Hello everyone! Here is an article with the title Statuses on Instagram about yourself with meaning and interesting photos. Select the status you like and post it on your favorite network. Bye!

The best thing is new, the best friend is old.

The best moments are when you have your best friend nearby..

I don’t turn on my turn signals at all! Why would anyone know where I'm going...

Whatever happens tomorrow must not poison today. Whatever happened yesterday should not choke tomorrow. We exist in the present, and we cannot despise it. The joy of a burning day is priceless, just as life itself is priceless; there is no need to poison it with doubts and regrets. Vera Kamsha

To live means to work. Labor is human life. Voltaire

Without work there is no pleasure, there is no work without pleasure. August Bebel

Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like between these two events. Bob Dylan

There are few joys in life, but it still happens that a friend is unlucky. Yanina Ipohorskaya

The best friend is the one in front of whom you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need. Voltaire

The goal of an intelligent person is not hidden behind the horizon. Abul-Faraj.

If he is the first thing you think about when you wake up; the only thing is when you are awake; and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep is that he is really special!

I try to avoid problems, but they seem to like me.

You can build your future out of anything. From some crumb or spark. From the desire to move forward, slowly, one step after another. You can build a spacious city on the ruins. Lauren Oliver

Folk saying: if the pot is boiling, you won’t go hungry.

If a girl has sparkles in her eyes, it means the cockroaches in her head are celebrating something!

Don't expect a miracle! Do the miracle yourself!

They marry one for convenience, divorce for love of another... To prevent your wife from sulking at your hobbies, get carried away by the art of cooking. Marriage is a way of joining

Minimalism - throw out all the unnecessary junk from your life. Including from the head.

Consider a true friend to be the person who removes stones and thorns from your path. Saadi

The Kama Sutra was originally a manual on Greco-Roman wrestling, and then someone drew something in and away we go

China also has two problems: quantity and quality.

Artificial intelligence is garbage compared to natural stupidity.

Nothing disfigures women more than the envy of their best friends.

The book of conscience is more useful than many other books. Pascal Blaise

My cat is like a Hachiko. And also zhratiko, sratiko and ssatiko, spatiko, oratiko, and it’s impossible to sleep at night.

If a friend happily jumps into your limousine, but does not notice you standing at the bus stop, is he really a friend? Oprah Winfrey

Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.

Love and work are the only worthwhile things in life. Work is a unique form of love.

If a woman has a rolling pin in her hands, it is not a fact that there will be pies.

The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. Nikolai Platonovich

And tomorrow will be a new day, and tomorrow there will be new problems...

And someday I will feel good! On the street near my house, a truck loaded with gingerbread will overturn.

I'm trying to find myself as a person, sometimes it's not easy to do.

Friend is known in trouble.

Jealousy is betrayal by suspicion of betrayal. V. Krotov

Birthday is a useful thing. This fact is confirmed by science: people who have more of them live much longer!

Don't be afraid if you're alone. Be afraid if you are zero...

Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. Plautus

A woman needs love, and a man needs a woman. Wolf Vondracek

The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought just like we buy sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world. Rockefeller John Davison

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

Take action! Put off until tomorrow only what you do not want to complete until the day you die. Pablo Picasso

The greatest things can only be done if you give credit to others for them.

Each person has their own problems... for some, the shelving does not fit into the opening, for others, their ass is in their jeans.

Work that we enjoy heals grief. William Shakespeare

A sex symbol is just a thing, and I hate being a thing. But if we’re going to be a symbol, it’s better to be a symbol of sex than anything else.

Retirement: rest forced on you when all you can do is work. Georges Elgozy

He kept trying to find the country of Happiness. A country full of good, simple people. A country where they could brew normal coffee.

We wait for our dinner, hoping not for the kindness of the butcher, brewer or baker, but for their concern for their interests. We appeal not to their humanism, but to their selfishness. Adam Smith

To achieve great things, we must not only act, but also dream, and not only plan, but also believe. Anatole France

It's good where I'm not. But I'm on my way.

There are black and white stripes of life. Or you can follow your own... purple path.

Smile because life is a beautiful thing and there are many reasons to smile. Marilyn Monroe

Today's drool will become tomorrow's tears.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

Women harass men simply because other women harass them. Mahabharata, V, 33

The first victory is not a victory.

The article Statuses on Instagram about yourself will be updated with meaning, and all inaccuracies will be corrected. Write comments and rate.

Users create profiles: write information about themselves, use emoticons and formatting, add links, and set statuses. If your choice fell on quotes for Instagram, read this article. You will find a selection of aphorisms and profile statuses.

The article is divided into blocks: girls, guys, about life, girlfriend, etc. - choose what suits you.

Set status: instructions

Instructions for smartphone:

  • Open the application.
  • Enter your username and password if you have not logged in previously.
  • Go to your profile - tap the last icon on the control panel at the bottom.

  • Click the edit button under the block with the number of subscriptions and followers.

  • Tap the About field.

  • Paste the text and click the checkmark at the top.

  • Click again to save your changes.

The algorithm is suitable for Android, iOS, and Windows devices - the application interface is the same.

Use the official client of the service - download from the Play Store on your Android device, from the App Store on iOS.

Instructions for PC:

  • Open the official web version of the service. It's first in search results.
  • Log in - enter your username and password.
  • Click Login.
  • Go to your profile - click on the last icon at the top right.

  • Click Edit Profile.

  • Place the cursor in the About yourself field.
  • Enter the text.

  • At the bottom of the page, click Submit.

To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, use only the official application and website. Do not enter data on third-party sites - access may be stolen.

As it turned out, it’s not enough to just insert text into the description - it needs to be formatted:

  • Add paragraphs. If the text is voluminous, break it into blocks using hyphens. Make a transfer - press Enter in the lower right corner of the keyboard on Android. Key combination “123” + Enter for iPhone.
  • Use emojis as markers for lists.
  • Short quotes on Instagram can also be supplemented with emojis for beauty.
  • Make indents between blocks - make a hyphen, insert an invisible space and hyphen again. Copy the invisible symbol here - ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.
  • Change fonts. Download the application or use online services textygram.ru.

These tips will make the text readable. Please remember that the account description is limited to 150 characters. If the desired status is longer, rephrase it. This way it will become capacious and unique.

Selections of the best

Quotes for Instagram for girls

  • “If you saw the ideal man, it’s a mannequin.”
  • “I got angry and proudly left home. I remembered that the apartment was mine – it was back.”
  • “I crashed your car, but the good news is I won’t do it again.”
  • “Boys, make us happy - write correctly.”
  • “In winter, I didn’t pump my abs, but the refrigerator door.”

Quotes about autumn for Instagram

  • “Do not cry for what is lost, just as trees do not cry for lost leaves.”
  • “In autumn, people should warm each other with words and hugs.”
  • “Behind the gray clouds there is a blue sky.”
  • “I wish my subscribers to find a person who will warm you in the fall.”
  • “With the first snow everything will pass.”

Beautiful quotes for Instagram

  • “I said I love – love with all my soul and to the end.”
  • “Seek happiness, but don’t take someone else’s.”
  • “Put a drop of warmth into the world and don’t complain about the cold.”
  • “Shining eyes, smile and laughter will tell about a woman’s love.”
  • “God sees us not from above, but from within.”

Quotes for Instagram in English with translation

  • “Forgive me for being bad” - sorry for being bad.
  • “Do not listen to people - listen to the heart” - do not listen to people - listen to the heart.
  • “Go your way and do not turn around” - go your way and don’t turn around.
  • “The best is ahead” - the best is ahead.
  • “Make love not war” - make love, not war.

Quotes for Instagram from songs

  • “This night will cover us like an avalanche,
    But you are not love and not even half.”
  • "But he stubbornly believed
    What will find peace in her eyes.”
  • “Who are you celebrating spring with?
    Who comes in a dream?
  • "I'm your mixture,
    A wild mixture of love and selfishness."
  • "I wanted his last name,
    I tried it on and it fits perfectly
    To my name."

Quotes on Instagram with meaning

  • “Lack of shame is the first sign of stupidity.”
  • “You can’t get used to anything in life—not even life itself.”
  • “Thank the universe for what you have and you will get what you want.”
  • “It’s better to do it and fail than not to do it and fail.”
  • “He who seeks an ideal environment will remain alone.”

Quotes about Instagram

  • “I’ll go to Instagram and see how many shops and beauty salons have subscribed to me.”
  • “I take advantage of the situation and take the phones of drunken friends to like photos.”
  • “The profile of a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey.”
  • “You didn’t give me flowers? Nothing - load up with a bouquet of antidepressants."
  • “Sometimes it seems like some people live to post photos.”

Cool Quotes for Instagram

  • “We lose one thing and gain another. I hope you lose me and find the brain."
  • “Your coolness will disappear as soon as you put on shoe covers.”
  • “Only my laptop and phone charge in my apartment.”
  • “It’s not time that kills love, but meanness.”
  • “A head on your shoulders is not enough—you need a brain.”

Cool Quotes for Instagram

  • “What do you want for your birthday? “Your absence from it.”
  • “Don’t run after the tram - the next one will come.”
  • “We understand how wrong we were when they do this to us.”
  • “The same thing happens in my head as in a washing machine during washing.”
  • “You can prove to a woman that she is wrong. But no one knows how.”

Quotes about life on Instagram

  • “If you want to live well, don’t stay where it’s bad.”
  • “If you are broken, grow again like a flower.”
  • “Those days that are remembered are life.”
  • “Everyone teaches how to live, but they themselves don’t know how.”
  • “Appreciate the present before it becomes the past.”

Short quotes for Instagram

  • “Beautiful things happen unexpectedly.”
  • “The soul is healed by the soul.”
  • “He who loses heart dies immediately.”
  • “I’m not jealous, but I’m protecting happiness.”
  • “People are leaving. Humble yourself."

Funny Quotes for Instagram

  • “They said the sweetness would make your butt stick together, but it was blown apart.”
  • “How can I explain to my neighbors that hitting the radiator does not control the volume of the music?”
  • “During ice conditions, there is a sharp decline in people’s culture.”
  • “Things went well, but it didn’t work.”
  • “The worst thing about a passport photo is just a photocopy of the passport photo.”

Quotes on Instagram about girlfriends

  • “Praise a girl in front of her friends to learn about her shortcomings.”
  • “A true friend will forget about her problems if yours are more serious.”
  • “There are no girls as friends, there are like-minded people.”
  • “Let your friend know how awesome she is right now!”
  • “Women’s friendship exists as long as interests coincide.”

Quotes on Instagram about yourself

  • “Don’t rush to start a conversation about yourself - it will start when you leave.”
  • “People who like me have great taste.”
  • “The royal person within me is aware of her royal rights.”
  • “Don’t be interested in my life, you’ll be disappointed in yours.”
  • “I am air - don’t try to hold me back.”

Quotes for Instagram for a guy

  • “Be a queen in the kitchen, not in the bar.”
  • “I don’t use drugs – I’m crazy without them.”
  • “Few people know who I really am.”
  • “Beauty will attract attention - kindness will win the heart.”
  • “I realized a lot late.”

Cool quotes for Instagram

  • “The best things in life lead to obesity.”
  • “If you think while eating that you will gain weight, drink and don’t think about it.”
  • “Yes, I’m not good. I am the best."
  • “Be careful – bullshit is possible.”
  • “When I found out that money doesn’t buy happiness, I refused.”

This is our selection of statuses and aphorisms. Choose quotes for Instagram about yourself, guys, life and paste them into your profile description.

All users of social networks have long been accustomed to such a concept as status. Thanks to the integration capabilities between popular social networks, they began to “penetrate” Instagram. What statuses are on Instagram and how to post them will be discussed in this publication.

What are Instagram captions for?

Status (signature) is a specific text message that expresses a certain emotional state, attitude to what is happening, emphasizes character traits, and shows the type of activity of the account owner. It is this message that should first of all be visible to all profile visitors, although whether to post it or not is a voluntary matter.

The specifics of Insta focus on users posting photo and video content, giving text content a secondary role. Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The signature on Insta can be located in the information column about the account owner. This way, it will be visible to everyone who visits your profile. Statuses about yourself on the Instagram social network most often express the user’s emotional state, his attitude to life, etc. Most of our compatriots put a quote or phrase spoken by a famous person in this column.
  2. A personal signature can act as a description for a post, helping users feel the full range of feelings that overwhelmed you. The status on Instagram under the published photo will be seen by every subscriber and the user who goes to the page of this post.

Why is this needed, you ask, our dear readers, and you will be absolutely right. Indeed, why waste space for descriptions, hashtags, etc. on emotions? In fact, it doesn’t have to be of an emotional nature. Thanks to it, you can make an announcement for your subscribers, organize a meeting, or report a loss (found). A beautiful signature will help you reach out to that one person who finds it difficult to say something directly “to their face.” By studying the user's status, you can determine whether you have something in common and whether you will have common topics to discuss. In other words, is it worth communicating with this person or not!

Quotes for social networks

Quotes and philosophical phrases, which are widespread among social network users of middle and high school age, help (oddly enough) to find new friends and topics for communication. Even complete strangers, reading such a phrase, can write their thoughts on this matter, argue, agree, etc. In the process of such a unique dialogue, new acquaintances are born (and audience involvement also increases significantly, which affects the increase in the popularity of the account).

The most popular categories for quotes on Instagram

Status is an intimate thing, one might say. It’s quite difficult to say which one is more or less in demand. However, we tried to select the most popular categories with quotes that Insta users use most often:

  • Love. (Grace Aquilar; Gibran Khalil Gibran; Heinrich Heine; Margaret of Navarre)
  • Power. Most cited authors: Menander; Honore de Balzac; A. Suvorov; George Orwell.
  • Life. (Wilson Misner; Ralph Waldo Emerson; S. Yesenin; F. Ranevskaya).

Important! Most of the quotes on Instagram are translated into English, so to find the necessary aphorism, use the original source and translate (Google to help you) yourself.

Caption for photo on Instagram

Many people consider it unnecessary pathos to set statuses under published photos on Instagram. in fact, a correctly selected, beautiful description can most fully reveal the content of the post and convey the mood of the author.

Where can I get quotes and aphorisms for signatures? There is plenty of this stuff on the Internet. If you prefer the original format, look for quotations in books (those stacks of paper with printed letters that you put together into sentences). If you don’t have time to read, then modern television is a storehouse of aphorisms. Politicians from countries that were once friendly to us and popular performers stand out especially powerfully against the backdrop of the “gray mass.”

Who else can help in choosing a quote for a good status? Of course, everyone’s beloved Wikipedia and quotation resources. Enter the author (if you know) into the search field or limit yourself to selecting aphorisms on a specific topic. Well, if you have a fair amount of imagination, a sense of humor (and moderation), and have remarkable abilities in putting words into sentences, then come up with a caption for your Instagram photo yourself. It's simple!

By the way, it’s possible. Read about this in the article at the link.


In this publication, we tried to provide comprehensive information about what statuses are on Instagram, reviewed the most popular categories of quotes and the basis for searching for them. By using signatures wisely, you can really “revive” your profile and get much closer to your subscribers.

Instagram has long taken one of the leading places on the list of the most popular social networks. Initially, it was intended only for publishing small photographs, but now its functionality has expanded greatly, but photographs are still the main focus.

One of the main elements that makes this resource stand out is the ability to sign pictures and put text on top of the image itself. This is a very important skill for, and users with a large number of subscribers master it perfectly. An equally significant aspect is the content of the text itself, because a well-written message can distinguish a photograph from others.

In this article, we will look at all aspects related to photo captions. Their purpose, criteria and advice, as well as detailed instructions for writing. For clarity, we will demonstrate several interesting ideas.

Most users, in addition to photographs, have a certain description of the photo or quote. The description is intended to further reveal the contents of the photograph itself, clarifying details or the circumstances under which it was taken. The writing style can be different and depends, first of all, on the target audience. After all, maintaining a profile on this resource often contains elements of marketing and, naturally, self-PR. And photos without text accompaniment, no matter how excellent and high quality they are, will not be able to attract a large number of subscribers.

In addition to descriptions, quotes are in great demand; some of them can be found in every fifth user. To understand their purpose, you need to be familiar with the concept itself in general terms.

In simple words, a quote is a catchphrase, but it may be such not because of its widespread use, but because of some personal feelings or impressions. For example, while reading a book you came across a phrase that succinctly expresses a thought that has been troubling you for a long time or a conclusion from a certain situation. In this case, it is for you that very catchphrase, and, if desired, a quote.

In general, both of the above text elements can be intended to:

  1. Full disclosure of the contents of the photo.
  2. Maintaining contact with subscribers.
  3. Expressions of emotions and sensations to create an additional effect.

They are a very important addition and tool, but you also need to be able to write them, then we will look at what criteria will help you do this correctly.

What criteria must be taken into account when signing a photo?

An interesting and catchy caption will help your photo stand out from hundreds of thousands of others, but don’t forget about the proper composition of hashtags.

A hashtag is a special tag intended to sort posts by topic on social networks. In other words, the more accurately the tags for a photo are selected, the easier it will be for users to find it. This element is very useful and has the following properties:

  • highlighting the main idea of ​​the post through the use of keywords;
  • sorting information by topic;
  • convenient and .

Externally, it is indicated by a hash (#) before the word; there is no need to put a space between them. After this, the word will receive the status of a link and, when clicked, a list of posts with the same hashtag will open.

The choice of key phrases is an important point, and there are no particular restrictions here. You can write in both Latin and Cyrillic. The only thing to avoid is words that are too long and too general. It is advisable that one element contain no more than 10-15 characters, and it is better to select words that are closest to the topic, without generalizations. When adding tags consisting of several words, there is no need to put a space between them.

Correct use of hashtags is a very important point, but not the only one. When writing a caption for a photo, you must comply with the following criteria:

  1. Write competently, using language that is understandable to the target audience. The target audience may vary, for example, in age, this must be taken into account when selecting the right phrases.

    Important! Forming a target audience is one of the most important steps in promoting your account.

  2. Do not use speech fragments that do not comply with the norms of the Russian language. Although, again, it all depends on the contingent.
  3. The caption should be related to the photo or, at least, lead to its subject.
  4. To expand your audience, you can leave your contacts or organization contacts.

Instagram is actually a very competitive field, and to succeed there, you need to work hard. First of all, you need to determine your target audience. This is necessary to draw up a general concept of the profile in order to understand which direction is best to move. To do this, you need to draw up a portrait of your average follower; this will help you find a common language with them and choose the most appropriate communication style, slang, etc.

The sequence of actions when using this method is as follows:

  • We take a certain number of our subscribers (if there are few of them, then all of them are possible), for now, without dividing them by criteria.
  • We calculate the average age.
  • Then we calculate the percentage by gender.
  • We identify your main hobbies and topics of interest.

Based on these parameters, it is quite possible to determine the concept of the account, but in the future, when the audience expands, you can slightly adjust some points.

Important! Instagrammers with a specific focus and theme are popular; there are very few examples of successful accounts (excluding star profiles) operating in different directions.

Now let's look at the issue of the content itself. Banal captions for photos on Instagram in the style of “We are on vacation” or “Walking with the dog” have not surprised anyone for a long time, since several thousand posts with such descriptions appear a day. In order for a photo with such text to be noticed, it needs to be simply brilliant. Otherwise, no one will pay attention to him. To avoid this result, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Be careful with notorious philosophical quotes. The Internet is filled to capacity with them, so it is highly not recommended to use the most banal and common ones.
  2. A bias towards sincerity. Try to avoid feigned emotions or obsessive boasting. The best approach is to use humor and positivity in your statements.
  3. Reflections and reasoning on a wide variety of topics. The main thing here is not to go with the flow and express your point of view. Even if most people don't like it, there will be those who will support you. This means they will have something to discuss in the comments.
  4. Beautiful Instagram posts with recipes, tips, life hacks and other needs are in extreme demand. However, here you will already need some skills and abilities, since the copied information is not very valuable. This direction allows you to combine business with pleasure, engage in your hobby and simultaneously grow your audience by sharing results and tips.
  5. Use emoticons. It is possible and even necessary, but the main thing is in moderation. They need to be selected according to the theme, to express emotions and visualize certain moments.
  6. Having created an account aimed at one topic, you should not change direction, at least not abruptly. Therefore, when creating a profile for the purpose of large-scale promotion and gaining popularity, you need to carefully think about the concept and topic.

Quotes from great and significant people, such as philosophers or musicians, are still in great demand. However, in order to stand out, you will have to try, delving a lot into the warehouses of the Internet, because the statements of the most popular have already become mainstream, and you need to look for something new.

But digging it up is one thing; besides this, it is advisable to find confirmation of its authenticity, since now you can find many quotes with an incorrect indication of the author. People, of course, often unconditionally believe in their authenticity, but still.

How to caption an image on Instagram

Some social networks add a built-in photo editor to their arsenal; Instagram, unfortunately, does not have this. To work with a photo, only the function of cropping and adding a filter, as well as a few other small options, is available.

Therefore, in order to write text over a picture, you need to use a third-party application. To date, many such auxiliary programs have been released, but the most popular is Textgram (full name - “Textgram - write on photos”).

You can download it from the application market for your device completely free of charge; almost all platforms are supported. After installation, launch and do everything in this order:

  • Click on the plus sign in the circle, it is intended to create a new image.
  • You will then be given two options to choose from: use a ready-made template from the list or create a blank canvas for a new project. We choose the second one.
  • Then click on the very first button from the lower list (a camera with a “+” sign will be shown there). After this, a gallery with photos will open.
  • The selected picture will open in the editor, here you can adjust the scale, crop or mirror it. In addition, it is possible to overlay shapes and effects.
  • After setting (if any was needed), click on the button following the previous one (with the image of the capital letter “A” and the “+” sign). This will launch the Add Text tool.
  • In the upper left corner it will say “Tap twice to edit”, do this and start editing.
  • When working with the text component, you can change the font type, its size and color. You can add a shadow, horizontal display, and adjust line spacing.
  • When everything is ready, click on the “Save Project” button.

There are also applications that allow you to make lettering even more beautiful, but this will require certain artistic skills. For example, the PicsArt Photo Studio program. Seasoned Instagrammers often resort to using this tool. With its help, you can create an inscription manually, including with multi-colored paints. It also has the necessary functions for creating popular clipart today.

Another leader in downloads is the VSCO Cam program. Most likely, every Instagrammer has it in their arsenal. The main feature of VSCO is a large number of different filters, as well as the ability to save to the application’s internal library. You won't be able to add text with it, but it will definitely be useful for external processing.

Let's sum it up

The text component plays an important role in . With its help, you can complement the image, hook users with interesting details or the circumstances under which it was created. Photos without a description are not in great demand; there are more suitable sites for this format. Therefore, adding text is essential.

Various quotes under photos on Instagram have always been popular among users. Adding an apt statement can definitely increase interest in a photo. However, you need to choose them wisely and without fanaticism.

The hashtag is deservedly recognized as one of the main tools for promotion. With the correct selection of tags, people will come across your image more often, because they are excellent systematizers of information and greatly simplify the search.

To decorate your image, you can use additional resources, for example, to apply text over a photo and those that are not available in Instagram functionality.

Quotes on Instagram under photos and who needs them? Each of us wants people to think that you are the greatest thinker and don't push a finger. Even the most unintelligent users can create the image of a highly intelligent individual who not only consumes, but also creates.

And let the photographs of food on his page and requests for mutual likes reveal his true essence, someone willingly believes that he is communicating with the genius of human thought. As they say, put glasses on a stupid person and make him silent, and then everyone will think that he is smart. With Insta, everything works the same way. Add some thematic quote under the photo and you're done. No, this will not add additional IQ points to you, but it will create the illusion of a three-digit intelligence score.

How to put a quote under a photo, as well as in the profile status?

If you have read this paragraph, it means that you are determined to fill your profile with quotes. And since you really want to, who are we not to tell you how it’s done? Currently, Instagram does not have a function for generating smart thoughts and there is no field for inserting them. But someone thought of putting them in the description of the photo.

Yes, you can do this directly in the descriptions. But you shouldn’t write smart thoughts there if it’s a photo of your lunch. And in general, a little life hack: if there is a quote from a great person under a photo of food, remember, this is a lie. Most likely, this authoritative person did not even say these words, and the quote itself was taken somewhere in the depths of the “quote” public.

There is another alternative place on Instagram where you can insert your thoughts. This is your profile status. You can change it by clicking on the “edit” button in the “about me” section. I mean, you understand, right? By putting a quote in the “about yourself” section, you automatically give yourself away.

A selection of quote examples

We will give you examples of smart thoughts, since most likely you will look for them on the Internet, which is not surprising.

Beautiful quotes for girls:

  • “And dozens of those who wanted your body are not worth the little finger of the one who loved your soul” - a typical vanilla quote.
  • “I invent obstacles for myself in order to overcome them” is, in my opinion, the most feminine quote that fully reveals the essence of women. She is so feminine that just a little more will throw a tantrum.
  • “They love quietly, they only betray loudly” - so vanilla that you can add it to a cake.

For guys:

  • “I am not obliged to anyone, I am not attached to anything, I am not like anyone, and therefore I am free” - a classic male saying. Translated from the ancient stupid - Three excuses why no one needs me. These usually sit at the entrance and crack the seeds.
  • “A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother” - suggests that Klitschko clearly had a hand in creating this phrase. Aphorisms are clearly not his strong point.
  • “I reciprocate to the one who loves me” - let’s hope that representatives of sexual minorities will not fall in love with him, otherwise... Well, you understand.

In English with translation

Here you can show off the fact that you know English, which makes you an order of magnitude smarter than some of the servants.

  • “London is the capital of Great Britain” is a very old saying that has passed through the years, showing your level of knowledge of the English language and your sense of humor. And if you don’t understand what humor is, it also shows your IQ level.
  • “Love is a game that two can play and both win” (love is a game that two can play and both can win) - womanizing guys and alpha males have their own views on this matter. Although chemists say that love is just a series of chemical reactions.

  • “Veni Vidi Vici” – “I came, I saw, I conquered” is a phrase so old that even Julius Caesar used it.

For travelers:

  • “Travel only with those you love” – as an option, you can travel alone. It’s cheaper and there are fewer hassles. This quote was written by Ernest Hemingway. At that time, they did not yet know about it.
  • “A railway ticket raises more hopes than a lottery ticket,” wrote Paul Moran. Good idea, but I don't often see people winning millions with train tickets. Railway lottery xD.
  • “Planning a vacation is very easy. The boss says when, the wife says where” is a more suitable phrase for our realities, even if it’s summer.

Sayings of philosophers:

  • “You don’t have to be the best, just be better than you were yesterday” - Joe Fraser.
  • “Whoever is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless” - Cicero.

  • “If you have a conscience, then those who do not have a conscience have you” - some very smart person.

Why is it better to come up with your own quote?

Half of the quotes that appear in profiles don’t even need to be read in full. Because, having read the first two words, you already know the next ones by heart. There is no originality. It is worth understanding that a carbon copy does not make you unique. This is a priori. Show people that you are also capable of thinking, come up with something of your own. I can’t come up with a smart idea right now, because I’m not as smart as you (lol), but you can (no)? Give uniqueness to your phrase by putting “(c)” at the end, a copyright icon in the quote on Insta under the photo. Show that you stand for your authorship and are proud of yourself.

Describe what will appear in your photo in