Just three years ago, the share of pirated books in the Russian segment of the Internet reached 95%. It is unknown what the situation is now, but it is known for sure that many previously accessible electronic libraries (for example, the famous Flibusta) are now blocked for copyright infringement.

Since we stand for the legality of content distribution, in our selection of the best electronic libraries on the Runet we have collected resources that offer a huge, and most importantly, legal selection of digital books.

10. Klex Book Archive

This is one of the most convenient online libraries on the Runet in terms of design and search for the desired book.

Of course, its range of texts is not as wide as that of other participants in the rating, but Klex is an indispensable resource if you need to find a free book on psychology, self-development, or religious practices.

Library Feature: Only one format is available for downloading - DOC.

9. e-Reading

It will be extremely difficult to get confused in the interface of this good RuNet online library, it is so minimalistic.

On e-Reading you can download many different works for free: from science fiction, fantasy and westerns to religious and philosophical treatises or.

Peculiarity: Books can only be downloaded in ZIP format. But this is a minor inconvenience, considering the huge number of completely free and accessible books.

8. SamoLit

This fairly young online library has already become popular due to the presence of a large number of books - both classic works and new titles.

Some books are only available for a fee, but there are also completely free texts in the most popular formats (TXT, FB2, and EPUB). And before you buy the book you like, you can read an excerpt from it.

7. LitPortal

A large Russian online library pleases readers with both a large number of downloadable book formats and a lively, crowded forum where you can discuss everything from the problems of digital libraries and OCR to literary flames and reviews of specific authors and works.

Peculiarities: There are many new books, but most books have only part of the text available for free reading.

6. LitMir

This site was among those affected by the “anti-piracy” sanctions of Roskomnadzor. However, he corrected himself, deleted the books that copyright holders complained about, and again returned to the top ten most popular online libraries on the Runet.

Here you can read and download (mostly in the form of a large introductory fragment) more than 560 thousand books, including foreign and domestic novelties. Like many other Russian electronic libraries, the link to the full version of the book on LitMir leads to LitRes.

Peculiarities: the ability to bookmark the desired part of the text, there are many free books. A very convenient search, you can see not only a series of books, but also the number of books in this series.

5. Kodges.ru

The regularly updated electronic library allows you to download both e-books and audiobooks in MP3 format for free. And not in fragments, but as a whole.

For the convenience of users, audiobooks immediately indicate the file size, audio bitrate, as well as the first and last name of the reader. And even a child can understand the site’s interface.

Peculiarities: a large amount of specialized literature on physical education and sports, medicine, law, etc. You can independently upload existing literature in suitable formats or audiobooks.

4. RoyalLib.com

This huge online library is very convenient for those who do not want to download books to their computer and read them directly on the site. It has a beautiful and thoughtful design that is comfortable for the eyes. And you can place a bookmark in the right place in the book.

Peculiarity: not all books are available in full format due to complaints from copyright holders. And those that can still be downloaded for free are available in such popular formats as TXT, DOC, RTF, FB2, HTML and EPUB.

3. Bookz

This famous book portal has over 100 thousand works (including audiobooks). However, most of them are for informational purposes only, and you can only download a fragment of the book.

Peculiarity: intuitive interface, availability of new products from Russian and foreign authors.

2. Aldebaran

One of the best libraries of e-books in Russia still evokes in many Runet regulars nostalgic memories of the “pirate freedom” of the 2000s. But those days are gone, and now Aldebaran is a respectable resource that helps readers decide whether to buy a particular publication.

Most of the books housed in this library are offered as introductory excerpts only. The full version can be purchased in the liters online store. However, there are books that can be downloaded for free in popular formats including FB2, EPUB and even PDF.

Features of the site include a user-friendly interface, advertising and the ability to purchase an audiobook.

1. Library of Maxim Moshkov

Probably only those who have never read e-books have never heard of this oldest library on the Runet. It was this that became the starting point for now popular book resources such as Samizdat, ArtOfWar, etc.

On the pages of this resource you can find books of any genre, including a huge selection of classics of world literature. All books are conveniently sorted by topic, which makes searching easier.

Features This electronic library is laconic design, lack of advertising and the inability to download books. They will have to be read directly on the website, and this is not very convenient, since the font is too small.

Have you bought an e-book reader, but it turned out that downloading the book is not so easy? Some sites offer viruses instead of books, others, under the guise of a whole book, send only half, others turn out to be sites without books at all, but with advertising... In fact, everything is not so complicated. In this selection you will find the best electronic libraries. These free online libraries will delight you with a wide selection of books and a user-friendly interface. All sites are time-tested.


One of the most popular electronic libraries. Books here are offered in different formats - and you can download the one that best suits your reader. Another convenient function of the library is online reading. You customize the design of the “reader” to your liking and enjoy reading from the big computer screen. You can interrupt at any time - make a bookmark in the book and return to it whenever you want.


Rare books and magazines can be found here. The subject matter of the books in this library is incredibly broad. From fiction and entertaining novels to such narrow scientific topics as, for example, “Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics”. Conveniently, on the main page you will find thematic catalogs. Let's say you're interested in celebrity diaries. You will see the section “Memoirs, diaries, autobiographies”, go there and be surprised how many more fascinating books you can read.

The only drawback of the library is registration. To download files, you will have to register, but you will not receive any email newsletters from this library. The books here are still free, but you can download them for “points.” Each book is “worth” from 5 to 50 points, depending on its value. When registering, you are automatically awarded 100 points - enough for the first days.

What to do next? Upload your materials to the library. A book or magazine that is not yet in this library. The student can upload his lecture notes. And with each download of your file, you will be awarded points. Thus, the library is constantly updated with new books. If you absolutely do not want to “work for the benefit” of the library, then when the points run out, you can simply register again.


This is a repository of rare publications and manuscripts. If you didn’t find something in the previous library, then perhaps the book you need is waiting for you here. And once you download it, you can add it to the Twirpx library and earn points.


This is a pirate library. If all previous libraries respect copyright, then Flibusta offers free downloads of those books that authors and publishers would like to sell.

The question arises: to download or not to download? It all depends on your conscience and budget. Many readers have found this way out: they download a book for free by the author whose work they want to get acquainted with, read it and, if they liked the book, buy it in paper form for their home library. And encouragement for the author, and a good book on the reader’s shelf.

This library is also suitable for schoolchildren and students taking a course in modern literature. After all, it is impossible to buy all the books that are included in the program. Moreover, for the author, every reading is PR, and many writers actually do not mind their books being freely downloaded.

If you do not find the book you need in this library, come back in a few days. Often, copyright holders demand that a book be removed, but after some time it is posted again.


Not all books in this library are available for free. But the free section is very large, and the books posted there can be downloaded in as many as seven different formats. Many readers will be interested in the “news” section on the site - it tells about new book releases, facts from the lives of writers, and about what is happening in the book world.

Russian fiction

The site was born in 1996, when it was difficult to find free modern science fiction literature on the Internet. No, of course, there was one, but in tiny quantities and, mostly, at exorbitant prices. At that time, there were practically no online libraries intended not for purchasing books, but for one-time reading. Fortunately, the site's management has collected on its resource more than 24,000 files related to the fascinating genre of science fiction.


The Aldebaran electronic library offers readers convenient sections in which you can find books of completely different genres. Aldebaran positions itself as the largest collection of literature on the Internet. Before downloading, readers can view excerpts of the book online. The resource offers the opportunity to download literature on iPhones, iPads and Androids.

Tara Nova

In fact, the site positions itself not so much as a library, but as an archive. The peculiarity of the resource is that it provides a platform for potential publishers. Here you can find both the books themselves and the works of translators. The site is official and the collected materials are provided directly by the authors and translators, and therefore you can safely download all the information posted on it, without fear of breaking the law.


liters (like Aldebaran) is included in the list of the largest online library of e-books. The resource offers its partnership to authors and publishers, so the site is useful not only for the reader. The liters company was founded relatively recently (in 2005), but has already managed to establish itself, having received a prestigious Runet award in 2014. At the moment, the site has about 875,000 books in Russian and foreign languages, among which more than 32,000 books can be downloaded completely free of charge. Among other things, liters presents a database of audiobooks consisting of 10,000 materials.

10. Library of Leo Tolstoy's works

A wonderful resource for fans of the great Russian classic. Through the joint efforts of volunteers from 49 countries, a collection of Tolstoy's works, numbering 90 volumes, was compiled on the site. You can also find interesting facts from the biography of Lev Nikolaevich here. Convenient signs will help you not to get confused in the richness of Tolstoy’s work. The site's management makes it possible to download books in different formats or read them online. Here you can also find friends with similar interests and have a good time discussing the works of your favorite writer.


Compared to large resources, this library does not have many books (currently about 8,500 texts have been downloaded). But Artifact offers a collection of many fascinating works by popular authors, for example, Isaac Asimov, Robert Asprin and many others. In addition to fiction, there is a wonderful “Languages” section, where students of foreign languages ​​can find useful manuals and textbooks.


A wonderful resource for lovers of reading. The site contains both paid and free materials. In the “Free Books” section you can find fascinating works by classics and contemporaries. In the site store you can purchase literature in different languages.

Old Sorcerer

An interesting project called “The Old Wizard's Library” presents a catalog of free books. Visit the resource sections and find many works in the genres of fantasy and science fiction. A prerequisite for downloading is registration on the site. By the way, you can combine business with pleasure: when reading new items on the site, proofread the text, correcting typos. This way you will contribute to improving the quality of the free library.


The highly specialized library website contains links to download scientific works. The catalog is divided into two halls: general and scientific. In the general hall there are educational and general education sections: computing and programming; home economics; musical and pedagogical literature; cooking; medicine and pharmacology; fishing; literature about animals. The scientific hall has many interesting sections: sociology; political economy; philosophy, etc. This resource allows you to easily and quickly download archived files (with text and illustrations from a given book).


The library's website is a treasure trove of humanities literature. Here you will find books on pedagogy, cultural studies, political science, etc. The “Fiction” category contains an interesting selection of works by domestic and foreign classics. The only drawback of this site is the lack of a “Download” function. However, if you don’t want to read online, you can simply copy the text manually. Agree, this is a minor obstacle when you desperately need to get hold of a rare scientific work.

What sites do you use most often? Share useful literary resources with us. Good books and easy downloading!

One of the first and most popular Russian-language electronic libraries, it opened in 1994. Authors and readers contribute to the library on a voluntary basis every day. The service does not charge money; you can read absolutely everything for free. The only negative is that you cannot download the book.

2. Aldebaran

11. Bookland.com

The e-book store Bookland also offers a collection of free titles in convenient formats in 18 languages.

12. Library club

The electronic library and online store “Biblioclub” offers interesting conditions: by purchasing 10 books, you can become the owner of the “Bookworm” status and receive half of the store’s content for free use. The platform also provides “Genius” status - this is when you have free access to all books on the site. A good option, especially if you are interested in literature about business and self-development, and educational collections.

13. “Russian fiction”

The bookshelf of the Russian Fiction website contains more than 10,000 texts by 180 authors.

14. Project Gutenberg

The Project Gutenberg digital library will delight fans of reading foreign languages. This is more than 46 thousand electronic books, the predominant language is English.

15. ThankYou.ru

ThankYou.ru is a portal of music and literature provided free of charge. A good selection of books in fb2 electronic format, as well as the opportunity for beginning authors to publish their book for free.

16. Library of Foreign Literature named after. Rudomino

Library of Foreign Literature named after. Rudomino has digitized part of her holdings. These are mostly rare books.

17. "Bookcase"

The cozy children's library "Bookcase" digitized many good children's books, but in 2009 it was subject to a hacker attack and lost almost all of its assets. But something has been preserved. You can read children's works by clicking on the book icon in the drawn cabinet.

18. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology shares specialized books in PDF format on its bookshelf. Professionals rate the sample as excellent.

19. Magazine room

"Magazine Hall" is an electronic library of modern literary magazines in Russia. Here you can find the latest issues of the most famous domestic “thick magazines”. The database is updated quite quickly, and reading is interesting, because many large works are first published here and then migrated to separate books.

20. Electronic library of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the end of 2015, the “Electronic Library” section appeared on the website of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Now it contains about 400 scanned scientific publications, divided by area for the convenience of users. These are “Theory of Literature”, “Russian Literature”, “Literature of the Peoples of Russia and the CIS Countries”, “Foreign Literature”, “Folkloristics” and others. The library is being replenished; you do not need to register on the site.

One of the first and most popular Russian-language electronic libraries, it opened in 1994. Authors and readers contribute to the library on a voluntary basis every day. The service does not charge money; you can read absolutely everything for free. The only negative is that you cannot download the book.

2. Aldebaran

The Aldebaran library offers to download the book for free in any of the convenient electronic formats (epub, fb2, rtf, mobi, pdf), and before this step, familiarize yourself with its excerpt. The service is on the level!

4. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

A big fan of Dostoevsky’s work, enthusiast Sergei Rublev decided to collect all the information about the writer on one website. This is not just the writer’s books (by the way, lifetime editions have been digitized), but also the latest news about film adaptations and television productions, research, as well as a list of museums and a photo archive.

5. TarraNova Library

TarraNova asks to call itself not a digital library, but an archive. The site's management says that the main difference is that all texts are posted officially, with the consent of the authors. However, ReadRate sees the main highlight in something else: TarraNova posts not only original texts, but also translations (with the names of the translators). There are few well-known books here, but you can find a lot of interesting and worthwhile ones.

6. Presidential Library named after. Yeltsin

Presidential Library named after. Yeltsin digitizes rare books from Russian public libraries and collects them into thematic collections. There are a lot of interesting things. For example, for the Year of Literature, the service prepared a selection “The Fact and Image of Russian History in the Works of Russian Writers,” where Derzhavin’s “Ode” is a digitization of the Novosti magazine for June 1799.

You can use the free Liberia online library only after registration. Users have many responsibilities (publishing books, communicating), but they say the selection of books is good.

9. Electronic library "Litmir"

The Litmir electronic library contains more than 200,000 books. They are convenient to read online, but when downloading, the site asks you to install a special program, which scares off many new users. In the “Forum” section of the site there is quite a lively conversation between users and each other. At the end of 2015, the site went through several lawsuits with the publishing house EKSMO and the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, who insisted on closing the site, pointing out the illegal content on it. In 2016, the site changed its owner and took the path of improvement. There are noticeably fewer books, and active work is underway to eliminate illegal content.

12. Library club

The electronic library and online store “Biblioclub” offers interesting conditions: by purchasing 10 books, you can become the owner of the “Bookworm” status and receive half of the store’s content for free use. The platform also provides “Genius” status - this is when you have free access to all books on the site. A good option, especially if you are interested in literature about business and self-development, and educational collections.

ThankYou.ru is a portal of music and literature provided free of charge. A good selection of books in fb2 electronic format, as well as the opportunity for beginning authors to publish their book for free.

17. "Bookcase"

Cozy children's library "Electronic library". Now it contains about 400 scanned scientific publications, divided by area for the convenience of users. These are “Theory of Literature”, “Russian Literature”, “Literature of the Peoples of Russia and the CIS Countries”, “Foreign Literature”, “Folkloristics” and others. The library is being replenished; you do not need to register on the site.

At the end of 2016 Access to free fiction and specialized literature is significantly limited. Sites are either blocked by government agencies or monetize downloads of their own free will.

Explore the 30 most popular resources, offering free downloads of books, gave the following results. Sites use only rare and unpopular works as free literature.

All modern books, as well as the works of classics, strictly limited access. You will see information about this either immediately or by downloading the file and reading part of the book (the so-called “introductory fragment”). The price that must be paid for downloading the literature will also be indicated there. This rule applies to such popular sites as LitMir, Librusek, Aldebaran, Vceknigi, Bookz, OwnLib, LibOk, Big Free Library and others.

This article selects digital libraries with a large database on which you can actually download all the books for free. Supported formats for most works are .fb2, .pdf, .txt.

Attention : Before opening links to sites, read the descriptions. 3 of the 4 sites listed are blocked by Roskomnadzor and will only open with the help of simple manipulations.

1. Flibusta

A book fraternity operating from the deep end of the internet. We wrote about how a little earlier. The largest electronic library with free access. It is replenished by the users themselves. For 2019 can boast 418,000 books. More than 2000 books are added monthly.

2. Librusec

One of the oldest pirate libraries on the Runet. Its shelves contain more than 458,000 books(for 2019) To download books for free, use our instructions -.

3. Large electronic library

Free download. 60,000 books. Quite a large number of categories, but the interface is not very user-friendly. If you know what you want to find, you will like the site. Fast page loading speed and downloading books in 1 click.

4. Verbal Bogatyr

This library of e-books is also located in an area of ​​the Internet hidden from search robots. Therefore, it should be opened using TOR browser. Detailed instructions for entering are located at the link in the first point of the rating. The owners of the resource do not report the number of books presented, but test queries demonstrate a large volume of the database. The site's interface is extremely user-friendly and reduces the time required to search and download a book to a few seconds.

Unfortunately, we did not find any other serious sites in RuNet that provide free access to downloading classical and modern literature.

As before, a significant number of works of Russian and world literature can be downloaded using the site Rutracker — our window into the world of free cinema, books and software. For those who have not yet configured access to the resource, we recommend using