If you choose an apartment yourself

When looking for an apartment through a specialized classifieds website or social media groups, you run the risk of encountering scammers. In order not to fall for their tricks, you need to pay attention to several important points.

1. The average cost of renting an apartment according to your criteria

Too "sweet" ads are often fake. Spacious with a modern renovation in the heart of the city, a minute walk from the metro and for a penny? A very dubious proposition.

2. Please transfer the prepayment to the card

This point often follows from the previous one. You call on the ad you like, they tell you that there are so many who want it, and then they ask you to transfer at least a few thousand so that the apartment remains yours. Don't get fooled by this: you just talked to a scammer.

Never transfer money to strangers as a deposit without a personal meeting.

3. The authenticity of the photos of the apartment

To verify the accuracy of the information from the ad, check the photos of the apartment for authenticity. This can be done, for example, through a Google image search.

If the same apartment is posted on several sites for renting housing, it's not scary. Another thing is when photos are circulating on the Internet, and the description, the address of the apartment and the contact person change dramatically from time to time.

4. Lack of photos of the apartment

Ads without photos look at least strange. In most cases, this means that something is wrong with the apartment, or such living space does not exist at all.

5. Frequency of ad posting

It happens that the same advertisement for renting an apartment appears and disappears with enviable frequency. Two weeks ago, the apartment was rented out, then it was removed, and a month later it is up to date again. And so in a circle.

Of course, it may not be the owner, but the tenants. Well, a person has no luck with tenants, and that's it. Nevertheless, often flashing ads are alarming.

6. Contact person

Who deals with the issue of apartments for rent? Owner or realtor? If you do not want to pay a commission equal to half or even the entire amount of the monthly payment, then listings from realtors are not suitable for you.

If you contact a realtor

Realtors can make your life easier and help you find your dream home. And they can pretty much fray your nerves, empty your wallet or waste your time in vain. Here's when you should be concerned.

1. The realtor cannot name the company he currently works for or where he worked before

If the realtor claims to be on the staff of the agency, you can contact the company directly and clarify this.

If the realtor is a private entrepreneur, he should in any case name you at least a few companies in which he worked before. If this is difficult, you may be a scammer.

2. The realtor is not interested in who and in what composition will live in the apartment

Almost every owner at least roughly imagines who he sees as a tenant, and notifies the realtor about this. If during a conversation you are not asked about the number of residents, the presence of animals and permanent work, this is a wake-up call.

3. The realtor is not an expert in his field

It is hard to imagine that a realtor does not know how to write a receipt for receiving money or fill out a rental agreement. And if you still don’t know, then this is not a realtor in front of you.

4. You are asked to pay a commission before the conclusion of the contract

The realtor receives a commission only after the conclusion of the transaction. If you are required to pay in advance - do not give in and do not transfer money.

5. Realtor deals with only one apartment

Usually, a realtor has several objects in operation. It is suspicious when a specialist devotes all his time to only one apartment. Try entering a phone number into your browser's search bar and see how many ads you get.

6. Realtor poses as a news agency employee

You are offered to drive to the office, conclude an agreement and get access to the database of owners after paying the commission.

The realtor will not go with you to inspect the apartment and meet with the owner, but to get through to someone from the received database, if possible, then after a preliminary agreement on the meeting, the landlord will cancel everything at the last moment.

In this case, it will not work to return the money, because you signed an agreement on the provision of information services. To achieve justice, you can contact lawyers and try to file a lawsuit. However, no one guarantees you a successful outcome. Therefore, carefully study all the documents on which you put your signature.

Stage 2. First contact with the owner

You have chosen the ideal, in your opinion, option and, to celebrate, call to arrange a meeting. First, make sure you're really talking to the landlord and not to a realtor or anyone else. Even if the ad indicated that the apartment is rented directly.

Ask the landlord a few questions. For example, where the windows of the apartment go or what floor it is on.

If a person hesitates, he may be trying to deceive you. The owner will answer such questions without delay.

If you feel that everything is in order, go through the information indicated in the ad: specify the cost, the need for a deposit and payment for the last month. Find out for how long the apartment is rented, whether it really takes 10 minutes to get to the metro, not 30. In general, say all the nuances that are important for you.

Stage 3. Inspection of housing

  1. Check out the entrance. His condition can say a lot about the tenants of the house - your potential neighbors.
  2. Try to look to the neighbors and ask who lived in the apartment before you. It is advisable to do this together with the owner: if the residents of neighboring apartments are not new settlers, then they will recognize your landlord, and you will once again make sure that he is the owner.
  3. Carefully inspect the bathroom, especially the plumbing. If a faucet is leaking, you should point it out to the owner immediately.
  4. Check the condition of the furniture and evaluate its wear.
  5. Pay attention to the location of the sockets. You may need to rearrange the furniture.
  6. If you have pets, check if previous occupants had a cat or dog.
  7. Be sure to turn on all the appliances and household appliances that you plan to use.
  8. Check all the switches in the apartment.
  9. Ask about internet availability.
  10. Check the locks so you don't have to wait under the door until they let you in. If there are several locks, and the key is given to you only from one, find out the reason. The owner can say that the lock has long been broken and not used. You must insist on a replacement or repair and ask for a complete set of keys.
  11. Make sure the integrity of the seals on the counters.
  12. Check the condition of the balcony doors and windows if you do not want to freeze in winter.
  13. Check out the entire apartment.

If none of the above in the apartment bothered you, you can proceed to drawing up a contract.

Stage 4. Conclusion of the contract

What documents of the owner need to be checked

If the apartment has one owner

When signing a lease, ask the landlord to show you:

  • the passport;
  • certificate of ownership or an extract from the USRN.

You need to make sure that the apartment belongs to the person who introduced himself as the owner of the apartment.

One of the most common types of fraud on the market is the rental of someone else's apartment. Housing can be rented out by a certain "friend" of the owner of the apartment, who settled in it for only a couple of days.

Artur Ustimov, founder and CEO of rental management service "Arendatika"

If you do not check the documents for the property, then you risk not only losing money, but also remaining on the street.

If there are multiple owners

In addition to a passport and a certificate of ownership, you need to obtain written consent to rent an apartment from all owners, as well as from those who are registered in the apartment.

If a certain distant relative is registered in the apartment, he can come to the housing you rented and stay in it to live. In this case, the lease agreement will be valid, but no one can forbid a person registered in the apartment to live in it.

If the apartment is owned by spouses

First you need to figure out whether the apartment is in joint or shared ownership.

Ivashchenko Srbui Sargisovna, leading lawyer of the European Legal Service

For insurance, you can find out about the existence of a marriage contract and familiarize yourself with its conditions. If the apartment belongs to one of the spouses, then the consent of the second is not required. If in joint ownership - it will be necessary to obtain the consent of each owner.

What to look for when drafting a contract

A rental agreement is a document that will help you avoid unnecessary conflicts, so it is very important to take a responsible approach to its preparation. Lifehacker has already told you how, so we will focus only on the most important points.

Mandatory data

  • The subject of the contract is an apartment. You must specify the full address, area and number of rooms.
  • The parties to the agreement are the owner of the housing (or his representative under a notarized power of attorney) and the tenant.
  • Passport data and information about the place of registration - both the owner of the apartment and the tenant.

Duration of the contract and payment procedure

Specify the duration of the contract and the period in which you are obliged to pay rent. Pay attention to the sanctions for violation of the payment procedure. For example, you may have a one-week period to pay off the debt, after which the owner has the full right to take you out of the apartment.

The fact of payment must be recorded: when paying in cash, require a receipt from the owner, and when transferring to a card, ask for a bank statement.

The purpose of the payment must include a link to your contract. For example: payment under the contract of employment No. 1 dated January 1, 2018 for June 2018.

In addition, the contract must record the amount that you transferred to the owner upon check-in. This may be a payment for the first and last month of residence, as well as an insurance deposit - a guarantee that if the tenant damages the property, the owner of the apartment will receive material compensation.

The owner can withhold the entire amount of the security deposit or part of it, depending on the extent of the damage caused. If everything is in order during the inspection of the apartment, the security deposit in full is returned back to the tenant. A comfortable deposit amount for each party is negotiated at the conclusion of the contract.

Eviction order

Particular attention should be paid to the rules of eviction from the apartment. They should be comfortable for each side.

Sometimes the contracts indicate that the tenant is given only a couple of days to leave and search for a new apartment. And some leases even include penalties for staying less than a certain amount of time.

Artur Ustimov, founder and CEO of rental management service "Arendatika"

Owner visit frequency

Frequent unexpected visits by the owner bring little joy. However, you cannot forbid him to visit your own apartment. Discuss the frequency of visits that is comfortable for both of you, specify how long the owner should notify you, and fix the agreements in the document.

Communication channels

The contract must specify the email addresses or phone numbers of both parties - depending on the chosen communication channel. Better than both, to be sure.

Do not delete the correspondence with the landlord so that you can refer to it in case of a disagreement.

Inventory of valuables and meter readings

An inventory of valuables must be included in the act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment, which is attached to the contract. If you made a security deposit upon check-in, there is a risk of not getting it back. You must check the whole apartment. And the more thorough, the better. You already know what points to focus on when viewing an apartment.

It will be most reliable to take photographs of all detected defects so that they are not attributed to you when leaving. And photos can be printed and attached to the act.

Without fail, the act must record the readings of individual water and electricity meters at the time of settlement.

Repairs and planned changes in the apartment

Make a list of the changes you plan to make to your property, as well as the appliances or furniture you plan to purchase. Agree on the maximum amount and decide how the payment will be made: only by the owner, by yourself, or 50/50.

It is recommended to prescribe the conditions for inseparable and separable improvements in the contract in advance or draw up an additional agreement later. At the same time, it is advisable to make a reservation in the contract that things are returned to the owner, taking into account natural wear and tear.

Artur Ustimov, founder and CEO of rental management service "Arendatika"

Indicate in the contract who pays for the breakdown of household appliances. Unfortunately, during the initial inspection, you will not be able to be 100% sure of the absolute serviceability of the devices, and it can be difficult to prove that the breakdown occurred due to natural wear and tear, and not due to improper operation.

If you notice that the device is dying, point it out to the owner and inspect together, and then fix the agreements in the document. Otherwise, if a breakdown does occur, you may need the expertise of a professional to prove your non-involvement in the malfunction.

Living in an apartment

Do not forget to indicate in the contract those who will live with you in the apartment. Also let me know if you have . You should not lie about such things: with a high probability you will be caught in a lie, and the consequences will be very sad.

When should you cancel a lease?

The most alarming signal is the refusal to submit documents for ownership. There is a high chance that the apartment is not all right.

An apartment can also be problematic, the owner of which is too worried about his property. Such owners may come to you too often to check the safety of their property, which, of course, will cause you discomfort.

Artur Ustimov, founder and CEO of rental management service "Arendatika"

It is worth paying attention to the behavior of the owner. Excessive nervousness is alarming, as well as unreasonable haste when concluding a contract. If you are asked to sign documents as soon as possible, do not allow you to check the serviceability of household appliances and fix defects, then this is another bell.

Take your time, carefully study the contract, ask questions and discuss problematic issues. Check everything you need. It is important for you that it is comfortable to live in the apartment, and all difficulties are minimized. The owner wants his living space to remain in proper condition, and also does not want to be a regular participant. You evaluate each other - this is normal. And in this case, it is right to lay enough time for the process of paperwork and inspection of the apartment.

For many, renting a home is still the only option to get their own corner to live in, but not everyone realizes that, unknowingly, they can be deceived by some fraudulent landlord. Can you protect yourself from this risk? How to rent an apartment, so as not to be deceived - let's figure it out.

Real estate agency help

To relieve themselves of the hassle of finding a new home and paperwork, tenants turn to real estate agencies for help. A realtor from such a professional office will definitely advise you on all issues related to renting a home, collect the necessary documents, help evaluate the property and draw up a lease agreement, although he will charge about 50% of the monthly rent for his services.

But in order not to be deceived, you need to look only for trustworthy agencies - through friends and acquaintances, or on someone else's authoritative recommendation. If you treat the search without due care, then there is a great chance that you will fall into a fraudulent agency. To avoid being scammed, don't sign any paperwork with the agency until you're sure what you're paying for, and only pay when you sign the lease.

How to rent an apartment yourself

We were going to look for housing without the help of trusted agencies, which means that we will have to pay attention to even more details. If you want to know how to rent an apartment, so as not to be deceived, remember the following: in order to avoid trouble, do not be fooled by a low rental price and look for an apartment at an average market value, and do not rent from a person who is not the owner of the house or a trustee. To check this, follow these steps:

Ask the owner for documents

Be sure to read the original documents that confirm the ownership of your tenant's housing. Contracts of sale, donation, privatization, if any, are also worth asking for. It will be very convenient if the owner provides an extract from the USRN (or DRPOU - for Ukraine), but in case of absence, it can be ordered at the district office - this information is publicly available, and you have the right to receive it.

Do not forget about the documents that identify the owner of the apartment. His passport data must certainly fully match the data indicated in the documents for ownership, up to the series and number. You have the right to make a photocopy of the landlord's passport or a picture using your phone, however, be prepared to provide your passport in return.

Ask the neighbors

The information collected from the neighbors of the apartment owners will help minimize the risks: they can tell, firstly, whether they know them by sight and whether they are decent people, and secondly, they will tell you how often tenants change there. Find out as much information as possible and draw conclusions whether it is worth renting this apartment.

Draw up an agreement

If you are interested in how to rent an apartment so as not to be deceived, then the question of whether to draw up a lease agreement or not should not even arise. It is with the help of a notarized contract that you can protect yourself and, in which case, defend your rights in court. Even if the landlord seems to be a wonderful, understanding person who is ready to make concessions, you do not know how things can change many months later.

Be sure to include the following in your contract:

  • Passport details of both parties.
  • Lease term. In the event that at the end of it you want to extend your stay in this apartment, you will need to extend the contract.
  • Payment method. On what day of the month and in what currency you will pay for housing rent, is it possible to increase the rent due to changes in market prices, do you need an advance payment - all this you indicate in the contract.
  • Discuss that when paying, the landlord will provide you with a written receipt of receipt of money or put a mark in the contract.
  • Make an inventory of the property. Describe the items of furniture, household appliances, dishes, etc. that were in the apartment at the time of your move in, so as not to be responsible for things that are not included in this list. In addition, describe the general condition of the apartment, the performance of household appliances, any breakdowns and damage that are currently available.
  • In the column on rights and obligations, you need to clarify all possible controversial points: will you be able to make any repairs or rearrangements in the rented dwelling, invite friends to spend the night, etc.
  • You should definitely indicate the possibility and conditions for early termination of the contract.

Get the consent of all owners

If the owner of the apartment is officially married, and the housing was jointly acquired, then ask the owner to provide a notarized consent of the spouse (s). The same applies to those cases where the apartment has several owners - it is necessary to obtain the consent of each in order to avoid further claims.

Find out who is registered in the apartment

Since all persons registered in the apartment have the full right to use this housing, even after signing the contract, an unpleasant surprise may await you. If you do not want uninvited guests to come to you - take the house book from the owner and find out who else is registered there. And then be sure to get from each of the tenants a written consent to your further residence in the apartment and write in the contract so that none of the persons registered in the house use this room.

If everyone has checked that you are not deceived, then you can safely rent an apartment, the main thing is to remember not only the obligations of the landlord, but also your obligations as a tenant.

And how to rent an apartment yourself so that the tenants do not deceive? Find out from this video:

Now there are many agencies offering to rent and rent housing. Intermediaries work with owners of real estate, as well as those wishing to rent it. However, not everyone knows how to rent an apartment. Just about this is described in the article.

Through an agency

When for the first time you have to deal with obtaining real estate for rent, people usually turn to special companies. It is best to choose an organization on the recommendation of relatives or friends. How to rent an apartment through an agency? Specialists must find suitable accommodation, so it is important to state your requirements.

Appropriate options are then selected and appointments are made to view the property. Agency specialists must accompany the client in these cases. And when making a contract, they conduct all negotiations. The agency's employees provide advice on issues of interest.

The specialist checks the documents for the property. If everything is correct, then a lease agreement is concluded, an act of acceptance and transfer is drawn up, which contains an inventory of the housing property. Specialist services usually cost 50-100% of the price of housing per month.

Varieties of fraud

How to rent an apartment correctly so that the transaction is completed according to the law? Here are some common scams to avoid:

  1. Photos are not real. Particular attention should be paid to cases of discrepancy between the price of renting housing and its repair. If the pictures show elite interiors, and the cost is average or below the market, then these are probably scammers. They may be told that this apartment is rented, and they will recommend another one. To check if the photos were taken from other sites, matches can be determined using the Google Images service. False ads are created to form a customer base.
  2. The apartment is fictitious. Care must be taken when filling out contracts. It is important to check all the information, even if the transaction is made with the help of a realtor. Often there are cases when the addresses fixed in the contract do not exist, and people have to pay rent without housing. In this case, there is the right to terminate the lease agreement unilaterally by sending a letter to the landlord. There are also cases when, for a fee, customers are provided with the numbers of landlords, but they do not negotiate and do not accompany.
  3. Paid inspection. No one can demand money for viewing housing. If this is offered by a realtor, then he earns this way, and he is not interested in transactions. Often these tricks fall on travelers from small towns and villages.
  4. Resale housing. Tenants cannot accommodate or temporarily accommodate other persons, as well as take a deposit, fee, commission. How to rent an apartment from the owner? You need to check the documents on the right to housing.
  5. Offer to purchase a customer base. Those wishing to rent a property are offered access to the online database of owners. The realtor can convince that the database is updated every day, but after gaining access to it, it will be found that the information is out of date.

On one's own

How to rent an apartment without intermediaries? To do this, you need to look for ads from owners, and not from real estate companies. If you like the offer, you need to make an appointment and inspect the object.

Announcements can be found in newspapers, on the Internet. They are also posted at bus stops. Although in this case, too, many dangers await, but still many people do not want to contact realtors.

Pros and cons of hiring without intermediaries

Renting real estate without involving intermediaries has advantages and disadvantages. To determine how to act after all, you need to study all aspects of the issue. Self-pickup has the following advantages:

  1. Savings due to the absence of additional costs for mediation.
  2. Joint hiring with friends and sharing the amount of pay.
  3. Bargaining with the owner and reducing payment.

All of these points will help save a large amount on getting a rented apartment. But the downside is the risk of fraud. Other shortcomings include:

  1. Difficulties in finding a suitable apartment.
  2. The likelihood of conflicts with the landlord.
  3. Eviction risk.
  4. No guarantee of rights.

Where to looking for?

How to rent an apartment in the right way, choosing the most suitable one from a variety of options? There are several services that will greatly facilitate the search:

  1. Avito and Domofond. This is a rich database of real estate of different types and categories. To get acquainted with the proposed apartments, you need to select the "private" section of the ads. You can specify the number of rooms and the desired metro stations. You can set up alerts for new announcements.
  2. "Yandex.Real Estate". The service allows you to set the maximum number of search conditions. There are few ads, but interesting offers are often found.
  3. The Locals, Rent-Rent and other communities in social networks. This is a great option for those who wish to rent a room. Often such sites charge a fee for access to the database. You can search ads in thematic interest groups.
  4. CYANOGEN. This large housing base includes many offers of apartments. Intermediaries do not charge for this.

Host verification

How to rent an apartment yourself and for the first time? To do this, you need to check the legal purity of housing. The following documentation should be requested from the host:

  1. Proof of ownership.
  2. Ownership agreement.
  3. The passport.
  4. A notarized power of attorney, if the transaction is carried out through a representative of the owner.

It is important to check that there are no outstanding utility bills. Verification of payment receipts and meters for electricity and water is carried out before the conclusion of the contract.

Owners permission

If the property has several owners, then the consent of all is required (upon reaching 14 years). The lease agreement must contain the signatures of the owners or the signature of an authorized person who has a special power of attorney.

When renting a room in a communal apartment, permission from the neighbors is required. This is the responsibility of the landlord. He must provide a document confirming the right to use this apartment. This will eliminate potential conflicts.


How to rent an apartment, so as not to be deceived? You need to carefully check the documentation. The lease agreement must include the following information:

  1. Full name and passport details of the owner, tenant.
  2. Rent payment.
  3. Conditions for changing fees.
  4. Number of visits to the owner for verification.
  5. Persons who can live with the tenant.
  6. Deadline.
  7. Terms of termination of the contract.
  8. Description of dwelling: address, area, number of rooms.

In each case, the contract is individual, there is no standard form. It is important that it contains the rights and obligations of the parties.

Inventory of property

It indicates the property transferred to the tenant for temporary use. The description is an appendix to the contract. It should include furniture, appliances, linens, kitchen utensils, dishes, carpets, and more. In case of loss or damage to items that are not listed in the inventory, the owner will not be able to return them.

Getting to know your neighbors

How to rent an apartment correctly so that no unforeseen situations arise in the future? You should get to know your neighbors. So it will be possible to establish whether the housing belongs to a particular person. Neighbors can tell who lived before, how often tenants change. If the house is new, you can visit the local housing office and find out the name of the owner, as well as other information of interest.

Rights and obligations of the parties

According to Russian law, in-line repair of the premises, for example, leaking taps, peeling wallpaper or cracked plumbing, is repaired at the expense of the landlord. Therefore, it must be indicated that the elimination of defects in the premises should be carried out at the expense of the owner of the property, for example, at the expense of a monthly payment.

If this is not fixed in the contract, then the employer will have to independently eliminate the shortcomings. The owner can check the condition of the house, but this does not mean that he can come at any time - you need to agree on when and how contact will take place.

Rental Rules

How to rent an apartment if several suitable options are found? It is important to check the documents, availability of contact information. The apartment must have an Internet connection: you should find out the rules for paying for this service.

During the inspection of the premises, you need to check the condition of the plumbing, electrical wiring. The main thing is that the plugs should not be knocked out with the connection of a minimum set of devices. The room should not be found cockroaches, bedbugs and other insects.

How to rent an apartment for a long time? When planning a long stay, you need to clarify all the details. Don't be in a hurry. If any shortcomings were identified, you should find out at whose expense the repair and elimination will be carried out. It is important to write down emergency numbers for solving various problems. The furniture issue needs to be addressed. Since the cost of renting on the market is unstable, it is undesirable to draw up contracts for a long period for a fixed price.

During the signing of the document, the owner of the premises hands over a set of keys to be checked. Usually the term of the contract is 1 year without 1 day. This is a short-term lease and reduces the likelihood of co-tenants moving in. To renew the contract, you must sign the agreement one month before the expiration date.

The concept of renting a dwelling. Housing rental is considered to be the case when one person is ready to live for a certain fee in the apartment of another person who is the full owner (Article 671 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The parties in this case are called:

  • Landlord - the owner of the rented apartment (about who the landlord or landlord is, as well as his rights and obligations are described in).
  • A tenant is a person who rents an apartment.

Renting an apartment by law must be registered with the tax service. According to Article 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, if it is concluded for a short period (less than one year), then its registration with the tax service is not needed (a short-term contract of employment is described in). But if the contract is long-term, then it must be submitted for registration within one month from the date of signing.

Article 674 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Residential lease form

  1. The tenancy agreement is concluded in writing.
  2. Restriction (encumbrance) of the right of ownership to a dwelling, arising on the basis of a lease agreement for such a dwelling, concluded for a period of at least a year, is subject to state registration in the manner established by the law on registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.

Is it worth filming?

Usually, housing is rented when there are hopeless situations.

  1. Most often, such situations are those when there is no own housing or it is, but a person does not want to live with other people.
  2. Or when a student moves to a foreign city, and there is no hostel there.
  3. Or when the children grew up and decided to move out from their parents.

Renting an apartment is worth it if a person is aware that he will have to not only live in this place, but also pay for rent and, possibly, utilities.

You need to be prepared that in case of the slightest delay, you will be asked to leave immediately.

Which is better: renting a house or taking out a mortgage?

What is more profitable to rent an apartment or take a mortgage?:

  • On the one hand, it is better to take a mortgage loan and if you pay money, and not small ones, then at least for housing, the full owner of which you will later become! The mortgage amount will not be small, but in the end you will be left with an apartment.
  • On the other hand, taking a mortgage loan automatically obliges you to be more attentive and accurate in relation to your work, and in the event of any unforeseen situations related to the apartment, you will have to deal with this as the owner.

Therefore, many want to avoid a heavy burden of responsibility, both moral and financial, by choosing to rent an apartment for many years. But in this case, it is worth remembering that you are paying a stranger, and after all you will be left with nothing.

How old do you have to be to be a tenant?

How old do you have to be to rent an apartment? The tenant has the right to conclude contracts strictly from the age of eighteen. Of course, there are cases when officially a citizen takes full legal capacity before the age of majority.

Usually the exception is the conclusion of a marriage union before the age of eighteen years. In this case, the teenager can be fully capable and enter into any contracts (Article 21 of the Civil Code).

Article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Legal capacity of a citizen

  1. The ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire and exercise civil rights, create for himself civil duties and fulfill them (civil capacity) arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen.
  2. In the case when the law allows marriage before the age of eighteen, a citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen acquires legal capacity in full from the time of marriage.

    Legal capacity acquired as a result of marriage shall be retained in full even in the event of dissolution of marriage before the age of eighteen.

    When declaring a marriage invalid, the court may decide on the loss of full legal capacity by the minor spouse from the moment determined by the court.

detailed instructions

How to find your corner that is right for you?

What to pay attention to?

What you need to know when renting an apartment and what to look for:

  • Pay attention to why past tenants moved out of the apartment. Maybe they just found a better option or bought their own apartment, but it can happen that the landlord is a terrible brawler!
  • Status of utility bills. A large debt can threaten a power outage.
  • On the condition of electrical appliances and household appliances, if available in the apartment. You need to check with the owner. Since landlords often like to blame minor repairs on tenants.
  • Home area and view from the window. If a bright nightclub sign is lit in front of the window or a lantern is shining, most likely you will feel a little uncomfortable living in the spotlights.

You can fix the problem with blackout curtains, but it is unlikely that you will be able to sleep with an open window near a nightclub.

The procedure for mandatory verification when renting housing

What should be checked when renting an apartment? Be sure to check at the accommodation:

  1. The presence of traces of crayon on the floor, baseboards, behind pipes may indicate living creatures like cockroaches, ants, wood lice, bedbugs and others.
  2. If there is an automatic air freshener at the entrance to the apartment, you should turn it off and listen to the smells of the apartment. It happens that the owners try to mask the smell of dampness or sewage.
  3. The presence of gaps in the frames and doors if ordinary wooden windows or poorly installed double-glazed windows are installed. In winter, all the heat will go into these cracks, the apartment will see through.
  4. In the event that the apartment is corner, check the joints between the walls, they must be dry. Otherwise, the heat will also blow out, and in winter this corner will also get wet, because it does not dry out.
  5. Water pressure. It happens that in the houses of an old building, the upper floors do not have enough good pressure.

How to control the owner?

How to check the owner of the apartment? In order to establish whether this citizen is really the full owner of the apartment you are going to rent, you need to ask him to provide the relevant documents. What to do with these papers:

  1. These papers must indicate on the basis of what the person became the owner of the apartment (the right establishing documents are a contract of sale, a donation contract, a court decision, a will, and so on).
  2. Check the passport and compare the data in the document of ownership. All information from the number and series of the passport to registration must be identical.
  3. Ask for the right of ownership of the property or an extract from the USRR.

Important! Everything needs to be checked more carefully when you are looking for an apartment on your own, as there are many scammers.

It is much safer to contact a trusted real estate agency, where lawyers will check the authenticity and correctness of documents.

What are the essential questions to ask?

What questions to ask when renting an apartment:

  • the value of the rent;
  • in what terms it is carried out;
  • conditions of the apartment (if talking on the phone);
  • neighbors surrounding the apartment;
  • repair status;
  • present furniture and household appliances;
  • delivery date of the apartment.

All other questions are asked when viewing the apartment, for example, because of what the former tenants moved out.

As well as ask how many owners the apartment has. If the owner is not one, but there are several of them, then ask if other owners are ready to rent an apartment. Ask questions about how much notice you have to give your landlord about your decision to move out.

Will he visit the apartment every month and inspect it, is it possible to delay payment for several days due to some circumstances, and is the landlord ready to make some concessions on payment (for example, to agree under certain life circumstances on deferred payment).

Important! If the landlord speaks unflatteringly about former tenants and behaves rudely, arrogantly at every question, then such a person may subsequently slander you (even if all the requirements for maintaining and paying for the apartment have been met) when you move out of his apartment!

Legal regulation of renting residential premises between individuals

The rental of an apartment must be in writing only.. This will guarantee that the landlord will not hand it over to you and other third parties along the way.

And also to ensure serious intentions on the part of the tenant about the intention to rent this living space. When renting an apartment, a written contract is drawn up, it contains provisions on how to behave in certain situations, for example, if there is a flood or fire or other circumstances.

If the agreement between the parties takes place orally, it is possible that there will be a misunderstanding or that someone simply forgot about something else.

Is it possible to do without a contract?

It is possible to rent an apartment without a contract, but it is not desirable, since each party will not know their rights and obligations, for example, if the contract contains a clause stating that the owner of the apartment has the right to inspect the apartment no more than once a month, then it will be so.

And with a verbal agreement, one thing can be said, but in reality it will turn out that he will disturb the employer with his presence on a weekly basis.

Features of housing with and without renovation

So, apartments for rent without repair are usually in new buildings where there is only a rough finish. When inspecting such real estate, you should feel free to ask for a discount for living conditions if the amount is the same as for apartments rented out with repairs.

Usually, the owners who want to cash in on nothing at first do not agree, but after the delivery of the apartment is delayed for months, they willingly make concessions.

When when the apartment needs repair, you can agree to rent it on account of the repair. At the same time, discuss what kind of repair is required from him and when it will be completed, and the rent will resume as usual.

Provided that during the repair work, the tenant will also pay for all utilities. Most often, landlords go for such transactions, since they independently make repairs in an apartment where the owner himself does not live expensively and for a long time, but here there is a free labor force that pays for utilities and makes repairs.

All these aspects should also be written in the contract from the beginning of the repair work to their completion and the approximate amount spent with the sales receipts attached subsequently.

With kids

When renting an apartment with small children, it is worth writing in the contract clauses on whether the tenant will compensate for damage to the wallpaper or floor (for example, if the children painted or stuck plasticine, after which grease stains remained after removal).

In any case, the landlord must take into account that when renting an apartment to a family with children, repairs in the apartment can be ruined. Will he be condescending when this factor is discovered or will he ask to compensate for the damage caused.

As for adult children, as a rule, little attention is paid to this, since they can give an account of their actions.

Agency choice

When choosing the agency itself, you need to pay attention to both the seriousness of the company and the housing it offers. How to choose agents:

  1. Usually, in order to rent an apartment through an agency, you must first draw up an agreement on the provision of services for the selection of real estate with a realtor, indicate in it the preferences and wishes of the tenant, as well as the amount and term of selection.
  2. After that, the agent selects suitable apartments for you and after you agree to rent this or that living space, payment for the services of the agency is given.
  3. The next step is to sign a rental agreement. If the company that selects housing is official, then there will be no difficulties.

As a rule, serious firms are engaged not only in the selection of housing for rent, but also in the sale, as well as other services related to real estate.

Key points

The main key points when renting an apartment:

  • The amount of the rent, who pays utilities, the payment term (read about the procedure for paying for an apartment under a lease agreement, and how to document rent issues and draw up a payment schedule is described).
  • Drafting a tenancy agreement.
  • Availability and condition of household appliances and furniture.
  • The general condition of the apartment and the house as a whole.
  • Neighborhood environment.
  • The remoteness of the area from the metro and / or city center.
  • The presence or absence of developed infrastructure (shops, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and so on).
  • The presence of connected utilities (autonomous heating or central, hot, cold water, sanitation, internet, television, home telephone).
  • Is it possible to rent an apartment with animals / children.

Related videos

You can also see how to rent an apartment in this video:


Subject to essential conditions, you can rent a home with comfort for yourself and the owners of the apartment, be calm for your future well-being and not be afraid to come to a house where things are put out on the street.

The article will deal with the procedure for renting an apartment. What types of rent exist, what is the responsibility of the tenant, and how to rent an apartment so as not to be deceived - further.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Many are faced with renting a home. Some want to rent an apartment for a long time, others - for a few days. What to pay attention to when renting a home, so as not to be deceived?

What you need to know

The minimum period for which housing is allowed to rent is 1 day (or even a couple of hours), the maximum is 1 year.

Advantages of a rented apartment:

Before renting an apartment, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • only its owner has the right to rent housing or;
  • a low price should alert you - this may be a trap for scammers;
  • the requirement to pay a deposit for an apartment is an indicator that the tenant can be deceived.

The sequence of actions for renting a house is as follows:

Verification of documents that confirm the ownership of the apartment You need to examine not the originals, but the originals - a copy is easy to fake. This includes or, a certificate of ownership, extracts from the USRR
Checking the owner's passport You can make a photocopy of your passport or take a picture with your phone. Pay attention to personal data - they must be the same as in the title documentation
Inquire about the legal marriage of the owner If the marriage is registered, then housing could be acquired jointly. In this case, you will need. It must be notarized
Ask for a house book and a certificate of family composition Registered family members are entitled to use the apartment. You can discuss this fact in advance and ask them not to enter the accommodation while it is being rented.
Talk to neighbors Gathering information about hosts

  • carefully read the terms of the agreement and compare the data in the contract and the passport of the owners;
  • require a receipt for each payment;
  • do not trust low prices;
  • protect the property of the apartment - in case of damage, you will have to pay for it.

You can rent an apartment on your own or through intermediaries. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Information about apartments for rent can be found on the Internet, from newspapers, from advertisements. When looking for housing, you may encounter the following risks:

In order not to be deceived, when renting a house, it is necessary to draw up a number of documents:

Risks cannot be completely avoided, there are chances to minimize them.

Basic concepts

Rental types

Rental housing is long-term and short-term. In the first case, the agreement is concluded for several months or years.

The advantages of such a lease are:

With a short-term lease, the apartment is rented from 1 day to 1 year. The cost for rent is higher than for long-term.

The legislative framework

The term "rent" was introduced in . It also regulates the relationship of the parties to the lease agreement.

C describes the terms of a short-term lease agreement.

In accordance with, the lease agreement must be drawn up in writing in 2 copies. The conditions for renting housing are provided.

provides for mandatory registration of the agreement:

  • if the agreement is concluded for a period of 1 year and one of the parties is a legal entity;
  • if the contract provides for the subsequent purchase of housing.

Features of renting housing

Features of renting housing through agencies:

  • payment should be made only for those services that have already been provided;
  • you don't have to pay in advance.
  • the data and signature of the agent must be on each copy of the agreement;
  • carefully study the terms of the contract, sign it only after reading all the clauses;
  • use trusted agencies.

To rent an apartment inexpensively, it is better not to resort to the help of intermediaries. You can look for housing either on your own or through special agencies.

Is an agreement required?

The existence of a contract is a guarantee for both the owner of the property and the tenant. The agreement must include:

  • personal data of the lessor according to the passport;
  • monthly amount;
  • conditions for checking housing and frequency;
  • term for renting an apartment;
  • conditions for terminating the contract.

In the contract, describe in detail the location of housing, the number of rooms, which floor and so on. There is no standard form, it is compiled in an arbitrary, in 2 copies.

By mutual agreement, the parties may introduce other conditions and clauses. The document can be handwritten or printed.

You do not need to register a contract. According to the agreement, the tenant and the landlord have rights and obligations that must be fulfilled.

The homeowner must provide the apartment on time, communications must be in order. The tenant is obliged to pay the rent on time and keep the apartment clean.

The Agreement may be terminated at any time. The grounds are - the emergency condition of the apartment, the use of housing for other purposes, damage, non-payment of rent.

Cooperation with the agency

Working with realtors has both positives and negatives. Advantages:

  • fast work and considerable experience;
  • transaction security guarantee;
  • the rental price is fixed;
  • less likely to fall for scammers;
  • agents will select the appropriate option;
  • saving time.

Among the shortcomings - the presence of additional payments and commissions. The duties of the agent include - to find an apartment for the client, to accompany him to all the apartments he likes, to negotiate, to check the documents of the owners of the apartment.

When choosing an agency, do not rush, you need to pay attention to the following:

To rent a house with the help of an agency, you will need a passport and an agreement for the provision of services.

How to rent an apartment so as not to be deceived for a day

If you plan to rent an apartment for a day, you need to take into account the following nuances:

To rent an apartment by the day, you must do the following:

  • clarify with the owner all the subtleties and nuances of the booking process;
  • book in advance;
  • read reviews about this apartment;
  • before paying a fee, check the details of the landlord;
  • during a meeting with the owner, check his identity according to the documents;
  • overwrite his data.

These tips will help you avoid problems.

In Moscow

The Moscow rental market is full of deceit. It is important to know how they cheat when renting an apartment in Moscow, so as not to fall into the hands of scammers.

The first type of deception is the provision of false data by agencies. For a fee, they give out information about rented apartments, which are actually either already rented out or not rented at all.

Claims to present to the agency will not work - it was provided, no one will return the money.

It is important to remember that money for the service is paid after the desired apartment is found. Another type of fraud - rented apartment is the subject of a dispute.

Video: how to rent an apartment

It happens that over time either the real owner of the apartment or his wife comes. In this case, the tenant is an accomplice in the proceedings.

To prevent this, you should check whether the landlord is the sole owner of the property.

Raising rent is a way to “get rich” off tenants. The landlord may suddenly increase the rent. Residents will prefer to pay extra money so as not to look for housing again.

Scheme of actions for independent search for an apartment in Moscow:

  1. Search options.
  2. Calling the owners of the apartments you like.
  3. Inspection of housing.
  4. Negotiation.
  5. Conclusion of an agreement.

If you use the services of agencies, you will not save money.

In St. Petersburg

Most people move to a foreign city for study, work or leisure. To do this, they need to find housing.

How to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg, so as not to be deceived - this question interests many. Options 2 - find yourself or use the services of real estate agencies.