Below is an extensive list of Angel names. This is part of a large collection of magical names that I collected last year. I took the names from several sources, including: the book of Enoch 1 (translated by Charles), the classic works of Gustav Davidson, the Dictionary of Angels, Matthew Bunson's Angels from A to Z, and the Encyclopedia of Angels, which was published by Visible ink Press (Compiled by James Lewis and Dorothy Oliver) in addition to several sources of Medieval ceremonial magic, such as Forbidden Rites, etc. There will also be a separate list with the names of demons. Technically, Angels are different from demons because one of them was cast out of heaven, and the other remained near God. Naturally, everything is not so simple, so the names of the fallen Angels are mixed with the usual ones in this list (especially those taken from Enoch's list).

How do we decide who is fallen and who is not? If you follow the instructions of the Medieval Church, then the only Angels who can be considered unfallen and completely legitimate are the ArchAngels Raphael, Gabriel and Michael, they are most often mentioned in the Bible. It may be noted that these three also appear frequently in the sacred texts of other religions. In the Sumerian legend of Inanna's descent into Hell, Michael, Gabriel and others stand guard at the gates of Hell. Those who would later be called archangels appear in Jewish myth as guardians who receive gifts from the goddess before she goes through all the circles of hell to reach the throne of her sister Ereshkigal. Extensive knowledge about Angels and demons that pass through the centuries is the same fascination for me as various myths. I hope many of you find this list interesting, even if you're just looking at it for fun. Enjoy.

List of Angel Names:
Aarin: a term used to describe the Angels who descend from heaven in search of the daughters of men to produce the Nephilim, appearing in the book of Enoch.
Abaddon: Angel of the Abyss.
Abalim:"Great Angel", fiery guardian.
Abdiel: courageous “fiery seraph”, from the book “Paradise Lost” by Milton.
Adimus: The angel revered by the church probably descended from the first man.
Adoel: The angel who controlled the explosion that brought the universe into existence (the Angel of the Big Bang), according to the book of Enoch.
Af: scary angel consisting of red and black flames.
Ahiah: half-Angel, son of Semyaza.
Akhazriel:"Messenger of God".
Amaliel: Protector of the weak.
Anahita: fiery female Angel, associated with water and Persian myths.
Anaiel: The angel who gave knowledge to humanity, according to the book of Enoch.
Anak:"giant", a mortal with the blood of an Angel.
Anakim:"giants", a race of fierce giants, are mentioned in the Bible as the descendants of giants.
Anaphiel: high Angel Merkabah, bearer of the seal.
Angelos: translated from Greek: “messenger”, heavenly being.
Aphaeleon: ruler of the fallen Angels, listed in treatises on ceremonial magic.
Appolyon: Angel of the Abyss.
Arakiba: Angel from the Book of Enoch.
Aralim:“great angel” of the throne, fiery guardian.
Araquiel: taught the signs of the earth, from the book of Enoch.
Arariel: Angel of the oceans, patron of fishermen, medieval Angel of knowledge.
Archon: The governing angel of the material world, from the Gnostic myth.
Ariel:“lion of God”, spirit of the air, sources: Hebrew myths, also appears in Shakespeare.
Arioch: one of the fallen Angels, according to Milton's Paradise Lost, also appears in the works of Michael Moorcock.
Ariuk: Enoch's guardian, according to his book.
Armaros: taught humanity magic, from the book of Enoch.
Armisael: Angel of childbirth.
Asaph: An angel who was supposedly the author of Psalms 73-83.
Asuriel: The angel who warns of the flood, from the book of Enoch.
Azazel: taught people to make metal and mine precious stones, from the book of Enoch.
Azrael: The angel of death appears in the works of Leila Wendela.
Ballaton: guardian, name used in Solomon's magic.
Baradiel: heavenly prince, Angel of the city, from the book of Enoch.
Baraqiel: heavenly prince, Angel of lightning, from the book of Enoch.
Barattiel: supports the highest heavens, from the book of Enoch.
Bethor: Angel of Jupiter, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boamiel: An angel from the 4 edges of heaven, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Boel: Angel of Saturn.
Kamael:"one who sees God."
Camiel: one of the variants of the name Kamael, “he who sees God.”
Caphriel: Angel of the Sabbath.
Cassiel: Angel of tears and abstinence, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Cerviel: Angel of the Principalities.
Chalkydri: or the "brazen serpent" or satellite of the Sun, from the book of Enoch.
Chamuel:"one who seeks God."
Chasan: patron of the air, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Daniel:“God is my judge” is also the name of a prophet in Hebrew.
Dubbiel: protector of the Persians.
Duma: The Angel of Silence is also the patron saint of Egypt.
Empyrean: the highest heaven, celestial fire, is mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Ephemera:"short-lived" Angels who are created to sing the praises of God.
Exousia:"power" or "virtue", alternative to Angel, Greece.
Ezequiel: taught humanity the knowledge of clouds, from the book of Enoch.
Gabriel:"God is my strength", Angel of Judgment, one of the Angels who is introduced by name in the Bible.
Gadiel: designed to ward off evil, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Gadriel: taught people the arts of war, from the book of Enoch.
Gazardiel: Angel of dawn and sunset.
Germael:"greatness of God", Angel of creation.
Gezuriya: Angel of powers.
Gibborim: giant half-Angel, "man of glory", mentioned in Jewish and biblical treatises.
Grigori: from Greek “looker”.
Gabriel: Angel of powers.
Hadariel:"Glory to God."
Hadramiel:"Glory of God", variant of Gabriel.
Haniel:"God's grace."
Haroth: Marota's twin, knew the secret name of God, mentioned in Persian myth.
Hashmal: leader of order.
Hayliel: the owner of the fiery whip, from the book of Enoch.
Hemah: a terrible Angel, consisting of black and red flames, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Hochmael:"The Wisdom of God."
Irin: An alternative definition for the Nephilim, it is believed that Ireland was named after him since he was the first to settle in that place.
Ishim: Angel of Ice and Fire.
Israfel: Angel of the Resurrection.
Ithuriel: messenger of Gabriel, appears in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Jabril: Muslim version of Gabriel.
Jael: keeper of the Ark of the Covenant.
Jeduthun: choirmaster, gives the status of Angels.
Jehoel: leader and guardian, seraphim.
Jeremiel:"God's Grace", Ramiel's version.
Kadmiel (Jeremiel): Angel of childbirth.
Kalmiya: guardian of the veil.
Kasbiel: taught the name that binds oaths from the book of Enoch.
Kasdeja: taught spiritualism and birth control, from the book of Enoch.
Kemuel: variant of Kamael, "one who sees God."
Kerubiel: formidable Angel of fire and lightning, leader of the choir of cherubs.
Kezef: Angel of destruction.
Kochbiel:"Star of God", Angel of Astrology.
Lahabiel: protector and guardian.
Laylah:“night”, Angel of Conception, according to Muslim treatises: female Angel.
Layla: Layla's version, "night".
Lucifiel:"luminous", morning star, variant of Lucifer.
Lucifer: the most beautiful of the Angels, who challenged God, but was cast down for his pride.
Mahadiel:“God is Everywhere,” from the Book of Enoch.
Madan: Angel of Mercury, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Mahanaim:"two armies", the heavenly army, is mentioned in Jewish treatises.
Malachi:"God's envoy".
Malakh:"messenger", celestial being, Muslim term meaning Angel.
Maryuk: Enoch's guardian.
Maroth: the twin Garoth, who knew the secret name of God, is mentioned in Persian treatises.
Mastema:"Angel of Accusation"
Matariel: Angel of rain.
Melkyal:“God is Everywhere,” from the Book of Enoch.
Merkabah:"chariot", the mystical path to God.
Metatron: Angel of presence, divine archivist, mediator of God.
Michael: The sword of God and the heavenly warrior-prince, one of the archangels, whose name is mentioned in the Bible.
Mikhal: Michael's version, "Like God."
Mumiel: guardian of health.
Muriel: Angel of order.
Nakir: black and blue-eyed Angel of Justice.
Nathaniel:"Given by God", Angel of Fire.
Nephilim: giant half-Angel, “glorious man.”
Nuriel: Angel of the city.
Onafiel: Angel of the moon.
Ophaniel: serpentine angel.
Ophanim:“wheel”, “many-eyed”, can also be attributed to snakes.
Oriel: Angel of fate.
Orifiel: Angel of the planet Saturn.
Pahadron: Angel of Terror.
Peliel: leader of the choir of Virtues.
Penemu: taught people writing from the book of Enoch.
Peniel:"He who has seen God."
Phanuel: Angel of presence, Angel of repentance.
Purah: Angel of oblivion.
Puriel: harsh judge.
Quadisin:"saints" stand next to Gregory.
Qaphsiel: repels his enemies.
Radbos (Rabdos): guardian of the stars.
Raduriel: heavenly archivist, from the book of Enoch.
Raguel:"Friend of God."
Rahab: the cruel Angel of the Sea, supposedly killed by God, angry with him for some act.
Rahatiel: ruler of the constellations, from the book of Enoch.
Rahmiel: Angel of Mercy.
Ramiel:"The Grace of God", Angel of Thunder.
Raphael:"God's healing", Angel of the sun, archangel, his name is mentioned in the Bible.
Raziel: Earthquake Angel, from the Book of Enoch.
Razael: The angel of secrets, there is a belief that he was punished by God for giving a book of magic to Adam.
Remiel: translator of visions, from the book of Enoch.
Rikbiel: guardian of the chariot of God, from the book of Enoch.
Ruhiel: Angel of the winds.
Sabaoth: he was worshiped as an Angel in the Middle Ages, in Hebrew: Heavenly Host.
Sahaqiel: guardian of the fourth heaven, from the book of Enoch.
Salathiel:"He who inquires of the Lord."
Samael:"Poison of God", the fearsome Angel of Death, he is associated with Satan/Lucifer.
Sandalphon:"brother", Greek Angel of glory and prayer.
Saraquiel: a variant of the name Arakuel, taught forbidden knowledge, from the book of Enoch.
Sariel:"Prince of God", rules the spirits, from the Book of Enoch.
Semalion: Angel of Proclamation.
Semsapiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Semyaza: The leader of the Angels who came down from heaven to marry the daughters of men, they are sometimes associated with Lucifer and/or Satan.
Seraph: living fire, holy angel, the name may mean: “fiery snake.”
Seraphiel: eagle-like, chief Seraphim.
Shamsiel:"The Light of God", from the Book of Enoch.
Sidriel: Prince of Virtue, from the Book of Enoch.
Sopheriel: keeper of books about life and death.
Soterasiel:"one who causes God's fire."
Tabris: Angel of free will.
Tadhiel: Angel of sacrifice.
Tagas: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tamiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Tatrasiel: heavenly prince, mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Temlakos: patron of abused children, Greece.
Turiel: mentioned in the book of Enoch.
Uriel:"God's Flame", sometimes the Angel of Healing, sometimes the Angel of Death.
Usiel:“The Power of the Lord,” from the Book of Enoch.
Vretiel: Angel of Wisdom from the Book of Enoch.
Yahoel: protector and guardian, seraphim.
Zadkiel: An angel, his symbol is a dagger, from the book of Enoch.
Zagzagel: Angel of the burning bush.
Zakum: Angel of prayer.
Zambrim: ruler of the fallen Angels, mentioned in ceremonial magic.
Zaphkiel: faster than cherubs.
Zarall: Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant.
Zephon: messenger of Gabriel, mentioned in Milton's Paradise Lost.
Zophiel:"The Beauty of God."
Zuriel:"The Lord is my stronghold."

The peacock symbolizes diversity, beauty and power. God entrusted the entire world to seven angels led by Malak Tawus.

Tavusi Malak is the head of the pantheon of archangels, the powerful patron of the egregor of the Yezidi religion. According to the Yazidi faith, Malak Tavus is an expansion of God, he has the status of a direct servant of the Almighty. Tavus Malak in Yezidism is represented in the form of a bird, namely peacock.

According to the Yazidi religion:

  1. on the first day, Sunday, God created the Angel Azrael, who is also Tavusi Malak, Piri Tavusi Malak, the head of everything.
  2. on Monday God created the angel Dardail, aka Sheikh Hassan;
  3. on Tuesday the angel Israel, aka Sheikh Shams-ad-Din, was created;
  4. on Wednesday the angel Michael, also known as Sheikh Abu Bakr, was created;
  5. on Thursday God created the angel Anzazil, aka Sajjad ad-Din;
  6. on Friday He created the angel Shemnael, aka Nasir ad-Din;
  7. On Saturday the angel Nurail, also known as Fakhr ad-Din, was created.

And God appointed Tavusi Malak as ruler over everyone.

The name Tavusi Malak literally means:

  • Tav - Sun,
  • U - and,
  • Si - shadow,
  • Malak - Archangel.

Tavus Malak is associated with the solar principle:

  • In Iran, the metaphorical name for the Sun is Tavus-e Falak (Heavenly Peacock).
  • In Ancient Egypt, the peacock was considered a symbol of Heliopolis, the city in which the sun temple was located.
  • In Ancient Greece, the peacock was a symbol of the Sun.
  • In Islam, the peacock's tail represented either the universe, the full Moon or the Sun at its zenith.
  • In Indian mythology, the pattern of an open peacock's tail is perceived as a picture of the starry sky.
  • In the catacombs of the first Christians, the peacock was one of the main religious symbols, as well as a symbol of saints, since the shape of its open tail resembles a halo. In early Christianity, the image of a peacock was colored with solar symbolism and was perceived as a symbol of immortality and the beauty of the incorruptible soul.

Orthodox Yazidis are obliged to bow to the first rays of the Sun every morning, but this does not mean that they worship this particular luminary.

  • Firstly, the Sun is a source of light and heat, without which life on our planet is unthinkable, which means that it is the source of life. Without the Sun, darkness will cover the Earth and all life will cease to exist!
  • Secondly, this source of life is not made by hands, but was created and endowed with energy by the Lord God himself, and through his servant She Shamsah controls this luminary.
  • Thirdly, if the Yazidis bow to the source of life during morning prayer, this does not mean at all that they do not recognize God, but only worship his creation. According to the Yazidi religion, no mortal can serve God directly. Therefore, the service of God among the Yazidi clergy occurs through the mediation of archangels and angels, in whose honor their family homes are named.

Quite often, the peacock was represented in images of the grotto in Bethlehem, where Christ was born: two peacocks drinking from the same cup indicate spiritual rebirth. The peacock is one of the indispensable attributes in Hinduism, for example, it acts as the goddess of wisdom, poetry and music Saraswati.

Based on the theology of the Yazidi religion, it is impossible to see the Supreme Personality of God in this body, since it is imperfect. During prayer, a devout Yazidi worships the source of light, the forces of light, but not the source of darkness, for the worship of evil is the path of degradation of the soul. Because the Yezidis do not talk about the evil spirit at all, and leave the place where they scold him, some researchers have counted them among his fans.

The Yazidi clergy explains it this way: “If you talk about God and His bright servants, then this meditation evokes positive energy. But in the case when you are talking about an evil spirit, then it will also be present with its negative energy, especially since there is no need to scold it, because a reaction will follow. Therefore, avoid places where there is talk about the evil spirit.” Yazidis are also forbidden to use out loud the name and names of the evil spirit under different names.

Angel(ancient Greek ἄγγελος, angelos - “messenger, messenger”) in Abrahamic religions - a spiritual, intelligent, sexless and ethereal being, expressing the will of God and possessing supernatural powers. The Bible calls Angels ministering spirits. They are often depicted as people with snow-white wings on their backs.

The angels do not know our strife, strife, wars, anger, hatred and envy. They are saturated with the sweetness of contemplating the beauty of the Divine and the knowledge of eternal wisdom. Thus, in the unceasing contemplation of God, in constant striving and exaltation towards Him, in the never-ceasing hymn of His immeasurable glory and greatness, angels live in heaven.

Angel Abilities:

The power of Angels is bestowed by God. He defines for any Angel the abilities that the Angel will have:
1. Be invisible to physical vision.
2. The ability to fly in the spiritual (Spiritual elevation, closeness to God).
3. The ability to manifest in the material: the ability to appear in the physical human body, the ability to influence the physical world. Vision through the thickness of time, the ability to read both human souls and people’s thoughts in their eyes, to get to the depths of the thoughts of a person’s heart and mind.
4. The ability to destroy entire cities.
5. Angels have free will to choose.

In Kabbalah, angels number from one hundred thousand to forty-nine million.
Kabbalah is a guide describing the path to God. And this path leads through palaces or countless halls where the help of angels is needed.

Eight main angels:

1.Anael- God listen to me
2.Gavriel- the power of God
3. Samuel- poison of God
4. Michael- God-like, leader of the heavenly army
5. Sashiel- God's justice
6. Raphael- healer
7. Cassiel- throne of God
8. Oriel- light of God
Above all Metatron- Voice of God

Spirits are the human soul freed from the body:
1. Pavael - the spirit of St. Joseph
2. Kafael - the spirit accompanying John the Baptist in the desert
3. Raphael - the spirit of Solomon
4. Getatia - the spirit of Moses
5. Uriel - the spirit of Ezra
6. Possessed - the spirit of the rod of Moses
7. Gethael - the spirit of Joshua
8. Gimel - the spirit of the serpent of Eve
9. Kamael - the spirit of personal courage
10. Ofil - the spirit of piety
11. Alepta - the spirit of Abraham
12. Gabriel - the spirit of Elijah
13. Samael - the spirit of John the Baptist
14. Michael - the spirit of Elesse
15. Vo-Ael - spirit of ghosts
16. Tetatia - spirit of virtue
17. Anael - spirit of knowledge
18. Thalet - the spirit of happiness (earthly paradise)

The seven main demons of the Devil (his guises):

1. Samael - the lord of the air and the angel of the Afterlife
2. Beelzebub - Lord of Darkness and Demons
3. Python - the spirit of divination
4. Belial - spirit of treachery
5. Asmodeus - demon - fighter
6. Lucifer - the spirit of astral light
7. Satan - the one who resists God

Above all these creations rises the angel of prayerful reflection about God. The path of prayerful reflection leads him to an ever more uplifting possibility of love, which is ultimately achieved by the realization that every life is holy, that every life is God and the transmission of love. Whatever we do in the divine ecstasy of prayer or prayerful contemplation represents an act of creation. And only such an act in God and through God creates new angels.

Angels were created by God before the creation of the material world, over which they have significant power. There are significantly more of them than all people.
The purpose of angels is to glorify God, to embody his glory, to direct and embody grace for the glory of God (therefore they are a great help to those who are being saved).
Angels, just like people, have minds and their minds are more perfect than human ones. Angels are eternal. They create his spirit in a person’s soul and allow the human heart to form its own image.
In the angelic world, a strict hierarchy was established by God (subordination of 9 angelic ranks). The leader of the entire angelic army, Dennitsa is the most powerful, talented, beautiful and closest to God.
But one day he became so proud of his highest position among the other angels that he decided to rebel and take the place of God himself. Moreover, he managed to seduce many angels from different ranks. Then at that moment the Archangel Michael called on those who hesitated to remain faithful to God, led the army of bright angels, and struck down Dennitsa (who began to be called the Devil, Satan, the Evil One and others, and other fallen angels - demons, devils).
And there was a war in Heaven, as a result of which the evil spirits were cast into hell, where they organized themselves into the kingdom of Beelzebub, with the same angelic hierarchy. Fallen spirits are not completely deprived of their former power and, by God’s permission, can inspire people with sinful thoughts and desires, guide them and cause them pain. But good angels, who outnumber demons, also help people.
The name of a spirit is not the same as the name of a person. God is a spirit, and as a spirit, he names a being not by what is transitory (who would call a man by the brand of his jacket?), but by glory. The Angel's name is the name of his glory. The names of some angels are revealed to people: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Jehudiel, Salafail and others.
Guardian angels are spirits sent by God to every person even before birth.
Every person is also hunted by demons who want to destroy his soul with the help of inspired fears, temptations and enticements. (in the heart of every person there is an “invisible war” between God and the devil).
Each angel (and demon) has different abilities: some convey to people an understanding of the virtue of non-covetousness, others strengthen people’s faith.

Ranks of angels:
1. Angels
2. Archangels
3. Thrones
4. Dominations
5. Beginnings
6. Powers
7. Radiance
8. Climbing
9. Understandings

According to Dionysius the Areopagite, the angels are arranged in the following order:
1. First person (highest hierarchy)
2. Seraphim (Hebrew שׂרפים‎ - burning, flaming, fiery, - Greek σεραφίμ - six-winged angels. They flame with love for God and encourage many to it.
3. Cherubim (ancient Greek χερουβίμ from Hebrew כרובים‎, kerubim - intercessors, minds, disseminators of knowledge, outpouring of wisdom) - four-winged and four-faced angels. Their name means: outpouring of wisdom, enlightenment. (Satan was from the order of cherubim).
4. Thrones (ancient Greek θρόνοι) - God-bearing - on them the Lord sits as if on a throne and pronounces His Judgment. Thrones (ancient Greek θρόνοι), according to Dionysius: “God-bearing”) - the Lord sits on them as if on a throne and pronounces His Judgment.
5. Second face (middle hierarchy)
6. Dominations (ancient Greek κυριότητες, lat. dominationes) - instruct earthly rulers appointed by God in wise governance, teach them to control their feelings, and tame sinful lusts.
7. Powers (ancient Greek δυνάμεις, lat. potestates) - work miracles and send down the grace of miracles and clairvoyance to the saints of God.
8. Authorities (ancient Greek ἐξουσίες, lat. virtutes) - have the power to tame the power of the Devil.
9. Third face (lower hierarchy)
10. Principles (archons) (ancient Greek ἀρχαί, lat. principates) - they are entrusted with managing the Universe and the elements of nature.
11. Archangels (chiefs of angels) (ancient Greek ἀρχάγγελοι -Michael) - heavenly teachers, teach people how to act in life.
12. Angels (ancient Greek ἀγγελοι - closest to people. They proclaim the intentions of God, instruct people to a virtuous and holy life. Gabriel; Raphael; (For Pseudo-Dionysius, the Archangel Michael is an “angel”); Seven Angels with gold bowls filled with the wrath of God; the Angel of the Abyss Abaddon with a chain and the key to the Abyss; Seven Angels with trumpets.

In fact, they are a special type of spiritual entities, which, according to God's plan, are predestined to be our messengers and protectors. They are the sacred army of the Creator's assistants.

Unlike us, angels never go through incarnation. Apart from their brief visits to our world for our own benefit, they always live exclusively on the Other Side.

Angels are not divided into men and women. They are hermaphrodites and resemble each other like two peas in a pod. All angels have the same figures and facial features and are indescribably beautiful. Their skin and hair color changes so that they may represent different races, but all witnesses to the appearances of angels both on Earth and on the Other Side note that a blindingly bright radiance emanates from them. These entities are always surrounded by a halo of the wonderful light of the Creator.

Angels never even speak to each other. They communicate exclusively through telepathy, without uttering a single sound. They can only be heard in the Temple of Voices, when they sing their magnificent hymns to the glory of the Creator.

Angels do not seek to communicate, do not work, do not engage in research and do not participate in our active, joyful sense of brotherly unity of life on the Other Side. True, sometimes they walk among the local residents of the Other Side. Wherever angels appear, they keep to themselves. They are not like us. They are not characterized by emotional experiences. Angels are different. Although they do not look sullen or unfriendly, their facial expressions remain unchanged. They do not laugh, do not frown, do not smile, do not cry, because they have never experienced any feelings other than unconditional love, and know nothing except pure, unquestioning devotion to the Creator.

We will never become angels, and angels will never take on flesh and become people. The reason is simple: on the Other Side, as on Earth, we do not mutate from Homo Sapiens into some other species of being. But this does not mean that angels are better than us. It is important to understand that the Creator loves and values ​​us no less than the angels. In relation to the creations of the Creator, the concepts “better” and “worse” are inappropriate. All His creations, in essence, are equally beautiful, both on Earth and at home. We are all His children. The Divine Father loves us equally. We have always been and will be loved.

Angels vary in ranks, or levels. The rank of an angel depends on the degree of his, so to speak, competence - the more experience, the higher the rank. The higher the rank of an angel, the more power he has. Angels move from one level to another thanks to the good deeds and miracles they perform in the name of the Creator. Whether angels protect us from evil, save our lives, or simply convey a message that gives us joy, hope, peace and love, they are God's most powerful helpers, providing a direct connection between our world and the Other Side. They hand us over, weakened by fear, suffering and despair, into the hands of the Creator, Who carefully supports us until we can get back on our feet and walk further next to Him.

In my opinion, the most interesting thing in life is that the more we know, the more we have to learn. Now that I am sixty-three years old, I am convinced of the infallibility of this statement as often as when I was a child, when I was six years old. If I stop cognizing, my existence will be meaningless, I will become an empty flower. The last day of my search and research will be the last day of my spiritual development. In my previous book, “To the Other Side and Back,” I shared with readers my knowledge about angels, telling everything that I knew about them at that time. After the book was published, I continued to study this topic and became convinced that I had not said a lot of things completely, and sometimes incorrectly. My apologies. So, in the event that the following revisions again prove to be inaccurate, you have my word that additional information will be provided in the new book.

Initially, I believed that there were five levels of angels and that only the Archangels - the second level angels - had wings. I was also convinced that angels of each level had a special range of responsibilities.

Shortly after To the Other Side and Back was published, I visited Chris and my grandchildren and stayed overnight. I woke up very, very early because I was thirsty. As I left the room and headed towards the stairs, I was suddenly overcome with awe. I was dumbfounded: in the huge hall, filling every inch of space from floor to ceiling, towered the majestic shining figure of an angel. Silver reflections sparkled at the ends of his wings, emitting a bright white light. I could not move from my place, as if I was nailed to the floor, and, with my mouth open in amazement, I kept looking at the extraordinary newcomer. While I stood there, the angel silently conveyed to me that his name was Ariel and that he had come to guard Angelia’s sleep. It still amazes me why, when faced with one of the most amazing phenomena I have ever had the good fortune to see, the first thing I thought was: “They do have wings after all!”

After this incident, I spent a lot of time and energy doing extensive research on the issue of angels and having long, detailed conversations with Francine. As a result, it turned out that in fact there are eight angelic ranks, or levels, and that all angels without exception have wings. According to the nature of their activities, which they engage in for us on Earth, angels, representatives of all eight levels, are divided into messengers of the Creator, protectors and miracle workers. Angels of different ranks have different colors of wings, corresponding to the “amount of work” performed by one or another angel, that is, how experienced he is.

Let's list eight angelic ranks in ascending order, by degree of power:

♦ Angels - wings of an indeterminate, grayish-white hue

♦ Archangels - wings absolutely white

♦ Cherubs - white wings, gilded at the ends

♦ Seraphim - white wings, silvered at the ends

♦ Strength - sky blue wings

♦ Dominations - green wings

♦ Thrones - deep purple wings

♦ Power - the wings are completely covered with pure gold.

The angels of the first seven levels are always ready, by order of the Creator or on their own initiative, to come to our aid in the blink of an eye in order to save us from unbearable physical or mental suffering. Possessing exceptional power, the Authorities - angels of the eighth level, come only on special occasions when we call on them very persistently. By the will of the Creator and at our truly sincere request, the Authorities can work miracles and prevent mortal danger, even if this danger was included in the life plan as an obstacle, the overcoming of which was supposed to help strengthen the spiritual strength of a person, and their intervention disrupts the planned course of events.

based on materials from the book: Sylvia Brown - "Life on the Other Side".

- main page of the website "RODoSVET".

Even before the creation of the visible world, the Lord created his faithful servants, saints and disembodied spirits - Angels. Their purpose is to proclaim and fulfill His will. Even the word “angel” itself means “messenger”. They are the Lord's faithful helpers in the fight against enemies and mediators between God and people. From their lips, honors are given to the Almighty for His ineffable mercy towards His creatures. In the Christian tradition, it is generally accepted that the entire angelic host is divided into three categories (triads). Each of them includes three angelic ranks. The position of an angel in one category or another depends on his ability or, as they say, knowledge of God.

The first is the highest triad

The names of the angels who make up the first - highest - triad and are directly adjacent to the Throne of God are Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. Translated from Greek, the word “seraphim” means fiery. This fully reflects their burning love for the Creator and their ability to arouse it in others. The Lord endowed the Cherubim with all the depth of knowledge and abundance of wisdom. They know everything that is accessible to the knowledge of a created being. The thrones are filled with God's highest grace, as a result of which the Lord, dwelling in them, creates His highest justice.

Second - middle triad

Next is the middle triad. The names of the angels included in it are Dominance, Strength and Authority. The first of this angelic rank - Dominion - encourage people to dominate their passions, to overcome temptations and manifestations of the evil will of those spirits of darkness that are hostile to God and people.

The angels who make up the second group of this rank, the Powers, are filled with divine strength. It is through them that the Lord works miracles and bestows such ability on His righteous and saintly saints. By grace sent down through the angels of this rank, they work miracles even in the days of their earthly life.

Next comes the Authorities. Their destiny is to tame demonic forces and repel enemy temptations aimed at human destruction. In addition, they strengthen the spirit of God’s ascetics in their difficult work.

Beginnings - Angels of the lower triad

And finally, the third category. The names of the angels who make up this order are Principalities, Archangels and Angels. This group in the angelic hierarchy constitutes the lowest link, which is closest to people. Each component of this triad also has its own purpose.

The principles are a kind of rulers of the people, Guardian Angels of entire countries and continents. Thus, from the Holy Scriptures you can learn that the patronage of the Jewish people was entrusted to the Archangel Michael. They began to be put in charge of the Universe. In their dignity, they are higher than the Guardian Angels of individual people.

Archangels - evangelists of God

The Archangels following them are the highest Angels, the evangelists of God. They are entrusted with informing people about everything great and glorious that the will of the Almighty sends down. It is enough to recall the great mission of Archangel Gabriel, sent to the Virgin Mary. Archangels strengthen people's faith in God and enlighten their minds to know His will.

From Holy Scripture we know that there are seven of them. Evidence of this is contained in the Bible book of Tavit, where the Archangel, in a conversation with him, mentions that he is one of the seven Angels. Also in the Revelation of John the Theologian you can read about the seven spirits at the Throne of God. Church tradition mentions all the names of Angels. The list includes Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selathiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel and Jeremiel. Let's talk in more detail about each of them. The Holy Scriptures and Holy Tradition will help us with this, including the names of angels and archangels that interest us.

Briefly about each of the Archangels

Archangel Michael occupies a dominant place among the supreme angels. In the iconographic tradition, it is customary to depict him as a warrior in full battle garb, trampling a serpent or dragon. A similar tradition developed on the basis that in ancient times there was a clash in heaven between the Angels, the servants of God, and the spirits who had fallen away from Him. The fallen angels, whose names are also given in the Holy Scriptures, led by their leader Dennitsa, were cast out of heaven and became the servants of Satan.

Archangel Gabriel is often depicted holding an ancient lantern in one hand, with a candle burning inside, and a mirror in the other. This carries a deep meaning. A candle hidden in a lantern is a symbol of fate, hidden before its fulfillment, but even after that, comprehended only by those who look into the mirror of their conscience.

The name of the third Archangel Raphael means mercy. Therefore, it is customary to depict him holding a vessel with healing oil in his hands, alleviating the torment of the afflicted.

Uriel is the patron saint of those who devote themselves to science. He is depicted holding a downward-pointing lightning bolt in his hand. With the fire of divine love, he ignites human hearts and enlightens minds to the knowledge of truths.

Selaphiel is called the Archangel of Prayer. Accordingly, his image is characterized by a prayerful pose and rosary. His hands are reverently pressed to his chest, he himself is immersed in communication with the Almighty.

Archangel Jehudiel is represented on the icons holding in one hand a golden crown - a reward for the true servants of God, and in the other - a whip consisting of three cords, with which he protects them for the glory of the Holy Trinity.

And finally, Archangel Barachiel. He brings God's blessings to those who have been the fulfillers of His covenants in their lives. Suffice it to remember that Barachiel was one of the three Angels who appeared to Abraham and Sarah under the oak tree in Mamre and announced the imminent birth of their son Isaac.

The names of these higher Angels can be described as masculine in their sound. The names of female angels do not appear in this context.

Angels are representatives of the third group of divine spirits

But the closest to us are the Angels - representatives of the third, last link of this rank. The Creator entrusted them with special care for us. Among their host are Guardian Angels, given to each of us on the day of holy baptism. The names of angels are unknown to us, but they are invisibly present near us throughout our entire life journey. We don’t see them, but we can feel the closeness of our patron and mentor. To do this, we will try to find out as much as possible about him.

What angels have in common with us is that the Lord created them, like us, in His image. Despite their incorporeality, he generously endowed them with the ability to love, understand the world and be examples of the purest and most intelligent beings. These are examples of God's perfections, completely subordinate to the will of the Creator. Angels are endowed with the ability not only to communicate with each other, but also to understand what comes from the depths of human souls. This gives us the opportunity to talk with them in prayer. Nothing pacifies and brings peace like direct communication with the Guardian Angel.

From the heritage of the holy fathers, we know that the fallen angels, whose names were crossed out from the Divine books, left empty places in the host of heavenly spirits, which must be filled by people. This suggests that we are destined to become part of the Angelic host. From here we can judge how pure and holy we should be in our earthly life.

Iconographic image of an Angel

We learn about how direct communication of Angels with living people and the souls of the dead takes place, first of all, from the Bible. It often gives a description of the angels who appeared to people. They are usually presented in the form of young men dressed in snow-white robes. The iconographic tradition also corresponds to this. The wings that are depicted in paintings contain a purely symbolic meaning. Their task is to show the swiftness of the flight of the divine spirit.

Ethereality and sexlessness of spirits

In 787, at the Seventh Ecumenical Council in the city of Nicaea, it was decided to depict Angels only in male form. This is consistent with the fact that the Holy Scriptures mention mostly male names for angels. Whether they are male or female, in this case it is pure convention. Angels are spiritual beings, and spirits do not have flesh, therefore they are asexual. The spirit can appear to people in the guise in which it wishes, and therefore any image of it is symbolic. In principle, the names of female angels have the same right to exist as men, but we adhere to established traditions.

It should be borne in mind that the images of cupids accepted in Western European painting have nothing in common with angels. They are relics of paganism. From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, all these creations of the Renaissance are nothing more than the fruit of the artistic imagination of the authors. You can talk about their aesthetic merits, but in no case should you look for any spiritual or philosophical meaning in them.

The limitations of our knowledge about the nature of Angels and Archangels

Our knowledge about Angels is limited to what the Holy Scriptures and Patristic literature reveal to us. A lot remains hidden from us. For example, the names of angels and demons are given only in the context of certain events; there is no list of them.

The same picture is observed in the literature of other religious denominations. When we open the works of the holy fathers devoted to issues of Sacred history, the names of Angels and Archangels mentioned in them also constitute only a small part of the entire vast host.

The same can be said about the number of angels and demons. We cannot know how many there are. For example, the holy Apostle John the Theologian writes in his “Revelation” that he saw “darknesses and thousands of thousands” of Angels at the Throne of God. These words carry only information about a very large quantity, without stopping at specific quantities. Equally unfounded are attempts to list the names of Angels and demons, of whom there are “thousands of thousands.”

Supernatural Power of Angels

And it is also necessary to mention the supernatural power of angels. The Bible provides many examples of this. Just remember how the Angels struck the inhabitants of Sodom with blindness, and did this without touching them, but only through an effort of will. Another Biblical episode paints a picture of how an Angel of God closed the mouth of a lion ready to devour Saint Daniel. Archangel Gabriel punishes Zechariah, who doubted the prophecy he uttered, with temporary muteness. In the New Testament we read how an Angel freed the holy apostles from prison, making the chains that bound them fall from them with one desire. This list can be continued for a very long time. The angels of God, whose names are revealed to us in Scripture, and their nameless brothers, perform supernatural deeds thanks to the power that the Lord gave them.

Names given at holy baptism

In our everyday life there is the concept of “Angel’s Day”, that is, name day. It is a mistake to understand that the word “angel” always means one of the host of those ethereal beings discussed in the article. In this case, a saint is often meant, whose name the birthday boy received at baptism, and not an Angel. The Orthodox name Ivan can be given to a person born on the day of memory of John the Theologian, and Peter - on the day of the apostles Peter and Paul. These saints, just like the Guardian Angels, are our heavenly patrons, and, standing before the Throne of God, they pray to the Almighty to send us “earthly blessings and times of peace.”