Who said that real art is paints and canvases? We are ready to tell you about the direction in artistic creativity, which was well owned and mastered by such masters as Vrubel or Brian Duey. They perfectly executed drawings with a simple pencil. And these works excite, delight and bring pleasure. Is it possible to adopt their technique and learn to draw in a similar way? Yes, you certainly may! But how and what is needed for this?

  1. First, let's talk about why you should pay attention to this direction.
  2. The next important issue that we will focus on is the secrets of drawing.
  3. And let's complete this excursion into the world where black and white images reign with a small but pleasant gift.

Monochrome pencil drawings

Speaking of the greatness and genius of everything simple, one cannot but recall the ordinary pencil. Who among us is not familiar with him and did not hold him in his hands. All of us have been good at it since childhood. Of course, for beginners, for very tiny children, it seems that it’s so easy to pick up a pencil and start “creating” scribbles.

But the child grows, and he sees that the range of application of the pencil is huge, and you can use it in different ways. Someone builds cities, bridges and houses for them on paper. Another - lays them on the map the route of a round-the-world trip. And the third writes poetry or draws a portrait of his beloved.

That's how easily and simply the pencil entered our lives and became our assistant and friend. And the pictures drawn with a pencil are already a whole trend, stylish and having their own unique charm.

Their distinctive feature is that they are absolutely universal. Therefore, their possibilities are endless. Drawn with a simple pencil, they are:

  • Suitable for any age. And small children are interested in looking at them, and adults like to use them in their posts on social networks.
  • There are no limiting criteria for their use. It will be interesting for girls and boys to display such beautiful pictures as a status or give them to their friend.
  • They can be copied or it is easy to learn how to perform (copy) yourself.
  • Different nature of images. These can be cute pictures with cute fluffies, they can be funny and funny, or they can look like photographs.

And most importantly, the pencil drawing is incredibly attractive and convincing. It can decorate not only your profile on a page in social networks, but also the morning and the whole day with pleasant memories.

Drawing options for simple images

The biggest secret to why pencil drawings are fun, original, and eye-catching is that they look like they're alive. Everything is drawn so realistically and accurately that it seems that people are about to speak or laugh or cry, and objects can be taken and used.

Why are they so cool and everything looks so natural? What revives them? Take a closer look, through light strokes it is noticeable that the master thought over not only the accuracy of the lines that convey the image and silhouette, he paid special attention to one tiny nuance, thanks to which the images are not only beautiful, but almost material. What's this? Light and shadow.

Masterfully working on chiaroscuro, the artist achieves an apparent volume. Before us, as before, are simple black-and-white pictures for sketching. But when a shadow appeared, for example, from a curl falling on the face, or on the table from a vase, everything suddenly came to life.

Can you do the same? Do you want to learn? Do you want yours to look realistic? Then you are right to visit us!

Step by step master classes

It’s easy to say: “draw”, but how can you really do it if you have never studied it and it seems that there is no talent? The team of our site gives all its friends an amazing opportunity to learn how to make pencil drawings in stages. Without teachers, you yourself are able to become an artist and delight yourself and your loved ones with your creativity. How? If you accept our tips on how to master sketching, the technique of repetition. She's not complicated at all. Yes, and the result will please.

Found some great tips Bobby Chiu(one of the leading teachers on Schoolism) on how to make black and white drawings better, which I share. Some of this may seem simple, but all the tips really work. Monochrome drawings are an important part of learning to draw, they develop an understanding of tone, volume and more, and they are a little easier to draw. The tips below apply to drawing with pencils, pens, and markers.

Wipe away excess ink on a separate sheet.
Ballpoint pens are a wonderful medium and can be used to create beautiful subtle contrasting strokes.
But when you draw with a pen, always in the process of work, excess paste appears on the rod, which must be removed. I've seen artists do this many times in the margins of their work, but it's best to use a separate sheet for this. you need to press the tip of the rod to the paper and twist it a little. So the lines of the pen will be clear, thin and there will be no blots at work.

Use different shades of gray.
This tip works great with markers - there's usually a wide range of cool and warm grays. Using not one marker, but several, you can add depth to the drawing and it will look more interesting.

Draw a sketch for a marker drawing with a simple pencil.
Before doing the work with a marker, sketch out a sketch with a simple pencil. The beauty of the method is that after the markers dry, according to Bobby, the pencil drawing can be easily erased without damaging the marker drawing.

Don't throw away dry markers.
Many people tend to refill the marker at the first sign of drying, but semi-dry markers and felt-tip pens are a completely independent tool for creating amazing textures. Try using them to draw shallow shadows or uneven surfaces in your drawing.

Use all the possibilities of a pencil.
Pencil drawing is as unique as handwriting. Use a variety of strokes and pressure to emphasize the shape and achieve texture. I’ll add on my own that it’s very useful to make yourself a sheet with a “texture library”, where you can collect strokes of various shapes and directions, and look at it while drawing, so as not to get hung up on ordinary strokes.

Remember light.
While drawing with a pencil, it is very easy to darken the light places, and it can be very difficult to return the light tone, so do not rush to make the drawing contrast. If you feel that you are darkening the picture, put the drawing aside for a while to understand where you need to stop and where you can still work.

Use multiple pencils.
No one forbids drawing with one pencil, but as a rule, beautiful strokes, a clear drawing, and deep shadows can only be achieved using pencils of different softness. The order of work is from the hardest to the softest. It is convenient to sketch out the sketch and the first shadows with the H pencil and gradually move along the softness ruler with the darkening of the picture (I usually stop at 6B or 8B).

Protect your work.
Such a simple advice and for some reason many neglect it. Place a blank sheet of paper under your working palm so as not to smear the drawing. Life hack: it is better to use matte tracing paper - this way you can see the whole work.

Draw sketches or thumbnails before you start.
Also simple advice and also often not followed. Thumbnails are such small handwritings with the location and composition of the future drawing. This is an obligatory stage before large works, but it also helps in small drawings. A sketch can be very approximate, but even it will seriously simplify life.

These simple tips from a good practitioner will make your drawing neater and teach you good habits. What helps you when drawing with a pencil, pens or markers?

Black and white pictures for sketching are a popular request on the net. The number of such pictures on the Internet is impressive. Here you will find pictures of different levels of complexity. It doesn’t matter if you are just learning to draw them or if you have been fond of such a hobby for a long time, you will find the best option for yourself.

Black and white light pictures for sketching

Usually these are basic drawings that do not contain many elements. Beginners are advised to start:

  • from simple patterns that can be copied, for example, by cells;
  • images of animals, such as cartoon animals;
  • pictures of flowers (those that are not very detailed).

You can also choose some emblems, the number of which on the network will pleasantly surprise you. Start with the simplest, and after filling your hand, you can move on to more complex and more realistic pictures.

The most popular black and white pictures for sketching

These are the pictures that can be placed in personal diaries, your sketchbooks, and it was not a shame to show them to friends.

These include:

  • images of flowers and floral patterns;
  • mandalas;
  • images of girls and guys in cartoon style.

Popular are those pictures that are often used as sketches for tattoos, these are skulls, butterflies, owls, as well as images of other animals and birds. In this category you can find pictures of varying complexity:

  • consisting of a minimum set of elements;
  • complex pictures;
  • with hatching.


Anime fans can rejoice. On the network, they can find a wide variety of pictures that are easy to redraw even for beginners. In this category, the most popular are pictures that depict the characters of such cartoons as:

  • Naruto;
  • Sailarmoon;
  • Durarara;
  • Master of the devilish cult;
  • The border of the void;
  • Hell Girl.

If you are interested in the simplest anime pictures for sketching, take black and white images from the Totoro anime as a basis. Even a child can cope with drawing such pictures.

cute pictures

By this query you will find the cutest images. It is not difficult to guess that the most popular in this category are pictures with cats. On the net, you can find cats with different grimaces, superhero cats, and even something in between, between unicorns and cats. By the way, unicorns are another example of a cute picture to draw. Together with unicorns, they draw rainbows, clouds, stars, the moon. The more experience you have, the more you can complicate the picture with additional sketched details.


Popular topics in which it is worth highlighting simple pictures:

  • silhouettes of girls;
  • black and white simple images, consisting of a minimum number of lines, often without shading.

If you are confident in your ability to draw pictures, pay attention to more detailed images. True, beforehand you should still practice the ability to transfer the base to a clean sheet. The more details, especially such complex ones as, for example, hands, the more difficult it will be to cope with the sketch.

toggle switch

It seems to be an endless source of inspiration. Here, black and white pictures for sketching are easy to find. Enter your query into the search engine. You may even be lucky to find whole collections of beautiful pictures on the pages of those who are fond of drawing as much as you are. If you get your own account on this site, then the images found can be saved. The main advantage of Tumblr is the ability to constantly have access to the most stylish and fashionable pictures.

For LD (personal diary)

This category contains pictures that could be used to personalize your personal diary. For LD, images of crowns, musical notes and headphones, romantic images of lovers, cute pictures, images of sad girls, flower patterns are suitable.


The cute category has images related to those in the cute category. Here are funny, funny cats, pictures with butterflies and on the topic of love. Here you can also find images of food, but unusual, but cartoonish, for example, ice cream with eyes, smiling marshmallows, cherries in love, etc.


For this query, you will find images of sad girls, images on the theme of romance and love, these pictures are diverse, differing in complexity. One way or another, you will find the option with the sketching of which you will definitely cope.

Black and white pictures for sketching are much more popular than color ones, since it is much easier to implement them on blank paper, because you don’t have to worry about soft color transitions, and you can forget about searching for additional materials, tools, for redrawing. It is enough to have a black pen, pencil or a thin marker to create your own work of art.

Black and white pictures with a simple pencil for sketching are perfect for those who like to draw anytime and anywhere. Using every free minute when only a pencil and white paper are at hand. Or those who get aesthetic pleasure from the combination of these two colors.

Such cute drawings look very unusual and stylish. They can easily become a decoration of your interior or notebook. Also suitable as a gift to your family and friends.

It is recommended to draw black and white pictures for novice artists, since everything is extremely simply drawn on them. Yes, and to create the simplest image in black and white, you only need a pencil and a sheet of paper. All these advantages greatly facilitate the process of copying and at the same time teach how to draw.

Some of the black and white sketches presented in this article are designed for experienced artists and contain intricate details that a beginner will find it difficult to transfer to paper.

You must always remember that if you have only recently begun to learn the basics of drawing, not everything and always you will succeed the first time. At times like these, you can't despair. In such a case, the main thing is not to abandon this lesson, but to practice every day. Then you will hone your skills and be able to easily find complex black and white pictures to draw and redraw them in a matter of minutes.

For those who have long learned how to handle a simple pencil and redraw all the beautiful black and white drawings that they could find, the site has selected unusual images. We hope that with us you will find something to draw with a pencil and soothe the itching in fingers that want to create.

In all topics, we select pictures for different levels of preparedness. This article is no exception. Having carefully looked at our cool pictures, you will see that there are also very simple ones here that even a beginner can draw in stages. There are complex ones with a large number of lines and strokes, which are capable of drawing. So, all requests are satisfied. And you do not pull, rub your hands and get to work!