Modern historians have recognized that Hitler showed an extreme degree of nationalism in his activities, professed his ideology, recruited and instructed his fellow citizens against the Jews. Many people still don’t know why Hitler hated the Jews, because it would seem that there are no logically explainable reasons for this.

The Fuhrer lifts the curtain of secrecy and talks about it in his book “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”). He wrote it while a prisoner, but for his behavior he was released early, and soon he happened to become the man who developed the regime of totalitarianism to its extreme manifestation and was crowned in history as one of the most cruel leaders.

Historical reference

Adolf Hitler, until the early 20s of the 20th century, did not think about the special allocation of Jews. It is known that one of his school friends was a Jew; he always behaved with caution towards him, but never reproached him or infringed on his rights.

At a more mature age, the future Fuhrer became interested in the history of this nation. Scientists cite various reasons for this interest: from the version that his father was a Jew, to the fact that at first Hitler even felt sorry for the Jews and did not understand why they were treated this way. In the first moments, young Adolf believed that these people differed from them only in religion, nothing else. He was sincerely perplexed, not understanding the reasons for the hostility towards the Jews.

It is not known exactly at what point the Fuhrer began to hate the Jews, but over time he clearly stated that he could distinguish them by their manner and gait, clothing and hairstyle; they had no place in this world and the main task of true Aryans was to destroy them.

Reasons for hating Jews

History cannot remain silent about why Hitler hated the Jews. However, each researcher has his own set of reasons to explain this. They cannot say that only one factor influenced the manifestation of anti-Semitism; they consider it correct to consider them comprehensively.

Why the Nazi leader of Germany hated the Jews:

1. The idea of ​​​​the purity of the nation:

It is known that the Fuhrer fought not only for the purification of the nation and ordered this to be done by any means, but also argued that Jews are the main enemies of pure Aryans and they must be destroyed.

2. Personal dislike:

This is the most controversial reason, because no one could either confirm or refute its truth. It is believed that his life was connected with some Jews who at one time left a strong mental wound on young Hitler. This is the teacher at the art school, because of whom he failed the entrance exams, and the Jewish woman who infected him with syphilis, and the very origin of the Fuhrer (one version) from the Jewish nation.

4. The desire to save Germany:

Eradicating the “plague” filled the leader’s thoughts so much that he often could not concentrate on other thoughts. In addition, according to the Fuhrer, it was the Jews who were responsible for the spread of syphilis among the German population.

The personality of Hitler, the great dictator of his time, the man who declared war on almost all of Europe, as well as the ideology of fascism are an integral object of study for many historians. Some of them, working with primary sources, find new causes of anti-Semitism. However, no one can confidently explain why the extermination of the Jews gained such widespread character and support among his fellow citizens.

“Dear friend,” Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi) wrote on July 23, 1939 in a letter addressed to Hitler, “My acquaintances insisted that I write to you in the name of humanity. I refused for a long time to fulfill this request, because I thought that my letter may be perceived as an expression of arrogance."
Now the text of Comrade Gandhi to Mr. Hitler in Berlin, Germany, in which the leader of the Indian independence movement, a famous theorist and practitioner of non-violence, called on this man not to start a war, seems naive.
“Obviously, among all people, you are the only one who is able to prevent a war that could throw humanity back into a period of barbarism. Is it really necessary for you to pay such a price for your goal, even if it seems to you that it is worth pursuing? Wouldn’t you listen to the man ", who always rejected - and very successfully - the method of war? If I was mistaken about you, forgive me for this letter."
A naive, stupid, primitive, narrow-minded person? Mahatma Gandhi. Of course not! Not informed enough! That's who Gandhi is. Not a realist.
A few weeks after this response from Gandhi to Hitler, World War II began! This is no longer a theoretical error!!! Tens of millions of people died.
Letters from one significant person in the world to another significant person are historically much more important and intellectually significant for both semantic and cognitive meaning than any stories, novels and films.
In my opinion. In many ways, for example, I was shaped by Chekhov’s letters. Well, that’s how it happened, in my opinion. Maybe I'm wrong.
When I read Chekhov's letters I was 15 years old. It was summer. School break. And for some reason I went to the Alma-Ata children's library and read Chekhov's letters addressed to his brothers. An alcoholic and a loser. And from these letters from Chekhov, much of my life became clearer. I took notes on them.
I kind of got distracted from the title of the text and the essence, which may be of interest to people expecting specific answers to the question posed. People are obviously more interested in what I can say about the problem stated in the essay: why did that bastard Hitler treat Jews so badly?
I am not the first and not the last person who is interested in this issue and who is trying to solve it.
Where could a man - God's creation - called Hitler, have this anti-human, savage, hypertrophied hatred of all representatives of this Middle Eastern people? Where are the Germans and where are this biblical people with all their history? Theoretically and practically.
But practically it turned out that Jews and Germans - in Hitler's view - not only cannot live on the same territory, but also on Earth. This is what the leader of the German people decided. The people, naturally, recognized this opinion of their leader as completely correct! Where can any people get away from their leader?
Hitler didn't like gypsies either. It seems even stronger than the Jews. Hitler also did not “like” the Slavs very much. This kind of non-objective and non-tolerant person was raised in the center of European civilization. The presumption of inferiority of peoples arose in Hitler's head as a natural truth!
But why exactly did quite nice, hard-working and useful people - Jews - become so hated by the leader of Europe in the 30s of the 20th century? It was quite obvious to all sensible people, both Germans and other Europeans, that the people of the Jewish nation represent very useful human capital in an intellectual sense.
Even Hitler, in my opinion, understood that among the Jewish people there was a high percentage of very active and intelligent people for the development of the state. This was evident and quantitative when considering the ratio of Germans or any other ethnic groups and Jews in the most intellectually rich spheres of production of any state.
Well, Jews were born to be such effective figures. One should be glad that Jews exist and work in this country. It is not their fault that they do many things better than others in highly intellectual fields of activity. Is it chance or God's providence... Who cares!
Hitler, unfortunately, for some reason, formed some other, very personal, hostile, insurmountably negative relationship with some people belonging to the Jewish nation. At the level of personal emotions and, as they say, below the belt. For Hitler, hatred of Jews developed and functioned as a mental illness. Regardless of their role for the country's economy and science.
Apparently, once upon a time, one of the representatives of the Jewish people personally greatly offended him, insulted and humiliated him to such an extent that Hitler could not forget it and began to behave so inadequately and inhumane towards them. He developed an emotional hatred of people based on their nationality, a pathological idiosyncrasy towards all representatives of the people of this nation.
And this personal resentment of Hitler became dominant in his attitude towards all Jews. For some reason, Hitler needed to prove that all Jews are inferior people and the main enemies of the German ethnic group. Hitler imposed his personal national preferences on the entire German people and formed certain negative attitudes of all Germans towards Jews. This was already a matter of technique - all the everyday problems of ordinary Germans were attributed to the Jews. Now something similar is happening in Ukraine in relation to the Russians.
It is clear that Hitler had an extremely low level of morality and ethics. This man was “abnormal” and a criminal at his core - a man ready to violate any established European standards of morality and morality in the name of his emotions and ideas. And there were much fewer ideas than emotions: the seizure of power in the country, the seizure of power in Europe and the conquest of all of Europe and, most importantly, the Eastern European peoples to create a new world German empire.
But for some reason, with these global plans, Hitler was, at the same time, terribly concerned about the existence of the relatively small Jewish people in Europe and sought to completely exterminate them by all means. For what? Why? You can now ask in a geopolitical sense. The Jews did not actively, actually interfere with anything and did not interfere with the implementation of Hitler’s plans! Why didn't he make them his accomplices? Couldn't? Or didn't you want to?
It is most likely that once upon a time, during the formation of Hitler as a person, one of the specific Jews personally and specifically greatly humiliated Hitler as a person, as a German, as a possible leader of a great nation - naturally, in his primitive opinion - to the entire depth of his primitive, dark and low soul. And Adolf Aloisovich developed a sensual, animal negative attitude towards all Jews and he personally set the goal of exterminating all these people. He needed this to overcome his personal inferiority complex that had formed in relation to the Jews. Hitler began to feel inferior to the Jews in a number of human ways. He couldn't forgive this...
To legitimize and objectify this right of his to overcome his personal humiliation and the inferiority complex that arose in him, Hitler began to objectify the badness of the entire Jewish nation, stimulated “scientific” approaches and the invention of theories about full-fledged and inferior peoples.
All suitable scientists, scientific systems and media were involved.
In principle, almost everything can be proven. When you have a suitable information resource theoretically and practically. It becomes possible to convince any people of any vision of any events. Even a stupid student understands this now. The main thing is to introduce into people's minds certain ideas that seem true to them. That's what the media is for. And suitable Goebbels... Ukraine is now only holding on to this.
From the point of view of ordinary, normal morality, ethics and humanity, Hitler is a complete and obvious freak! Moral renegade. Immoral. One-sided. Bad person. Radish. Essentially something of a predatory creature. Even a number of Germans hated him and wanted to destroy him. But he was able to convince and force the majority of the German people, far from the stupidest and quite civilized, to behave almost criminally towards other peoples. Why? Is this possible now?
Modern Germans seem to have realized the flawed nature of such an approach in the past - they demonstrate in words and deeds a complete rejection of the past ideology - but it is unlikely that anyone sane will fully believe them in the truth of the mentality. It is necessary to scientifically understand the true reasons for this behavior of almost the entire German population in those years. Why could this happen to a highly cultured European people? What kind of trouble has gripped the whole nation? This begs the analogy with modern Ukraine. Lots of stuff like that. After all, these Ukrainian “morons” can still do a lot of nasty things to people. They, like the fascists, still have a feeling of superiority over other people. Freaks...
The role of personality in history? Yes! This is still not understood at a sufficient level of awareness! One man convinced millions of Germans to treat hundreds of thousands of other people like animals? It is doubtful that this would have been possible without the presence of something internal and all-encompassing in this very people. This could have been formed historically in the entire people: physically, through a sense of biological, psychological, intellectual, racial superiority over everyone. And, of course, the presence of a painful complex does not fully value these individuals for the world. From their point of view. And the natural desire to prove the opposite!
Hitler and his party played at that time on the feeling of humiliation of the Germans at that moment in history and on their natural rationality, on the desire to prove their much greater importance in Europe than other nations were trying to impose on them and on their natural and for them objective superiority in the form of development reality, - they say the Germans are physically, biologically, mentally, scientifically, philosophically better for the evolution of humanity than other people, than other nations that interfere with them in this natural evolutionary process. Jews, gypsies, Slavs are preventing them from developing... Nonsense, of course. But it is easily perceived as true...
It is obvious to me that only Hitler’s personal, active position could ensure the implementation of that completely unscientific, biased, stupid, inhumane idea. Genocide is not committed by peoples, but by individuals leading and managing enslaved peoples...
The current “state” called “ISIS” is repeating what the Germans did in the first half of the last century. This is a type of "fascist". Only the advantage is a religious, and not a biological, racial idea. The main thing is a feeling of superiority! Their Allah is better than all Gods!
Is it really true that history, or more precisely, people, cannot live without repetition? Or, finally, in this case, people of good will will be able to destroy this “reptile” in any form of manifestation in the bud! And Russia is again the leader of this goodwill! It is a fact. No matter how much anyone likes it...
It's a pity...


You correctly noted that Hitler “did not like” the Slavs and Gypsies, but he destroyed the Jews. However, the reason for this is not at all that one of the Jews offended him and that his hatred of Jews is “at the emotional level.” No, this is not so, Hitlerism is not an emotion, it is a philosophy.

The essence of Hitlerism is an extreme degree of nationalism. Hitler adhered to the point of view that, as in the animal world, the strongest clan, tribe, which the Germans were according to his racial theory, should survive and enjoy all the benefits. According to this theory, any universal ideas that put the universal above the generic, tribal, national are false.

And although universal ideas were expressed by the ancient Greeks (I am not an Athenian, not a Greek, I am a citizen of the world. Socrates), it was the Jews who were the bearers of these ideas (before the creation of the State of Israel). From Hitler's point of view, there was not much difference between Christianity (there is neither Greek nor Jew, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all and in all), and communism - all these are inventions of the Jews, so that the weak retained power over the strong. They, the Jews, according to Hitlerism, stood in the way of healthy animal competition among tribes, where the Germans should dominate; in fact, according to Hitler, the Jews were the enemies of humanity.

That is why the carriers and distributors of these ideas - the Jews - had to be destroyed.

Adolf Hitler is behind the worst genocide in modern history. On his orders, millions of Jews were killed in gas chambers. Others died in concentration camps from hunger, hard work and disease.

This baffling chapter in German history left our reader Line Krüger wondering why Hitler hated the Jews so much.

Hitler created Nazism

According to historians, to find the origins of Hitler's hatred of Jews, one must understand his ideology. Adolf Hitler was a Nazi.


Rising anti-Semitism in Europe

Israel Hayom 07/29/2015

Europe's Jews are in danger

Polosa 04/16/2015

Anti-Semitism: exacerbation of the disease

Israel Hayom 03/26/2015 “Nazism is built on the theory of racial hygiene. The fundamental principle is that races should not mix,” explains Rikke Peters, a researcher of right-wing radicalism at the Institute of Communication and History at Aarhus University.

Nazism is a National Socialist ideology developed and described by Adolf Hitler in the Mein Kampf manifesto, published in the mid-1920s.

In his manifesto, Hitler wrote:

— the world consists of people of different races who are constantly fighting with each other. It is the racial struggle that drives history;

- there are higher and lower races;

- the superior race will be in danger of extinction if mixed with the inferior ones.

The white race is supreme

“Hitler considered the white Aryan race to be the purest, strongest and most intellectual. He was sure that the Aryans were superior to everyone,” explains Rikke Peters. And he adds: “He hated not only Jews. This applied to both gypsies and blacks. But his hatred of Jews was especially strong because he saw them as the root of all evil. The Jews were the main enemies."

Historian Karl Christian Lammers, who studied the history of Nazism at the Saxo Institute at the University of Copenhagen, adds:

Hitler did not have mental illness

After World War II, many speculated that a man who, like Hitler, was responsible for a terrible genocide, must be mentally ill.

Rikke Peters argues that there is no evidence that Hitler was crazy or suffered from some kind of mental illness that made him hate Jews.

“There is nothing to suggest that Hitler was mentally ill, although he is often portrayed as a madman in constant delirium. You could say he had a manic and paranoid-narcissistic personality type, but that doesn't mean he was crazy or mentally ill."

But although Adolf Hitler did not suffer from mental illness, there is no doubt that he was an aberration. A psychiatrist might diagnose him with a personality disorder.

“Hitler was evil. He was a master at manipulating people and also had poor social skills. But this does not make him mentally ill. In Hitler's life, everything that normally gives meaning and weight to existence was missing - love, friendship, study, marriage, family. He didn’t have an interesting personal life outside of political affairs.”

Antisemitism was rampant even before World War II

In other words, Hitler's personality can be described as deviant and dissocial, but this is not the only reason for the hatred of Jews that led to the genocide.

The German dictator was only part of a long-term general trend. At that time he was far from the only anti-Semite. When Hitler wrote his manifesto, hatred of Jews, or anti-Semitism, was already quite common.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Jewish minorities in Russia and Europe were discriminated against and persecuted, says historian Claus Bundgård Christensen, a lecturer at Roskilde University.

“Hitler was part of the anti-Semitic culture in Germany and other European countries. Many believed that the Jews had a secret global network and were seeking to seize power over the world.”

Rikke Peters adds:

“It was not Hitler who invented anti-Semitism. Many historians note that his hatred of Jews resonated with the population because Jews were already persecuted in many countries.”

Nationalism led to anti-Semitism

The rise of anti-Semitism correlated with the spread of nationalism across Europe after the French Revolution of 1830.

Nationalism is a political ideology where a nation is perceived as a community of people with the same cultural and historical background.

“When nationalism began to spread in the 1830s, Jews were like a speck in the eye because they lived all over the world and did not belong to one nation. They spoke their own language and were different from the Christian majority in Europe,” explains Rikke Peters.

Conspiracy theories about a secret Jewish desire for world domination flourished among Christian nationalists in many European countries.

False protocols fueled speculation

The theory is based, among other things, on some ancient texts called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

These protocols were created at the end of the 19th century by the intelligence service of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II; in form they were similar to a real Jewish document.

According to these protocols, there really is a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to seize power. The Tsar of Russia used the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to justify his persecution of the Jews, and many years later, Adolf Hitler did the same.

“Hitler believed that the Jews actually had a global network where they sat and pulled the strings in an effort to gain world domination. He used false protocols as a means of legitimizing genocide,” says Klaus Bundgaard Christensen.

German Jews were integrated into society

However, Jews were part of German society when Hitler wrote his manifesto in the 1920s.

“German Jews were perfectly integrated into society and considered themselves Germans. They fought for Germany in the First World War, some were generals or held high public positions,” says Rikke Peters.

But Germany lost the war, and this defeat added fuel to the anti-Semitism of Adolf Hitler and his supporters.

“In World War I, Hitler was a soldier of the Bavarian regime. After the war, he blamed the defeat and subsequent unrest in Germany on the Jews. He said that the Jews had stabbed the German army in the back,” explains Karl-Christian Lammers.

The economic crisis benefited the Nazis

In the 1930s, Germany, like the whole world, plunged into the Great Depression. This economic crisis caused huge unemployment and social ills.

During this time of crisis, an anti-democratic Nazi party in Germany was formed - the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which was led by Adolf Hitler from 1921.

“Many Germans supported Nazism because they hoped the new political system would create better living conditions. At that time, Hitler's racial theory was presented only in Mein Kampf, and until 1933 party members knew little about racial hygiene. It was only after Hitler seized power in 1933 that anti-Semitism and racial theory began to play a prominent role in public life,” says Karl-Christian Lammers.

In the 1932 elections, the National Socialist Party and the German Communists together won a majority of the votes. Adolf Hitler demanded to be made chancellor and took this post.

The population was incited against the Jews

With the rise of the Nazi Party to power, Adolf Hitler and his associates began to spread anti-Semitic ideas among the population. There were campaigns that portrayed Jews as inferior and a threat to the Aryan race.

It was proclaimed that Germany is for the Germans, and the purity of the Aryan race must be preserved. Other races, especially Jews, must be separated from the Germans.

“Hitler managed to turn most of the German population against the Jews. But there were also people who protested his brutal attacks on the Jewish minority. For example, many believed that on Kristallnacht the Nazis went too far,” says Klaus Bundgaard Christensen.

Hatred of Jews remained unchanged

During the evening and night, many Jewish cemeteries, 7.5 thousand shops owned by Jews, and approximately 200 synagogues were destroyed.

Many Germans decided that the Nazi Party had overstepped its bounds, but Jew-hatred continued to spread. In subsequent years, Adolf Hitler and his supporters systematically sent millions of Jews to concentration camps and exterminated them.

“During the Second World War, the policy of the National Socialist Party changed in some areas, but hatred of Jews remained unchanged. The destruction of the Jews and the creation of a non-Jewish Europe was a measure of success for Hitler and other members of the party elite,” says Klaus Bundgaard Christensen. “Even at the end of the war, when it became obvious that resources needed to be saved, the Nazis continued to spend money on concentration camps and sending Jews there.”

Adolf Gitler- talented artist. His wonderful paintings attracted a lot of attention and were admired by people of different social strata. But, as we all know, my artistic career didn’t work out very well. Hitler is better known to us in the image of a cruel conqueror and destroyer of entire nations than as a famous artist. I wonder why Hitler killed Jews? Let's figure it out.

Founder of Nazism

We, perhaps, will not delve deeply into the biography of the famous conqueror of the twentieth century. But it is worth saying that perhaps not everyone knows - Adolf Hitler is the founder of the theory Nazism, the foundation of which is racial hygiene. The main principle is the impossibility of mixing races. This suggests that marriages between people of different racial backgrounds were not allowed. The goal is to achieve the dominance of one single race - the Aryans. Hitler decided that Aryans should “stand at the head of the entire planet,” since he considered this race to be the highest. In no case was her mixture allowed with inferior races, such as Asiatics. Of course, the struggle between representatives of different nations is the most powerful engine of history. But Adolf believed that it was worth stopping.

According to one famous historian, Hitler considered white Aryans to be the purest, strongest and smartest. There was not a single drop of doubt in him that this particular race was the most civilized. The tyrant hated not only Jews. Both blacks, Asians, and gypsies found themselves under a string of negativity. But the only certainty was that it was the Jews who were the root of all evil. This served to further exterminate the people.

Adolf Hitler misunderstood the term “race” a little. For him Jews they just belonged to a separate race that was trying, let’s say, to “get in” to the Aryans, mix with them and thereby destroy them, leaving no purebreds.


After the end of the war, there were rumors that Adolf Hitler suffered from certain mental disorders. Allegedly, it was impossible to explain his actions otherwise. But in fact, as those close to him report, there was simply no evidence of mental illness or insanity.

Historian Ricky Peters states with 100% certainty that Hitler was psychologically healthy. Perhaps some slight manic syndrome was still present. However, this is not surprising, since this is precisely the diagnosis that psychologists give to many modern people.

In fact, if the tyrant visited a psychiatrist, he could easily identify some kind of personality disorder. His evil and cruel character somehow incomprehensibly helped the conqueror find a common language with people, while masterfully manipulating them. Of course, few people can succeed in this. Political affairs came first, and then came family, happiness and similar human feelings.

Rise of anti-Semitism

Deviant and dissocial personality are not the first reasons for the emergence of hatred towards Jewish peoples. Adolf Hitler only “fit” into this trend. At the height of his power, the conqueror was not alone in disliking the Jews. Antisemitism existed even before his birth, but, of course, it flourished during the reign of the “mustache.” In general, Jews at all times were subjected to persecution and extermination, so they were not accustomed to such an attitude towards themselves. But Hitler managed to move to a new level of extermination, killing thousands of people per day.

Another answer to why Hitler killed Jews is the fact that the latter were trying to “take over” the world. Such information emerged from intelligence protocols created on the territory of our country in the nineteenth century. If you believe them, then there is a real conspiracy of the Jewish classes.

“Adolf Hitler had no doubt at all that the Jews had created a kind of global network, their own habitat. There they develop ideas for domination of our world. Hitler, with the help of written protocols, tried to legitimize the genocide, which, however, he did quite well,” reports Klaus Christensen.
During World War I, Hitler stood among the soldiers of the Bavarian regime. When the war ended, he made a bold statement that Jews were the main culprits in Germany's defeat. This conclusion was due to the fact that they occupied leading government positions. They simply betrayed the German army by stabbing them in the back.

Nazis 'glad' about brewing crisis

In the early thirties of the last century, every country was plunged into a great depression. Of course, Germany was no exception. Thanks to this economic crisis, there was huge unemployment in the world, accompanied by various troubles in the social strata. At such a time it was most convenient to form views on “careless” Jews, which is what Hitler did. He became the head of the National Socialist Workers' Party.

“The Germans believed that such a party would help improve the quality of life, so they accepted Nazism without contempt of conscience. At that time, racial aspects were only found in Hitler's essay entitled "Mein Kampf", which translates as "My Struggle". Consequently, until the mid-thirties, little was known about racism. It was only after Hitler took the helm that anti-Semitism became widespread.”

In 1932, party elections were held in which the German Communists, along with the National Socialists, received the majority of the votes. Adolf Hitler now became chancellor. This caused the future conqueror and his associates to actively advertise anti-Semitic views and beliefs. Special campaigns were created that simply humiliated Jews, considering them an inferior race.

Main slogan "Germany for the Germans!" flashed on every corner. He urged the Germans that, first of all, it was necessary that the pure-blooded Aryan race be preserved. Other peoples, and especially Jews, must be eliminated.

Of course, there is another side to the coin. In addition to supporters, there were also opponents. They believed that it was cruel to destroy entire nations for the sake of purebred people. Everyone chooses their own destiny. Hitler dealt with such people using radical methods.


One of the famous events of the extermination of Jews was the so-called Kristallnacht, which took place in November 1938. In just a few hours, throughout Germany, shops belonging to the hated people, cemeteries, synagogues, and so on were wiped off the face of the earth. Of course, a variety of methods were used: from ordinary shooting to destruction by gas and burning of premises.

Some Germans rebelled against the actions of Adolf Hitler, but this gave them absolutely nothing. The persecution and extermination continued, each time receiving greater support from the population. A few years later, the military leader’s associates sent millions of Jews to camps, where they dealt with them using the most brutal methods. Even after the war ended, huge investments continued in the construction of camps and murder weapons for the Jews. Although money should have been spent on more necessary things and simply saved resources, which were absolutely in short supply.

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I think everyone knows Hitler's plans for nations. For those who do not know, it is worth especially noting four of them: the “true Aryans,” the Slavs, the Jews and the Gypsies. Let's start with the fact that the very basis of these plans were the ideas of racism - the highest degree of Nazism (Nazism is the doctrine of higher and lower races).

The above nations can be divided into three groups.

  • The first, “ruling” group of nations includes, as you might guess, only the “true Aryans” themselves.
  • The second group includes the Slavs. They were promised almost complete destruction. And those who were “lucky” to survive would become slaves. "Elite" slaves.
  • A worse fate awaited the Jews and Gypsies. They, as "inferior" races, had to be destroyed.
The rest of the nations were destined for the role of simple slaves.

The answer to the question why Jews and Gypsies were considered inferior races is simple

They did not have their own states. They were “bugs on the globe,” as one of Hitler’s close associates said. And why, in fact, did death await them? Why not make them the same slaves as the rest? I think the truth will never be known now. The world is divided into several camps, each with its own version.

  1. First and the most common version is that the very idea of ​​Nazism, as understood by Hitler, implied the division of nations into these three groups. This is a completely reasonable version, since it is no secret that Hitler was a fanatic in his cause. “Performing in front of his soldiers was akin to making love for him,” adherents of this version are sure, which is also not without logic. To see this, you should watch one of the recordings of Hitler’s speech.
  2. The second version is that Hitler’s people, quite a few of whom, as is known, were pumped full of drugs and special medications. They were bloody, they felt almost no pain and wanted only one thing: to kill. An order to leave as many people as possible (after all, the more slaves, the better) could greatly undermine the authority of such troops, which would lead to a significant weakening of the army due to the loss of the “elite” and, most likely, to riots of these madmen. It turns out that they had to give them someone to tear to pieces. These doomed were the Jews and Gypsies.
  3. Third version implied fear. Hitler's fear of danger. According to the version, Hitler was afraid that the people of one of these nations could destroy his great army. There is no reasonable evidence for this version.

On my own behalf, I can add that, whatever Hitler’s motives, he was not going to leave the Jews any chance of survival. Genocide, complete destruction - that's what awaited them.

But why Jews?

After all, in Hitler’s own family, among his closest relatives there were representatives of a race he hated.

Firstly were an “inferior” race according to Nazi ideas.
Secondly, they say that Hitler greatly disliked his Jewish relative.
Third The reason can be considered that Jews and Gypsies are very few in number, and morally this was very positive for the army. Like, “We are destroying entire nations! That’s how powerful we are!” (Basically, this reason fits the second version of hatred, but does not contradict the others).