Recently, more and more attention has been focused on how a woman can win the man she likes. And gradually this makes you forget that it is still the man who must conquer. Of course, you shouldn't sit and wait for him to start doing this. The world has changed too much to rely on what was accepted once upon a time. But you shouldn’t completely forget that men definitely want the woman who won their heart. Therefore, in order to notice interest on the part of a man in time and not lose him in the pursuit of something unrealistic or not as important as love, it is better to find out how men win women. And this knowledge will definitely help you, without stepping over your principles, to become happy.

How a man attracts a woman's attention

Despite belonging to the stronger half of humanity, men are no less concerned about their appearance than women. For centuries, they have always tried to look immaculate and neat. And if earlier this was the lot of only a select few, today a real man carefully approaches what he is wearing, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, especially when it comes to the lady of his heart. You shouldn't believe it when some women say that a man should be more beautiful than a monkey. Few people will be able to win a woman if he meets her in worn-out shoes, elongated sweatpants and improperly buttoned clothes. Love at first sight is a miracle and a surprise, and it does not require winning anyone, but it also happens very rarely and it is unlikely that people fall in love with each other unkemptly dressed. But when a man is captivated by the beauty of a woman, but has not yet managed to get to know her, it is very important for him to make a first impression, and it should be such that he does not have to convince his chosen one for a very long time that he will be an excellent husband and father. His task is to conquer her at first sight, and then gradually become the man with whom she wants to start a family and have children. And here it is very important to emphasize all the advantages of your appearance and especially your figure. But just by how a man looks, one cannot accurately determine whether he is trying for the woman he likes or whether he always prefers to look excellent. But if he looks unpresentable, then the desire to win a woman is clearly not part of his immediate plans, or he is already married.

But an accurate sign that a man is interested in you is his desire to demonstrate his own high status, which he will definitely mention when communicating. A well-mannered man will simply unobtrusively let you know that he is a leader in his social circle. Of course, some men may try to distinguish themselves with overly cheeky behavior, a loud voice and outright disregard for the rules of social behavior, but here only you can decide whether a man who shows his status in this way is worthy of your attention.

No less loved by the fair sex are men who have a sense of humor, which nature has generously endowed them with. If a man next to you constantly jokes, carefully reacting to your reaction, rest assured, he is picking up the key to your heart. Many of them feel that laughter makes a woman reach out to them and feel comfortable and at ease. Having laughed at a good joke, a woman will look differently at a man, at his weaknesses and minor shortcomings.

But under no circumstances will a man who knows how to win a woman demonstrate to her his inaccessibility and interest in another woman. Smart men know very well that such a desire to arouse a feeling of jealousy in the beauty he likes will turn against him. Women do not forgive such behavior. Therefore, in the matter of conquest, a man will try to be elegant, sociable and easy to relate to small female weaknesses. And he will definitely become very attentive to various dates from the day you met, in order to once again present you with a small surprise.

  • A man always tries to look great, especially in the first days of dating and the period of courtship. It is no secret to them that a woman immediately notices all the flaws in her appearance and, first of all, increased stubble, unwashed shoes, a wrinkled shirt or overgrown hair. Therefore, remembering that women also love with their eyes, they try to take care of themselves.
  • To increase the chances of winning the woman he likes by 100%, a man will try to conquer everyone who surrounds her. This circle will definitely include her parents, with whom they may become relatives in the future. But besides this, he will also take into account the fact that the mother’s opinion is very significant for most girls. The man will not forget about his girlfriends, who must simply be conquered by him, because then any girl will have a sense of ownership, and she will not want to risk her happiness if her friends have managed to appreciate the man who is courting her. Only here the man will try not to cross the line between sympathy and flirting, otherwise all efforts will simply come to nothing. He must remain a real gentleman, bringing flowers to all the girls who are with his beloved. And if he invites you and his girlfriends to some event, rest assured he has very serious plans for you.
  • The man will also pay attention to his pets, starting to feed them unnoticed. Because nothing evokes affection more than the moment when a strong man pets a cat or dog, showing his concern. If a man can get love from the pets of the woman he likes, he will instantly get halfway to her heart.

  • A man will not forget to please his chosen one with his ability to cook. Firstly, this way he will be able to arouse her admiration, and secondly, he will unobtrusively demonstrate that he is ready to run a household together, which many women do not delight in.
  • A representative of the stronger half of humanity will try to surprise his chosen one by sending her flowers at work with a small note. In addition, he will always call his beloved by name, knowing how pleasant it is for any person to hear his name.
  • From a man in love, a woman has the right to expect an invitation to the theater, cinema or an evening watching films together. And here a lover will definitely choose a film about love.
  • Some of the men may even give away their credit card so that the chosen one can purchase a few nice little things for herself. Such a broad gesture will make her look at him differently, but at the same time he can also check whether he can satisfy this woman's financial needs or whether it is better to retreat before it is too late.
  • Men monitor both their speech and behavior, avoiding rudeness and offensive statements.
  • In quite difficult cases, they may agree to go to the store together. Having made such a sacrifice, they hope that the heart of their chosen one will thaw, and she will find a place in it for love for him.
  • A man in love will definitely kneel down, talk about his love, and will always be there, sympathizing with any trouble and trying to help. He will give his beloved poems, remind him of himself via SMS, and will be ready to listen to any complaints, even those that no other man would even want to discuss.
  • A man in love will definitely try to conquer with his care, at least once making a hot bath with foam or rose petals for his chosen one.

  • She will always be ready to talk, forgetting about monologues and the fact that most women’s conversations may concern complaints about an ungrateful friend, an envious boss or colleague. He will try to listen carefully and give some advice on what to do in a given situation.

We are all very different, but each of us wants to love and be loved. Today, many men carefully study articles on how to win the woman they like, thereby trying to increase their chances in the fight for her heart. Therefore, if you notice even some of the above signs in the behavior of the man who is nearby, think, maybe you shouldn’t miss your chance, wasting time on winning over someone who failed to appreciate you. If you are still single, especially try to open up and build a relationship with the man who is trying so hard to win you.

The secrets regarding how to attract an Aries woman would be interesting to know for many men who believe in the zodiac characteristic. And it is right! After all, knowing a predetermined girl, it will be easier to find an individual approach to her.

Briefly about personal characteristics

But before we talk about how, we should talk a little about her character. Such girls are very multifaceted. They can be both an ideal and a real natural disaster. And it all depends on the attitude towards them. If it is good and friendly, then the return will be appropriate. It’s worth giving her compliments - there will definitely be reciprocity in return. But if a person behaves inappropriately, allows himself too much, then, one might say, trust and prospects are lost.

Such girls are self-sufficient, graceful and noble. They are very resilient, hardworking and strong. Many men can envy this woman’s endurance. She also never expects help from anyone, relying solely on herself.

And of course, such women are attractive. They are always beautiful. Even if something happens in their life, they will go out in full dress, with amazing makeup and a smile on their face. In general, the personality is not simple. But very interesting.

What kind of man does she need?

This is perhaps the most important thing. After all, how can you win an Aries woman if you don’t know who she prefers? Well, she likes romance. Yes, as strange as it may be. Although this shouldn't seem surprising. She may have a very strong character and powerful fortitude, she may be independent, self-confident... but this is exactly what lacks romance in life. Sometimes she just wants to dream on the seashore or walk through an empty evening garden. Therefore, she will definitely like a young man who is capable of making various romantic surprises. In other words, organize a traditional candy and bouquet period.

And a man must also be original. These girls are incredibly smart. An ordinary bouquet and a routine kiss on the cheek will not suit them. They will immediately diagnose such a man as “banal.” They don't tolerate this. They also don’t like bad taste. In general, a person who is puzzled by how to win an Aries woman must be ready to surprise and surprise.


On the way to the heart of his beloved, a potential partner may have one big problem. And this is the presence of an opponent. Invented. This contender is the image of the ideal guy that the Aries girl herself came up with. But you don’t have to be afraid of real rivals. This girl will never, under any circumstances, act on what is called two fronts.

By the way, there is a little trick for a man: he should show a little jealousy and suspicion. She will appreciate this. Aries girls regard this as the fact that the man, even though he is not her friend yet, is already showing concern and is worried. However, it is important not to overdo it. This should be jealousy, not a manifestation of mistrust. Otherwise, you won’t be able to interest the girl, but will offend and outrage her. This is the Aries woman. A year will pass, and she will remember this.


Now it’s worth fleshing out all of the above a little. So, the answer to the question of how to conquer or a representative of any other sign is simple: you need to do things. But which ones? What exactly will she appreciate?

For such a girl, what matters is not what a man does. And what he is ready to do for her and what lengths to go to. Are you ready to sacrifice your “I”? Even if it is some small thing, but if he goes for her without taking into account his own principles, she will appreciate such a step. And a girl born under this sign loves gifts. Both giving and receiving. She doesn't like stingy people.

What about entertainment? These girls are not avid party girls. If you want to please them, then you should invite them to the theater, cinema or restaurant. Or out of town, into nature. Moreover, it is advisable to do this unexpectedly and guess the very moment when the girl would like to receive an invitation. For example, at the end of a hard work week, when it is so nice to take a break from work and responsibilities.

What's next?

As soon as the Aries girl makes it clear that she is ready to build a relationship, the man has a question: what to do now? What is required of him next? A horoscope helps here. An Aries woman agrees to be with the person who seems reliable and worthwhile to her. And you can be sure: she is committed to a long and serious relationship. Therefore, it will be important for her to feel care and support from her lover. This is what the horoscope says.

An Aries woman must always feel needed. Under no circumstances should a man allow her to feel as if her feelings have cooled down. This offends and upsets her. But this does not mean that you need to give her 100 roses every day. Give her compliments often enough: casually, casually or intentionally. This will only make the girl blossom.

In general, there is nothing supernatural. The most important thing in any relationship is the manifestation of love and attention. This is what every couple relies on.

Have you finally found your ideal - the one and only woman who can make you happy? Then you are faced with a serious task - to win her, to please your chosen one, and to make her also believe that she has met her soul mate.

What does this require? First of all, your desire to please her. A good knowledge of female psychology, patience and consistency will also come in handy. First, learn to listen. If you show sincere interest in her life, she will immediately pay attention to you. But you should be really interested in what your friend does at work, what her hobbies are, what she reads, what music she listens to, etc. Ask questions, listen carefully, but don’t get confused, don’t forget what you heard.

Try to be supportive and supportive. Constantly emphasize your readiness to help not only in words, but also in deeds in solving her problems and overcoming difficulties. Any woman dreams of having a strong, intelligent and supportive man next to her.

Don't forget to compliment. And let this not be a banal set of standard phrases, but specific praise for her hairstyle, figure, culinary abilities, sense of humor, etc. This will not be difficult if you are really interested and begin to treat your friend truly attentively.

The deep-rooted stereotype that men do not notice the details of a woman’s appearance, and in general, pay little attention to anything, needs to be dispelled, since any woman likes to strive, and all her tricks are just for a man to notice and appreciate. It is very important for a woman to make an impression both with her appearance and her talents, skills, conversation, etc. So appreciate her efforts and say it out loud.

If you are serious about your friend and want to connect your life with her in the future, then you will need to be interesting to her and meet her ideas about the ideal man. You should not stop developing, because your woman is always watching and evaluating you. If she understands that you have already “told her everything” and you don’t know or know anything else, she will simply become bored.

But there is no need to use what is called “pressure with intellect.” Let your friend be more competent in something so that she can teach you, for example, how to cook something tasty, or recommend an interesting book. This will show that you appreciate her intelligence and taste, which in turn will make her want to surprise and amaze you.

If your relationship has been going on for a long time, don't forget that people change, and so does your friend. Don’t repeat your compliments, don’t get tired of being attentive, encourage her desire to develop and surprise you with her abilities.

1. Do not believe the coldness of the gaze and do not be afraid of its “inaccessibility”. In most cases, this is a defensive reaction that has become a habit. Do not be afraid of arrogant beauties, few people dare to attack them and therefore they are even more partial to a man’s courtship.

Any woman is lonely at heart, dreams of spiritual or physical intimacy with a man, suffers from a lack of attention to herself and dreams of a brave, persistent man. Sometimes a woman resists in order to prolong the pleasure.

2. Show and prove to her that she is the most attractive of women to you, of exceptional value, and she will open up to you. But remember that a woman needs some time to dispel her wariness.

You can always find something attractive in every woman, tell her what attracts her. In general, without preparing at least a couple of compliments for a woman, you should not approach her. Don't be afraid of repetition, there's never too much of a good thing.

3. A woman’s resistance can have several reasons: 1) she doesn’t like the man at all; 2) so as not to seem too accessible (“to sell yourself too much”); 3) check the seriousness of the suitor’s intentions; 4) get to know him better, because overcoming difficulties forces him to show intelligence and other personality traits.

Note that of the four reasons, only one has a negative connotation. How to avoid this case is described in 4.1, and will be discussed below.

4. A man’s big mistake when courting a woman is restraint in expressing his feelings for her. A woman lives by emotions, and she needs them. So give them to her! Without them, your murderous naked logic is worth little.

Talk to her about your feelings and openly empathize with her. Allow her to speak out and doubt, but in the end, with your confidence, dispel all her doubts.

5. Be tactful and courteous, because women are very vulnerable.

When Napoleon Bonaparte once tactlessly asked a secular, flighty beauty: “Do you still love men?”, she sarcastically answered him: “Yes, but if they are well brought up.”

6. When alone with a woman, be active and courageous, help her remain bashful, and so that her conscience does not torment her, take all the blame upon yourself (“After all, men are so impudent!”).


A woman needs to be approached just as much as you do. And not only when she is free, because this shows her that men like her.

True, women prefer to be approached by men whom they themselves have chosen. And if she didn’t have time to do this, then so that you turn out to be her type, that is, she likes you.

If you used something from the previous section, then you have a better chance of success.

However, in order to overcome the initial alienation, a man must go through a number of stages that are not always clearly expressed, but are always present. Here they are: searching for a woman, collecting information about her, getting to know her, courtship directly, decisive action.

Search for a woman

A man searches for a woman constantly and most often along the route: apartment - work - store - apartment. As a result, the likelihood of dating is low, since the woman is in a hurry, tired, and often not in the mood, especially immediately after work. It is necessary to look for her where the density of women is maximum, there is a choice and the opportunity to talk to her. Here are some places for such a search: restaurants, cafes, discos, beaches, parks, hotels, hostels, canteens; parties, weddings, anniversaries, sports grounds and halls, tourist routes, children's playgrounds; libraries, museums, concerts, cinemas; trains, electric trains, buses, etc. A great way to meet a woman is your car. By accepting your services, a woman psychologically becomes your debtor. In addition, a sense of ownership makes even the most timid men bold. The main thing in such a search is activity and consistency.

A woman’s age is a matter of taste and chance, but insecure men are still better off looking for balanced, older women. They will smooth out their clumsy attempts, tactfully teach them to communicate with themselves, reassure them like a mother, and forgive them for possible “failures” at the decisive moment.

Such men should be wary of expansive and unpredictable women, who, if contact is unsuccessful, with their intemperance can cause severe mental trauma and make them even more insecure.

For women over 30, the minimum requirements for a man’s external characteristics (and for others) are lower than for younger women.

Collection of information

It is necessary to observe the woman you like and determine her readiness for contact in general and with you in particular. Clear signs of such readiness are: her gaze in search mode, demonstrative and provocative actions, noticeable changes in her behavior after discovering interest in her (fussiness, excessive businesslikeness, emphasized indifference, demonstrative interest in something, fear of looking you in the eyes, loud laughter or conversation, etc.).

The color, quality of clothing, and jewelry will tell you about her social and marital status, dominant character traits, aesthetics and tastes. Movements and speech are about her character, erudition and upbringing, self-confidence. If your voice conflicts with your appearance, trust the voice. The more attention a woman pays to her appearance, the better her war paint, the more she wants to be liked and the more pleasant male attention is for her.

You can use both covert surveillance of her and interviewing people who know her. It’s not difficult, for example, to get the old ladies who sit at her doorstep talking for days and lead them to tell a story about your chosen one.

Attracting attention and affection

You can often hear men complaining about the difficulty of meeting a woman, that she is unavailable and won’t even want to talk to him. In fact, any man who has at least a little courage, character and knowledge about female psychology can easily meet. The main thing is to decide to contact her and make an impression on her before or during the dating process.

A.V. Suvorov said: “To surprise means to win.” To surprise means to interest her in you, because if there is no interest in you, then there is no impression. To do this, you need to stand out from the surrounding background with contrast.

1. With your “plumage” - fashionable, elegant clothes, shoes polished to a shine, hairstyle, beard, mustache, etc.

2. Social and financial situation.

3. Demonstrative attention to her person (admiring glance, actions, compliments), which is based on your recognition of her exclusivity.

4. With the general interest of other men in her, there is an emphasized indifference to her.

5. Unusual behavior (gallantry, courage, timidity, efficiency, helplessness).

6. Emotional state (thoughtfulness, sensuality, cheerfulness, excitability, singing or playing musical instruments, dancing, empathy with her).

7. Poems selected for her (not to mention written by yourself - if you can, of course).

When attracting the attention and affection of a woman, it is necessary to constantly remember the characteristics of the female psyche: the great role for her is the process of communication itself, and not just its result; increased sensitivity to the opinions of others. The main values ​​for a woman: family, children. Women pay a lot of attention to what men consider trivial. A woman gives preference not to her own actions, but to forcing a man to act. Women are much more susceptible to superstitions and religion than men, and they react more sharply to all kinds of sensations. Messages about this arouse their increased interest.

How to determine that a woman is ready to date

An indicator of this are the so-called “preening gestures”. For women, the most common are smoothing or straightening hair and clothes; looking at yourself in the mirror, turning in front of it or looking at yourself from the side; hip swaying; slowly crossing and spreading legs in front of a man; stroking yourself on your calves, knees, thighs. Balancing a shoe on your toes tells a man, “Your presence makes me feel comfortable.” If you want to test this, do something to make the woman feel uncomfortable and you will see how quickly the shoe will come on.

Other women express the same thing by sitting with one leg tucked under them. Add to this direct eye contact and you will understand: the lady is definitely interested in you.

You can read more about gestures in the books by A. Pease and J. Nirenberg, given in the list of references.

Some advice for overweight men

Not everyone views a full figure as an asset. In any case, in order not to look “wider across you,” some restrictions on clothing are recommended.

Creating the desired image

Some techniques that allow you to inspire women's trust and affection work at the subconscious level, and therefore are effective. Psychotherapist Igor Vagin gives the following recommendations.

1. First of all, you need to clearly know who your chosen one would like to see in you. It’s stupid to appear before a thirty-year-old single woman in the role of a reckless young philanderer, if you can see from her eyes that all she can think about is getting married. It’s another matter if everything is in order in her family life - a non-drinking husband, healthy children, financial security. Then it is likely that from time to time she has a desire to break out of the routine, and here she needs a fatal lover who can take her away from the world of everyday life and everyday life. The role that is relevant in our time is that of a protector, a patron who takes on the burden of many worries.

2. Women love it when a man plays the role of a hero, a boss, a master, a benefactor, but they react poorly when they are played as a victim, a servant, a shirtless guy or a jester. It's no secret that weak and insecure gentlemen rarely enjoy success - unless the maternal instinct kicks in, but it deserves better, more natural application. Therefore, it is recommended to demonstrate strength, courage and determination, but not in relation to herself, but to others. It is better to remain gentle with her, but sometimes, when turning to someone with a request, make it clear that this is, in fact, an order.

After such demonstrations of strength, it will be useful to remember that as a child you were weak and defenseless and were offended by your peers. The female imagination itself will complete the portrait of a strong-willed man who has overcome life’s circumstances and strengthened his character. In addition, the fairer sex loves to listen to stories about participation in hostilities, fights, risky journeys and other adventures. Alas, women are ready to endure boasting and bluff, just so as not to be bored.

3. From the very beginning of dating, you need to behave with a woman like a child. To make it clear that you are more mature, use a calm smile and a confident voice. Pronounce the name of your interlocutor as if she were your daughter, both with the help of intonations and with the help of diminutive forms of the name.

4. To enhance the effect, talk less and listen more. Some women are ready to talk about themselves for hours, taking open, relaxed poses, climbing with their feet in a chair or on the sofa.

5. Trust and affection for you will increase if you immerse yourself in the memories of your childhood and school period, talk about your graduation party, first kiss, or some other romantic experience. At the same time, slow down your gestures, lower your voice, adding bewitching shades to it, and look more closely at your interlocutor. (These are techniques that put the interlocutor into a trance, that is, a relaxed, weak-willed state.) But the main thing is to imagine how your erotic desire is transmitted to her.

Tell us about a couple you know: how unusually they met, how their relationship developed and how happy they are with each other. You should never talk about your past sexual experiences yourself and praise other ladies in front of yours if you want to succeed with her. If you have a family, don’t hide it, say only good things about it. Many women like to discuss issues of family and morality, and they are attracted to men who express their moral principles firmly and confidently.

Sometimes paradoxical behavior is effective, that is, the discrepancy between your image and some words and actions. If you watched the movie “Pulp Fiction,” you probably noticed this contrast: in it, the bandits have endless conversations about God. This is a typical example of paradoxical behavior that sometimes simply fascinates women.

To shift the conversation to an erotic topic, use all the techniques described above, and then tell the lady some beautiful story reminiscent of your relationship with her. You can offer her comic sexuality tests, based on the results of which you can declare that she is either very sexy or completely frigid. In any case, you will not leave her indifferent.

Action tactics

It depends on many factors, and above all, on the type of woman. There are a great many of them, but they are all a combination (in different proportions) of two diametrically opposed types.

The first of them is the “shark woman”, self-confident, attractive, active and the most dangerous for men. Her self-confidence, beauty and aggressiveness evoke in men an ineradicable desire (with an admixture of sweet horror) to be swallowed up by her. She feels among them, like a shark in a school of game fish, and chooses her own victim. But she, like any predator, can be taken to bait that would attract her attention and which would have the honor of being eaten by this dangerous woman.

The opposite type is the “sheep woman”, insecure, passive and weak-willed. For this reason, it usually goes to the first active man. Pressure is all that is needed to own it.

Your experience cannot be discounted either. First, meet women with whom you are not too worried and at least understand something. Get to know a few easier women and you will lose your fear of the rest, because if you immediately put an inexperienced boxer in front of a serious opponent, he will probably receive a heavy knockout. “Chop the tree on your own” and build up your skills gradually.

It is also necessary to take into account that twenty-year-old girls are waiting for their princes. After thirty, women become more flexible. But it is more difficult for them to give birth to healthy children. In addition, the absence of a family at this age is often associated with a difficult character.

If you are completely inexperienced or your feelings of love have greatly influenced your determination and intelligence, then ask someone to introduce you to a femme fatale. This person should warn her in advance about your condition so that she will treat you more leniently. It’s even better when such an acquaintance takes place in a cheerful company - alcohol will relieve stiffness.

But the best thing is personal acquaintance; it makes the greatest impression on a woman. A woman is especially impressed by an acquaintance when a man shows a woman his determination, his courage.

If this does not work out, then we must prepare for a long, daily courtship, and organize a siege of her heart. But even if such an acquaintance does not bring immediate results, it allows you to show the woman the strength of your attraction to her and your masculine character. And she will probably not ignore your efforts in the future, since in her heart she will be glad of your desperate audacity. It’s not every day that she gets the opportunity to feel like a desirable woman, for whom a man is willing to do anything.

If you have no one to choose from, expand your circle of acquaintances: visit companies with predominantly female staff; enroll in courses that are typically attended by women; travel more on the train (compartments are conducive to making acquaintances); relax in sanatoriums or travel with tourist groups; get busy with matrimonial advertisements.

How to give an irresistible compliment

A necessary element of any contact with a woman is, of course, a good compliment. When executed correctly, they always achieve favor with oneself.

It is no coincidence that women are usually complimented. A woman’s weakness for compliments is explained by the fact that they satisfy her most important needs - approval (or better yet, admiration), and psychological support. Compliments from men are especially pleasant - then she feels like a Woman with a capital W.

It goes without saying that we are talking about good, high-quality compliments, but in no case about parodies of them.

What is a compliment

To understand what a good compliment is, first of all, its exact definition will help.

A compliment is a slight exaggeration of the dignity that the interlocutor wants to see in himself.

A compliment differs from flattery precisely in that it is a slight exaggeration. A flatterer greatly exaggerates the merits of his interlocutor. Compare: “This color suits you very well” (compliment) and “You are the most beautiful” (flattery). Flattery is harsher and more likely to be rejected due to blatant implausibility. Although there are people who like flattery. However, many people are put off by flattery.

Therefore, there is a clear advantage to a compliment, as a more subtle and effective tool. The words “I don’t like compliments!” refer not to compliments, but to parodies of them, to flattery.

It is known that poor execution can ruin the best idea. Below we will formulate the rules, the implementation of which will ensure the success of the compliment.

Compliment and praise are not the same thing. When praising, the so-called “extension from above” is carried out. Indeed, praise is a positive assessment. It is clear that the assessment of a subordinate is made by a superior person (senior in position or position), and not vice versa.

With a compliment, in contrast to praise, an “extension from below” occurs; the interlocutor seems to elevate everything above himself.

The most effective compliment

It follows from the previous that the most effective compliment is against the background of an anti-compliment to oneself, because the addition from below becomes more noticeable if, while elevating the other, we additionally humiliate ourselves a little.

Factual basis

A positive perception of a compliment is facilitated by the use of facts known to both partners. An interpretation of this fact is given, presenting the interlocutor in a favorable light.

The absence of a factual basis makes the compliment unconvincing and can reduce the statement to the level of banal flattery.

If there are doubts whether the interlocutor will understand what fact we are talking about, then it is better not to risk it and first remind about it, and then play it up.

The worst thing is if the compliment contradicts the facts. For example, an employee did not sleep at night suffering from toothache, and they will tell her that she looks great. These words will be perceived as ridicule.

Sister of talent

The complimentary part of the statement should be as brief as possible, containing one or two thoughts, no more. Be simple in design and obviously understandable. In a compliment, it is important not only what you said, but also how you said it. It is necessary, in particular, to avoid ambiguous phrases that can evoke feelings and associations that are not at all expected. For example, the smile of the person giving a compliment can give the words the opposite meaning, which will be perceived as irony.

A compliment achieves its goal, especially if it contains an element of understatement that allows you to speculate on what you heard. For example, seeing a woman with children, say: “What beautiful children you have!” Praising children is a compliment to parents. After all, beautiful children come from beautiful parents and as a result of good child care, beautiful clothes, etc. The mother will happily speculate on all this.

Or: “Looking at you, I understand why your husband is always in such a hurry to go home.” If this woman considers herself a beauty, she will think: “of course, men strive for a beautiful woman.” If she considers herself a good housewife, “of course, since there is comfort and a delicious dinner at home.”

What women want to hear

Mentally putting yourself in the shoes of your interlocutor, you can guess what she is pleased to hear. Moreover, there are things that everyone enjoys. All women want to look good, achieve success, be respected, recognized, loved; have a good family, smart, healthy children, etc. Communication with a woman provides additional information. The more personalized the compliment, the more valuable it is, because it more fully takes into account the woman’s priorities. Such a compliment will not be perceived as banality, as “on duty”.

Common Misconception

It consists in the fact that it is necessary to give compliments only when you need to win a woman’s favor. In the absence of proper practice, this is precisely the most difficult situation, because the woman knows that you will somehow “approach” her. And you don’t even have experience, so let’s try to approach the issue from the other side.

How often should you give compliments?

As often as possible. Anyone who is at least in some way worthy of a kind word. It is through practice that ease and ease in a compliment are achieved, which makes it natural and irresistible.

It’s very useful to start by setting yourself a task: not a day without a compliment! Because a compliment begins with the desire to give it. Find what you personally like about your interlocutor, what you would like to borrow from him. And say it directly.

People accept compliments very favorably, because everyone is pleased that they want to say something good to him. And they easily forgive possible mistakes. Especially if there are no outside witnesses. Therefore, it is better to learn how to give compliments one on one. Moreover, the presence of strangers can confuse you.

If your compliment is not very successful, the woman is ready to forgive your clumsiness - she is already pleased that you want to please her.

But in the presence of witnesses, especially women, she will have to be more demanding about the quality of the compliment in order to show others that she is spoiled by compliments and not everyone accepts that she is smart and knows how to read subtexts.

However, if the compliment is good, then it makes a greater impression when it is done “in front of witnesses.”

Since men are not spoiled by compliments, they are less demanding of their quality. Therefore, it is better to learn how to give compliments on men.

A woman turns to a psychotherapist:

I hate my husband! I would give anything to annoy him, to remember him for the rest of my life. You, a psychologist, know men. Teach him how to hurt him more.

Start praising him, giving him compliments. He, of course, will think that you have again flared up with passion for him, and he will become proud. And when he completely melts, then laugh at him!

Thank you Doctor! I will do so.

After some time this woman comes to

reception - with notices:

Doctor, I am so grateful to you!

Tell us.

I'm giving him a compliment. He became wary. I am his second, third. And he comes with flowers and compliments. I continue to play... In general, I fell in love with my husband again. I'm so happy! Thank you!

Who benefits from this?

When the compliment pleases the interlocutor, her face lights up with a smile. A good mood, along with a smile, has a pleasant habit of being transferred to the interlocutor. And you will also involuntarily smile and feel that your mood has improved. So everyone benefits from compliments. It remains only to wish the reader success in this good cause

Dating methods

Preliminary Note

The main thing in the dating technique is to avoid templates if possible! Unfortunately, the vast majority of men (90%) make acquaintances in an indecently primitive way, like this: “What’s the weather like today! Give me your phone number, will you?”

Women value in a man, first of all, intelligence and a banal beginning like “Girl, what’s your name?” drives her into a corner with his straightforwardness and wretched thoughts.

A little ingenuity - and you will interest the person you like. Let us remember the hero of one of the film comedies, who met like this: “Girls, where is Nophelet?” - “What is this?” - “And this is a “telephone” in reverse.” The girls laughed, after which the acquaintance proceeded like clockwork.

Here's another example of a creative approach:

“Girls,” a pair of handsome guys joyfully addresses two students, “we are conducting sociological research among women on the topic: “How do you prefer to meet people.” How do you like it?...”

After a couple of minutes, the girls, who had been hesitant, relax. After ten, they chat freely on an abstract topic (imposed by their interlocutors). After fifteen, they trustingly leave home telephone numbers for new acquaintances to “continue research.”

By asking a stranger for information, the man shows his bad manners. Cultured people first identify themselves and give some information about themselves, for example, where they work, what they do.

It has been noticed that a woman makes a good impression when a man hands her his business card. This element of business ethics, transferred to everyday life, satisfies women's curiosity and works better than words.

Here are several types of dating depending on the situation.

Option 1

Choose a time when the woman is not very busy and a place where you can make contact with her. Women are not very brave, so prepare her to talk to you.

Make eye contact with her and give her time to get her appearance in order and her mental attitude towards your advances. And when she is already annoyed with you - for your indecisiveness, with herself - for her unapproachable appearance and for the missed opportunity to enjoy courtship - start.

1. With some question, a meaningless phrase, loosen her up, let her get used to your voice and communication with you. Then start a conversation about something. The topic of conversation may be the most banal, you just need to say at least something and not destroy weak contact with painful silence. Speak in the manner that works best for you (playful, simple, tragic, meaningful...). Banal questions will do: How to get there? What is the route of this trolleybus? etc.

You can tell her something from your past, a sensational fact, an anecdote, an incident from your life. Compliment her appearance, and if she joined the conversation, then her erudition. As if by the way, tell her a little about yourself and modestly give her the opportunity to feel your strengths. To awaken her maternal instinct, you can cry a little - complain about your difficulties. Introduce yourself, state your name and profession. Ask her questions. (The phrases below are given as examples. Everyone will find words that suit the occasion.)

Where (from) are you going (going)? Where do you work (study)? Is it hard? Who is helping? Do you live with your parents? Who else is in your family?

How do you relax... do you have any friends? What is your hobby? _What are you reading... about what? Interesting? I also recently read...

May I help you (guide you)?

2. Find a reason to compliment. The compliment technique is described in 4.3.

3. Invite her to the theater, to a concert, or for a walk.

4. If she refuses, ask her: “Maybe we can meet you tomorrow (at lunchtime, in the evening...)? When?” Ask her to leave you her phone number or address where she can be found. If you categorically refuse, use the temptation of time - offer yours (“Well, then take mine, I beg you!...”).

5. Walk her to the place she is going to.

Practice making contact as often as possible. This is the only way to gain ease and ease of acquaintance. Even if without continuing acquaintance, but for the sake of training. Including with people of the same sex: dating training is “according to a complicated program,” because men make contact much more difficult than women. The reward, in addition to training, will be possible acquaintance and even friendship with interesting people.

Option 2

Have a flower with you. Give it to someone you would like to meet. A woman cannot refuse flowers. But by accepting the flower, she becomes indebted to you for this generous and beautiful gesture.

In addition to being irresistible, this option is good because only one out of 500 men starts dating in this way. By avoiding mistakes, you will appear in a favorable light.

By the way, according to Freud, flowers are a symbol of the union of masculine and feminine principles. Maybe that's why women love flowers, especially if they are given by a man?

Option 3 (dating by phone)

If you are not ready for personal acquaintance, then this option is the best. After all, during the day, on the street, a woman may not listen to you because she is very busy, but at home, in a calm environment, she will not refuse to listen, even out of boredom. The phone provides an excellent opportunity to overcome the psychological barrier between you. Especially if you are afraid of not being liked by your appearance.

At the beginning of the conversation, you should introduce yourself and tell a little about yourself. Be sure to praise her voice: “pleasant”, “melodic”, “like a bell”, “exciting”). Tell her that you admire her from a distance, but are afraid to approach her, about the beauty of her movements, gestures, etc. It is advisable to call in the evening, at the same time, when she is free. Develop a conditioned reflex in her to your call, so that she needs it before bed, like a good fairy tale for a child. If you manage to captivate her with the feeling that you have for her (any woman is captivated by such a feeling), then it will be very difficult for her to refuse you personal acquaintance, even out of compassion.

Having felt that she is already open to contact with you and has begun to get used to you, prepare her to meet you.

1. Tell about your shortcomings and that you are not handsome. Naturally, this will not make her happy, but the desire to satisfy her curiosity will force her to come on a date. And if your appearance turns out to be a little better than she expected to see, your goal has been achieved. Fear of being alone again, or boredom, or a thirst for entertainment will force her to date you and gradually get used to your presence.

2. Use “feeding” - gifts, flowers, concert tickets, etc. And there, as they say, if you endure it, you will fall in love.

Having gotten used to it, they stop paying attention to unprincipled flaws, especially flaws in appearance - and who doesn’t have them?

Name of the interlocutor

Having found out the name of your new friend, you can “play up” it by making it a topic of conversation and asking how she thinks whether her character matches what is in her name. To do this, we provide the corresponding dictionary of the 30 most common female names.

Alexandra (Greek) - protector of people

Anastasia (Greek) - resurrected

Anna (Hebrew) - grace of God

Arina (Greek) - peace

Valentina (Latin) - strong, strong

Vera (Russian) - no comments needed

Galina (Greek) - silence, meekness

Daria (Persian) - strong, victorious

Evdokia (Greek) - glorious or favor

Catherine (Greek) - pure, immaculate

Elena (Greek) - light, torch

Elizabeth (Greek) - the one who took the oath

Zinaida (Greek) - divine, born of Zeus

Zoe (Greek) - life

Irina (Greek) - peace

Ksenia (Greek) - guest

Larisa (Greek) - seagull

Love (Russian) - no comments needed

Lyudmila (Russian) - dear to people

Margarita (Greek) - pearl

Marina (Hebrew) - madam

Nadezhda (Russian) - does not need comments or tips

Natalia (Latin) - natural

Olga (Scandinavian) - sacred

Raisa (Greek) - light, submissive

Svetlana (Slavic) - light

Sophia (Greek) - wisdom

Tatiana (Greek) - founder

Faina (Greek) - shining

Julia (Latin) - wavy or fluffy.

Discussion of a name is a very fertile topic. It allows a man to show erudition and learn more about a woman. Moreover, most people like to talk about themselves.

Option 4 ("assistant")

Helping a woman - carrying things, repairing something, etc. provides a rare opportunity to meet her. This option is practically a win-win. Firstly, because there are so few people willing to help anyone that they may in the future be mummified and displayed in museums. The woman will be very surprised and delighted that she still got such a rare specimen. Secondly, she will be flattered that you helped her. It may happen that she doesn’t like you at first, but her practicality, the opportunity to exploit you, will make her tolerate your presence. Your task is not to miss the moment and try to win over.

Even if she is not delighted with such an acquaintance, her conscience will not allow her to treat you cruelly, because she is obliged to you. Then, as an old acquaintance, you can safely ask her for a second date.

It is not at all necessary for a woman to carry very heavy things, the main thing is to show her attention and find a reason to talk to her. If she says that she doesn’t need help, then express surprise and indignation at her attitude towards her precious body (“Don’t even mind, you’re so fragile... and you shouldn’t carry heavy bags... your husband probably won’t take care of you!” At the same time, you’ll find out, does she have one?) After all, women, even very strong ones, love to be fragile. “You can be angry with me, but I will still help you!” Whether she refuses you or not is not so important, the main thing is that you come into contact with her and all that remains is to keep the conversation going. Sympathize with her female lot (“Why doesn’t anyone help you?”) and offer your help for the future.

Other possible ways to help: If the girl or you have a camera, offer to “click” her. If the camera is yours, offer her a card - right away, if you have a Polaroid, or ask for a phone number for later transfer.

If you see a girl on a high platform or heels struggling to step over the tram tracks, it’s natural to offer her your hand. When it rains, a woman will gratefully take refuge under your umbrella.

Option 5 ("assistant")

It has been established that if person A does good to person B, then A begins to treat B better. The psychological basis for this is this: every time A sees B, he remembers the good things he did and realizes that he is a good, kind person. This increases his self-esteem, and therefore his mood. Thus, B becomes a source of positive emotions for A.

This phenomenon can be used for dating by organizing help from an attractive person.

“Girl, please help me out, I urgently need to make a call, but my phone card has run out” (or “there are no tokens” - it varies in different cities). And, after talking briefly: “Thank you very much. I am now your debtor. Allow me to repay the debt: where and when can I find you? Do you want to go to the cinema or to a bar, what is more interesting to you? ... Or to the theater?”

Option 6 (in public transport)

You can often hear the statement that the psychological atmosphere of public transport is not conducive to making acquaintances. On the contrary, this is where it is easiest to do it.

Long-distance trains are exactly the place where it is easiest to get acquainted. Knowing that in a day or two he will never see these people again, the person openly expresses his secret thoughts and reveals himself. Free time, boredom and large crowds of people create ideal conditions for making contact. The best option is if the woman is already in your compartment. Here you can use the entire arsenal from the previous options. Help her place her things, ask: “Where are you going, where are you coming from? How long have you been there? Did you have a good rest? What are you reading, I wonder... about what?”; tell her that she has very beautiful, but sad eyes (“Probably you are thinking about someone? About a man?”); invite her to play cards, predict her fate (by her hand, cards, eyes, face, whatever); offer her good cigarettes (if she smokes) and go out to smoke with her in the vestibule, for which you need to have a regular pack of good cigarettes and a beautiful lighter with you.

If the situation in the compartment is tense, defuse it with alcohol. Place a bottle of good wine with a beautiful sticker on the table (it appeals to the imagination) and invite everyone to drink with you.

Women in most cases refuse strong drinks, but it is difficult for them to refuse such a noble drink as champagne, which most women love.

Wine greatly facilitates contacts between people.

But you won’t always be lucky, and there may not be a nice woman in the compartment. It’s okay, you can easily find her in the corridor by the window, in the next compartment or carriage. You can act according to the standard schemes given above.

In parking lots, being at the entrance to the car, you can easily see a new fellow traveler, whether she is free, and immediately use option 3 (“assistant”).

By the way, her children or relatives are not at all an obstacle to getting to know her, but an excellent reason for him to continue contact with her in the future. Mothers absolutely love to talk about their children, listen and watch how strangers praise them and play different games with them.

Subway, bus, boat... - places where you can easily meet a woman. Having chosen the woman you like, speak and act on any of the above options. You should not be afraid that someone is eavesdropping on your conversation; this will not make it any less pleasant for a woman. If you do not dare to meet her on public transport, then get off with her at the bus stop and use some of what we have already talked about.

Here is a picture: an almost empty carriage of an electric train, metro, bus... How do the people entering it sit down? Everyone tries to sit separately, but not in order to feel like the owner of the “apartment”, but so that, God forbid, they don’t think that he is intruding. But then a young man comes in and, “looking for a kinder face” with his eyes, who to ask (and it turns out to be her), sits down next to her. He asks: “Can you tell me if the train stops in Ravnopolye?” Thanked. After this, it is stupid and even indecent to leave her and sit at a distance. And she continues reading, and he takes out his magazine. I found a difficult crossword puzzle... “Since you advised me, save me here too...” And then the question is, what is she reading. Has she read the latest "AiF"? He can give... "Pay attention to the article about... It's interesting to know a woman's opinion about this..."

Topics for conversation

What topics are “allowed” between strangers? It is always appropriate to offer help if the person is at least a little interested in it. Here she takes a ticket out of her purse. Don't wait for her to ask someone, offer to punch it. This is perceived favorably, but it is also a reason for conversation: “Let this ticket be happy, even if the sum of the numbers does not match.” And then you can ask something about the route of this bus or about the movie in the cinema that flashed outside the window.

The request for help is also justified. It is “difficult” for you to navigate trolleybus routes. It is customary to provide such assistance, but by the way your fellow traveler does it, you will learn something about her character and even her attitude towards you.

There is one more important point in these psychological techniques. This conversation should not be super brief. "What time is it now?" - "Five minutes past four." And then - painful silence. If we use the topic “time”, then let you have a watch that either lags behind or runs ahead, and you ask: “Can’t I check with your electronic chronometer?”, “I have a difficult relationship with watches: then I let them down.” , then they are letting me down."

Or, asking about a tricky route, ask to draw a diagram, and a notepad, or at worst - a piece of paper and a pen. The essence of the technique is that during these few questions and answers, not only business information is exchanged, but also emotional information. She will answer formally to get rid of it. Then, most likely, you should not try to continue the contact, although this may be a mask, and a more confident person, who has trained on easier cases, may try to continue the conversation even “in the absence of a smile.”

But if she smiled and willingly provides help, tells you how to get there in detail, making sure that you understand her correctly, then you can act more boldly. The conversation immediately turns to another topic, which should be foreseen in advance: for example, there is an exhibition in the city or a new film is being shown, so is it worth going? And then from the film to the director, from him to the writer, based on whose book the film was made. Some common interest will emerge.

And now you have already agreed to exchange books, cassettes or disks, and therefore phones, and arrange a meeting.

Option 7 (cultural events)

It is better to start looking for a woman before the events begin. At the ticket office or at the entrance, try to get in touch with the one you like, and then act on any of the options or the situation associated with the event.

Show your generosity, try to buy a souvenir, a treat, a program, flowers - whatever is possible.

After the performance is over, help the woman get dressed and walk her home, exchange phone numbers.

Option 8 (on the beach)

Don’t be afraid to approach (sit down) and talk to a woman, even if she makes an indifferent expression on her face. A lonely woman on the beach is always happy for male attention, because her loneliness does not speak in her favor. The views of others should not be given importance. Other men may be willing to do the same, but you are ahead of them, and women may simply be jealous of your rival. On the beach it is especially appropriate to talk about women's charms (the beauty of the figure, an amazing tan or delicate skin, etc.).

Warning! The beach is a parade of physical beauty of the body, both female and male. All the advantages and disadvantages of the physique, not hidden by clothes, are obvious. Therefore, if you have a good (and even more so excellent) figure, God himself orders you to meet on the beach.

Of course, for men who have lost their figure due to excess weight and ignoring sports, the beach is not the best place to meet, especially young people. But it’s not hopeless: having managed to entertain a woman (and there’s not a lot of entertainment on the beach), you can become interesting to her in the future, and then necessary for her. In addition, the recommendations from 4.2 will help a man disguise some of the shortcomings of his own figure.

An interesting article that you offer to read and exchange opinions about it helps to make acquaintances. A crossword puzzle can provide invaluable help, because almost all women love to solve them. Women highly value intelligence - show it! Playing cards, treating yourself to ice cream or soft drinks. It is convenient to play tic-tac-toe on the sand. Any game is a convenient way to meet people. In the game, a person reveals himself as a person.

For those men who want to compare their body proportions with internationally recognized standards, we provide the following information.

"Ideal" male figure

The most recognized canon of beauty for the male figure is considered to be the Greek one, created by the ancient Greek sculptor Polycletus, who took the ancient Egyptian canon as a model. An idea of ​​the canon of Polykleitos is given to us by his statue “Dorifors” (a young man with a spear). The face of the statue is 1/10 of the height of the body, the head is 1/8, and the length of the foot is 1/6; The head together with the neck is equal in length to the foot. These are the basic proportions. You can take the proportions of modern bodybuilders as a model: a slender neck, clearly defined trapezius muscle, pronounced relief of the shoulder muscles. The chest is cone-shaped, with powerful pectoral muscles. The abdominal muscles are also prominent, the hips are narrow. The back is wide, with prominent muscles, the latissimus dorsi muscle is especially developed. The pelvis is narrow, the legs are slender, with developed muscles. The anthropometric indicators of ideally built bodybuilders are as follows: with a height of, for example, 182 cm, weight - 90.5 kg, chest - 122 cm, waist - 92 cm, hip - 63.5 cm, shoulder - 43.5 cm.

In fairness, it should be noted that these proportions are especially important only for men themselves - for self-affirmation.

For women they are in tenth (relatively speaking) place. Not one of them will marry “for beautiful legs” - a stupidity that men often commit.

Although a man can attract attention with a beautiful figure. A good male figure accelerates the emergence of sexual desire in a woman.

Option 9 (restaurant, cafe, anniversary...)

Considering the state of mild intoxication among visitors to such places and events, it is not recommended to leave the woman you like without attention for a long time. Otherwise, taking advantage of her fear of being left without a gentleman and the excitement that grips a woman in such cases, another man may take her away from under your nose. A "frontal attack" is the best way to a woman's heart in such places! Don't let her come to her senses, invite her to dance and express your admiration for her appearance, movements, etc. After the dance, invite her not to sit down and dance again, stand with her in front of everyone with a happy look. This will immediately demoralize your opponents.

Be demonstrably gallant. Flowery speech affects her consciousness, relaxed by alcohol, in the most powerful way. Invite her (with her friend) to your table, order her champagne. A loud bang, a cork flying out of a bottle - and everyone's attention affects a woman's imagination, and the carbon dioxide contained in champagne promotes the rapid penetration of alcohol into the blood and awakens her dormant instincts.

It will be very good if you dance with her friend, who can tell you a lot of interesting things about her, and about herself too. What is beneficial for one to hide is always beneficial for another to tell. If at least one of your friends is interested in you or your friend, then the evening will continue.

Let her feel that there is a man next to her, and not a neuter creature.

Option 10

This is when a woman is simply bought for money. This option is the most uninteresting for us, so we will limit ourselves to the following story.

Morning. A man approaches the mirror. He looks: his face is blue, his hair is standing on end, his belly is saggy, his ears are fluffy, one leg is shorter than the other. He looks around - a long-legged beauty is sleeping on the bed behind him. The man says thoughtfully:

You have to love money so much...

More subtly, love for a man’s financial capabilities is manifested by applicants for positions as the wife of a wealthy man:

The bride says to the groom:

Let's get married, and I'll let you kiss me where no one has kissed me before!

Where is it? - the enthusiastic groom asks with a breath.

In Hawaii, honey.

7 Courtship Styles

1. "Dove". You need to demonstratively court a woman in front of everyone, not paying attention to those around you, like a dove courting a dove. This behavior emphasizes the woman's value and at the same time emphasizes your serious intentions.

2. “Short-term abandonment” (5-7 days). After a long, active courtship with her, stop visiting her and calling her. Having become accustomed to male attention, a woman can no longer do without it, she will begin to miss you, and she will reproach herself for being cold towards you. And how to answer your friends’ snide questions about your absence? “Abandoned” - shameful, “chased away” - prematurely, what if he comes back? As a rule, after returning to her, the woman becomes much more merciful.

3. "Girlfriend." If she is not too fond of you, then by starting to actively court her friend, you can dramatically change her attitude towards you. Then everyone around her will talk about you and this will certainly boost her pride. She will want to prove to her friends that she is no worse than them and, if she wishes, you will look after not someone else, but her. In addition, she will think: “If everyone is talking about him, then there must be something in him.”

4. It’s even better if you manage to captivate her best friend, who will tell her all about you. Her friend's emotional outpourings will fire her imagination. You will become very much not indifferent to her. Once you feel that the goal has been achieved, explain to her.

5. "The Sufferer." Constantly expressing her suffering to the people around her will cause their sympathy, reproaches towards her and make her doubt her attitude towards you. It is rare that a compassionate Slavic soul will not condemn such a woman for her inaccessibility. This technique is especially good when it is necessary to obtain a woman’s consent to marriage.

6. "Feeding". At every meeting, bring the woman either flowers, or pleasant trinkets, or something tasty that she loves (sweets, cakes, etc.). Then she will develop a conditioned reflex - a positive attitude towards your presence and anticipation of it.

7. "Incomparable." Its essence is the same as the previous technique, but instead of tangible things, you give her your attention (admiration for her, compliments, treatment). Very often it works much better than tangible gifts, especially where there is material wealth, but there is not enough attention to the woman.

Visiting a woman...

Everyone was lucky: after looking at you meaningfully, the hostess fled into the shower. What should I do? Call home and let them know you'll be late? A certain Alexander Monogamov suggests spending this time usefully. Go to the kitchen, open the refrigerator door. From its contents you will learn a lot about your partner. So:

There are a lot of eggs in the refrigerator. Most likely, this woman prefers to cook quickly: omelettes, scrambled eggs. Don't expect a gourmet dinner. In the morning you will most likely be offered (in addition to something eggy) a cup of unimportant instant coffee.

Minced cutlets from cooking. The lady loves to eat heartily, but stupidly. For her, it is not the taste of food that is important, but its quantity. About the same thing applies to sex.

Lots of fresh greens. This is a good sign. It is possible that in a week or two you will be enjoying satsivi. Prepare your money for Saperavi.

Ginger root. You're very lucky. This woman knows how to cook. Including Chinese dishes. But this is a long process. So cleaning the apartment may well fall on your shoulders.

Olive oil. A very healthy product, but storing it in the refrigerator is not recommended. It's strange that she doesn't know such basic things.

Vodka. Variations are possible. If the bottle is intact, this indicates the foresight of the hostess. If it’s started, then either she drinks it herself, or someone has already inspected this refrigerator before you.

Champagne, white wine. Everything is fine. These drinks are best drunk chilled.

Cognac, red wine. But this is against all rules. But you can, with the air of an expert, explain to the hostess that red wine requires room temperature, and cognac can benefit from the warmth of human hands, just like you, baby...

A pot of borscht, fried chicken, beer. In this house you are already loved and expected. Question: is it you? We need to make sure that the lady is not married. Or that the husband is on a long business trip and will not return until tomorrow morning.

Strawberries, grapes, whipped cream. Alarm signal. Perhaps the girl loves the movie “Nine and a Half Weeks” and expects from you the same tenderness as from Mickey Rourke.

Red caviar, black caviar, sturgeon, basturma, US dollars (22 thousand) This woman doesn’t care about the crisis. She won’t disappear on her own and won’t give it to you. If you're smart.

Braided leather whip, black high boots, steel handcuffs, fishnet stockings. Nice set, but why in the refrigerator?

Stages of rapprochement

Here are the stages of a man approaching a woman:


joint activities;

obvious signs of attention;

joint recreation;

touch: by the hand, by the waist;

kisses and superficial caresses;

deep caresses;


The transition to each next stage is overcoming a barrier. There is a risk of being rejected. There is a risk of exposing the primitiveness of your intentions. As the song says: “That’s when I realized what you need, what you need, But I won’t give you what you want.”

Five types of women

Most women can be divided into 5 types according to the psychology of their behavior with a man. Knowing the type of woman is absolutely necessary in order to predict what awaits a man in the company of a woman of one type or another.

1. "Woman-Mother"

Regardless of the ratio of the partners' ages, the “mother woman” will always behave the same. She will look after a man as if she were her child, she will pity him, pamper him, put his interests above her own, sometimes completely forgetting that she may have some interests of her own.

A “woman-mother” does not pay attention to the age of her partner; he can be older than her, the same age, or much younger than her.

Such a woman is a wonderful life partner, it’s easy, warm, cozy with her, she doesn’t create problems, she solves them herself. She doesn't make a scene. Forgiving, kind, patient. She touchingly, unobtrusively takes care of her big child - her husband.

She is both his spiritual mentor and his secretary. Women of this type help their partner make a brilliant career. A man is always drawn to such a woman.

Very often you can see a couple in which the woman is older than the man. Typically the maximum difference is up to 15 years. Moreover, the man only thinks about this age difference for a very short time at first, and later does not remember about it.

A woman of this type almost always gets married. Moreover, her level of education does not play any role for a man. It is also characteristic that such a woman very quickly grows to the level of her adored partner, if only he himself wants it.

She is also a good lover because she allows and even encourages freedom in sexual relationships if she sees that it gives her partner pleasure, even if she has always considered herself a woman of strict behavior.

For the person closest to her, she is ready to retreat from her “I”. Highest altruism! If a man in such a couple allows flirting on the side, it is only flirting. A man usually does not leave such a family, even if he gets very carried away on the side. (If, after all, such a woman turns out to be a passing figure for a man, then she most often does not make a tragedy out of it, but endures the breakup that has occurred more calmly than he expected.)

The man in such a couple is only sometimes a follower; usually he is the leader. The woman herself pushes him to leadership. She respects any manifestation of his personality. A man grows imperceptibly both in his own eyes and in the eyes of his colleagues. This is her merit. It was she who encouraged him to take such a role with her behavior. And unnoticed by everyone, he grew as a leader.

He will make a career. And without unnecessary bloodletting, calmly and systematically. It was again she, with her even and good attitude towards him, who created such a climate where there is an oasis in which you can gain strength before climbing to the top. They don’t live at the peaks and gain strength - they do that in the house. "Woman-mother" is a wonderful type of woman.

2. "Decorating the living room"

This type of woman will never again look for a partner younger than herself. Yes, this is impossible: after all, such a woman requires constant attention to herself, like a child.

Such a woman is spoiled; she will not care for her husband, child, or parents. She simply cannot change her idea of ​​human relationships.

Usually this is a selfish woman, often even self-centered. Everything is around her, in one orbit, in the center of which she and her world are.

This is a very complex type of character, although not without its charm. After all, such a woman is very feminine in her whims, and a man easily falls for her quirks, which he initially considers the height of feminine charm. Then he will often be annoyed and tormented by such a woman.

But this will not happen right away, and, most likely, he will never understand what attracts him so much to this eccentric and cold woman.

With such a woman, a man’s career will develop only if the man has already established himself as a leader, he has everything set up, planned out, and he is rolling along a well-worn track, which will inevitably lead him to the peak designated by him. But if such a man has not yet established himself as a leader, then he will never make a career next to such a woman.

She won't help him. Due to her character, she is simply not able to help him. She will not be interested in the process of his development as a person, as a leader. She is only interested in one person - herself. However, strong men are very drawn to this type of woman. They lack a woman as a toy, a woman as fun in their lives.

Such a woman almost always finds herself a patron partner. And although this woman is never ideal for family life, she is always in the family.

She is often a bad housewife, she has an unkempt husband, children left to their own devices, but she always takes excellent care of herself, never getting tired of it.

A woman of this type is unlikely to be a good lover. She is cold, passive in bed, although her whole appearance, appearance, and behavior are misleading about her sex appeal.

But men are still drawn to possessing such a woman, and they find satisfaction with her. For them she is a sex bomb. In fact, a woman of this type is often simply frigid.

Sex does not interest her as such; she is attracted only by increased attention to her person, to her body. And she willingly allows herself to be loved, although this does not excite her at all and does not satisfy her physically. Her moral satisfaction in this case is higher than physical.

Women of this type are often cheated on, but they invariably return to them. There is the power of a female image created in a man’s mind, a tangible ideal that attracts him. Such women are perceived as a man’s adornment, but only externally.

A man who owns such a woman can hardly be called happy. This woman is often a burden to him. But a woman of this type herself is happy as a thing in itself.

3. "Female Friend"

This is the most successful type, combining the strength of the two previous types. This is the most intelligent woman, a subtle and realistic thinker, a kind of grounded type of woman. It's safe with her.

She will make a man feel the need for his leadership in life, will allow him to rule in the family, but under her hidden control. She will look after her husband like a reasonable mother, behave like a best friend who understands all the intricacies of their common problems, and at the same time will become an excellent lover for him.

This woman is a friend. A friend is honest, open, ready to listen, help, regret, scold. In such a couple, where the partner is a “female friend,” there is always a wonderful relationship. They are created by a woman. She reacts sensitively to all requests, comments, and is always aware of her man’s affairs, his moods, and plans.

Such a woman will help her husband make a career, take care of everyday life, raising children and looking after his parents. She is smart, kind, noble, and has a strong character.

A wise queen from a noble but impoverished family... But... such a strong type of woman is not very common.

And such a woman does not always get married. If she does start a family, it is at an early age. Later age usually delays the opportunity to get married for one reason - such a woman not only makes high demands on herself and tries to fully meet them, but also makes the same demands on her partner.

“A female friend” is a real find for a man. The man tries to keep this woman in his life. True, he does not always marry her, but he always values ​​this connection.

4. "Predator"

The “predatory woman” never pays attention to the age of her partner; she is completely indifferent to whether he is young and naive or old and experienced. She considers her partner only from one side - whether he is convenient for her in life from a material point of view.

This woman is not interested in her partner’s appearance, physical characteristics, mental abilities, or sexuality. She considers it only mercantilely: Is it profitable? Who is he (the son of an influential figure...)? Education (institute, graduate school...)? Place in life (chief engineer; commercial director; businessman...)? What social benefits does it have (apartment, etc.)? Everything else doesn't interest her.

There is no hint of sympathy, adoration, or love here. Here everything is measured by one standard - material. And yet this seemingly unattractive type of woman is very common. Such a woman sometimes even evokes envy with her ability to organize her life. This woman is a battering ram.

She drags her husband up the career ladder, pushes him, coordinates his actions, actively helps him, intervenes in his affairs and tries to completely manage them.

She carefully monitors her husband’s appearance, thereby helping him, and therefore, first of all, herself, to find a worthy, in her opinion, place on the social ladder. A man gets to such a woman like a fly in a spider's net.

She is very purposeful, strong-willed, with a decisive character, and never deviates from her intentions. It is difficult for a man to escape from her network. He is always in the role of a follower in such a pair. Such a woman is always happy with her appearance and her level of development, but she forces her husband to constantly grow.

Usually such a woman is not very active sexually. She does not perceive her husband’s betrayal as a tragedy, and tries to stop it through active actions.

She does not try to punish the unfaithful husband, but only fights with her rival, usually defeating her.

She has a well-organized life, she is an excellent housewife who has organized material wealth.

She is pleased with herself, because she knows what she wants from life and knows how to take it.

For a family, this type is not so bad, especially if the husband is not capable of being a leader in the family.

5. Business woman

The problems that women of this type create for their chosen ones are convincingly described in the interview of Trud correspondent Lina Tarkhova with sex therapist Irina Botneva, which we present with slight abbreviations.

Irina Leonidovna, as far as I know, there are many business women among your patients. Is it so closely connected - a business career and problems of an intimate nature?

Yes, a business woman, undoubtedly, in this sense belongs to the risk group. People come to me with sexual dysfunctions, but when you start to look into it, it always turns out that they are connected with a whole set of other situations - personal, family, professional. When choosing a career, a woman must be aware that her husband, home, children - all this can turn into a very painful problem for her.

But most women cannot be returned to the kitchen. By the way, you also chose the path of a business woman?

To a certain degree. I have a very interesting job, I couldn’t refuse it...

But there are women who feel happiness even at the kitchen stove - after all, they are preparing food for their beloved husband. They have a clean, comfortable home. A businesswoman can do all this too, but housework is a burden to her. Their main interests are in the field of business. These ladies can be very feminine, attractive, flirtatious, but essentially they are women with a changed gender role, they take on the male role. It is believed that in the population, 10-15 percent of men and women tend to undergo role transformation.

What leads to this - heredity, upbringing?

The reasons have not yet been thoroughly studied: it is only clear that there are many of them. Some hint in the search for an answer can be the following fact: where children are always welcome, where a mother expects a baby as a great joy (for example, in Muslim countries), men and women are less likely to “confuse” their roles.

Nowadays no one prevents girls from their passion for football and hockey; they beat each other in the boxing ring. And it cannot be said that only seventy years of socialism, which put a woman on a tractor and at the controls of an airplane, are to blame for all this. This is a worldwide trend. In the USA there are also many women who strive to enter male fields of activity - the police, the army. We have women who were previously eager to get into aviation, now going into business. Apparently, a woman’s choice of business orientation is determined by a combination of reasons: intrauterine predisposition and environmental influence.

The girl leader is successful in everything - in studies, in sports; Boys are willing to be friends with her. And suddenly they fall in love not with her, but with the “bores” whom they previously seemed unable to stand. And they share their experiences with her - she is “their guy” for them. So much for the first suffering of a woman with a confused role. The fact is that, playing a male role, a woman seems to be sitting on two chairs, splitting into two. She can make a brilliant career, but she cannot be a good wife and a good mother at the same time. A terrible thing happens to a business woman - her biological instinct of love for a child breaks down.

But our upbringing now seems to be aimed at ensuring that a mother’s love is not “blind”, but demanding, “sighted”?...

And that's bad. Demanding will come later. And until the age of three, the mother’s love should be excessive - here the child needs overprotection. A girl who was loved immensely in childhood will most likely find someone in the future who will love and protect her. The more attention her mother paid to her in early childhood, the more choosy she will be sexually. Such a girl will not indulge in casual relationships; it has been instilled into her subconscious that she is the most beautiful, the best, and therefore destined for a worthy man.

Sons also require the same attitude... But after three years, the daughter “stays” with her mother, and the father takes over the son: he plays sports with him, teaches him everything a man should be able to do - hammer a nail, light a fire. Reading "The Life of Alexander Nevsky", I was amazed by the pedagogical foresight of our ancestors. They already understood all this! Until the age of three, Alexander was in the care of loving mothers and nannies, and after that he was given into the hands of male mentors. And a fearless hero grew up. It has been experimentally proven that a child who is not carried in his arms in infancy does not develop the brain correctly, namely the cerebellum. Such children grow up aggressive, ruthless, and at the same time complex. Have you noticed that teenagers from orphanages are often distinguished by some not very coordinated, sweeping hand movements? Sometimes they think it's just a "manner". No, this is precisely the result of pathological changes in the cerebellum. Loving mothers did not cuddle such children or kiss them. These same teenagers, by the way, usually have poor, illegible handwriting - for the same reason.

Do you think the Japanese accidentally tie their babies to them and go with them everywhere? They understand the healing power that physical contact with parents has for an infant. Until the age of three, mother should always be there...

Where is the mandatory parental strictness?

It is necessary - only later. Until the age of three, a person’s personality is formed - it must be instilled into a person’s subconscious that he is desirable and good. And he will become like this. My colleagues and I sometimes act as experts in criminal trials in cases of sexual predators. And every time we are convinced; To become a sadist, a rapist, it is enough to be unwanted by your mother in childhood. Now, with the growth of sexual violence and cruelty, society is paying for state-run nurseries, for the fact that it raised more than one generation of mothers for whom children were a burden, who did not carry them in their arms in early childhood.

A “business” mother has neither the time nor the mental strength for this...

Everything with her is a little different from everyone else. Concerned primarily with her career, she first of all thinks about her prestige; everything should be in an “extra-luxury” style, including her child, who should become part of her success. And she endlessly finds fault with him, “looks out” for shortcomings in him. She wants to ensure that he meets her expectations - and most often does not achieve what she wants. Among such women there is often a paradoxical type: she overprotects the child and at the same time does not give him enough warmth and love.

If you develop your comparison, it turns out that a woman who decides to make a business career is something of a disease of society?

I wouldn’t put it so harshly, but a businesswoman is always a risk for a child. The mere fact that the mother didn’t really want the child, just “not really” - for example, she was writing a dissertation or creating a company, and then got pregnant at the wrong time - this alone can have a serious impact on the baby. If a girl is born, she has every chance of growing up aggressive and unhappy in her personal life. An unwanted boy, most likely, will not become proactive and will not be able to become a leader.

A “business” mother most often does not want or does not know how to think about what the child will pay for her business success.

Does her career seem to be a more significant value?

Yes, but the trouble is that a career does not give a woman unadulterated joy. A woman who makes a career is still a black sheep. She is constantly in tension, because she always has to “prove” something to someone. At home - that she copes with her female role. At work - that she is quite successful in the male role. So self-confident, independent - and so, if you look closely, vulnerable. Business women, as a rule, have a high level of neuroticism.

What kind of man does such a woman need?

Next to a strong woman there must be an even stronger and more successful man, and finding such a person is not easy. What happens most often? A weak, uninitiative husband, ready to take on the female role - let him be fed and provided for, and he would run the household and take care of the children. But a woman leader will soon simply hate such a husband. Prestige is important to her, and a “housewife husband” does not at all add shine to her success in life.

Let's take another possible option: a husband and wife are both quite proactive, independent, let's say they are companions. She is a valuable business partner. Such women are usually active in the sexual sphere. A strong woman often cannot become a follower even in a dance - due to her character, she must lead...

Let's talk about how a man wins a woman's love, and what needs to be done so that this process does not take too long. Sometimes it is useful to adopt the enemy's strategy. And if love is a battle, then woman is the enemy. Look how a woman acts when she wants to get her way. She dresses up to attract, manipulates to win the man she likes. make the chosen one think about her, she knows how to keep the right man near her.
Some feminine tricks are extremely effective in the art of seduction, so use them. This is, first of all, clothing, since the first impression plays a significant role. If a man wants to win the heart of his beloved woman in a tracksuit, knocked-down shoes or a stretched out old sweater, you will cause nothing but hostility from her. And you will have to prove to her for a very long time that you are a wonderful person and a man anywhere.

If you want to win a woman, demonstrate your high status.

This does not mean that a man should endlessly talk about his victories and successes at work, just with a couple of succinct phrases let her know that you are a leader in your environment. Showing your independence from the opinions of others will also not hurt, but there is a danger of going too far and looking like an outright boor. If in a cafe you allow yourself to be shouted, loudly laugh, or treat the waitresses too freely, a self-respecting woman will simply get up and leave.

But we do not recommend using such a feminine trick as consciously demonstrating coldness towards the object of conquest in order to hook him, flirting with others in order to cause jealousy and a feeling of competition! These are the biggest mistakes in art win beautiful and rich women y, and the girl will never forgive you for this. Don't be a snob, be sociable and elegant, forgive her feminine weaknesses, pay attention to the little things (they are important for women). For example, open your holiday calendar and see what holiday is on that day, give the woman you want a cute trinket and wish her Happy Beatles Day, Coming of Age Day, or Hugging Day. You'll see, she will be delighted and will remember this day as the happiest one in her life.

Is it clear how a man can win a woman, or should I give more advice?

Women like men with humor. They are impressed by them, women are drawn to such men, they feel at ease and comfortable around such people. Try to make a woman laugh on the first date. When she laughs, the ice breaks. And now she is already more loyal to some of your weaknesses. And again we repeat and insist: to win the heart and attention of women and girls, be a leader in your company - they love ambitious guys.

And how to become a leader, you will find out who the girls follow. The training program usually asks the following questions: what is leadership in life, the main components of leadership, and how to become a leader.