1. Triceratops (Triceratops horridus)

Triceratops is a herbivorous dinosaur that lived on Earth during the late Cretaceous period in the regions of North America.

Being herbivores, Triceratops fed on shrubs and plants such as ferns, palms and cycads. These herbivorous dinosaurs had beak-like mouths that could mainly only grab food and not bite. Interestingly, these dinosaurs had up to 800 teeth, which served exclusively for grasping vegetation.

An interesting fact is that many of them had horns.

2. Dracorex († Dracorex hogwartsia)

Dracorex was a herbivorous dinosaur that existed during the Late Cretaceous. This dinosaur reached 1.4 meters in height, 6.2 meters in length and weighed about 45 kg. Dracorex had an original long mouth. Numerous spikes and bumps were located on his skull.

It is currently still debated whether this dinosaur is a herbivore or not. Dracorex had extremely sharp teeth with many fangs,

therefore, some scientists classify it as an omnivore.

Its name, Dracorex hogwartsia, is taken from the popular Harry Potter book series by J. K. Rowling. As you understand, this name means “Dragon King of Hogwarts”.

3. Moschops († Moschops capensis)

Moschops is a genus of prehistoric herbivorous mammalian reptile that existed during the Permian period. Most of the remains of Moschops have been excavated in a region called the Karoo in South Africa.

In this habitat, Moschops was the largest herbivore. He had a massive

body (about 5 meters in length), a thick skull and a very short but heavy tail.

As mentioned above, this dinosaur had a herbivorous lifestyle, so its teeth were serrated at the ends - this helped to chew plants.

4. Argentinosaurus († Argentinosaurus huinculensis)

The next herbivorous dinosaur on this list is Argentinosaurus, which may have been the largest and most massive land animal that ever existed. Argentinosaurus led a herbivorous lifestyle, as it fed on plants that grew on our planet during the Jurassic period until the end of the Cretaceous period. It had a long neck allowing it to easily reach the treetops.

Literally, the name of this dinosaur means “silver lizard.” Argentinosaurus fossils were first excavated in South America in 1988. Unfortunately, very little information is currently known about this dinosaur species.

5. Stegosaurus († Stegosaurus)

Stegosaurus is known to be a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs that primarily inhabited areas of western North America during the Late Jurassic period.

This herbivorous dinosaur is characterized by a toothless beak and small teeth on the inside of its cheeks. It follows that such teeth were not suitable for eating animal flesh. Unlike other herbivorous dinosaurs, which had strong jaws and teeth for grinding plant matter, this dinosaur had jaws that only allowed the teeth to move up and down.

Among dinosaurs, Stegosaurus is known for having a relatively small brain and may even have had the lowest brain-to-body ratio.

This dinosaur, whose name literally means “covered lizard,” is remembered because of the presence of plates that lay along its back in a vertically flattened position. In total, this dinosaur had 17 original spines on its back (called pincers), which were not hard as such, but consisted of soft bone material where many blood vessels ran.

6. Edmontosaurus († Edmontosaurus regalis)

Next on this list is Edmontosaurus. It is characterized by having a beak-shaped mouth, short limbs and a very long, pointed tail.

7. Diplodocus († Diplodocus longus)

Diplodocus is considered one of the longest land animals that has ever existed.

Fossils of this herbivorous dinosaur showed that these animals existed during the Late Jurassic period. Most of their fossils have been excavated in the Rocky Mountains of the western United States.

Due to its enormous size, Diplodocus also required enormous amounts of plant material in order to survive. Scientists have theorized that its blunt teeth functioned for cutting plants, as Diplodocus swallowed food whole without even chewing.

It is interesting to know that, having such dimensions and body structure, this dinosaur did not have the ability to raise its long neck above five meters from the ground.

8. Hadrosaurus († Hadrosaurus foulkii)

Literally means “strong lizard.” Hadrosaurus is a genus of herbivorous dinosaur that lived in parts of North America during the Late Cretaceous period.

Hadrosaurus had a beak-shaped mouth and jaw that were designed to crush plant matter such as pine needles and cones.

It is also important to note that only one skeleton of this dinosaur has ever been found. This fossil was missing a skull, making it difficult for scientists to analyze the appearance of the hadrosaur.

9. Nodosaurus († Nodosaurus textilis)

Another famous herbivorous dinosaur is the Nodosaurus, which is very noticeable for its “armor”.

This dinosaur was a herbivore. He had a rather narrow head with an elongated mouth. Interestingly, the nodosaur had cavities in its skull that separated its mouth from its nasal passages, thus making it capable of eating and breathing at the same time.

Individuals of this genus existed from the late Jurassic period until the early Cretaceous period. Interestingly, at this time the lands of Alabama were divided into two parts: the northern part was covered with forests, and the southern part was covered with small lakes.

10. Ankylosaurus († Ankylosaurus magniventris)

The name comes from ancient Greek. ??????? ??????, which means "bent lizard". Ankylosaurus is a genus of armored dinosaur that existed in parts of the western United States and Canada during the Late Cretaceous period.

Like Stegosaurus, this massive dinosaur had a body also covered with bony plates (called "scutellums"). These scutes grew on different parts of the dinosaur's body, such as the neck, back and hips.

This dinosaur was a herbivore that fed on low-lying vegetation. The beak-shaped mouth allowed the animal to tear leaves from plants. In addition, studies have shown that he could swallow huge quantities of plants without even chewing.

It is no secret that during the existence of our planet, the world of flora and fauna has changed several times. Dinosaurs did not survive to our times, but their existence is confirmed by numerous excavations.

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Types of dinosaurs, their classification

Paleontologists say that dinosaurs inhabited our planet for more than a hundred million years. Scientists came to such conclusions after many years of excavations, which allowed them to invade the bowels of the earth and find there numerous remains of giant birds and animals. One can only guess what reality was like in those days.

Today we will take a closer look at what types of dinosaurs there are, and what information about them is available today. In general, when you start to become interested in these animals, you are amazed at how much paleontologists know, but no one has ever seen these animals with their own eyes. Now these are the heroes of horror films, fairy tales for children, and so on, it is thanks to the artists that we have a clear idea of ​​what such unusual creatures really looked like. Very often, different dinosaurs are compared to dragons.

Scientists, unfortunately, have not been able to come to a common conclusion as to why dinosaurs suddenly became extinct on our planet. Although in that era not only dinosaurs disappeared, but also many inhabitants of the underwater world. One theory says that it was not the Earth’s climatic conditions that changed dramatically, but the dinosaurs were unable to live in the new environment, so one after another they began to die. The second theory (more realistic) says that 65 million years ago a huge asteroid crashed onto our planet, destroying many earthly creatures.

We will not go into detail about why huge creatures disappeared from the face of the Earth; it will be much more interesting to talk about what paleontologists know today. And they know a lot; from the remains they were able to establish what kind of dinosaurs existed, tell approximately how many species there were, and also give them specific names.

For the first time, the English biologist Richard Owen spoke about dinosaurs; it was he who called the animals with this term (by the way, “dinosaur” is translated from Greek as a terrible lizard). Until 1843, scientists did not put forward theories about the existence of dinosaurs. Their remains were attributed to either dragons or other giant mythical animals.

Now the list of species is simply huge and each genus has its own name. For example, you will be interested to know what the two largest and most ancient groups of these animals are. Maybe the names will seem funny to some, but these are lizard-hipped and ornithischian creatures. Next we list the most famous and, in our opinion, the main species or types of dinosaurs. Don’t be surprised that representatives of the most famous breeds could swim and fly beautifully, and not just move on land. A lot of information was studied by scientists before they were able to draw conclusions that dinosaurs can be divided into the following groups:

  • predatory;
  • herbivores;
  • flying;
  • aquatic.

Paleontologists knew exactly how to distinguish one type from another, they carried out more and more research, as a result of which the world learned about trinosaurs, ichthoisaurs, pliosaurs, tyrannosaurs, ornithocheiruses, and so on.

The exact number of species of dinosaurs that existed cannot be established, and it is unlikely that this will ever be known. There are so many nuances to studying fossils. The number of varieties is said to range from 250 to 550 and these numbers are constantly changing. For example, some species were identified only by excavating a single tooth or vertebra. Over time, scientists realize that some species that were previously considered different can actually be classified as the same thing. So no one dares to draw precise conclusions. Perhaps most types of dinosaurs exist only in the imagination of paleontologists and other sensation-seekers. But since these huge creatures have disappeared from our planet, it means that it had to be so. Nothing happens by chance, especially the extinction of real giant predators.

Swimming dinosaur: myth or reality?

Paleontologists claim that aquatic dinosaurs did exist. To be honest, the population of the seas and oceans in those days was not so harmless. Waterfowl dinosaur fish would happily eat everyone. And they cannot even compare with the most dangerous sharks today. The size of the monsters exceeded the size of modern whales. Huge animals could happily have a snack, for example, on another dinosaur, which, by chance, was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some fish grew up to 25 m (for comparison, a standard nine-story building is 30 m).

Sea monsters were classified as follows:

  • plesiosaur (a long-necked creature that lived underwater all the time, sometimes surfacing to breathe air or grab a flying bird);
  • Elasmosaurus weighed about 500 kg, had a small but movable head on a huge (8 m) neck;
  • mosasaurs lived in the seas and oceans, but moved a little like a snake;
  • Ichthyosaurs are very warlike and bloodthirsty animals that lived and hunted in packs. There were practically no insurmountable obstacles for them;
  • nothosaurus led a dual lifestyle (on land and in water), feeding on small creatures and fish;
  • Liopleurodons lived exclusively in an aquatic environment, could hold their breath for several hours, dive to depths and hunt there;
  • Shonisaurus is a completely harmless reptile that was an excellent hunter and ate mollusks, octopuses, and squid.

Very little is known about the existence of two-headed creatures; many types of dinosaurs had long claws that helped them move faster. Some types of large sea inhabitants were:

  • with a collar around the neck;
  • with hood;
  • with a ridge on the back (sometimes with two ridges);
  • with spikes;
  • with a tuft on the head;
  • with a mace on the tail.

Herbivorous dinosaurs: their classification

This is most likely the most peaceful species of huge creatures. They calmly chewed grass, were happy and entered into battle solely for the purpose of self-defense. Rarely did herbivores attack first. Moreover, dinosaurs of this type were not at all weak, defenseless animals. A powerful skeleton, huge horns, a tail with a club, unrealistically huge sizes, strong limbs that could immediately strike on the spot - all these are characteristics of completely peaceful animals.

There were several types of herbivorous creatures:

  • stegosaurs - they had peculiar crests on their bodies, chewed grass, and swallowed stones from time to time to improve digestion;
  • euoplocephalus, which was covered with spines, a bony shell and had a club tail. This is a truly scary monster;
  • brachiosaurus - could eat about a ton of greenery in just a day;
  • Triceratops had beaks and horns, lived in herds, and easily defended themselves from enemies;
  • hadrosaurs were quite large, but very vulnerable, it is still a mystery how they survived.

This is not a complete list of species of grass dinosaurs.

Predatory dinosaurs

Still, most dinosaurs were predators by nature. They had a powerful body structure, huge teeth, horns, and shells. All this allowed the animals to rise above other living beings; dinosaurs often fought with their relatives. The strongest always won, there was no talk of any family ties. The tyrannosaurus rex was considered the most popular predator; you can find a lot of interesting information about it and watch a video. T-Rex is the hero of many horror films, because this born hunter was truly scary, disgusting, ruthless, and bloodthirsty.

Long-necked dinosaur (name and species)

Among herbivorous, marine and predatory species, there were breeds that were distinguished by unrealistically long necks. For example, diplodocus is a herbivore whose neck consisted of 15 vertebrae. He could easily reach branches from the tallest trees.

Flying species or dinosaur birds actually had wings, scales, and sometimes even feathers. The peculiarity of these creatures were huge, very sharp teeth, which cannot be said about modern birds. These are pterodactyls, pterosaurs, archeopteryx. Ornithocheirus was the size of a small airplane, had a light skeleton, and a crest on its beak. Such “birds” lived not far from large bodies of water.

Quite educational and also interesting to read about the inhabitants of the Jurassic period, isn’t it? At that time, the population of the Earth was completely different, scary and incomprehensible to us, its modern inhabitants.

The beginning of the story was the climate changes that occurred on Earth 300 million years ago. There was a significant increase in average temperature, which contributed to the extinction of some species and the spread of others. In particular, reptiles began to flourish.

Both the number of individuals and the number of species increased. The ancestors of dinosaurs, archosaurs, also descended from them. Modern representatives of this group of reptiles are crocodiles. Archosaurs of the Permian period were distinguished by the specific structure of their teeth, as well as a specific protective covering of the skin - scales. Like modern crocodiles, they are eggs.

Carnivorous dinosaurs fed mainly on small mammals. There were also herbivorous dinosaurs with a plant diet.

After the Mass Permian, only 5% of pre-existing species, and the ancestors of dinosaurs, managed to survive this ecological revolution. Dinosaurs themselves arose 230 million years ago. The earliest species of dinosaur known to scientists is the Staurikosaurus. It was about 2 m long and its weight reached 30 kg. Staurikosaurus was a predator and walked on its hind legs.

The Age of Dinosaurs and Their Decline

Gradually, dinosaurs became an increasingly diverse group of creatures, capturing more and more new habitats. Dinosaurs could also live in water, competing with large predatory fish. Flying dinosaurs gradually appeared. Also, over time, the sizes of reptiles became more and more diverse - their weight could reach 200 kg or more.

The heyday of dinosaurs occurred during the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods, when dinosaur species made up more than half of all species on Earth. In total, the remains of about 500 species of dinosaurs were found, but scientists believe that there were significantly more of them - up to 2000 during the entire existence of this superorder.

The largest dinosaurs were herbivores or lived in water.

The exact reason for the extinction of dinosaurs remains unknown. One theory suggests that the dinosaurs died due to a meteorite impact and the resulting tsunami and other disasters. Other scientists believe that the cause was gradual climate change, which led to the extinction of not only dinosaurs, but also a number of other species - up to 20% of flora and fauna species disappeared. What is known for sure is that dinosaurs disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous period - about 65 million years ago. The dominance of reptiles was replaced by the widespread distribution of mammals.

Can you imagine what dinosaurs looked like when they ruled this earth many years ago? Let me answer this question. Some species of dinosaurs, once the largest creatures on the planet, were as tall as a four-story building and weighed more than the combined weight of a hundred cars.

Interested? There are many more interesting facts known about dinosaurs. As you may have guessed, it is these prehistoric reptiles that we will talk about today on the site about animals. We will tell you what groups dinosaurs are divided into, about their evolution, as well as hypotheses about why dinosaurs became extinct.

These giant creatures get their name from Greek and Latin. In simple words, dinosaur means "terrible lizard".

They are usually named after their body features, the location where they were found, or after the person involved in their discovery. The name usually consists of two Greek or Latin words or a combination of both.

Types of dinosaurs. All dinosaurs were different from each other. Their eating habits were different, they were different sizes, the walking style of some was different from others, there were many other features.

Dinosaur groups

Sauropods- a group of herbivorous dinosaurs, which was distinguished by the most impressive size among the rest - a large body, a long tail and a neck, which, like the giraffe, helped to reach tree foliage for food.

Theropods- carnivorous dinosaurs. This group of predators had excellent eyesight, sharp teeth and equally sharp claws, which were very helpful in hunting.

Large herbivorous dinosaurs with huge bony plates along their long spines. It is believed that these spines not only served as a deterrent to predators, visually increasing the size of the dinosaur, but also participated in thermoregulation processes due to the huge number of blood vessels located in them.

Brachiosaurs- huge dinosaurs that lived in herds. Their size can be compared to two double-decker buses stacked on top of each other. Like all sauropods, they had a long neck, which helped them reach succulent foliage from tall trees.

Some dinosaurs preferred to move exclusively on two legs, which is why they were called bipeds, while others walked only on four. But there were species that could move freely on both two and four legs.

Evolution of dinosaurs

Dinosaurs appeared about 230 million years ago; their ancestors are reptiles that inhabited the waters of the Earth. In the process of evolution, terrestrial species of dinosaurs arose. Their appearance was very different from more primitive reptiles. Even now, no one can say for sure why such changes occurred. But one thing is clear - as a result of evolution, the strongest survive. And only a small percentage is due to chance.

The first dinosaurs were small (about 10-15 feet in length) and had a fragile build. They moved quickly on two legs. Their remains were first discovered back in the last century in Madagascar, off the coast of southern Africa.

Eoraptor is one of the very first dinosaurs, which appeared about 228 million years ago. It is no larger in size than a dog, but, nevertheless, it was a predator that moved quickly on two legs.

Not all prehistoric animals were dinosaurs. In addition to them, there were many other representatives of the fauna.

Dinosaurs inhabited exclusively land. None of them lived in the sea or flew. True, some carnivorous species eventually developed feathers and evolved into birds.

Not all dinosaurs were huge. Among them there were also small specimens. The smallest one was the size of a chicken, which is why it was called Compsognathus.

Birds are the only surviving descendants of dinosaurs. Humans themselves, as most experts suggest, never coexisted with dinosaurs.

The number of teeth in each type of dinosaur was completely different. Some did not have them at all, others had 50-60 thick teeth, shaped like a cone. But hadrosaurs had the most teeth - about 960. An interesting fact is that if an animal’s tooth fell out or broke, a new one always grew in its place.

Life expectancy varied significantly among different species of dinosaurs. Large species could live up to 100 years, while smaller dinosaurs had significantly shorter lives.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct?

Extinction is the process of disappearance of entire animal species. This occurs when the death rate exceeds the birth rate and is considered a natural result of evolution. That is, if organisms cannot adapt to the conditions of existence in the environment, they disappear.

Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago as a result of sudden climate changes following the collision of a large asteroid with the Earth. This is the most popular theory explaining the death of dinosaurs.

It is believed that a large asteroid crashed into the Earth at high speed. Its dimensions were about 10 km in diameter. Because of this, a wave of earthquakes occurred, raising clouds of dust, which caused the death of the dinosaurs.

According to another theory, a strong cooling occurred on Earth, and animals, without feathers or fur, could not survive in such climatic conditions.

Today it is believed that only birds have retained some of the characteristic features inherent in dinosaurs in the distant past.

Fossil animal bones have been found on every continent without exception. It is quite possible, it may even be somewhere near you.