Make some quick sweet buns at home too. You won't need to spend hours in the kitchen to treat your family to a real masterpiece.

My article will be useful to all those who want to bake delicious buns at home in a short amount of time that will bring pleasure.

Recipes are presented in a wide variety on my website, and therefore if you have a desire for something tasty, but cannot understand what exactly you want, then you need to start making buns.

You can find all the components in your kitchen.

Preparing for quick baking

Making quick buns is not at all difficult, even if you have absolutely no experience in baking. The baking will turn out gorgeous, and there’s certainly no doubt about it.

Doing everything exactly as the recipe indicates is the main condition. The main ingredients will be chicken. egg and flour. Get fresh chicken. eggs.

This product is responsible for the airiness of the mass, and therefore I would not advise any housewife to neglect this rule. Let's find out what quick recipes this article has prepared for us.

Recipe for delicious homemade buns in a hurry

Components: 300 gr. kefir and flour; 30 gr. Sahara; 15 gr. salt; 60 ml plant. oils; for decoration you can use sesame or poppy seeds; 2 gr. baking powder; 1 PC. chickens yolk.

It must be said that this recipe is very convenient for those housewives who do not have free time, but this does not make their desire to cook delicious rolls at home any less.

The recipe requires 40 minutes at most. Appetizing buns that will please everyone will appear on your table.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add salt and sugar and baking powder to the flour. I mix the plant. butter and kefir separately.
  2. I pour the flour into the kefir mass and let the dough mix well. It is important to remove all lumps so that there are no problems with this later.
  3. You will get exactly as many buns as you divide the dough into. I form the dough into balls and place them on a baking sheet. I lubricate it in advance. butter so my buns don't stick to it.
  4. I grease the dough balls with yolk, beat it in advance as well.
  5. I sprinkle each bun with poppy seeds, if you chose sesame seeds, do the same. You can even sprinkle the buns with sugar. The topping is really up to you.
  6. I send the buns to bake in the oven until fully cooked.

Yeast quick milk buns in a hurry

To quickly prepare quick delicious buns that your family will love, you need to take this recipe. In this case, you will need dry yeast.

The buns will be very rich and tasty, this is largely due to the fact that the baked goods are made with milk.

In fact, such recipes are very convenient because all the ingredients can be found even at home, and therefore it is possible to eliminate a trip to the store.

Components: 250 gr. flour; 50 ml milk; 10 gr. Sahara; 7 gr. yeast; 30 ml plant. oils; 1 piece each chickens egg and yolk separately; cinnamon and salt; for decoration - sugar.

The recipe is not complicated, and the buns are prepared in 1 hour.

Algorithm for preparing quick buns:

  1. I mix a lot of yeast with flour and mix well. I'm whipping chickens. egg, milk, sugar, salt. I mix the mixtures together.
  2. The milk mixture should be supplemented with the plant. butter, put in a bag and leave aside for 10 minutes. I leave it aside and preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
  3. Mix cinnamon and sugar. The cake should be as thin as possible. Lubricate it. butter and cover with sugar and cinnamon.
  4. I roll the roll.

It is important that it turns out dense. Its thickness is approximately 2 cm; it is worth cutting the roll into pieces. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, 1 cm apart. I cover the chickens. egg.

I send it to bake in the oven. The golden brown crust will let you know that the delicious buns are ready and you can take them to the table.

Quick cottage cheese baking in the oven

Few people will refuse cottage cheese buns. The thing is that the filling of buns with cottage cheese is almost the most popular among baking lovers.

You can bake not only sweet rolls, because you can even use salted cottage cheese.

In this case, you will need to spend about an hour and a half of free time. You need to bake a lot of dough in the oven.

Components: 3 pcs. chickens eggs; 250 ml milk; 200 gr. Sahara; 1 kg flour; 10 gr. salt; 20 gr. dry yeast; 100 gr. margarine; 150 gr. raisins; 500 gr. cottage cheese; 2 packs vanilla.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I start preparing the buns with the dough dough. In this case, you need to take the milk and warm it up a little. The yeast mass of the dough should be completely dissolved.
  2. You can add 1/5 of the flour and leave it aside for 60 minutes. The yeast will rise during this time.
  3. Chicken Mix eggs and salt, add a little salt and vanilla. I melt the margarine, but then let it cool to room temperature. I add chicken to the mixture. eggs I mix and spread the dough into a homogeneous mixture.
  4. The dough will take about an hour. During this time the dough will double in size. Once the yeast is activated, it's time to add a ton of chicken. eggs Knead the dough well, add the flour that was left over from the last time. If the consistency of the dough does not suit you, you can safely increase the amount of flour.
  5. I put the dough in a warm place and leave it there to start preparing the filling.
  6. I pour boiling water over the mixture and leave it to soak for 1 hour. You need to do this in advance to reduce the preparation time for the filling.
  7. I let the cottage cheese stand in a warm place until it reaches a temperature of about 37 degrees. I add sugar, vanilla, 1 pc. chickens eggs, raisins. I divide the resulting dough so that the buns are approximately the same.
  8. The dough should not stick to the table, to avoid this effect, it is better to sprinkle it with flour.
  9. Roll out round layers and put the filling inside.
  10. Make cuts in the blanks so that all parts are larger than the previous ones. The smaller one should be wrapped around the cottage cheese and the edges should be sealed well. Do the same with the other parts. All buns must be stable, so firmly attach each part of the top element to the base. I grease the baking tray. butter, place the prepared buns on it and leave for 10 minutes.
  11. I coat the chicken buns. yolk, bake the buns for 30 minutes. I serve them warm to the table; they go amazingly with a glass of cold milk.

Another recipe for quick curd dough for buns

Cottage cheese-based dough is known among chefs for its special softness. The buns will melt in your mouth and this is without any exaggeration. The mixture is perfect for baking buns and adding filling.

Components: 300 gr. flour; 3 gr. salt; 50 ml kefir; 120 gr. Sahara; 200 gr. cottage cheese; 100 ml plant. oils; 1 PC. chickens eggs; 10 gr. baking powder.

To be honest, this recipe can be classified as unique, everything is due to its simplicity and convenience, speed, because preparing delicious pastries will take 50 minutes at most.

All housewives will agree that the taste of cottage cheese buns cannot be compared with any other.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chicken I separate the egg into white and yolk. I mix the first part with kefir, and leave the second aside, the whole point is that I need the yolk to bake buns with a golden crust.
  2. I grind the cottage cheese with sugar and add salt. I mix the mixture with kefir. I bring it to a homogeneous state. I enter the plant. oil. To make the mass homogeneous, you need to use a blender or mixer to help.
  3. I mix the baking powder with flour and sift using a sieve. I add flour to the mixture. If the specified amount of flour seems insufficient to you, then you need to add a little more.
  4. I form buns, the shape does not matter, rely on your experience and imagination. I advise only one thing - the buns need to be made small, firstly, the dough will rise, and secondly, the mixture will be baked as best as possible.
  5. I grease the finished buns with chicken. egg, place them on a baking sheet so that the mass is thoroughly baked. I bake until fully cooked and serve.

The buns will be so delicious that your family will spend the entire 50 minutes waiting for delicious baked goods. Enjoy your meal!

To make your tea cake beautiful, follow exactly the tips that I have put together in this article:

  • For a golden hue on the buns, you should use chicken rub. yolk of water and adding sugar. Take 1 tbsp for 1 yolk. water and add the same amount of sugar.
  • It is best to sprinkle the buns with sugar. powder, this must be done when the baked goods are taken out of the oven. I advise you to chop dried fruits for convenience.
  • The recipe can be easily changed using candied fruit topping, raisins, and dried apricots. The buns are very tasty, see for yourself by studying the recipes on my website and implementing them in your kitchen. Remember, you can add vanillin, cinnamon or cloves to the buns. The aromatic spices are also very tasty; they perfectly complement the dough and will please even the most picky gourmets. Everyone at home will be delighted. Try baking a sweet pastry for tea, my recipes are accessible to many, regardless of your kitchen skills and experience.
  • It is better to bake homemade buns on a baking sheet, which is covered with parchment. Apply a layer of rast on top of the baking paper. oils
  • I advise you to bake baked goods from yeast dough; be sure to separate the yolks from the whites so that you can add them one by one into the batch. The advice is simple, but this does not mean its effectiveness; the buns will end up fluffy.
  • There should be moderation in everything; if you use a lot of sugar for kneading, there is a risk that the mass will float and lose its airiness. Baked goods coated with too much sugar will be spoiled, overcooked and lose their characteristics, which will affect your family's appetite. Do not change the proportions of ingredients.
  • The form doesn't matter, do what suits you.
  • Size plays a big role; if the yeast dough buns are too small, the freshness will not last for more than 24 hours. The larger the baked goods for tea, the longer they will stay fresh. When planning to bake the buns once, you can shape them small. After all, you eat them quickly.
  • The dough should only be left in a warm place. This recommendation is due to the fact that yeast dough for buns is afraid of drafts, which affects its mass. The dough will be covered with a crust under the influence of a draft, and therefore during baking it will not allow the mass to increase in size.
  • The ideal temperature for baking buns is 180 degrees. in the oven. But if you bake small buns, then 200 gr. will be sufficient. Otherwise, the baked goods will not cook, but will simply begin to dry.
  • How much filling you put in the buns plays a big role. If there is not enough filling, the buns will rise well. Otherwise, they may not even get up.
  • You can put both yeast and baking powder into the dough at once.
  • Buns can be decorated with sugar. powder. To make it beautiful, you can sift the mixture through a sieve on top of the buns. By the way, on the Internet there are different recipes on how to beautifully decorate sakh. powder buns, for example, using lace. Look at them, use your imagination and you will be able to decorate the buns perfectly.
  • If you place yeast dough buns on a baking sheet at a short distance from each other, the baked goods will bake even better. The composition of the dough will not play a role in the fact that before baking the buns should be given 10 minutes to proof. The yeast dough mass will be more pliable during baking.
  • Baking powder can be replaced with baking soda. The composition must be extinguished with lemon juice or vinegar.

This will help eliminate the unpleasant aroma and taste of the product in the yeast dough batch. But remember again about a sense of proportion.

My video recipe

1. Yogurt buns

● 350g flour,
● 300g yogurt,
● 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
● 2 tsp each sugar and baking powder,
● 1.5 tsp. salt.

Mix flour, salt, baking powder, sugar. Mix the yogurt and butter, add the flour mixture little by little and knead the dough. Place the dough on a floured surface, divide into 8-10 equal parts, form into buns, and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. You can roll the buns in sugar before doing this. Bake in an oven preheated to 210-220 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until cooked and browned. You can add dried fruits, vanilla to these buns, and if you want them to be unsweetened, then herbs, seeds, poppy seeds, and sesame will do.

2.Buns with milk

● 2 cups flour,
● 2/3 cup milk,
● 1/3 cup vegetable oil,
● 3 tsp. baking powder,
● ½ tsp. salt.

Turn on the oven at 220 degrees in advance. Mix flour with baking powder and salt (you can add sugar for sweet buns or herbes de Provence, oregano, basil for savory ones), combine with liquid ingredients and mix. Form the dough into a small round cake about 3-4 cm high, and use a mold or glass to cut out buns from the dough. Bake for about 20 minutes or until browned, placing immediately in a preheated oven. The top of these buns in the sweet version can be sprinkled with sugar (preferably brown).

3.Buns with kefir and butter

● 400g flour,
● 100g sugar,
● 250ml kefir,
● 175 g softened butter,
● ¾ tsp. salt,
● ½ tsp each baking powder and soda.


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Sift the flour, mix with baking powder, soda, salt, add butter, grind with a fork into coarse crumbs, pour in kefir and mix immediately, roll half of the dough into a ball, flatten it into a flat cake, use a glass or molds to cut out 6 buns, or cut a circle into 6 triangles, repeat with the remaining dough. Place the buns on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake for 12 minutes or until browned. If desired, the tops of the buns can be greased with kefir and sprinkled with sugar.

4. Yeast buns


● 20-25 tbsp. sifted wheat flour,
● 1 glass of milk,
● ¼ cup vegetable oil,
● ½ glass of water,
● 1.5 tsp. dry yeast,
● ½ tsp. salt without a slide,
● sugar to taste.


Stir yeast in water, add 2 tbsp. flour, leave warm until fermentation, you can put the glass in a bowl of warm water. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Pour the yeast mass into a large bowl, add milk and butter, add sugar and salt, mix, then knead the dough, gradually adding flour - the dough should become soft, not sticky. Divide the dough into 50g balls, flatten into flat cakes up to 2cm thick and place on a greased sheet. Use a knife to score the top of the buns across the entire width, leave for 5 minutes and then bake for 12-15 minutes or until cooked and browned. Quickly brush the finished buns with cold water and cover with a towel. These buns can be prepared unsweetened with grated onions, herbs or herbs.

5.Sugar buns


● ¼ cup flour,
● 4 large eggs,
● 1 ¾ cups milk,
● ¾ cup softened butter,
● ¼ cup sugar,
● 1 tbsp. baking powder.


How to make sugar quick buns. Heat the oven to 240 degrees, cover a baking sheet with parchment. Mix flour, salt, baking powder and sugar, make a hole in the middle, pour oil into it, knead the dough with your hands. Beat 3 eggs with milk, pour into the flour mixture, mix. On a surface dusted with flour, roll out the dough into a layer 2.5 cm thick, cut out the buns, and place them on a baking sheet. Beat the last egg, coat the buns, sprinkle sugar on top and bake for 12-15 minutes or until cooked and browned. Cool the finished buns on a wire rack.

You can make buns using any of the suggested recipes even tastier - just add any dried fruits or nuts to the dough. With such quick recipes, even the busiest housewife can find time for home baking!

Sometimes you really want to improve your own culinary skills and get a unique dish that will appeal to all family members. The housewives place a special emphasis on desserts, which are liked by both adults and children. It’s much easier to go to the nearest pastry shop and buy a treat for tea. But you can also make beautifully shaped buns yourself.

Baking yeast buns

Wrapping, as well as finishing, require a careful approach. You cannot twist strips of text at random. To decorate them beautifully, you need to be smart. An experienced cook can give products an unusual and attractive shape in a matter of seconds.

Not everyone can bake their own twisted buns with original patterns. But in reality, no special skill is required here. It is enough to follow every step of the recipe to achieve an effect that amazes everyone. The shape of the buns will be perfect. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 250 ml milk;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • package of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 kg flour;
  • 25 g yeast.

Another chicken yolk and 30 ml of milk will be needed to grease the buns. If you intend to make shaped buns, you should definitely learn how to wrap them correctly. The work is carried out as follows:

This is followed by the formation of buns. The recipe for preparing dough for buns is the same, but they can be shaped in different ways. Each recipe has its own characteristics, so you should not deviate from the algorithm of actions.

Nothing pleases the eye more than beautiful pastries. There are different methods for folding dough for pies and bagels with filling. Even people who do not have much experience in cooking enjoy sculpting some intricate figure like a rose, for example.


This form of buns is very popular. The finished products look very appetizing. How give a beautiful shape:

The surface of the dough is greased with the mixture and sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar, and poppy seeds. During molding, products are given a clear shape; this can be done using special devices.

Pastries in the shape of heart and butterfly

Most often, children like buns with jam. Adults will also enjoy such products, as will puff pastries. To form such baked goods correctly, you must follow the recommendations for wrapping the products.

The dough is divided into parts. Roll out one half into a flat cake shape and grease with butter. Sugar is poured on top.

Next, you need to roll the cake and connect the edges of the dough. The resulting roll is cut lengthwise to form a heart. All that remains is to straighten it out. This pattern is also suitable for all other types of buns that you plan to make.

For a butterfly-shaped product, divide the dough mass into parts. Roll out and sprinkle with sugar. A roll is formed, after which it must be twisted into a rope. Connect the edges in the central part. Cut the roll 1 cm in the center and unfold the butterfly. Her wings should be turned to the sides. After this, you can consider the bun with sugar ready.

Features of baking beautiful buns

It will be easy for both professionals and beginners to make buns with their own hands. A step-by-step algorithm will tell you how to wrap them. Dough products can be wrapped in the shape of a figurine. This bun will look beautiful.

After the formation of the buns is completed, you need to send them to bake on a baking sheet. You need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Baking takes approximately 10 minutes. After this, reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. There is no need to take out the buns after this. You should keep the products for another 20 minutes.

Homemade baked goods with filling

Rolls can be made in the shape of beautiful roses. You can often see such products sprinkled with poppy seeds in stores. They are prepared as follows:

  • Knead the dough and roll it out.
  • After this, divide into equal halves.
  • 1 part is rolled out in the shape of a rectangle so that a not too thin cake is obtained.
  • Lubricate it with vegetable oil and sprinkle a small amount of poppy seeds on top.
  • Roll out the dough into a roll again.
  • Cut into pieces, the width of which should be 10 cm.

After this, all that remains is to form the roses.

Braids and curls

The dough is placed on the table surface, a small amount of flour is poured. Roll out into a rectangular shape. Pour the poppy seed filling on top and fold it overlapping. Cut into transverse strips. There should be 12 strips in total.

Twist them into spirals three times. Roll up in the shape of rings. Baking with sugar will be ready 20 minutes after it goes into the oven. The temperature in it should be at 200 degrees.

Heart with filling

Make small flat cakes, spread with vegetable oil and sprinkle with sugar. Poppy seeds are also sprinkled on top. You can also use cinnamon, this gives not only a refined taste, but also a good aroma. Roll the dough into a tube, fold and cut. Form a heart. After this, the buns are sent for baking. The finished result pleases with its originality and beauty.

Making buns with apples

This recipe requires a slightly different set of ingredients. Have to take:

Combine flour with dry yeast, sugar, salt and mix. Add vanilla powder and knead the dough. Heat the milk and add the dry ingredients. Beat in a chicken egg.

Add softened butter to the resulting mixture. Stir with a spoon and continue kneading the dough by hand. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel. Leave the container in a warm place for 1 hour. After this comes the formation of the buns. To bake apple buns with jam, you can also use fresh apples. To do this, you need to first simmer them in a frying pan for several minutes. The apples must be cored and then cut into slices.

Braided Christmas trees with jam

The dough is rolled out into a flat cake and cut into medium-sized squares. The central part is filled with jam. Cut the squares into small pieces on the sides, not reaching the core. Leave a space of 5 cm in the center and spread the jam here. A braid is formed.

To make a baked Christmas tree, roll out the dough into a flat cake and cut into triangles. Each product is cut into fragments on both sides and a Christmas tree is formed. The top part of the baked goods is greased with a mixture of yolk and milk. Form buns. They are baked well in the oven so that they get a golden hue.

Spirals with jam and roses

Roll out the dough into large sheets. Place the filling on top. Complements apple jam with raisins. The edges are overlapped. The finished roll is cut into strips and crosswise. Their width should be 3 cm. About 12 strips will be enough. Roll them up in a spiral shape. Place them, coated with jam, and bake on a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

To make a rose from dough, first cut the apples into slices. Boil in water for 5 minutes, add citric acid. Roll out the dough into a layer and cut into strips. All strips are greased with apple jam, sugar and cinnamon are poured on top.

The strips are placed in the center, after which apple slices are placed on them. The stripes are folded into the shape of a rose and an apple.

Curd products

Few people are able to refuse cottage cheese buns served with tea. This filling is very popular. You can bake not only sweet rolls. Even salted cottage cheese will be quite appetizing.

Beginners can start with a simple recipe for envelopes with cottage cheese. To do this, divide the dough into squares. The cottage cheese filling is placed in the center. Fold the corners in the center and bake until done. There are also more intricate options.

To make roses with cottage cheese, roll out the dough cakes and cut into three parts, but not completely. Place the filling in the center. The edges are wrapped around the filling. Roll up and form roses.

For people who have some experience in baking, we can recommend curd buns recipe. To do this, roll out the dough into a rectangle. After this, you need to cut it into squares and put the filling in the center. Cuts are also made in the corners. The dough with filling is folded and the edges are inserted into the holes. The second edge must also be wrapped. The products can be considered finished. All that remains is to put them in the oven.

Every housewife likes to please her family with delicious homemade baked goods, and in such cases they whip up all sorts of buns. If you have a good and proven recipe at hand, the result will always be successful. Any version of lush products can be supplemented with fillings or simple additives.

It is prepared deliciously, quickly and without any hassle. You just need to mix the ingredients, wait for the dough to rest for a quarter of an hour, and form small balls. The products are also baked quickly, because the dough comes out fluffy and light, despite the fact that it is prepared without adding yeast.


  • butter – 100 g;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • baking powder, salt, vanilla;
  • lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour.


  1. Cream the butter and sugar, add the eggs and beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed.
  2. Pour in sour cream, baking powder, zest, vanilla and a pinch of salt.
  3. Add flour, kneading into a smooth, elastic dough.
  4. The quick brioche dough should rest for 15 minutes.
  5. Form into balls, brush with yolk and sprinkle with sugar.
  6. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at 190 degrees.

You can prepare quick, rich bun dough in no time. The basis of the pastry is eggs, butter and milk. To easily obtain fluffy dough, you need to prepare it using the sponge method. For a successful result, it is better to use fresh yeast; with dry yeast, the products will not be as fluffy.


  • yeast – 50 g;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • milk – 350 ml;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla;
  • yolk;
  • flour.


  1. Dissolve the yeast in the milk, add sugar and leave the dough in a warm place for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix eggs, sugar, soft butter, add vanilla.
  3. Pour the dough into the dough, stir and add flour, kneading the soft dough.
  4. Set aside in a warm place until doubled in size.
  5. Form simple buns, brush with yolk and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Bake the buns quickly for 20 minutes at 190.

Every cook can bake these quick ones. The dough is prepared with straight yeast, and the filling plays the main role, it both decorates the products and makes them tasty. These buns are quickly formed into rolls and cut into segments, resulting in beautiful “snails” with cinnamon.


  • instant yeast – 1 sachet;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • sugar – 1/2 tbsp.;
  • flour;
  • Filling:
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • cinnamon – 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat butter and sugar.
  2. Add eggs, pour in milk.
  3. Add yeast and stir.
  4. Add flour, kneading into a soft dough.
  5. Leave the dough in a warm place until it doubles in size.
  6. Roll out the layer, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon.
  7. Roll into a roll, cut into segments.
  8. Place on a baking sheet, brush with yolk and leave for 10 minutes.
  9. Bake cinnamon rolls quickly for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

These quick ones are more reminiscent of gingerbread, only they come out more fluffy and tastier, and thanks to the large amount of baking, they remain fresh and soft for a long time, so you can safely cook them for future use. If you add less sugar to the composition, you can safely offer them instead of bread for a hot dish.


  • butter – 150 g;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • flour.


  1. Beat the butter and sugar into a fluffy cream.
  2. Add eggs, pour in milk.
  3. Throw in vanilla and baking powder.
  4. Add flour and knead into a smooth dough.
  5. Form into flat cakes and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake the buns quickly for 20 minutes at 190.

Making quick buns without yeast is very easy. In this recipe, kefir and baking powder will play the main lifting role. You can take an expired fermented milk product; the more sour it is, the more magnificent the result will be. Vanilla is often used as a flavoring agent; it can be replaced or supplemented with other flavorings or zest.


  • kefir – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla;
  • lemon zest – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder;
  • sesame seeds for sprinkling;
  • flour.


  1. Add baking powder to kefir, stir, set aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Beat butter, sugar and eggs into cream.
  3. Pour in kefir, add vanilla, zest, stir.
  4. Add flour until you get a lump that doesn’t stick to your hands.
  5. Form into flat cakes, brush with yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes at 190.

Tasty and quick to prepare, the main advantage of the products is that they do not go stale for a long time and remain soft even the next day. The delicacy bakes quickly, so you will have time to create such a treat before breakfast. This amount of ingredients will yield approximately 10 fragrant buns.


  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • kefir – 50 ml;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • baking powder, vanillin;
  • flour – 300 g.


  1. Mix soft butter with egg and sugar.
  2. Beat cottage cheese and kefir with a blender until smooth.
  3. Mix both mixtures, add vanilla and baking powder.
  4. Add flour and knead into a smooth dough.
  5. Form the buns, place on a baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes at 200.

Quick ones can be made from yeast dough. Less sugar is added to the composition than usual, because dried fruits provide additional sweetness. The composition contains Greek yogurt, but it can be replaced with another unsweetened product or sour cream. Choose dark raisins, they are sweeter.


  • Greek yogurt - 1 tbsp.;
  • yeast – 1 sachet;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • raisins – 200 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 600-700 g.


  1. Mix warm yogurt with eggs, sugar, yeast, butter, mix.
  2. Sift the flour with baking powder and add it to the dough, kneading a soft, plastic lump.
  3. Leave in a warm place until doubled in volume.
  4. Add the swollen raisins, stir and leave the dough to rise again.
  5. Form into balls, spread on a baking sheet, brush with milk and sprinkle with sugar, leave to rest for 10 minutes.
  6. Bake for 20 minutes at 190.

The simplest buns with poppy seeds are made from ready-made dough; yeast puff pastry is ideal for this filling. The poppy seeds must be prepared in advance by pouring warm milk and leaving to soften for 40 minutes or longer. Then the remaining milk is drained, poppy seeds are mixed with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and used for their intended purpose.


  • puff pastry – 500 g;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • poppy seed filling – 1 tbsp;
  • yolk.


  1. Defrost the dough, roll it out.
  2. Spread soft butter over the surface, then spread the filling.
  3. Roll up and cut into segments.
  4. Place the pieces on a baking sheet, brush with yolk, bake for 25 minutes at 190.

For those who watch their diet and cannot deny themselves a piece of bread, this recipe will definitely come in handy. Quick buns made from rye flour are prepared in 20 minutes; the composition can be supplemented with seeds, they give the baked goods a special zest. Considering that this flour has a low gluten content, it is better to dilute it with wheat flour.


  • rye flour – 200 g;
  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • milk – 120 ml;
  • egg 3 pcs.
  • salt, baking powder;
  • flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds.


  1. Beat the eggs, add salt, baking powder, and pour in the milk.
  2. Add flour and knead into sticky dough.
  3. Throw in half the seeds and stir.
  4. Form into flat cakes, place on a baking sheet, and sprinkle the remaining seeds on top.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes at 185.

These buns are often prepared instead of quick bread; they are an excellent addition to a lunch meal. The basis for the amazing taste and aroma is the garlic sauce, which can be made in advance. To do this, mix chopped garlic with chopped herbs, salt and melted butter.

Homemade bun is the most delicious dessert that can be prepared both for a regular table and for a holiday. Today we will look at several recipes for such products. Using them at home, you will get a rich and high-calorie treat that will definitely appeal to both adults and children.

Simple recipe for homemade buns

To prepare delicious homemade buns, only rich yeast dough is used. Thanks to it you will get lush and soft products. They can be formed in different ways. In this recipe we will tell you how Moscow buns are made.

So, buns at home require the use of the following set of products:

  • warm whole cow's milk - 600 ml;
  • quality margarine - 120 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • white sugar - 200 g for the dough and the same amount for sprinkling;
  • table salt - 5 g;
  • light wheat flour - from 1 kg (add until the dough becomes thick);
  • sunflower oil - about 100 ml (for shaping);
  • granulated yeast (Pakmai type) - 5 g.

Knead the dough

The presented recipe for homemade buns is good for preparing a delicious dessert for breakfast or afternoon snack. These products can be consumed with sweet tea, cocoa or coffee.

So, to knead the dough, pour warm whole milk into a large container, add granulated sugar and completely dissolve it. After this, add dry yeast to the sweet drink and leave it aside for 12-16 minutes. As time passes, break all the eggs one by one into the ingredients, add melted cooking fat, table salt and light wheat flour.

By intensively mixing all the products, a soft and homogeneous dough is obtained, which is placed in a large bowl, covered with a towel and left in a warm place for an hour and a half. During this time, the yeast base should rise well. Periodically, it should be kneaded with hands soaked in vegetable oil.

We form products

A homemade bun can be shaped in different ways. We decided to make Moscow buns. To do this, knead the fluffy and soft dough well with your hands and then divide it into small pieces. Roll each of them into a round and thin cake. First grease its surface with sunflower oil and then sprinkle it with granulated sugar. After this, we roll the product into a roll, which we subsequently fold in half. Having made a cut in the middle of the semi-finished product (not reaching the edges), open it and place it on a baking sheet.

In this form, we leave the Moscow buns warm for another ¼ hour.

How to bake correctly?

Before preparing buns at home, the oven should be preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees. After placing the baking sheet in the kitchen appliance, the products must be baked for 48-55 minutes. During this period of time, the buns should brown, become fluffy and soft.

How to serve?

Now you know how to make buns at home. After all the products are baked, they are carefully placed on a large, flat dish and immediately served to the table. These buns are especially delicious warm or hot. Most often they are consumed at breakfast, as they are very high in calories and filling.

Making simple and delicious “Merry Family” buns

All housewives should know homemade sweet bun recipes. After all, it is not always possible to purchase such products in a store. Moreover, baked goods made with one’s own hands turn out much tastier and healthier than those prepared in production conditions.

So, to make homemade sweet buns called “Merry Family”, we will need:

  • warm whole cow's milk - 300 ml;
  • warm drinking water - 300 ml;
  • high-quality butter - 80 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • white sugar - 200 g;
  • table salt - 4 g;
  • light wheat flour - from 1 kg (add until the dough becomes thick);
  • sunflower oil - about 100 ml;
  • granulated yeast (Pakmai type) - 5 g;
  • real marmalade of different colors - at your discretion.

Kneading the base

Before you bake homemade “Merry Family” buns, you need to knead a rich yeast dough. To do this, warm drinking water is combined with whole milk, and then granulated sugar and granulated yeast are dissolved in them.

After keeping the ingredients warm for about ¼ hour, the following components are gradually added to them: a lightly beaten chicken egg, table salt, sunflower oil and melted cooking fat. After mixing the products and obtaining a homogeneous mass, add wheat flour to it and mix thoroughly.

After kneading a homogeneous and soft dough, place it in a deep container, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 80-90 minutes. Periodically kneading the base with wet hands to achieve its maximum volume.

How to form correctly?

A homemade bun made according to the presented recipe turns out very fluffy and soft. Such a product is formed quite easily. The risen dough is divided into 7 or 9 equal parts, and then formed into balls. 1 or 2 marmalades are placed inside each semi-finished product, and then placed in a deep bowl. Moreover, the distance between them should be minimal or completely absent. During heat treatment, the products will increase in size, forming a beautiful “daisy”.

After formation, all buns are greased with either a beaten chicken egg or sunflower oil.

Bake in the oven

A homemade bun with marmalade is baked in the oven for a whole hour. At the same time, its temperature should remain around 200 degrees. This treatment will allow you to get the most fluffy and soft products with a beautiful blush and shape.

We present it to the table

The presented recipe for homemade buns is good to use if you have small children. Kids really like these products, especially their sweet and colorful filling.

Sinabon buns: homemade recipe

The famous Sinabon buns can not only be purchased at specialized bakeries, but you can also make them yourself. It should be noted that, despite the apparent complexity, there is nothing special in the preparation of such products.

To knead the dough we will need:

  • light wheat flour - from 600-700 g (up to the thickness of the base);
  • whole cow's milk - 200 ml;
  • fresh large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • white sugar - about 150 g;
  • high-quality butter - approximately 70-80 g;
  • fresh granulated yeast - 4 g;
  • sea ​​salt - no more than 1 dessert spoon.

The process of preparing the base

How are Sinabon buns made? The homemade recipe requires careful kneading of the base. To do this, mix warm milk with a small spoon of sugar in one container and add granulated yeast. The resulting dough is thoroughly mixed and left warm for 12-15 minutes.

When the mass becomes voluminous, add eggs at room temperature and the remaining sugar. Also put soft butter and table salt into the bowl.

By intensively mixing all the components, a homogeneous mass is obtained, to which the sifted flour is subsequently added. This ingredient must be added gradually so that the base does not turn out too steep, but also does not stick to your hands.

After kneading the dough, form a ball out of it, and then cover with a towel and place in a place without drafts for 90-95 minutes.

Periodically, the butter base will increase in size. To make the buns fluffy and soft, knead the dough 2 or 3 times.

Required ingredients for filling

Sinabon buns at home are especially tasty if you use the following ingredients as filling:

  • high-quality butter - about 50 g;
  • coarse brown sugar - about 200 g;
  • ground cinnamon - approximately 20 g.

Preparing the filling

To make the filling for Cinnabon buns, high-quality butter is lightly melted in a water bath or in the microwave. After this, it is cooled a little, and then ground cinnamon and coarse brown sugar are added. At this point, the filling for Sinabon buns is considered completely ready.

Products for cream

To prepare a delicious buttercream we will need the following ingredients:

  • powdered sugar - about 100 g;
  • cream cheese (for example, Philadelphia, Mascarpone, Almette) - about 50-60 g;
  • soft butter - about 40 g;
  • aromatic vanillin - use to taste.

Cooking method

Preparing cream for Sinabon buns is quite easy. Cream cheese is mixed with soft butter, and then whipped until smooth. After this, vanillin and powdered sugar are added to the resulting mass.

The finished cream should be stored only in a warm place. This will make it more pliable and you won't have to work as hard to spread it onto the buns.

How to form dessert?

After the dough has risen, remove it from the bowl and place it on a table lightly sprinkled with flour. After kneading the base again, it is rolled out into a rectangular layer about 5 ml thick. Next, spread the filling of sugar, butter and cinnamon onto the dough and distribute it evenly. In this case, the edges of the base are left empty.

Having tightly rolled the dough into a roll, it is cut into pieces 3 cm thick. After this, the finished semi-finished products are laid out in a heat-resistant form, which is pre-greased with oil. If the coating of the cookware is not non-stick, then you can put parchment paper on it.

All products should be laid out so that the distance between them is about 4 cm. Leaving the dishes with buns aside for ¼ hour, immediately begin baking them.

Heat treatment of products

After preheating the oven to 190 degrees, place semi-finished products in it and bake for about half an hour. During this time, the buns should only slightly brown and increase in size. It is very important not to overcook the product, otherwise the dessert will become stale and not very tasty.

The readiness of Sinabon buns can be checked as follows: pierce the product with a wooden skewer. If the baked goods are fully cooked, the item will remain clean, without any dough sticking to it.

How to decorate homemade Sinabon buns?

To make authentic Sinabon buns, they must be decorated correctly. To do this, the finished products are removed from the oven and greased with the previously made cream. To prevent it from melting and spreading, the dessert can be cooled a little.

It is advisable to carry out the described procedure using a pastry brush. If you weren’t able to make buttercream, we suggest decorating the buns with regular chocolate ganache. With it, the products will turn out just as beautiful, and most importantly, delicious.

Presented to the family table

After making Sinabon buns at home and decorating them with buttercream, the products are placed on saucers and served along with a cup of hot chocolate.

By adhering to all the recipe requirements, you are sure to get a very tasty and tender dessert that literally melts in your mouth.