I know two foreign languages: English and German. I chose your company because I consider it promising and successful. I am attracted to the fact that with you I can have peace of mind regarding stability, salary, and the possibility of career growth. I was very interested in the activities of the organization, I would like to contribute to its development.” This and similar examples of writing a story about yourself will help you understand how to write a self-presentation in the form of a resume. Thus, presenting yourself is an important point for a successful person. With the help of the ability to present your personality in a favorable light, you can achieve positive results in life.

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How to make a self-presentation

This will allow him to freely navigate the needs of the prospective employer and find out his weaknesses. In other words, a real assessment of the company will enable the candidate to feel confident during the interview and competently answer the questions asked, as well as sell himself profitably. A negative result is not the end of life. Knowing the main secrets of a successful interview, the applicant will have no problem correctly presenting himself to the prospective employer as a specialist.
Success depends on many factors, and they do not always relate to the professional qualities of the applicant. An interview is a dialogue, an interaction between two strangers. The interviewer may, for some personal reason, dislike the applicant (age, gender, behavior, etc.).
etc.), and no one is immune from this. The human factor quite often takes precedence over professional impartiality.

How to write an effective self-presentation

It is worth paying special attention to the answers to questions that affect the professional sphere; on their basis, an opinion is built about the applicant as a specialist.

  • Constructive and prepared. It is advisable that the candidate have a notepad and pen at the meeting to write down important points regarding the future position. The use of electronic means is permitted provided that they are appropriate. You should not lay out all your existing devices (phones, tablets, etc.) on the table in front of you.

etc.) - this violates the rules of business etiquette and lowers the level of professionalism. Composure, logic of actions and consistency of presentation are invaluable qualities that should be emphasized.

Cool self-presentation. CV samples from the "you'll be counted" series

You need to use dates, numbers, play with percentages and pay attention to the results that were achieved in a particular position. Personal achievements should also be mentioned. It is worth using verbs of the perfect form (developed, implemented, improved, etc.), they will emphasize the completeness of these actions and their productive value. The result of the story should be the idea of ​​the applicant as an indispensable specialist, without whom the company will find it difficult to cope.

  • Silent “enemies” - the importance of non-verbal means. When communicating with the interviewer, you should control your body language.

    No crossed arms or legs, excessive gesticulation or fidgeting in the chair - these are all signs of closedness and reluctance to engage in dialogue. Skepticism and sluggish, indifferent behavior are unacceptable. Straight posture and confident look in the eyes, appropriate smile.

Effective self-presentation: an example of how to prepare different options

If you are in school or starting a new college course, tell us why you chose this course, what interests you about a particular job or career. The most important moment! Don't add additional information at the end of your speech, you should ask the audience if there are any questions. You should thank the listeners for their time and attention.

Aspects of Personal Presentation Important components of personal presentation: clothing, accessories (bags, phones, diaries, jewelry, scarves), body language, voice. Clothing is the most obvious aspect of a personal presentation. When deciding what to wear, there are a few things to consider.

What does the audience expect? A business suit may not always be appropriate. Much depends on the expectations of potential listeners. Sometimes smart casual is more appropriate.

An example of a story about yourself at an interview

You need to feel confident and relaxed enough at the presentation; you need to find a balance between audience expectations and comfort. Women need to think about footwear: you will be standing for long periods of time, make sure you can do it. If you are not used to heels, don’t wear them. Accessories must match the clothing.

The sound of the voice and the content of speech can serve as a clue to an individual's emotional state. The voice is unique to each person.
  • Tell us about your interests and hobbies.
  • How will you spend your free time, if you have any?
  • When you finish, say THANK YOU to the person who listened to you.
  • Things to avoid saying during an interview:
  1. I can't stand my current job.
  2. My boss is the worst boss.
  3. My current company is terrible.
  4. When can I count on vacation?
  5. Can you give me a taxi to go back home?
  6. Can I answer the call?
  7. I really need this job.
  8. I don't have all the experience you need, but I'm a fast learner.
  9. I don't know.
  10. I have an appointment, will this end soon?
  11. Sorry I'm late.
  12. Profanity, swearing.
  13. There's no babysitter for the kids right now, but I'll do something about it.
  14. I don't have a car yet, but I will soon.
  15. The schedule doesn't suit me.

How to correctly write a self-presentation in a job application


Behave with dignity, answer judiciously, do not enter into conflicts;

  • your condition in general. Don’t shake like a leaf in front of your employer, but don’t stoop to familiarity either, try to present yourself in the most favorable light;
  • appearance. Neat clothes, clean shoes, neat hair - it’s pleasant to look at such an interlocutor.
  • Even if you have clearly decided what needs to be said at the interview and what not, follow the “golden mean” in everything and do not lie to the employer under any circumstances.

Useful video Self-presentation at an interview - more details in the video below: Preliminary preparation and the right attitude will lead you to your desired goal and open up new horizons for you. Moreover, now you know what to answer at an interview to the question: “Tell me about yourself?”

It is worth searching the Internet for information about important personal qualities for these specialists. Based on the material received, compose a story about yourself, supplementing it with real facts. It is not necessary to describe each place of work in detail, it is enough to focus on the important points. Self-presentation is a significant part, the successful development of which determines whether the applicant will receive a vacant position or not. Without preparation, it will be difficult to present your candidacy from the right perspective. The process of self-presentation can be divided into three stages:

  • writing a resume,
  • phone conversation,
  • interview.

Let's look at each of them, but pay special attention to the last one.
A resume is a short essay about the candidate, including his work experience, education, personal and professional achievements. It is compiled to be sent to the employer, and plays the role of an application for a vacancy.
A person will show himself on the good side if he himself asks about the company’s activities and clarifies something important. The employer will immediately show trust, understanding that the potential employee really has an interest in making a contribution to the development of the company. One should not think that by asking questions, a person is imposing himself, begging for a vacant position.

After all, the employee himself sells his work for a fee, so he must know what he is agreeing to. It is necessary to clearly answer the questions that the future boss will ask. You need to be especially careful when they relate specifically to professional activities. Based on how correct the answers the interlocutor receives, an opinion may be formed about the speaker as a specialist. An example of self-presentation In order to literally understand how a story about oneself is built, one should consider an example of self-presentation.

It is necessary to demonstrate that the situation does not cause discomfort and that the conversation is interesting.

  • Reciprocal interest - we establish contact. You should not focus only on yourself, an interview is a dialogue. Questions about the company will help establish the necessary level of trust and find out additional information. Details about the vacant position will form an idea of ​​the range of responsibilities and possible prospects.

    Don’t be afraid to ask: the applicant is not asking for a job, he is selling his labor and services.

  • Competent answers to the questions asked. To confirm the information specified in the resume, it is worth bringing the necessary documents to the interview (passport, certificates, certificates, work book). This will avoid unfoundedness. Questions should be answered clearly, without going into detail. If necessary, the recruiter will clarify.

A lot depends on how a person presents himself in society. You need to be able to effectively show your image in a favorable light in any situation. Without this, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve impressive success in life. How competently should self-presentation about yourself look? Content

  • 1 Concept and why do you need self-presentation?
  • 2 Types of presentation
  • 3 Tips for self-presentation
  • 4 Sample presentation during an interview
  • 5 Example of self-presentation

Concept and why do you need self-presentation? We often hear this word and many people have a question, what is self-presentation? This word form appeared as a result of combining two words: “presentation” and “himself”. The ability to present oneself in various life situations is self-presentation. The concept of it is to demonstrate your personality to achieve a specific goal.

Self-presentation is the ability to verbally beautifully and effectively show yourself, demonstrating your best professional and personal qualities. It is known that in any communication a person creates an impression of himself - with gestures, facial expressions, timbre of voice and demeanor. Your future fate and financial situation may depend on how well the interview goes. Therefore, it is important to master the skills of successful self-presentation in order to direct the conversation in the right direction during an interview, make a good impression on the employer and get the desired position.

Fear of an interview: reasons

All job seekers are nervous before an interview with an employer. And in vain! After all, an interview is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate to the employer from the first words the qualities required by a future employee for this position. Compared to questionnaires or tests, it provides many more opportunities to express yourself.

However, many candidates, even the most professional and qualified specialists, cannot overcome the fear of an interview. What are we afraid of? First of all, uncertainty. In fact, there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, because behind that scary door there will be a positive and polite employee waiting for you who wants to know about your abilities to perform a specific job. And he is not at all going to offend you, convict you of incompetence or question your experience and knowledge. Most likely, he thinks: “What if this is the person we are looking for?”

How to prepare for self-presentation

  1. Stop worrying and being afraid. Remember, nothing bad will happen to you, even if you are suddenly refused.
  2. Be positive and imagine that you have already successfully completed the interview.
  3. Don't be dramatic or take failures too seriously, because absolutely everyone has them. As a rule, for every successful interview there are 20 failures. Be prepared, but don't get discouraged in advance.
  4. Find out more about the company you are interviewing with.
  5. Think in advance what you will talk about. Even if you are sure that you can navigate perfectly on the go, do not forget: the best impromptu is the one prepared in advance.

Brief self-presentation: example of behavior

To successfully present yourself at an interview, be prepared to answer the following questions:

    tell us about yourself;

    describe yourself from the outside - how your friends and acquaintances see you;

    tell us about your last place of work and the reason for leaving;

    describe your former boss;

    what have you heard about us;

    why do you want to work in our company;

    what are your strengths;

    what are your shortcomings?

    what do you enjoy doing most at work?

    what you didn’t like about your former job;

    What are your hobbies outside of work?

    what is your goal in life;

    how do you see yourself in five (ten) years;

    what salary are you expecting?

Successful self-presentation at an interview is to show even negative information about yourself (dismissal, criminal record, lack of a diploma) to the employer from an advantageous perspective, and turn disadvantages into advantages. Tell us what lessons you learned from the mistakes you made. Prepare for unexpected incriminating questions and verbal traps, such as “If you got a raise at your old job, would you go back?”

Self-presentation: an example of correct speech

The first minute of a conversation forms almost 50% of the impression about you. Further communication only complements the existing image.

Show the employer that you know your worth, but without pathos. Avoid words that express your uncertainty, such as “not really,” “I don’t know,” “just,” “a little,” “apparently.” In no case do not belittle your qualities: “I’m still new to this business,” “I’m not a speaker,” etc.

In a conversation, you should use perfect verbs - “did”, “showed”, “achieved”, “increased”, “developed”. This will let the employer know that you are not afraid to take responsibility for your work. On the contrary, imperfective verbs will emphasize your uncertainty and disinterest in the result - “worked”, “answered”, “participated”.

When talking about your work, try to show what you've done rather than refer to other former colleagues or external factors. Show that you can work in a team, but at the same time are capable of solving problems independently.

Do not use jargon and foreign words such as “wow”, “okay”, “yes”, “know problems” and the like in your speech. Even if you are an applicant for the position of an English translator, do not litter your speech with words from a foreign language, since this is not an indicator of your level of proficiency in a foreign language.

After 3 minutes, the key moment of the interview comes. If your self-presentation creates a positive impression, the employer will ask questions to the point. If it’s negative, “filler questions” will follow. The ability to get out of such questions can change the impression of you for the better.

Self-presentation and body language

Gestures also help create your image. Therefore, if you have an interview scheduled, consider the following points:

  • How and when do you smile?
  • How do you maintain your posture when sitting?
  • Are you good at making eye contact?
  • Don't you look nervous and fussy?
  • How do you hold your hands when talking?
  • How confident are you when you walk into a room?
  • Does your handshake convey strength or uncertainty?
  • Are you violating a person’s personal space when communicating?
  • Do you touch yourself too often during conversations?

Answering these questions will help you better understand how to behave in an interview.

Self-presentation and appearance

Everyone knows: “you meet people by their clothes.” Therefore, when going for an interview, pay special attention to your appearance.


The most important thing is to match the situation and position for which you are applying. For example, if you are applying for a job at a bank, you cannot come to an interview in a tracksuit and sneakers. If you come to an employer for a construction vacancy, there is no need to wear a business suit and tie.

If your financial situation does not allow you to look the way you would like, do not be discouraged. Try to look neat and tidy, and the employer will pay attention to this. For many entrepreneurs, neatness in clothing is directly associated with neatness in work.

Don't try to appear better than you are. Self-presentation at an interview should show you, and not a fictitious image. Do not wear stylish branded clothing, expensive rings or earrings in the hope of emphasizing your status - the employer may interpret this as a desire to rise above others.


Shoes are also very important to create a positive impression. It should be clean, but not necessarily new. It would be a shame if the interview was ruined by your thoughts about blisters on your feet from uncomfortable shoes.


The way your hair looks during an interview is directly related to the impression you make. The first condition is that they must be clean and neat. A short haircut will tell the employer that you are interested in sports, and long hair in men is associated with intelligence and a penchant for intellectual work. Women, going for a business interview, should not wear voluminous hairstyles and bright makeup.

Thus, a successful self-presentation will give you the opportunity to present your best side in an interview and make the impression you are striving for. Your experience and professional skills will tell you the rest.

We invite you to watch a useful video about self-presentation techniques.

“You won’t have a second chance to make a first impression,” said the legendary Coco Chanel about appearance.

The catchphrase also applies to self-presentation.

By inviting you for an interview, the employer provides the only chance to convince him to give the coveted position to you.

What to say at a job interview, how to present yourself to the employer competently? Good self-presentation requires preliminary preparation and does not tolerate impromptu. Think in advance about what to tell about yourself at the interview, make a plan for the story and rehearse in front of the mirror, controlling your facial expressions and gestures.

Important! The employer pays attention not only to your speech, but also to your appearance.

Remember the 30 second rule - you have half a minute to please the employer, don’t drag out your story, keep it short and to the point. The main rule is little, but to the point. Stick to the plan, but do not memorize the text, otherwise it will be uninteresting to listen to you. You will find examples of what to tell about yourself at an interview later in the article.

Why is self-presentation needed?

The employer has already formed his opinion about you in absentia, based on the data in your resume and application form. It would seem, what else does he want to know? Why do you need self-presentation at an interview?

The employer wants to hear, first of all, that you have exactly the qualities and professional skills that he is looking for.

For example, saying that you are a cheerful and sociable guy when applying for the position of a personnel specialist is not the best idea.

In this case, it is more appropriate to characterize yourself as a responsible and sociable person.

It has long become commonplace that during an interview you are asked to tell about yourself. During your story, the employer will evaluate your manner of behavior and narration, your ability to convey the most useful information to the listener in a short time.

Read more about what to say at an interview when asked to talk about yourself and what you need to say at an interview to get hired, later in the article.

Telling a story about yourself at an interview: example and algorithm

Before going for an interview, it would be a good idea to find out more about the company. Search for information on the Internet, read reviews. Read what, according to employers, qualities a specialist should have. This data will help you identify the employer's needs and use them as the basis for your story.

There is no single presentation form for all organizations; only the general structure is highlighted, which you can change depending on the specifics of the company’s work.

How to tell about yourself? The story can be divided into several points:

Reference! This structure is the basis of the presentation; it can be supplemented and changed at your discretion!

How to answer interview questions is up to you. Remember, there is no need for lengthy explanations, just a short story about yourself.

So, self-presentation at an interview is an example or sample of a story about yourself at an interview. Elena Sokolova will go for an interview with the Focus company for the position of sales representative.

My name is Elena, my specialty is active sales manager.

I am 31 years old, married, have a son – a schoolboy, 10 years old.

In 2007 she graduated from Orenburg State University, Faculty of Management. While working in her specialty, she was repeatedly noted by management as the best active sales employee.

I speak English at a conversational level and have 8 years of driving experience. Attended trainings: “Hard Selling”, “Consumer Psychology”, as well as personal growth trainings. With the computer on first name terms.

In my work, I aim to achieve optimal results, not being satisfied with mediocre results. Interested in professional development and growth.

I can characterize myself as a purposeful, strong-willed person, capable of quickly and effectively solving the tasks set by management. Working in sales is impossible without communication skills, stress resistance and responsibility, which I am not deprived of.

I like to spend my free time from work usefully: riding a bike, reading, relaxing with family and friends.

I think that's all I would like to tell you about. Thank you.

Reference! Please note that for clarity, in Elena’s story, each structural point is highlighted in a separate paragraph!

What should you not say at an interview? There are several points that it is better to keep silent about in your story.

Firstly, you shouldn’t speak badly about management and colleagues from your previous job.

Secondly, do not tell your employer about your mistakes and failures in your professional career.

Your story should not contain a single drop of doubt about your own abilities and professionalism.

Be confident and do not underestimate your own merits, but do not overdo it with self-praise. Find a suitable example of how to talk about yourself at an interview in advance and remake it to suit yourself. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

How is the response analyzed?

The employer, analyzing your answer, pays attention not only to the information content, but also to other factors:

Even if you have clearly decided what needs to be said at the interview and what not, follow the “golden mean” in everything and do not lie to the employer under any circumstances.

Useful video

Self-presentation at an interview - more details in the video below:

Preliminary preparation and the right attitude will lead you to your desired goal and open up new horizons for you. Moreover, now you know what to answer at an interview to the question: “Tell me about yourself?” Good luck to you in your professional career!

Have you noticed what kind of request baffles most of us? "Tell us about yourself". And now we hesitate, blush, fidget in our chairs, roll our eyes... Few people are capable of self-presentation at a decent level. Meanwhile, here are 5 simple rules for preparing it, which the site shared with the portal Anastasia Takhtarova-Ivanova, self-management coach, trainer of stress and energy management programs.

If we want to be noticed and appreciated, we simply need to learn how to present ourselves. The skill of self-presentation is a real art. But this is not a gift from above. It is quite possible to learn it. The secret is simple: a few rules and recommendations, some effort and time, and voila - you did it!

1. Attract attention. First of all, self-presentation is a story. And the story should be fascinating and not too long, from 3 to 5 minutes.

It is also worth remembering the principles of good storytelling - listeners need to be interested, captivated, intrigued. If appropriate, you can start the story with a suitable metaphor, something unexpected or even a little provocative.

2. Give basic information - briefly, clearly, clearly. Now that you have received your quota of attention, you can move on to the main block of information. It is important that it be succinct, presenting the strengths of you as an individual or your project, and fairly short, since the listener’s attention span will quickly decline. If you don’t know where to start presenting yourself, you can start by simply making a list of your strengths, and not necessarily only on the stated topic. It is always easier to choose what you need from a large list. In addition, qualities that seem unimportant at first glance, upon closer examination, can help to favorably emphasize your advantages.

After all, the main goal of self-presentation is to demonstrate your strengths and turn your weaknesses into advantages. You may be asked difficult questions, so it's best to work through your options in advance.

3. Communicate with your interlocutor or audience. Remember that any presentation is a sale. You are selling yourself, your ideas, your personality and beliefs, your skills, your project, etc. What is the success of a good sale? That's right, in communication. Address those for whom you speak. Involve them in communication.

Ask questions that can be answered with “yes.” Because once they agree with you, people will be inclined to agree when you offer them something else. For example, yourself as a potential employee. Use this golden rule of selling.

4. Be yourself. Audrey Hepburn, one of Hollywood's most genuine actresses, once said, “Be yourself—sincerely, honestly, and completely. No one can handle this better than you." This also works when presenting yourself. People sense insincerity and, on the contrary, open up in response to your real, true feelings.

You need to present your personality and inner qualities. It may not be ideal, but your “zest” will attract people’s sympathy to you. Perhaps a mask that meets your expectations will help you at first. But at some point it will have to be removed. And the consequences of disappointment can be very painful.

5. Rehearse in advance. The best impromptu is a prepared speech. Therefore, prepare your presentation carefully. It’s better to rehearse it several times in front of the mirror. And ideally, record it on video. This way, when watching, you will be able to see yourself from the outside and evaluate yourself more adequately.

P. S. If you're afraid

What to do in this case? Well, for starters, it’s worth reminding yourself that it’s completely normal to worry during important moments in your life. If you are afraid of public speaking, presence techniques, for example, so-called “power poses,” will greatly help you. If you suffer from low self-esteem, then you need to work in this direction. And such work will take time.

Train yourself to believe that you are good enough. No, not ideal, but good enough already here and now. You can write this to yourself on a sticky note and attach it to your mirror, refrigerator, etc. And train to feel that way. It will be difficult, so even a minute a day is enough to start.

Work with a list of your achievements. It can be made as detailed as your memory allows. Have you learned to walk and talk? Most likely yes, if you are reading this. This means that we have dealt with two of the most difficult things in life. Here's your first victory. And most likely, there will be many such victories. It's best to keep the list handy. When you feel yourself starting to doubt yourself, re-read it.

Very often this simple action has an almost magical effect.

Good afternoon, dear friend!

When it comes to self-presentation, most applicants usually mean talking about themselves, their qualifications, successes, and personal qualities. All this is true, but only partly. So, presenting yourself at an interview is an example of the correct approach to this issue.

The difference between talking about yourself and presenting yourself is as follows:

Self-presentation is self-promotion. Open demonstration of your advantages. In addition to telling us about ourselves, we will need a few more things.

In addition, we it is important that we are not only listened to, but also heard . We heard and took appropriate action.

That is, self-presentation in my understanding is:

self-presentation + behavior + evidence (competence)

Let's discuss the optimal set of tools for self-presentation.

1. Formation of primary perception

At an interview, the main question is no longer “who is he?”, but “what is he like?”Usually people subconsciously “read” a person in the first seconds of communication.

The first impression, wittingly or unwittingly, will influence the entire subsequent conversation.

We discussed how to establish contact correctly in . I don’t think it’s worth repeating everything, but I’ll note one point:

Using the other person's name . Even better than the first and patronymic. I recommend doing this often. Not in every sentence, but every other time.

The name is a conditioned reflex. On the one hand, it maintains attention, on the other hand, most people perceive being called by name as a sign of respect.

Another tool of attraction (creating primary perception) islanguage of the body .The image that corresponds to the position or position is important.

For example, the position of a manager could not be better suited to “”image.

Your “habits”: handshake, how you enter, sit down, gestures. An experienced conversation partner will immediately identify you: “leader”, “impudent”, “businesslike”, “timid”, “warrior” and so on.

2.Tell me about yourself

A good story about yourself is only half the battle.

The problem is that the other person hears at best half of what you say. And he will hear even less.

They listen for the first thirty seconds. Then attention evaporates. And in general, people prefer to listen exclusively to themselves.

Conclusion? It is important to keep your interlocutor in good shape by interspersing your story with questions. . Something like ping pong. The interlocutor must “bounce the ball” from time to time.

We discussed how to correctly present a story about yourself

This creates a dialogue mode. Only through dialogue can one find common ground that will become the basis for an agreement.

3.Answers to questions

First: You shouldn't guess what the questions will be. The probability of guessing is negligible. What is important to do is to prepare answers to standard questions.

Second: It is important not to be afraid of questions. An interview is not an exam. Most questions have no right or wrong answers. The question is both a challenge and an opportunity. Opportunity to make a favorable impression.

  1. Prepare answers to , which occur more often than others
  2. Understand what it means to give correct answers to questions. We discussed this problem

4.Communication style

Communication has several aspects of manifestation, namely:

  1. Creating an Initial Perception
  2. Information exchange
  3. Interactivity

The key to a successful interview is interactivity. Interactivity should be understood as interaction. Collaborative work, joint discussion. In relation to an interview, it is a dialogue.

Basic principles of interactive communication:

  • Ask questions. And not according to the working conditions, but about its content, the goals of the position, and the tasks.
  • Listen carefully without interrupting. Use the nodding technique. Demonstrate the importance of your interlocutor’s persona.
  • Demonstrate emotional maturity when confronted with tough questions or questions.
  • Stick to positive language. Don't talk bad about anyone or anything

We discussed the topic of communication in more detail in article.


It is important that the “what” coincides with the “how”. What I say and how I say it. Intonation, the content itself, as well as facial expression must match each other. Inconsistencies in these things are immediately felt and noticed.

Intonation, eyes, facial expression - all this is the same message, and has no less, but rather even more meaning than the content of your words.

I don’t recommend getting carried away with various tricks. If you are not a professional in these matters, you will simply ruin everything. All this “mirroring” can be seen a mile away.

The best trick is natural behavior. That is, the absence of any tricks. If you are a well-mannered person, it is enough to be yourself.

Golden mean

When I talked with managers after the interview, I noticed that many pay attention to what, in their opinion, is “too much.” “Too many questions, he’ll blow all his brains out later,” “I didn’t ask anything at all. It’s like he doesn’t care.” “Too impudent”, “Somewhat timid.”

From here rules of the golden mean.

  • Don't speak very loudly, it's annoying.
  • Don't talk too much. The optimal ratio is 50 to 50 between the interlocutors.
  • You shouldn’t talk about your partner’s problems head-on and give premature advice. We started discussing this when he himself started talking about his tasks and problems.
  • No need for familiarity. Not many people will immediately like Pavel as Pasha. Keep a reasonable distance.

Someone will say: Well, it turns out - “not fish, not meat.” That's a good question. And yet, from experience, I will say this: attempts to deliberately stand out from applicants usually look awkward. You just don't need anything extra.

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