We see different colors every day. They are present in clothes, the world around us. Each color has its own meaning. Let's talk about what the colors represent.

White color

White is a symbol of purity and perfection. It has a beneficial effect on human energy. People who like him are usually honest and accurate, but they have many enemies. As a rule, they have a calm temperament.

Red color

Red is a symbol of life energy. It activates, attracts the eye and warms. This color is liked by strong and courageous people, who often turn out to be very vengeful. Red clothes are worn by those who want to stand out from the crowd. It charges people with special energy, giving them activity and cheerfulness.

Orange color

Orange represents the color of creation. He is optimistic, encourages freedom and action. Orange color can activate the hidden possibilities of a person. With it, you can achieve any goal. Those people who prefer the color orange are strong in spirit, they are able to influence others and quickly gain popularity. They often become leaders.


Yellow color symbolizes the love of life. It is able to bring joy and laughter, and also stimulates mental abilities. It is believed that the yellow color is liked by creative people who are distinguished by honesty and diligence. It is also chosen by those who want to become rich and succeed in life.


Turquoise color symbolizes harmony between heart and mind, experience and wisdom. It activates hidden talents in a person and allows them to be developed to the maximum. This color is preferred by people who are eager to achieve not only success in life, but also enlightenment.

Green color

Green color symbolizes harmony. It reduces arousal and helps to get rid of negative emotions. This color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. People who like him usually lead a quiet life, are compassionate and sentimental. They are trusting and constant, but they are often betrayed by the people around them.


The blue color represents not only wisdom, but also a calm disposition. It promotes relaxation and inspires to do good deeds. This color is chosen by people who strive for spiritual achievements. They are not selfish, can be spineless and passive.

Blue colour

Blue color symbolizes inspiration, justice and devotion. It contributes to the fulfillment of desires, even those that at first glance seem unrealizable. People who like blue tend to be very organized and have good stamina. They are receptive and can obey others. They have excellent logical thinking.


Purple is a color that symbolizes kindness and wisdom. It is very powerful, which is why it is preferred by leaders. Violet color helps to balance spiritual and physical energy. People who give preference to him tend to put on airs, they have a well-expressed self-esteem and have oratory skills. But at the same time, they often do not notice their shortcomings and can be quite tough with others.

Pink color

Pink is the color of Venus, symbolizing love. It allows you to build relationships with people around you. With the help of pink, you can attract a soul mate into your life or fill an existing relationship with tenderness. It also helps to heal from emotional wounds, increase self-esteem and prevent the occurrence of troubles in life.

Brown color

Brown color symbolizes protection. It allows you to protect yourself and attracts only good events to life. Brown color attracts wealth, success and abundance. He likes people who are ready to do anything to achieve their goal.


Indigo is a color symbolizing spiritual healing and enlightenment. It helps to learn about past lives and other worlds. It is preferred by people who like mysticism and the unknown.

Grey colour

Gray color represents protection from mental and physical attacks. It effectively neutralizes negative energy and allows you to quickly get rid of problems. People who choose this color are sensitive and have a good heart.

Black color

Black color symbolizes mystery and mystery. It is chosen by people with a calm character. Often they have the ability to foresee, but not everyone uses them.

Color- this is what surrounds every person every day, causes special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothes, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks of a person’s preferences, his state of mind and inner feelings. Preferences in colors also characterize the temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).

Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry in themselves, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your state, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood and much more by choosing and combining certain colors in your style and environment (objects on your desktop, home interior, etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to a particular color. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors, such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always blow in black or gray tones.

Subconsciously, people similarly perceive and react to colors. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceive red as an alarming sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform the desired actions, confidently move forward without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, differently affect the perception and psychological state of a person.

Purple color in psychology

When you combine red and blue, you get purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in antiquity painted pregnant girls using this palette shade. This phenomenon is explained by consonance with sensuality.

In the modern world, experts argue about its negative and even depressive effects on a person. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied personalities prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothing. Using it in small amounts can be beneficial, because purple overestimates self-esteem. It should be noted that this color is not used when working with the elderly and young children.

Blue color in psychology

The blue option is preferred by many people. This happens because of the palpable magnetism. It is when contemplating saturated blue things that a person tends to immerse himself in thoughts, reflect on the meaning of life and the eternal. In films and stories, magicians are depicted in blue robes. Buddha and Krishna are blue in color, which speaks of wisdom and inner harmony.

Most often, this option is preferred by purposeful, selfless people who have personal views and points of view. Clothing in such colors exudes rigor, high spirituality and a serious life position. Blue has a positive effect on the nervous system, has calming properties and extinguishes excessive passion.

Yellow color in psychology

This color is one of the brightest and most positive. The color of summer, sun and heat has a positive effect on brain activity, improves mood and makes the imagination work. Of course, the excessive use of yellow shades in clothes and interiors can lead to overexcitation. In the interior, it must be harmoniously combined with darker and more peaceful tones.

Yellow is preferred by positive and talented individuals. Those who have a huge amount of ideas and talents. Purposeful, positive and able to adapt to the interlocutor people. In addition to all these positive characteristics, yellow has the other side of the coin. It is he who is considered a symbol of dementia and insanity.

Green color in psychology

The green color is the symbol of spring, rebirth and peace of mind. Healing and relaxing properties have long been proven. Prolonged contemplation on green brings absent-mindedness and boredom.

Lovers of the green palette have balance, efficiency, inner harmony and the ability to logically assess the situation. Green extinguishes the negative effects of depressive and negative colors. That is why it is combined with dark depressive tones (purple, black, etc.) to create the perfect clothes and interiors.

Red color in psychology

A victorious color characterized by excessive activity, purposefulness, rigidity and even aggressiveness. Also, it is red that compares passion, love and self-sacrifice. It is most often used in marketing concepts (posters, advertisements, etc.) and in danger signs (traffic, traffic lights). Experts do not recommend getting carried away and looking at the red color of the palette for a long time.

Persons who sympathize with red have a strong character, obvious courage and determination. Passion, impulsiveness, dominance and perseverance can play both for the good and for the harm of a person.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, willingness to solve complex problems, joy and spontaneity - all this carries this version of the palette. Orange has a positive effect on a person and takes him out of a depressive state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list of the best colors for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their feature is inconstancy and arrogance.

Lilac color in psychology

Lilac is the symbol of affection and warm feelings. It suggests philosophical views on life, peace of mind and feelings of flight.

Lilac lovers are very romantic, sentimental, dreamy, romantic and sensual natures. Despite the softness of nature, they have impeccable mental abilities and excellent ingenuity. Attentive attitude to one’s appearance and to the appearance of others, readiness to help is another quality that is an integral quality of “lilac” people.

Blue color in psychology

Surrounding yourself with blue flowers, a person feels comfort, security and reliability. It allows you to disconnect from all problems, not to think about tomorrow and existing problems.

All those who prefer this shade option are concentrated, self-confident, straightforward and concentrated personalities. They are great office workers. Those who know how to quietly but confidently achieve the desired result.

Pink color in psychology

Pink is the color of naivety, childhood, carelessness and love. Naive dreams and fantasies, calming and distracting from bad thoughts - these are the properties that pink colors have.

Pink lovers are very hardworking, dreamy and dedicated to their work. They are touchy, whiny, have a good temperament and even childish naivete.

Black color in psychology

Despite associations with grief and sadness, black always attracts the attention of others. The embodiment of strength, confidence, intrigue, wealth and mystery also carries this version of the palette. In moments of depression, it only aggravates the situation, delays the process of sadness and detachment from the outside world.

Black lovers are most often gloomy, self-contained and too serious personalities.

White color in psychology

Purity, innocence and exceptionally light associations carry white tones. New beginnings, a symbol of freedom, inspiration, peace and faith.

Medical staff wear white coats. This is due to the color's associations with goodness, honesty and perfection. In many countries, this color is present in traditional robes. It is impossible to accurately reveal the character of white lovers, since it is widely used as work clothes. It looks spectacular in combination with other color options and is a classic option.

Turquoise color in psychology

It is the coldest of the entire palette of shades. It has a very attractive appearance and leaves no one indifferent. Carries the coolness of the sea waves, healing, peace and creativity. Many people prefer to wear jewelry with turquoise, bringing good luck and protecting its owner.

Gray color in psychology

A mixture of completely opposite colors (black and white) carries a neutral feeling. The "golden mean" is mostly ignored by people, associated with everyday work and everyday life. Despite the fact that few people pay attention to the gray color, it carries friendliness, calmness, stability, realism and common sense.

A small percentage of those who prefer gray are friendly, courteous and patient by nature. Preference and surrounding yourself with gray tones indicates emotional exhaustion and nervousness of a person.

Brown color in psychology

The symbol of industriousness, reliability, stability, devotion to work and one's work is precisely cinnamon. The negative side is the association of brown with doubts and disappointments.

Those who prefer the brown colors of the palette are purposeful and life-loving individuals. They are reasonable, rational and optimistic.

Psychology of color in clothes

For business meetings and promotion at work, strict blue, light blue, brown, gray outfits are ideal. Combinations of white and black colors also have a positive effect.

Meeting with friends and relatives, walking in the park, around the city require brighter and richer colors, especially if it is a warm period of time. Clothes of green, yellow, turquoise, lilac, orange tones cannot be ignored and left hanging in the closet.

For a date and a romantic dinner, the weaker sex quite often resorts to outfits with red accents and elements. This move kindles passion and has an exciting effect on partners.

The psychology of color in the interior

Bright shades (yellow, orange, green, red) are most often used in the design of the kitchen. Furniture of these colors helps to increase appetite and improve mood.

Blue, purple and blue are actively used in bathrooms.

It is undesirable to use blue, purple and white in children's rooms. It is best to organize children's rooms in pink, peach and other warm colors.

Very often, public institutions (cafes, restaurants, hotels) resort to decorating the room with the help of brown and red shades.

How long ago people began to attach importance to everything that surrounds them is unknown. However, no matter what antiquity the symbolism comes from, it is still interested and paid attention to. A special place is occupied by color, which can tell a lot about a person, influence his psyche, express emotions and feelings.

What does the color blue symbolize?

In astrology, blue is considered the color that symbolizes eternity and is associated with Venus. This was reflected not only in the influence of a particular planet, but also in the psychology of a person, his social position. It is not difficult to guess why eternity was assigned to blue - after all, it is he who is directly connected with the sky and the sea, peace, tranquility, constancy. In ancient times, it was the color of fidelity, affection for someone.

If the elements of the coat of arms or its base were made in shades of blue, the clan was distinguished by such qualities as honesty, the ability to keep one's word, and chastity. All those traits that a person of the highest circle should have had. No wonder it was believed that the aristocracy had "blue" blood. And blue in classical symbolism is only one of the subtones of blue, and not an independent color.

Since blue refers to shades that are not so far away from black on the general color wheel, it is sometimes referred to as mourning tones, especially if it is muted, deep. And such an interpretation of it exists not only in the southern countries: it was also used among the Slavic peoples, where grief and “nav” were associated with blue. In some fairy tales, even demons were blue-haired.

In the modern world, blue in its close to black version is the color of restraint and confidence. In the advertising business, blue is considered one of the "expensive" colors, i. those that, when used on a particular product, will elevate the product to an elite status. This is especially emphasized when combined with blue and gold.

What does blue color mean in psychology?

You can tell a lot about a person by asking him about color preferences. Such an influence of a shade on consciousness was studied by many teachings, among which I. Goethe and M. Luscher are especially famous. Based on their research, many tests have been compiled today, as reviews confirm, giving a reliable result. What can blue say about a person?

Those who choose this color are subconsciously drawn to the sky and the sea, which means they want peace in their lives. Such a person has a balanced character and is prone to a melancholy mood. Even if he is quite sociable and active, he often needs moments of rest and silence, allowing him to be alone with his inner self. The efficiency of such people, although high, they always need a good rest.

In addition, their peace also depends on their own confidence in everything that surrounds them: people, situations, their own strengths. From loved ones, they always seek benevolence, understanding, warmth. However, having been taught by bitter experience, they do not accept these gifts for a long time, they are looking for a catch, withdraw into themselves, feel loneliness even in the crowd. At the same time, such a person will go to self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one. If necessary, I am ready to give up the latter for the sake of a friend.

If a subconscious rejection of the blue color occurs, it is important for a person to show his omnipotence. In the eyes of others, he always wants to look like someone who does not need help, who is one step higher. However, inside such a person is often too insecure, quite closed, he is not always ready to make contact, he practically does not let those around him. His whole life takes place in tension, but he does not seek to relax. It is possible that he is satisfied with this state of affairs, or he is too used to it to let go and change something.

People who are indifferent to blue are courteous and courteous to others, although this is only a mask. In fact, they care little about other people's feelings. It is often noted that a person can reach for blue situationally - during a period of severe fatigue or illness. In addition, in moments of strong joy, blue will cause irritation, disgust, because - especially in tandem with gray - it provokes passive depression.

There are several more characteristics that can be given to those who are unconsciously drawn to blue in all its manifestations. In particular, with a love for its light tones, a person is quite accommodating, easily compromises, not wanting unnecessary disputes. He is characterized by laziness, a general relaxed state, he makes decisions after much thought. In addition, such people lack a sense of proportion in natural needs - they can go too far at the dinner table or at a gala evening with food and drink.

If a person's choice leans towards turquoise tones, which are an almost equal mixture of blue and green, then these are unpredictable personalities. In most cases, they are timid and quiet, incapable of militant moods, attempts to go against everyone, actively defend their point of view. However, such imperceptible at first glance people stubbornly go towards their goal and do not take into account those who are trying to prevent this. Therefore, they become dangerous for their opponents.

What does blue color mean in clothes and interior?

As already mentioned, knowledge of symbolism is actively used today in business, in the market of goods and services. And how can a certain color fit into the interior or used in the outfit work? What will the unconscious choice of the blue item of clothing say?

If you have given preference to a soft blue thing, the mood on this day is upbeat and light, the person "hovers in the clouds", tends to indulge in dreams. When focusing on dark blue as the base color in the wardrobe (instead of the traditional black), you can be judged as a self-confident, patient person with considerable endurance. Such a person often dwells in his own thoughts, will not go into open confrontation.

Often, people who want to receive support and strength from the outside at an important moment for them turn to things of this color. A bright blue, almost ultramarine, becomes the choice of a person who is self-confident and wants to be paid attention to. But at the same time, he does not want to overstep the bounds.

Designers who make sketches of the future interior often resort to symbolism when choosing colors for the room. We have to proceed from the socio-demographic characteristics and the psychological impact of the shade on consciousness. And from the point of view of the last factor, blue is not recommended for use in areas where work is in full swing. Basically, these are cabinets - both at home and in the office.

The blue color has the ability to suppress performance, relax the mind and provoke a decrease in concentration. He will not allow you to make an important decision or focus on the problem as much as possible. At the same time, interestingly, sky blue, which is a relative of blue, on the contrary, makes it possible to assimilate information and come to a compromise on any issue.

But, taking into account such qualities of blue, you can easily use it in the decoration of a bedroom or bathroom, making it dominant in the overall range. In addition, shades of blue help to lower the temperature in the room, since they are all cool tones. Therefore, walls are often decorated in such a range where there is an excess of sunlight. Moreover, the blue should be light, so that additional light reflection occurs.

What does the blue color of flowers mean?

Although the language of flowers is based mainly on plant varieties, their shades are also often taken into account. What can you say about blue flowers? Pale blue forget-me-nots and bells immediately come to mind, as the most familiar to the eye, associated with youth and purity. They were given to young girls, emphasizing the charm of their innocence. Subsequently, white flowers began to play a role similar to them. Blue irises were able to silently remind a woman that she is not alone, she has support in the person of the donor, she should gather her strength.

During the time of Catherine II, there was a “Register of Flowers”, where flowers of light blue and blue tones were also recorded, which became a symbol of fidelity in all its manifestations. Such "letters" and "promises" were sent before a long parting or at a distance from each other, as a reminder that nothing is forgotten, feelings are alive, albeit covered with longing. Blue and blue flowers were given to those who went to war or the army, becoming an unspoken promise to wait. Many people remember the song "Blue Handkerchief", which carries the same meaning as a bouquet of forget-me-nots.

But even though color once played one of the main roles, and even today a lot of attention has been paid to it in psychology, the energy of a person wearing this color or giving a gift in such a range is often able to block any of its characteristics. And not always the psychological aspects described above are completely true about a person. Therefore, the main orientation should always go to inner harmony. And the fact that someone was once assigned to a particular color is secondary.

Some researchers adhere to the point of view that the word "blue" originates from the word "dove". But, there is also an opinion that this word is a “relative” of the word “deep” (water conceals, in its depths, a bluish tint). Blue is considered to be the color of creativity. Therefore, it is advised to use it in educational institutions.

The "marine" color has no bottom. He knows how to grab anyone's attention. It intoxicates, calls for the search for meaning and truth. By the way, if you, suddenly, cannot live without the blue color in your clothes, this means that the energy of imagination is “boiling” in you.

Blue color in the psychology of ancient peoples

Since ancient times, blue has been associated with noble birth. Surely you have heard of the blue blood that is said to have flowed in the veins of the aristocracy. Some scholars are of the opinion that it all started with ancient Egypt: there, the “heavenly color” was treated with such adoration that the inhabitants of Egypt even painted their legs with blue paint. Thus, they tried to demonstrate varicose veins, which, as you know, "wear" a bluish tint. It is because of this that this disease was considered a sign of high origin.

Since the blue (blue) color is very close to black, both of them have identical symbolic meanings. Among some tribes in South Africa, for example, dark blue or blue was considered mourning.

Blue is a "burning" mixture of white and blue. Therefore, it affects the human condition in a similar way. "Heavenly color", which is surprising, heals suppuration and wounds. It also relieves the effects of a hard day and fatigue.

Blue color is a symbol of fidelity, impressionability and affection. About those people who love this color, it can be said with confidence that they easily give in to despondency during failures. Blue lovers prefer peace, strive for harmony with people and with themselves, they have the ability for quite thoughtful reflections and aesthetic experiences. They are artistic workaholics and, therefore, reach incredible heights on the steps of the social ladder. These people do not know how and do not like to sit in one place for a long time: travel is their element. If you want to negotiate something with people who love blue - just be patient and it will certainly be rewarded.

Favorite color - blue

This color is extremely comfortable, it comforts and soothes. Much depends on the state of the blue color: a sense of harmony, the depth of feelings, the degree of vulnerability. Blue color is an expression of reliability, integrity, trust and loyalty. So many people have concluded for themselves that blue is their favorite color and it comes from the soul.

One of the amazing properties of the blue color is its “ability” to push space apart. Where there is a blue color, or some of its shades, there is a feeling that the passage of time slows down significantly. Blue is the color of sensitivity. When you look at him - it seems that he asks to look inside himself.

What does blue color mean?

Some people think that blue is a symbol of peace. The lady who makes her choice on him knows how to tell the truth, looking into her eyes, and, at the same time, not to offend with a word. This is due to the fact that she is very confident in herself. Men who choose blue are reserved and cold.

In medicine

It has a blue color and healing properties: relieves headaches, refreshes. Blue color is just a "salvation" for those who are trying to lose weight: it helps to reduce appetite. It also helps those who have high blood pressure: if you believe in the effectiveness of color therapy, then it can also reduce pressure. Also, the blue color is useful for those who suffer from insomnia. It helps with diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn. For women: neutralizes PMS and reduces the amount of bleeding during critical days.

The negative is, in color, that he, sometimes, “accidentally”, can bring a person to melancholy, make him sad. The negative aspects that the blue color “infects” with: the inability to maintain contacts with others for a long time, a skeptical mood in planning goals, a constant, unceasing dissatisfaction with what is and is happening at the moment.

This color is indispensable for shyness, fear of sociability and shyness. The blue color should also be remembered by a person who is fond of meditation, as it helps to "withdraw into oneself", to remain alone with one's innermost thoughts. Therefore, if you want to do (or are doing) meditation, light and place a blue lamp or candle nearby.

Psychology of blue color in a person's profession

What professions do lovers and lovers of blue choose? Those who, in any way, are associated with risk (for example: a military man, a firefighter, a pilot).

People who choose this color are distinguished by win-win intuition, incredible determination and determination. And those who do not feel sympathy for this color, or reject it at all, dream of serious changes that can relieve depression and stress.

American psychology

At Harvard, the doctors did an experiment. The people were divided into several groups. One of them was left overnight in a room that was lit in blue, and the other in green. It turned out that the "inhabitants" of the green room do not feel as comfortable and good as those who spent time in the next room (with blue lighting).

The blue color is "born" for people who are timid and fearful. There is no need to allow too much blue, because its overabundance will surely lead to scandals, quarrels and manipulation of people. By the way, the legends say that too “flashy” blue color introduces a person into a state of horror, causes ghosts and spirits.

Those who persistently reject the color blue are acutely aware of the lack of teamwork and friendships. Such people are weak, ambitious, but striving for excellence. Quite often, the blue color is strongly rejected by people suffering from nicotine addiction and those who are not really understood by close and dear people.