Lightly salted cucumbers are a wonderful summer snack for any reason or no reason. They are great to serve with boiled potatoes, kebabs, fried chicken, and any other dishes; use as a component for salads, or just crunch for pleasure.

I'm not even talking about how good they are with strong drinks - you simply can't find a better snack!

There are simply countless ways to prepare such a snack. And all because the people’s love for this matter is too great. Besides, when they grow in their own beds, and you take a bucket of them every day, all that remains is to preserve them and lightly salt them. Because it’s simply not possible to overcome them in other ways.

But if preservation is a responsible and long process, then salting them quickly is just what you need. That’s why they are salted in pots, jars, and simply in bags. In the evening you pickle it, and in the morning you can serve it on the table. And there are super quick ways so you can serve them in just half an hour. These are the favorite methods of pickling in bags, or express methods.

In today’s article, we will be looking at such quick methods. Of course, we cannot reflect all of them in one article, since there are simply a lot of them! But at least you need to know the most basic and popular ones.

The most convenient way to cook lightly salted cucumbers is in a saucepan. Fruits of any size are suitable for this, but it is still best to take medium or small specimens. Firstly, because they will pickle faster, and secondly, because their skin is much more tender and therefore they themselves will turn out crispy and not soft.

In addition, large fruits produce rather large seeds inside, and all the taste of the pulp is given to them. Therefore, large specimens can be salted, but only when there are no others.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 10 pcs (medium size)
  • horseradish leaf - 1 piece
  • dill - 4 umbrellas (2 - 3 sprigs)
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • red capsicum - to taste
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs

For filling:

For 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of salt


1. Wash fresh, strong fruits and cut off the ends. If they are hard, they can be used immediately. And if the fruits are limp, then they should be filled with cold water for 3 - 4 hours. During this time, they will be saturated with water and after salting they will be hard and crispy.

2. Rinse the greens thoroughly. I always use dill by eye; only the approximate amount is given in the ingredients. You can use any of its parts - the umbrellas themselves, the stem, and their openwork foliage. If the dill bush is large, then the stem needs to be cut.

In general, it is better to use different parts of it. This will be better for both taste and aroma.

3. Peel the garlic. Cut it into thin slices.

4. If you like spicier snacks, then prepare a piece of red capsicum. Personally, I always add it to pickles, even lightly salted ones. I add just a little bit, so that when you eat the finished product you don’t feel it at all. But it leaves its own little taste mark.

5. Place a pot of water on the fire. If the fruits are not very large, then a liter should be enough. But even if it’s not enough, it’s better to boil it a little more later.

6. As soon as the water boils, add salt to it and stir. If you want to add a little sweet note, add one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

7. While the water is boiling on the stove, layer all the prepared ingredients into the pan. Place some greens on the bottom, then cucumbers, and the remaining greens.

In principle, it doesn’t matter much how you distribute the ingredients. But it is advisable that a little horseradish and dill be on top. They need to kind of cover the top layer.

There is no need to take a large saucepan for such a quantity of fruits. Otherwise you will need more brine. Make sure that after placing the cucumbers in the pan, there is enough space left for them.

In addition, it will be inconvenient to place a large saucepan in the refrigerator; it will take up all the free space there.

8. Well, we’ve laid everything out, and by this time we already have the brine ready. It must be salty. When you add salt, don't be afraid that there may be a lot of it.

Pour the boiling brine into the filled pan. It should completely cover all its contents. If the filling is not enough, then boil another half liter of water and add a tablespoon of salt after boiling. Add as much as needed.

9. Prepare a saucer the size of the inside of the pan and place it on top so that it acts as a pressure and presses down all the contents.

10. Leave at room temperature overnight. In the morning, our lightly salted cucumbers are already ready. Especially if they are small. If they are larger, they will need a little more time.

11. But be that as it may, in the morning you need to put the pan with the contents in the refrigerator. The salting process will take place there too. But in the refrigerator the brine will retain its transparency. If you leave it at room temperature, it will soon begin to become cloudy and sour. And the fruits will also acquire a sour taste.

That's basically all! You can eat cucumbers and enjoy their crunchy content and pleasant taste.

And here is a video on how you can cook your favorite snack in a saucepan.

We made a video specifically for this article, and we really hope that it will help you quickly complete the task. Go to the channel, watch other materials, there is a lot of interesting stuff there. Friends, don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell so you don’t miss new interesting recipes!

Snack cucumbers cooked in a bag in 1 hour

This version of pickling is incredibly popular among the people, and they are prepared this way at home, in the country, and even at work. And those who went out into nature generally consider it the best. As soon as the first fruits ripen in the gardens, they are collected, and after eating a few fresh ones, they immediately take up the bags.

According to this recipe, by the way, you can salt not only in a bag, but also in a plastic container. The effect can be achieved exactly the same, and even much faster.

But today we are salting in a bag, so we are preparing it. Yes, not one, but two, for better strength. So that our cucumbers don’t accidentally jump out of the bag.

And I almost forgot to say that this method is not only very tasty, but also the fastest. After our product has been salted, after 40-60 minutes it can already be eaten in its fully prepared form. And it must also be said that it is so simple that it is unlikely that it will be possible to find something even simpler.

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 500 gr
  • garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • dill - half a bunch
  • horseradish - 0.5 sheets
  • pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste


Small varieties are best suited for this method. Moreover, it can be used to salt not only ordinary small vegetables, but also long salad varieties. They are long and thin, and this is just good, it means they will be salted faster.

1. Wash the fruits, cut off the ends on both sides and cut. This can be done in different ways; you can cut them lengthwise into 2 - 4 parts, depending on the size. Or you can cut them into small circles or cubes. It also depends on their size.

The smaller you cut them, the faster the pickling time will be.

The peculiarity of this method is that the vegetable must be cut. How you do it doesn’t make much of a difference. The main thing is that the pieces are not too large or too small.

2. Chop the garlic as finely as possible, this is important. We need garlic juice that will quickly penetrate the pulp of the fruit. Therefore, to do this, you either need to chop the garlic very finely, or use a garlic press.

3. We also need to chop the dill smaller. For this recipe you only need the tender parts of the dill; the rough stems are separated and removed. If in other methods of pickling you can use any of its parts, then only openwork branches are suitable here.

And lovers can also add a little parsley for taste and aroma.

4. Tear half a horseradish leaf into small fragments with your hands so that they can be easily removed later.

Sometimes there is no horseradish, so nothing bad will happen if we don’t add it. When we pickle cucumbers this way at work, no one even remembers it.

5. Salt the fruits, as for a salad, so that they can be eaten. They should be moderately salty. To determine whether there is enough salt, the chopped sticks must be mixed and definitely tasted.

If the taste suits you, then just take another pinch of salt and pour it into our preparation. We are preparing lightly salted cucumbers, not salad, so we need a little more salt than for salad.

6. Now that everything is cut and prepared, you can put all the components in a plastic bag. Or rather, in two packages, one needs to be inserted into the other. Then you will understand why such manipulation is needed.

7. Yes, we almost forgot. Add a little more pepper. For this I really like to crush two to three black peppercorns and add them. The aroma in this case will be simply stunning.

But if you don’t want to mess around, just add a pinch of regular ground pepper.

8. Now the fun begins. Twist the bag and shake it very vigorously with up and down movements so that all the ingredients are mixed, and juice should appear.

9. Let it lie in this state for 10 minutes, and then shake again. Then fill the bag with air, you can even inflate it there and tie it tightly. Place in the refrigerator.

In an hour, our delicious and aromatic appetizer is ready. Feel free to serve it on the table and treat everyone present.

If there is no refrigerator, then at room temperature you can keep the snack for not an hour, but for 30 - 40 minutes, periodically shaking the bag again.

The finished product is best eaten immediately. When it sits for a long time, it loses its taste. The garlic smell and aftertaste begins to predominate. And the cucumbers themselves lose their shape because the juice flows out very intensively. And their taste becomes watery. Therefore, lightly salt them in a bag for one, maximum two times.

But it is still advisable to eat them on the same day.

You can also salt cherry tomatoes in the same way. To do this, you need to prick them with a toothpick. And it will take 24 hours for salting. But they turn out simply incomparable.

This is such a wonderful and fast way. To prepare such a snack, you need nothing but time. Cut everything and shake it, that’s the whole story.

And these cucumbers can be pickled in just 10 minutes. Watch the video from our YouTube channel.

That's how fast and easy it is!

Lightly salted cucumbers in hot brine overnight

It will take exactly one night to pickle our green vegetables using this method. That is, if you pickle them in the evening, then in the morning you can eat them with all your might, especially if you use small specimens.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - for a 3 liter jar (as much as will fit)
  • dill - 8 umbrellas (or 1 large bush)
  • currant leaf - 8 pcs
  • cherry leaf - 8 pcs
  • horseradish - 1 leaf (small)
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • black pepper - 10 pcs
  • allspice - 3 pcs
  • red capsicum - to taste and level of spiciness
  • clove buds - 6 pcs.

For the brine:

  • water - 1.5 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons


I will pickle the cucumbers in a three-liter jar, but you can also pickle them in a saucepan. It’s just that everything can be packed very compactly and tightly in a jar, but more space will be needed in the pan. But this will not affect the quality in any way, so choose the container yourself.

1. Wash the fruits and cut off the ends. Let me remind you that if they are small and picked, for example in the morning, and you cook them in the evening, then soak them in water for 3 hours. This is provided that you did not immediately put them in the refrigerator. The same applies to purchased copies.

Otherwise, they will not turn out crispy and dense. It's summer now, and cucumbers quickly lose moisture when exposed to heat. And moisture is very important for everything to work out as it should.

2. Wash the greens and immediately put them all on a plate so that you don’t forget anything later. Today I didn’t have currant leaves, and I decided to replace them with raspberry leaves. Of course, I won’t achieve the smell, but I will be able to maintain the rigidity.

Dill can be used not only in umbrellas, but also the whole bush, along with the stem. If it is large in size, then it can be cut as needed.

Tear the horseradish leaf into smaller pieces.

3. Prepare spices, also all at once in one place, so as not to forget anything. I use red hot pepper. It comes in varying degrees of severity, this needs to be taken into account. My pepper is very hot, so I use just a little bit of it.

Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.

4. We will need a three-liter jar. It must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinsed with boiling water.

5. Now that we have everything ready, we will put everything in the jar. Place the first layer of fruits very tightly to each other. If the last of them has to be squeezed in, then it must be done. The denser we lay them out, the less brine we will need.

Place larger specimens on the bottom and smaller ones on top. The small ones will pickle faster, so we eat them faster. In the meantime, the bottom line is that the lower ones will arrive in time.

6. Then add some different herbs and some garlic.

7. Then cucumbers again, maybe two layers at once. And again greens, garlic and half of the whole pepper, along with red. In the middle is where he belongs.

8. And so, alternating layers, fill the jar to the very neck. I have small samples and much more of them went into the jar than I expected. And it wasn't even enough. I had to run to the greenhouse with a flashlight and look for them there in the dark.

9. Be sure to put the remaining peppercorns and herbs on top. Great, everything turned out very nicely. And tomorrow it will still be delicious!

10. Boil water, as soon as it boils, add salt and sugar. Wait for them to dissolve and boil again. The brine, also called brine, is ready.

11. Pour it into the jar right up to the neck. It took me about 1.4 liters. But this quantity will depend on how tightly you stacked all the cucumbers.

12. Cover the jar with a saucer; if they want to jump out, then place a liter jar of water on top.

13. Leave the jar in the kitchen at room temperature until the morning.

14. In the morning you will see that they have changed their color. This means that they are already ready. And you can already take a sample.

15. After trying, put the jar in the refrigerator and store it there. At any time of the day or night, cold, crispy cucumbers are waiting for you to take them out and taste them.

By evening, larger specimens will arrive. Therefore, boil potatoes or fry meat. An incredible dinner awaits you!

Quick Lime and Mint Pickle Recipe

This is a great appetizer to make while going on a picnic. They are prepared almost instantly. It only takes 30 minutes for them to salt and become very tasty.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg
  • lime - 3 pcs.
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • mint - 4 sprigs
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • allspice - 3 peas
  • black pepper - 4 peas


1. Wash the fruits and trim the ends on both sides. Cut each of them into two to four parts depending on their size.

2. Crush the peppercorns in a mortar. You could also use ground pepper, but when the pepper is freshly ground, it has a completely different smell, much richer and more aromatic.

3. Wash and dry the limes. Then grate the zest, only the green part.

Add the zest to a mortar and grind it together with the pepper. You can feel the aroma. Our cucumbers will smell the same, and maybe even better.

4. Squeeze the juice from the remaining limes into a separate container.

5. Cut mint and dill into smaller pieces. If dill has very thick stems, it is better to cut them off. If they are small, and most importantly not tough, then cut them too.

6. Place the fruits in a bowl. Pour juice over them and sprinkle with spices. Then mix gently so that the cubes remain intact.

7. Let stand like this for 30 minutes. After this time they are ready and can be served.

It turned out to be an excellent snack and something stronger.

Therefore, when you go outdoors, take everything you need with you. It's hard to think of a better snack!

Salted with garlic and herbs in soy sauce

This recipe differs from all others in that soy sauce and a lot of herbs are used as a marinade. The original uses dill and cilantro. But I know that not everyone can stand the smell of cilantro, and will not even eat other greens that were just lying nearby.

Therefore, if you are one of these people, then replace the cilantro with parsley. Or just add one dill, as I did in today's version.

We will need:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg
  • garlic - 5 - 6 pcs
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • cilantro (parsley) - 1 bunch
  • soy sauce - 200 ml
  • olive or sunflower oil - 1 teaspoon
  • vinegar - 1 teaspoon (partial)
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • ground red pepper - to taste (pinch)
  • salt - 1 teaspoon
  • sesame - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash the fruits and cut off the ends on both sides. Cut them into 4 parts, and if the vegetables are long or pot-bellied, then you can cut them into 6 - 8 parts. In general, cut it so that you can immediately take a piece and put it in your mouth whole, or so that there is enough for two bites.

Add salt on top, stir and let stand for a while.

Prepare the ingredients immediately so you have everything on hand.

2. Place the cubes in a saucepan or bowl.

3. Grate the garlic on a fine grater. If you crush it with a press or chop it finely, you will feel it, but grated will be just right. It will completely combine with all other components and will not stand out in taste.

4. Finely chop the greens. If it has fairly thin stems, then chop them too, but if they are large, then it is better to remove them.

5. Pour sesame seeds into a bowl or deep plate. Pour in soy sauce, vinegar and oil. Mix everything. Let sit for a while so that the seeds are saturated.

Vinegar must be added with caution. It's just that everyone has different tastes, and that's why it's difficult to please everyone. So add as you wish.

By the way, you can also use lemon juice together. It will even be more natural. In addition, we will acquire another wonderful scent.

6. Pour herbs, garlic and ground black pepper into a saucepan, mix everything well. Then pour in the liquid component with sesame grains and mix again.

7. In principle, that’s all! Now just put the saucepan in the refrigerator, closing it with a lid. And after 4 - 6 hours, our lightly salted cucumbers with herbs in soy sauce are ready.

Very tasty! As it turns out, soy sauce goes well with the hero of our story today.

You can store them in a jar in the refrigerator. We kept them for a week and nothing happened to them. Throughout the entire storage period they remained tasty and appetizing.

Cold and fast method using mineral water

And there is also such an interesting way to salt cucumbers. This is the so-called cold salting method. You can, of course, use regular cold water, or better yet, spring water.

Or you can do it like this, with mineral water.

Mineral water must be carbonated. It is the gas bubbles that help ensure that the salting process occurs quite quickly.

Delicious beautiful cucumbers can be eaten the next day.

Salting in a quick way without loss of color

I heard that cucumbers can be pickled in such a way that they do not lose their color. I always wondered how this could be achieved.

And then one day I came across a recipe that described exactly how to do this. And you know what the secret was - vodka was added to the brine! That's it!)

Yes, and they are salted in a barrel. Although you can pickle them in a saucepan.

I give the recipe in the form in which it came to me. The proportions here are quite large, but I decided not to change them. Someone will want to salt only half a kilogram of fruit, someone will want to salt 3, and someone will want to salt all 10. Therefore, I thought that everyone was taught at school how to work with proportions, and everyone will be able to calculate for themselves the required number of kilograms and grams .

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 10 kg
  • dill - 320 gr
  • currant leaf - 320 g
  • horseradish leaf - 170 gr
  • chopped garlic - 20 g

For the brine:

  • water - 7 liters
  • salt - 320 gr
  • vodka – 150 ml

It is very convenient to salt a kilogram of vegetable for testing. In this case, simply divide the weight of all other ingredients by 10.


1. Wash the fruits and cut off both ends. Take not very large specimens, their skin is more tender and they turn out more tasty because of this. Brine through the thin skin better nourishes the inner pulp.

Prepare all the greens at once so you have them on hand.

2. Place the cucumbers in a barrel, placing them in layers with herbs and garlic.

The top layer must be made of greenery.

3. Boil water and add salt to it. As soon as the salt dissolves, pour in vodka and immediately turn off.

4. Pour the hot brine into the keg. Press down the contents with not very heavy pressure; just a flat plate will be enough.

5. The next day you can eat them.

But on the same day they will need to be removed to the basement. I think that not every house has a barrel and a cellar. Therefore, we salt our vegetable in a saucepan and store it in the refrigerator.

I myself love it when there is so much to choose from. When you try to cook according to different recipes, there will certainly be one among them that you love the most.

But there are so many people, so many opinions, especially when it comes to taste. What I like most is not necessarily what someone else likes.

So try it and find your own recipe. Our summer is long, and what’s more, cucumbers are always born in large quantities. Therefore, you can try a lot of different options.

And I'll leave it at that. And I want to wish everyone that you always get only the most delicious cucumbers!

Bon appetit!

Now we will tell you how to prepare lightly salted cucumbers very quickly and without much kitchen hassle.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers in 2 hours

To prepare you will need:

  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon without top;
  • sugar – 1 tiny pinch.

Cut clean cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts, and then each part into 2 halves across. Finely chop the dill. Press the garlic through a press. Mix salt and sugar. Take a strong plastic bag and place all the prepared ingredients in it. Tie the bag with a strong thread or fasten its top with a special culinary staple. Shake the bag in your hands to mix the inside contents. Place the bag in the refrigerator. Shake the bag every half hour so that the released juice is evenly distributed throughout the cucumbers. After 2 hours, during this time you will probably boil the potatoes and fry the cutlets, call your family for lunch. Place the cucumbers in a deep bowl and be sure to pour the aromatic juice from the bag onto them. Instead of a bag, you can take a food container with a tight lid.

How to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers in 8 hours

For these cucumbers you will need exactly the same products as in the first recipe. In addition, you will also need water - 1 liter.

  • Wash small, identical cucumbers well and cut off their ends on both sides.
  • Place the cucumbers in a jar, interspersing them with slices of garlic and chopped dill.
  • Bring the water to a boil and add salt and sugar. Wait until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
  • Pour hot brine over the cucumbers in a jar and leave it on the kitchen counter until the morning.
  • In the morning, place the jar in the refrigerator, but do not forget to take a sample from the crispy lightly salted cucumbers.

How to quickly prepare lightly salted cucumbers in 3 days

You can prepare these lightly salted cucumbers in advance if you do not need to serve them very quickly.

  • Place 2 kg of fresh cucumbers in a three-liter jar. Before doing this, you can cut off their ends.
  • Season the cucumbers with garlic (2-3 cloves) and a dill umbrella (a couple of pieces).
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of coarse rock salt and a coffee spoon of granulated sugar in two liters of cold water.
  • Pour the resulting brine over the cucumbers and leave them warm for 12 hours.
  • When the brine becomes a little cloudy, transfer the jar to the cold.
  • After three days, serve the cucumbers.

The three recipes described differ from each other only in cooking time. You can, by choosing the appropriate method, make lightly salted cucumbers with different tastes. Add to them any spicy leaves (cherry, currant, horseradish - 1-2 pieces each), spices (peppercorns, cumin, allspice - 5-10 pieces each). Tarragon also goes well with cucumbers - add one small sprig of tarragon to 1 kg of vegetables.

The harvesting season is in full swing. It's time to talk about how to cook lightly salted cucumbers.
Lightly salted cucumbers are the most popular summer snack. They are great served with boiled potatoes, kebabs, fried chicken, and also used as an ingredient for salads, or just crunched for pleasure.
Dry-salted cucumbers also taste great. They delight with crunch and aroma. And they require less effort and time.

Selection of cucumbers for quick pickling

It is better to take cucumbers of the same size so that they are salted evenly. Don't select too large. The smaller the cucumber, the faster it will cook.
Dense, with thin skin. They will withstand salt load better and will be harder.
Pimply. What will become an indicator of pickling qualities.

We also need a package. Check that it is intact and strong. It's better to prepare a couple of bags, just in case.

Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill in a bag. Quick salting recipe in 5 minutes

1 long cucumber or 4-5 small ones
6 cloves garlic
Salt to taste
1/2 lemon
Fresh dill

Wash the cucumbers and cut off the stems on both sides.

Cut into pieces about 5 cm long and then into 4 pieces.
Crush the garlic. Sprinkle with salt. Squeeze the lemon.

Finely chop the dill.

Place all prepared ingredients in a bag. Release the air from the bag, tie it and start shaking. We need to not just shake, but try to ensure that our cucumber sticks are enveloped in the resulting juice.
Shake it for 5 minutes until all the ingredients are distributed evenly among the cucumbers.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag, a quick recipe in 5 minutes - a universal guide for housewives. It can be used throughout the year. It will allow you to easily and quickly come up with a great snack for lunch or the arrival of guests in the summer. And in winter, surprise and delight guests with fresh, aromatic, lightly salted cucumbers on the table. Bon appetit!

Instant lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water

These cucumbers can be prepared at any time of the year; both greenhouse and ground are suitable. Emerald and crispy lightly salted cucumbers will decorate any table. Elementary preparation! Tasty and healthy! And what a aroma!

Cucumbers - 1 kg
Mineral water - 1 l.
Rock salt - 2 tbsp. l. no slide
Garlic - 4-6 cloves
Dill - a small bunch
currant leaf


Mix mineral water with salt.

Chop the garlic and dill.
If you are guaranteed to want to enjoy cucumbers every other day, then it is better to cut them in half. If time is of the essence, and you are prepared for the fact that they may not be salted enough in a day, then feel free to leave them whole, they will come with time.
Much depends on the cucumbers; some are salted quickly, while others have thicker skins and therefore are delayed in salting.
If you cut cucumbers, they will not lose their crunchiness - it has been tested many times!

Place garlic and dill on the bottom and middle of the container. Place the cucumbers in a container. Cover with a lid.

Place in the refrigerator for a day. Cucumbers pickle quickly and are eaten instantly! Bon appetit!

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a bag in 2 hours in the refrigerator

Cucumber - 500 g
Rock salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
Dill - 1 bunch
Garlic - 2-3 cloves
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Prepare your food. Wash the cucumbers and herbs thoroughly, peel the garlic, you only need a couple of cloves. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and cut them into 4 pieces lengthwise. Chop the garlic not very coarsely with a knife. Chop the greens.

Place cucumbers in a marinator or just a clean bag.

Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice over them, add salt, garlic, dill.
Tie the bag tightly and shake it so that the cucumbers are evenly saturated with salt, lemon juice, garlic and herbs. Leave in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours.
After two hours, there will be more brine, as the cucumbers will also give juice. Ready! Keep refrigerated!

Improvise with your greens. Cilantro seeds, currant and cherry leaves, and basil sprigs will help add originality. Bon appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers without brine in their own juice in a bag

A quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers without brine. The cucumbers will be ready in a matter of hours without much effort! The recipe for quick lightly salted cucumbers in a bag has helped me out more than once.

Fresh small cucumbers – 1 kg
Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Garlic - 3-4 cloves
Dill - 1 bunch


Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends.

Finely chop the dill. Finely chop the garlic.

Place dill, salt and garlic in a plastic bag.

Then add cucumbers.

Tie the package. To seal it, it is better to put it in another bag. Shake everything well.
Place the bag in the refrigerator, remove it periodically and shake it. After 6-8 hours, the lightly salted cucumbers in the bag are ready.

Bon appetit!

Instant lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and dill

1.5 kg small cucumbers
40 g salt
10 g sugar
30 g dill
3 - 4 cloves of garlic


To ensure that the cucumbers are washed well and are more juicy, wash and soak them in water for 30-40 minutes.

Dill, young herbs, umbrellas, and garlic will add flavor to our cucumbers. Cut the greens as desired with a knife. We also use green currant leaves and horseradish leaves.

Place the cucumbers with herbs, salt and sugar in a bag. Tie the bag and shake it to distribute the salt and sugar between the cucumbers.

Place the bag of cucumbers in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Take out the bag and place the cucumbers and herbs on a plate. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers with garlic and dill in a bag are ready to serve. Enjoy a quick, flavorful and delicious snack any time of the year. Bon appetit!

Instant pickled cucumbers recipe in a saucepan

Bon appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers in a container or bag for 2 hours in the refrigerator

In the town of Lukhovitsy near Moscow there is a monument to a cucumber. Lukhovitsky cucumbers are famous throughout Russia - very tender, sweet, thin-skinned cucumbers.

This vegetable is so popular that the townspeople erected a monument to it in gratitude.

Cucumbers “Lukhovitskie” - 1 kg
Rock salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 1/2 tsp.
Garlic to taste
Pepper - 1 pc.


Take cucumbers, wash them, cut off their ends.

Sprinkle with salt, sugar, garlic and pepper. Mix everything well.

And place the cucumbers in a vacuum container for 2 - 3 hours.

Remove lightly salted cucumbers from the container and remove excess salt with a paper towel.
And put it in the refrigerator for an hour.

The cucumbers are ready. If you don’t have a container, you can simply salt it in a bag. You can add dill, currant leaves, horseradish. Bon appetit!

Instant crispy lightly salted cucumbers recipe

For all lovers of crispy lightly salted cucumbers. The recipe is simple. Just a day - and you will have a gorgeous crispy snack on your table.

Fresh cucumbers – 1.5 kg
Garlic - 1 head
Dill umbrellas
Black currant leaves
cherry leaves
Horseradish leaves
Hot pepper
Bay leaf
Water - 1 liter
Rock salt - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar (optional) - 1 tbsp. l.


Rinse the cucumbers well and soak in cold water for 4-5 hours.

Peel and chop the garlic.

Wash the fragrant herbs. You can cut it with scissors for more flavor.

Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water. Add spices, bay leaf.

Prepare an enamel bucket. Pour in the prepared brine. Place the greens in the brine. Mix well.

Place cucumbers in brine. The brine should completely cover the cucumbers. Place a plate on top and place a weight so that the cucumbers do not float. In a day, crispy lightly salted cucumbers will be ready.

Then transfer the lightly salted cucumbers to the refrigerator, otherwise they will turn sour. Bon appetit, crunch with pleasure!

On a note
In order for our cucumbers to crunch, we follow simple steps.
Before salting, soak the cucumbers in water for 2-3 hours. During this time, they will be saturated with water and in the future your lightly salted cucumbers will be crispy.
Using horseradish leaves in the brine will add extra crunch to the cucumbers.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter without sterilization, recipe from Olga Matvey

Bon appetit!

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in a quick way without losing color

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are guaranteed to be crispy, moderately salted and do not lose their natural color when pickled. The secret is simple: vodka is added to the brine to preserve the color.

Cucumbers - 2 kg
Dill (umbrellas) - 2 pcs.
Blackcurrant (leaves) - 5 pcs.
Horseradish (root) - 20 g
Cherry (leaves) - 5 pcs.
Salt - 75 g
Vodka - 50 g
Water - 1.5 l.


Wash fresh green cucumbers, pour boiling water over them and immediately plunge into very cold water.

Then place the ingredients tightly in a saucepan or three-liter glass jar, topping the cucumbers with washed leaves and dill. Pour in the prepared cold saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and add 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka. Close the jar with a lid and place in a cool place. The peculiarity of this preparation is that cucumbers retain their natural green color, acquire a unique taste and are stored very well. The amount of spices indicated in the recipe is approximate; you can change it according to your taste and discretion.

A delicious appetizer that pleases the eye with the natural color of cucumbers is ready. Bon appetit!

Classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers. Crispy lightly salted cucumbers in a 3 liter jar

A classic set of ingredients for lightly salted crispy cucumbers for a 3 liter jar:

Cucumbers – 1.5-2 kg
Water – 1.5 liters
Salt – 3 tbsp. l. (or 2 tbsp per liter of water), do not use iodized
Dill with umbrellas
Horseradish root and leaves
A good head of garlic, or 4-5 cloves
Currant leaves - 6-8 pcs.
Cherry leaves - 6-8 pcs.
Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
Half a hot pepper
Sprig of tarragon (tarragon)
sprig of lovage


Wash the cucumbers very thoroughly and add water. Leave in water for 3 hours. Then wash again. Cut off the stems on both sides of each cucumber.

Make a brine: boil water and add salt to it. Next, cool the brine to 70-75 degrees.

Wash all the greens and chop coarsely. Peel the garlic and chop it coarsely. Peel the horseradish root and cut into small pieces.

Place half of the dill, half of the chopped garlic, horseradish root, cherry and currant leaves, tarragon and lovage branches, half of the hot pepper, two bay leaves at the bottom of the jar.

Place cucumbers and herbs in layers in a jar or pickling bowl. Place the remaining dill, garlic, and bay leaf on top.

Pour warm brine into the jar. Make sure that the brine is not poured to the very edges of the container. The fermentation process will begin, the liquid will spill. Cover the top with horseradish leaves.
Cover with a nylon lid, shake the jar, set aside - the process has begun.

Classic lightly salted cucumbers will be ready in 24 hours. The cucumbers turn out delicious - tasty, crispy, aromatic. And the new potatoes are finger-licking good! Bon appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers in mint marinade

A simple, appetizing and piquant recipe for creating lightly salted cucumbers based on mint infusion. Mint infusion gives cucumbers new, unique notes. They can be served as a snack. They will be able to decorate both a festive banquet and an everyday table. They are perfect for buckwheat porridge, fried potatoes, cutlets, chops and boiled poultry.

Composition per 1000 ml:
Cucumbers - 400-450 g
Water – 500 ml
Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Dill umbrella - 1 pc.
Mint - 2-3 sprigs
Garlic - 1-2 cloves


Pour cold water into the container, lay out the cucumbers, and leave for 40-60 minutes. Remove the fruits from the water and cut off the ends.

Then put the cucumbers in a clean jar. We try to fill it to the very top.

Add a few cloves of garlic and an umbrella of dill to the jar. To create lightly salted fruits, we use dry or fresh dill.

Prepare the mint infusion: pour the recommended amount of purified water into a bowl, add table salt and mint leaves. We are waiting for the infusion to boil.

Pour boiling mint water over the cucumbers, cover with a lid and leave in the room for 24-28 hours.

After the infusion becomes cloudy and the cucumbers change color, cool them and serve at any time.

Just 20-24 hours - and you can enjoy aromatic cucumbers. If you like vigorous cucumbers, leave the preparation for another 30-35 hours. This way you will get sharper cucumbers with a more pronounced taste. Bon appetit!

Instant lightly salted cucumbers. Recipe in a jar in hot brine

Each housewife has her own recipes for rolling cucumbers, her own secrets. I offer another simple and reliable recipe for preparing cucumbers for the winter.

How to prepare delicious lightly salted cucumbers for the winter in a 3-liter jar with hot brine

Cucumbers for the winter composition for a 3-liter jar:

Dill umbrellas - 3-4 pcs.
Garlic - 5 cloves
Black currant leaves - 3 pcs.
Horseradish leaves - 1 leaf
Oak leaves - 2 pcs.
Cucumber - 20 pcs.
Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
Salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
Vinegar 9% – 100 g


The cucumbers are sorted and washed well. If desired, trim the ends of the cucumbers.

The jars are washed well, using soda. Wash the spicy herbs thoroughly.

In cleanly washed jars put 3-4 dill umbrellas, 5 cloves of garlic, 3 currant leaves, chopped or whole horseradish leaf, 2 oak leaves.

Cucumbers are placed vertically, about 20 pcs.

The kettle is boiling. Pour boiling water over all the jars, cover with lids and let them sit until the second water boils (7-10 minutes).

The water is drained from the cans; we won’t need it.

Fill the jars a second time for about 10 minutes. During this time, clean water is placed on the stove for the third fill.

When the water has boiled, drain the water from the cans. Place in a jar: 5 black peppercorns, 3 bay leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 100 g of vinegar. Pour in a third clean boiling water.

Cover the jar with a lid, roll it up, turn the jars upside down and cover the cucumber preparation with blankets until the morning.

Canned cucumbers are ready for the winter. Bon appetit!

Instant hot-cooked lightly salted cucumbers

Cucumber – 2 kg
Dill (umbrellas) - 3-4 pcs.
Currant, cherry, oak leaves - 5-6 pcs.
Horseradish leaves - 1-2 pcs.
Greens (parsley, dill) - 1 bunch (to taste)
Spices (peppercorns, bay leaves) - 2-4 pcs.
Garlic - 4-5 cloves
For the brine:
Water - 1 l
Salt - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons


Select fresh cucumbers and rinse them well in cold water.

Peel the garlic and cut into pieces.

Thoroughly rinse dill umbrellas, currant, cherry, oak leaves, horseradish leaves, herbs (parsley, dill).

Then place the cucumbers tightly in a jar or enamel pan, topping with garlic and spices (peppercorns, bay leaf).
Dissolve salt in boiling water and cool the solution.

Pour over the cucumbers so that the brine completely covers them.

Lightly salted cucumbers will be ready in two days. Store them in a glass container in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag. Quick recipe in 5 minutes

Bon appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers and instant tomatoes in a bag

An express method for those who quickly want something salty.

Cucumber (small) - 500 g
Cherry tomatoes - 300 g
Rock salt - 1 tsp.
Black pepper (ground, to taste)
Garlic - 2 cloves
Horseradish (fresh, small leaf) - 1 pc.


Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Small ones - in half. The long ones are still cut in half.

Place cucumbers, crushed garlic, chopped dill and horseradish in a plastic bag, preferably two bags in one. We salt it like we would for a salad, and then add another pinch so that it tastes like a slightly over-salted salad. Don't go overboard with salt! Pepper to taste. You can add a pinch of peppercorns.

Twist the bag and shake vigorously until juice appears. Leave for 10 minutes.

Pierce the tomatoes with a fork 2-3 times. We put it in the same bag. We tie the bag or twist it tightly. Gently shake several times and place in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes in the bag are ready. Bon appetit!

Seductively appetizing lightly salted cucumbers with a subtle garlic aroma will attract the attention of everyone present at your table. Also, prepared sour, elastic cucumbers and tomatoes will be useful for salads, pickles, hodgepodges, especially in winter and for home and New Year's holiday feasts.
I wish you delicious lightly salted cucumbers for your table and successful preparations for the winter!

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Summer is the time for sun, hot days, and the time for vegetables and fruits to ripen. In the hot air you always want to find coolness, and fresh vegetables from the garden can best quench your thirst and appetite. Cucumber salads are a quick and best solution for eating outdoors, because they contain a high content of nutrients, including potassium, which improves kidney and heart function. Due to its high fiber content, this vegetable helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Selection of cucumbers

Along with salads on the summer table of many housewives appear lightly salted cucumbers. This product, like no other, can please with its taste, speed of preparation and versatility. There are many recipes for preparing lightly salted cucumbers, but first let’s look at how to choose the best vegetables for processing.

You should choose cucumbers for pickling that are medium or small in size, hard, with thin skin, and not yellowing. Of course, it would be ideal if the vegetable comes from your own garden, so you will know that it does not contain any harmful substances and is perfect for consumption. You can buy cucumbers at the market or in a store, or outside the city from farmers. Before pickling, be sure to taste the cucumber in advance and make sure it is not bitter. It’s good if you use vegetables freshly picked from the garden for the recipe. It’s worth starting to prepare lightly salted cucumbers on the day of purchase or harvest, and not the next one, so the main ingredient will not begin to fade and it will turn out tastier.

Tip for preparing evenly pickled cucumbers: choose approximately the same size of vegetable, because the cucumbers will not remain in the brine all winter, but much less.

The importance of clean water

To get delicious lightly salted cucumbers using the cold method, pay attention to the water you are going to use. It is necessary a little, but of high quality, because water is one of the most important ingredients and taste and salting depend on its quality. Take for crispy cucumbers only pure spring liquid or water from a well. If it is not possible to get such water, filtered water will do.

Forget about simple centralized tap water, it will ruin the whole recipe. If you are concerned about the quality of your water, using a silver spoon can clear up the liquid within a few hours.

Salting methods

It is most convenient to pickle lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan, since it is very convenient to remove and put the main ingredient into it. The pan must be enameled. If you don’t have one, ceramic and glassware will do. You can use a regular jar, but it requires sealed plastic cover. If you are salting in a saucepan, you need to prepare in advance a lid for it in order to press the cucumbers with it. If there is no suitable lid, use a plate or saucer. Be sure to place a heavy object on top of the lid to create the necessary pressure on the product.

To make the cucumber crunch pleasantly in your mouth, leave it in cool water for several hours. This should be done so that the cucumbers, despite salting, remain dense and hard. If you want to quickly get lightly salted cucumbers, you don’t need to soak for a long time; 3 hours will be enough.

Among the herbs that are added to lightly salted cucumbers, the recipes of many housewives contain dill and garlic. Among other ingredients you can find the use of horseradish leaves. They help preserve cucumbers from mold. Experienced housewives add currant leaves, saying that they make cucumbers have a pleasant crunch and give them a unique aroma.

Currant berries add an unusual bright sourness. You can use these fruits of different colors; the notes they add always go well with cucumber. Housewives also love to add a few pieces of apples; this fruit gives the pickling a special taste.

It is best to use all spices and other ingredients for the recipe in small quantities, otherwise the cucumbers can be spoiled. The constant components of any salting are bay and black pepper. You always have them in your home spice box and they pleasantly highlight any recipe prepared with their help.

A few more words about salt for lightly salted cucumbers. You should not put iodized or sea water, it is suitable for salads. Use a large stone one, because small ones can make the cucumbers softer. When salting, even using different methods, the required amount of salt per liter of water is 2 tablespoons.

The recipe is ready in cool water within a day. You shouldn’t keep the cucumbers in the jar for too long, otherwise they will become a little softer and won’t be crunchy. When the cucumbers gain flavor, you should remove the pan or jar to a cool place. This way, the fermentation process can slow down and the taste of the cucumbers will not change too quickly. But still, every day the cucumbers according to the recipe below will turn into pickles. To pamper yourself with lightly salted cucumbers longer, you should make them in small batches. To pickle cucumbers very quickly, It is recommended to cut off the ends. Now it’s worth starting to describe recipes for lightly salted cucumbers.

Recipes for pickling in cold water are suitable primarily for those who grow their own cucumbers in the country. The conditions for salting using boiling water are not suitable for all summer residents, and cold water is most acceptable for such conditions.

A simple and tasty recipe for lightly salted cucumbers with cold water

You need to take:


  1. Wash the cucumbers well and soak in ice water for two hours.
  2. Prepare brine: based on the calculation of salt and water given above. For a three-liter jar you will need a little less than two liters of brine. If something settles at the bottom of the container, under no circumstances should you pour it into a jar of cucumbers. It is necessary to settle the water for the brine so that it turns out clean, without stones or turbidity.
  3. Wash the jar well, you can use baking soda and rinse well.
  4. Wash the dill, horseradish root, and currant leaves. Finely chop everything. Grate horseradish. Peel the garlic.
  5. When the cucumbers have been in the water enough, you can take them out.
  6. You should start with horseradish. Put it in a jar. Add more than half the herbs and half the garlic there.
  7. Place a layer of cucumbers. Then a clove of garlic and more herbs. Then another layer of cucumbers, another clove of garlic and a little more herbs.
  8. When you put all the cucumbers in the jar, sprinkle the rest of the herbs and garlic on top.
  9. Pour in brine.
  10. Cut a paper circle the size of the lid for this jar and cover the top of the cucumbers. This is so that mold collects on this paper and does not get to the cucumbers.
  11. Cover with a tight plastic lid, first pouring boiling water over it. Close the jar with a lid. Wait until the lid cools down; only in this position will the jar be tightly closed. Turn the jar over onto the lid.
  12. The salting process will last a little less than a day.

You can determine when our long-awaited crispy cucumbers are ready by brine color. When the water in the jar becomes cloudier, the vegetables are ready. You can use lightly salted cucumbers as soon as you open them, or you can close the lid and put them in a cold place to enjoy these vegetables in winter. A few days in the jar will create pickles, so time your options and store them in the refrigerator after opening the jar.

Another recipe for cucumbers that you can enjoy and crunch to your heart's content.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers in cold water

You will need:


  1. Wash the cucumbers well and leave in cold water for several hours.
  2. Make a brine from water and salt per 1 liter 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  3. Chop the dill and horseradish leaves, leaving a few whole ones, and peel the garlic.
  4. This recipe uses a saucepan. At the bottom of it put chopped horseradish leaves, part of the dill, some cloves of garlic, some spices. Place cucumbers on top. Then again greens, garlic, spices, again a layer of cucumbers.
  5. Cover the cucumbers with the remaining unchopped horseradish.
  6. Pour in clean brine, without sediment. Cover with a lid and place under a load.
  7. These cucumbers will be ready in 24–36 hours.

Crispy lightly salted cucumbers are irreplaceable, as quick cold appetizer for the table. They can be served with both potatoes and meat, added to various salads, for example, vinaigrette, prepared as a pickle, served with other pickles. This dish will always decorate any table, both festive and everyday, and can also diversify your diet. Prepare lightly salted cucumbers and eat them with pleasure. Bon appetit!

Lightly salted cucumbers are a great addition to any dish. They will decorate the holiday table and delight the eye. Great for strong drinks.

And most importantly, the recipe for making them is very simple. We will try to answer the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers in as much detail as possible.

Quick cooking

Lightly salted cucumbers are a product that appears on the table during the period when the main cucumber harvest is being harvested (late summer, early autumn). Salted, pickled, and canned cucumbers are more suitable for winter. Lightly salted cucumbers are a summer product that is an excellent addition to potatoes and other dishes. They can be prepared quickly, but they are eaten just as quickly. This product is usually prepared in small quantities so that it can be eaten in one or two times. After the next portion is finished, they begin to prepare the next one, fortunately this is done very simply. Even a person who is far from cooking will cope with this cooking task without any problems, since the recipe is very simple.

Before we describe the entire cooking process and tell you how to properly make lightly salted cucumbers, we will outline some recommendations and reveal secrets. The suggested tips will help housewives and become their secret to successful cucumbers.

Revealing secrets

One of the secrets is that lightly salted cucumbers can be prepared in three different ways:

  • when preparing, use hot or cold brine;
  • vegetables are cooked in their own juice;
  • Lightly salted cucumbers are prepared using the dry method (without brine).

To make the pickling process really fast, use small, bright green vegetables with “pimples.” A smooth cucumber will not work - it is a salad variety. But the “pimples” indicate that the vegetables are suitable for pickling. Firm ones with thin skin are best.

And one more thing - you need to choose cucumbers of the same size. This fact contributes to the distribution of salt evenly and the salting is excellent.

What does crunch depend on?

Many people ask the question, how to make lightly salted cucumbers crispy? Everything is very simple. Before starting the pickling process, it is better to leave the vegetables in cold water for 2-3 hours, then they will crisp up and become dense. This is the answer to the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers crispy.

The ends of the cucumbers must be cut off first. This will speed up the pickling process and allow you to get rid of nitrates, since the tip of the vegetable is the place where nitrates accumulate the most.

Uniform salting is facilitated by the vertical arrangement of cucumbers in the vessel.

You should not pack them too tightly, as they will lose everyone’s favorite property - crunchiness.

The vessel with cucumbers is not clogged, but covered with a napkin on top, which allows the process to proceed smoothly. Fermentation requires air.

Oak, tarragon, anise umbrellas will give the product special properties and taste. But we should not forget about the traditional dill, horseradish, parsley, black currants and cherry leaves.

The use of cloves, bay leaves, and hot peppers is a “classic”; no pickling can be done without these ingredients.

Coarse salt works best.

Lightly salted cucumbers can become “highly salted” if they are not kept refrigerated.

These seemingly insignificant nuances will help in deciding how to properly make lightly salted cucumbers.

Well, the secrets are revealed, now we can move on to the main thing. How to make lightly salted cucumbers? The recipe is presented below.

Required Products

First you need to decide what products you will need. So, the most important product is cucumbers, no pickling is complete without herbs and dill, you also need garlic, horseradish, you will need fresh currant leaves, you definitely need to prepare allspice and black pepper and, of course, salt.

Cucumbers in brine

Let's begin to reveal the secret of how to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly.

The traditional and fastest recipe for pickling a product is as follows: you need to fill the cucumbers placed in a vessel (jar, pan) with previously prepared brine. That's all. Cold brine will allow you to enjoy lightly salted vegetables after 2-3 days, hot brine makes it possible to do this after 8-10 hours.

You don’t have to prepare the brine solution in advance, but proceed as follows: pour salt (2-3 tbsp), sugar to taste into jars with vegetables and fill with cold or hot water. Then close the jar with a lid and shake until the salt and sugar dissolve. Remove the lid, cover with gauze or a napkin and leave it like that until the salting process is completed. You can add apple slices to all the spices and herbs placed in the jar. This will give the cucumbers a special taste and sourness. Here it is, the first answer to the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers.

Bag as a vessel for pickling

Answering the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers quickly, here is another recipe. It is perfect if there are no basic conditions for cooking, for example, at the dacha or at a picnic. The process of boiling water becomes unnecessary. For this recipe, use a plastic bag. Washed vegetables should be dried and placed in a bag. Each cucumber must first be pierced to make the pickling process faster and better. Salt and spices are added.

Cucumbers in their own juice

Here is another way that will help you understand the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers at home. This recipe uses the juice from the vegetables themselves. Any cucumbers are suitable for this, both the ugliest and the largest. They are grated or crushed using a blender or juicer.

Separately, you need to prepare vegetables for pickling, and separately for juice. You will also need garlic, horseradish, chili pepper, dill umbrellas, and salt. For one three-liter jar we observe the following proportions:

  • cucumbers for pickling - approximately 10 pcs.;
  • cucumbers for juice - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • horseradish - 3 leaves;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • dill with an umbrella - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Vegetables intended for juice are chopped. You should get about 1.5 liters of thick puree. Place horseradish leaves, 1 clove of garlic (it needs to be cut into two parts), 1 dill umbrella on the bottom. Sprinkle everything on top with salt (1 tbsp). Then add cucumber puree to a third of the volume in the jar and place the vegetables vertically, but not all of them. Add horseradish, garlic, dill and pepper again. Sprinkle with salt, pour in cucumber puree and add vegetables. The last spoonful of salt is added at the end. Close the jar tightly with a lid. Leave for 2 days. Within two days, the cucumbers are pickled, and then they can be consumed.

The process can be simplified by dissolving salt in cucumber juice. Celery will add a special taste to cucumbers, so it can also be used when pickling.

Cucumbers with apples

How to make delicious lightly salted cucumbers? Here is another recipe that answers this question. Cucumbers with apples are also prepared very quickly and simply, but at the same time you get an excellent taste. For preparation you will need:

All vegetables and herbs need to be washed. The ends of the cucumbers must be cut off, this will get rid of nitrates and allow the product to be better salted. The apples are divided into 4 parts, the core remains. The garlic is peeled and divided into cloves. Vegetables along with apples are placed in a vessel (jar, pan) and garlic, herbs, and black pepper are placed between them. Salt is added to boiled water and stirred until dissolved. For 1 liter of water - 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. The resulting brine is poured over the cucumbers. Leave for 10-12 hours. During this time, the cucumbers should be salted. Here is another answer to the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers.

Cucumbers and lime juice

Grind sugar, salt and pepper. The lime is washed, wiped and the zest is removed using a fine grater. It is mixed with pepper and salt. The lime, the zest of which has been used, is squeezed out. Mint and dill are chopped. The cucumbers are peeled from the ends and cut. Large cucumbers are divided into 4 parts, small ones into 2. Then they are placed in a deep bowl.

Pour crushed pepper with salt, sugar and lime zest into a bowl, pour juice over everything, then mix. The remaining salt and herbs are poured onto the cucumbers and mixed again. This recipe will allow you to decorate the table with the finished product, even if you have very little time.

Vegetables are salted for 30 minutes. Before serving, the product is washed to remove salt and herbs.

For preparation you will need:

  • cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • dill with umbrella - 1 bunch;
  • black pepper - 6-7 peas;
  • allspice - 4-5 peas;
  • mint - 4-5 sprigs;
  • lime - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 3.5 tbsp. spoons.

This was the last and most extravagant recipe, which once again answered the question of how to make lightly salted cucumbers.