How many, in the original, is a religion that implies the perception of Haile Selassie I, the former emperor of Ethiopia, as the incarnation of God, who is called Jah here.

  • He was also part of the Holy Trinity, as the messiah promised by the Bible. The very name of the Rastafari (i.e., fans of this movement) came from the name of Haile Selassie before the coronation - Ras (Prince) Tafari Makkonen. Leonard Howell, who is mentioned as the first Rastafari, created a commune of five thousand in Pinnacle Jamaica.
  • Origin: The name Rastafari comes from the name of the last emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, known before his coronation as Ras Tafari Makonnen (Tefari Makonnin). Rastafarians believe that Haile Selassie I is the incarnation of God, whom the Rastas call Jah.


    Today, many young people are interested in what does rastafarai mean, and this short article was written to answer it. Read some more interesting articles on the jargon of drug addicts, for example, what does Flakka mean, how to understand the word, who is Shpak?

    In fact, Rastafarai, or as it is also called, Rastafarianism today has become not so much a youth subculture as a new religion. Usually, with the word Rastafarai, they imagine a teenager with dreadlocks, or in a bright (green, yellow, red) hat.

    Besides, now most young people don't care what it means Jah Rastafarai, and after all, this trend has adopted many different religions, cults and teachings. They are mostly interested in external attributes, and a lifestyle that is based on hedonism.

    Now let's talk a little where they grow from roots", this one of the strangest religions. What does Jah mean? First you need to understand that the word "Jah" can be translate like Jehovah. According to this teaching, Jah visited our sinful earth twice, once he was incarnated in the person we know, under the name of Jesus Christ, and the second time in the emperor Haile Selassie I (last 225 emperor of Ethiopia), who had the name Tafari Makkonen before his coronation.

    True, it is worth noting that not all teenagers generally understand what is at stake when they are asked what does rastafarai mean? For example, young people in Russia, for the most part, do not have the slightest idea what Jah means, and what is the meaning of this word.

    For those in the armored train, once again briefly explain that Rastafarianism is not fashion and is not real religion.

    Since the hallmark of any rastaman is the use of incredible amounts of cannabis, many people have a natural, isn't it dangerous?

    Fuck, well, of course it's not only dangerous, but also very harmful to your young body.

    Of course you will be told that this drug will help you to know the secrets of being, to see the real wisdom of our world. However, in fact, you will imperceptibly become an ordinary junkie.

    However, fans Rastafarianism claim that only this herb can help achieve harmony, both with oneself and with the outside world.

    Rastamans preach to their neighbor, vegetarianism, and also not the desire to forcibly accept new novices into their ranks. In addition, rastamans do not seek to talk about Jah Farai other people, if they do not hold similar views.

    It is believed that anyone can reach Jah, just feel it. call in your heart.

    Many are interested how to become ja rastafarai? To achieve this goal, you need to do a few things, it is to feel the will of Jah in yourself, and get rid of the negativity that has accumulated inside each of us. If you accept a Rastafarai into yourself, this means that you can already be considered an initiate.

    Our today's story will be about one very unusual religion, perhaps even the most unusual and informal religion of all that exists, namely the Rastamans or Rastafarians, who by 2007 alone numbered more than 1,000,000 people - so we will talk about the essence, ideas, philosophy and principles of Rastafarianism as a religious doctrine.

    What is Rastafarianism?

    This religion takes its name from Emperor of Ethiopia Ras Tafari Makonnen, which the followers of Rastafarianism consider their God. Well, either the incarnation of the original god on earth, or something like an apostle.

    Who is Jah?

    And they also call God himself the word " Jah", which translates as " nature” or “the nature of everything that exists”, which is also quite interesting and unusual, since God simply acts as the nature of everything that exists. Which is similar only to Taoism, which we recently talked about.

    History of Rastafarianism

    As you already understood, the history of Rastafarians is connected with the Ethiopian emperor Ras Tafari, who lived from 1892 to 1975 and whom Rastamans consider the incarnation of God.

    It is believed that he comes from the genealogy of King Solomon, who united Israel. In addition, Ras Tafari is considered one of the incarnations (incarnations) of the original God or Jah.

    Essence of Rastafarianism

    Interestingly, even in the Old Testament we find the word " Jah”, and it is translated as God, and not just as God, but as The one who created all phenomena and things in the world.

    Same with Rastafarianism recognize Jesus Christ- first the incarnation of God or Jah on our earth.

    Moreover, the essence of the religion of Rastafarianism is more than similar to the original understanding and essence of Christianity - it is love for one's neighbor and life according to the laws of love for one's neighbor.

    Rastamans also believe that Western society today lives according to the law “every man for himself”, and this is wrong.

    Yes, of course, they are right in this - Western society is built on private business, and the human soul is not very important, and they clearly lack the search for God. And although today Christians say that God is love, you can’t tell by their real actions.

    Ideas of Rastafarianism

    The main idea of ​​the Rastamans and Rastafirianism as a teaching is that they consider themselves descendants of King Solomon, and the emperor Ras Tafari was Solomon's direct heir. That is why they revere their emperor for God and consider him the messiah.

    Also in the ideas of Rastafarianism is the idea that people with black skin were given into slavery to white people or Europeans, for sins committed in the past, moreover, there are even references to this in the Bible. But Jah, as a messiah, will free them from this slavery, and the time of freedom has come with Ras Tafari, Jah's direct heir.

    In the 17th century, Jamaica was a place where African slaves were brought in large numbers for further resale. And it was here that many slave riots arose, which were brutally suppressed.

    Therefore, the religion of the Rastafarians is based on their own culture of love for freedom and equality, and is also based on the ideas of Christianity brought by Europeans. Only the Christians themselves did not disdain to have slaves, by the way, often explaining such a need with the same Bible.

    Six commandments of Rastafarianism

    In the thirties of the last century, one of the Rastaman communities even created its own commandments of Rastafarianism, which for many years were revered by the followers of the community, although these commandments do not particularly correspond to the modern spirit of this teaching. These commandments are:
    • hatred for people with white skin;
    • a black-skinned person is superior to a white-skinned person;
    • revenge on the "pale-faced" for their sins;
    • no recognition of authority in Jamaica;
    • all Africans must return to Africa;
    • the blacks have one ruler - this is Ras Tafari.

    And although these commandments look threatening, nevertheless these commandments were in the past, and one of the communities was invented, which, as we clearly see, does not quite adhere to the norms of all Rastafarism, and these strange commandments reflect only one view of one of the many Rastafarian trends, and therefore do not reflect current reality.

    Because the Rastafarians are a rather peaceful religious direction, and you can even say their very way of life is open to the whole world. It's like in some modern Christian sects or churches, the Bible says that God is unconditional love, but as soon as you do something wrong, they will start yelling at you, blaming you, and maybe even kick you out of the church.

    So, in fact, in every religion, there have always been, are, and will be hostile sects towards representatives of other religions and sometimes even their own.

    Philosophy of Rastafarianism

    But in fact, the most important philosophy of Rastafarianism is the cultivation of "African identity", that is, brotherly love, goodwill towards all people and they reject the Western way of life. Rastamans sometimes compare life in the west with Babylon, due to the isolation and selfishness of Europeans.

    Babylon and Rastafarianism

    By the way, Babylon is very often mentioned in his philosophy, it belongs to the ancient kingdom of the Sumerians. Many people know the legend of the Tower of Babel, when people, out of pride, decided to build a tower to heaven and equal God.

    And of course God did not like it, and he made people speak different languages. These people were wealthy and spoke the same language. So in Rastafarianism, they compare ancient Babylon with Western life, where everyone has everything, but there is no way to God, because everyone is very selfish.

    In my opinion, God is not to blame for the myth of the Tower of Babel, because people always blame someone else. In fact, most likely people wanted to build a tower, but each in their own way, therefore, not finding unity and saying, as if in “different languages”, they did not succeed.

    Principles of Rastafarianism

    In the religion of Rastamans, they believe that conversion to their faith is impossible, since a person must come to this of his own free will and discover Jah in himself, based on brotherly love and love for his neighbor.

    It is possible to gain the truth only through the service of God or Jah. Some communities recognize repentance to God and meditation.

    The Rastafarians there are no temples and places for prayers, although there are various gatherings as well as music jams.

    Even music is considered part of the Rastafaian religion, for example, Jamaican reggae (a direction in Jamaican music).

    Rastafarianism and drugs (marijuana)

    One of the
    spiritual directions among Rastamans is also cannabiscannabis drug use because for a while it leads to an altered consciousness.

    Previously, smoking cannabis in the philosophy of Rastafarianism was not only a form of protest, but it was believed that it could lead to the knowledge of Jah within a person. In addition, it was considered that hemp grown in the country where the great sage King Solomon himself lived- This is the herb of wisdom. In the photo for the article, by the way, the rastaman box is a box from under this wise herb.

    In some countries smoking marijuana is of course legal. But we cannot advise this, since from the point of view of medicine it destroys the brain and leads to cardiovascular diseases, although the rastamans themselves, of course, believe that in their case it does not negatively affect.

    Rastafarianism in Russia

    On the basis of Rastafarianism, a new direction in culture arose - Rasta and Reggae. This is how the first representatives of this movement appeared in the Soviet Union, and they are primarily associated with Bob Marley's reggae music. Which, by the way, in his songs talks about love, kindness, and also how to act in accordance with this belief.

    And now in Russia there are societies or associations of Rastamans, who are united primarily by music. As for Jah, they think it's just a place in everyone's soul.


    The idea of ​​Rastamans, as well as the philosophy and principles of Rastofarianism, is generally not bad - love for one's neighbor, freedom and life based on this. We can say that these are the general principles of almost all world religions and in particular.

    Of course, people strive for something lighter and higher; this is apparently inherent in the nature of every person, regardless of his place of birth and skin color. Stay in touch with us, read further articles on the Learning and Self-Development Portal, we will consider spiritual issues regarding this teaching and many others more than once. And of course, we will talk about Bob Marley himself, as the most famous representative of this faith, as well as other interesting and useful world religions, like, and many others.

    One hundred braids for god Jah

    Where did the new youth subculture come from in Russia?

    Who are rastamans?
    There is an opinion that these are not very adequate young people who constantly smoke marijuana, listen to Bob Marley, walk in bright striped berets with dreadlocks sticking out from under them (many small braids). But these are only external manifestations of rasta culture. In fact, the world of Rastafari (their second name) is much deeper than we imagine - it is a whole culture with its own religion and philosophy.

    Return to Ethiopia
    Proto-Rastafarianism began in Ethiopia back in 800, when that country adopted Christianity. Under the influence of local culture, it constantly changed, as a result, the Ethiopians had their own religion. According to the Rastas, mankind originated in Ethiopia, and this is where the earthly paradise is located. This, by the way, is not entirely fiction - in the Old Testament there are indirect references to Ethiopia, which the local people very skillfully used.

    In the twentieth century, after slavery was abolished, most of the Ethiopians lived in America. The main ideological inspirer of all Rastafari was Marcus Mosaya Garvey, who agitated his compatriots to return to their homeland. He predicted the imminent birth of a king, a direct descendant of Solomon, who would lead the people to Ethiopia so that eternal paradise would come there.

    Indeed, in 1930, Ras Teferi Makkonin (died in 1975), who was crowned under the name of Haile Selassie I, which in Ethiopian means “the power of the Trinity,” became the ruler of Ethiopia. So, with the advent of the new king, Rastafarianism was recognized as the official religion, the main idea of ​​​​which is the return of the Ethiopians to their homeland. Apparently, the name Ras (in Ethiopian "prince") should be associated with the etymology of the word "rastaman" - "man of Rasta".

    Jah is the main god in the Rastaman religion, in the Ethiopian language his name is pronounced as "Yahweh". Haile Selassie (otherwise called Jah Rastafarai) is considered to be his earthly incarnation. Rastafarians claim that the Bible was originally written in Ethiopian and only then translated into Hebrew. In other words, the Europeans not only changed the Bible in their favor, but also enslaved the progenitors of the human race, making them second-class people.

    Babylon in the Rastaman religion is an abstract concept that symbolizes the industrial world, full of vices, lies and self-interest. For the Jamaican rastafarians, America has become such an embodiment of Babylon.

    By the will of the great Jah
    Rastafari, like all believers, have their own commandments, which they always observe according to the will of the great god Jah:

    • You can not smoke tobacco and drink alcohol.
    • Vegetarianism must be observed, although meat is sometimes allowed, except for pork and shellfish, salt, vinegar and cow's milk are also not allowed.
    • Since God created man in his own image and likeness, any distortion of the divine image is a sin. It is forbidden to defile the appearance of a person with incisions, tattoos and shaving of the head.
    • You can worship only Jah and no other gods, but at the same time, you must respect the representatives of other religions.
    • It is necessary to love and respect the human brotherhood, first of all, all Rastas.
    • Reject hatred, jealousy, envy, deceit, perfidy, betrayal.
    • Neither the pleasures provided by Babylon nor its vices can be accepted.
    • Rastafarians are called upon to create an order in the world based on brotherhood.
    • All Rastas must adhere to the ancient laws of Ethiopia.
    • It is the duty of every Rastafari to extend a hand of mercy to anyone who is in trouble, be it a person, an animal or a plant.
    • One should not be tempted by handouts, titles and riches that will entice enemies, love for Rastafari should give determination.

    Rastafarians are very fond of getting together and spending time in big cheerful companies. Their main credo: "the whole life is one big holiday." Meanwhile, the Rastas also have real holidays: on July 23 they celebrate the birthday of Haile Selassie, on November 2 - the day of his coronation, on January 7 - the Rastaman Christmas dedicated to the god Jah, and they celebrate Easter on May 1, like the Orthodox.

    yellow-red-green mood
    As for appearance, everything is extremely simple for rastamans in this regard: loose T-shirts with the image of marijuana, wide trousers or frayed jeans, berets with stripes in the colors of the Ethiopian flag: red, yellow and green. Well, as already mentioned, dreadlocks are the most striking distinguishing feature of a rastaman. Dreadlocks (“dread locks” translated from English - “terrible curls”) are a kind of reminder of African roots. According to legend, when the end of the world comes, it is by dreadlocks (pigtails) that Jah recognizes rastamans and, having hooked on them, will take all the rastas to his heavenly kingdom. (Unfortunately, in our time, not only Jah, but also skinheads, who are at war with all adherents of African culture, recognize these pigtails.)

    Rastafarians believe that there is a huge magical power in the hair, not without reason in the Bible there is a legend about Samson the hero, whose power was just in the hair. The main rule - you can not leave your hair anywhere and you should beware of other people's hair. Even cut off, the hair remains a part of the person and maintains a connection with him. Therefore, they are used for magic, witchcraft, love spells, the evil eye.

    For the first time, dreadlocks appeared in India, where gardens live - wandering sages who are trying to comprehend the meaning of life. Since they are constantly away from people and lead an ascetic lifestyle, their hair is almost never cut, which is why they fall into tangles that vaguely resemble dreadlocks. In Africa, dreadlocks first appeared in Jamaica, and then migrated to Ethiopia. In the 60s of the twentieth century, thanks to the singer Bob Marley, dreadlocks became known to the whole world.

    "Rasta is reggae and marijuana"
    In addition to dreadlocks, Rastafari also created reggae - music dedicated to the god Jah. The main idea of ​​this musical style is something like this: it is not enough to return your body to your homeland, you need to understand that your spirit is inseparable from your native land, only there you can find peace. “Reggae music is the vibration of all the bright people of this world,” said one of the founding fathers of reggae, Bob Marley. It was he who turned this music into a weapon in the fight against oppressors and replaced religious texts with political ones.

    Reggae came to Russia in the 80s of the twentieth century, when it was already popular all over the world. The pioneers of this musical style in our country were the groups "Sunday", "Aquarium" and "Cabinet". True, they only used reggae music, not its ideas. Over time, various variants of this style appeared: dub - Afro-Caribbean music in electronic processing, ska - a mixture of Jamaican reggae with rhythm and blues from Miami, and rock steady - reggae with a touch of soul.

    Marijuana (aka “grass”, hemp, ganj, cannabis and anasha) plays a huge role in the Rastafari religion, they even found justification for its use in the Bible on this occasion: which is in all the earth, and every tree that bears fruit of the tree, yielding seed; - this will be food for you ”(Gen. Ch. 1. Art. 29). Rastafarians believe that it was the god Jah who taught people how to smoke ganj.

    According to Rastafari tradition, the first plant that grew on the grave of King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, was hemp, the “grass of wisdom.” However, not all Rastas smoke marijuana. For example, adherents of orthodox Rastafarianism do not use it at all. In some communities, the controlled use of "wisdom herb" is allowed in order to achieve certain meditative states in order to communicate with God.

    Russia - the birthplace of blacks?
    In our country, Rastafarianism has recently begun to gain popularity and become fashionable. But, of course, having adopted the appearance of rastamans, we, as always, forgot about one small detail - the observance of religious laws. Stoned teenagers who put on colorful clothes and made a hundred braids in a beauty salon, frankly, do not care about the commandments of the great Jah. Russian rastamans listen to reggae, but perceive only music, and not at all religious texts.

    Very often, our compatriots declare themselves rastamans in order to justify themselves to others why they use cannabis and its products. Moreover, if true Rastafarians categorically reject alcohol, then Russian Rastas calmly drink alcoholic beverages - what, they say, is a Russian without vodka and beer? Rasta Internet sites publish slogans: "Fatherland is all Africa" ​​and "Our home is Jamaica." However, behind these words, in fact, there is nothing. After all, it is obvious that the Russian Rastas are not at all going to “return” (and in our case, to emigrate) to Ethiopia.

    That is why many participants in rasta forums argue that rastamanism in Russia will very quickly “slide into pop music”, that is, it will become vulgar, adapt to the layman. And they call domestic rastamania nothing more than a “youth subculture”.

    As you can see, becoming a Rastafarian is not an easy task, some dreadlocks and a cannabis T-shirt are clearly not enough. To be considered a real Rasta, at a minimum, you need to be African, believe in the god Jah, and visit Ethiopia at least once in your life.

    What is good for one nation does not always suit another: whatever one may say, it is far from us to Ethiopia, it has its own culture and way of life. Rasta is a black religion. The rest is imitation and props.

    Dmitry ASTAFEV

    RASTAFARIANISM(Rastafarism) - a religious movement that took shape as an Afro-Christian syncretic sect; a subculture that includes a belief system, a type of behavior and a musical direction. This movement gained popularity thanks to the music "reggae (reggae)".

    Rastafarianism was formed on the island of Jamaica. By 1494, when Columbus discovered Jamaica, Arawak Indians lived there, who were later partly destroyed, partly turned into slaves. In 1655, the British forced the Spaniards out of Jamaica, and many slaves were able to escape inland. These runaway Maroon slaves created their own culture and did not submit to the authorities until the early 18th century.

    From the 1670s, African slaves began to be imported into Jamaica. The island turned into a transshipment point for the slave trade: slaves were resold from here to North and South America. It was in Jamaica that the slave traders got rid of the most obstinate and recalcitrant, which is probably why the traditions of love of freedom and independence are strong here. After the abolition of slavery in 1833, Christian Protestant missionaries appeared on the island, preaching the Bible.

    Marcus Mosiah Garvey (1887–1940), born in Jamaica, observed racism from childhood. Interest in the history of the black race, the study of the situation of blacks in other countries led to the creation in Jamaica in 1914 of the World Association for Negro Development (Universal Negro Improvement Association - UNIA), as well as the League of African Communities. The aims of these organizations are “to establish worldwide brotherhood among the [black] race, to spread racial pride and love, to restore the greatness of a fallen race, to spread Christianity among the original African tribes, to establish universities, colleges and schools to further develop the education and cultural level of the children of the race, to support worldwide commercial and industrial relations.

    His followers, initially not very numerous, Marcus Garvey convinced that the primary need of blacks is the formation of their own nation, and called for the return to Africa of the descendants of black slaves.

    For Harvey, all that was good was black and all that was unworthy was white. Alienation from white culture further intensified when Garvey founded the "African Orthodox Church". He claimed that God, the Virgin Mary and the angels were blacks, and the devil was white.

    When the Ethiopian prince (Ras) Tafari Makonnen (1892–1975), baptized under the name Haile Selassie (Power of the Holy Trinity), was crowned and became Emperor Haile Selassie I (Haile Selassie I) in 1930, in Jamaica this event was considered a come true prediction of Marcus Harvey. One of the ideas of Rastafarianism is that Haile Sellasie I is the Lion of Judah, the King of Kings, a descendant of Solomon, etc. - the next incarnation of God, the deliverer of the chosen race (black Jews). The exiled people of the Jews mentioned in the Bible are the ancestors of the Rastafarians. Heaven for blacks is not in heaven, but on earth in the African biblical country of Ethiopia.

    Ethiopia, which defended its independence, offered land for immigrants from Jamaica. On April 1, 1966, Haile Sellasie I arrived on the island, and the meeting of the Rastafarians with the Ethiopian monarch established them on the Jamaican public stage.

    From 1930 to 1960 Rastafarianism was a local Jamaican movement. After 1960, followers of Rastafarianism appeared in the United States among African Americans, in the countries of the Caribbean, and in other countries; by the end of the 20th century. according to various estimates, their number ranged from 6 to 60 thousand people.

    There are various sects in Rastafarianism: the 12 tribes of Israel (Twelve Tribes of Israel), Bobo Dreds, the Nyabinga order, etc. The most popular is the 12 tribes of Israel. Members of this sect believe that Haile Sellasie I is Jesus Christ, who has returned in all his royal majesty, this is the second coming. The Nyabinghi Order is a rasta wing characterized by rebellious moods, especially in the 1960s and 1970s; also “nyabings” are regular meetings of rastafarians, where they communicate, discuss issues of faith, and relax; in addition, the ceremonial drums of rastamans, the sounds of which form the rhythmic outline of reggae music, are called so. The founder of the Order of Nyabinga "Prince" Edward Emmanuel stated that, together with Haile Selassie I and Marcus Garvey, they constitute the Holy Trinity. He, with a large group of followers, created his own church with all the necessary attributes - dogmas, liturgy, hierarchy and a semblance of monasticism. The priests of the church wear the clothes of Orthodox priests.

    Rastafarians must observe a number of prohibitions, in particular, do not eat pork, fish without scales, do not drink wine, do not use salt, vinegar, do not gamble, do not distort their appearance (haircut, shaving, tattoos are unacceptable for a true rastaman), etc. .d. Among the main commandments are love and respect for human brotherhood (although especially for the “sons of Ham”); rejection of hatred, jealousy, envy, deceit, betrayal; the obligation to extend a hand of mercy to those who are in trouble (first of all to a Rastafarian, secondly to any other person, animal or plant): “We are here to make the world a better place - with music and songs, love and unity, we will create everything the best we can."

    Ras Sam Brown formulated the basic precepts of Rastafarianism as follows: "We are destined to liberate not only the Ethiopians (Africans) scattered around the world, but all people, animals, grasses and all other forms of life in general." According to the Rastamans, a person is a temple to himself. Often, to immerse themselves in themselves and to comprehend God, rastamans resort to the "sacred grass" ganja (Indian hemp), which has narcotic properties.

    The worldview of Rastafarianism is a fusion of African legends, Ethiopian legends and the Bible (the Old Testament is recognized). According to the Bible, Yahweh is the father god, the Rastamans call him Jah. The nature embodied in Jah is the cosmic creative force expressed in the word. The rich symbolism and the game of rethinking the sound of words gives scope for intuitive feeling and experience. Naturalness and intuitiveness are expressed by the concepts of "roots" and "vibration". “Vibration” is a direct comprehension of the essence of being, accessible only to a rastaman.

    These beliefs are reflected in reggae. Reggae is cult music dedicated to Jah (God). The lyrics of the songs have a religious content (for example, the work of the group "The Abyssinians" is distinguished by pronounced monastic and preaching motives).

    The embodiment of the Rastafarian movement and the phenomenon of Jamaican culture and reggae music was the work of the singer Bob Marley (1945-1981). For most of his life he was a member of the Twelve Tribes. “Open your eyes and look into yourself. Are you satisfied with the way you live? We know where we are going and where we came from: we are leaving Babylon for the country of our ancestors.” Babylon is a symbol of the surrounding industrial world, hostile to the naturalness of rastamans. According to Bob Marley, reggae music is " is the vibration of the bright people of the whole world."

    Today in modern Russia there are supporters of Rastafarian fashion. They wear the Dreadlocks hairstyle - the frightening curls of a lion warrior, the "lion's mane", for example, singer Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl), clothes in the colors of the Ethiopian flag (red, yellow, green). We can name musical groups playing in the reggae style: "Reggistan", "Rasta Orchestra", "Ja Division", etc. The popularity of rasta culture is based on eclecticism, organizational amorphism, tolerance, religious tolerance, the absence of established dogma and the ability to selectively assimilate those or other ideas: appearance or lifestyle, views on history or attitude to the political life of "Babylon" - the surrounding world. Also of great interest is the original culture of the people inhabiting Jamaica, which has absorbed African legends and Hindu customs, voodoo ideas and Indian beliefs. Hinduism, the religion of East Indian workers brought to Jamaica after the abolition of slavery, had a great influence on Rastafarians. The idea of ​​reincarnation is popular among Rastafarians.

    Elena Kazarina

    22 Today, many young people are interested in the question, what does rastafarai mean, and this short article was written to answer it. Read some more interesting articles on the jargon of drug addicts, for example, what does Flakka mean, how to understand the word Fagat, who is Shpak?
    In fact, Rastafarai, or as it is also called, Rastafarianism today has become not so much a youth subculture as a new religion. Usually people, with the word Rastafari, imagine a teenager with dreadlocks, in bright ( green, yellow, red) hat.
    Unfortunately now, most young people do not care what it means Jah Rastafarai, and after all, this trend has adopted many different religions, cults and teachings. They are mostly interested in external attributes, and a lifestyle that is based on hedonism.
    Now let's talk a little where they grow from roots", this one of the strangest religions. What does Jah mean? First you need to understand that the word " Jah" can translate like Jehovah. According to this teaching, Jah visited our sinful earth twice, the first time he was incarnated in the person we know, under the name of Jesus Christ, and the second time in the emperor Haile Selassie I (last 225 emperor of Ethiopia), who had the name Tafari Makkonen before his coronation. Before continuing, I want to recommend you a few more sensible articles on the topic of drug addicts, what does Buns mean, what is Buckwheat, how to understand the word Janki? Add our site site to your bookmarks to always have access to the necessary and important information.

    Rastafarai- this is not so much a youth subculture as a religious movement in which people worship the former emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, and consider him the embodiment of the divine essence on earth.

    What does Babylon mean to Rastafarians?

    The very name Rastafarai came from the word " Ras", What means " prince", which was actually Haile Selassie (Tafari Makkonen) before the coronation. The very first Rastafarian is considered to be Leonardo Howell, he is considered the progenitor of this sect, since he created a commune on his own, which included, according to various estimates, about 5,000 people. All these people lived in Jamaica in 30s last century. At that time, this territory belonged to England, and although slavery was officially abolished, but it was only on paper, in reality, black people were still the same slaves as many centuries ago.
    By the beginning of the XXI century in the teaching rastamans believed by more than a million people around the world. Nowadays, the religion of drug addicts is constantly replenished with new adherents, since its popularity among teenagers is very high.

    Usually under " banners"Rastafarian people fall in love with all their hearts rasta music, one of the idols is the popular musician Bob Marley.
    True, it is worth noting that not all teenagers generally understand what is at stake when they are asked what does rastafarai mean? For example, young people in Russia, for the most part, do not have the slightest idea what Jah means, and what is the meaning of this word.
    For those in the armored train, I want to briefly explain once again that Rastafarianism is not fashion and not the mainstream - this is the real religion.

    Since the hallmark of any rastaman is the use of incredible amounts of cannabis, then many people have a natural question, is it dangerous? -" Fuck, well, of course it's not only dangerous, but also very harmful to your young body".
    Of course you will be told that this drug will help you to know the secrets of being, to see the real wisdom of our world. However, in fact, you will imperceptibly become an ordinary junkie. At the same time, fans Rastafarianism claim that only this herb can help achieve harmony, both with oneself and with the outside world.

    Rastamans preach love for one's neighbor, vegetarianism, and also unwillingness to forcibly accept new novices into their ranks. In addition, the followers of Rastafarianism do not seek to talk about Jah Rasta Farai other people, if they do not hold similar views. It is believed that anyone can reach Jah, just feel it. call in your heart.

    Many are interested how to become ja rastafarai? To achieve this goal, you need to do a few things, it is to feel the will of Jah in yourself, and get rid of the negativity that has accumulated inside each of us. If you accept a Rastafarai into yourself, this means that you can already be considered an initiate.

    After reading this informative article, you finally figured out what does rastafarai mean, and who are the rastamans, and now you won’t get into trouble if you suddenly find this word again in everyday speech or on the Internet.