The family war has led to the fact that father and daughter threaten each other with court and curse each other on social networks.

The life of Joseph Prigogine's eldest daughter resembles a plot from ancient Greek mythology - more than once the filmed tragedy "Danae". According to legend, the girl became a prisoner of her own father, who imprisoned her in an underground copper house because of the prophecy to be killed by her son.

All her life, living in the shadow of her famous dad, a 19-year-old girl watched on blue screens as the children of Prigozhin's current wife, singer Valeria, bathe in glory. However, the attempts of the young singer and model to break into show business led to a huge scandal in the family, because of which the father and daughter disowned each other.

The Prigozhins' family squabbles have long been in the public domain. The producer's daughter accused her father of threats by publishing her correspondence with him. In a message that Joseph sent to his own daughter, the following was written:

You are a very limited person. You do everything to be even further from me, and you leave no chance for peace. The deeper you climb, the more difficult it will be to get out. PR was going to their stupidity and stupidity. Don't you think that you have megalomania, or rather an empty star fever out of the blue? You use tricks and lies for self-promotion purposes. I will have to hire lawyers and put you on trial for insulting your honor and dignity, despite the fact that you are my daughter. And then you will remain in shame. Shut your mouth. This is my last warning.

a message from Joseph Prigogine to his own daughter.

In response, the girl asked her father to leave her alone, noting that she was deprived of parental love, and Prigozhin was worried not for her, but for his reputation.

Now the war between the producer and his children from his first marriage has reached its climax - once again without dividing the property, the Prigozhins stopped communicating because of the family business. This time, the stumbling block was the company founded by Joseph's ex-wife Elena and her new husband, businessman Dmitry Shlapak.

A year ago woman which, according to Prigozhin, he bought for children. The man was outraged that his ex-wife and her husband were in charge of the property that he left for his children - Dmitry and Danae.

In his interviews, he said more than once that Elena turned to her ex-spouse with a request to give her a large sum to provide for her family and pay off the bank. After the money was credited to the woman's account, the producer invariably lost touch with his ex-wife.

Children, in turn, which by that time, according to the documents, had collected loans for almost three million rubles. On social networks, Danae once again attacked her father with criticism, saying that he had been ashamed of children from his first marriage all his life.

He's been ashamed of us all his life, is that okay? For me, this is how parents should love, and not give up in difficult times. In public - "my children", and without the public "you are not a daughter, you bastard, you bitch" - the words of dad!

Danae Prigogine

In the meantime, money in the family was tight: Danae unlearned a make-up artist, and the older Dmitry was not hired due to hearing disabilities. The money that was raised from the sale of real estate, according to relatives, went to the implementation of the business of Elena and her husband. The couple is buying up KAMAZ trucks, which they then lease out to help their children without the help of a famous producer.

Now my husband and I have a business in the Stavropol Territory - a transport company, but it has nothing to do with Prigozhin, - the former wife of the producer told Life. - We are going to buy one more apartment now, so that our son has his own. Each has an apartment in order to finally live separately.

Another huge conflict between father and daughter was caused by her. Having learned that a girl, who is building a career as a makeup artist and plus-size model, was going to build love on one of the most popular reality shows in the country, that her daughter is a disgrace to his entire family. Instead of her own father, only the host of the project, Olga Buzova, stood up for the girl herself.

In fact, I need to prove and show love with my actions and my viability. It would be better if she made me happy with her studies and education. Dad promoted the surname, and she has no more to do with her than Zhirinovsky is with ballet

Joseph Prigogine in an interview with Life

The family war has led to the fact that father and daughter threaten each other with court and curse each other on social networks.

The life of Joseph Prigogine's eldest daughter resembles a plot from ancient Greek mythology - more than once the filmed tragedy "Danae". According to legend, the girl became a prisoner of her own father, who imprisoned her in an underground copper house because of the prophecy to be killed by her son.

All her life, living in the shadow of her famous dad, a 19-year-old girl watched on blue screens as the children of Prigozhin's current wife, singer Valeria, bathe in glory. However, the attempts of the young singer and model to break into show business led to a huge scandal in the family, because of which the father and daughter disowned each other.

The Prigozhins' family squabbles have long been in the public domain. The producer's daughter accused her father of threats by publishing her correspondence with him. In a message that Joseph sent to his own daughter, the following was written:

"You are a very limited person. You do everything to be even further away from me, and you do not leave a chance for peace. The deeper you climb, the more difficult it will be to get out. Your stupidity and stupidity are going to PR. You don’t think you have megalomania. , or rather an empty star fever out of the blue? You use tricks and lies for self-promotion purposes. I will have to hire lawyers and sue you for insulting your honor and dignity, despite the fact that you are my daughter. And then you will remain in shame. Shut your mouth. This is my last warning. "

Joseph Prigogine's message to his own daughter.

In response, the girl asked her father to leave her alone, noting that she was deprived of parental love, and Prigozhin was worried not for her, but for his reputation.

Now the war between the producer and his children from his first marriage has reached its climax - once again without dividing the property, the Prigozhins stopped communicating because of the family business. This time, the stumbling block was the company founded by Joseph's ex-wife Elena and her new husband, businessman Dmitry Shlapak.

A year ago, the woman decided to sell two apartments on Pokrovka Street, which, according to Prigozhin, he was buying for children. The man was outraged that his ex-wife and her husband were in charge of the property that he left for his children - Dmitry and Danae.

In his interviews, he said more than once that Elena turned to her ex-spouse with a request to give her a large sum to provide for her family and pay off the bank. After the money was credited to the woman's account, the producer invariably lost touch with his ex-wife.

The children, in turn, decided to support their mother, who by that time, according to the documents, had collected loans for almost three million rubles. On social networks, Danae once again attacked her father with criticism, saying that he had been ashamed of children from his first marriage all his life.

"He was ashamed of us all his life, is that okay? For me, this is how parents should love, and not leave in difficult times. In public -" my children ", and without the public," you are not a daughter, creature, bitch "- the words of dad ! "

Danae Prigogine

In the meantime, money in the family was tight: Danae unlearned a make-up artist, and the older Dmitry was not hired due to hearing disabilities. The money that was raised from the sale of real estate, according to relatives, went to the implementation of the business of Elena and her husband. The couple is buying up KAMAZ trucks, which they then lease out to help their children without the help of a famous producer.

Now my husband and I have a business in the Stavropol Territory - a transport company, but it has nothing to do with Prigozhin, - the former wife of the producer told Life. - We are going to buy one more apartment now, so that our son has his own. Each has an apartment in order to finally live separately.

The reason for another huge conflict between father and daughter was her arrival on the television project "Dom-2". Having learned that the girl, who is building a career as a makeup artist and plus-size model, was going to build love on one of the most popular reality shows in the country, Prigozhin made a statement that his daughter was a disgrace to his entire family. Instead of her own father, only the host of the project, Olga Buzova, stood up for the girl herself.

"In fact, I need to prove and show love with my actions and my solvency. It would be better to make me happy with my studies and education. Dad promoted the name, and it has nothing to do with it any more than Zhirinovsky does with ballet."

Joseph Prigogine in an interview with Life

18-year-old plus size model took part in the scandalous reality show "Dom-2". However, after a negative reaction to the act of her father's daughter, Joseph Prigogine, the girl was forced to leave the project, reports Lady Mail.Ru.

The day before, the daughter of Joseph Prigogine broke up with her boyfriend. To forget the young man, the girl came to the "Dom-2" TV set. Upon learning of his daughter's act, the popular producer spoke sharply about her decision.

"I am very ashamed and embarrassed that Danae went to Dom-2. But what can I do? The family has its black sheep - I'm not talking about my family now, but in general. Let her then change her surname for the sake of the project." After all, her mother has a husband with the surname Shlapak. Danae Shlapak would have been there, but she won't do that, because she is cunning, "said the popular producer.

According to the star of "House-2" Olga Buzova, upon learning about her father's reaction, Danae Prigozhina looked seriously frightened. "It's terrible. It was very painful for me to hear these insults. On the project, the girl was even a little intimidated," the TV presenter quotes.

As a result, Danae Prigogine had to leave the scandalous project. "Guys, I came to the project and left! And I didn't go to Vengrzhanovsky. Everything they write is complete nonsense ... I didn't like it there. I had a desire, I came, looked how and what, and left," the girl said.

There is another scandal in the family of Joseph Prigogine. His daughter from his first marriage, Danae, said on the air of the TV show that the producer was shy and called her "a fat cow." According to the girl, Joseph constantly puts Valeria and her children as an example for her.

Danae Prigogine wanted some time ago, but the girl has heart problems, and her famous father forbade her to go under the surgeon's knife.

“I have never judged people by their figure and external data. First of all, I am interested in a person's intelligence and his desire to be useful in this life. I love my children not for their appearance, it is stupidity and childishness. Now she will do all these procedures, and then she will lead the same way of life, and all this will appear. At her request, I took her to hospitals ... The fact is that the main principle of a healthy lifestyle is to shut your mouth. You can't eat everything, I myself am. I love to eat! But I’m in control. The main thing is willpower. I always cite Valeria as an example, who is killed every day in the gym, ”Joseph said on the Live TV show.


However, Danae insists that her father makes her lose weight and calls her "a fat cow."

“He says to me: 'Your face is beautiful, but itself is fat.' I wanted to be a TV presenter, but my dad said to me: “What kind of TV presenter you are, look at yourself”. Anya is thin, Lera is thin. He wanted me to be like them. I was in the hospital, there was nothing superfluous: no cookies or anything else, but what I was, I stayed the same, ”the girl said.

Danae also complained that she and her brother Dmitry are disabled, but the star father does not help them. The girl has a hard time hearing since childhood, and she needs hearing aids, which cost about 60 thousand rubles.

From left to right: Danae Prigozhina, her stepfather, mother Elena, grandmother and brother Dmitry

Danae suggested that her overweight problems were related to childhood trauma. The father left the family when the girl was two years old. He later admitted that he lived in two houses for a long time. The second lover of the producer was the manager of the selection of artists in the company "Soyuz" Leila Fattakhova, who gave birth to his daughter Elizabeth. The girl is almost the same age as Danae. According to Prigozhina, because of her father, she and her brother also suffered greatly in childhood.

“Masked bandits rushed to us, they were looking for dad, but they didn’t find him. My brother received five stab wounds, one very deep: they put a hundred stitches on him. A year after these events, my father left the family, ”said Danae.

Despite the fact that earlier Danae stated that she had made peace with her father, on the program she admitted that she had not seen him for a year. The scandal in the Prigozhins' family occurred after Danae's mother, Joseph's first wife Elena, decided to sell a three-room apartment on Prechistenka, which the producer left to the children. Prigozhin came to the talk show, wanting to protect the interests of Danae and Dmitry, but in response, he received a flurry of criticism from his ex-wife and children.

Joseph Prigogine blames Elena's second husband for the scandal. According to him, he is much younger than the woman, but manages her money.

“There is a trend - young guys marry wealthy adult women. This young guy has neither respect nor interest in me. When older women marry young women, they need to make sure that they are not gigolos at the very least. You don’t have to live off my money! I left these funds that I earned for my children. Where is the money from the sold apartment? Why was it sold, but nothing was bought for the children? Should they live on the street now? They sell an apartment that costs 100 million for 36. Why? Where is the head? Where are the brains? We have to reason logically, she deprived them of their inheritance, because, it turns out, she needs to do business in the Stavropol Territory with a young man. Take this young man and go to the Stavropol Territory, where are the children here? What conditions do they live in now? This is some kind of madness! " - complained Prigozhin. Does not tell me about shame, does not offend me, but simply loves me because I am me! And does not depend on someone else's opinion. I have a wonderful mother, brother, and a young man who love me just like that. And grandmother, we need to look for such grandmothers. And the fact that I am a naive fool, and daughter, I promise myself not to repeat this anymore, let him live in a lie. After all, he is angry because he is not loved. I will forget this broadcast as a bad dream, and so will his words. I will survive. And everything will be fine! And let him continue to lie and sit under Lera's heels. Who is happy that we are not, and Liza too, ”-

A resident of Kurilsk, Svetlana Pushkareva, accused Danae Prigogine, the daughter of the famous producer Joseph Prigogine, of deception. Pushkareva claims that she paid for the dress in the stylist's online store, but did not wait for the new clothes. Danae herself said to "360" that in this way people are trying to make themselves public relations on her behalf.

Svetlana ordered a dress in an online store, which, together with delivery, cost her 9120 rubles. Danae promised that the goods would be delivered within three days, but a week later Pushkareva did not receive any parcel.

Photo source: TV channel "360"

Then a resident of Kurilsk began to write and call Danae. She did not answer the SMS, because of the poor connection on the phone, it was also not possible to talk. Later, according to Svetlana, the saleswoman added her number to the black list.

Then her friend came to the aid of the victim, who contacted Prigozhina and tried to place an order. At the same time, a friend of Pushkareva mentioned that one of the clients complained about the store. To this, according to her husband Pushkareva, Danae replied that such reviews are left by scammers. “Things were sent to this girl. We have to change all the receipts for the shipment, ”Prigozhina said at the time.

Photo source: TV channel "360"

“Like a media personality, the daughter of a famous person ... She advertised her store on TV. We never thought that this could happen, "complained Svetlana's husband, Stanislav Pushkarev.

He noted that, most likely, they will write a statement against Danae to the police. However, the family hopes that some clothes or Prigozhin's money will still give them.

"360" discussed the claims with Danae Prigogine. She stated that all the things were received, as proof she has receipts and tracks of the parcel. The stylist will be able to provide all this in a few days, when he returns to Moscow. Danae called the accusations against her a lie and a desire to get on the air.

“Yes, I also have documents that these things were obtained. This is the third girl who receives things and tries to twist in the direction that they did not receive it. I am a public person, I do not need all this. This is a lie, of course. I have so many satisfied clients and one or two or three girls who come up with in order to go on television. Are you laughing? Why do I need this as a public figure? " - said Prigogine.

The interlocutor added that among her clients there are participants in the television project "Dom-2". “I have a bunch of people who will confirm that I am ok [working]. I even have guys from House-2 who order, ”she concluded.