Topic: Number and figure 9.

Lesson type: lesson in the formation of new knowledge.

Target : to consolidate students’ ideas about the number and number 9, counting within 9.


Educational: clarify the idea of ​​the number 9, understanding the relationships between numbers in the natural series (more - less by one); consolidate the ability to establish correspondence between the number of objects, number and figure; strengthen spatial orientation skills.

Corrective : promote the development of auditory and visual perception and attention; stimulate students' speech activity; develop graphomotor skills.

Educational : cultivate interest in the subject, independence, ability to work in a team.

Equipment: Aibolit illustration, subject pictures (animals, medicine jars, candies), cards with numbers,wire for constructing the number 9,counting sticks, individual task cards.

I. Organizational moment.

Check it out, buddy.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Is everything alright
A book, pen and notebook?
Have you checked? Sit down!
Work hard!

II. Updating basic knowledge.

We start the lesson with a math warm-up.

1. Restore the number series.

What can you say? (The numbers are not in order, they have lost their places.)

Arrange the numbers in ascending order and you will find out who came to visit us for the lesson.

How will we arrange it? (From smallest to largest.)

Who is our guest today? (Aibolit)

What does Aibolit do?

Do you all love animals? Many of them are defenseless, and some species have very few left on Earth. And therefore people need to take care of them, protect them.

2. Orientation in the number series.

Aibolit asks you to help him prepare to receive patients. Put medications in their place.(teacher places medications on the board)

Name the numbers from 1 to 8. What kind of count is this? (straight)

Count down from 8 to 1.

What's the first digit?

What's the last digit?

Name a number that is between 3 and 5.

Name the number that comes after the number 5.

Name the previous onenumber for number 4.

What number is to the left of 3?

What number is to the right of 6?

3. Summary

This knowledge will be useful to us in today's lesson.

III. Formulation of the problem.

We know that various animals come to the doctor for treatment. You and I must count the animals that came to see Aibolit. I will read a poem, and you will put the counting sticks in a row on your table.

Dear Doctor Aibolit,
He is sitting under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the spider,
And a bear.
Three monkeys came running
And they sat down next to the mouse.
How many animals are there in total?
Count quickly!(9 animals.)

(the teacher attaches the animals to the magnetic board).

So, there are 9 of them. Are we familiar with the number 9?(No.)

What do you think we will learn in class today?

(We will learn everything about the number 9)

IV. Familiarization with new material and “discovery” of new knowledge by students.

a) Analysis of a graphical sample figure.

Number written on the board.

Cards with the number 9 for students.

Wire for constructing the number 9.

There is a number with which you can write this number. (Showing printed number)

What does she look like? (Children's answers.)

Circle the number 9 with your finger.

Show 5 fingers on your left hand and 3 fingers on your right hand. Add 1 more finger of your right hand to them. How many fingers are there?

9 is like 6, look closely

Only the tail is not up, but down.(teacher shows numbers 6 and 9))

Construct the number 9 from wire.

Finger gymnastics

Guys, before you start writing, Aibolit recommends doing gymnastics for our fingers.

Everyone is so necessary

Strong and friendly.

One two three four five,

b) Written number 9.

Working with cards. Find the number 9 among the signs and circle it.

1 4 3 5 6 9 8 7 9 3 6 8 9 2 8

How many times have you seen the number 9?

We have already become acquainted with the number 9, but we still don’t know how to write it.

Consider how the number 9 is written to represent the number 9.

(After showing the written number 9, students write in their notebooks.)

Explanation: The number 9 consists of two elements: a small oval andlarge semi-oval.

We begin to write an oval slightly below the top of the upper right corner of the cell.

We round it off and lead it down to the middle of the cell. We round it again and lead it up to the beginning of the oval and then lead it down; round it in the middle of the bottom line of the cell; round to the left just above the bottom side of the cage.

Let's all write the number 9 in the air together.

Open your notebooks, take your pens and write first dot by dot, and then write a line to the end.

Close your notebooks and place your pens on the edge of the table.

V ) The relationship between the number and number of objects.

We already know that each number represents its own number of objects. The doctor wants to test your knowledge and asks you to find the relationship between the numbers and the pictures.

(Students work independently using cards. When checking, place the numbers on the board in ascending order.)

Guys, who are we 5?8?9?

V. Physical education minute.

In order not to get sick, Aibolit advises not only to eat vitamins, but also to exercise.

So that we grow strong,

Clever and brave

Every morning

We are doing exercises.

We raise our hands to the sun,

Together, we walk merrily,

We squat and stand up

And we don’t get tired at all.

G) Place of the number 9 on the number line.

Animals often do not follow Aibolit’s advice and begin to get sick. How does Aibolit treat?(medicines) Guys, you know that medicines are very bitter. What is often given after medications?( candies)

And now we will find out how many sweets Aibolit has.

Let's solve the problem.

Aibolit had 8 small candies for small animals and 1 candy for a large animal. How many sweets did Aibolit have in total?

What does the problem say?

How many small sweets were there? What number denotes the number of candies?( 8)

(the teacher writes the number 8 on the board)

How many big candies were there? What number denotes a large candy?(1) (the teacher writes the number 1 on the board)

What is the question of the task?

Does Aibolit have more or less candies?

Which arithmetic operation will we choose to solve the problem?

When adding between numbers we put what sign? With numbers, what do we do?


What does the number 8 mean?What does the number 1 mean? What is the answer to the problem?

We now know how many sweets Aibolit has.

Let's open our notebooks and write down the solution to our problem.

Step back 2 cells down and write down the solution to our problem.

Put down your pens and look at the number line.

VI. Consolidation of new material.

How to find the number 9 on a number line?

(From number 8 take 1 step to the right.)

How can we write down our action as an example? (8+1 =9)

Let's read the example together. 8 + 1 =9 (2 times - 8 plus 1 equals 9)

Let's read this example in different ways: eight plus one equals nine, add one to eight equals nine.

Move 2 cells down and write down this example.

Move 2 cells down.

Write down the number series 1 to 9 on a line, skipping one cell.Close the notebooks and place them on the edge of the table.

VII. Lesson summary.

Guys, what number did you learn about in class?

What number comes after the number 9?

Where is the number 9 in?

Between what numbers does the number 8 stand?

Aibolit really liked how you worked in the lesson, helped him count the animals that came to the reception, put the medicines in order, followed his advice, did exercises, helped him count the candies. You are real helpers!

The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention!

Numbers follow us everywhere: in car license plates, in a mobile number, on an apartment or house icon, and sometimes they even appear in our dreams. What could this mean: an ordinary coincidence or a sign from above? And if this is so, then how to interpret the received signs?

It is believed that the numbers that haunt us in life are a message from the Guardian Angel. All a person needs to do is correctly and promptly guess the message sent.

Speaking about the number 9, you need to understand: the world has always confused wisdom with clairvoyance. And the nine is treated like an inverted six.

In numerology, the number 9 is the number of spiritual intuition, which fully reveals the essence of all numbers and the person himself. Number 9 does not obey the laws of space and time, and lives according to its own laws and spiritual states.

The entire set of spiritual states is expressed in the combination 999.

If the number nine begins to catch your eye often, this is a sign of the end, the completion of some stage of life.

Characteristics of number 9. Angelic numerology

The number 9 in angelic numerology is the number of completion, ending. These are the principles of humanity and service to benefit others.

The number nine that often appears and repeats in your life indicates that not all goals have been completed, and it’s time to remember others and help them through your interests and hobbies.

The number 9 is a reminder that the time has come to end a certain phase or relationship, because neither one nor the other is any longer useful. You should not be afraid of losses, because after this new opportunities will come knocking on your life.

With the help of number 9, the angels tell you that you should not be afraid to start a new chapter in life, because the faster you turn it over, the faster you will begin to move towards new goals.

The repeating sequences of 99 encourage you to respond to your heart, especially if it has the ability to help others and be of service. Angels assure that you can become an example for others, show others that you can live harmoniously and successfully.

Number 99- personification of Prometheus. The angels thus hint that you yourself can become like this, and your knowledge and experience will help other people.

Number 999- this is a message from the angels who assure - now is the time to unleash your potential. It's time to realize your true light and put it into practice. Angels report that with your actions and knowledge you are able to lead others. It is important not to miss this sign.

Repeating nines 9999- this is a message from the angels to all the "workers of the world." This is support from above - just continue to bring your bright light to other people.

Any manifestation of the number 9 indicates positive changes in life, and it is important not to miss such a message.

Number 9 man

The number 9 in a person’s destiny is idealism as the main principle of life. Such a person does not claim material wealth and hopes that any situation will end well.

The main positive meaning of the number 9 is goodwill towards all people, the ability to understand them, and to be merciful. The Nine person has a natural charm and is able to evoke good feelings. This allows you to be popular among others and build trusting relationships with people.

In addition, Nines use their attractiveness for personal purposes, because the sensual component of life is not the least important for them.

Birth date digit 9

Birth date number 9 is a combination of practicality and romantic idealism. It looks like this: a person expects a miracle every day, believes in his higher purpose, but at the same time, earns a living by cleaning entrances or delivering food.

The motto of a person born under the number 9 is: “Tomorrow will be better, but today what we have is enough.”

A person - nine does not choose a profession for himself, but more a way of life and his place in society. The search for oneself is delayed, while the work that a person does in the interim is never considered the limit of his capabilities. Such a person is convinced that he is destined for a place in the sun, where he will certainly prove himself fully.

Nines have the ability to create a special atmosphere in a team or company. They rarely become the life of the party, but they can quickly smooth out all the unevenness in communication and defuse the situation.

Name number 9

The name number 9, like a trick, collects the meaning of all other numbers.

Numerology table for converting first and last names into numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a b c d e g h i

y k l m n o p r s

t u f x c ch sh shch

For example, the name Natalya is the sum of 5+1++1+1+3+2+5 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 - the number of the name.

Those with a name with number 9 are able to catch the bird of happiness in any area of ​​life. They are absolutely selfless, but the negative qualities of a number can appear when its owners neglect the mission of high love. However, there is nothing to worry about, since the name number 9 in numerology indicates a predominant positive beginning.

People with name number 9 believe in justice and that the world still rests on it. Their main task is to serve the highest law for the benefit of humanity.

In order to open up, the nine must plunge into a complete sense of freedom and abandon restrictions. Such people have a keen sense of the surrounding space, and if it is filled with negativity, then both life and work in such a place will become destructive for them.

A person named number 9 is a free artist. Fruitful areas for him will be the world of art, philosophy, pedagogy and psychology.

Surname number 9

The surname number can be found out in the same way as the first name number.

People with a surname number 9 are serious people with clearly defined leadership qualities. From early childhood they get used to setting goals and achieving their goals. They do not like to be controlled and try to take a leadership position themselves, because they do not like to be subordinate.

However, fate is not so favorable to nines. Before they turn into a diamond, they undergo hundreds of tests. But nines have determination and endurance, so they can withstand all tests.

If they go through all the difficulties with their heads held high, then they will be recognized by others and a place in high society.

People with a surname number 9 are born leaders, capable of leading people and inspiring them with their ideas. They are talented leaders and know how to turn a rough diamond into a real diamond.

Apartment number 9

The number 9 is the ending, the completion of the cycle. Therefore, a house with a nine is a dwelling where people reap the benefits of the past.

Apartment number 9 enhances the feeling of compassion and the desire to patronize. Residents of such a house love pets, participate in various charity events and give a part of themselves to others without regret.

An apartment with the number 9 is a house of depth and wisdom. It is suitable for managers who care about their subordinates.

Number 9 in phone number

Number 9 is one of the happiest and luckiest. It brings joy, success in business and upliftment to its owner.

Nine also gives a person compassion, so it is well suited for medical or social workers.

The number 9 in a phone number is not suitable for those who seek to increase their financial status.

Numerology meaning of the number 9 in a car license plate

The number 9 in the car number speaks of spiritual activity, variability and impermanence.

In such a car, a person will more often think about the meaning of his life.

Interpretation of number 9 in fortune telling

The number 9 in fortune telling speaks of a new acquaintance that will change your whole life. Nine during fortune telling: large or small, inverted or mirrored - this is a sign that soon a new person will appear in your life who will change your previous views and make you look at many situations from a different angle.

Dream: why do you dream about the number 9?

The number 9 in a dream is a message about a possible new acquaintance. This number is interpreted depending on what objects it is combined with in a dream.

The number 999 in a dream is a sign that you will soon meet a religious person. If the nines are big, then most likely a new acquaintance will happen with the help of magic.

The number 9 is a powerful symbol of the Triad, power. This is the number of luck, great monetary luck. Nine in a dream can indicate that the internal and external world of a person is in harmony, feelings and emotions go side by side in the same direction.

The number 9 is both an inverted six and the maximum and sum of everything. Seeing this number in a dream means that success is close.

Why is the number 9 lucky?

The ancient Slavs had not 7, but 9 days in a week, and only 9 months in a year.

By placing the number 3 under a microscope, you can see the number 9.

9 is Beatrice's number, and even in Dante's work "The Divine Comedy" the nine circles of hell were described.

There is a superstition among composers that after writing the 9th symphony, a person dies. And in religion, the symbol of the Holy Spirit is a star with 9 rays, on which the capital letters of each of the gifts are displayed.

The number 9 in numerology signifies the beginning and end of life's journey. It carries within itself the last earthly lesson for man - forgiveness. This number pushes us towards development, towards perfection.

People born under the number 9 are charismatic and creative individuals. They are impartial and compassionate. Nine promises them good luck and financial well-being.

Number 9 has qualities that only help you achieve success in any business. Nines are characterized by intuition, imagination and generosity, which indicate divine protection. The peculiarity of the number 9 is the desire for perfection and love for the best. Therefore, if you are often haunted by nine, this is a good sign.

Class: 1 "G"

Teacher: .

Subject: Number and figure 9. Visual model, composition of the number 9.

Objectives: 1) To form an idea of ​​the number 9, its composition, the ability to write them down, the ability to determine the place of the number 9 on a number line, to add and subtract within 9.

2) Train students’ mental operations, speech, and creative abilities.

Equipment: Textbook, mathematics grade 1, part 2, demonstration material, handouts, house for the composition of the number 9.

During the classes:

I. Motivational moment.

Purpose: 1) Organize students’ self-assessment of their own learning activities in the classroom;

2) Record the difficulties that remain and ways to overcome them.

What was the purpose of your trip? (We had to learn to write the number 9, find out the composition of the number 9.)

Have you achieved your goal? (Yes)

What did you use in class to form a new number? (Number segment.)

Well done boys! Thank you for the lesson!

Shcheglova Lyudmila Leonidovna,

primary school teacher

GBOU School No. 1532 of Moscow

Math lesson notes

in 1st grade

Lesson topic: Number 9, number 9.

Target: during practical work and observations, introduce the composition of the number 9, teach how to write the number 9.


Educational: to develop knowledge about the composition of numbers, the ability to write numbers, count within 9;

Developmental: develop observation, visual, auditory memory, attention, logical thinking, mathematical speech.

Educating: cultivate activity, respect for each other, discipline, independence.

Forms of work:





Practical work

Independent work

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge

Technologies: problem-based - dialogical thinking, health-saving, personality-oriented, multi-level learning.

Equipment: notes on the board, presentation, number fans for students, “Traffic Light” signal cards, attributes for dramatization, mathematics textbook by M.I. Moro, printed notebook (UMK “School of Russia”).

During the classes

    Organizing time.Slide 1

Check if you have everything ready for the lesson.

The bell has rung, friends,

The lesson has already started.

You all had time to rest,

Now it's time to get down to business.

2. Updating basic knowledge.

Mathematics is waiting for us.

Begin verbal counting!

Prepare number fans and cue cards.

1) Count from 2 to 7;

2) What number comes after the number 2?

3) What number comes before the number 8?

4) What number is between the numbers 5 and 7?

5) Name the neighbors of the number 7. Slide 2

6) 3 birches grew. Each birch tree has 2 branches. There are 2 plums on each branch. How many plums are there in total? (plums do not grow on birch trees).

7) How many triangles are there in total? Slide 3

3. Statement of the problem. Discovery of new knowledge.

What numbers are missing? Slide 4

1, 2, …, 4, …, 6, …, 8, …

What is the composition of the number 8. 8 is... Slide 4

Can you now accurately name the composition of the number 9 or do you need to think about it? Have we studied the number 9?

4. Formulation of the lesson topic. Setting goals.

Who understood what we will study in mathematics lesson today? (Number 9. Number 9. - topic of the lesson) Slide 5

What are we going to learn? (Learn to write the number 9, get the number 9. Find out the composition of the number 9)


5. Discovery of new knowledge

1) Number tape

What number is followed by the number 9? (The number 9 follows the number 8)

How to get the number 9? (You need to add 1 to 8)

2) Composition of the number 9. Working with mathematical boats.

We work with mathematical boats. Find out how you can get the number 9.

Use chips to show different ways to get the number 9. Populate the house.

We check and move into the house. Slide 6

3) Letter number 9

What digit represents the number 9? (Number 9)

How do we distinguish between the concepts of “number” and “digit”?

What does the number 9 look like?

What does this figure look like? Slides 7, 8

The cat lay down on the ledge,

The fluffy tail hung down.

Kitty, cat, what's up

You look like a nine!

That's the number, look

She also has a focus -

You turn it over

And you get the number six!

Work in a printed notebook, page 22.

How do you spell the number 9? What elements does it consist of?

(Teacher explains)

Before we start writing, remember how you should sit at your desk, how you should place your notebook on your desk?

Slide 9

The number 9 consists of two elements: a small oval and a large right semi-oval. We begin to write an oval slightly below the upper right corner of the cell. We round it off and lead it down to the middle of the cell. We round it again and move it upward, touching the top side of the cage. We round it off, bring the oval to the beginning, and then lead it down; round it in the middle of the bottom cell; round to the left just above the bottom side of the cage.

Let's start writing.

Practice your writing.

* circle in the air;

* “write” on your palm

Find an example of writing a number, circle the numbers in the checkered field and continue the series carefully and accurately.

Highlight the most beautiful number.


6. Primary consolidation

1) Repetition of the composition of the number 9.

How many times did the number 9 appear? Slide 10

How many trees do you need to add to make it 9? Slide 11

How many butterflies do you need to draw so that there are 9 of them? Slide 12

How many apples must be added to make 9? Slide 13

How many chairs do you need to add to make it 9? Slide 14

2) Completing tasks of varying difficulty levels.

Level 1 – solve examples based on the composition of the number 9.

Level 2 – compare numerical expressions.

Solve examples: Compare:

7+2= 9-2= 2+4…5 5+4…7

3+4= 9-3= 9-1…8 3+3…9

Self-test Slide 15

7. Work on the composition of the number.

Play. We invite the number 9. Slide 16

Nine has a birthday

The numbers are all in great confusion.

What to do? How should they be?

What to give to the nine?

Came to visit

Numbers one and eight.

They gave her a bouquet and stood next to her on the parquet.

We danced, played and changed places.

Came to nine on this day

Two friends: two and seven.

They gave me a suitcase

And they sat down on the sofa.

We sat and creaked,

And they quietly moved.

Here came three and six

Poems were recited in her honor.

Two neighbors sat next to each other

We treated ourselves to grapes.

We sat and laughed

And they changed places.

Here are four together with five

They are in a hurry to play quickly.

Gave her paintings

And everyone sat down in the living room.

We sat and looked

Lo and behold, they moved too.

The guests are all sitting decorously.

They are looking at the nine.

Even though nine is the most

But without all these numbers

We won't get the number nine.

Remember all this, children!

8. Consolidation of the studied material.

Combine 2 numbers to make 9.

Self-test. Slide 17

9. Reflection.

Remember what we studied in math class today.

What have you learned about the number 9?

What did you like about the lesson?

How do you feel when you finish the lesson? Slide 18