A mole on the palm is a favorable sign. A negative meaning is also found, but it all depends on many parameters: the color of the nevus, its location, etc. In palmistry, special attention is paid to this aspect - each hill or line has its own meaning. They also take into account which hand is active, as well as the gender of the owner of the nevus.

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An unfavorable sign may be yellow moles, formations with uneven edges, or bumps that are too dark in color.

The general meaning of a mole on the palm

Moles on the human body often appear suddenly. They are a warning or a message from higher powers.

The appearance of a formation on the hand may indicate that a person has acquired some kind of character trait or must prepare for an event that will play an important role in his life.

Sometimes moles on the palm, on the contrary, disappear without any apparent reason. This means that a person has freed himself from something or lost something valuable. Nevi can appear during pregnancy. In this case, they indicate the characteristics of the future baby, his possible fate.

We can say about people with moles on their palms that they are constantly improving themselves, are able to overcome difficulties, and change their lives for the better in any circumstances.

Owners of nevi on their hands have a strong will, lead a solitary lifestyle, and are not known for their sociability. They often have inflated self-esteem. It is difficult for them to establish relationships, they often deny the dogmas established by society and are guided by inherent rules.

Positive character traits include persistence, hard work, and the ability to clearly set goals and achieve them. If the mole is large, with clear edges, its owners are drawn to nature, have a special energy, have a craving for studying the paranormal, are believers and strive for spiritual peace.

The larger and brighter the nevi, the more intense the impact they have on a person’s life.

Interpretation of moles in palmistry

Palmistry pays close attention to any marks on the hands. Essential information is considered to be which palm they are located on and what gender the person has.

Interpretation may differ among representatives of different schools. The simplest way is to divide the surface of the palm up to the beginning of the fingers into 4 squares. Depending on where the nevus is located, you can make predictions:

Pigment spots on the right palm indicate an easy and cloudless path in life. It is easy for a person to achieve goals; he does not see obstacles on the path of life. Their karma is pure.

The appearance of moles on the left palm symbolizes family curses and hereditary diseases. Such nevi mean a predisposition to witchcraft or magic. Such people are often unhappy in their personal lives or get married quite late.

A mole located on the back side predicts a happy fate. Such people achieve their goals, but only in the second half of life.

Nevi on the wrist predict success. A person with a similar mark is drawn to knowledge, quickly absorbs information, has good health, and is lucky in his personal life. Moles in this place imply perseverance and hard work, often found among magicians or pickpockets.

If the mark is on the inside, close to the edge of the palm, it can indicate that the person is quite sociable and lives in abundance, but has poor health, cannot give up bad habits, eat right, or lead an active lifestyle.

Pigmentation located towards the end of the palm is found in analysts with a changeable character. Two moles located nearby indicate two possible marriages.

In women and men

According to palmists, age spots in girls and men have completely different meanings:

Localization of the mole In a man In a woman
Right wristVital will, purposefulness, perseverance, categoricalnessSelfishness, perseverance
Left wristSorenessGood health, financial independence
Right handBusiness aptitude, luckSuccess in life is achieved only in adulthood
Left handSuch people achieve everything through perseverance.Significant position in society and financial success
Palm of the left handThey do not have a personal opinion and often find themselves in ridiculous situationsExcessive frugality, fear of risks
Palm of the right handCreative, gifted, extraordinary thinkersGift of prophecy, prosperous events in life

A large mole placed in the center of the right palm of a man means that luck accompanies him from the moment of birth. For women, such localization indicates financial stability only after she gets married. The marriage will be concluded not only with a wealthy man, but also with a beloved man.

The location of the nevus near specific fingers is of particular significance:

  • Thumb. Dual character, vibrant life.
  • Pointing. A calm character, the ability to carefully consider decisions, a lot of failures and just as much happiness.
  • Average. People with a broad outlook and creative abilities.
  • Nameless. Energetic individuals who need constant movement.
  • Little finger. They have psychic abilities and developed intuition.

1992 - Year of the Water Monkey: the character of men and women according to the eastern calendar

On the lines and hills

According to palmists, the location of the nevus on certain lines of the palm plays a fundamental role:

Line Meaning
LifeSuch marks may indicate poor health and warn of possible dangers
HeadsNegative sign, may portend an accident accompanied by a head injury
HeartsHeart pathologies or romantic disappointments are likely. Owners of such a mole can be hot-tempered and prone to aggression
SunTroubles, failures in any area
FatesA mole on the line of Fate means loneliness, material problems
VenusA woman will not be able to have children or it will be quite difficult to get pregnant
MarsAn indecisive and patient man with good health
VoluptuousnessProblems on the personal front due to superstition
IntuitionSign of a successful person
MarriageIn the center of the line is celibacy, in other parts of it are family problems.
MercurySucceeding in Business
HealthVarious diseases are possible

The next most important nevi are on the tubercles and hills of the palm. They are interpreted as follows:

  • Hill of Mercury- a person has inquisitiveness, ingenuity, cunning, and often a criminal orientation. Traders and scammers are marked with a similar sign.
  • Hill of the Sun- good luck in your career, but there is a risk of losing everything.
  • Mount of Saturn- a negative omen. Continuous problems, unstable position in life.
  • Hill of Jupiter- problems of a religious or moral nature. Sometimes pigmentation on such a tubercle indicates the owner’s low ambitions.
  • Lower Hill of Mars- indicates firmness, strength, courage. If it is dark, painful, and on the active hand, the owner may get hurt or cause trouble for someone.
  • Upper Hill of Mars- represents growing active energy.
  • Hill of Venus- talks about problems in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Hill of the Moon- a sign of mental disorders, throwing. A person has a developed imagination and sensitivity.

By color and shape

Light moles portend a pleasant event. If they occur suddenly, the likelihood of it happening is much greater. They often disappear after the incident occurs. This could be: pregnancy, career advancement, wedding, material enrichment.

A bright spot that appears at birth means a cloudless life.

Red spots warn of a possible disaster. It is necessary to be careful while driving, avoid unreliable transport companies, and pay attention to safety in the production process.

A yellow mole indicates that you need to visit a doctor. It indicates possible problems with the liver, spleen or circulation. Early detection of the disease will help avoid serious consequences.

Black and brown moles have a positive meaning - the larger they are, the richer the person will be. Moles that are too dark indicate a tendency to squander. It will not lead to poverty, but it will not allow you to accumulate serious capital. Sometimes black moles are a sign of difficulties and trials.

Characteristics of nevi of different forms:

  • Oval moles represent prosperity.
  • If the nevus looks like a line, it indicates dangers.
  • People with crescent moles They have a thirst for risk, are often fond of extreme sports, and can earn money by investing money without loss.
  • Triangular They talk about increased sexuality, the desire to please everyone. Such people always try to impress others.
  • Square moles- a sign of deviant sexual behavior. They are often found in maniacs.

On the passive and active hand

Palmists have a concept that plays a significant role in establishing the meaning of marks on the hand - its activity or passivity:

  • The first category includes the hand with which a person writes. All the lines and marks on it will tell about the innate character traits.
  • Moles on the passive hand reflect changes that have occurred in life. They will help you learn about the qualities acquired over time.

If the nevi are the same on both hands, this means that the person is not changing anything in life.

Right shoulder. Men are smart and insightful. With high intelligence. Women with poor health. They need to monitor their health in the field of endocrinology. But they have a strong, even domineering character.

Left shoulder. Men are prone to despondency, often depressed. Women are lucky and lucky. With a strong family and a loving husband.

Left elbow. Men are charming and sociable, but flighty. Because of this, relationships with the opposite sex do not work out. Women are soft and kind. Typically very successful.

Right elbow. Men are calm and balanced. With an analytical mind. The women are silent and serious. Devoted and faithful in marriage.

Left elbow (inside). Receptive and emotional people. They have difficulty withstanding criticism and are vulnerable.

Right elbow (inside). Men are kind and gentle. They try to help everyone, often to their own detriment. Women with complex characters. They don't like to give in. They strive for independence.


On the right wrist. Men are determined, with an iron will. They achieve their goals. But a little stubborn. Women are strong and persistent. But a little selfish.

On the left wrist. Men are sickly and in poor health. Susceptible to colds. Women enjoy good health. Lucky and financially secure

On the right hand. Lucky men call them “lucky”. Success and luck will come to women only in adulthood.

On the left hand. Men are determined and purposeful. But it cannot be said that everything comes very easily to them. To achieve their goals, they need to make great efforts. Women are financially secure. In adulthood they achieve a high position in society.

In general, moles on the palms indicate that their owners are people with extraordinary abilities. And they are either prone to the gift of clairvoyance, or very strong in spirit. Tend to constant self-improvement. Also, such people, through the effort of thought and will, are able to attract good luck to themselves. If a mole is located in the very center, it means success, good luck in your personal life and high material security. But its owners have an obstinate, absurd character. Not compliant, touchy.

On the left palm. Men easily succumb to the influence of others, which is why they often suffer and find themselves in difficult situations. Women are cautious and even wary. They are afraid of making an irreparable mistake, which is why they prefer never to take risks.

On the right palm. Both men and women are creative people. They will find success by doing art. If a mole is located in the very center, it means success, good luck in your personal life and high material security.

More details:

Under the thumb. The life and character of its owner is full of contradictions.

Under the index finger. Calm, balanced character. Life will be full of ups and downs.

Under the middle finger. An extraordinary personality with a rich inner world.

Under the ring finger. Its owner is active, active. Constantly finds something to do. The life of such people is in full swing; some events are constantly happening in it.

Under the little finger. Well developed intuition.

Closer to the edge of the palm. Sociable and charming person. Material well-being is going well. But due to poor health, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your diet.

Below, towards the end of the palm. Changeable character. Analytic mind.

On the outside. A less favorable sign than internally. Such people have “golden hands”. They will reach great heights by doing manual labor: sewing, drawing, crafts, etc. But such people are highly susceptible to damage and the evil eye, so they need to be selective about their surroundings and carefully avoid ogling people. Otherwise, difficulties may arise in your personal and family life, as well as in your financial well-being.

On the inside. A more favorable sign than the external one. Sociable, sociable people. Success and luck accompany them in all their endeavors. They achieve a high position in society. Money comes to them easily. To achieve material well-being, they do not need to make much effort. Their personal and family life is going well. At the same time, owners of such moles are susceptible to alcoholism or drug addiction. Also, such people sometimes earn money dishonestly, even criminally.

More details:

Mole on right thumb- luck and luck in all matters. Material well-being. But a complex character. Such people love to make trouble and argue.

Mole on left thumb- Men at a young age face many difficulties. If they can overcome them and get out of difficult situations with dignity in adulthood, success will await them. Women are successful, sometimes even public figures. Their personal life and marriage are going well.

On the right index finger- good material well-being. Strong marriage, happy personal life.

Mole on left index finger– Men lack a strong, strong-willed character. Born leaders. They achieve their goals with perseverance and passion. There is despotism in their character. Women are calm and soft. They pay a lot of attention to their spiritual development. At the same time they are lazy. They prefer dreams and fantasies instead of action.

On the middle finger- high spiritual development, religiosity of the owner, as well as material well-being and high position in society.

On the left ring finger– Men face many problems. If they can overcome difficult situations, success awaits them. There is also a predisposition to alcoholism. Women are successful, financially secure. Their family life is going great. Life seems to protect them from problems and difficult situations

On the right ring finger– Men are successful, financially secure. Their family life is going great. Life seems to protect them from problems and difficult situations. Women face many problems. If they can overcome difficult situations, success awaits them. There is also a predisposition to alcoholism.

Mole on the right little finger– Loving, passionate natures. They fall in love easily and just as easily lose interest in their partner. They are emotional and artistic, love to communicate with people. Their material well-being is good.

Mole on left little finger- Men are insecure. They are constantly haunted by problems and failures. Their family life does not work out; some marry several times. Successful women. Financially secure, with a strong happy family and a loving husband.

Moles are considered energy channels. They maintain contact with the Universe. They rarely appear, so they attract increased interest. Depending on where the mole is located on the palm, palmistry offers different prediction options.

A mole on the palm occurs quite rarely

The meaning of moles in palmistry

Moles on the hand are considered an unusual symbol; they are given special meaning. There are several interpretations of the appearance of moles.

The sudden appearance of nevi means a warning about a positive or unfavorable event. The disappearance of marks is associated with the loss of something valuable or getting rid of something unnecessary.

New spots are associated with the acquisition of a character trait. The appearance of a mark in a pregnant woman tells about the life of the unborn child and his inclinations.

The presence of a birthmark means perseverance, determination, and self-development. People with the mark have the strength to overcome life's troubles. They are distinguished by a special energy, a penchant for studying the paranormal, religiosity, and a desire for spirituality. They love privacy and have high self-esteem. Rejecting the rules established in society makes it difficult to communicate with them.

Characteristics of moles by location

The presence of a mark from birth in the middle of the hand portends good luck and luck in men and women. A birthmark predicts a happy married life and close relationships with relatives. There is difficulty in holding and saving money.

A man’s central mole will tell about his willpower and determination in achieving his goals. He is gentle in his relationships with others. He is a good friend and advisor.

A woman with this spot location is smart, faithful and beautiful. For family life, she is compatible with almost any man. She maintains comfort at home and raises her children, sacrificing her career.

The presence of several moles on both hands in the same places indicates the passivity of the owner. He doesn't want to change and develop.

When identifying a mole on the hills of the palms of both hands, there is a similar meaning. The difference is that the active hand means actual events, and the left hand means karmic ones. Interpretation of the symbol:

  1. The Mount of Jupiter is located under the index finger. The spot defines a passive life position in which there are no specific goals. A person lives for today and does not plan for the future.
  2. A birthmark on the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger) means scandals and quarrels. This leads to family problems.
  3. At the base of the ring finger is the Mount of Apollo. The mark predicts rapid success, followed by loss of achievements, material wealth and position.
  4. The marked mount of Mercury (under the little finger) occurs among thieves and swindlers. The owners live by deception and enjoy the trust of others.
  5. A spot at the base of the thumb on the Mount of Venus indicates problems in communicating with relatives and relationships with the opposite sex.
  6. The mark on the Moon Hill gives the owner a wild imagination. The mark interferes with your career and relationships.

A mole on the hill of the moon symbolizes a wild imagination

Mole on the right hand

On the right hand, nevi mean favorable events and changes. The spot portends a happy life, material and financial success, and the absence of difficult trials. But effort should be made to develop abilities. A mark on the active hand suggests pure karma. The distinctive features of such people are hard work and good energy. They choose the profession of a doctor, worker or teacher. For them, benefit to society is equated with self-realization, the meaning of life. They avoid dubious offers, dangers and risky operations, and are also well aware of deception.

The mark in the lower left part of the palm is found among optimists. Musicians and writers have it at the top left. At the top right is the analyst's mole. The organizing leader has a label in the lower right area.

For women, the mark indicates a successful marriage, fulfillment as a mother and housewife. A man with a nevus on his palm reaches career heights and becomes a professional in his chosen profession. He rarely gets sick, is full of energy and strength, and is lucky.

Mole on left hand

On the passive hand, nevi take on an unfavorable meaning. They promise poverty. People with marks face financial difficulties. They don't know how to manage money. With stable incomes, they are unable to save money or invest money in a profitable project. They are constantly hindered by circumstances and people on their way. They are angry and envious.

People receive the gift of extrasensory perception, passed on by inheritance. They have a developed sixth sense, which they use for selfish purposes.

For men, the sign on the left hand speaks of hereditary diseases that can confine him to bed. If the disease is cured, but the mark does not go away, this means a quick sincere relationship.

For a woman, a spot on the left hand symbolizes a scandalous family relationship with divorce, which will cause emotional exhaustion. When the mark disappears, the woman is completely restored.

Spots on the left hand are assessed by experts as a tendency to make money by deception. People manifest themselves as thieves, illusionists, magicians, and corrupt officials. Such people prefer to engage in bribery, taking away things and money.

They lead a reclusive lifestyle. Sincere feelings for a life partner appear closer to old age.

The meaning of moles on the left hand is determined depending on their location:

  • lower left corner - the presence of a guardian angel;
  • upper left corner - abilities for manipulation, hypnosis;
  • in the lower right part - the tendency to study foreign languages;
  • upper right side - practicality, greed.

In some situations, spots on the left hand that appeared at birth should be considered as an opportunity to build a sports career. Work will help you achieve prosperity and correct karma.

Men with spots on their left hands often become magicians

Meaning on other parts of the hand

A nevus on the back of the hand marks:

  • success, good luck;
  • high intelligence;
  • determination;
  • optimism;
  • hard work.

In palmistry there is an opinion that a nevus on the back side symbolizes suffering in your personal life. A person has a hard time with breaking up relationships and betrayal by loved ones. In the family, he experiences emotional attachment to his partner. Characterized by sacrifice and reliability. His intuitive thinking helps him feel other people subtly.

Moles on the fingers appear in extraordinary individuals. They are talented, have extrasensory abilities, and feel the energy of those around them. Owners of this mark on their fingers direct their abundant willpower towards achieving their goals.

The mark on the little finger means the ability to defend your position (1st phalanx). The owners are stubborn, capricious, love to argue, and have oratorical abilities. A spot on the 2nd phalanx promises an attractive appearance. The mark means success with the opposite sex. On the 3rd - the wisdom of the owner. The person makes balanced decisions and is well versed in psychology.

The ring finger with a spot at the lower phalanx belongs to strong-willed people with inexhaustible internal potential. A nevus on the middle part gives its owners charm, charm and a sense of taste. They choose creative professions related to design, decoration, fashion, modeling or acting. The symbol at the end of the finger is read by romantic individuals who know how to experience deeply and emotionally. They express their feelings openly, are loyal and honest.

The nevus at the proximal phalanx of the middle finger symbolizes the mark of the leader. People have managerial qualities. They choose professions related to management or politics. The 2nd phalanx with the sign is responsible for communication skills and the gift of persuasion. The upper phalanx with a mole defines a person as a maximalist with a sharp and impetuous character.

The sign of fame, success and publicity is located at the bottom of the index finger. A person with a spot on the middle part stands out for his tendency to introspection and good memory. A mole at the top of this finger brings material resources to the owner.

A nevus in the lower part of the thumb means tenderness, kindness, a sense of humor, and in the upper part - endurance, endurance, achievements in sports.

Men with a mole on their wrist are not workaholics. They are unbearable and are in search of easy money. For family life they are looking for a wealthy and self-sufficient woman to improve their financial status. Such people are not trying to save their family, but are looking for new relationships.

Spots on women's wrists mean marriage for life. They get married early, give birth to children and prefer to realize their potential as mothers and housewives, but in difficult times for the family they earn the same amount of money as their husbands.

Duplicity is indicated by the presence of moles on the wrists of both hands in both men and women. They are educated people and achieve a position in society through cunning.

A spot on the inside of the wrist speaks of insecurity and inability to cope with problems on one’s own. On the outside - success in work that will bring pleasure.

A mole on a woman’s wrist means marriage for life

Moles on the lines

A spot on the life line means a severe hereditary disease. It often passes from parent to child over several generations.

If the mark is located at the intersection of the lines of life, mind and heart, then these are fateful spots that predict unfavorable events: divorce, illness, death of loved ones. A birthmark at the intersection of the lines of life and health portends death.

A spot on the fate line means:

  • loneliness;
  • financial losses;
  • infertility.

A mole on the marriage streak foreshadows divorce, an unhappy family life, physical and psychological pressure from a partner.

A mark on the branch of the heart portends heart problems and vascular diseases. A person should take good care of his health. The mark leads to disappointment in relationships, gives the owner jealousy and a tendency to depression.

A spot on the head line marks brain injury and disease, accidents. The mark worsens the inability to soberly assess the situation.

Markings on the Mars stripe are found in indecisive people. The sign means that they are patient and have good health.

The Belt of Venus with a birthmark is interpreted as a difficult birth, gynecological diseases or infertility. Several moles indicate problems with the opposite sex.

A sun line damaged by a mole portends failure for the owner. Intrigues and gossip are woven around this person.

A health groove with a birthmark predicts diseases of the lungs and digestive system. If the spot hurts when pressed, the person will become chronically ill. The accumulation of marks indicates a long period of poor health.

A trait of intuition damaged by a symbol means disappointment and upheaval in fate. The more marks, the stronger their influence.

The path of voluptuousness or love, marked with a stain, speaks of excessive sensitivity. It makes a person suffer in relationships and become depressed. A mole is a symbol of bad habits.

Arrangement of lines, bumps and rings on the palm

Characteristics by appearance

Moles can be convex or flat. Convex spots indicate the kindness of the owner. A generous and responsive person. He finds a common language with relatives and colleagues.

Flat marks are present in lonely people who lead a closed lifestyle. They are disappointed in others and do not recognize their value system.

Round, convex moles mean a calm, measured life. There are more positive events than negative ones.

Oval marks signify wealth, financial success and business achievements. The person has good potential for implementation in the fields of management, sales and medicine.

A triangular mark is found on the hands of loving people with increased sexuality. Their high libido makes them change partners frequently.

Flat square and rectangular figures are identified in people with sexual deviations and pathologies. A line-shaped sign warns of a sudden negative incident.

A hair nevus promises trouble. The longer the hair on it, the more negative the effect on a certain area of ​​the hand.

A flat spot symbolizes a closed personality

Spot color

Nevi can be of different shades in color. Palmistry considers a bright spot as a joyful event: success at work, a wedding, material growth, the birth of a child. Having a mark since childhood is a symbol of good luck. The color pink symbolizes constant spiritual development.

The red tint of the spot portends danger, an accident. People should be careful about flying and traveling. Yellow - health problems:

  • liver diseases,
  • spleen diseases,
  • deterioration of blood circulation,
  • diseases of the lymphatic system.

Brown and black moles are considered the most significant. They appear before critical events. The larger the stain, the heavier and more serious the consequences will be. In some situations, black marks should be considered a sign of wealth, an immeasurable waste of money.

spot size

In palmistry, the size of a birthmark is directly proportional to its influence. Signature nevi reach more than 3 mm in diameter. Large marks symbolize:

  • serious health injuries;
  • death of relatives;
  • working off karmic debts of ancestors.

A large mark on a clear curved life line suggests a long-term dangerous illness that can break a person. A large ugly mark at the intersection of lines predicts difficulties in all areas.

Large paired moles on a woman mean a happy marriage. A man has success at work and his high position.

A large number of small marks on the palm are found on a scandalous, unpredictable person. A person loves to argue and fights for what is right.

Small multiple moles symbolize damaged karma that needs to be worked out.

The larger the spot, the stronger its meaning

Mole figures

A mark or a cluster of them in the shape of a cross is rare and has a universal meaning on the body and hand. Palmistry associates the symbol with a long series of failures.

An oblique cross portends a serious conflict that changes fate. A person should think about his actions and not give in to emotions.

An elephant with its trunk down symbolizes long hard work. Prosperity will come in adulthood after overcoming difficulties. A raised trunk changes the interpretation: a person expects life with alternating black and white stripes.

A mark in the form of a star promises the owner the protection of fate, a guardian angel in business. A clearly defined 5-pointed figure speaks of a high degree of spiritual development of its owner. An irregularly shaped star predicts material success, practicality, well-being in the family, and new useful acquaintances. The symbol reinforces the presence of a mark on the body in the form of a triangle of 3 moles.

A geographical map of marks should be interpreted depending on the object that it resembles. A continent, a large island symbolizes emotional sensitivity, which leads to rash actions. A person should keep his emotions under control.

The outlines resemble a certain country - deprivation of parental love in childhood, a symbol of orphans, abandoned children. The sign leads to troubles in adulthood.

The bird is considered an auspicious symbol. An animal with open wings means that a person has creative potential. He realizes himself in music, painting, literature, cinema. People with a mark in the form of a bird with a large beak have a complex character. Their temperament prevents them from achieving their goals and finding mutual understanding with others.

Changeability and uncertainty are predicted by the trident. Together with a sign of 3 moles on one stripe means the fulfillment of desires.

An arrow from moles predicts a difficult childhood, but a dignified old age. In the center, the hands are interpreted as an accident. The mark in the form of a flame gives the owner an unbridled temper. The person is the center of attention and charms those around him. A man with the mark is jealous and prone to cheating, while a woman is impulsive and sensitive.

A lip-shaped birthmark predicts a challenge with difficult choices. A person will have to choose between career and family life.

A blurry sign in the form of a face is interpreted as a hidden illness, an internal conflict. A clear face speaks of a person’s positive attitude and cheerful disposition.

A tower mole gives its owner the following character traits:

  • moodiness,
  • hypocrisy,
  • cynicism.

Finding the symbol on the back of the hand means reliability, stability, and resistance to temptation. Found among church ministers.

The moon defines a secretive and touchy person. He is prone to depression and envy.

A symbol of a regular round shape in the form of a sun with lines resembling rays is read on the hands of talented people. For women, it foretells an easy birth, several children.

The fan performs a protective function. It gives the owner the strength to cope with difficult situations.

The saw sign for a girl predicts deception and later marriage. For a married woman - the birth of twins. A man with the mark will find himself in an unhappy love relationship.

The saw sign in a married woman means the birth of twins


A mole on the hand will help you learn about a person’s hidden inclinations and talents. She will talk about negative and positive events in the future. Timely contact with a palmist reduces the adverse effects of a birthmark.

In this article we want to talk about moles on the palm, their impact on a person’s life, their designation in palmistry, and simply about the unusual location of the neoplasm. What is most interesting is that moles on the palm are practically never found, which is why they are given such great importance.

The meaning of moles

Throughout life a mole on the palm, like other moles on other parts of the body, can appear and disappear, but even if a mole appears on the palm at least for a while, in palmistry and fortune telling such an event can mean a lot. They say that most often, people with a mole on their palm feel great in life, more confident and meaningful, such people do not need excessive support, they themselves are ready to help everyone, shouldering part of their life’s burden, but this is not always the case and there is a lot of controversy about these definitions.

As for specific location of moles on the palms, they can show some area of ​​their life activity and its overall impact on existence.

Thus, a mole on the palm of the left hand in right-handed people may mean the presence of some hereditary diseases; more often, this phenomenon is called ancestral karma, which haunts a person. For left-handers, the opposite is true, and their ancestral karma comes out if there is a mole on the palm of the right hand. A mole that is located directly on the life line may mean some difficulties during a certain period, which still need to be clarified by specialists. If you have it, you need to be constantly prepared for certain events that can complicate life. If the mole is located at the very intersection of the lines of life, heart or head, then the power of karmic events can even double.

Location of moles. Opinion of palmists

Let's consider the opinion of knowledgeable people who have been studying moles on a person's palm for many years, grasp the meaning of their location and each time prove some facts about the existence of this mole. So:

  • A mole on the life line speaks of possible dangers that may await you at any time.
  • Moles on the Mars line portend mental instability.
  • On the heart line - the owner of such a mole often does not control his anger, is jealous, demanding and unstable.
  • A mole on the line of Fate promises major bad luck, which can happen even too unexpectedly.
  • On the Health line - problems with sensitivity, general health problems.
  • A mole on the line of the Sun means possible failures in your career, business and any endeavors.
  • Mole on the Marriage line. Here, in general, everything is much more interesting - if the mole is located in the middle, then this foreshadows a bachelor's life; anywhere else on the line - disagreements in family life, quarrels and possible separations.
  • A mole on the line of Intuition portends disappointments in some periods of life and subsequent depression.
  • A mole on the line of Voluptuousness also does not lead to anything good and promises various troubles from non-long-term love relationships.

As we see, the science of palmistry, a mole on the palm and its meaning, the opinions of scientists in this field and some of our own knowledge from all sides defend the fact that a mole on the palm, no matter where it is located, does not lead to anything particularly good.

Other meanings of moles according to beliefs

Of course, we should listen to occultists, who often describe in their works interesting events related specifically to moles on their hands, to fortune tellers who spend their whole lives looking into the hands of others and often, very accurately, predict fate... But around all this chaos, there is There are many contradictions that we now want to give you as an example. According to popular beliefs, moles on the palm, the meaning of their location, the number of moles and their shape can mean something completely different. So, let's try to go from the other side and now find out from the next source what a mole on the palm means. They say that wherever a mole appears on a person’s palm, he can become an excellent surgeon, clergyman or psychologist, but this is only on the condition that he completely does not belong to the occult sciences. Here's a controversial question for you, it turns out that a mole on the back of the hand can mean the exceptional abilities of a given person in one area or another, although we read earlier that such a mole on the left palm, just like a mole on the right palm, brings a person only grief and misfortune. And yet, what does a mole on the palm mean? Apparently, no matter how you approach this question, the answer will always deny the previous or next one. There are as many people, as many sciences, as many opinions.

Conceit and own beliefs

Several times we talked about similar topics with doctors and candidates of psychotherapeutic sciences, as well as with psychologists, who not only did not believe in palmistry, reading fate by hand and similar “sciences,” but simply never even asked such questions.

They are not at all interested in a mole in the center of the palm, they are not interested in why a mole recently appeared on the edge of the palm, or perhaps a little higher up the arm, and all other issues with moles and their designation in scientific and popular terms. The only thing that was said by these people was a simple conclusion - “this science affects only those who really believe in it, and if it is destined to be grief and you convince yourself of this every day, looking at how comfortable the mole feels on the inside of your palm, then believe me, this grief will come to you someday, and if you believe in a good and kind future and try to arrange it every day, then after a while everything in life will work out and get better.” Listening and writing down the words of such people, you begin to understand how strong a person’s self-hypnosis is, it is a real semblance of a placebo, but at the level of full consciousness.

Birthmarks and moles on the hands are considered paramount in astrology and other related areas. The signs on these parts of the body are for the most part open to the eyes of others and carry a lot of karmic information, and therefore play a more significant role in a person’s fate. If you are interested in finding out what moles on your hands mean, we suggest further reading the interpretation of their meaning.

The meaning of moles on the hands

Firstly, when studying moles on the hands, you need to take into account which hand they are located on. If education is on the “working” hand - for a right-handed person - on the right, and for a left-handed person - on the left, then it is more important for a person. A mole on an inactive arm is less significant. Secondly, it is worth paying attention to the appearance of the mole from an aesthetic point of view. If a birthmark or mole on the arm does not repel you with its appearance, this is a good sign, and its owner can be considered lucky.

As a rule, women who have several moles on their left hand are happy in love and marriage. A man with a “marked” left hand, thanks to his perseverance, will achieve any goals he sets for himself. The presence of two moles on or near a man’s left forearm indicates that he is capable of becoming an ideal husband for any woman.

Moles on the inside of the wrist occur in emotionally vulnerable people, sensitive to manifestations of inattention and rudeness.

The owner of the spot on the inside of her left forearm looks touching. A woman with such a mole on her hand gives the impression of a gentle, kind, unprotected person.

A lady with a mole on her right wrist knows how to use her visible insecurity as a tool to attract the attention of men.

A woman with a mole on the outside of her forearm gives her beloved affection and attention. Any man will feel comfortable with her. Energetically she is compatible with almost any person, but there is a prerequisite - he must sincerely love her.

A man with a mole on his right hand has good energy. Such a man is every woman’s dream. He has “golden” hands, in which any business goes well. At the same time, he does not need to make great efforts - people and things easily obey his will. He is optimistic about life, knows how to act decisively in difficult moments, earn good money and be a reliable support for his loved ones.

Two moles on the right hand are a sign of fidelity. A man who has them on his forearm is able to carry his beloved in his arms all his life.

The meaning of moles on the shoulders

People with moles on their shoulders tend to have strong personalities, but they often lack the necessary determination or flexibility to get what they want. Their inherent taciturnity, arrogance, and stubbornness create life problems and obstacles to self-realization. Their virtues are endurance in work, resilience in the face of adversity, as well as loyalty to their principles and loved ones.

Birthmarks and moles on the shoulders symbolize the burden of unresolved problems in the past, and their owner is doomed to carry the heavy burden of the past and pay karmic debts. A mole on the shoulder, along with the problem it carries with it, can be transmitted along the genetic line; descendants will make the same mistakes until one of them manages to break out of this karmic circle. After all, any of us has free will, which means we are able to radically change our lives.

The meaning of moles on the elbows

A mole on the arm in the area of ​​the elbow joint indicates the vulnerability and worldly inability of its owner. A person with a mole on the elbow, especially if it is located on the inside of the elbow, constantly gets into some unpleasant situations. Such people can be compared to a lightning rod, the only difference being that they attract not lightning, but the negative energy of the environment. They can often receive injuries of varying degrees, find themselves in extreme or conflict situations, suffer material losses for various reasons, and become victims on whom others take it out and “hang all the dogs.” They are clearly deprived of fortune, they have a hard time everywhere, they have to achieve everything in life with great effort.

Both men and women with moles on the left elbow love traveling and communicating with friends. Bearers of signs on the left hand from the elbow to the wrist are often known as aesthetes and connoisseurs of all that is beautiful. They prefer free or creative professions and do not tolerate restrictions in their activities.

The meaning of moles on the fingers

When studying moles on the hands, special attention is paid to signs with negative potential. These include moles on the fingers. They are believed to attract negative energy. Those with moles on their fingers are susceptible to the evil eye, damage, etc. For example, if a person has a mole on his right ring finger, then his personal life may not work out. When getting married, he is recommended to hide the mole under a wedding ring, which is best worn without taking it off. Bachelors and unmarried women should also hide such a mark from prying eyes under some kind of jewelry, so as not to remain alone forever.

There are also positive aspects to having a mole on your fingers. Those marked with this sign have very dexterous hands, thanks to which they are considered great skilled in matters of fine handwork. Often such moles on the hands are found on magicians, and are also found on cheaters and thieves of various stripes. There is a sign that people with moles on their fingers attract money to themselves like a magnet.

The meaning of moles on the palms

Birthmarks and moles on the palms have a fateful significance. Some signs may appear and disappear throughout life. It should be noted that any marks on the palms: moles, lines, spots are within the purview of palmistry - the art of determining a person’s character and predicting his fate based on the lines and signs on the palms. The basis of palmistry is astrology.

Palmists pay special attention to the depth, clarity, and appearance of the lines on the palms, by which they predict the future and determine a person’s characteristics and susceptibility to disease.

According to astrologers and palmists, moles on one of the main lines of the palm are considered especially important.

  • A mark on the Life line can represent dangers to life and illness;
  • On the line of the Head (Mind) - the threat of accidents, head injuries, mental disorders;
  • On the Heart line - cardiovascular diseases and disappointments in love are possible. The owner of a mole on this line is characterized by temperament, hot temper, and a tendency to jealousy;
  • A mole on the line of Fate is a bad sign. A person's fate may not work out. The likelihood of financial trouble and loneliness is the least that awaits with such an arrangement.

Moles located at the intersection of lines are considered the most fateful, since they comprehensively affect several areas of life at once. A problem in one thing can lead to negative events in another.

Often people who have a mole on the palm withdraw into themselves, withdraw from society, and become hermits who deny traditions and generally accepted norms.

It is worth noting that the owner of a mole on the palm basically builds his own destiny. Having taken the path of self-improvement and struggle with circumstances, he is able to radically change his life.

Next in importance are moles on the so-called tubercles or hills of the palm of the hand.

What do moles on the hands, located on the hills of the palm, mean:

  • A mole on the Mount of Mercury is a sign of curiosity, an inventive mind, but resourceful or cunning, often criminally oriented. This sign is used to mark swindlers, thieves, notorious liars, and merchants;
  • A mole on the Mount of the Sun (Apollo) promises career success, recognition of talents, and an authoritative position. However, there is a possibility of deprivation of a high position. Those with a spot on the Mount of the Sun are creative and passionate;
  • A mole on the Mount of Saturn is in most cases an unfavorable sign, meaning constant problems, troubles, and an unstable situation in life. The inner rod, if any, may break;
  • A mole on the Mount of Jupiter is an indication of problems of a moral, ethical or religious nature. Sometimes a formation on this tubercle communicates the unscrupulousness and low aspirations of its owner. Such a person can be destroyed by laziness, love of money and pride;
  • A mole on the lower (positive) mount of Mars indicates a person’s determination, courage and strength. But if it is dark, painful and is on the active hand, then its wearer may suffer, be injured or cause harm due to haste, carelessness in actions, and poor self-control;
  • A mole on the upper (negative) mount of Mars either directs a person’s active energy and strength in a negative direction, or suppresses them;
  • A mole on the Mount of Venus usually speaks of problems in relationships with the opposite sex, quarrels, unrequited or unrequited feelings on the part of the object of sympathy.
  • A mole on the Mount of the Moon is a sign of emotional disorders, mental tossing, changeability in mood, disappointment in people. Relationships with parents may be upset. An individual marked with a “lunar” mole has a developed imagination and sensitivity.

In conclusion, I would like to remind the reader of the free will given to us by the Creator. And regardless of whether there are birthmarks and moles on the hands, face or anywhere else on the body, your fate, if not entirely, then largely depends on you!