by a golden hoop and the four elements surrounding it, do not allow the balance to be disturbed. Thus, the Jester seems to contain the rudiments and possibilities of all other arcana. And this is very symbolic, as it reflects the meaning of the letter Aleph. Aleph is the “Bull” that plows the ground for seeds so that something new will subsequently appear.

The path on the Tree of Life (the transition of consciousness into energy) is also reflected in the map: The Fool hangs in the air above the water against the backdrop of a huge Moon and a ghostly city, holds in his hands a globe enclosed in a crystal sphere, and the sun's rays form a rainbow at his feet. He is surrounded by all the elements, frozen for a brief moment and ready at any moment to spin again in an eternal cycle and take the Fool on a great journey. It all depends on the kitten playing with the butterfly. This is a very beautiful metaphor, referring to such concepts as “bifurcation point” and “butterfly effect”. After the flap of her wings, the path of the Fool will begin, like a burst of pure energy, without any ethical or rational restrictions.

Why doesn't the Jester have a face? Perhaps this is an invitation. Behind this mask can be anyone who picks up the deck to begin their journey in search of insight. The Minor Arcana are also designed very holistically: each suit has its own color, its own heroes, its own universe.

  • Wands are the world of fire, creativity, vigorous activity, dragons and salamanders. The cards are designed in red, pink and gold tones.
  • Cups is an underwater land, its Queen is a beautiful mermaid, and the knight rides on a giant fairy-tale seahorse. The main colors of the suit are gold and turquoise.
  • Swords are sent on a journey to where creatures that can fly live, because the element of this suit is air. Angels and pegasi live here. The cards are made in cool, blue-lilac tones.
  • The coins are drawn in green and gold tones. The symbol of this suit - a golden disk with a round emerald in the middle - is organically integrated into the plot of each card. The people inhabiting this fertile country live in harmony with nature.

Deck development

Since each tarot deck has its own characteristics, before making complex layouts, it is better to work through it and get to know the cards. This is especially true for dream tarot, since each image evokes many images and associations. To organize the values ​​for yourself, you can do the following:

  • carefully examine the drawings and speak or even write down the thoughts that arise when looking at them;
  • every morning you can pull out a map of the day, and in the evening analyze what events it pointed to - this process can take quite a lot of time;
  • in order to quickly get acquainted with the deck, you can do a “three cards” layout, asking questions about the past, future and present, about yourself;
  • The layouts described in the attached book are also good for getting to know each other;
  • Meditation on the cards can be very effective in understanding the meaning of this deck.

To get acquainted with the deck, an introduction layout is suitable. Cards must be laid out in 4 rows from top to bottom and from left to right. It will turn out like this:

  • in the first top row is card 1 (Who am I in this deck);
  • in the second: 2, 3, 4 (Which questions will she answer best);
  • in the third: cards 5 (How will work together with her work out) and 6 (What do I need at this moment for productive cooperation);
  • in the fourth: 7 (What should be used to cover the deck, that is, which card should always be placed on top).

Tarot readers working with this deck note its responsiveness and versatility. The Marchetti Dream Tarot, due to its informativeness and richness of images, is certainly suitable for an experienced tarot reader, especially one familiar with Kabbalistic interpretation. A beginner will also be able to work with it as Lee Bersten's book will give him a very good understanding of the basic meanings of the cards. And, of course, this magnificent deck will decorate any tarot collection.

This deck called " Tarot of Dreams» artist Ciro Marchetti I purchased it a year ago. I can’t express all the joy I still feel! I ordered from one of the online stores (I don’t remember which one). The deck is not found often. It’s simply impossible to find it in regular stores! I also searched on the Internet for quite a long time. I found several stores. The price varied from different suppliers up to 5,000 rubles. Decks differ not only in price, but also in quality.

I came across a very high quality deck. Cards are printed on smooth paper , similar to glossy, only thicker (naturally). The pictures are very clear and bright . Here you can see the smallest details. And there are a huge amount of details (the artist did his best). Images are not “flat” , but similar to volumetric ones - an interesting effect. It’s like there’s an almost living picture in front of you.

Card size : length – 14 cm, width – 9 cm. Large cards like this, more classic tarot cards. The deck is heavy. It fits in your hands with difficulty. But over time I got used to it. The edges of the cards are “gilded” . They shimmer and shine very beautifully. They look just like gold plaques. The cards look expensive and unusual.

I want to point out an important thing! This the deck was not drawn by the artist “out of the blue” , He was guided by esoteric symbols, theory and drew it together with Lee Bursten, an expert on this topic. By the way, there is a 79th card in the deck , which depicts Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth indicating the correspondence between the Arcana of the Tarot and the Paths of development of consciousness. Anyone who is at least somewhat familiar with Sephirothic magic will be simply delighted!

Besides, cards are distributed by element : water, earth, fire and air. And astrological correspondences are given . Well, a very convenient deck. Because you don’t need to look for matches in other sources or remember them. Here they are all in front of you.

The images depicted on the cards amazes with depth and meaning , embedded in them. You can look at them for hours and find more and more new clues. But if it is difficult for a person to search for philosophical meaning on his own, he can turn to instruction book . It is the same size as cards - 14x9. But it's 254 pages. Everything is explained there in detail. Very interesting and clearly written. The sources on which the author relied are given.


I can't put into words the beauty of this deck. She is not only beautiful, but also very useful. Compiled competently. The fact is that Ciro Marchetti had other decks, for example, the well-known “Golden Tarot”. He drew it anyhow, without magic keys. That's why that deck is beautiful, but not working. He approached the creation of the “Tarot of Dreams” with all responsibility!
