Today we are constantly in a forced rush, endless stress and constant busyness, so it is very important to know some tricks that can help make life a little easier. We invite you to dive into the world of amazing life hacks that will help you improve your home in a very easy and simple way. Our specially selected tips will not require you to spend a lot of money, effort or time. In fact, you don't even need any special tools. All you need is some of the most common household items. Do not rush to throw away empty jars and egg cartons, we will tell you how to give these and many other items a second life. We bring to your attention 25 simple life hacks for the house that you can do yourself.

Life hack: Cones in every garden

Fertile soil - soil under protection

Use Pine cones as mulch to keep your flower beds and gardens free from cats, dogs, and even slugs or snakes.

Holder for various tapes in the house

Not just for the kitchen

The paper holder is great for storing duct tape or duct tape, or any other tape.


A pleasant aroma throughout the house will spread along the walls

Add some vanilla extract to your wall paint. This will not affect the color property in any way, but the unpleasant and persistent smell of paint will be masked by vanilla.

If without a phone anywhere

Convenient phone holder for the bathroom in just a couple of minutes

Use an empty lotion bottle to make a stylish holder cell phone. cut off upper part and mount it on the wall next to the outlet. Before attaching the bottle to the wall, you can decorate it to your taste and color.

How to save water

Save water! Spend wisely

Reusing water will save you money and help your plants get the nutrients they need. Don't rush to pour out the water after cooking boiled vegetables, eggs or pasta, it can be used as water for your plants. In the same way, you can use, for example, dirty water after cleaning the aquarium.

Beautiful pattern for your interior

Use as a stencil

If you want to paint the walls with polka dots, use an old laundry basket. Cut out the bottom, lean the basket against the wall, and start painting the perfect polka dot pattern.

Creative furniture solution

Use old pallets to create unique furniture

If you don't want to spend money on expensive furniture, make your own unique sofa, chair or bed out of wooden pallets.

Alternative stand for your laptop

Great stand that you can decorate as you wish.

Is your laptop in need of cooling and special stands are too expensive? No problem! Use egg cartons. Just flip the box over and put the laptop on top. Problem solved.

Convenient cutting table

It is convenient to separate the tops from the roots

Create a smart cutting table. To do this, drill a small round hole and place a waste container under it.

Multifunctional hammer

Nails always at hand

Glue a magnet to the bottom of your hammer and you won't have to hold nails in your mouth anymore while you work.

Everything is at hand

Flash drives replaced disks, a rack for them - an organizer for the bathroom

Placing an old wooden CD rack horizontally creates a handy bathroom organizer.

To the last drop

The magnet will hold the brush in a strictly vertical position inside the jar

Attach a magnet to the brush handle. When you want to take a break from painting, lean the pen with a magnet against the wall inside the can. All the paint will come off the brush back into the can, and you won't spill a drop.

Convenient organizer for your jewelry

If you think that only things can hang on hangers, then you are deeply mistaken. Just attach a few eye screws to the hanger and you have a great organizer for your jewelry.

Little painter's trick

A little trick will make your painting process easier

When you paint the walls, remember to pour a small amount of paint into a small container and keep it handy. This will definitely help you when you put on the finishing touches. Always works! Well, almost always.

Useful bottles

Don't throw away plastic bottles. Give them a second life

Use plastic bottles to create many unique things. You can even make a small raft out of them, of course, if you have enough of them and have a coil of rope in stock.

Clothespin from a hanger

Step-by-step process of turning a pants hanger into a handy clothespin for bags

You can use a plastic pants hanger to get unique food bag clothespins. Just cut off the clip ends and use them as clothespins for your bags and packs.


An ordinary door handle can become a convenient towel holder

If you screw an old doorknob to the wall, you will get a handy hanger for clothes or towels.

Keys to all doors

Nail polish isn't just for nails

Use nail polish to color the keys in different colors. This will help you distinguish between similar ones in a set.

Crib for baby

DIY cradle for your baby

Remove part of the wine barrel to have an almost finished cradle for your baby. This bed needs to be stable. To do this, hang it on a well-fixed rope or make your own base. Be sure to check that there is no wine left inside the barrel.

mail organizer

Old shutters are not out of fashion yet

Old shutters can be converted into a great mail holder. Just attach one of the doors to the wall and your organizer is ready. Free slots can be decorated with your favorite postcards. Creative ladder shelf

Ladders can become not only a convenient device to climb higher, but also an excellent shelf for your things. To do this, attach a few boards to the steps. Your original shelf will definitely surprise everyone.

Animal bed

The cat will definitely like the lounger from your favorite sweater

Instead of throwing away an old sweater, make a comfortable bed for your pet out of it. To make the sunbed bigger, you can sew other old things to it.

In today's hectic pace of life, a few simple tricks for your home can make some household tasks very much easier. In addition, a do-it-yourself thing will not only save you money, but also give you the opportunity to usefully spend time working on its creation. Just imagine how many benefits you will derive: you are engaged in an exciting process, you improve your skills, and besides, you get for a small amount the perfect end result that will fully suit your exceptional tastes. We hope that our article will be useful, and you no longer have to spend so much time and effort on routine matters. We wish you good luck and inspiration in creating your individual, comfortable and multifunctional home.


In this video, you will learn about 10 life hacks to make life at home easier with your own hands.

Life hack 1

If your cable TV is turned off, use a regular plug instead of an antenna. Surprisingly, in this way I managed to catch several TV channels and even watch the news.

Life hack 2

The problem with the headphones, or rather with the wires from them - eternal problem! It is easy to solve it with the help of an ordinary unnecessary plastic card. Take a hole punch and use it to make two holes on both sides. Now just thread one end of the wire through the hole, wind it around the card and fix it on the other side. Get a very neat holder for the wires, which will not allow your headphones to get tangled in your pocket.

Life hack 3

If you need to know how fresh the eggs are in the fridge, drop them in water and see if the egg sits at the bottom for a long time, it is fresh. If it is located vertically, it is still suitable, but not the first freshness. But if the egg floats to the surface, it is not fresh! Such eggs are best thrown away and not eaten, as you can get poisoned.

Life hack 4

If you suddenly lost the light, in order to determine whether the light is turned off only in you or in the whole house, just turn on your iPhone and check the search wifi networks. If the neighbor's router works, then only you have problems.

Life hack 5

If the laces on your sneakers are too long, you can resort to a little trick. We will use two holes in the upper part of the shoe and thread the lace through them as shown in the video to make an eyelet. If there is a hole on the tongue, then pass the ends of the laces under it, thread them into opposite ears and tighten. Then tie the laces in the usual way. They have become noticeably shorter. Moreover, many argue that this is The right way the lacing of such shoes.

Life hack 6

With the help of two stationery clips and a plastic card, you can build a creative smartphone holder that does its job perfectly.

Life hack 7

When the oil from the refrigerator is very hard, take an ordinary mug, pour boiling water into it, wait 20 seconds, pour out the water and cover the oil. The heat of the mug will be transferred to the oil and it will be much more willing to spread on bread.

Life hack 8

To make a heater out of a light bulb, you can wrap it with foil and cut it so that the foil does not touch the metal parts. Next, you need to screw the light bulb into the socket and only then turn it on. The foil heats up, radiates heat, which can at least warm your hands. But we do not recommend doing this without the appropriate experience and knowledge, electricity is not a toy.

Life hack 9

To more effectively squeeze the juice out of a lemon, put it on the table and start rolling it out with a little effort. When the lemon becomes soft, just cut it and some of the juice will immediately come out, and the rest can be easily squeezed out with your hands. By the way, could you drink how much lemon juice? Take care of your teeth, lemon juice corrodes the enamel.

Life hack 10

When there are too many bags in the kitchen cabinet, you will need a box from paper napkins. Fold the bag as shown in the video and put it inside the box. Next, thread the next bag into the eye of the first one and fold it like an accordion, fold it inside. Do the same with the next package until you fill the box. Gets a container for packages, which is a pleasure to use. Here are some hacks.

Life hacks are ways to make everyday things much easier. Perhaps they are also a product of the potential outside the box thinking people. But this is not important, because the main thing is that with life hacks your life becomes much more interesting. Use these 15 genius ideas to make your daily routine easier.

Headlight cleaning toothpaste

If you want to make your old car look cleaner, start with its headlights. At first sight a common person may not notice that they emit a hazy light. But once you clean the headlights, you will see an amazing result and a huge difference. Just apply toothpaste on the brush and wipe the glass surface with it.

Luminous drinks

Add a touch of luxury to your party by offering something unique to your guests. How about a tonic that glows with ultraviolet light? A little dim light - and the spectacle will be stunning. Drinks shimmering in the dark will amaze literally everyone. If there are problems with subdued lighting, then you can distribute special glasses to guests.

walnut furniture polish

This life hack is perfect for those who have a cat at home who loves to sharpen her claws on something wooden. And, as a rule, furniture becomes this “something”. To soften scratches, rub them walnuts. Sounds silly, but it really works.

Does the floss cut the cake?

Agree, it is not always possible to carefully cut a dessert or any other product. This is especially true for solemn occasions, when you simply cannot do without a beautiful serving. But even the most delicate birthday cake can be carefully divided into pieces by wrapping the dessert in right place dental floss and stretching it through it.

Wet towels - beer coolers

If you accidentally bought a warm beer or simply forgot to put it in the fridge before the party, then do not despair. Just wet a towel and wrap it around the bottle. Then place the beer in this form in the freezer. In a couple of minutes the drink will be ready to drink!

Removing annoying tourists

Do you like a place that is ideal for photography, but there are always crowds of people there? Don't shout them out - just put your camera on a tripod and then take 15 shots every ten seconds. Once done, load all the photos into Photoshop and go to File > Scripts > Statistics. In the window that opens, select the median. More tourists in the photo will not disturb you.

Cup instead of external speakers

If you don't have a speaker system to connect your phone to, but you need music to be loud enough, use another life hack. Turn on the desired song on your mobile, and then put the device in a cup.

Airplane mode to charge your phone

The good thing is that you don't have to actually fly the plane to get the battery charged. But if you turn on “flight mode” on your phone, the process will go faster. So the time to charge the device will be reduced by about 2 times.

Stretching shoes

New shoes that are tight and uncomfortable can be made more comfortable on the foot. To do this, you need to put on several pairs of socks, and then put on the hated shoes. You need to walk like this for a while around the room, and then warm your feet in shoes with a hairdryer.

Cleanliness in the fridge

Perhaps, for those who live alone, this advice is not required. But in large families cleanliness in the refrigerator must be carefully monitored. In order not to wash the shelves every time, wrap them with a transparent film. When cleaning is required, simply peel off the cover and place a new one in its place.

Spatula against wool

Pet owners know what patches of tetrapod vegetation are like, which literally encircle the entire house. And remove them from carpets and upholstered furniture seems almost impossible. Try cleaning the surfaces with a spatula - it removes hair well.

Strike the battery

If you don't have a battery tester, or you're just too lazy to pull one out, this hack allows you to quickly check the quality of a product. Just drop the battery on a hard surface. If the battery "jumps" a lot, then it is bad.

Bread will save the cake

Oh, it's a wonderful feeling to have a whole pie at your disposal. True, such news is not very successful for the figure. So if you want to keep the shape and at the same time are afraid that the cake will go bad, try this life hack. Pin slices of bread with toothpicks open areas dessert. This way you keep the cake longer. Only bread will turn stale, and the pulp of the cake will remain lush.

Grilled cheese in a toaster

Not everyone has a grill at home, and cooking on the stove can sometimes feel like such a chore. But if you still want to enjoy a hot cheese sandwich, you can make it in just a minute. To do this, just use the toaster.

To avoid losing the remote

Do you often find the TV remote control difficult to find? If so, then you just need this life hack. The secret is very simple: stick a few strips of Velcro on reverse side remote control and coffee table. When not in use, the device will remain securely attached to its storage location.

In this article, we have collected very interesting life hacks for you - helpful tips for the home, which allow you to learn how to make life easier and more inventive. And what life hack for the house did you like the most? Write in the comments!

Quickly find the end of the tape

Which of us has not encountered when, when using adhesive tape, it becomes difficult to find the end of the tape, because it is tightly glued to the roll. The following life hack for the home will help to avoid this: take an ordinary paper clip and stick to the end of the tape. This will prevent it from sticking back, and you can always quickly use duct tape.

By the way, even more useful, if not completely unexpected life hacks can be found on other resources - we suggest choosing the infotainment portal you like from our selection!

Thread instead of a knife

Life hack for housewives and sweet tooth: how to cut biscuit cake if you don't have a knife handy? All you need is regular floss, but thin fishing line or dental floss will also work. Just take the desired length of string and attach it to the line you want to cut the cake. Press on it with a thread and move it through the thickness of the cake until you separate a piece. In the same way, it is convenient to divide biscuit cakes in two: wrap the cake with thread parallel to the table, cross it in front and pull through the cake in the opposite direction, as if you want to wrap it with thread again.

Interesting life hacks with a thread on cakes do not end: with its help, you can cut many other products, for example, soft cheese and a boiled egg.

Notebook ventilation

We all know that if a laptop is simply placed on a table, it will overheat from below - access to air is blocked. There are laptop stands now being sold that lift it off the table to allow air to circulate, and some even feature mini-fans. But why spend extra money? Write down a life hack for the house: the next time you buy eggs in a large cardboard tray, do not throw it away, but put it under your laptop. Due to the high cells in the tray, the air will “walk” freely under the back cover of the laptop, preventing it from overheating quickly.

Convenient way to eat an apple

Many people like to take apples with them to study or work, but it’s not always convenient to eat them: either you have to gnaw too loudly, then pieces of a hard core interfere in your mouth. However, there are useful life hacks that will show you how to make life easier even in such small things! Make 4 longitudinal cuts on the apple on the side of the tail and core, which, crossing each other, form a lattice of 9 apple slices.

You can just take out the middle and get rid of the core. If the apple needs to be transported, find 1-2 household rubber bands. Press the pieces together to keep the flesh from browning under the influence of oxygen, and wrap elastic bands along and across the apple to keep it from crumbling. How do you like this life hack?

Separating the yolks from the protein

Need to quickly separate the egg yolk from the white? Find plastic bottle small, break the eggs into a bowl, and then bring the neck of the bottle to the yolk. Press down on it quickly, releasing excess air, and loosen your grip. The yolk will thus be drawn into the bottle, after which it can be moved to a separate container. Hostesses will definitely appreciate this useful life hack for the home!

DIY tea bag

Loose leaf tea is good for everyone, but it is inconvenient to drink from a cup with thick floating in it. Therefore, if you don’t have a strainer or a kettle with a filter, we offer a useful life hack for the home: a paper napkin can save you from annoying tea leaves.

Spread a napkin and pour some tea mixture into the middle. Then take the napkin by the ends and twist it into a bag. Now it can be brewed like normal tea bag! For greater convenience, tie the ends of the bag with a thread or secure with a stapler.

Unopenable packaging

Another life hack, thanks to which we know how to make life easier: if you bought something in a polypropylene package, but you can’t open it, two coins will come to the rescue. Pinch them side by side on either side of the edge of the package, push them towards each other and tear the package!

Other useful life hacks and tips for the home, see here:

2. A layer of clear lacquer will secure the bolts on your glasses

3. Use baby wipes to remove deodorant stains from your favorite clothes.

4. If the dog is stuck, lubricate the zipper with lip balm or draw a line with a pencil

5. Get rid of those unwanted creases with a hair straightener

6. Foundation stain can be easily removed with shaving cream

7. You will need some ice to remove chewing gum stuck to your clothes.

8. A way to hide the straps and provide some support for extra comfort

9. Nail fixer can be used to stop stocking flicker

10. Use Moisturizing Lotion to Repair Old Leather Shoes

11. Lipstick Stains Can Be Removed With Hairspray

12. Put Baking Soda in Your Sneakers to Get Rid of Bad Smell

13. White wine will help you remove red wine stains.

14. Store your earrings with a rubber band from a simple pencil

15. Great idea for an open package

16. Making a paper envelope for the disc

17. Cover old stilettos with glitter and they're ready to go out again.

18. Fold clothes vertically so you can see them clearly and navigate them easily.

19. Use a scoop to fill a bucket that won't fit in the sink.

20. Use colored nail polish to highlight different keys