
You were born between November 27 and December 17, neither the qualities of Scorpio nor the qualities of Sagittarius quite suit you, that's right, because you were born under the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus. You can retain the basic qualities of both Scorpio and Sagittarius. Ophiuchus is a person who has an incredible destiny and often people born under this sign are endowed with a special task in their lives.

There are twelve months in a year, twelve constellations make up our Zodiac, but when the Sun goes to the constellation Sagittarius, it passes through the constellation Ophiuchus and, at the same time, the constellation Ophiuchus does not have a clearly defined place in the Zodiac. When compiling karmic horoscopes, astrologers use 12 zodiac signs, but from 13 houses. At the same time, Ophiuchus is given special importance - it is a hidden multidimensional sign that has access to other worlds when the forces of Good and Evil enter into a struggle for power over the souls of people.

Ophiuchus rules for two weeks. The first half of the period - the end of the Scorpio period, is called the “Burnt Road”, and the second half of the period - at the ascension of Sagittarius, is called the “Road of Life”. The time when the Sun, before entering the constellation Sagittarius, passes through the “burnt road”, on this path a person faces the most difficult trials of the year. And he can only rely on himself.

Description of Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is an extraordinary person, he can disappear from your life forever, be reborn and become a completely different person, but at the same time he can build everything anew. Ophiuchus burns bridges behind him without any regret. Ophiuchus can bring both joy and happiness, as well as grief and destruction. He is always followed by a trail of inexplicable events that they themselves are unable to explain. Ophiuchus people love to travel; for them, the road is sometimes the meaning of life. They can always find a common language with other people, but it is quite difficult to communicate with him. They can live several lives at once in a row. Ophiuchus are like chameleons; at the right moment they become exactly what they want to be at the moment. Ophiuchus likes to take risks, he has no sense of fear, he is very fond of adventures and scams. Ophiuchus is very tenacious, loves and knows how to have fun, one of the main life positions in his life is enjoying life itself. Ophiuchus will always go only forward, and no stops in life. Ophiuchus is ambivalent, if you think you know him, then you don’t, he will always be able to show the other side of himself. Ophiuchus can also be dangerous, you should not harm him, otherwise he will bring you big troubles, he will take revenge until he calms down. This sign can bring bad luck to people who are closely related to it. Many Ophiuchus people are born with natural gifts such as extrasensory perception, healing, and telepathy.

People who were born under the sign of Ophiuchus: Nostradamus, Charles de Gaulle, A. Suvorov, B. Spinoza, Lope de Vega, V. Dahl, A. Fet, N. Vavilov

New Zodiac
Aries – 19.04-14.05
Taurus – 15.05-21.06
Gemini – 22.06-21.07
Cancer – 22.07-11.08
Leo – 12.08-17.09
Virgo – 18.09-31.10
Libra – 01.11-23.11
Scorpio – 24.11-29.11
Ophiuchus – 30.11-17.12
Pisces – 13.03-18.04
Capricorn – 20.01-15.02
Aquarius – 16.02-12.03
Sagittarius – 18.12-19.01

Ophiuchus is the most controversial sign, about which there is a lot of controversy. Not all astrologers recognize its existence. Let's try to understand the meaning and characteristics of Ophiuchus in more detail.

Information about Ophiuchus appeared in mass sources not so long ago. The news that there are now thirteen zodiac signs has excited the entire astrological community and caused a lot of controversy.

Former Sagittarius people worry the most: they don’t know whether their sign has now changed, and how this change affects their lives. Ophiuchus dates fall between November 29th and December 17th. If your date of birth falls during this period, then the 13th sign of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus, applies specifically to you.

Because of the new symbol, radical changes took place in the familiar zodiac system. Now all birth dates and signs are shifted. But many astrologers refuse to acknowledge the changes and continue to use conservative methods. You can do the same.

Where did the 13th sign of the Zodiac come from?

All the zodiac signs we are familiar with represent inanimate objects or mythical creatures. Ophiuchus distinguished himself in this too. The prototype of the sign is a real person, the Egyptian Imhotep, who lived before our era and successfully healed people.

Knowledge about Ophiuchus was safely forgotten, and in the 1970s, astrologer Stephen Schmidt remembered the thirteenth sign again. But his idea did not receive support, so it remained in oblivion for many years.

Not all astrological schools recognize the existence of Ophiuchus. So, for example, in Indian astrology, one of the most ancient in the world, the zodiac signs remain 12.

Characteristics of the Ophiuchus man

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics: these are character traits and behavior by which you can easily distinguish a representative of the sign in a crowd. Ophiuchus is no exception.

Here are its characteristics:

  1. Very wise. Throughout his life, he constantly absorbs new knowledge, strives to improve, and change everything around him in a positive direction. For world peace, does not tolerate conflicts and clashes. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with him.
  2. Luck and luck accompany him in everything. You just have to want it - and the wish will come true. The power of thought, coupled with lasting positivity, together create a powerful energy charge, thanks to which Ophiuchus always achieves what he wants without much effort.
  3. Likes to dream. But these are more likely not abstract thoughts in the clouds, but clear plans and visualization of the desired result. Perhaps this trait is the reason for Ophiuchus’s success in achieving any, even the most daring goals.
  4. He can work as an architect and builder, because he likes to transform the surrounding space, to be a kind of Creator. If professional activity is far from this, then it will definitely be associated with creativity.
  5. He likes to dress in bright, provocative outfits, so he is noticeable from afar. Loves brands and strives to follow fashion. Style and quality are very important because they enhance the status of Ophiuchus.
  6. Often has brilliant musical talent, but does not realize it. Think about this if your sign is Ophiuchus. It might be worth taking vocal lessons or going to a music school.

He approaches any problem creatively. Looks for and finds creative solutions that no one else would simply think of.

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Astronomy relies primarily on scientific methods and uses rigorous mathematics to study outer space. Astronomers have still not been able to prove that stars located many light years from Earth have an impact on the ordinary lives of people. Astrological knowledge has been used for three thousand years to predict the future. Astrologers, based on a person’s date of birth, determine his past, present and future. It would seem that the paths of these two areas of knowledge diverged long ago. But the sensational statement of American scientists that they managed to obtain scientific confirmation that 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus exists, has caused heated discussions in the world of astrologers.

What did NASA scientists actually discover?

NASA experts noted that from November 30 to December 18, the Sun passes along the ecliptic through the constellation Ophiuchus - a zodiac sign not included in the traditional astrological chart. However, scientists emphasize: astronomy and astrology are different fields of knowledge.

“Here at NASA we study astronomy, not astrology. And we, of course, do not at all pretend to interfere in astrological forecasts. We should not be blamed for allegedly demanding a revision of the horoscope. We didn't do this! All we are interested in is just mathematics.”

Ancient Babylon knew about Ophiuchus

More than 3,000 years ago, the inhabitants of Babylon divided the Zodiac into 12 equal parts. So the pizza is cut into 12 equal pieces. They then selected 1 constellation from each of the 12 “slices.” As a result, in their opinion, the Sun passes through each of the 12 zodiac constellations. By that time, the Babylonians already had a 12-month calendar, compiled by them based on the phases of the Moon, and each month received its own “piece of the Zodiac.”

However, even then the Babylonians were forced to admit that they deliberately simplified the starry picture of the sky, because their observations of the stars revealed not 12, but 13 zodiac constellations. The 13th constellation, named Ophiuchus, was simply excluded by them from the list of signs. But even so, the 12 constellations they chose did not correspond to the boundaries established for them and, figuratively speaking, overlapped with the subsequent “slice of pizza.”

Constellations have different sizes and shapes, which is why the sun spends different periods of time in each of them. The movement of the Earth through the points of the sun to Virgo takes 45 days, and to Scorpio only seven.

But, as stated above, in order to relate the movement of the sun to their 12-month calendar, the Babylonians ignored the fact that the sun actually moves through 13 constellations, not 12. And they allocated an equal number to each of these 12 constellations time.

In a word, the Babylonians made certain simplifications, which now, 3000 years later, are becoming more and more clear.

Thus, among the Babylonians, birth between June 23 and August 22 meant birth under the constellation Leo. Now, after millennia, the sky has shifted, since the earth's axis (North Pole) is gradually no longer located in its previous direction, and now the one who is born during this period is born under the sign of Cancer.

Not only the Babylonians, but also the Hindu priests knew about the sign of Ophiuchus. And just like the astrologers of Babylon, they still chose to abandon it.

Have your zodiac signs changed?

Has your zodiac sign changed with the arrival of Ophiuchus? The answer is likely to be negative, and here's why. Astronomy is built on strict observation of the stars, while astrology relies in its calculations on the movement of the Sun observed from the Earth. Along the entire trajectory of this movement, astrologers simply excluded statistical zones and track only planetary movements.

This is why the dates of the Zodiac signs remain unchanged even now, when, after 3 thousand years since the advent of astrology, the celestial configurations have changed.

Indeed, the constellations, as unified groups of stars, have shifted over the centuries. However, Western astrology follows a completely different system, using its own so-called “artificial” constellations, they can also be called “pseudo-constellations”.

In the second century, the great mathematician and astronomer, as well as astrologer Ptolemy of Alexandria, created the Tropical Zodiac - a fixed system independent of changes in the constellations or the rotation of the Earth's axis. Ptolemy used the same names for the signs of the zodiac and for the constellations. This is why there is confusion in the approaches of astronomers and astrologers. The Tropical Zodiac begins each year with the pseudo-constellation Aries, which is based on the position of the Sun on the vernal equinox on March 21st.

Several centuries ago, astrology and astronomy were considered parts of the same science, but now their paths have diverged, and is it really right to transfer knowledge and discoveries from one area to another? Especially if both sciences have long had different goals and use different tools and methods?

Ophiuchus - 13th sign of the zodiac. Characteristic

Ophiuchus has been known to astrologers for quite a long time, so NASA’s statement about the existence of the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac should not be considered an epoch-making event.

Characteristics of Ophiuchus is a sign that has high privileges in comparison with other signs of the Zodiac. Those born under this sign are rebels, bringing revolutionary changes to society, bringing the distant future closer with their actions, and having unlimited access to information inaccessible to others. Their difficulty is that they carry a dual charge of positive and negative: Ophiuchus can be strong and weak, wise and trusting, make real breakthroughs and do evil.

The constellation Ophiuchus is located between the Constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius, which means this is the sign of those born from November 30 to December 18. The symbol of Ophiuchus can be considered a staff entwined with snakes - the ancient Greeks depicted Aesculapius, the god of healing, with such a staff. Snakes, as carriers of wisdom and healing poison, have symbolized healing since ancient times.

How can a horoscope change?

By the way, even the very history of how discussions about this sign are developing now is interesting. On the one hand, Mercury retrograde contributed a lot to confusion and confusion among astrologers after NASA's announcement. And the number 13 causes some uncertainty. On the other hand, maybe it’s really time to recognize Ophiuchus’ right to exist among the other 12 signs of the Zodiac? After all, he, even if only after 3 thousand years, still managed to oust Scorpio himself, and this costs a lot!

If astrologers nevertheless reconsider their classical schemes and let in the 13th sign of the Zodiac, then the horoscope sign will change for 86% of the inhabitants of the Earth, for whom the map of the starry sky is also a map of their destiny.

This is how they change dates for the signs of the Zodiac with the arrival of Ophiuchus:

  1. Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  2. Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
  3. Pisces: March 11 - April 18
  4. Aries: April 18 - May 13
  5. Taurus: May 13 – June 21
  6. Gemini: June 21 - July 20
  7. Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  8. Leo: August 10 - September 16
  9. Virgo: September 16 - October 30
  10. Libra: October 30 - November 23
  11. Scorpio: November 23 – November 29
  12. Ophiuchus: November 29 – December 17
  13. Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

In the meantime, astrologers insist that the time has finally come to admit new zodiac sign Ophiuchus, find themselves in the minority. And this is quite understandable. Indeed, after the recognition of the thirteenth sign, another, no less stunning event may follow - the recognition of the 14th sign, the constellation Cetus, which not only astronomers, but also astrologers have long been arguing about. The constellation Cetus makes itself known during the transition of the Sun from the constellation Aries to the constellation Taurus, i.e. from April 19 to May 1. People born under this sign are already spoken of as endowed with remarkable strength and power.

In contact with

The constellation Ophiuchus was first described by the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. n. e. A huge cluster of stars near the celestial equator has the shape of a pentagon. In astrological catalogs, the constellation is usually depicted as a man with a serpent in his hands. The head and tail of the snake stand out separately, representing independent constellations.

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Celestial Ophiuchus is the 13th sign of the zodiac. The idea of ​​a new division of the zodiac circle was proposed in the 70s. last century astrologer Stephen Schmidt. According to the new horoscope, the rule of Ophiuchus falls between November 29 and December 17.


    The existence of the 13th zodiac constellation was known to ancient astrologers. Ophiuchus was described in treatises of Ancient India, Persia, and Egypt. This sign was not indicated in horoscopes, because it was believed that it marks the entrance to other dimensions - the astral and mental.

      The origin of the constellation is associated with the famous ancient Egyptian healer Imhotep, who lived in the 27th century. BC e. With his knowledge and healing art, he earned the favor of the gods and was taken to heaven. This is where the constellation came from.

      In Ancient Greece, legends were told about another doctor - Asclepius. He saved people from death, which earned him the disfavor of the god of the underworld, Hades. At his complaint, Zeus transferred Asclepius from earth to heaven along with a snake in his hands.

      In India, Ophiuchus is believed to be the star image of the god Krishna, who defeated a huge cobra.


      According to astrologers, Ophiuchus experiences the powerful influence of two other signs, at the junction of which it is located - Scorpio and Sagittarius. Therefore, Scorpio-Ophiuchus and Sagittarius-Ophiuchus are distinguished, in accordance with birth numbers.

      There are 2 options for dividing the zodial circle, according to which dates of birth will differ.

      According to the new horoscope:

      • Scorpio: November 23 - 29;
      • Ophiuchus: November 30 - December 17;
      • Sagittarius: December 18 - January 18.

      According to Avestan astrology:

      • October 24 - November 14 - Scorpio;
      • November 15 - November 30 - Ophiuchus;
      • December 1 - December 21 - Sagittarius.

      The Avestan school of astrology extends the influence of the constellation over 15 days. They are called "Burnt Path". This period brings fatal changes to people’s lives and leaves an inevitable imprint of fate on those born.


      Astrologers believe that people born under this sign have a predetermined fate and are unable to change it. Throughout their lives, mysterious events and dramatic changes often occur to them.

      It has not yet been established exactly which element the 13th sign of the zodiac belongs to. Opinions are divided on this matter. Some believe that the active, dynamic nature of the sign indicates its close relationship to the element of fire. Others believe that the snake is closer to water, so they attribute Ophiuchus to the water element.

      Two planets leave their mark on the sign - Jupiter and Chiron. Magic stones as talismans are jet, jasper, serpentine, aquamarine.

      The thirteenth sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus, has an unusual destiny and contradictory character.

Not everyone knows that those who are classified (by date of birth) as Ophiuchus have an unusual fate and unique character traits. They retain only some similarities with the traits of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Ophiuchus, during their lives, are capable of changing beyond recognition in a short period of time. Some give people love and happiness, others bring tears and grief. Life events are mysterious and inexplicable.

Some Ophiuchus can “live” several lives at once during one life. The acting environment would suit such people.

Representatives of this sign are fraught with hidden danger for others. If you quarrel with them, it is fraught with serious negative consequences. Ophiuchus is capable of radically changing his life, starting everything from scratch. He likes everything related to getting thrills: travel, difficult expeditions, gambling, various sports. The most important difference between this sign is its strongest energy.

Ophiuchus - woman

Many people believe that the Ophiuchus woman is cold and insensitive, like the “Snow Queens”; sincerity and compassion are alien to them. But, if you look deeper, you can see their bright, extraordinary nature. Their wisdom (even in their youth) is not always liked by men.

In society, Ophiuchus is often the “black sheep.” Her sense of taste and clothing style are not understood by everyone. Representatives of the stronger sex do not feel comfortable around these individuals.

Ophiuchus - man

The Ophiuchus man has the strongest energy potential, including sexual potential. His task: to win as many hearts as possible. Beautifully courting, he charms every woman with his charm. This womanizer, having achieved one goal, immediately switches to another.

It will not be possible to keep Ophiuchus with various feminine tricks (for example, pregnancy). For a while, out of a sense of duty, Ophiuchus will remain nearby. But all this time he will be planning an “escape” from the space that is cramped for him. He believes that he is not ready for a family relationship, as he values ​​freedom above all else. His life is a series of “ups and downs.” This is observed in various areas of his life.

Constellation Ophiuchus

At the equator of the sky there is a place where many bright stars have accumulated. This is the constellation Ophiuchus, which is not included in the zodiac circle. The Greek astronomer Ptolemy included it in the catalog of the starry sky in the 2nd century. The constellation is usually depicted in the form of a man with a huge snake in his hands. The neighboring constellation Serpens represents it.

The location of Ophiuchus contributes to the division of the constellation Serpens into 2 halves: the Head of the Serpent and the Tail of the Serpent. This is one constellation. In addition to the North, the constellation is visible throughout Russian territory.


Controversy still continues around Ophiuchus’s belonging to a certain element. There is a version that most of all it belongs to the element of fire. The image of Ophiuchus is visually similar to the image of a man with a weapon in his hands.

Energy, strength, belligerence - are these qualities inherent in Scorpio (a water sign)? Probably not. Ophiuchus is active, strong, confident of victory. He is ready to fight to the death to defend his goals. Consequently, Ophiuchus is a representative of the fire element (despite the proximity of the phlegmatic Scorpio).

Ophiuchus in love

Ophiuchus is a “tangle” of passions. He is ready to do anything for the sake of the object of his adoration, giving himself up to love without a trace. As soon as he achieves his goal, the ardor of love immediately fades away, only to flare up with renewed vigor, switching to a new object.

Ophiuchus himself is straightforward, does not tolerate lies and falsehood. He expects the same from his partner. Once he loses interest in the relationship, he turns and leaves, trying to forget about the past. Very often, Ophiuchus abuses alcohol, trying to distract themselves.

Ophiuchus in friendship

Ophiuchus is too straightforward. This makes him look like a Sagittarius. But he will not tell more information than is beneficial to him, even to a friend. This character trait makes him similar to Scorpio.

If a person is among the Snake’s friends, he will always remain one, no matter what happens. People of the 13th zodiac constellation either love with all their hearts, or hate. They are ready to sacrifice their lives for their friends.