What could be better than losing weight sweetly? And we will do this together with chocolate. The dark chocolate diet is the best start for those who cannot imagine their life without sweets. But in order to achieve the desired results, you must strictly follow all recommendations.

Psychological motivation

First of all, you need to prepare yourself mentally. Because it will seem sweet, but in reality you will have to face a number of restrictions. The best motivation is knowing that a dark chocolate diet is a guaranteed weight loss of up to 800 grams per day.

It is equally important to understand that such weight loss cannot last more than 7 days. So, you give the body a setting - the so-called start, without leading it to severe stress and to a complete rejection of chocolate in the future. So, we start losing weight not spontaneously, but talk to our body, explain to it that this is a temporary measure, and you start a “new life” with chocolate and a beautiful figure.

People who need to lose a large amount of weight should not start a dark chocolate diet, since this type of diet is short-term, and the body, which has come under some stress from it, will not be ready for further struggle. And losing weight will end before it even begins.

How to choose chocolate for a diet?

Everyone will be able to choose the right chocolate option for themselves, but it is worth considering the following information (per 100 g of product):
  • Dark chocolate - 517 Kcal.
  • Classic chocolate - 540 Kcal.
  • Milk chocolate - 545 Kcal.
  • White chocolate - 522 Kcal, but unlike its analogues, it does not contain cocoa butter.
As you can see, the difference is insignificant, but it is better to give preference to white or dark chocolate. Moreover, if you adhere to the 7-day diet, you can treat yourself to chocolate with raisins, nuts and other additives.

Coffee and chocolate diet: rules

A diet based on coffee and chocolate makes the period of losing weight a little easier, since every cup of coffee you drink is guaranteed to reduce the feeling of hunger for a certain period of time. You could even say it completely removes it. The diet is carried out according to the following rules:
  • During the day you should not eat more than 100 grams of dark chocolate.
  • You can drink an unlimited amount of coffee without sugar during the day.
  • It is desirable that the coffee be natural, or rather brewed.
  • During the day you need to drink more than 1.5 liters of purified water.

For those who cannot drink black coffee on its own, you can add a small amount of skim milk.

It should be noted that Turkish coffee prepared in a Turk will help burn fat. You can find out how to cook it in the following video:

Chocolate can be eaten all at once, or consumed in several doses. You can combine a serving of chocolate with a cup of coffee or eat it on its own. This is who you like best. We can only repeat that drinking coffee alone will act on the body as a temporary appetite-reducing tranquilizer.

Chocolate diet for 1 day

All nutritionists in the world recommend having a fasting day once a week for the gastrointestinal tract and the whole body as a whole. This type of day can be very tough, meaning you spend the entire day drinking only large amounts of water. Why don’t we sweeten this period of time? As an alternative, you can use a chocolate diet for one day. During these days, weight loss will be 1 kilogram.

The daily intake of chocolate is divided into three doses. It is accepted according to a simple principle:

  • Morning - 30 g of chocolate + a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch - 30 g of chocolate + a cup of coffee.
  • Evening - 30 g of chocolate + a glass of purified water.

An equally important rule to follow is to drink about 2 liters of water during the day.
It is allowed to carry out such a fasting day 1-2 times every 2 months.

Chocolate diet for 3 and 7 days

The chocolate diet can be designed for 3 or 7 days. It is carried out according to the same scheme as a fasting day on chocolate. As before, you need to drink plenty of water, eat no more than one chocolate bar per day and drink coffee or green tea without sugar.

If you work, then it is better to start and end the chocolate diet during the working week. In the morning you won’t have time to think about food, during the day work gets in the way, and when evening comes, you can tick off the fact that the day has already passed. So much for psychological relief.

Quitting the chocolate diet

To avoid regaining lost pounds after a quick diet, you should follow the exit rules:
  • On the first day, it is best to drink freshly squeezed juices, or preferably fresh juices.
  • In the next 2-3 days of leaving the chocolate diet, vegetables are added. It is best that these are vegetables that have not undergone any heat treatment, or, in extreme cases, boiled or baked. The ideal option would be cabbage in all its forms, except fried. It will improve digestion, bowel function and automatically continue weight loss by cleansing the body.
  • Every day, 2-3 new products are introduced, for example, buckwheat porridge with baked fish, boiled chicken breast with rice.
Of course, after leaving the chocolate diet, you should maintain proper nutrition by giving up fried foods, fast food, carbonated water, etc.

Expected results of the chocolate diet

As a rule, in a week on a chocolate diet you lose about 3-5 kilograms. Although the diet sometimes gives great results - up to 7 kilograms.

Why is it different for everyone? The fact is that each organism has its own metabolism. In addition, do not forget that in the first 2-3 days the body only loses water and begins to launch mechanisms for burning fat itself. Due to the large amount of water, toxins and fat are removed from the body.

Pros and cons of the chocolate diet

As with everything in this world, the chocolate diet has its positive and negative sides. The positive ones include:
  • minus 5-6 kg in 1 week;
  • simplicity and low cost;
  • eating a tasty product;
  • stimulation of immunity and brain function;
  • increased hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • slowing down the aging of the body due to the presence of antioxidants in chocolate.
The chocolate diet 5-6 kg 1 week is not a myth, but a reality. Moreover, if during this period you drink all the daily vitamins the body needs, the body will not feel any stress.

What disadvantages such a sweet diet may have, you can find out below:

  • Losing weight quickly can lead to subsequent weight gain.
  • Even if you follow the diet correctly, it is impossible to continue it for more than 7 days.


In the following ways, you should abandon the chocolate diet if:
  • congenital or acquired

Sweet tooth, hold on, we bring to your attention an original diet based on the consumption of chocolate. What could be better than eating your favorite treat and losing weight? On the choco diet you can lose 7 kilograms in just a week, and in 2 weeks you can lose up to 14-15 extra kg. However, not everything is as sweet as it seems at first glance. The Choco diet is considered one of the strictest, and therefore its observance requires considerable willpower, but the results more than justify the means.

What is the choco diet?

Chocolate is a favorite treat for many. Its consumption promotes the production of serotonin, known as the “happiness” hormone. The Choco diet is an effective method of losing weight based on a low calorie diet. You are allowed to eat only one bar of chocolate per day, and therefore the daily calorie content of the menu will not exceed 700 Kcal.

Dark chocolate = 517 Kcal;

Milk chocolate = 545 Kcal;

White chocolate = 522 Kcal.

The shown amount of chocolate should be divided into 4-6 meals, that is, you need to eat every 2-3 hours. It is allowed to drink brewed coffee or green tea during the day, but without sugar and additives, as well as 1.5-2 liters of still water.

Types of chocolate diet:

  1. 90 grams of any chocolate (bitter, milk, with various additives) and brewed coffee (without sugar, cream and other additives) in unlimited quantities.
  2. 90 grams of any type of chocolate and green tea without sugar in any quantity.
  3. 100 grams of dark chocolate. Unlimited coffee, tea and water.
  4. 4 small chocolate bars (Mars, Snickers, Bounty, etc.). Tea, coffee, water without restrictions.
  5. Any protein bars (total daily calorie content no more than 700 Kcal) in combination with the liquid shown.
  6. 1 bar of dark chocolate (100 g). You can add 100 ml of skim milk and a sweetener to your coffee.

Before you start following this weight loss technique, you need to prepare your body. To do this, a week before starting the shock diet, you should reduce the volume of portions consumed to reduce the size of the stomach. Daily caloric intake must be reduced by 25-30% of the usual. It is recommended to exclude fatty, fried and smoked foods from your menu, and reduce the amount of salt and sugar consumed.

Drinking chocolate diet for 7 days

Cocoa is a healthy drink that has a tonic effect on the body. This miracle drink is also recognized as the elixir of youth, as it helps slow down aging due to its high content of theobromine and antioxidants. Indicated for people suffering from respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis).

The drinking chocolate diet consists of drinking cocoa or hot chocolate. The recommended daily intake is no more than 7 cups per day, 200 ml each. It is prohibited to consume any other products during the drinking chocolate diet. You can drink unlimited quantities of purified water (maybe mineral water) without gas.

The duration of the drinking shock diet is seven days. During this time you can lose 7-8 kg. In the first days, you may feel weak and dizzy due to a sharp decrease in caloric intake. After a week, your stomach will shrink in size and you will need significantly less food to fill you up than before, which will allow you to maintain the weight loss results achieved on the drinking chocolate diet.

Cocoa recipe for drinking chocolate diet, which can be prepared at home:

  • Cocoa powder 4 tbsp;
  • Skim milk 1l.

Cooking method:

  1. Stir cocoa powder in a cup with a small amount of cold water.
  2. Boil milk, add stirred cocoa powder to it, mix thoroughly.

To taste, you can add vanilla or cinnamon to the cocoa, but sugar (including sweetener) is prohibited according to the rules of the drinking chocolate diet.

Menu for 14 days

There are several types of chocolate diet: classic, soft and drinking.

Classic version– daily consumption of 1 chocolate bar for 7 days. The bar is divided into 4-6 servings and eaten one piece every 2-3 hours. During the day you are allowed to drink unlimited quantities of brewed coffee without sugar, cream or green tea. To avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of still water, in addition to coffee and tea.

Drinkable option– consists of consuming cocoa brewed with water or skim milk without sugar. The daily norm is 1-1.4 liters, that is, you need to drink a cup of cocoa every 2-3 hours. In addition to the main drink, it is recommended to drink pure still water in unlimited quantities.

Gentle option– developed by Italian nutritionists and involves an expanded diet, while the daily intake of chocolate is reduced to 30 grams. You can lose 5 kilograms in a week using this method.

Allowed products for the gentle option:

  • Vegetables (except potatoes);
  • Fruits (except bananas, grapes, mangoes and melons);
  • Pasta from durum wheat;
  • Soy sauce and lemon juice as a salad dressing, pasta.

When preparing dishes, avoid frying, adding oil, sugar and salt. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day, which helps speed up metabolism and remove harmful toxins and waste from the body.

Menu for one day of the chocolate diet in a gentle version (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

  • Applesauce. 10 grams of dark chocolate;
  • Pasta seasoned with soy sauce. Cucumber and tomato salad dressed with lemon juice;
  • Grapefruit. 10 grams of dark chocolate;
  • Greek salad". 10 grams of dark chocolate.

How much weight can you lose?

Choco diet is an effective method of losing weight, allowing you to get rid of 7-8 kg in a week. The results of those losing weight on chocolate or cocoa are impressive. Literally on the 2-3rd day of following the shock method, the extra pounds begin to “melt before our eyes.” A person loses several sizes, and after 7 days the silhouette takes on a slender shape. However, switching to an extremely low calorie daily diet can cause feelings of weakness, fatigue, irritability, and headaches, so sticking to this method of losing weight for more than 14 days is not recommended.

The drinking chocolate diet is suitable for people suffering from allergic reactions to chocolate. Cocoa has a more gentle effect on the body than caffeine and chocolate. In a week, using this method you can lose 7-8 kilograms. Reviews from those losing weight indicate that 1-1.5 kg are lost in 1 day. In 2 weeks, consuming only cocoa, you can achieve incredible results, getting rid of 14-16 extra kg.

The way out of the choco diet is drinking

In order to rebuild the body to eat solid food, the correct way out of the drinking chocolate diet is necessary. Over the next two days after following the drinking chocolate diet, you should consume fruit puree (apple, peach, plum) in small quantities. On the third day, you can expand your diet by adding stewed or boiled vegetables.

On days 4-5, in addition to vegetables and fruit puree, you can add porridge cooked in water with the addition of a small piece of butter to your menu. By the end of the first week, when leaving the drinking shock diet, you are allowed to eat lean meat, poultry and fish in minced form. When switching to a usual diet, it is necessary to reduce the serving size in order to prevent the stomach from increasing in size and maintain the achieved weight loss results on the drinking chocolate diet.

What do experts say about this method of losing weight?

The Choco diet is a technique that represents extreme weight loss. According to nutritionists, a daily caloric intake reduced below 1200 kcal for a woman is a variant of fasting. Following a low-calorie shock diet for 7-14 days can negatively affect muscle tone, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, since protein products and fiber are excluded from its menu. Drinking excessive amounts of coffee and chocolate can cause cellulite, acne and a grayish tint to the skin. It is recommended to reduce your level of physical activity during the period of following this weight loss technique, and increase it when you leave.

This diet is very specific and perfectly suits the modern pace of life.

The duration of the chocolate diet is seven days (tangible weight loss results appear after three days of the diet - weight loss from 3 to 4 kg) - here it is necessary to take into account the loss of fluid in the body due to the refusal of salt.

The weight loss at the end of the diet will be 6-7 kilograms.

According to the chocolate diet, you only need 100 grams of chocolate for the whole day and nothing more. Some sources call the figure 80 grams and 90 grams - the first calorie value will be a very low value for the daily diet (440 Kcal) compared to other low-calorie diets - for example, an effective buckwheat diet has a calorie content of 970 Kcal, and 90 grams seems to be more convenient to divide for three meals, although almost any chocolate bar weighs 100 grams (for example, the delicious Alpen Gold chocolate bar with raisins and nuts).

The entire daily intake of chocolate for a chocolate diet can be eaten at one time, but it is preferable to divide it into 2-3 or more doses.

Special mention should be made of white chocolate. There is almost no cocoa butter in it. As a result, the chocolate diet in its classic version cannot be carried out on white chocolate. Chocolate with sweeteners is also not recommended (for diabetics).

Each chocolate intake is accompanied by a cup of unsweetened coffee (possibly with 1% low-fat milk). This requirement is typical for all effective diets (an example is the Japanese diet), because coffee speeds up metabolism by 1% to 4%, which leads to more intense weight loss (but in large quantities it also affects your health for the worse).

Regular milk chocolate is one of the highest calorie foods - calorie content is 545 Kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of pure chocolate without additives is slightly less - 540 Kcal. From this point of view chocolate diet should be carried out on dark chocolate - but the difference in calorie content is practically not noticeable. Chocolate with additives (raisins, nuts, etc.) on average has a slightly higher calorie content (read more on the chocolate packaging).

In terms of the ratio of proteins - fats - carbohydrates, different types of chocolate differ slightly - for milk chocolate this ratio is 7% - 36% - 55% (which is far from the generally accepted norm for mixed nutrition - approximately 20% - 20% - 60%). This suggests that the body will be taken out of its usual diet - on the other hand, any diet limits calories - which will also take the body out of its usual diet (the Sybarite diet is an exception to this rule).

Chocolate diet(like the popular watermelon diet) completely prohibits sugar and salt.

As in most other diets, you should refrain from juices (including natural ones), carbonated water and drinks (they cause increased appetite - unlike regular water) - the same recommendations are given by the medical diet, used in all medical institutions.

Also, in the chocolate diet, any vegetables and especially fruits are excluded.

Alcohol prohibited in all forms.

Important! Drinking any liquid (water, green tea) is possible no earlier than 3 hours after drinking chocolate and coffee. The minimum fluid intake should not be less than 1.2 liters (preferably more) - this requirement is typical for most fast diets that exclude salt.

Repeating the same diet is possible no earlier than a month later, or preferably more - it causes a significant blow to the body (although in some sources you can find an alternating weight loss regimen on a chocolate diet - after 7 days of the diet, the minimum interval before repeating is also 7 days).

You can drink three hours after eating in any quantity (green, black tea or water).

Chocolate diet involves a random diet - at what time is more convenient for you, eat part of the chocolate at that time.

The menu for 1 day is completely identical to the menu for 7 days of the diet, but the damage to the body will be significantly less if you lose at least 200-300 grams of adipose tissue. Of course, physical activity should remain at approximately the same level - real weight loss will, of course, be greater due to fluid (about a kilogram) - the cabbage diet has approximately the same characteristics.

The undoubted advantage of the chocolate diet is getting quick results in a short time. A chocolate diet will help you quickly get yourself in order before a cruise or trip. You can also lose weight very quickly before traveling abroad.

The second advantage of the chocolate diet will be appreciated by lovers of sweets - it can be extremely difficult to resist a piece of candy or a piece of chocolate, which, for example, the rice diet completely prohibits for 7 days.

Chocolate is one of the best brain stimulants - any student knows that during a session coffee and chocolate are an irreplaceable thing. This plus of the chocolate diet cannot be overestimated - you quickly lose weight, and at the same time your mental activity does not suffer in any way.

As a non-diet product, chocolate is recommended for anemia and colds (it increases the body's immunity). It is also necessary to note the presence in chocolate (more precisely in cocoa butter) of powerful antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body.

Although the chocolate diet has invaluable positive benefits, the disadvantages of this diet arguably far outweigh its advantages.

The main disadvantage of the chocolate diet is the large number of contraindications - before starting this diet, you must consult a nutritionist or carry out the diet under the supervision of a doctor.

The second disadvantage of the chocolate diet is due to the fact that it does not normalize either metabolism or diet (the Montignac diet is much more preferable in this regard) - although the same can be applied to some other fast diets.

The third disadvantage of the chocolate diet is the high probability of a setback without switching to a proper diet. Throughout the week, the body will get used to maximum calorie savings - and eating after the diet in the same mode as before the diet will very quickly return the weight to the original (and often slightly more) - a diet according to the signs of the Zodiac or any nutrition system is free from this deficiency .

The balance of the diet leaves much to be desired, both in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals (this deficiency can be overcome by additional intake of vitamin-mineral complex preparations) - for this deficiency, a colored diet would be more preferable.

Of course, the chocolate diet based on the main product is contraindicated for people with diabetes (both congenital and acquired).

The second contraindication is the presence of an allergy (and an allergy to chocolate may depend on several factors and their combinations).

You cannot use the diet if you have existing liver diseases, as well as if you have stones in the gall bladder or ducts (cholelithiasis).

The chocolate diet is also contraindicated if you have arterial hypertension (you may not even know about the presence of this disease - the first signs are similar to ordinary fatigue). The decisive factor here is not chocolate (it increases blood pressure slightly), but a large amount of coffee.

The most popular diet. Lose up to 12 kg in 14 days. Two menu options.

An effective diet without rebound. Result: 5 kg in 7 days. The weight lost will not come back.

A popular diet for an active lifestyle. Results of losing weight up to 10 kg in 14 days.

A highly effective diet with weight loss up to 10 kg in 10 days. You can use any type of cabbage.

Long-term effective diet for 13 days. The result of weight loss down to minus 8 kg.

American low-carbohydrate nutrition system. Up to 10 kg in 14 days.

A simple and effective diet with a minimum of restrictions. Lose up to 7 kg in 7 days.

The celebrity standard for keeping fit. Promises 10 kg in 14 days.

Why don't French women get fat? Menu from the slimmer nation for 14 days.

Huge popularity all over the world. Menu for 7 days. Fast weight loss.

Seasonal popular diet in a 7-day menu option. Weight loss up to 5 kg.

Efficient power system. Normalization of metabolism. For a long time.

The 7-day chocolate diet (results showed that it can result in weight loss of up to one kilogram per day) is one of the most delicious and effective. This is simply a godsend for women who love chocolate, since you definitely won’t have to deny yourself this product.

A chocolate diet for 7 days (the results after it show a significant reduction in body fat, the forms simply melt before our eyes) allows you to achieve a quick effect in a short time. This is a mono-diet that should last no more than a week. It involves drinking only coffee and chocolate.

Coffee can be replaced with green tea. Even during the diet, you need to drink a lot of clean, still water, about 1.5-2 liters.

There are two types of chocolate nutrition system:

  • Classic. They only drink coffee and chocolate.
  • Italian. Involves eating not only a product made from cocoa beans, but also other products. It is more gentle than the first, but there are certain restrictions on food intake.

Both the first and second options are quite effective, but which one to prefer should be decided by the woman herself.

The best chocolate for dietary nutrition is bitter. It contains 50-75% cocoa or 33% cocoa butter. It is believed that a cocoa product should contain only sugar, and not its substitute. Some ladies prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate or combine these products during a diet.

Natural cocoa used in chocolate is rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Contains flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and other equally useful substances. Therefore, dark chocolate without additives acts as follows:

  • stimulates the immune system;
  • prevents cell aging;
  • cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • normalizes hemoglobin in the blood;
  • has a positive effect on mental work;
  • lifts the mood;
  • prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular, oncological and other pathologies.

The best chocolate for a diet is only bitter. It cannot be substituted for bars, candies, white or diabetic cocoa products without added sugar.

A chocolate diet for 7 days (the results show a weight loss of 500 grams per day, but experts warn that it is dangerous to sit on such a diet for a long time) requires compliance with certain rules. First of all, you should not consume sugar or salt for a week.

Any foods other than chocolate, unsweetened coffee, green tea or water are prohibited. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily. You cannot replace regular water with mineral water, as the latter provokes appetite. Drinks should be drunk two or three hours after drinking coffee with chocolate.

Exercise should be added to your diet. It could be jogging, jumping rope, yoga, fitness or something else. Even regular daily exercise can bring enormous benefits during this period.

Compliance with these rules ensures that a chocolate diet for 7 days can give simply stunning results. Weight loss these days can reach a maximum of 7 kg per week.

Chocolate nutrition should last no more than seven days, then you need to take a break for a month. The chocolate diet involves consuming 100 grams of chocolate product daily. The tile can be eaten at a time, or can be divided into three portions. Each piece of chocolate should be washed down with unsweetened coffee, which stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss. You can add a little low-fat milk to the drink.

In the break between eating chocolate and coffee, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water. Coffee can be replaced with green tea without sugar.

A salt-deprived body removes not only fat deposits, but also excess fluid.

The chocolate diet can last from one to seven days. This diet results in weight loss of up to 1 kg per day, about 7 kg per week. A significant loss of kilograms occurs due to a complete rejection of salt and low calorie intake.

The chocolate diet is effective and has a number of advantages, including:

  • significant weight loss in a short period;
  • the usefulness of a product made from cocoa beans, but it manifests itself if you consume it a little: chocolate contains antioxidants, flavonoids and other beneficial substances;
  • improved mood;
  • stimulation of brain function.

It should be noted that, in addition to the benefits, this diet can also cause harm to the body.

Is the chocolate diet harmful? Of course, yes, since such a diet is not complete. With this diet, about 560 kcal are consumed daily (chocolate plus coffee), which is significantly lower than the minimum permissible daily calorie content of 1200 kcal.

As a result of a monotonous diet, the body receives too few nutrients, which is reflected in the skin, hair and nail plates. Acne forms on the dermis, and the skin tone becomes gray. This diet also provokes the appearance of cellulite and sagging skin.

The diet can cause a further aversion to all things sweet, particularly chocolate. Contribute to metabolic disorders, provoke the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines and other health problems.

As a result of this diet, loss of energy, excessive fatigue, headaches and loss of muscle tone may occur.

And lastly: weight that is lost quickly, as a rule, later returns in full. Proper weight loss should be gradual and comprehensive.

The Italian chocolate diet looks more gentle. The menu is supplemented here:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • berries and fruits that contain little sugar;
  • pasta made from durum flour;
  • low-fat and low-calorie sauces;
  • natural seasonings;
  • greens.

It is allowed to eat chocolate, but up to 30 g, and popcorn without additives, some nuts, and a boiled chicken egg. You can make various salads or purees from vegetables and fruits. Beets are acceptable both fresh and boiled.

With this diet, you cannot consume oil and fats, and chocolate must compensate for their deficiency. You cannot eat grapes, bananas, potatoes, sugar, salt, meat and fish. Carbohydrate foods should not be consumed with proteins. Dishes must be raw or cooked; frying is not allowed here. The daily diet is divided into six meals, in which there are three main meals and the same number of additional snacks.

The diet is suitable for those people who find it difficult to live on chocolate alone. It helps cope with stress caused by strict eating. It is no less effective than the first, but safer for health. Allows you to lose up to five kilograms per week.

The advantage of the Italian diet is that you can prepare quite a lot of dishes from the allowed products. Here is an approximate menu for the day:

  • Breakfast. Vegetable or fruit salad with lemon juice instead of sauce, low-fat yogurt or kefir. You can eat muesli at this time or limit yourself to a pear or apple.
  • Dinner. Any pasta made from durum wheat with salad or gravy.
  • Dinner. Boiled vegetables or fruit salad.

Snacks should consist of chocolate, popcorn and fruit.

Every day you should drink 1.5 liters of water or more, as well as carrot and beet juice. A glass of low-fat milk is allowed.

Due to the fact that there is no coffee on the menu of this chocolate diet and you can eat a wider variety of foods, it is considered much safer than the classic version.

After following the classic chocolate diet, you need to exit it correctly. The transition to a daily diet from a strict chocolate diet should be gradual. After a diet, it is better to eat in small portions, at least six times a day. You should not overeat, as this can have a negative effect on the stomach.

The first dish after a strict diet should be finely chopped fresh cabbage salad, to which you can add lemon juice. This dish will partially compensate for the lack of vitamins and begin to accustom the body to rough food. All foods must be chewed thoroughly. You should also include freshly squeezed juices, herbal teas, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. That is, at first there should be food on the table containing a maximum of nutrients.

Even after the diet, you need to consume low-fat fish and meat broths, boiled chicken, nuts, dairy products and eggs. It is necessary to replenish muscle mass with protein products, which the body took from the muscles during poor nutrition.

To improve shape and increase vitality, you should engage in physical exercise: it will tighten the muscles and restore elasticity to the skin.

It is better to immediately switch to proper nutrition and forget forever about sugar, fast food, flour and fatty foods, than to regularly torment your body with diets.

Before you begin the process of losing weight, you should consult your doctor. There are certain contraindications for which you cannot eat this way. It is forbidden for people with diabetes and high blood pressure to resort to such diets, as coffee raises it. You should not use chocolate nutrition if you have liver diseases or problems with the gallbladder. An allergic reaction to foods included in the diet is prohibited.

They say that a chocolate diet for 7 days is quite effective. Reviews note that they lose up to 6-7 kg in a week, but this was very difficult for them. The monotony of products was tiring, dizziness, fatigue, headaches and loss of strength occurred. Only some ladies did not feel hungry in the evening; many had a strong appetite, and they wanted to eat literally everything except chocolate.

Some girls became overly carried away by this mono-diet and developed anorexia, diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, and also developed skin problems. Subsequently, it was necessary to carry out long-term rehabilitation therapy.

However, what many women admire about this diet is the rapid loss of kilograms and the ability to consume chocolate. The ladies felt great all seven days and did not feel any discomfort. They note that if the need arises, they will definitely use this diet to get rid of extra pounds. A certain part of the young ladies alternated eating dark chocolate without additives with milk chocolate. They note that it is easier to lose weight this way.

There are those who added some nuts to chocolate to curb their appetite. Almost all the ladies altered the diet to suit themselves, and almost no one adhered to the classic, strict version of eating chocolate.

Is it possible to lose weight on a chocolate diet? Surely it is possible. The result it gives is simply amazing, but such food is not suitable for everyone, and in some women the diet caused many negative reactions.

General rules

Choco diet - what is it?

The chocolate diet for weight loss is a new find for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose a couple of extra pounds in a tasty way and in a short time. Also, it is ideal for our current rhythm of life, when some meals are consumed “on the go.” It’s very simple: just stock up on a bar of chocolate for the whole day, and in a week you’ll hardly recognize yourself in the mirror!

Today there is a huge variety of chocolate on store shelves: milk, bitter, white, with raisins, hazelnuts, peanuts, berries, cookies. But this does not mean that each of them will help you lose weight.

Each chocolate contains ground cocoa beans, sugar and cocoa butter. In dark bitter chocolate, cocoa content dominates; its content is written on the packaging. In addition to cocoa and sugar, milk chocolate contains cream or milk powder. And white chocolate doesn’t use cocoa at all, that’s why it’s white.

To profitably lose weight, you must eat only dark dark chocolate, which contains at least 70% cocoa beans. Why is this so important?

  • The increased content of cocoa beans helps in the production serotonin And endorphin– the well-known hormones of happiness and joy.
  • Plant substances such as flavonoids, contained in dark chocolate, significantly reduce the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and the likelihood of cancer. In addition, chocolate helps maintain youthful and beautiful skin.
  • Cocoa beans have been proven to improve brain performance. Therefore, it is not for nothing that students are advised to take a bar of good chocolate with them to the exam.
  • Don't worry that dark chocolate can cause tooth decay. On the contrary, it has antiseptic properties and helps resist plaque.
  • Chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac. There is an opinion that Casanova himself always carried chocolate with him. Indeed, the wonderful aroma of chocolate creates a feeling of intoxication.

However, with all its wonderful properties, you should be wary of regularly overeating it. Even dark chocolate will be converted into fat deposits if you eat more than 30 grams with a classic diet.

So, you are determined to lose a couple of extra pounds. The daily intake of chocolate will be no more than 100 g. In addition, chocolate should always be washed down with black coffee without sugar, and drink plenty of water during the day. You will notice the result within a few days: by abstaining from salt, a lot of water will leave the body - this will be the bulk of the lost kilograms.

Since this diet is an extremely strict mono diet, it is best to prepare and have a fasting day beforehand. It is also recommended to exit the shock diet extremely gently, gradually increasing the caloric content of food every few days. In turn, a breakdown after a seven-day fast will result in the lost kilograms returning instantly.

If you are thinking about how you can replace chocolate on this diet, then we will answer right away: it is impossible! Since chocolate is the main product and its properties are important here, it is impossible to replace it, and, in fact, there is nothing to replace it with. The only thing you can experiment with is the varieties of chocolate: aerated, white, milk, filled, or even homemade.

Which chocolate diet should you choose?

Chocolate drinking diet

Here you will need to give up any solid foods and consume exclusively liquids: tea, water, coffee, hot chocolate, cocoa.

Cocoa in its pure form is very beneficial for the human body, and its effect is much milder than caffeine. The main rule that the chocolate-drinking diet promotes is do not add sugar to drinks. The drink can be brewed with water or skim milk, and you can also add spices, such as ginger, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, which is very tasty and aromatic.

Reviews about the shock-drinking diet:

  • “... I arranged a 3-day shock-drinking diet for myself in winter. It’s very comfortable and cozy: it’s cold outside, you can’t go out anywhere, you wrap yourself in a blanket and drink natural cocoa all day long. In general, in 3 days I lost 2.5 kg without much effort. I was very pleased with the result!”

There are 2 options for duration: chocolate diet for 7 days and for 3 days.

With the help of a shock diet, which will last 3 days, you will lose up to 3 kg of excess weight and, judging by the reviews, easily and painlessly. And also the three-day one has much fewer side and unpleasant effects.

A 7-day chocolate diet will help you say goodbye to 5-9 extra pounds, but it is somewhat more difficult to tolerate, and, in addition, has a lot of negative consequences.

To avoid the harm of such a diet, we advise you not to drink coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, but first of all drink a glass of plain water. And in general, it is best to always replace coffee with green tea, because the effect is the same, but the benefits are much greater.

This diet option is designed for two weeks and differs significantly from the previous one in the variety of the menu: it includes complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits (except for grapes and bananas). You can prepare various pastas with durum wheat pasta, seasoned with vegetable sauce, all kinds of vegetable salads with lean meat or seafood. Also, here it is invariably necessary to drink a lot of water daily, more than 1.5 liters. As for chocolate, you are allowed to eat no more than 30 g per day, using it not as the main product of the diet, but rather as a daily reward for your efforts.

Thus, in 14 days of such a pleasant diet, you can successfully say goodbye to 5-8 extra kilos.

The classic version of the diet for seven days involves only drinking dark chocolate, coffee without sugar or green tea, and an unlimited amount of water.

The Italian version of the chocolate diet has plenty of room to roam! It lasts two weeks, and the basis of the diet is pasta (necessarily from durum wheat), vegetables and vegetable sauces, fruits, herbs, and sometimes in minimal quantities poultry, fish, and seafood. And only 30 g of dark chocolate per day, mainly in the first half of the day, when metabolic processes in the body are most active.

Vegetables must be consumed fresh. If you make a salad from them, season with oil and spices sparingly. You can eat all vegetables except potatoes in any form and corn.

You can also eat any fruit, except bananas and grapes. The Italian version of the diet includes snacks, so wonderful dishes can be made from sweet fruits: salad dressed with natural yogurt, baked apples, and so on. Of course, there is a lot of variety here.

Vegetables and greens

broccoli 3,00,45,228 cilantro 2,10,51,923 onions 1,40,010,441 olives 2,210,55,1166 carrots 1,30,16,932 chickpeas 19,06,061,0364 cucumbers 0,80,12,815 salad pepper 1,30,05,327 parsley radishes 1.20, 13,419white radish1,40,04,121salad1,20,31,312beets1,50,18,840celery0,90,12,112asparagus1,90,13,120tomatoes0,60,24,220pumpkin1,30,37,728beans7,80,521,5123garlic6,5 0.529.9143 lentils 24.01.542.7284


avocado2,020,07,4208oranges0,90,28,136watermelon0,60,15,825cherry0,80,511,352grapefruit0,70,26,529melon0,60,37,433fig0,70,213,749kiwi1,00,610,348lime0,90 ,13,016lemons0,90,13,016mango0,50,311,567nectarine0, 90,211,848apples0,40,49,847




fresh champignons4,31,01,027

Nuts and dried fruits

walnuts 15,265,27,0654 raisins 2,90,666,0264 cashews 25,754,113,2643 almonds 18,657,716,2645 flax seeds 18,342,228,9534 pistachios 20,050,07,0556

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat porridge 4.52.325.0132 oat porridge pearl barley porridge 3.10.422.2109 wild boiled rice 4.00.321.1100 barley porridge amaranth 13.67,069.0371

Flour and pasta

pasta buckwheat noodles 14.70.970.5348

Bakery products

bran bread7,51,345,2227


bitter chocolate6,235,448,2539

Raw materials and seasonings

basil 2,50,64,327 mustard 5,76,422,0162 cumin 12,05,032,0112 ginger 1,80,815,880 curry 12,713,825,0352 coriander 1,50,05,025 cinnamon 3,93,279,8261 bay leaf 7,68,448,7313 homemade mayonnaise (ready)5,358,74,5568honey0,80,081,5329rosemary3,35,920 ,7131salt0,00,00,0-sage3,70,48,049saffron11,45,965,4310


milk 2.5% kefir natural yogurt 2%

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cheese24,129,50,3363parmesan cheese33,028,00,0392cheddar cheese23,032,00,0392

Chocolate diet, completely or partially restricted foods

The classic version of the diet is convenient because you can’t eat anything else except the permitted dark chocolate and coffee. For the Italian version, the basic prohibitions apply for those who decide to eat healthy and balanced.

It is necessary to avoid fast food, white bread, large amounts of salt, alcohol and carbonated drinks. We also advise you to say goodbye to various purchased sausages, smoked meats and semi-finished products. For the sake of your healthy and beautiful body, do not be lazy to prepare these products yourself.

Vegetables and greens







potato chips5,530,053,0520

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,21,274,9342premium pasta10,41,169,7337

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,52,950,9264hot dog buns8,77,560,6339



Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189

Raw materials and seasonings

Cheeses and cottage cheese

curd mass with raisins6,821,629,9343

Meat products

pork lard 2.489.00.0797 lamb 15.616.30.0209


boiled sausage13,722,80,0260smoked sausage28,227,50,0360sausages10,131,61,9332sausages12,325,30,0277

Oils and fats

unrefined vegetable oil0.099.00.0899 butter0.582.50.8748

Alcoholic drinks

white dessert wine 16%

* data is per 100 g of product

Chocolate diet menu for weight loss

The menu of the chocolate diet itself is very simple and does not require absolutely any culinary delights, and you can diversify it only with different types of chocolate. If you really want to dilute the menu, you can prepare dietary desserts based on dark chocolate, which we will talk about in the next section of the article.

Be sure to consume dark chocolate with a percentage of cocoa beans of more than 70%, but a couple of times during the 7 days of the diet you can treat yourself to milk chocolate with cream or fruit additives.

The diet involves consuming 100 g of chocolate and coffee or green tea per day. You are more free than ever in shaping your meals: you can eat the entire bar at one time, or you can spread it out over 6 approaches.

The Italian version of the chocolate diet is no longer inclined towards a short-term diet, even if it is designed for 2 weeks, but towards a complete nutrition system. If desired, and we are sure that you will have it, the Italian chocolate diet can be converted into a Mediterranean diet: according to the menu plan, they are very similar, but fish, meat, poultry, bread and wine are added.

Here is an example menu for this diet option:

By the way, the Italian chocolate diet is the safest and most balanced, in contrast to the chocolate diet itself, which has a fairly large list of contraindications.

Diet chocolate recipe

Few people, when going on a chocolate diet, think about the fact that the main product - chocolate - is very easy to make yourself, with any harmless and natural additives, with the right amount of sugar and your favorite form.

To do this, you will need 30 minutes of time and ingredients that are easy to find in any store near your home:

  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened low-fat cocoa powder;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons skim milk;
  • 7 tablespoons skim milk powder;
  • 3 tablespoons stevia or fructose;
  • 7 drops vanilla extract;
  • 20 grams of cocoa butter;
  • nuts, dried apricots, prunes, fresh berries, pieces of fruit.

First melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, since it does not melt at room temperature. Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Add crushed nuts, finely chopped dried fruits, and fruits to the mixture. Whatever your heart desires! Pour the chocolate into molds and refrigerate for several hours. After that, you can start actively losing weight with the help of chocolate!

For the biscuit you will need:

  • 6 pieces of chicken eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons chocolate pudding powder;
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder;
  • 4 tablespoons sweetener;
  • a pinch of salt.

For the cream you will need:

  • 0.5 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons sweetener;
  • vanillin.

For the glaze you will need:

  • 3 tablespoons low-fat cocoa powder;
  • 3 tablespoons low-fat milk;
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons sweetener.

The cake requires 2 layers, the dough must be prepared separately for each. Prepare the first one from half the ingredients for the sponge cake: mix all the dry ingredients with the egg yolks. Next, beat the whites into a strong foam and fold them into the finished mass very carefully so that they do not fall off. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Do the same for the second cake layer.

For the cream, whisk all ingredients. Cut both cake layers lengthwise and spread curd cream on each layer except the top one.

For the final element of the cake - glaze, mix all the ingredients and simmer over low heat. The consistency should resemble liquid hot chocolate.

Cover the top layer of the cake with chocolate frosting. It is advisable to put the cake in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours so that it is soaked in cream. It will turn out even tastier if you add berries to the layer: blueberries, cherries, lingonberries, strawberries - whatever your heart desires.

For this dessert you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • 0.3 kg low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml natural yogurt without additives;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • sweetener.

Prepare the gelatin in advance: pour warm water over it for 30 minutes, then heat it in a water bath until it dissolves. Place all ingredients except gelatin in a blender and start blending, gradually pouring in melted gelatin. Pour the resulting mass into the required molds and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. The calorie content of this chocolate mousse is only 89 kcal per 100 g.

Mix cocoa powder, oat flour, vanilla and baking powder with egg yolk. Next, add apple juice (if you don’t have a juicer, you can use a grater), peeled and finely chopped apple, low-fat cottage cheese and olive oil. Lastly, add the egg white with sweetener, whipped into a thick foam, and mix gently.

Fill the molds halfway with dough and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. One such cupcake contains only 110 kcal. Bon appetit!

Of course, on such a strict diet, breakdowns are possible. You need to be as positive as possible about your diet and be prepared for the fact that you will eat exclusively dark chocolate for 7 days in a row.

So, if you fail, there will be nothing surprising in the case of this diet. If hunger, stress or idleness have caused you to break down, we advise you to simply go for a walk and extend the diet itself by one day. If this doesn’t help, and you break down again and again, seriously think about changing your diet and switching to a more thoughtful and complex diet, where there will be a lot of useful substances and there will be no feeling of hunger.

The coffee and chocolate diet for weight loss is one of the most strict methods, bordering on starvation, so exiting it should be as careful as possible.

These rules will help you get out of this diet correctly and maintain the results achieved:

  • The ideal dish for the next breakfast after finishing the chocolate diet would be a salad of fresh cabbage and carrots, you can season it with olive oil and add a little salt. This salad needs to be chewed very carefully and slowly.
  • Since with this diet your body will not receive useful substances, it is necessary to restore what was missing all week: drink freshly squeezed juices, eat more vegetables, eat 5-10 nuts a day, eat any fish, herbal teas, compotes more often , light soups, protein fermented milk products, chicken, eggs. But be sure to keep your coffee consumption to a minimum.
  • To prevent the weight from returning, carefully control the portions you eat. Eat little, but often, according to the principle of fractional meals. Moreover, by adhering to this rule, you will not only not gain weight again, but you are also guaranteed to lose weight and become healthier.
  • Be sure to play sports! If your body does not expend more energy than you eat, you will begin to gain weight again. Swap the elevator for taking the stairs, a few bus stops for a walk - it's easy. And the next step will be running in the morning or exercises, dancing, fitness, swimming pool or gym.
  • Say goodbye to unhealthy foods. Why do you need fatty and salty potato chips when you can crunch on apple chips? Why go out for fast food when you can buy a banana?
  • Remember that there is always an alternative to junk food that is in no way inferior in taste, but is much healthier.

The chocolate diet is contraindicated for people who are sick diabetes mellitus, allergy sufferers, as well as those who suffer from liver and kidney diseases.

Chocolate diet: reviews and results

Of course, reviews of the chocolate diet, as well as the results, are very ambiguous: after losing excess weight, other, more unpleasant problems arise. Photos of the results achieved after finishing the diet encourage many to try it. However, people who lost weight on chocolate complained of stomach pain, heart problems, and deterioration in the appearance of their skin and hair. And this is true, because chocolate together with coffee can never replace nutritious and healthy food.

That is why almost all nutritionists are of the unequivocal opinion that such diets should be avoided. And here’s what those who have experienced the chocolate-coffee diet say about it:

  • “... I love chocolate very much, so after reading reviews about the chocolate diet and basic information, I immediately decided to lose weight with it. I decided to eat not only dark chocolate, but also milk chocolate, and bought enough for a whole week at once, so as not to go to the store again and not tempt myself. Before the diet, the weight was 71 kg, in the morning of the eighth day the weight became 69 kg. This is a very bad result, in my opinion. I followed the diet itself from start to finish, but I didn’t like it. Plus, indeed, my face and back were covered in acne. Then I got rid of them for another month”;
  • “...And I lasted exactly three days on the chocolate diet for weight loss. The result for these days is minus 1 kg. Then I realized that it was a crazy decision to lose weight on chocolate, and I just started eating healthy and balanced. Perfect before summer! But I don’t recommend losing weight on the shock-drinking diet; already on the first day I felt terrible.”

So, a chocolate-drinking diet for 7 days will cost about 500-700 rubles: low-fat milk, cocoa powder, spices to diversify the taste of cocoa.

The chocolate diet itself will also cost a little more than the drinking version - about 1000-1200 rubles: for 7 days, 7 bars of good dark chocolate, coffee or green tea.

The Italian version of the chocolate diet has a balanced menu and is more varied. One day of such food can cost about 300-700 rubles: whole grain pasta, vegetables, fruits, chocolate, possibly poultry.

In general, of course, the diet is very economical, but at the same time it is somewhat dangerous for the body. Therefore, we advise you to approach the choice of such a diet very carefully and weigh all its positive and negative sides.

The duration of the chocolate diet is 7 days.

The effectiveness of the diet is up to minus seven kilograms (and after 3 days you can lose 3 kg) - this is due to the refusal of salt.

Daily calorie content - 580 kcal.

Chocolate diet - menu

The calorie content of regular milk chocolate is 545 kcal per hundred grams.

The calorie content of chocolate without additives is 540 Kcal.

It is better to diet with dark chocolate.

Chocolate with additives (raisins, nuts, etc.) have a high calorie content (look at the packaging).

What chocolate should not be used for dieting?

    White chocolate cannot be used for dieting, because it does not contain cocoa butter.

    Chocolate based on sweeteners (for diabetics).

According to the chocolate diet, you can only eat one hundred grams of chocolate per day, divided into three meals.

After each consumption of chocolate, we drink a cup of coffee without sugar, you can add low-fat milk, because coffee helps speed up metabolism, thanks to which you can lose weight faster (but you should not drink it in large quantities to avoid deterioration of your health).

Prohibited products:

  • soda,

  • any other products,

    alcoholic drinks.

Drinking liquids (water, green tea) is possible only three hours after drinking chocolate and coffee.

We consume no more than 1.2 liters of liquid.

You can repeat the diet after a month or more - it greatly harms the body.

three hours after eating chocolate and coffee, you can drink liquid in any quantity (green tea, black tea or water).

nutrition mode - arbitrary.

Chocolate diet for 7 days

We follow the same diet for seven days.

We have breakfast: eat thirty grams of chocolate, drink a glass of coffee without sugar.

We have lunch: eat thirty grams of chocolate, drink a glass of coffee without sugar.

We have dinner: eat thirty grams of chocolate, drink a glass of coffee without sugar.

The menu is the same as the 7-day diet menu, but causes less damage to health.


    You can get quick results in a short time, i.e. a chocolate diet will help you quickly lose weight before a vacation, trip abroad, etc.

    While following a diet, you do not need to abstain from sweets, in particular chocolate (but other diets prohibit its consumption).

    Chocolate stimulates brain function, i.e. mental activity will not be affected, but you will quickly lose weight.


    The body goes out of its normal diet, because the diet limits the caloric content of the diet.

    The diet has many contraindications.

    Following a diet does not contribute to the normalization of metabolism and diet.

    After finishing the diet, it is possible to regain weight (after all, during the diet, the body gets used to saving calories) - when eating as usual.

    The diet is not balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals (this deficiency can be easily overcome by taking a vitamin-mineral complex).


liver diseases,

stones in the gallbladder or gallbladder ducts (cholelithiasis).


Before starting a chocolate diet, you should consult a doctor or use the diet under the supervision of a doctor.

Do you dream of losing weight, but can’t live a day without sweets and coffee? An excellent option for you would be a chocolate diet for 7 or fewer days. Despite its unusual nature, this program allows you to lose 3–7 kg of excess weight in a week.

If you do not suffer from diabetes, allergies, arterial hypertension or gallstone disease, try the chocolate and coffee weight loss method and become slimmer in just a few days!

The essence of the diet

By following a chocolate diet for 7 days, you will eat only sweet bars with a daily consumption of 100 g of the product. Some sources contain other figures - 80 and 90 g. We consider the first figure to be underestimated for the daily diet, because compared to other diets it is only 440 kcal. It is convenient to divide a tile weighing 90 g into three identical pieces. However, almost every chocolate bar in the store weighs 100 g.

You can eat your entire daily portion of chocolate at one time, but it is more effective to divide the bar into 2–3 doses. Moreover, only dark chocolate is allowed to be eaten. White bars are low in cocoa butter, so they are not used when following a classic chocolate diet. Chocolate with sugar substitutes is also not suitable for this purpose (it is intended for diabetics).

To prevent the body from suffering from hunger, it is recommended to follow a diet based on milk chocolate. Its bars are considered the highest in calories - the energy value of each is equal to 545 kcal/100 g. Sweets without additives have slightly less calories, about 5 units. Therefore, it is better to carry out a chocolate diet with dark chocolate, because... In this case, the body does not feel the difference in calorie content. If you prefer to eat chocolate with raisins, nuts and other additives, you can find information about its calorie content on the packaging.

If we consider the diet from the perspective of the BJU ratio, it is easy to notice minor differences in the types of chocolate. In milk bars the ratio is approximately this:

  • Proteins – 7%
  • Fats – 36%
  • Carbohydrates – 55%

Compared to the generally accepted norm of 20-20-60%, the given indicators remove the body from its usual diet. But that’s what any diet is based on, so that the body experiences a shake-up and gets rid of everything unnecessary.

Menu for 7 days

The classic version of the chocolate diet assumes that for the next 7 days you will eat only bars and divide each into 3 meals. If desired, one sweet meal can be replaced with cocoa brewed with low-fat milk. In addition, it is not forbidden to drink coffee during the day (3 cups per day). By accelerating metabolic processes, the drink promotes intensive weight loss. You can’t sweeten it, but you can dilute it with low-fat milk.

  • Breakfast: 30 g of pure dark chocolate and unsweetened coffee;
  • Lunch: a third of a tile and a cup of drink;
  • Dinner: the same.

Additionally, throughout the day you should drink up to 2 liters of clean water without gases or green tea. But drinking liquid is allowed only 3 hours after eating. How long to follow a delicious chocolate diet? Experts advise sticking to a new diet for 5–7 days, which makes it possible to lose 6–7 kg. But the women noticed: Even a 3-day diet on sweets gives tangible results, since within 72 hours the body loses excess moisture, which weighs down the tissues and causes swelling.

Extreme weight loss when losing weight on chocolate is achieved by consuming a minimum of calories in one day. Despite the fact that the delicacy is high in calories, it provides the body with no more than 600 kcal. The low calorie content of the same type of diet causes a lack of energy, and the body begins to take nutritional reserves from fat deposits. The weight is rapidly disappearing, but you should pay attention to your well-being - for some people, when following a chocolate diet, it worsens.

To avoid health problems, deload on sweets on any convenient day, eating a 100-gram bar and drinking coffee. Eat the entire portion at once or divide into 4 doses. This approach will reduce your weight during the day by 400 g.

A gentle coffee and chocolate option from Italian nutritionists suggests a different approach to losing weight on sweets. According to the development of foreign specialists, the menu can include other products that do not reduce the effectiveness of the target program.

How can you “dilute” a chocolate-coffee diet designed for 1 week?:

  • Pepper.
  • Popcorn without sugar, butter, salt.
  • Vinegar.
  • Dry garlic.
  • Diet sauce and gravy (without fat, oil, meat).
  • Fruits and unsweetened berries.
  • Light vegetable salad with lemon juice or low-fat soy sauce.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat flour.

The listed products are distributed over 3 meals, and 30 g of dark chocolate and a cup of coffee are consumed between meals. During the day, do not forget to hydrate the body with drinking water - you need to drink 2 liters of it.

An approximate menu for the Italian chocolate diet can be presented as follows::

  • Breakfast: sliced ​​fruit or Hercules porridge with raspberries or strawberries. If you don't have time to cook, just eat any fruit.
  • Lunch: fruit or 10 g of chocolate, popcorn.
  • Lunch: noodles, vegetable salad with lemon juice, meat in gravy.
  • Afternoon snack: sweet fruit mousse and a glass of skim milk or chocolate, fruit or popcorn (10 g).
  • Dinner: horns in tomato-garlic sauce, steamed vegetables/fruits, sliced ​​vegetables.
  • At night: fruit or 10 g of chocolate.

Remember that the intense weight loss that this program provides will lead to sagging skin if your body weight has been significantly exceeded. Therefore, from the first day of losing weight, pay attention to your body, using tightening products and doing a special massage.

About chocolate and coffee

Speaking about drinking chocolate and coffee as a diet program, it is worth determining all the pros and cons of this method of losing weight. The undoubted advantage of the diet is the rapid achievement of results, which is especially appreciated by women on the eve of a special event, a trip to a resort, or simply to get themselves in order in a short time.

The second pleasant thing for those losing weight is that there is no need to protect yourself from sweets. Any mono-diet seems unbearable, but not chocolate. Women enjoy eating “windows” and at the same time do not gain weight, but waste their fat depot.

In addition, chocolate products and coffee drinks stimulate brain function. This improves mental activity during sessions, exams, and when drawing up important reports. Plus, chocolate treats anemia, strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with antioxidants, which slow down the aging process.

Among the disadvantages of the chocolate diet, it is worth recalling the contraindications to its adherence and the importance of consulting with your doctor or nutritionist. Another disadvantage of this weight loss program, experts see, is that cocoa butter is not able to change your diet. As soon as the period of food restrictions ends, the person quickly returns to his usual diet. This means that the risk of rapid weight gain and even overweight increases. The reason for this is the body’s reluctance to save calories and quickly get the wasted substances.

A poorly balanced diet in terms of dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals does not have a very good effect on the state of some body functions. A colored diet or taking ready-made multivitamin complexes will help replenish the deficiency of nutrients after a chocolate-coffee program.

Diet rules

The chocolate diet is not a reason to eat sweets uncontrollably. The daily norm of tasty food is 100 g of cocoa product. In small quantities, the confectionery product minimizes the percentage of subcutaneous fat and speeds up metabolism.

Chocolate contains cocoa beans, and they, in turn, contain flavonoids. The effect of these substances on the body is similar to the work of antioxidants - they also rejuvenate the insides and skin tissue, improve the course of biochemical processes and encourage the body to shed extra pounds. Dark dark chocolate is especially good in this regard, because, unlike bars of other varieties, it contains cocoa butter and grated cocoa powder in high concentrations.

So, to ensure that the chocolate-coffee diet brings only benefits, adhere to the principles of sweet diets:

  1. Spend one meal or every meal with chocolate.
  2. Drink 300 g of boiled low-fat milk daily. At the moment of boiling, add a little sweetener and cocoa powder (5 g) to it.
  3. If you plan to eat salads periodically, improve the taste of the dishes with low-fat dressing.
  4. After a piece of tile or other food, periodically drink drinking water. It will prevent moisture loss. 2 liters of liquid per day is quite enough.

The chocolate diet sets some restrictions for the period of its observance. Like watermelon, it completely prohibits the use of salt and sugar. In addition, during the week it is prohibited to take low-alcohol products, juices, strong alcohol, soda and drinks that stimulate the appetite.

Drinking water or green tea should be taken only 3 hours after eating chocolate. You need to drink a lot, since you are currently on an extra diet with the exception of salt.

If you need to re-diet, wait a month or more. Mono-nutrition gives a strong shake-up to the body. Some experts recommend alternating diets with a 7-day interval between the date the diet ends and the start of the transition to the main diet.

Chocolate diet for 3 days

Carrying out a three-day diet on chocolate allows you to lose up to 3 kg. This makes it popular among women who need to lose weight quickly and without suffering for sweets. You can simply eat the bar throughout the day, as long as it is dark, has no extraneous fillers, and contains 80% or more cocoa powder. The thirst that arises after eating another piece can be quenched with black coffee.

The second option for a sweet mono-diet is the daily consumption of a dark 100-gram bar with an unlimited amount of green tea.

Third menu: the same chocolate and coffee, but the drink is diluted with skim milk.

Fourth version: alternating dark chocolate with milk chocolate or a bar with nuts.

Divide your purchase into 6 equal pieces and eat each one 2 hours apart. Enjoy the bar and wash it down with green tea or coffee. If you have a milk bar, do not eat more than 80 g of the product per day; if you have a black bar, then only 100 g. And remember about clean water, otherwise dehydration will occur.

Quitting the diet

After the expiration of the week-long chocolate diet, you must exit it correctly, without causing damage to your health. Trying to maintain the achieved effect, control the amount of food you eat and avoid overeating. Meals after a sweet weight loss program are only fractional, portioned.

Immediately after finishing the diet, lean on carrot and white cabbage salads with lemon juice. Chop the vegetables thoroughly and chew the cuts thoroughly, since your stomach has become accustomed to coarse pieces.

Since the body experienced a lack of nutrients for 3 – 7 days, support it with the following products:

  • Herbal decoctions.
  • Green unsweetened tea.
  • Meat and fish broths (unsalted and low-fat).
  • Freshly squeezed juices diluted with water.
  • Berries, fruits and vegetables without starchy roots.
  • Protein foods: eggs, boiled chicken breast, nuts, dairy products.

The chocolate diet is a nutrition program that will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth. What could be better than enjoying your favorite chocolate and losing weight so quickly?

Of course, like any other weight loss method, the chocolate menu is quite limited. Every woman’s eyes light up when she hears about getting rid of a few kilos, and even using such a sweet method. But in fact, you are allowed to eat 30–100 g of this delicacy per day.

Californian nutritionists, as a result of research, have come to the unequivocal conclusion that a small amount of a high-quality, necessarily bitter product helps reduce body fat. The fact is that cocoa accelerates metabolic processes in the body, thereby helping to get rid of extra pounds.

There are several options for the presented diet, but they are all subject to strict rules:

  • every day one meal is replaced with chocolate;
  • According to the terms of the program, you should drink at least 300 ml of skim milk per day;
  • when preparing salads, it is most often recommended to use lemon juice as a dressing;
  • To avoid dehydration during the diet, you must drink at least two liters of clean water every day.

White chocolate is not good for weight loss! The reason is that it does not contain cocoa and contains many sweeteners.

Chocolate can be consumed together with black natural coffee - another unsurpassed assistant in weight loss. This drink also helps speed up metabolic processes and burn fat.

Pros and cons of this method of weight loss

You can lose weight on a chocolate diet very quickly, and this is its advantage. But in addition to positive aspects, such a technique also has many disadvantages.

The advantages of the program include the undeniable benefits it will bring to people suffering from anemia. In addition, sweetness contains many antioxidants that slow down the aging process of cells. Chocolate improves brain function, which is important for people engaged in mental work.

A huge disadvantage is the fact that after leaving the diet, if you do not strictly follow the rules of a healthy diet and do not watch your figure, the lost kilos will quickly return. And also chocolate diets are poorly balanced in terms of nutrients, so they can cause great harm to health.

And finally, there are many contraindications to chocolate diets, the main one being diabetes.

The chocolate diet prohibits the consumption of many foods, but sometimes the most unexpected foods are acceptable.

  • 30–100 g dark chocolate;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • durum wheat pasta: noodles, spaghetti, etc.;
  • rolled oats and corn flakes;
  • vegetable salads with lemon juice;
  • meatless pasta sauces;
  • popcorn (without salt and butter), the use of toppings for it;
  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • low-fat kefir.
  • milk 1%.

This is a sample diet. Depending on the menu for 3 or 7 days, the set of products varies. There are also gentle program options that have a more expanded list.

Detailed menu for 3 and 7 days

A chocolate diet for 3 days is a rather strict menu, but the result - minus 3 kg in such a short period of time stimulates the refusal of gastronomic pleasures.

This sweet weight loss program is more like a long fasting day. You are allowed to drink up to three cups of coffee with milk and without sugar per day, as well as eat a bar of dark chocolate. The daily water requirement is two liters. All other products are completely taboo.

This chocolate-coffee diet is very dangerous for health, especially for people suffering from heart disease and having trouble sleeping.

The chocolate diet for 7 days has the most gentle menu. A classic example of a chocolate diet for a week is the Italian version.

The nutrition will be gentle all week, but nevertheless the program works and guarantees a weight loss of 5-6 kg. It is allowed to eat noodles, noodles with meat for lunch, cook and eat all vegetables raw, eat fruits, sauces and dairy products. And, of course, every day it is recommended to enjoy chocolate or brew cocoa with low-fat milk.

Sample chocolate diet menu for 1 day:

  • breakfast should consist of raw fruits and wheat flakes with milk;
  • for second breakfast you can eat 150 g of popcorn or raw fruit;
  • For lunch, pasta without salt is prepared, vegetable salad is allowed;
  • for an afternoon snack, popcorn or a smoothie made from fruit and kefir;
  • dinner should consist of porridge with sauce and boiled vegetables;
  • For an evening snack - exclusively chocolate.

Every day, a weekly chocolate diet allows you to eat only 30 g of exclusively dark chocolate. Coffee is also allowed, but no more than three cups per day.

Chocolate Diet Options

The sweet weight loss program has various menu options - strict and gentle. The cocoa diet, which is used for only one week, is extremely popular. The calorie content of this aromatic drink is low, since according to the rules of the method, it must be prepared with skim milk and without added sugar.

You should consume at least 6 cups of cocoa per day. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids - about 2 liters of plain filtered water. Cocoa powder is purchased only without additives, in its pure form. Under no circumstances should the product contain milk powder.

Another gentle option for a chocolate diet is kefir. The program lasts only 5 days, and during this time it guarantees weight loss of up to 5 kg. Food is strictly limited, only low-calorie foods and black coffee with kefir are allowed.

Another chocolate diet for those who want to lose weight deliciously is a diet with turkey and chocolate. According to the rules of the method, it is allowed to consume up to 100 g of boiled turkey meat per day, as well as one egg. You can also eat low-fat cottage cheese.

Myths and reality about sweets

Chocolate is a very healthy product, but many people are wary of diets based on such sweetness. Of course, the program also has its contraindications, but this technique still has more advantages.

Chocolate improves the functioning of the immune system and prevents premature aging. A week spent on a treat will help fill the body with valuable nutrients, improve cell metabolism, and increase hemoglobin. The product energizes and lifts your spirits.

But there are many fears and concerns associated with consuming large amounts of it. For example, people are often afraid that sweets will ruin their teeth and cause caries. In fact, recent studies have proven that chocolate has nothing to do with such complications.

In addition, there is an opinion that natural sweetness raises blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes. In fact, a few pieces eaten every day cannot raise sugar to a critical level.

Quitting the diet

After following a strict diet with severe restrictions, you should end the program correctly. This directly determines whether the result obtained with considerable difficulty will be consolidated.

Exiting the diet should be smooth. Gradually, foods such as cereals, fat-containing dairy products, meat and fish are introduced into the diet. Every day the menu should gradually expand. You cannot immediately “pounce” on food and overeat, as this will inevitably lead to the return of extra pounds and stomach problems.

The first dish that nutritionists recommend adding to your diet after losing weight is fresh cabbage salad. You can season this dietary snack with lemon juice. Cabbage will begin to accustom the stomach to roughage. On the same day, you are allowed to eat buckwheat porridge or oatmeal, but only in a well-cooked form.

After leaving the diet, you should consume weak meat broths for about a week.

After finishing the program, you should review your regular menu, cross out everything fatty and fried from it. It is necessary to be careful with flour products and sweets.

Physical exercise will help you stay in shape for a long time. Even such a technique as not taking the elevator and going for long walks will help improve your physical fitness.

Who is this method of weight loss contraindicated for?

This weight loss nutrition program is aimed only at healthy, fit people. In no case should you adhere to the presented diet during adolescence, since the child’s body will not be able to withstand such drastic restrictions in the diet without damage.

Many people with a sweet tooth enjoy using the chocolate program. Even despite such strict restrictions on the menu, it is quite well tolerated. Chocolate quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, because a small piece of delicacy suppresses your appetite for a long time.

If you urgently need to lose a few extra pounds without starving yourself, then the chocolate diet is exactly what you need!