The unitary enterprise, which bears the simple name “Belarusian Lotteries,” is the organizer of all the main draws held in the republic. This company was created in the fall of 1999. Through its activities, the enterprise contributes to the development of the lottery business in the republic. Widespread development. The “Holiday” lottery is one of many held in the Republic of Belarus.

Thoughts about wealth may be material

Every person on the planet, regardless of age, education, place of residence, social status and financial security, wants to win. And this is a completely normal desire, present in his mind from a young age. After all, dreams of some unknown foreign grandfathers with millions of dollars, gold coins of the cheerful wooden boy Pinocchio, who, trying to unravel the mystery of the golden key, kept looking for a secret door, and pots of gold have been exciting the thoughts of the adult population for many decades. And if adequate people are still able to understand that the story of Pinocchio is just a fairy tale, and they do not have American (or any other) relatives and, moreover, never had and, accordingly, never will, then the magic pots are not forgotten . And they are really worth it. And not only the distant Irish (after all, the legends about the pots are their national legends), but also the inhabitants of the once very large Land of the Soviets still fervently believe that one fine day this notorious pot will be in their hands.

And it all began when we became acquainted with Scandinavian and foreign fairy tales, which mentioned not very cute creatures - leprechauns - fairy-tale gnomes. Each of them has their own pot of gold (and, most likely, more than one), which they, as a rule, hide where the end of the rainbow is. And it is this end of the rainbow that can lead the treasure hunter to the leprechaun, who must either give up the gold or fulfill the person’s three wishes. By the way, to this day in Ireland, on St. Patrick's Day, adults dress up as leprechauns, cheerfully celebrating the holiday in the hope that this will bring them at least a little closer to solving the mystery of the pots.

A little about the company...

"Belarusian Lotteries" - an enterprise that organizes the vast majority of instant and lottery draws in the republic - provides good opportunities. So, more details.

The draws conducted by this company over the past eighteen years have brought significant income to the country. This helps raise funds for needed causes. For example, we can mention the supply of medicines, equipment, food to orphanages and boarding schools; equipment - general education and sports institutions.

The incentive to play is an important thing

It is necessary to mention here that the organizer, as a rule, also organizes international draws. Residents of other countries can take part in them.

Foreign participants have the same right to play lotteries, with only one condition: these prizes are given in cash equivalent to the lucky owners of cars or apartments. Moreover, the chances of winning when playing such lotteries are much higher, and the process is more transparent than in other countries of the post-Soviet space. And a great incentive to constantly take part in games is that taxes are not paid to the state for winnings.


But in order. The “Holiday” lottery is a nationwide, combined, passive game. This abbreviated name is usually used on tickets, advertising and other posters.

Its circulation covers the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus. The Office of the President of the Republic of Belarus is the founder of this lottery. Everything is legal.

The main goal pursued by the “Holiday” lottery is to collect the necessary funds, which are subsequently used to gradually develop the material and technical base of government institutions that protect nature, as well as all health centers and sanatoriums that are located on their territory. And this is absolutely the right decision.

Prize fund

Further. The drawing of the “Holiday” lottery (and its prize pool, respectively) is held at least twice a year. It happens more often. The fund itself is in a certain state depending on how many lottery tickets were sold in the total circulation. Its size is no less than 45% and no more than 50% of the total volume of tickets sold, that is, of the total amount collected from the sale. Here it is allowed to play both the usual cash prizes and some valuable material property.

Actually, a lottery ticket consists of a playing field and an instant win field. The latter includes ticket and category numbers, series.

How much is the winnings?

So, the “Holiday” lottery. The amount of the winnings (or prize) can be found out immediately after the ticket has been purchased. This can be done by removing the protective strip with the letters “Wash here”. It’s easy to check the Holiday lottery. The main thing is to have the desire to play and win. If the buyer has won something (we mean the instant and prize parts of the draw), then he can receive money or material property after the prize fund is drawn. Winning amounts are usually indicated in the official table, which indicates all the results of the lottery. In general, absolutely nothing complicated.

By the way, the results of the “Holiday” lottery are more than pleasant. After all, in addition to money, gold jewelry and even devices are raffled off. And of course, everyone who purchases a lottery ticket at least once naturally hopes to win. And, preferably, larger.

But about the “Holiday” lottery. Its 43rd edition was held on March 16 this year, 2017. And the next one, the 44th, is planned for one of the New Year’s days.

How are Belarusian lotteries organized?

Next point. 48 different lotteries were registered in the State Register of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus. These include instant, republican and circulation. All of them undergo state registration. These are the rules that have been in effect for many years. One of the largest companies involved in organizing republican drawings is the “Belarusian Lotteries”, which was mentioned earlier.

Lotteries are classified:

According to the place where they will be organized - local, republican and international;

According to the option of participation in the lottery itself: combined, electronic, active (the participant can determine the digital combination himself) and passive (the person participating in the lottery buys a ticket in which a digital card is predetermined);

According to the method of determining winnings - instant and circulation.

Further. Like many others, the “Holiday” lottery (its 43rd draw took place in March of this year) has one feature: an expert opinion on technical and software tools must be obtained. They will be needed in order to conduct drawings. And the conclusion should come from the analytical center under the president of the republic. Moreover, it also checks information about lottery tickets that have already been sold and those that are still awaiting sale.

By the way, you can receive your winnings—monetary and otherwise—within six months after the draw. Belarusians do not pay tax on winnings because such a tax does not exist. In a word, these lotteries have many fans. And this is not surprising!

We welcome all participants to the “Portal for checking state lottery tickets from Stoloto”. Now you can find out the results and check the tickets for the 314th draw of the Housing Lottery, which took place on the NTV channel on December 1, 2018. At 02:30 Moscow time, we published the final information in the format of the draw table and video of the draw. There are 10 apartments in the drawing, every 4th ticket wins!

From 02:30 (Moscow time) we will provide all players with the opportunity

Available from 12:20 Moscow time!

Video of the Housing Lottery of the 314th draw from 01/12/2018

Draw table of the 314th draw of the Housing Lottery dated December 1, 2018

Missed balls: 07 / 39 / 51 / 69 .

If the ticket does not contain the numbers of the missing balls, then the ticket is guaranteed to win!!!

TourThe order in which the numbers appearWinning ticketsWinning
1 56, 19, 13, 65, 23, 58, 30 1 210 000
2 71, 54, 09, 78, 62, 41, 29, 08, 60, 01, 20, 22, 87, 53, 59, 27, 17, 37, 57, 80, 86, 36, 83, 63, 14, 67, 46, 18, 48, 66, 45, 47, 52, 84 1 Apartment
3 03, 16, 90, 21, 64, 85, 28, 61, 82, 26, 89, 44, 06, 42, 31, 04, 02, 79, 70, 33, 25, 49, 32, 74 3 Apartments
4 24 1 Apartment
5 77 6 1 250 000
6 05 5 1 501
7 73 13 1 001
8 34 31 700
9 15 61 501
10 11 95 401
11 40 128 301
12 38 234 257
13 43 284 223
14 12 515 194
15 50 940 173
16 81 1 309 155
17 10 1 837 141
18 72 3 842 129
19 35 5 614 120
20 76 8 779 114
21 88 12 032 108
22 68 20 993 104
23 55 32 754 101
24 75 44 762 100

The organizer of the 6 out of 36 lottery announced the 43rd draw, which will take place on June 25, as a distribution draw. This means that you can win more in the drawing than usual. You may ask how much, it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously, but we can say with confidence: the more tickets participate in the drawing, the less the winning amount will be in each category. The forcedly drawn super prize itself is 6 million 410 thousand 100 rubles and will be added to the main prize fund. We draw your attention to the fact that there is, as always, one “but”, the draw will be distribution if none of the participants manages to guess all 6 numbers of the winning combination. If someone manages to do this, then the amount of winnings will remain the same.

If you still don’t have a ticket, you can always buy a ticket for the “6 out of 36” football lottery on the official website of the lottery distributor, the Stoloto company. Before you proceed to purchase a receipt, you must register; to do this, simply click on the " button in the left menu of our portal Buy a lottery ticket". After registering an account, you can start choosing tickets. On the stoloto website you can always find a ticket with the numbers that suit you, since thousands of receipts are available for purchase. Plus, you can receive bonuses for purchases, which you can spend on purchasing free tickets.

In ours you will always find the results of the missed draw. In the archive you will find a video of the draw and a table of results.

Watch the video of the 43rd draw of the Football lottery 6 out of 36 from June 25, 2016

Watch the video of the 43rd draw of the Football lottery 6 out of 36, broadcast on June 25, 2016 on the NTV channel.

Table of results for the 43rd draw of the Football lottery 6 out of 36 from 06/25/2016

Drawn combination: 01, 03, 04, 07, 09, 27 .

Guessed numbersNumber of winnersWinner's winnings, rub.Total winnings, rub.
6 - - -
5 23 37 920 872 160
4 693 3 792 2 627 856
3 8817 571 5 034 507
2 44 770 189 8 461 530

All participants in the 43rd edition of the Golden Horseshoe are united by the opportunity to get rich in one day. On June 26, believing in luck, they will wait for the drawing to begin in the morning. The cash reserves of many of them will be replenished by the end of the game!

If you have never sat in front of the TV, held a ZP lottery ticket, and watched the game with excitement and hope, then you have lost a lot of pleasant impressions. Take the advice of the brownie or learn a new sign. You won’t have to look for information for long: grandfather and his advice are on every ticket.

Find out your winnings in the Golden Horseshoe. Checking the lottery draw on the site

If you know the rules of the game, then you can find out the results and check the Golden Horseshoe tickets, circulation 43, using the circulation table of 06/26/2016. The published results correspond to Stoloto's data. Therefore, if you win, you can safely go for your winnings. If you are a beginner or just want to quickly find out about your winnings, then we can check by ticket and draw number (only from 10:00 Moscow time).

The chance to win large sums of money is real due to the number of game moves: the numbers of 87 balls will be named by the leader, only 3 balls will remain in the lottery drum.

Jackpot: 5,728,392 rubles. Number of tickets: 197213. Prize fund amount: 9860650.

Video recording of the draw 06/26/2016

Circulation table No. 43

TourDrawn numbersWinnersWinning, rub.
1 24, 79, 57, 44, 50, 89, 74, 07, 90 1 100 000
2 56, 51, 68, 45, 12, 71, 16, 85, 86, 38, 49, 10, 31, 40, 20, 21, 25, 67, 66, 34, 08, 33, 41, 35, 63, 28 1 500 000
3 75, 04, 59, 48, 14, 53, 52, 46, 23, 26, 58, 78, 69, 18, 84, 39, 80, 54, 43, 55, 05, 13, 83, 06, 22, 62, 15, 17, 30, 03, 65 1 1 500 000
4 77 2 15 000
5 29 1 5 000
6 81 5 2 000
7 47 1 1 500
8 72 16 1 000
9 01 20 700
10 32 32 500
11 82 76 400
12 09 106 300
13 87 153 262
14 37 223 252
15 88 321 208
16 27 531 189
17 64 996 173
18 73 1 699 160
19 19 2 512 150
20 11 3 568 142
21 36 5 265 136
22 76 8 946 132
23 02 12 526 130
24 42 18 714 129

You no longer need kvass - now beer Do you have a.
Your winnings are quite rare, you are lucky, there is no doubt that you got not two candies, but two
candy papers.
Not a win, but manna from heaven, you gotslice of bread.
Accept itbutton this and walk around the world with joy.
What is this?
Pencil! It is very difficult to believe in this: now he will only be yours.
Don't look so timidly, don't be scared - this is
This will help you get a strong hold in lifeclip.
So as not to eat in the canteen, getbay leaf.
Cleanliness is a sore point, get a vacuum cleaner (broom).
When you start dancing, so that your pants don't fall off, you need to have with youpin of steel.
We give you the best toy in the world -
Everyone is happy with such a gift - delicious, juicygrape.
It's not a nut or a screw - it's medicalbandage.
Fate took a quitrent from you, for change - match boxes.
Best friend in life -thread whole reel.
This is not a random gift - we give it to you
tram ticket.
There is no better win than cellophaneplastic bag.
You're very lucky - get itbar of soap.
Don't get sick, be strong, we give you pills.
We don’t feel sorry for anything for you - accept thislighter.
You have to believe in miracles - as a gift to yousausage.
We give you a balloon and a set to go with it flashlight.
Forget all questions, we give you cigarettes.
An item that is very necessary in the household, take it quickly, don’t be shy (lid).
So that you look out the window less, we give you domino
Yes, this is what you need - cheese under the glorious name “Friendship”.
You should not be upset - you have new luck. you got it
mustard delicious, canteen.
Move your brains a little - for this we hand over
Nothing is a pity for you - just get itmedal.
Don't be sad, don't worry, get up neighbor kiss.
There is nothing better in the world than receiving a bouquet of flowers (card with flowers)
Here's a gift for your future - from a shoelace.
We give you this ticket so you can travel around the wholelight.
To maintain a beautiful hairstyle, getcomb.
So that there is no longing, we give you socks.
At first glance it’s not noticeable at all -toilet paper.
Fruit is the best diet, but eat it todaycandy.
The stripe in life will only be white, it will help you with thispiece of chalk.
What is happening in the world today - you will read innewspaper.
We've got you coveredhooks , Well, catch the catfish yourself.
Always, at any time of the year, you will need this
A great find for teeth - here you goToothbrush.
If you like excitement, get itdeck of cards
To make jam for future use, getsugar.
This thing is necessary to create intimacy(candle).
If you're not drunk yet, get it sooncup.
The most fragrant banana will be the envy of monkeys(banana)
To keep your linen tight, we give youclothespin.
Success awaits you soon, get it from us nut.

2. Comic lottery - forecast

1. You are a tough nut to crack, which means

Good luck awaits you!

2. Who gets a can of beer?
Live happily all year!

3. Eat bananas and coconuts
And expect rewards from fate!

4. While the boss is “taking the shavings off” us,
Calmly brew a mug of tea!

5. Receive this tube as a gift,
So that every tooth shines in the sun!

6. Since you got a chocolate bar,
It won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet!

7. When you drink cranberry jelly,
Forget about the merry-go-round of the world!
Let the world, as they say, wait!
And you will be healthy all year round.

8. Perhaps you are planning to run away,
But your lot is to continue working!

9. Although this cream is inedible,
But the smell is simply incomparable!
(Coconut cream)

10. To the one who receives this candle,
You'll have to travel around the world!

11. To record where the pay went,
You will really need this pen!

12. You will have to live with grief,
And forget about the days of the calendar!

13. And great love awaits you
And kisses all year round!
(Sponge set)

14. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is?
Life will be joyful and bright!
(Felt pens)

15. And you are “in the juice”, in the prime of life!
Among your friends you have no equal!
(Juice packet)

16. You are good at work
And you will be held in high esteem by us all year.

17. Delight awaits you for your heart -
Big salary increase!
(Yogurt "Uslada")

18. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,
Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.

19. You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore the whole year will be great!

3. Comic lottery for a friendly company

Be it a cowboy or a businessman -

They are all afraid of caries.

Well, now try:

Chew, chew, chew - and there are no problems!

(Chewing gum.)

It doesn't matter that the ball is small,

If only he could jump merrily.

Pele himself, by the way,

I started on rags.


Everyone around is terribly happy:

It erases everything as it should!

After "Dosi", after "Tide"

This is the best reward.


Either rattle or strum...

If you now have your keys

You'll lose it all at once -

Either grumble, or don't grumble.


You can glue day and night,

If you drive laziness away.

Super sticky oilcloth -

In overseas it’s just “scotch”.


No matter how hard the alarm clock tried -

I just got him to his feet.

No matter how I tried to wake you up -

Will complete the task with honor,

What no one could solve

With best wishes

"Wake-up powder"!

(Bag of coffee)

You go out onto the porch in the morning -

Your face will turn red.

Why? You're on my finger

You will suddenly find a ring.

(Children's ring)

Kissing in the wind

It's hard in the field in the morning.

You're lucky - here's lipstick,

There is no need for chapped lips.


Somewhere the cherry blossoms are blooming,

Somewhere dates are growing...

There are many vitamins in the world,

And we have our own product.


America is calling them

"Russian nuts."

They are eaten without fuss

And without any haste.

(Bag of seeds)

Two cheerful geese -

Joy for grandma.

You're not a grandma -

Get some beads!

(Children's beads)

You got it at this hour

Something that makes us all happy.

Light, bringing a holiday to everyone,

Obedient to every wind.
