Show me a person who has never seen in the morning in the mirror a face of Eastern nationality with slitted eyes? A swollen face is not always a sign of a party going on past midnight. Sometimes this indicates serious health problems. But regardless of the reason, before leaving the house, you just need to quickly remove the puffiness from your face. At home, you can use compresses, ice, thin slices of vegetables, gruel or herbal infusion. But the most proven way to remove puffiness from the face and bags under the eyes is to find and eliminate the causes of such disgrace.

A swollen face is not just an aesthetic problem

Puffiness itself is not a disease. It is a symptom of certain diseases, injuries, strokes or the result of an incorrect lifestyle. The cause of swelling may be:

  1. Excessive fluid intake. Each person has their own fluid requirement. If you notice swelling in the morning, remember how much water you drank in the evening. This problem is especially relevant in the summer heat, when you can exceed the norm without noticing. If swelling appears precisely for this reason, then it is not difficult to quickly remove it from the face. A cold tea compress (tea bags under the eyes or a napkin soaked in cold tea on the face), wiping with a piece of ice, thin slices of cucumber under the eyes or all over the face will do.
  2. Food that is too spicy, salty or smoked. Salted nuts, crackers, fish with cold beer - what could be better on a summer evening? But the salt and spices contained in such dishes retain fluid in the body, plus alcohol also does not stand aside. As a result, in the morning the eyes have an eastern shape. You will have to choose between a pleasant pastime in the evening and the morning reflection in the mirror. Lotions, ice, and cucumber will soften the situation a little.
  3. Alcohol. Any alcohol consumption is harmful to the body. If yesterday you had a fun drinking session, then you shouldn’t be surprised by the swelling on your face. It is only in youth that the consequences of any spree and drinking do not affect appearance. In adulthood, in the morning you can read from a person’s face, as if in an open book, the entire history of yesterday’s exploits. It is not possible to remove swelling quickly. First, the body needs to get rid of alcohol intoxication, and only then the swelling will go away on its own. Tea bags, ice, slices of raw potato or cucumber will smooth out the image in the mirror a little.
  4. A separate case is an allergy to alcohol. It can be accompanied not only by swelling of the face, but also by red spots on the skin, itching, suffocation, and even fever. In general, the picture is a bit like a chemical burn and can cause a lot of inconvenience. No lotions will quickly help remove the symptoms of an allergy to alcohol. You need specialist advice and a review of your lifestyle and habits.
  5. An improper diet, fasting, lack of sleep, stress, and overwork can also cause swelling. You shouldn’t test your body’s strength. Don’t overload yourself, watch your diet, get enough sleep, and then there will be no need to deal with the consequences. Cold lotions and raw vegetables will ease the situation a little, but it is better not to bring yourself to this state.
  6. Sunburn. Yesterday you lay in the sun, but today you can’t open your eyes? Happens. It was necessary to remind about a hat, protective cream, and short exposure to the sun yesterday. Today, a cool compress, sour cream or kefir as a mask will help remove redness and swelling.
  7. Swelling after a bruise. Any blow damages tissue and small blood vessels. A blow to the face most often occurs in the eye or nose area. In addition to the tumor, after the blow a change in skin color (a banal bruise) quickly appears. If you can still try to remove the swelling, then the rainbow tints of the bruise will “delight” for another couple of weeks. The first thing after receiving a blow is to make sure that there are no fractures or damage to the eye, and only then proceed to help. The best result will quickly be achieved by a simple procedure - a cold lotion on the site of the impact (crushed ice in a napkin, frozen vegetables from the freezer, a cold metal object). The sooner the compress is applied, the less noticeable the damage will be. You need to keep the compress for at least 10 minutes, after which you can switch to herbal lotions from decoctions of plantain, yarrow, and St. John's wort.

All of the above is unpleasant, but not fatal. Study yourself, monitor the appearance of swelling, analyze your lifestyle. By slightly adjusting your food preferences, daily routine, and habits, you can forever get rid of the “face of Eastern nationality” that appears in the mirror in the morning.

Swelling of the face as symptoms of the disease

It is worth talking separately about the reasons that are related to health. The appearance of swelling is sometimes associated with:

  • the beginning of menstruation (rarely, but it happens);
  • pregnancy;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • allergies;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.

Making a diagnosis yourself, much less prescribing treatment for yourself, is not the smartest thing to do. Noticing symptoms in a timely manner plus contacting a specialist is the first step to a quick recovery.

Some allergic reactions, such as angioedema, are deadly and require immediate medical attention.

If swelling occurs regularly, for no apparent reason and is accompanied by shortness of breath, then it is worth checking your heart function.

To determine the causes of facial swelling, you need to consult a specialist

Sometimes swelling appears from low-quality cosmetics. It is not fatal, but extremely unpleasant. When choosing cosmetics, focus on proven products purchased in a specialized store. The bright jars and tubes that are sold in spontaneous markets are, of course, much cheaper, but you will have to pay with your own health.

Why, in some cases, does the entire face swell, and sometimes does excess fluid accumulate only in the nose area or form swelling under the eyes? The location of the swelling will help determine the cause of its appearance:

  1. Bags under the eyes in the morning, swollen eyelids. The swelling is soft to the touch and can even be moved a little under the skin. This may be a sign of kidney disease. If bags appear regularly for no apparent reason (drinking, large amounts of liquid before bed), then you should think about visiting a doctor. Problems with the kidneys will also be indicated by a yellowish tint to the skin on the face or rapid, seemingly causeless weight gain.
  2. Tumor in the paranasal sinuses. This may indicate an infection. Inflamed areas impede the drainage of lymph, which leads to the formation of swelling. A cold lotion in such a situation will not bring any benefit; on the contrary, it may increase inflammation. As the inflammation decreases, the swelling goes away on its own. This condition often occurs in people suffering from diabetes; their body has poor resistance to any infection.
  3. Swelling of the entire face occurs due to chronic respiratory diseases. In this case, there is no need to use cold compresses or herbal lotions. Only treatment of the underlying disease can save the situation.

The location of the swelling will indicate a possible disease

You can temporarily remove swelling from your face caused by a serious illness. But it will be possible to completely eliminate the problem of fluid retention in the body only after competent treatment prescribed by a specialist.

How to help yourself

Not all swelling is easy to remove quickly. The answer to the question of how to remove swelling from the face depends on the cause of swelling:

  1. The consequences of allergies will quickly be removed by antihistamines and anti-allergic ointment for swelling. Cold lotions will not give results, and lotions or tonics are directly contraindicated - they can aggravate the condition.
  2. Swelling after tooth extraction will be slightly removed by cold (lotion, compress), and after a few hours you can apply dry heat (salt, sand in a napkin).
  3. Pain and swelling from a blow to the face will be relieved by cabbage leaves or plantain. The torn plantain leaf should be washed well, mashed (or better yet, passed through a meat grinder) and applied to the site of impact, secured with a bandage. Cabbage leaf quickly draws out excess liquid and relieves redness. It is enough to apply it to the site of the impact and make a retaining bandage on top.
  4. Pharmaceutical products based on herbal raw materials also relieve swelling; it is advisable to always have them in your home medicine cabinet. There are cosmetic masks that quickly remove puffiness, but you need to make sure that the cosmetics are of good quality, have not expired, and the puffiness is not a consequence of allergies.
  5. Most often, swelling on the face is a consequence of excessive consumption of liquids or alcohol. The most prudent prepare in advance for the morning consequences of libations and freeze ice from herbal infusions (chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, green or black tea). Here you need to take into account one important detail - using ice in the eye area (upper, lower eyelids) is dangerous, it can adversely affect vision. Only cool lotions are applied to the eyes (tea bags, small napkins, thin slices of cucumber or potato). If there is no ice, strong tea (preferably green) is suitable both for lotions and for washing. It’s good to soak a napkin in tea, put it in the freezer for a few minutes, and then lie down with this compress for at least 10 minutes. In extreme cases, just a wet towel (you can also keep it in the freezer) or washing your face with cool water for about ten minutes will do.
  6. Sometimes diuretics are used to quickly remove swelling. It really works, but the drugs are only allowed to be used once. Long-term use of diuretics is possible only as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise it will cause serious harm to health. Freshly brewed green tea (suitable with milk) is recommended as a replacement; it has a mild diuretic property.
  7. A hot bath will not work. It is better to take a cool contrast shower, after which do a light (very light!!!) facial massage with a drop of essential oil.

Remedies for getting rid of facial swelling can be found in every housewife’s kitchen.

Try making one of these quick-help cosmetic masks:

  1. Boil the potatoes, mash them and apply them warm to the swollen area for about 15 minutes. Alternatively, if you don’t have enough time, apply potato juice or a slice of potato to the swelling, keep it until it warms up, then apply fresh juice if necessary.
  2. Sour cream with finely chopped dill (1 tsp). The mask is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off with cool water.
  3. Crushed parsley root (gruel) is applied to problem areas for 20 minutes. Unlike other remedies, parsley root can be applied to the eyelids.
  4. Fresh chopped cucumber is applied to the entire face. This mask will not only relieve puffiness, but also moisturize and refresh the skin. To save time, cut the cucumber into thin slices and apply to your face. They will hold even when moving. This will give you the opportunity to do household chores (for example, prepare breakfast) without interrupting your cosmetic procedure.
  5. Cognac mask: 1 tsp. alcohol, yolk, a few drops of lemon juice, half a spoon of green tea. If desired, add a little pharmaceutical gel for swelling. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse off and wipe your face with green tea ice.

One-time problems with swelling on the face, caused by obvious reasons (excess fluid, drinking), are easily eliminated by adjusting your lifestyle or diet (healthy sleep, less salt and alcohol). A constantly swollen face should alert you to the fact that you may have a disease that requires specialist intervention. Swelling that occurs quickly and suddenly, accompanied by itching, rash, sudden change in skin color, pain, requires emergency medical care. Do not hesitate to call an ambulance - there are types of edema that can have very serious, sometimes deadly, consequences for the body.

When washing your face in the morning, everyone wants to see a refreshed and rested reflection in the mirror. But sometimes you want to break this glass when a swollen face with slitted eyes looks out from there. This state of affairs brings irritation, sadness and obvious discomfort.

What to do and where to go in search of a magical remedy. After all, you want to quickly get your appearance in order and not get upset when looking in the mirror. How to remove swelling from the face quickly and can this be done using available home remedies?

Facial swelling often occurs during a hangover

Before arming yourself with the wisdom of traditional healers or running to the pharmacy for some suitable drug, it is worth finding out why the puffiness of the face appeared, which led to repulsive swelling. There can be many reasons:

  1. Sleep disturbance. It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep well, or, on the contrary, you’ve slept too long - swelling can come in any case. More often, puffiness that occurs for this reason is localized in the eyelid area.
  2. Overwork. Chronic fatigue syndrome is visible to the naked eye. The area of ​​the nasolabial folds swells, and bags appear in the lower eyelid area.
  3. Excess fluid. Especially drunk before bedtime. Such a libation will certainly affect the next morning in the form of edema. This is explained by a violation of metabolic processes (disturbances are more often observed after 30 years).
  4. Wild party. With an abundance of alcohol, fatty and salty foods. A morning hangover will not fail to affect the appearance of edema.
  5. Nutrition. A meager menu, and sometimes too excessive, a varied menu that evokes puffy eyelids and unsightly bags.
  6. Dry air. Such a nuisance awaits us during the cold season, when centralized heating dries out the air too much. In addition to swelling, in this case the face may turn red.
  7. Some diseases also cause puffiness. Problems with the heart, kidneys, osteochondrosis, allergies, inflammation of the oral cavity and lymph nodes provoke the development of an ugly situation.

How to remove swelling from the face

Having found out the cause of the syndrome, you can begin to save your appearance. To quickly relieve swelling, you can use numerous tips, recipes and some medications. They should be selected depending on the identified causes that provoked the swelling.

Swelling has different etymologies

After drinking

Alcohol, taken even in small quantities, can cause persistent and extensive swelling of the skin. Ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on internal organs, poisoning them and disrupting normal functioning. The consequences of the resulting intoxication stress are visible swelling. To remove traces of the scavenger hunt, use the following tips:

  1. Take a cold, invigorating shower. If this is too difficult and unusual, you can invigorate the body and body with a contrast shower (but be sure to finish the procedure with a cold douse).
  2. Drink a couple of glasses of cool water, add a few drops of lemon juice.
  3. Perform a facial massage, vigorously rubbing the skin. This massage will distribute the accumulation of fluid and tidy up your face.

Consequence of the blow

Fans of active sports, especially boxing or ultimate fighting, know how quickly the face swells after a blow. In this case, the pain impulse can be eliminated by applying a cold compress to the damaged area. But this must be done immediately after the blow, otherwise the method will not work.

Otherwise, to relieve swelling and pain, you can use the following ointments: “Bruise-Off”, “Geaparin”, “Indovazin”, “Allantoin”, “Heparoid Zentiva”.

These products not only relieve swelling well, but also heal skin damaged after injury. They can also be used by children after too active walking, rollerblading or cycling.

Removal of a tooth

After a visit to the dentist, a person sometimes notices swelling of the cheek. It forms after the anesthesia wears off. Applying a cold compress to the skin will help to quickly dissolve this puffiness.

If the swelling does not go away for more than 2-3 hours in a row, you should visit the dentist again. Sometimes prolonged swelling signals the development of an infectious process in the oral cavity and requires immediate treatment.


If the puffiness of the face occurs due to a person having any disease, it will not be possible to quickly remove the swelling. To do this, you need to get rid of the cause that causes swelling of the skin. Only doctors are involved in identifying and eliminating the source of the problem.

Features of swelling of renal origin

After the tests, the doctor will find out the problems in the body and prescribe a therapeutic course. It varies depending on the problem identified:

Allergy. Treatment is carried out with antihistamines, which work to eliminate the present allergen and the accompanying allergy symptoms. More often, doctors include the following medications in treatment: Telfasta, Zyrtec, Zodak, Suprastin.

Injury. After trauma and the development of puffiness, in the damaged area, in addition to the ointments already listed, doctors recommend using other decongestants: Ketonal, Leoton-gel, Troxevasin.

Quincke's edema is one of the most dangerous edemas

For inflammation. To quickly remove swelling of the face caused by inflammatory processes occurring in the body, doctors prescribe a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. These may be the following medications: Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Naproxen.

Canephron has a good diuretic effect. The herbal preparation is based on extracts of lovage, rosemary and centaury. Diuretics also help get rid of swelling of the face: “Indap”, “Metolazone”, “Indapamide”, Chlorthalidone.”

Causes of swelling on the face

It must be remembered that medications to relieve puffiness should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. And only when the swelling becomes alarming. In mild cases, you can get by with old folk recipes.

Help from traditional healers

To remove a swollen face, it is worth remembering the numerous tips of healers. The people's pantry of advice is rich, it comes to the rescue in any case. The following methods can be used to combat swelling.


Almost all compresses for relieving swelling on the face are made on a plant basis. Healing herbs successfully remove excess fluid and relieve puffiness. To successfully carry out the procedure, adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Take a comfortable position, preferably lying down.
  2. Prepare cotton napkins and the healing decoction itself.
  3. The napkin is thoroughly moistened with the decoction and applied to the area of ​​edema.
  4. After 5-7 minutes, the procedure is repeated using a fresh napkin.
  5. After 20-30 minutes, the face should be lubricated with any usual nourishing cream.

According to experts, swelling goes away faster when exposed to cold. Therefore, use the decoction cool or keep the napkins in the freezer for some time before the event. To prepare the liquid for the procedure, use the following recipes:

  1. Brine. Good for severe swelling. Dissolve salt (120 g) in two liters of water.
  2. Decoctions of mint or sage. To make the composition, stir dry herbs (15 grams each) in boiling water (200 ml). The product should be infused for 30-40 minutes. Then the broth is poured into two vessels and ice is added to one of them for a contrast compress.
  3. Green tea. You need to brew it for about half an hour, based on a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of tea leaves.
  4. Herbal mixture. A good remedy against puffiness is a mixture of calendula (1 part), chamomile (2 parts) and sage (3 parts). The herbs are steamed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour.
  5. Field horsetail. This plant is famous for its anti-edematous effect. Dry vegetable raw materials (50 g) are brewed in boiling water (200 ml), after 20 minutes the solution is ready.
  6. Rosemary. Another effective plant that helps remove puffiness from the face. Rosemary also helps enhance metabolic processes and improve skin tone. Steam 2-3 chopped rosemary sprigs in boiling water (200 ml). The composition should be left for about a week in a cold place.

Decongestant masks

Numerous masks can also effectively remove swelling from the face. These products are prepared based on products that everyone has in their home. Choose the appropriate recipe:

  1. Potato. The potatoes are boiled in their skins and the loan is kneaded. The puree is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Strawberry. The berry contains essential acids that improve blood circulation, tone and remove excess fluid. Mash a handful of aromatic berries and mix with olive or sesame oil (20 ml) and lemon juice (3-4 drops). The procedure time is 20-25 minutes.
  3. Parsley. Crush the fragrant greens thoroughly (you can use a blender) and stir with yogurt. The paste is applied to the swelling and lasts for half an hour.
  4. Pumpkin. Mix the boiled pieces of vegetable with liquid honey (15 ml) and apply on the face for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Cucumber. An excellent tonic. An ordinary fresh cucumber is cut into rings and applied to the swelling for 20-25 minutes.

Decoctions inside

The vast majority of unsightly swelling is associated with fluid retention in the internal organs. Various diuretic decoctions help normalize and improve its removal from the body. To prepare effective potions, some plants are used that have a diuretic effect:

  • horsetail;
  • burdock;
  • nettle;
  • St. John's wort;
  • cowberry;
  • rose hip;
  • bearberry;
  • plantain;
  • flax seeds;
  • birch buds.

To make a healthy decoction, a mixture of herbs is steamed with water in the proportion of three parts of boiling water per part of the herbal raw material. After infusion for 30-40 minutes, the broth is filtered. It is recommended to drink 300 ml of healing liquid daily.

Anti-edema massages

Ice. All decoctions and infusions of plants, which have already been mentioned in the article, can be used frozen for decongestant massages. Regular ice cubes will also work for this purpose.

Ice massage is carried out by actively massaging the entire face area. But make sure that the skin does not get hypothermia. The optimal time for such a procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Lymphatic drainage. Experts identify lymphatic drainage massage as an effective measure for relieving puffiness. It is easy to implement and can be done at home. By influencing bioactive points located on the surface of the facial skin, blood circulation is normalized, while excess fluid is removed. How to massage:

  1. Using your fingers, actively massage the skin area from the temporal region to the forehead.
  2. Next, the movement proceeds in a lateral direction to the neck, reaching the clavicular area.
  3. Circular movements are made around the eyes.
  4. The fingers are located on the bridge of the nose and actively move towards the temples, going under the eyes, then along the neck and up to the collarbones.

Each movement is repeated 10-12 times. But be careful not to press too hard on the skin (it can be easily stretched). Before the massage, the face is cleansed and massage oil is applied.

Lymphatic drainage massage technique

It must be remembered that lymphatic drainage massage is not suitable for everyone. This procedure is contraindicated in the presence of a viral infection, purulent skin inflammation, neoplasms and elevated body temperature

Every person had facial swelling in the morning. But while for some this happens quite rarely, for others swelling will become a real problem. If the swelling does not go away for a long time and compresses do not help, take medications with a diuretic effect to reduce it.

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Postoperative problems

The reasons will be facial surgeries that are therapeutic or cosmetic in nature.

The most common surgeries are dental and nose reshaping.

If swelling occurs after surgery, doctors do not recommend taking medications on your own to reduce it. Sometimes the reaction can be unpredictable.

Traditional methods that have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the product, will help:

  1. Mountain arnica. From it you can prepare compresses, infusions, for external and internal use.
  2. Knowledgeable people advise using aloe juice to reduce swelling. The juice of this plant has anti-inflammatory properties. The method of application is quite simple: an aloe leaf is cut lengthwise and applied to the site of inflammation or swelling.
  3. Compresses from decoctions of chamomile and string. It is enough to apply it to your face for 15 minutes a day.

Experts advise avoiding drinking alcohol after facial surgery. Toxins will accumulate in the body, and there may be severe swelling in the face and throughout the body.

National methods

Many people know about the capabilities of black and green tea in the fight against swelling on the face:

  1. All you have to do is put in the used tea leaves. Chilled tea is good to use as a compress against morning swelling. A black tea compress will give your skin a light tan. If this effect is not desired, then it is better to use green tea infusion for a compress.
  2. Fresh vegetables and fruits and herbs will help. You can use the pulp of some vegetables, for example, potatoes or cucumbers, as a mask or applications, cutting off thin circles and placing them on your eyelids.
  3. A mask of parsley with lemon juice brightens and removes puffiness. To do this, finely chop the parsley and mix with lemon juice until a paste forms. It is applied to the face, then washed off with warm water after 15-20 minutes. It is useful to wipe the skin with parsley decoction.
  4. Rubbing an iced coffee cube over your skin gives great results. This is a guarantee of elastic and smooth skin without swelling, a great mood in the morning, thanks to the wonderful aroma of coffee.


If swelling of the face becomes a constant phenomenon, then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to find out the cause.

Causes of edema:

  • Excessive fluid intake during the day;
  • Dietary disorder;
  • Bad habits;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Diseases of internal organs;
  • Age-related changes.

A visit to the doctor will help determine the exact cause.

If a visit to a therapist is not part of your plans, then there are several ways to get rid of facial swelling at home.

Treatment at home

Often you need to put your face in order - get rid of swelling quickly. This situation is familiar to women.

Here a few simple tips will come to the rescue.


The method is known for its speed and efficiency, but you should not use it too often:

  1. For a salt compress you will need 4 tablespoons of salt, which must be dissolved in 2 liters of warm water.
  2. Wet a towel with the resulting solution and place it on the face. Place a dry towel or cloth on top and leave the compress until it cools down.
  3. This procedure is repeated three times. After compresses, wash off the remaining salt and apply a cream suitable for your skin type. It would be better if it was a nourishing cream.

Alternating washing with hot and cold water will give excellent results:

  1. You only need 2 containers with hot and cold water. It is better if you add ice to cold water.
  2. Towels are lowered one by one into a container of water and wetted. After squeezing them lightly, apply them to the face.
  3. The hot compress should be kept on the face until it cools completely, the cold compress – no more than 40 seconds.

The method tones the facial skin well and activates the functioning of blood vessels. The skin becomes smooth and tightened.

The method is good as prevention.


Often, especially with age, the consequences of fun parties are reflected on the face.

In the morning, when you need to rush about business and quickly put your face in order, it is difficult to hide the consequences of last night.

There are several ways to get rid of swelling on the face after drinking:

  1. Downtime is cold. To reduce swelling under the eyes, you can use regular ice or a frozen decoction of medicinal herbs. It is enough to rub an ice cube over the skin in the eyelid area several times - the swelling will significantly decrease.
  2. A light facial massage will help reduce the effects of drinking. Movements should be smooth and not cause pain. To prevent the skin from stretching, massage movements should be performed along the massage lines on the face.
  3. An ointment for varicose veins or hemorrhoids will help cope with swelling on the face. Although they are intended to treat other conditions, they are suitable for quickly resolving swelling problems. One disadvantage of this method of eliminating puffiness is the appearance of slight redness on the skin after applying the ointment.

The only thing that is not recommended to do to relieve swelling after drinking is to use diuretics. After drinking alcoholic beverages, the water balance in the body is already disturbed.

Taking diuretics can aggravate the picture, swelling will become more noticeable.

Cosmetic preparations

Cosmetology offers a large selection of products that will help quickly remove puffiness from the face and return the skin to a beautiful appearance.

In the fight against edema, cosmetologists advise:

  1. Special mask from Avon. For the effect, it is enough to use it once a week. The mask is applied to cleansed facial skin and washed off with warm water after 20 minutes. The result of using the mask will be soft skin without signs of swelling.
  2. The Garnier company has released a roller cream mask for the eyelids. The advantage of this product is easy application thanks to a special roller, simultaneous massage of the skin around the eyelids.
  3. Cream “Lioton” is an effective remedy against varicose veins and edema. To reduce their appearance, just apply a little product to the skin and let it absorb. Remove the remaining cream with a paper napkin and then apply day cream or foundation.


Change your lifestyle:

Adjusting your diet will help relieve swelling of the skin. You need to control what you eat. Avoid fried, fatty, salty foods, replacing them with fresh vegetables, juicy, aromatic fruits.

Hardening the body perfectly improves cardiac activity, puts metabolism in order, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, fluid does not linger in the tissues.

Rejection of bad habits. After just seven days without smoking, alcohol, or drinking strong coffee, you will see that swelling in the morning becomes less and less, and soon it will stop bothering you completely.

Sleeping in a well-ventilated area will relieve the problem. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the position of the neck and head during sleep so that it does not rise too much above shoulder level. The pillow should be medium in size and moderate in softness - this is an important rule.

Elimination of puffiness

Some methods help relieve annoying swelling, others do not give any effect. The effect of any methods depends on the cause of this problem.

Cosmetologists say that the best way to eliminate the problem is cosmetic procedures in the form of injections and professional masks.

Doctors insist that it is necessary to go to the hospital, where drug treatment is prescribed.


Tablets that relieve swelling are divided into:

  1. Osmotic diuretics are aimed at increasing osmotic pressure - removing excess fluid from soft tissues. Prescribed for cerebral edema, glaucoma, and serious intoxication. Strictly contraindicated for renal and heart failure.
  2. Potassium-sparing drugs help avoid potassium deficiency in the body when taking diuretics. Prescribed to patients with heart failure. Veroshpiron is most often prescribed, which helps with ascites, heart failure and edema caused by cirrhosis.
  3. Saluretics remove sodium and potassium, quickly relieve swelling and reduce the load on the myocardium. Prescribed in case of hypertension, heart failure. A popular saluretic is Furosemide (analogues of Furon, Lasix), which begins to act within 20 minutes after administration.

If your legs swell, decongestant ointments are often prescribed, which are available at any pharmacy.

The following have proven their effectiveness: Essaven Gel, which helps with varicose veins, tired legs and poor circulation; heparin ointment - eliminates inflammation of the walls of blood vessels that are located close to the skin, eliminates blockage of veins; Venitan contains horse chestnut seeds, which helps strengthen capillary walls and normalize blood circulation; Lyoton - helps with bruises, hematomas, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

The appearance of swelling on the face always causes aesthetic discomfort, because it looks very ugly and always indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the body.

There are many reasons why swelling on the face appears, ranging from stagnation of fluid in organs and tissues to the reaction of skin tissue to shock.

However, regardless of the factors that provoked changes in the skin, every person faced with this problem wants to know how to quickly and effectively remove swelling from the face.

In this article you will learn about the causes of unpleasant symptoms, as well as folk and medicinal remedies to eliminate them.

Causes of swelling

Swelling that appears on the face may indicate either minor changes that do not require treatment or serious pathological disorders in the organs and tissues of the body.

Let's consider the main factors influencing the manifestation of this symptomatology:

  1. persons associated with a fall or impact.
  2. Drinking a large amount of liquid or liquid in the evening provokes swelling in the morning. The same symptom occurs after excessive consumption of smoked, salty or sweet foods. This type of swelling most often goes away on its own and does not require treatment.
  3. An incorrectly chosen pillow or an uncomfortable position during night sleep are common causes of edematous symptoms.
  4. Pregnancy. During this period, a woman’s body experiences a strong hormonal surge, so a pregnant woman’s face often looks swollen. If symptoms do not go away on their own for a long time, this may be evidence of gestosis.
  5. Stressful loads, constant fatigue and insufficient time for a full night's sleep are constant companions of edema.
  6. Allergy. In addition to the main symptoms of itching and redness, it often causes swelling on the face. Most often, this symptom is observed after using cosmetics or medications.
  7. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  8. Functional disorders at work. In this case, water “collects” under the eyes, and upon palpation the “bags” move.
  9. Pathologies of the heart and vascular system. The peculiarity of these diseases is that the swelling is hard on palpation and appears more often in the evenings.
  10. Blood clots localized in the superior vena cava cause not only swelling, but also blueness on the face.
  11. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The upper eyelids and cheeks swell.
  12. Inflammatory processes.

If swelling is a consequence of a chronic disease, it can be eliminated only after drug treatment of the provoking disease.

Swelling after or temporary disturbances in the removal of fluid from the body is eliminated with the help of topical medications (gels), as well as effective traditional medicine recipes, which include both self-prepared ointments and tinctures for oral administration.

Elimination of consequences of injuries

Any facial trauma causes damage to the skin tissue, which manifests itself as hematomas. In this case, the skin may remain without breaks, but disturbances in the subcutaneous retina, where blood accumulates in damaged vessels, are always present.

To minimize these processes and, it is important to act correctly in the first minutes after injury.

The main condition for preventing edematous symptoms in this case is applying cold to the injured area. For these purposes, ice, food from the freezer, metal objects, or simply a cloth soaked in cold water are suitable.

It is important!

Such a measure will remove swelling from the face and minimize the appearance of bruises only immediately after injury. Within half an hour from the moment of injury, this method will be ineffective.

Swelling of the face is quickly eliminated with the help of medicinal ointments intended for this purpose.

List of the most popular effective topical products:

  • "Special grease";
  • Dolobene-gel;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Lyoton-gel;
  • Troxevasin.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, products based on badyagi (bone tissue of a freshwater sponge, crushed into powder) are often used.

It is important!

When using medicinal ointments on your own, you should carefully read the instructions for use and possible contraindications.

Strictly following the instructions will reduce the symptoms to a minimum.

However, independent treatment is not acceptable if, after a facial injury, the victim exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Large localization of edema;
  • Continuous pain;
  • Swelling does not go away for more than 5 days;
  • After the impact, dizziness, weakness and unusual character are recorded.

If one of these symptoms appears, you should immediately seek advice and examination from a traumatologist, who, after examining the injury, will prescribe the necessary medications.

Help from traditional medicine

Proven traditional medicine recipes will also tell you how to effectively remove a tumor from the face.

These methods are very popular, since the prepared infusions, creams and lotions consist of natural ingredients, and their effectiveness is not inferior to expensive pharmaceutical drugs.

  1. Raw crushed potatoes, which are applied to the injured area, remove swelling well.
  2. 2 tsp. The collection of wild rosemary and coltsfoot herbs is boiled for several minutes, and then left for about 2 hours. Lotions are made from the resulting infusion.
  3. A crushed analgin tablet is added to iodine and applied on the spot with pronounced swelling.
  4. A cabbage leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the problem area.
  5. Lubricate the swelling with butter.
  6. Cooked and chopped beans are applied to the swollen area.

In order for these recipes to help quickly and effectively, you need to know what it is strictly forbidden to do if there is swelling on the face after an injury:

  • Massage the damaged area of ​​the face;
  • Use as alcohol;
  • For the first 2 days, use warming compresses or visit baths and saunas.

Failure to comply with these rules will lead to slow recovery of damaged tissues, which will provoke not only new swelling, but also inflammatory processes in the skin.

Eliminating temporary fluid stagnation

How to quickly relieve swelling associated with temporary fluid stagnation without resorting to medications?

  1. Take tinctures of rosehip, chamomile or nettle daily. These healing herbs will not only remove unnecessary water from the body, but also improve metabolism. A ready-made pharmaceutical diuretic or green tea also works well to relieve swelling from a swollen face.
  2. Ice cubes that are used to wipe your face in the morning help relieve swelling. You can use frozen infusions of medicinal herbs or cucumber juice.
  3. Brewed black tea can help relieve swollen eyelids. In a fresh brew, you need to wet the gauze and put it on your eyes. This compress should be kept on the eyelids for at least 15 minutes, and then rinsed with cool water.
  4. In the morning, it is useful to use a contrast wash, alternating jets of hot and cold water.
  5. Massage. Smooth massage movements will accelerate the circulation of subcutaneous fluid and eliminate swelling.
  • Recipe 1, eliminating swelling from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Beat the egg white until it becomes foamy. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and hold until it hardens. Afterwards, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature, and a cream with a moisturizing effect is applied to the face.

  • Recipe 2 to eliminate the puffy symptom of “bags” under the eyes.

Fresh parsley is ground or crushed until the juice is released. The resulting slurry is applied to gauze napkins and applied to the eyelids.

Applications are a proven and simplest remedy for eliminating puffiness. In any recipe, they are kept on the swollen area for at least 20 minutes.

  • Fresh cucumber cut into thin slices;
  • Chopped pumpkin pulp mixed with a small spoon of honey.

Prevention measures

In order not to look for recipes on how to remove the manifestations of swelling, you need to follow simple but very effective preventive measures.

  • Regularly monitor the amount of fluid you consume;
  • Remember that only pure water replenishes the body’s water balance, so you need to minimize the amount of sugary drinks, coffee and cocktails you drink;
  • Balance your diet by including plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as boiled or steamed foods;
  • Limit the use of salt and hot spices;
  • Provide your body with healthy, full sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • Spend more time on gentle but regular physical activity in the fresh air;
  • Choose high-quality bedding sets;
  • Do not use medications without a doctor’s prescription;
  • Get regular dental checkups.

Compliance with these rules will significantly reduce the risk of swelling on the face.

Edema is a condition familiar to almost every woman. If you have not yet encountered this problem, then, unfortunately, it is only a matter of time. Therefore, in any case, it is useful for you to know why swelling occurs and how to deal with it.

Swelling is an unpleasant thing and often requires changes in your usual lifestyle.

Why does swelling occur?

Roughly speaking, edema occurs when the normal circulation of fluid is disrupted and it begins to accumulate in a certain part of the body or throughout the body. Apart from chronic painful swelling caused by various diseases or injuries (otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor who will cure you of the cause of the swelling and prescribe medications that will relieve the symptoms), then swelling is usually the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal changes, unhealthy diet, heat, etc.

How to deal with swelling?

Swelling can accumulate in various areas. But most often we suffer from swelling of the face, limbs or so-called general swelling. Despite the fact that edema in any case has a similar nature, the fight against swelling of different zones still has its differences.

General swelling

General body swelling is typical for women during menstruation or other hormonal changes. In addition, it can be a consequence of dehydration, a sedentary lifestyle, changes in diet or water, and much more.

To get rid of general edema, you need to somehow “disperse the blood” or remove excess moisture from the body. There are several methods for this:

  • Do warm-up exercises. Edema often occurs due to stagnation of lymph from lack of muscle activity. It may seem strange, but one of the most effective cures for morning swelling is a run or at least a brisk walk. If you often suffer from this trouble, and it is not a consequence of an illness that requires additional treatment, then sign up for swimming or start jogging in the morning - this will help solve your problem;
  • Take mild diuretics. Talk to your doctor about which drug is right for you. Diuretics will help remove excess water and swelling will go away;
  • Minimize your sodium intake as much as possible. Sodium causes the body to store moisture. If you suffer from edema, then pickles, smoked foods, as well as all food “from bags” will aggravate the situation. In addition, you should limit your salt intake if you cook your own food. If you wake up and notice general swelling (provided that you are otherwise feeling normal), then stopping consuming salt until the swelling goes down is the first thing to do;
  • Drink plenty of clean, non-carbonated, non-mineral water. Your best bet is baby water, which you can buy in most supermarkets. Pure water without additives will remove excess salt from the body. In addition, no matter how strange it may seem, often the cause of edema is chronic dehydration - the body begins to store water, feeling its lack. As you probably understand, in addition to swelling, this has a number of unpleasant consequences. To enhance the effect, “snack” the water with a couple of slices of lemon or cucumber - they have a mild diuretic effect;
  • Reduce your consumption of store-bought drinks, including juices and sugary waters. They all contain sodium;
  • Do not wear tight clothes and shoes. Pressing on swollen areas limits the already insufficient blood flow. If you feel swelling, avoid wearing tight belts, stockings, garters, tight shoes (especially high heels), rings, etc. instead, try moderately loose, supportive clothing and comfortable, mid-range shoes;
  • Enrich your diet with magnesium supplements. Edema can often be aggravated due to its deficiency. You can buy magnesium supplements at a health food store or pharmacy. The daily value is usually about 25 mg;
  • A warm bath with sea salt will also help. However, it should be warm, not hot. Lie in the bathroom for about 15-20 minutes, then take a contrast shower. If swelling occurs regularly for you, make a salt bath and contrast shower part of your daily routine. Despite some initial inconveniences associated with the unpleasant sensations of cold treatments, very soon you will not only get used to such a shower, but also begin to enjoy it. In addition to treating edema, it hardens, helps maintain vigor and significantly improve the condition of the skin by improving blood circulation in the tissues;
  • Massaging swollen areas helps increase blood flow and reduce swelling. If you have the opportunity, book a massage. Warn the massage therapist that you need several sessions of a relaxing and de-swelling massage;
  • Review your diet so that it contains a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs and as little salty and fried foods as possible. This will help remove excess moisture from the body and improve liver and kidney function. Remember, you need to eat at least one serving of fresh vegetable and herb salad per day year-round. This is useful not only for edema, but also for the body as a whole.

Swelling on the face

Women are especially bothered by swelling around the eyes. It is with them that we pay for smoking, drinking alcohol, watching our favorite TV series and staying up after midnight at work. Separately, it is worth noting the swelling on the face, which appears even after a minute of tearfulness and which is very difficult to get rid of and almost impossible to disguise. If you often experience swelling in your face or eyes after waking up, it may also be due to not getting enough sleep or sleeping in an awkward position, eating too much salt, using the wrong eye makeup, or rubbing your eyes with your hands or a towel while washing your face. Once you get rid of the cause, you get rid of the consequences.

If you are prone to facial swelling, it will not hurt you to take note of the following methods.

  • Apply a cold compress to your face for 15-20 minutes and drink a few glasses of water. In the morning, the face is puffy due to water retention and salt concentration around the eyes. If you have a habit of over-salting or ate a lot of salty or smoked foods for dinner, then this may be the cause of morning puffiness. Water will help remove excess salt, and the compress will speed up the process in the most problematic areas. Also, drink plenty of water throughout the day and avoid caffeine, alcohol, and salty foods;
  • Make a compress of chilled cucumber slices for 15 minutes. When the cucumber slices get hot, they need to be replaced with cold ones. Chilled brewed tea bags in the freezer for about 15 minutes will also help. As a last resort, any dry, chilled compresses will do. But remember that this is a temporary measure. If you do not solve the problem that caused the swelling, the swelling will appear again;
  • Buy an astringent toner or eye cream. When you have this anti-puffiness tonic on hand, you don't have to worry if you're prone to puffy face during menstruation or from lack of sleep. A compress of chilled astringent tonic can solve this problem in 5-10 minutes;
  • A cold compress of grated potatoes is a good remedy for puffiness of the face due to exposure to tears or an alcohol hangover. The potatoes should be grated and placed on the face for 15-20 minutes. Starch can dry out the skin, so after the compress, treat the skin with a moisturizing tonic (not cream);
  • Facial puffiness may be the result of an underlying allergy. If you have reason to suspect that you are hypersensitive to any substance, consult your doctor. In addition, it is worth cleaning the filter in your air conditioner and air purification systems at home and at work. These devices, if not cleaned often enough, serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and dust mites, causing allergies and exacerbation of respiratory diseases;
  • Eat more cabbage and other raw vegetables, as well as berries (except grapes). They are natural diuretics and will help remove excess fluid;
  • Avoid alcohol, especially before bed. Even a glass of beer a few hours before bedtime can serve as a “button” for edema if other prerequisites are present;
  • Persistent swelling of the eyes may be a consequence of age-related changes. Small deposits of fat may appear around the eyes and especially under the lower eyelids. If this is the cause of the swelling, then, unfortunately, the only way to solve the problem may be blepharoplasty. But you should only resort to this method if there are serious reasons to believe that removing these deposits will improve your well-being or vision.

Edema of the extremities

Swelling of the limbs in healthy people is often the result of heat, uncomfortable clothing, lack of sleep and salt accumulation. It is worth fighting this, basically, in the same way as with general edema, however, there are small special techniques that will help to temporarily reduce the manifestations of edema:

  • If your legs are swollen, lie down with them elevated to help drain the fluid. Be sure to remove uncomfortable shoes and massage your feet with rubbing movements. If your feet swell regularly, then you should consider taking replacement shoes with you to work. On the way to and from work, wear more comfortable, low-pressure shoes. And at work, if necessary, keep one or two pairs of shoes, which you can change into at the office. In addition, you should not miss the opportunity to sometimes take off your shoes and give your feet a rest. Don’t forget to take a break from work and walk around the office for at least 10-15 minutes per hour - this is useful not only for swelling, but also for the health of the eyes and spine;
  • If your hands swell, then the first thing you should stop doing is wearing rings and watches. As soon as you feel your hands starting to swell, give your hands a cool bath or simply run them under cold water. Keep a hand warm-up toy or a weak wrist expander at work and use them when your hands are not occupied. This will also help blood flow in the hands and fingers. Don’t forget about light, non-greasy hand creams - they will help relieve the discomfort from swelling;
  • If you wear rings and cannot remove them due to swelling, then a 15-20 minute tonic compress can help you (in extreme cases, cold mineral water will do). Acetic acid and chitin will help limit the development of edema and relieve swelling and pain;

Contact your doctor immediately if swelling

  • Are of a permanent or very pronounced nature;
  • Accompanied by other alarming symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, changes in pressure or temperature, etc.;
  • Accompanied by painful sensations - aching or when pressed;
  • Occurred during pregnancy. Despite the fact that in the popular mind edema is an integral attribute of pregnancy, in reality this is not the case. Adjusting your diet or drinking regime will solve this problem. In addition, edema can be a sign of preeclampsia, which requires treatment at the initial stage;
  • Observed while taking certain medications. Some hormonal drugs, blood pressure medications, pacemakers, antidepressants and other medications that have a side effect in the form of edema can be replaced with analogues that are better tolerated;
  • When you press on the swelling, a mark in the form of a dent remains.

As you can see, there are many ways to solve the problem of puffiness. However, sometimes you can prevent its occurrence. If you know that you are prone to edema, then the day before an important event, when you need to look “like from the cover,” stop consuming salt and alcohol, drink a lot of clean water and get a good night’s sleep.