There is an opinion that the laws of biology do not provide for the early birth of a child due to immature reproductive function and hormonal levels. However, there are exceptions to all rules, and surely these must be the youngest parents in the world? This article will tell you about these exceptions that have shocked doctors, scientists and researchers. So, who are they - the youngest parents in the world?

Young people in China

This is hard to believe, and at first doctors even tried to hush up this fact, but the youngest parents in the world were 8 and 9 years old! These were one of the earliest births ever recorded by humanity. turned out to be natives of China: in 1910, when the first-born was born, his father was 9 years old, and his beloved was 8. It was not for nothing that they received their rightful page in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest parents in the world.

Lina Medina is the youngest mother in the history of the planet

However, this case is not yet a record. And to the question: “Who is the youngest mother in the world?” you can give a precise answer: this is Lina Medina. She was born back in 1933 in Peru. When the girl was five years old, her parents saw a suspiciously enlarged abdominal cavity. Concerned, they sought help from doctors, believing that it was a harmful tumor. However, doctors made a shocking diagnosis: the seventh month of pregnancy! Investigators suspected that the girl was raped by her own father, however, they were unable to prove his guilt.

Of course, due to her underdeveloped pelvis, the girl could never give birth on her own, and the doctors resorted to a caesarean section. This is how Gerardo was born - a boy weighing more than two and a half kilograms and named after the doctor Lina. He was raised as Lina's younger brother, hiding the fact that she was his biological mother. However, at the age of ten, the boy learned the truth, but this did not interfere with his future life. He grew up a strong and healthy man, but at the age of 40 he unexpectedly died from a bone marrow-related disease. Lina herself happily married and gave birth to a second son.

And her amazing pregnancy was the most discussed topic in the media for a long time, despite the fact that the woman refused to make any contacts and give interviews to intrusive journalists.

The youngest mothers in the world

Now you know who is rightfully called “the youngest parents in the world.” But Lina Medina is certainly not the only one who bears such an honorary title. And since there is a list of the youngest mothers, then what about the parents of the most So, what are they like - the youngest and oldest mothers in the world?

For example, in 1934, Lisa, a resident of Kharkov, became pregnant and gave birth to a child at the age of six. As the investigation showed, she was raped by her own grandfather, a sailor by profession. The girl carried the baby safely, but he died during childbirth.

More than twenty years later, the parents of nine-year-old Ilda Trujillo turned to doctors with the same problem as Lina Medina. The doctors’ diagnosis amazed Ilda’s mother: she was five months pregnant! The birth went well, and thanks to the investigation, the child's father was found. It turned out to be her 22-year-old cousin, who lived in the same room with the girl. He tried to escape, but was arrested.

Another nine-year-old mother was a resident of the Apurina tribe (India). A group of researchers accidentally spotted her in the village and rushed to take her to the hospital. As it turned out, the girl was not only pregnant, but also sick with anemia, pneumonia and malaria, and her ears were clogged with wax, which doctors later removed. However, such a “bouquet” of various diseases did not prevent her from giving birth to a healthy daughter. Unfortunately, the identity of the girl's father could not be established. Perhaps she was the victim of one of the orgies that are very popular among the Indian tribes.

Here they are - the youngest mothers in the world. Whether they are happy or unhappy is not for us to judge. But who is rightfully called the oldest mother in history?

The oldest mothers in the world

Omkari Panwar, a resident of the small town of Muzaffarnagar (India), became the oldest mother in history. In 2008, at the age of seventy, she safely gave birth to twins. At that time, she already had two daughters and many grandchildren, but the couple dreamed of a son. And what would you not sacrifice for the sake of your dream? Her 77-year-old husband sold his plot of land and buffaloes, spent all his savings and even took out a loan to raise the necessary funds for artificial insemination surgery. The birth could not be called successful: a boy and a girl were born in the 8th month of pregnancy, however, now everything is fine with the children.

And in 2010, Bhateri Devi (also Indian) gave birth to triplets at the age of 66! Before that, she and her husband lived without children for more than 40 years, and in the end Bhateri decided to give birth to two boys and a girl. The children's health was a concern, so they were under the supervision of doctors for a long time.

Oldest mother in Germany

The oldest mother in German history was a resident of Bavaria who decided to undergo artificial insemination at the age of 64. The laws of the country prohibit such operations, so the woman was forced to leave her homeland for a while. Before this, she had repeatedly made attempts to become pregnant in this way, but they all ended in failure. Finally, she was lucky - in 2007, another operation was successful, and she gave birth to a child. His and his mother’s health are fine at the moment.

The youngest grandmother in the world is 23 years old

What is it like to be a grandmother at 23? Romanian Rifka Stanescu knows exactly the answer to this question, because she made history by breaking the record of her own grandmother (26 years old).

Everyone knows how quickly Romanian gypsies get married and have children. Babies can even be engaged at the moment of their birth, and early marriages are considered the norm. For example, Rifka was “betrothed” to her betrothed when she was only two years old. True, they never managed to get married - the young girl fell in love with another guy, gave herself to him and gave birth to a baby. The beloved did not abandon his legitimate child, but he had to endure numerous aggressive attacks from relatives who were extremely unhappy with the disruption of their plans. But where was there to go? The wedding was celebrated and the dowry was paid. Soon Rifka gave her husband two more children - daughter Maria and son Nikolai.

Maria grew up, went to school, and after a while she announced that she was pregnant and going to get married. The girl clearly took after her mother - at the time of the shocking statement she was 10 years old. Rifka, who has vast experience and knowledge in this area, did not contradict her daughter. The wedding took place, and the grandson of 23-year-old Rifka was named Ion.

Britain's youngest parents

If the youngest parents in the world lived more than a hundred years ago, then today nothing has changed - the problem remains relevant. The UK's youngest parents were recently announced. They turned out to be a 12-year-old girl and her 13-year-old boyfriend. The birth went well, and their daughter was born weighing just over three kilograms.

According to a close family friend, the young couple had been in a relationship for about a year. And when it turned out that the girl was “pregnant,” her relatives helped her in every possible way. The couple themselves are convinced that this is not a fleeting teenage romance: they want to take care of their daughter and get married as soon as they reach the appropriate age. Proud and confident that they were right, they even posted a photo of their daughter on the Internet and plan to return to primary school in the near future.

Problem or conscious solution?

Well, it’s up to everyone to judge the world’s youngest parents (and all young mothers) or not. Perhaps for some this will remain something unthinkable and incomprehensible, but if a young couple has a roof over their head, relatives who are ready to help and support in every possible way (including financially), health and faith in a bright future , then is it necessary to condemn such people? After all, they are increasing the demographic level of the country!

The laws of biology tell us that bearing a fetus, giving birth to a child, and, indeed, conception are possible only after puberty (i.e., the first menarche) and before menopause.

But the genetic characteristics of individual people make it possible to give birth to a child at an earlier or later date.

The world knows of cases where children and old women became mothers. In this article we will tell you about the youngest mothers in history. You might also be interested in the article about the oldest mothers in the world.

The youngest mothers in the world

Extremely early puberty in five-year-old children is a rather unusual case, but it does occur in medical practice. In most cases, child pregnancies are terminated at an early stage in order to avoid social stigma and negative consequences for the development of the child-parent.

Lisa from Kharkov

Gave birth at 6 years old

In 1934, information appeared about another young mother. 6-year-old Lisa from Kharkov became pregnant from her own grandfather. She gave birth to a healthy girl, whose height at birth was 50 centimeters and weight 3 kilograms.

The low financial situation of the family did not allow them to hire a qualified surgeon who would “caesarize” the baby. A six-year-old Ukrainian woman had to give birth naturally with virtually no pain relief. Unfortunately, this story did not end as happily as Lina Medina's. The baby died during childbirth - Lisa’s umbilical cord fell off prematurely.

Ilda Trujillo from Peru

Gave birth at 9 years old

Another case, and again the scene is Peru. At the end of 1957, 9-year-old Ilda Trujillo gave birth to a girl weighing 2.7 kilograms in a Lima hospital. Ilda’s mother noticed her daughter’s swollen belly back in the summer. The doctor’s diagnosis simply shocked her - the doctor stated that the baby was pregnant. It turned out that the father was the girl’s cousin, a 22-year-old young man who lived with the girl in the same room. He was arrested on the same day, as soon as his parents found out about Ilda’s pregnancy.

The youngest mothers of the 21st century

“Young” motherhood is also common in the 21st century.

Young mother from the Apurina tribe

Gave birth at 9 years old

In July 2006, a 9-year-old Indian girl from the Apurina tribe became a mother. This happened in the capital of the Brazilian Amazon - Manaus. The pregnant girl was sent to the hospital in April, and only after a group of researchers saw her disproportionately huge belly in her native village.

In the hospital, the expectant mother was diagnosed with a whole bunch of dangerous diseases: pneumonia, malaria and anemia. She did not hear the doctors and did not react in any way to what was happening around her - the baby’s ears had giant wax plugs that had to be removed in the hospital. However, her daughter was born healthy, although not very large: 42 centimeters and 2.2 kilograms.

Pregnant girl from China

In 2008, a one-year-old orphan girl, Kang Mengru, from an orphanage in China was found to have an embryo in her stomach. However, the doctors were not surprised by this fact: it turned out that during pregnancy the girl “absorbed” her twin. At the same time, the trapped fetus did not die, as it retained its connection with its sister and continued to receive nutrients. Such cases (there is even a special term for them - “fetus in embryo”) are quite rare: approximately 1 in 500 thousand “twin” pregnancies.

The youngest mother in the world is Lina Medina from Peru

Gave birth at 5 years, 7 months and 21 days

The earliest pregnancy recorded by doctors was found in a native of Peru, Lina Medina. The girl was born on September 27, 1933, and at almost 6 years old she became the youngest mother in the world. This “record” has still not been broken.

Five-year-old Lina was brought to the hospital by her parents, concerned about their daughter’s enlarged abdominal cavity. At first they believed that the girl had a tumor. After examination, doctors discovered that Lina Medina was seven months pregnant. The girl’s mother confirmed that Lina’s first menstruation began at the age of three. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took the expectant mother to the capital Lima so that the pregnancy could be confirmed by other specialists.

A month and a half later, on May 14, 1939, Lina gave birth to a boy by caesarean section. The operation was inevitable because the girl’s pelvis had not yet developed - the baby simply would not have been born naturally, and most likely the young mother would have died. The surgical procedure was supervised by Drs. Lozada and Bussleu, and anesthesia was provided by Dr. Colretta.

The newborn, who weighed 2.7 kilograms at birth, was named after Dr. Gerardo. As the boy grew older, he was told that Lina was his sister. Gerardo learned that she was actually his mother at the age of 9.

Exactly how Lina Medina became pregnant was not documented. Of course, the authorities could not ignore such a blatant case, and at first they accused the father of molesting his own daughter. However, the charges were subsequently dropped - an examination showed that the girl was a virgin.

The most plausible version seems to be that the pregnancy occurred due to the low level of hygiene in a poor Peruvian family. Lina herself remained silent all her life about the circumstances of fertilization.

It is known that Medina later married a young man named Raule Gerado, with whom she gave birth to a second son in 1972. The family lived in a poor area of ​​Lima known as Chicago Chico ("Little Chicago"). Lina Medina died in November 2015, outliving her eldest son by almost 40 years - he died in 1979 from bone marrow cancer.

You can find out who became the youngest parents in Russia in this article.
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Lina Medina from Peru is known as the youngest mother in the world: the girl became pregnant and gave birth while she was a child, at the age of five. How her fate turned out - says the publication "Guberniya Daily".

Lina Medina was born into the family of a jeweler in 1933. When the girl was five years old, her parents, concerned about her growing belly, went to the hospital.

Doctors feared that Lina had a tumor, but after examining her, they were surprised to discover that the girl was seven months pregnant. Dr. Gerardo Losada, who treated the young patient, even took her to the capital's hospital in Lima to make sure that Lina was really expecting a child.

A month and a half later, on May 14, 1939, Lina’s son was born by caesarean section. The boy weighing 2.7 kg was completely healthy. He was named after the doctor - Gerardo.

During the operation, doctors drew attention to a feature of Lina’s body: despite her age of five, her genitals were fully developed, like those of an adult woman.

The girl's first periods began when she was only two years old (according to another version - only 8 months), and by the age of three her periods were already regular. Lina was diagnosed with a rare condition called “precocious puberty.”

Father of the child

Of course, the main question in the story of the young mother herself is who was the scoundrel who had sexual intercourse with the little girl?

The first suspect, of course, was Lina's own father. The police immediately detained him, but the man had to be released due to lack of evidence.

Lina was silent all her life: she did not say a word about who could be the father of the child and what happened to her.

There is an assumption that local traditions are to blame for the girl’s pregnancy. The fact is that in the village where Lina comes from, there were sometimes celebrations that ended in orgies. Probably, the girl was involved in one of these orgies.

Future life

Dr. Geraro Losada felt responsible for his little charge. He helped her get an education, and later got Lina to work as a secretary in his clinic. Gerardo also helped her son get into high school.

Unfortunately, Gerardo Medina died at the age of forty from bone marrow cancer. A few years before his death, Lina married a man named Raul Jurado and gave birth to her second son.

Almost nothing is known about the future life of the youngest mother. The only thing is that she and her husband lived in a poor area of ​​the capital of Peru.

There were suspicions that this whole story was fictitious, but documents and photographs of Lina were preserved. Besides, if this were an invention of a family who wanted to get rich from a sensation, it would be strange to remain silent about it. Lina never gave interviews and always refused to meet with journalists.

The birth of a child is a real miracle and great happiness for a woman. It is in procreation that the main purpose of the fair sex is. But for this you need to mature morally, and most importantly, physically. Unfortunately, history is full of examples where this main factor did not become fundamental. And young girls, essentially children, became mothers.

Conception usually occurs with the onset of puberty. By this period, the reproductive organs are ready to fully function. Mother and child safely navigate the path of pregnancy and successful birth of a baby. But there are many cases where very little girls, contrary to all the laws of nature, became pregnant.

The youngest mother in history. Who was she?

The girl Lina Medina from Peru became the youngest mother in history. Who was she? An ordinary child, and not from the lowest strata of society, since the parents were able to show the girl to the doctors. This happened in 1939. The initial diagnosis was a tumor. But upon closer examination, it turned out that the baby was pregnant and for a decent period - seven months. Doctor Gerardo Lozada, who examined the girl, could not believe this fact and took the unusual patient to the capital to show her to other specialists.

How old was the youngest mother in the world?

At five and a half years old, Lina had a caesarean section. This happened two months after the discovery of her pregnancy. In mid-May 1939, little Gerardo was born, named after the doctor. The operation was performed by Doctors Bussleu, Lozada and Colretta. The baby turned out to be full-term and viable, weighing 2.7 kilograms.

When the boy was nine years old, he learned the secret of his birth. Before this, Lina was passed off as his sister. Gerardo was quite healthy until the age of forty, but subsequently died of bone marrow disease.

The life story of the youngest mother

Lina Medina didn't want to talk about what happened to her, even as an adult. The only suspect was his own father, but the evidence base turned out to be so weak that the investigation left him alone. In 1972, the girl became a mother again, already legally married. With her husband Raul Gerardo, Lina lived in one of the districts of Lima.

Lina died in 2015, when she turned 82 years old. She had more children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and the woman outlived her firstborn by 40 years.

The veracity of this story is confirmed by doctors' testimonies and several photographs. Their quality is quite poor, but considering how long ago the events took place, it is quite decent.

10 youngest mothers in the world

Most likely, many more similar facts happened, but not all of them became the property of society. Often, relatives hid girls’ pregnancies if circumstances permitted. After all, they were the ones who were involved or guilty of neglecting to look after their child.

The undoubted championship belongs to Lina Medina. But the other innocent victims of adult men are not much older.

1. Young Kharkov resident Lisa gave birth to a normal child at the age of six. The father turned out to be the girl's grandfather. The baby did not survive childbirth and died. This was in 1934. Lisa's further fate is unknown; there are no photographs left.

2. In 1957, in Lima, Ilda Trujillo became a mother at the age of nine. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl from her cousin. The young man was arrested for rape. Ilda's parents noticed the pregnancy long before giving birth, but refused an abortion

3. In 2006, a group of researchers sent a nine-year-old Apurina Indian girl to the hospital. The baby had a severe form of pneumonia, complicated by malaria and anemia. But later it turned out that this was not the only problem - the girl turned out to be pregnant. She was cured and subsequently delivered. A healthy girl was born, a little over two kilograms.

4. The fate of a girl from China is shrouded in darkness. She is originally from Songyuan City and gave birth by Caesarean section in Changchun City. The boy was born full-term, weighing about three kilograms. A nine-year-old Chinese woman and her son are alive and well. This happened in 2010. What happened to her in the past and who the baby’s father is is still unknown

5. In 2004, a strong boy weighing about four kilograms was born in Kharkov maternity hospital No. 5. His mother was only eleven years old. The teacher discovered the pregnancy. The child's father, a twenty-three-year-old young man, disappeared and thus escaped punishment. The family planned to abandon the baby, but after thinking carefully, they decided not to make the child an orphan. The mother's name is unknown, the doctors took the position of the girl's parents and kept the secret

6. In 2012, a girl from the Wayuu tribe gave birth to a daughter from a guy with whom she lived in the same village. This happened in Colombia, where previously motherhood was perceived as absolutely normal. The child's father remained unknown to the authorities, and therefore they could not attract and punish him

7. The gypsy girl Bashtam Gorbunenko, a resident of the Volgograd region, became the mother of two healthy children by the age of twelve. Her story is significantly different from the previous ones, since the pregnancy did not come as a surprise to her family. If you get pregnant, it means it’s time. Yes, and she has a husband. She does not hide her happiness and dreams of a third baby

8. In 1824, a girl, Sally, was born and had her first menstruation at twelve months. And in 1834, she herself became a mother, giving birth to a healthy girl weighing two and a half kilograms. Sally had wide hips and large breasts beyond her age. Otherwise, the girl was no different from her peers

9. In 2005, a nine-year-old girl from Rwanda gave birth. Her name is unknown. The child's father was a housekeeper who deceitfully deceived the baby. She had a caesarean section, everything is fine with the baby and young mother

10. A girl from Singapore gave birth to a healthy baby. Name and age unknown. A classmate, equally young and inexperienced, helped me get pregnant. The child was adopted by an outside family because the girl’s mother abandoned the boy.

The youngest mothers in the world, photo

The most obvious evidence can be photographs of young mothers with a newborn. But not every story is documented, especially if it happened many years ago.

Lina had a son for the first time

Lina with her grown-up baby

Ilda Trujillo - 9 years old

The fates of the youngest mothers in the world

Quite rarely, the fates of the youngest mothers in the world receive loud publicity. The public has a negative attitude towards such cases, condemning parents. Therefore, after childbirth, which cannot be hidden due to the age of the child, the family prefers to leave their previous place of residence. The girl's further life is out of sight of journalists and other lovers of sensations. Yes, this is good - the baby has a chance to build her own future.

But not everyone is ready to hide their situation. Fifth-grader Valya Isaeva from the Moscow region became pregnant by her grandmother’s lodger. The guy was seventeen, a native of Tajikistan. There was no talk of rape, since an eleven-year-old girl, deprived of the attention of adults, fell in love with a young man. The result was the birth of little Amina.

A criminal case was opened against the guy, but the public decisively came to the couple’s defense. The young parents raised their daughter together, and their grandmother helped them. Three years later, a son was born. At seventeen, Valya became his legal wife.

For a long time, those around her believed that everything was fine in the family, but now the girl does not live with her husband, accusing him of assault. A formal divorce has not been filed, and this gives hope that their relationship will improve. After all, they overcame so many obstacles in the past.

Alexandra Gladkovskaya from the Vladimir region became a mother at the age of 15. The girl hid the name of the child's father and categorically refused the abortion that her mother insisted on. Now she is 18, she is raising the baby on her own. Her mother believes that only she can be entrusted with the child and is suing her daughter. But most likely to no avail, since Alexandra is already an adult and the court, in the absence of compelling arguments, will be on her side.

Lyuba Bessudnova from the Saratov region gave birth to a mathematics teacher at the age of 14. The man seduced the girl, and when he found out about the pregnancy, he refused to have contact with her. DNA testing proved his paternity and now the would-be teacher is serving time. Lyuba is finishing school, and the girl’s mother has taken care of the baby.

Childbirth at an early age: dangers and consequences

  • The first and main danger of childbirth at an early age is unprepared physiology of the body. The onset of pregnancy does not mean that puberty is in its completed stage, it is just beginning. A girl’s body is hit by a hormonal avalanche of such force that the child may not be able to cope. And if we consider that such cases mostly occur in dysfunctional families, then exhaustion and many concomitant diseases are added to this danger
  • A growing fetus inside a child's body can deform internal organs. The uterus is not as elastic as that of an adult woman. In a word, there are a lot of dangerous factors during the gestation period. And even if the girl endured these long 9 months tolerably, then childbirth is ahead, fraught with no less danger
  • At such a tender age, the only way to give birth is by Caesarean section. In girls, the birth canal is not developed for the successful passage of the child, there is a high probability of internal ruptures and uterine bleeding
  • But even taking into account all the unpleasant aspects, doctors do not recommend terminating the pregnancy - abortion is even more dangerous due to the high likelihood of complications. This applies to girls over 13 years of age. At an earlier age or for medical reasons, carrying a child is not recommended, as it can be fatal

At what age is it better to give birth to a child?

If you do not take into account social aspects, material security and psychological readiness, but rely only on biological age, then it is best to give birth to a child between 20 and 30 years old. It is acceptable to get pregnant a couple of years earlier or later, but we are talking about the best period.

To give birth to a healthy child, a woman herself must be healthy. After 35 years, chronic diseases may appear that will affect the baby’s condition. It is also important that the mother must have many years ahead of her to give her child a decent upbringing.

From 20 to 30 years old, a woman is most active, and the child will need attention and participation for many years to come. A healthy and full-strength mother will be able to realize her maximum potential, so don’t put off conception for too long.

How to prevent pregnancy at an early age?

In recent years, many schools have begun to introduce special subjects about sexual relationships. But the most effective factor was and remains the family. Often the child perceives the relationship between parents as a model of his behavior. No amount of talk or lectures about moral values ​​will work if a girl or boy sees the contradictory behavior of their parents.

Trust must appear long before the child begins to take his first steps. For a baby, there is no one closer to mom and dad, and adults must remember this. There is no need to assume that the time has not yet come for an adult topic - after all, it may turn out that later it will be too late.

It is better to address moral issues before puberty, gradually deepening them, taking into account the child’s age. In this way, worldview and character will be formed. A girl should know exactly what sexual intercourse is and what its consequences are. False shame of parents can cause children's ignorance, and as a result - early pregnancy of their daughter. Tactics are important in this matter; you should not present sex as something shameful, you just need to convey to the child’s consciousness that there is a time for everything.

The story of the youngest mother in the world: reviews

  • There are some testimonies and reviews left about the youngest mother in the world - Lina Medina. Her mother said that something strange had happened to her daughter since infancy: at eight months the girl began menstruating, and by the age of four her mammary glands were like those of a fifteen-year-old girl. Even pubic hair appeared at three months
  • The doctor who observed the already pregnant Lina left notes in which he indicated fully formed ovaries. This factor helped the girl bear a full-fledged baby without compromising her health.
  • In most of these cases, doctors also noticed abnormally early development in their young patients. Maybe that's why girls became objects of violence? Who knows... I would like to hope that such oddities will occur as rarely as possible - a new life is wonderful, but everything must go as usual, and no one has the right to take away childhood

Video: The youngest mother gave birth at 5 years old

It’s a rare girl these days who wants to give birth before the age of eighteen. And why does she need this if she has a fun young life ahead? However, some still manage to get pregnant even at a much earlier age.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the youngest mother in the world is considered to be Lina Medina from Peru, who on May 14, 1939 gave birth to a completely healthy boy weighing 2.7 kilograms. She was brought to the hospital for examination by her parents, who were concerned about the growing tumor on the girl’s stomach. Imagine their surprise when they learned that it was not a tumor, but a living child. At the time of birth, Lina was... ATTENTION! 5 years and 7 months! It is interesting that the birth, despite the young age of the woman in labor, went quite successfully, although there was a caesarean section, since the girl’s pelvic bones did not have time to develop.

The boy was named after the doctor who delivered the baby, Lossado. By the way, at first the boy believed that Lina was his sister, and his grandmother was his mother. Only at the age of 10 was he told whose child he really was. Lossado lived for 40 years and died of bone marrow disease. In general, throughout his life he was a completely healthy person.

A few decades later, Medina married and she and her husband Raul Jurado had a second child in 1972.

Alas, who the father of her first child was is still unknown. At one time, the police believed that he was her own dad. He was even arrested, but released due to lack of evidence. In the early 2000s, a group of journalists tried to interview Lina, but she refused to give it. She is currently 78 years old and lives in the Peruvian capital of Lima.

In 1934, a six-year-old girl named Lisa from the Ukrainian city of Kharkov gave birth to a baby who died during childbirth. As it later became known, Lisa gave birth to this baby from her own grandfather, who until that time worked for a long time in the navy. Interestingly, the birth was natural, contractions began at 7.5 months, and as for the size of the baby, he was not so small - his weight reached 3 kg, and his height was 50 centimeters. But, as we wrote just above, the baby died. By the way, he could have been saved by having a caesarean section. However, at that time there were no antibiotics needed for this.

For obvious reasons, Lisa’s parents did not even suspect that their own child was pregnant. When the girl's belly began to grow, they took her to the hospital. Doctors almost immediately guessed that she was pregnant, which was confirmed after the necessary examinations. After that, all suspicions fell on the grandfather, since it was he who babysat the baby while her parents were at work.

After the story became public, the whole family moved to the Far East. Interestingly, they took grandfather with them, which means he did not suffer any punishment. No one knows exactly what happened to Lisa, but there is information that in 1942 she became pregnant again, but could not survive the birth and died.

Other young mothers

Ilda Trujillo from Peru gave birth to a girl weighing 2.7 kg. It is believed that she was raped by her cousin, who was only 12 years old at the time.

A girl from Singapore became pregnant by her classmate. The baby was born healthy, after which it was decided to send him to a shelter.

In Rwanda, one of the girls was raped by a housekeeper. It was decided to give birth, as a result of which a completely healthy boy was born.

Brazil also distinguished itself. Here, a baby was born from a 9-year-old girl by caesarean section. Interestingly, it is still unclear who exactly the child’s father is, but the police continue to investigate this case.

In Honduras, a girl gave birth after being raped by her father. The last one was jailed.

In Switzerland, a girl gave birth to a completely healthy boy. The police believed that the child’s father should be considered the girl’s stepfather, who had molested her more than once, but a DNA test confirmed that the newborn’s father was someone else.

In Belgium, a 10-year-old girl became pregnant after having sex with a boy. The child was born in 2006.

All these girls gave birth at the ages of 9 and 10 years.

Finally, we will tell you another extremely interesting case. In one of the European countries, a completely healthy baby was born. At the age of one year, doctors discovered that the baby was pregnant! The reason became clear almost immediately - the girl’s mother was pregnant with twins and for some reason one of the embryos began to develop inside the other. It was not possible to find out how this amazing story ended.