Mass Fusion in Fallout 4 is a location that first appears in the fourth part of the game. The building belonged to a corporation engaged in energy development.

Useful Finds

You will need to get into the Mass Fusion building in Fallout 4 if you are playing through the game as the Institute or the Brotherhood of Steel. Both factions are looking for a beryllium impeller there. The Institute will give the task Mass Fusion, and the Brotherhood will give War booty.

In addition to the part you are looking for, you will find useful items there:

  • Power bobblehead;
  • Tesla's Science (magazine);
  • T-45 power armor;
  • nuclear minicharge;
  • landing armor in the safe on the top floor (you'll need a jetpack to get there).

The territory is guarded by synths, protectrons, security robots and stormtrons. If you complete the task of the Institute, you will also have to fight with the soldiers of the Brotherhood. Be prepared for strong radiation in this place, so stock up on anti-radin. Inside the building there is a .

Where is the location

On instructions from the Institute, you will be teleported to the right place. When helping the Brotherhood of Steel, you will fly there on a rotorcraft, so you won’t have much trouble finding the location. However, if you want to get there yourself for valuable finds, look where Mass Fusion is on the map of the Commonwealth.

Watch the video to see how to pick up a baby doll at Mass Fusion.

Note No. 1: in this task you will have to choose do the task as the Institute wants, or help the subway. The task will be completed in any case if you help the subway, then Father will say that it will be more difficult for him to convince the board of directors that we are “our own people.” If you don’t help the subway, they won’t say anything. In this walkthrough, only the Institute side will be chosen. The option for passing the line beyond the underground will be published separately.

Note No. 2: this mission will be quite intense with battles in the city, and the load on the video card will be much higher than usual. If you sometimes experience stuttering, we recommend reducing the graphics quality while completing this task.

The Institute again gives the task of returning the escaped synths. This time a group of four at once.

The mission will have two markers: one to meet with X4-18 and complete the mission, the second to inform the underground about the impending capture. If you want to help the subway, go to them first.

Meet X4-18:

If you want to help the underground, kill him.

If you want to return the synths, we go to Bunker Hill. Three sides will fight on the spot: the underground, the synths of the institute and the Brotherhood of Steel. The first and second ones did not attack me. Perhaps if we start the line of the Brotherhood of Steel, then the soldiers of the brotherhood will not be hostile.

In this task, you can practically not fight with anyone ignoring everyone, you run around the fence there will be an open door on the opposite side we run inside and immediately go down the hatch.

Inside there will also be a “mesh of everyone against everyone” again, you can ignore everyone and run further to the final room with synths.

Now you need to talk to each synth, after his answer there will be a choice: say the code phrase and turn off the synth, or release him. The choice is yours.

In any case, after that we go to the roof of the old institute and talk with our father.

It is worth noting that the Father considers all “ground” inhabitants doomed, and only the Institute can give humanity hope for a bright future. He considers members of the underground to be fanatics seeking to destroy the Institute, and there can be no talk of any friendship with them.

After the conversation, the task is completed.

New face of humanity

Father will inform you that we need to attend a meeting of directors we will teleport to the Institute.

We meet our father and go with him to the board of directors and sit down.

After some introductory phrases, Father will get to the main point - his days are coming to an end, and we will replace him as leader of the Institute. The directors will be shocked, but Father will say that this is not discussed.

After conversations, the task is completed.

Mass Fusion

The objective of this mission is to infiltrate the old reactor and take the beryllium impeller.

We meet Ellie, talk, she will say that she is coming with us. After that, we go to the central elevator, go up it and go to the room to which we first teleported to the Institute.

Standing in the center will give you a warning continuing this task will forever make you an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel. We agree.

Having teleported to Mass Fusion, the first thing you need to do is find the “Mass Fusion Leader Password”, it will be here:

Then we go into the elevator and click on “card reader”. The elevator will begin to descend, and... attention... while you slowly descend, Brotherhood of Steel soldiers will fire at you from all sides.

We activate it, return to the elevator and continue the descent.

Having gone down to the very bottom, you will need to find such an entrance to the elevator and go down even lower:

At the same time, my task marker pointed to the exit from the building this is the wrong goal.

Having gone down, we find ourselves in a nuclear reactor. All that remains is to pick up the beryllium impeller and get out of here. Be aware that after you take it, robots will attack you.

There will be a passage on the left, we go through, take away, kill the robots, and an additional item will appear help the institute agents in the lobby. We go there and kill all the brotherhood fighters. After which we leave the building, return to the Institute, talk with Ellie again and the task ends here.


We find the Father and talk to him. He will report that there is one very smart scientist in the Commonwealth whom the Institute wants to take over. Ordinary employees were sent on such an easy mission, but they were ambushed; our task is to come to the scene and eliminate the attackers.

“Yeah, these guys” (c) Street magic

We kill, go into the house, talk with Enrico, he will say that the scientist has locked himself and does not want to talk to them. Our task is to persuade him.

We talk (through the door), but... the funny thing is that even if nothing works out for us (i.e. if we use all dialogue options, including persuasion, threat), a synth teleports into his room and simply knocks him out.

This completes the task.


We find the Father and talk to him. He will report that it is time for the Institute to declare itself to the Commonwealth, and tell everyone that they do not need to cross the road. At the same time, we are asked to write down the appeal itself.

We approach the microphone nearby:

And we start recording. Essentially, the main character will read out the text, and a choice of certain phrases will be periodically given. Nothing complicated.

Now we go to Diamond City and go to the radio station:

There will be a box on the floor; take radio coils from it. Now you need to install them correctly.

The correct match is:

  • Left block Reel with buttons
  • Middle block Reel with disks
  • Right block Coil with tubes

If you did everything correctly on the middle block 5 lights will light up.

We return to the Institute, talk with the Father. He will say that everything is ready, but the honor of starting the reactor goes to us.

We activate the reactor, then go to the terminal nearby and launch it. After that we go to the board of directors. The essence of all conversations will come down to the choice of what to focus on - producing more synths, or improving their weapons. This choice will likely affect the number/strength of synths overall from the following quests. But no matter what we choose, we will still have to do the main work, so this choice does not matter much.

Once the selection is made, the task is completed.

At the last line

So, you have come to the last tasks in which the Institute eliminates its main opponents - the Underground and the Brotherhood of Steel. In the mission “At the Last Line” you need to kill all members of the underground.

On this mission there will be the last opportunity to go over to the side of the subway not to kill, but to talk to Desdemona, saying that the Institute ordered them all to be killed. She will tell you that you need to contact Patriot. The subway passage thread will be published separately. In the same walkthrough, the Institute's side will be chosen.

There is no problem in completing the task as the Institute wants; we simply teleport directly to the subway headquarters and kill everyone there.

After which we return to the Father and report that everything is done.


It's time to take on the Brotherhood of Steel. It will be more difficult with them than with the subway.

We find and talk to Dr. Lee. They will tell us the plan for their elimination for a long time, in short, we need to do the following: destroy three brotherhood reactors, then get to the Liberty Prime robot, and protect the synth who will hack it.

After which the robot will consider the brotherhood ship the main threat and destroy it.

We go again to the teleport room, which teleports us directly to the brotherhood base.

This is what the reactors look like:

We destroy them, then we go to Liberty Prime. As soon as we arrive at the indicated location, a synth will appear and begin to hack it.

We protect him while he hacks the robot, and when the hack is completed, we go down and run away (not forgetting to watch what is happening with the brotherhood ship). When we run some distance away, we will be teleported to a safe place, and the final explosion of the entire brotherhood base will be shown:

This completes the task.

Family split

Congratulations, you have reached the final mission of the Fallout 4 main storyline for the Institute. We go to the Institute and talk with the Father.

The situation immediately makes it clear that he will soon die. We talk with him, watch the final video. This completes the task.


In addition to completing the main storyline, on our website you can find walkthroughs of other tasks. See page

Battle of Bunker Hill

The quest becomes available after completing the "Detention" task. Previously, you helped the Institute bring an escaped synth back.

First, talk to the Father to find out the essence of the problem. He will inform you about the theft of their property, namely synths. All direct and indirect suspicions fall on the underground organization, which sympathizes with robots. You must find the Hunter and fight off the synthetics.

Go to the Old Church, where the Underground hideout is located. Find the Hunter nearby and ask about further actions. Alas, it will not be possible to quietly rescue the synths, so you will have to call for reinforcements.

Naturally, now the mess promises to be tough. But even this plan is ruined by force majeure - the Brotherhood of Steel has also come to you.

If up to this point you have managed to win the recognition of the Brotherhood and the Underground, then their members will not attack you, only each other. In any case, having dealt with the threat, go to the fortified area to the left of the church. Go through the red door - there will be a hatch in the room you need.

Both synths and knights of the Brotherhood will be inside with you. Move further until you come across the synthetics you are looking for. They can be released (they will even offer caps) or disabled and returned to the Institute.

If you choose the first option, the Hunter will have to be eliminated. Return to the Father and tell him what happened.

Mass Fusion

A turning point in the main storyline, in which you have to finally decide which side to take. Walkthrough for the Institute. During the quest “A New Face of Humanity” you learned about Father’s illness.

Soon you will have to lead the Institute in his place, but first you need to eliminate the enemy factions. Talk to Ellie Fillmore.

The scientist will tell you about the goal: to find the beryllium impeller, located somewhere in the wilds of Mass Fusion. Use the teleport with her, since fast travel will not be available.

Keep in mind that this is the last time you will be asked to change your mind. In the future, the Brotherhood of Steel will forever become hostile towards you.

You will be teleported to the roof of the Mass Fusion building. Kill the landing Brotherhood soldiers and go inside. First of all, you need to find a card with a password in the director's office.

Nearby you will find a room with a reactor and a terminal. Using the latter, you will learn about the location of the desired impeller. Go to the elevator and go down.

At the lower levels they are already waiting for you. During the descent, the elevator will be turned off, so get out, shooting enemies along the way, and go up to the second floor to turn the power back on. Return to the elevator and continue down.

Soon you will find yourself in a new room with another elevator - use it. When it finally stops, you will find yourself in a small room with a terminal, using which you can activate the stormtroopers. There is no need to do this; the robots can be shot even if they are turned off.

Look around the other rooms and find a protective suit (if you don't have yours). Next, a very radioactive place awaits you. Activate the last terminal and go into the reactor room. There you will have to fight a large robot. It can be disabled by hacking a very complex terminal.

In the end, you must disable the security system and penetrate directly to the reactor, where the beryllium impeller lies. Grab the item and return to Father.


This quest is given by the Father once you complete the Mass Fusion quest. This time we'll have to deal with the Minutemen. First, talk to the Father and go to Sanctuary, to the Minuteman base. There you must find one skilled scientist who is able to help the Institute in implementing the so-called Third Phase project.

Previously, a detachment had already been sent to search for him, but he was caught by the Minutemen.

Captain Kells will inform you that Proctor Ingram is completing the assembly of Liberty Prime and needs your help. Find her aboard the Prydwen and talk to her.

Liberty Prime needs to be powered on its own, for this you need to find a beryllium impeller. You go to Mass Fusion, a former energy company. You can take Proctor Ingram with you or not. Once you accept this mission, you will have to make a very important decision. You can:

Option 1: Inform the Institute

Leave Prydwen, travel to the Institute and warn them, thus you will defect to the Institute, betraying the Brotherhood of Steel. Immediately after this, the quest from the Mass Fusion Institute will begin.

Option 2: Fly to Mass Fusion

If you decide to remain loyal to the Brotherhood of Steel, then go to the flight deck and board a rotorcraft that will take you to the roof of the Mass Fusion building. You are now an enemy of the Institute. The started Institute quests will be failed, and the Institute quest “Exile” will begin.

Do you have enough supplies and supplies? Otherwise, your loved ones may be concerned by the fact that you did not think to take with you a sufficient amount of healthy food and medicines that suppress radiation. Since the internal environment of the Mass Fusion building can be extremely dangerous, why not wear appropriate protective clothing? Power armor would be an excellent choice for such an occasion.

As you approach the Mass Fusion building, you will see an enemy - synths, who will immediately begin to fire at you. Luckily, you have a minigun with unlimited ammo in your hands. How accurate you are will determine how many enemies you have left to finish off after you jump onto the roof, so aim better.

Jump to the roof of the Mass Fusion

The Brotherhood rotorcraft has received serious damage, you will have to jump out of it while moving. Press to jump out of it onto the roof of the Mass Fusion. Neutralize all the enemies on the roof before going in search of the Beryllium Impeller.

Find a beryllium impeller

"Mass Fusion" is a huge building, where can I find this impeller? Climb the stairs to the second level of the rooftop structure and go to the other end of the corridor. In the far room you will find the terminal of the main research laboratory (medium level).

You can hack it or take from the executive's desk that you just passed in the corridor (see screenshot below), the password of the "Mass Fusion" executive and gain access to the terminal. From the first letter you will learn that a beryllium impeller has been installed in the reactor , located in the basement of the building.

Get a manager's ID

From the personal letter in the terminal you will also learn that in order to penetrate the reactor level you need an employee's administrative card. You can use the manager’s ID, which is in his desk, in the same place as his password (see screenshot above). You will also need this ID in order to start the elevator and get from the roof into the Mass Fusion building.

On the top level of the building on the roof you will find a storage room (castle level - medium) with medicines and a first aid kit on the roof.

Infiltrate the reactor level

Use the ID you found and activate the elevator. During the descent, synths will start shooting at you, and there is nowhere to hide. I hope you took the advice above and prepared by purchasing strong armor, and a more powerful weapon would not be amiss. It also doesn't hurt to restore your health more often.

The synths managed to cut off the power to the elevator, so you are stuck somewhere in the middle of the building. Deal with the enemies, and when the path is clear, you can:

  • going down further on foot is an option for those who like to explore everything;
  • restoring the power supply to the elevator is an option for those who are results-oriented and completing the mission as quickly as possible.

Restore power supply to the elevator (optional)

By restoring the elevator, you will be able to immediately access the lobby on the first floor of the Mass Fusion building, from where it is a stone's throw to the basement. There are two ways to restore the elevator: hack the terminal of the product development director or turn on the switch.

The first method is for hacking enthusiasts. In order to restore power to the elevator, it is necessary to hack the terminal of the director of product development (level - difficult) in the office, which is located in the hall with a glass floor to the left of the elevator.

In order to turn on the switch, you must go up the stairs in the room to the right of the elevator. By the way, in this room you can find ammunition in the toolbox lying next to the terminal. Having risen, go along the entire floor to the last room, in which you will find a switch next to the entrance. In the same room, only at the other end, you will find a safe (lock level is difficult) with ammunition.

The elevator's power has been restored; take it all the way down to the lobby, so you'll miss most of the encounters with the synths.


If you decide to move on without restoring power to the elevator, then you need to jump through the gap in the floor to the level below. It is located behind a locked door (the lock level is difficult) in the hall with a glass floor. You can hack it yourself or open it with the key that lies on the desk in the adjacent room, next to the terminal of the director of product development.

Be prepared for a skirmish with the enemy, who will have to be destroyed before moving on. You find yourself on an almost destroyed floor, but despite this, you can profit from something here too. Climb the makeshift ramp in the corner to a small piece of the floor of the next floor, there you will find a toolbox with ammunition and weapons. And on the other side of the destroyed part of the floor there is a yellow box with explosives.

You will jump down another floor, to a level with two exits to the balcony. In the corner room you will find a safe in the wall and a nuclear mini-charge for “Fat Man” on the bedside table, in the hall in the Yader-Cola machine near the corner sofa - Quantum Yader-Cola. You can then take the elevator located in the corner and go down to the lobby, or take the descent another floor below and continue exploring the Mass Fusion building. The descent is to the right of the elevator.


But don’t leave here without a valuable trophy that only a real explorer can find— baby doll "Strength". It is located on top of the main statue of the building and you can see it if you stand in front of the main elevator, lean over the railing and look down. With this doll, your “Strength” parameter will increase by 1 point.

Let's see what else the Mass Fusion building hides; we won't go down the descent, we won't take the elevator, but we'll jump into the gap in the floor at the opposite wall from the elevator and the descent. In it you will see a safe (lock level - medium) with various useful items. Then go out into the corridor and jump down the ramp. After going down, turn left into a room with a lot of terminals and equipment, where you will find a hole in the floor, where in the destroyed toilet you will find a first aid kit and a bag with ammunition and weapons.

Then go through the adjacent rooms to the office, here among the corpses of the shooters you will find a suitcase (lock level - light) with armor and a green bag with ammunition. Then follow to the archive (a room with many filing cabinets), where you will find a descent to the floor below. Cross the nearly destroyed bridge over the first floor lobby. Before going further down the stairs, collect the ammo from the dead shooter (green box).

Another staircase and we are in the lobby of the first floor of the Mass Fusion building. Strong enemy resistance awaits you here. Having dealt with the enemy, go around the premises of the first floor. In the room to the right of the small elevator you will find a locked storage room (lock level - light) with medicines inside, in the next office there is a wall safe (lock level - medium) and a bag near file cabinets with ammunition and weapons. Now you can go to the opposite wing, where the entrance to the reactor level and the security office are. By the way, you can hack the security service terminal (level - easy) and activate two protectrons to protect order and turrets. They can help in the fight against synths when you come out with a beryllium impeller.

Now go to the elevator with the card reader, it will take you to the reactor level, where the item you came here for is located.

Enter the reactor compartment

Getting to the reactor level is half the battle; now you need to remove the beryllium impeller from the reactor. If you go to the left of the elevator you will find yourself in a prototype laboratory, using the terminal (level - easy) which you can activate the protectron, and if you go to the right, you will go down the stairs and find yourself in the passage for reactor level maintenance personnel. Using the service personnel terminal (medium level), you can also activate the assault gun and turrets, and, most importantly, open the door to the main reactor.

It won’t hurt to look into the locker room, where there is a bag with ammunition and weapons, and in the toilet there is a first aid kit with drugs that may be useful to you in the fight against radiation.

The main reactor hall has two levels. On the upper level on the left you will find a chest with a wide selection of ammunition and weapons, as well as a control terminal for the reactor safety system (the level is very difficult). Read about it below.

On the lower level on the left, next to the entrance to the reactor itself, is the analyst's office. Here you will hit a big jackpot: you will find a protective suit, medicine, Yader-Cola, and a safe (the castle level is very difficult) with ammunition and weapons. And also a terminal (level - easy), using which you can open the safe and activate the protectron.

You can go to the reactor compartment for the impeller, but make sure that you take care of protection from radiation, since its level is lethal. If not, then find yourself a protective kit that completely protects against radiation. They are everywhere here: in the locker room of the service personnel, in the analyst’s office and in the drawers of the control point terminals. The disadvantage of the protective kit is that it does not protect against other types of damage. In this case, power armor is simply irreplaceable.

To get into the reactor compartment, you need to go through a special corridor located on the left side and press the red button, which will open the door.

Unlock the reactor

The beryllium impeller is at the top of the reactor, go up there and press the red button to unlock the reactor. Don't forget to keep an eye on your Geiger counter, or you'll die before you know it.

Pick up the beryllium impeller

Take the beryllium impeller that brought you such a long way. But don’t be too happy, as soon as you have it in your hands, the security system will turn on and the turrets will start firing at you.

Eliminate security at the reactor

But the turrets in the reactor compartment are nothing compared to what awaits you when you return to the main reactor control room. There you will be attacked by a Security Robot, shooting at you with a machine gun, and a Protectron, and will also fire at the turret. As soon as you deal with them, the main doors will open, and there will also be two assault guns at your service, which you will also have to deal with.

  • The most important thing in fighting an assault gun is to not let it shoot an energy beam from your head, as it will kill you almost immediately, or to try to dodge it.
  • Don't paint yourself into a corner, as the Assaultron will constantly attack you. Move and try to keep him at a distance so that you have room to maneuver. This also applies to other enemies.
  • Choose a more powerful weapon.
  • And find yourself some power armor, you are from the Brotherhood after all)

But the assault trons are not the last level of reactor security; there remains one more protectron and a laser turret at the exit. Ask if there is any way to bypass them? Can.

In the main reactor control room there is a reactor safety system control terminal (level - very difficult) which is located on the second level to your left as soon as you enter the main reactor. If you can hack it, you will open the door to the supply department office on the opposite side of the room. Inside is a supply department terminal that allows you to completely disable the reactor's safety system. This way you can prevent robots and turrets from attacking you when you remove the beryllium impeller from the reactor.

Can't hack a terminal with a very difficult level? You can also hack other terminals scattered throughout the reactor level, activate all the Protectrons and Stormtrons and destroy them in advance. These are all the terminals described above after getting to the reactor level: the prototype laboratory terminal (Protectron), the service personnel terminal (two assault guns and a turret), the analyst terminal (Protectron). You only have to fight the Security Robot.

Leave Mass Fusion

Return to the lobby of the Mass Fusion building, where a battle has broken out between the Brotherhood of Steel and the synths sent by the Institute. Leave the location, the closest escape route is the two main exits on the first floor.

Help the Brotherhood fighters in the lobby (optional)

If you have enough ammunition and desire, provide fire support to the Brotherhood of Steel fighters to recapture Mass Fusion from the enemy once and for all. This will say a lot about your dedication to the Brotherhood of Steel. By the way, this is where the protectrons and turrets, which were written about earlier and which you can activate in the office opposite the elevator leading to the main reactor, will help you.

In this small guide you will find the passage of one of the most difficult story missions in Fallout 4 - "Mass Fusion". But before completing this mission, it’s worth thinking about: do you want to leave the institute safe and sound, but at the same time lose your friendship with the Brotherhood of Steel? If you like the second faction, then when this quest occurs you need to contact the paladins and tell them about the purpose of the quest. In this case, the quest will be interrupted and a new mission will begin - “Spoils of War”. But we'll talk about it another time. Now you will find yourself completing the Fallout 4 "Mass Fusion" quest, available if you decide to support the Institute.


Before starting a task, you need to find it somewhere. However, this is what usually happens in the game Fallout 4. Where does “Mass Fusion” come from? This quest will appear after completing the mission “A New Face of Humanity”. After the end of this mission, the player will receive a message that he needs to contact Dr. Ellie Fillmore, who will tell about the raid into the Mass Fusion building. In this location you have to remove a nuclear reactor, which will provide the Institute with electricity for many years. After talking with Ellie, go to the center of the Institute, go up using the elevator, to the teleport that led you to this building.

Preparing for the mission

Before completing this task, you should seriously stock up on first aid kits, ammunition, strong armor and lethal weapons. After all, completing the Fallout 4 "Mass Fusion" quest will make you the sworn enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel, and this is quite a formidable opponent. It is also extremely necessary to take with you a large amount of anti-radiation drugs and appropriate armor, since your path lies through rooms with a large background.

Let's go to our destination

Using the teleport, the main character will find himself on the roof of the building, and from the very first second he will have to engage in a rather heated battle. After the battle, go to the room with the stairs and elevator. To go further, you need to find a pass and a hologram with a password, without which it is impossible to continue the Fallout 4 “Mass Fusion” quest. Where is the pass? Finding it is quite simple, it lies on a table decorated with the building's logo, and there is also a cassette tape with a recording nearby.

It is worth noting that these items can only be found when completing the “Mass Fusion” story mission. And if you, while traveling through the wasteland, accidentally wandered into this building, then you will not be able to go further than the elevator, because the card with the password appears only with the quest marker.

Looking for a reactor

Go to the terminal with the marker and open it using the password. After reading the message, you will receive a task to go down to the basement. This can only be done using an elevator. This will be a rather difficult descent, because the mechanism moves very slowly, and the paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel will attack you from all sides. This is where all your supplies of ammunition and first aid kits will come in handy.

At one of the levels, the elevator will get stuck, and you will need to run to the rusty switch on the wall. By pulling it, you will restart the lifting mechanism, after which you can continue completing the Fallout 4 “Mass Fusion” quest and go to the basement.

Mission finale

Below you will find a room with a wide panoramic window overlooking the center of the nuclear reactor. Go through the door on the left. The next room will have a huge level of radiation, and if you haven’t stocked up on the necessary armor, then a suit that can be found in the box behind the door along with anti-radiation drugs will help protect you a little. We go into the dressing room, click on the desired button, and activate the cleaning. Now the life of the main character depends on the speed of our actions, because from now on you will begin to receive a huge dose of radiation every second. We quickly move to the stairs on the right, go up and, by pressing the lever, remove the reactor core. After which we run out of the room as quickly as possible and close the doors using the button.

Don't think that this is where all the adventures are over. Ahead of us is a battle with a robot armed with a Gatling laser and a protectron. In order not to fight with them at the same time, it is better not to leave the dressing room just yet, because a large robot will not be able to enter here, and the Protectron is not that strong. After defeating them, get ready for two stormtrons to appear. It is quite difficult to fight them, so you should not go on the attack. It is better to maneuver and run away, shooting back, while watching the charging of the lasers on their heads. After defeating this vehicle, you will encounter a couple more turrets, but they are not that strong.

We go to the elevator and begin our ascent: on the first floor the hero will witness the battle between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Institute. And here there are two options for further action: we can stay to help our allies, which is not necessary, or go upstairs. Returning to the Institute, we talk with Ellie, to whom we hand over our task “Mass Fusion” (Fallout 4). This quest is completed, but many more adventures await us in the wasteland.